New Life Pt.5 Cell block J inmates (Bonus Chapter)

Story by pop5on22 on SoFurry

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Inmate number- name - crime convicted of

Inmate 2659- Michael Read- murder

Inmate 2601-Box- murder, torture,arson, kidnapping

Inmate 2602- Savage -grand theft auto, rape, murder,illegal gambling

Inmate 2635- Kray Burns- criminal conspiracy, blackmail, bank fraud, extortion, insider trading

Inmate 2622- Romulus Romero- rape , murder, sex trafficking , gang affiliate

Inmate 2633-Tristan Young- drug trafficking, gang affiliate

Inmate 2613- Jack Turner- grand theft auto

Inmate 2658 - Frank Lloyd- pedophilia, rape, murder

New Life Pt.6 The Yard 1

The yard was a place of mixed emotions. In my old life , life outside, I was what some might call a gamer. I didn't go outside very often is my point. But in this new place being outside more than ever was a privilege. To see the sun was a blessing...

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New Life Pt.4 Demons1-Frank

You need friends in this place , not to save you or protect you from threats that aren't real but to keep you from going insane. I know your here for life , so am I , I've been here since I turned 14 years old. I told you what I did to get here earned...

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New Life Pt. 3 Breakfast 1

Breakfast is one of the only times during the day that all of the cell blocks are in one place at the same time. Its also the time of day with most guards around. Its not like TV . Sure there are gangs and there are plenty of odd balls but for the most...

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