Four years of love

Story by Evadrin on SoFurry

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#5 of The floating dream

Ethan, Phil, Drin, and Mark are having a great time at school. It is yet another year later and the boys have each reached the age of 19. Drin is improving at alchemy with the help of Ethan. Phil is getting better and better at his magic and mark is trying to find where he fits in. It's summer break for the school and all of the students have two weeks off to just have fun in the warmth of the season.

Early one morning Drin was heading out with a towel and a gym bag. Ethan and Phil saw this and wondered what was going on. "Hey Drin, What are you doing?" asked Ethan.

"O. I'm heading to the pool." Drin said stopping and looking at the two.

"Wait... The school has a pool?" asked Phil

"WHAT!? You didn't know the school had a pool? I guess that means you didn't know about the gym either....." Drin said astounded.

"No... we never knew the school had those.... Hehe that sucks... been here four years and we don't even know the whole place...." Ethan said.

"Well if you guys want you could come with..." Drin said.

"No thanks. It sounds nice but we'll go another time." Phil said with Ethan nodding beside him.

"okay then... Have a nice day. I'll be back later." Drin said as he left the room.

Drin walked down to the locker rooms and got changed into his swimming trunks then went to the pool.

"So what do you want to do?" asked Ethan as he, Phil and Mark were sitting in their front room.

"I have no idea." Mark said shifting his position so that his legs were standing up off the back of the chair and his head was on the floor.

"I really don't know what we could do..." Phil responded.

The boys sat there looking like the most bored group of furrs alive for about another ten minutes before there was a knock at the door. Phil got up and walked to the door. When he opened it there was everyone from their hall in shorts and T-shirts. The lizard in front was carrying a volleyball. Phil recognized him from his class. 'What was his name?..... oh yes Dan....' Thought Phil.

"Hey you guys want to join us outside for some volleyball?" he asked peering inside.

Ethan got up and so did Mark. The two walked to the door and said hello.

"I'm up for it. How about you guys?" asked Phil peering over his shoulder at Ethan and Mark.

"Sure, sounds fun!" Ethan said smiling at the group outside their door.

Mark nodded in agreement and the three left the room and went outside with the rest of their hallway to the front lawn. There they put up a volleyball net and divided into teams. Ethan and Phil were put together on the same team but Mark was placed on the opposite. The game was rough but fun for everyone. Ethan, Phil, and Mark all worked up a sweat and ended up on the ground multiple times. They played for a while with both teams doing pretty much equal. Once the game ended the boys were covered in dirt and sweat but decided to go to get some lunch anyways. In the middle of their meal Phil's ears perked up and he looked around.

"Something wrong?" asked Ethan.

"No... no it's just that I just realized Drin isn't back yet.... Guess he's staying later than I thought..." Phil said as he went back to eating his lunch.

"There's no reason to worry. He knows the school better than us so he definitely won't get lost." Ethan said reassuringly.

Phil just nodded and kept eating. Something didn't feel right.....

Drin got out of the water and smiled.

'Nothing like swimming to get me in a good mood.' Thought Drin.

Drin walked back to the locker room and took of his swimming trunks. He wrapped a towel around himself and turned around to go to the showers and saw a large tiger standing in front of him.

Back at their room, Ethan and Phil were getting out of the shower and letting Mark in. Once Mark was clean he got out and went to his and Drin's shared room and got out some clothes. He was walking back out into the main room where Ethan and Phil were snuggling on the couch when suddenly he doubled over in pain and collapsed on the floor. Ethan and Phil jumped up and hurried over to him.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked concerned, as he tried to help him back up.

"Yea.... I think so.... It just suddenly felt like a car had crashed into my stomach for a second.

Phil froze. Noticing this Ethan looked at his mate with a concerned look.

"Phil what's going on?" Ethan asked.

"W-well, when I made Mark I made it so that he would know whenever anyone of us, you, me, and Drin, were in trouble in the way that he would feel pain. The worse the pain the worse the danger....." Phil said worriedly .

"So Drin's in trouble!?" Ethan exclaimed.

"Most likely yes...." Phil said. "Quick, Mark, try and find the pool. That's probably where he is. When you find him help him. Ethan, come with me, we need to find the nurse." Phil said running for the door.

Mark got up and shot down the hallway at full speed, knocking someone down on the way. Ethan and Phil went the opposite direction towards the infirmary to get the nurse.

The boy looked like he was one of the warriors and definitely smelled like he had just come from the gym. He was tall, around 6 and a half feet, and had red fur with white stripes. He was looking down at Drin with a smile.

"Well what do we have here?" said the Tiger smiling at Drin. "Such a cute little thing. What are you doing here?"

Drin blushed and replied.

"I-I was just on my way to the showers...."

"Really? How about something a little bit more fun?" said the tiger moving a little closer to Drin.

"W-what do you m-mean?" Drin asked.

Drin looked at the tiger with a confused and slightly scared expression and backed up a little.

"Oh don't be afraid. I won't bite.... Much." the Tiger said, chuckling a little.

Drin backed up until he was pressed against the lockers.

"Here let me try again." said the tiger. "My name's Shane. What's yours?"

"I'm Drin...." Drin said.

"Well Drin, how about you get on your hands and knees and suck me." Shane said as he moved closer to Drin.

Drin stopped breathing. He was terrified of the larger boy and saw no way of escape. Drin looked down and saw plenty of space between the big cat's legs. Without thinking, Drin dove between Shane's legs and got up on the other side. He tried to run but wasn't fast enough. Shane spun around and grabbed Drin's tail.

Shane threw Drin against the lockers with a loud bang and a snap. Drin's vision went black for a moment and when he came back he realized his arm hurt like hell. Looking down, he gasped in shock and pain as he saw his arm was broken and bent in the wrong direction.

"Tsk tsk. No running away or I'll break your legs." Shane said while grinning evilly. "Now be a good otter and suck me."

With this, Shane pulled his pants off and gave Drin full view of his large member.Drin gasped at the sight of the cat's cock, and in doing so nearly suffocated on his musk. Drin whimpered and tried to back away but was already pressed against the lockers. Shane's penis was getting hard and growing fast. Once he was finished his cock was about one foot and 2 inches long. The tiger reached out and grabbed Drin by his back and dug his claws in. Drin cried out but Shane quickly shoved his cock into Drin's mouth and muffled his cry.Drin gagged as Shane's cock was shoved down his throat in one quick push. Drin cried out for help when Shane pulled out and slapped him.

"No no. No yelling. We wouldn't want you to have an accident, now would we?" Shane said as he ran a claw across Drin's muzzle, drawing blood.

Drin whimpered and shook his head.

"That's a good boy. Now open up." Shane said, stepping closer.

Mark was running down the hallway when he hit a dead end. He turned around and started the other way when he collapsed to the floor. Mark groaned as he tried to get up. He felt like someone had just taken a whack at his legs with a baseball bat. Noticing the boy on the floor, the lizard who had offered to play volleyball with them earlier came over and helped Mark up.

"You okay there?" asked Dan.

"Yea... oof.... Yea.... I'm fine." said Mark once he was standing.

"Okay then.... Be careful..." said Dan as he started to walk away.

"Wait! Um.... Do you know which way the pool is?" asked Mark pleadingly.

"Uh, sure, go down that hall then head outside, once you're out there, head to the building over by the other side of the castle. Go past the building to the portal to the center castle. Once you're there head down that hallway until you can smell chlorine then follow the smell." Dan said as he pointed down a side hallway.

"Thanks!" Mark said as he rushed by.

"No problem!" Dan called after him.

Mark ran down the hall and outside. The cool summer evening hit him as he continued across the castle lawn.

"Mrs. Lendon!" Ethan and Phil shouted simultaneously as they crashed through the door to the infirmary.

A white cat on the other side of the room jumped up from the patient she was working on and wheeled around as the two came to a stop before her. Both were panting and she gestured for them to sit down.

"No..... No..... We can't... you have to..... Come ... with us..... Our friend is..... In trouble....." panted Phil.

"Okay then..... Where is he?" Mrs. Lendon asked worriedly and looked behind the two.

"He's at the..... Pool.... We need..... to hurry....." Ethan panted and pointed out the door.

"Okay let me just grab my things and we'll get over there." She said as she hurried into her office.

The two boys stood there catching their breath until Mrs. Lendon came out of her office and hurried down the hallway with Ethan and Phil on her heels.

Drin cried out in pain as Shane pushed him up against the lockers, hitting his broken arm against them. Shane grabbed Drin by the back of the head and shoved his cock into his mouth. Drin sucked Shane's cock, getting a happy purr from the large cat.

"That's a good boy...." Shane whispered. "Keep it up and it'll be over soon."

Shane humped Drin's face roughly. Despite all the warnings, Drin tried pulling away and Shane brought his claws down Drin's back. Drin screamed, but it was muffled by Shane's cock. Blood soaked through Drin's fur and started running down into a puddle on the floor. Tears were running down Drin's muzzle as he was raped.

"Naughty boy. Now look at this, there's a huge mess on the floor. Well don't do it again." Shane purred into Drin's ear as he held him in place.

Drin gave up. His vision was blurred from the pain. There was no escape. All he could do was submit to the tiger's command. He ran his tongue over Shane's cock as Shane continued to fuck his face. Shane started humping faster and was panting a little. Drin winced as his face was pounded but resisted the urge to pull away. Shane growled and slammed into Drin's face. He let it sit there until the small otter was choking. He pulled out and looked down at Drin.

"Now let's see how well I fit down lower." Shane said as he pulled Drin to his feet.

Drin cried out at the rough treatment. Shane leaned over and growled into Drin's ear.

"Now to fuck you proper."

Shane picked Drin up and placed his cock against the otter's tail hole.

"Please ... no..." Drin begged weakly.

"Sorry sweetheart." With that Shane pushed Drin down and speared him on his member.

Drin cried out but Shane covered his muzzle with one of his giant paws.

"Shhhhhhhh." Shane shushed. "No need for that."

Shane pulled Drin back off and prepared to spear him again. Drin sobbed and closed his eyes tightly.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HIM!" a shout came from the other end of the locker room.

Drin opened his eyes and looked as a black streak shot across the room and into Shane. Shocked, the tiger staggered back and dropped Drin. Drin hit the floor hard and on his broken arm. He cried out in pain then blacked out. Meanwhile Shane was picking himself up and trying to fend off his attacker. Mark was going all out on Shane. The black cat was scratching and punching Shane from every direction. Finally getting on his feet, Shane threw out a punch to try and knock the smaller feline off but missed.

Mark dug his claws in deep and got some cries of pain from Shane. Scared, Shane threw himself backwards into the lockers to try and crush Mark but the smaller male moved away in time. There was a huge crash as lockers crumpled and Shane cried out in pain as the metal cut into his back. Mark instantly pounced on him again and this time punched him with all his strength. Shane went down seeing stars and was out cold in seconds. Once finished, Mark kicked Shane in the stomach and turned around to see Drin unconscious in a pool of his own blood.

"Oh my god!" Mark choked back a sob and quickly picked Drin up, being mindful of the broken arm.

That's when Ethan, Phil, and the nurse came in. Ethan and Phil Instantly rushed over to Mark.

"Guys.... Please back up, He needs space." Mark said with tears running down his muzzle.

Both boys backed away a little shocked. They hadn't seen Mark cry before and it wasn't something nice to see. Mrs. Lendon pushed past the two and tried to take Drin from Mark.

"No. I can carry him to the infirmary. You should get that Bastard over there." Mark spat out the curse at the heap of fur by the lockers.

That was the first time anyone had even noticed Shane and the nurse hurried over to him. With help from Ethan and Phil, Mrs. Lendon managed to get Shane up and they dragged him off to the infirmary.

.......................... head......

.......Where am I?..........

Drin thought to himself as he opened his eyes. He looked around and saw he was in a bed with many other beds lined up on both sides, with the same arrangement on the other side of the room. There were some windows but it was dark outside so the only light was coming from the lights hanging from the ceiling. Drin tried sitting up but couldn't. He looked down and saw a cast on his arm and bandages all over his body. Drin gasped as he remembered what had happened.

At the sound of Drin's gasp, something moved to his left. He looked over and noticed Mark was asleep in a chair next to his bed. He also saw Ethan and Phil asleep together on a couch at the other end of the room. Mark's eyes opened drowsily, and he stretched. When he saw Drin his eyes were wide open and he was smiling. Mark jumped out of the chair and hugged Drin tightly. Drin smiled as he was pinned down by Mark and put a paw on his back. That's when he realized Mark was crying. His smile turned into a look of concern as he tried to get Mark to face him.

"What's wrong?" Drin asked.

"Nothing's wrong.... I'm so happy-I..... I thought you weren't going to wake up...... I was scared." Mark said as the tears kept coming.

Drin just smiled at him. "It's not bad. I'm okay.... I couldn't have been out for long...." Drin cooed to Mark, as he tried to comfort him.

"Drin.... You were unconscious for..... For two weeks...." Mark looked at Drin sadly.

Drin's mouth hung open. Shocked, Drin lay back on the bed and just stared at Mark.

"T-Two weeks? I-I've been out for TWO WEEKS?!" Drin exclaimed.

The summer vacation was over and school had already started back up. He looked up at Mark and saw he was hurt. Drin's gaze softened and he rubbed his hand along the back of Mark's head. Mark looked into Drin's eyes and they blushed. Then with eyes half closed, Drin pulled Mark towards him and they kissed. Mark closed his eyes and kissed back passionately. They stayed, lips locked for a minute longer then Mark pulled away and blushed.

"You're so cute." Drin whispered to him.

"I-I love you." Mark looked at Drin.

"I love you too." said Drin as he nuzzled Mark affectionately.

"O good! You're awake!" Mrs. Lendon said from behind Mark.

Mark jumped up and crashed into the nurse. He blushed as he helped her back up. Stepping aside, Mark let her get at Drin. She bent over him and made sure that his bandages were all fine and that the cast was okay.

"Sorry for interrupting. Just needed to make sure that your bandages are still good." She said as she stood up and walked across the room to another patient.

Drin saw that the other patient was covered from head to toe in bandages and realized that it was Shane. Drin frowned, he was still afraid of the large cat even if he was unconscious and was so wrapped up that moving would be next to impossible. Mark noticed this and sat down next to him on the bed.

"What did he do to you? All I know is he was naked and you were horribly beaten.... Did he-?" Mark asked seriously.

"H-he.... Beat and raped me...." Drin said quietly.

Mark's face instantly had a look of pure hatred on it and he got up to go beat the tiger even more. Drin grabbed his hand before he got too far and pulled him back.

"No. You've done enough already." He said as Mark sat back down next to him, tail swishing from side to side angrily.

Drin looked over as he saw movement and watched Ethan stretch and wake up Phil. They both got up and hurried over, almost crashing into Mrs. Lendon. They came over to the bedside and smiled.

"Thank god you're okay!" Phil said, smiling brightly.

"Yea, we were worried sick. You were out for a long time." Ethan smiled.

"Thanks guys, you're good friends...... One question.... How did you know I was in trouble, and that I needed the nurse?" Drin asked.

Phil explained everything to Drin about how Mark knew he was in danger and how they had come as fast as they could. Once they were finished, they asked Drin about what had happened and he explained it all to them. When he was done, the three others turned to look at Shane on the other side of the room. None of them looked at all happy towards the tiger.

Mrs. Lendon came back in and walked over to Drin's bed. The boys moved out of her way and she smiled at Drin.

"You should be okay to head back to your room now if you wish. I know you just woke up but your wounds should be all healed up." Mrs. Lendon said.

"Could you take off the bandages?" asked Drin.

"Of course dear." Mrs. Lendon said as she sat him up on the bed.

Once she was done, they all looked at Drin. The wounds had healed up nicely and, thanks to some magic, he didn't even have any scars. Sadly though, Drin's fur still needed to grow back over the spots where he had been cut. Drin wasn't worried about that, he could just use a potion to make it grow back fast. Mrs. Lendon smiled and dumped the bandages in the trash.

"So do you wish to go back to your room?" she asked.

"Yes, that sounds nice." Drin answered.

They helped him out of bed and, being careful of his arm, walked him back to their room. They got back and turned on the lights. The room was the same as Drin remembered it and he sighed happily. They walked him back to his and Mark's shared room and Ethan and Phil said goodnight. Mark walked Drin over to his bed and helped him get under the covers. Mark then turned around and headed for his bed. Drin touched his hand and Mark turned back around.

"Would you sleep with me tonight?" He asked.

"Of course." Mark smiled at Drin.

Mark walked around to the other side of the bed and got under the covers. He slid himself along the bed until he was up against Drin and hugged him close. Mark started purring and nuzzled the back of Drin's head.

"I love you." whispered Drin as he fell asleep.

"I love you too" Mark whispered back.

Sorry for the delay. The new website came online the day I left for vacation. Well here is a late christmas present! ^-^