Krris #2

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#2 of Krris

It does not take long for Muz-Ra to get to the heart of Krris' problem. However, after learning more details, she does have a problem maintaining a professional demeanor. She would NOT make a good psychiatrist.

| "Red, I am never going to have Udaran's love like I've long dreamed. But I have a new dream that's in my grasp. I will tell you or do whatever I can to make that happen. I trust you."

"Well! Okay then. Now, I'm going to have to be careful here. I've got a rather powerful boyfriend, and I don't want him to get the wrong idea. So we'll just talk. But I need you to be completely open with me, and it's going to be about your sex life."

"Red! I don't have a sex life. That's kind of the problem!"< | image |

| "Everyone has a sex life, Krris. It just may not be with another person. You see where I'm going here?"

Krris' eyes grew wide. "Oh! That. Well... yeah... okay, I guess I have a sex life. It's just a lonely one."

"And that's what we're going to need to fix. But first, I need you to be completely honest with me, and I do hereby promise this will be 100% private forever too."

The Khajiit smiled some relief at that, and Muz-Ra noticed his tail fur did unfluff at least a little. | image |

| Krris, when you do that, what do you think about?"

"Well... you probably know already."

"Assume I know nothing, Krris. What do you think about?"



"Always Udaran."< | image |

| "Specifically... what part of Udaran do you think about?"

"What part? Oh, the usual I guess. Her... tail mostly. And underneath it of course."

"Well, that's pretty normal anyway. Tell me, have you ever seen... what's underneath?"

"Until that one time in the bath, no. And even then I just maybe peeked a little. Other than that, just a Tails magazine, but they don't do nudity." | image |

| "ONE Tails magazine?"

"Well... maybe... 82."

"Really? (I didn't know there were that many!) Do you still have them?"

"Not all of them."

"Let me guess... only the ones with Udaran in them?"

Krris nodded sheepishly. | image |

| "Well, don't feel too bad Krris. You've just got an obsession, and you've been feeding it every time you do that."

"You think?"

"Absolutely. How long would you say you've been doing that with Udaran's pictures?"

"Oh, I guess around 10 minutes. Maybe a little more."

"No no no. Not how long does it take. How long has it been since you started using her pictures?

"Well, kind of... forever."

"Forever?! How old are you Krris?" | image |

| "No one's ever asked me that before. Red, I don't want to lose my position!"

"KRRIS! How old ARE you!?"

"I turned nineteen about three weeks ago."

"Really! Have you ever been with anyone? Sexually?"

"Well... No."

"Oh my god!" Muz-Ra cried, somewhere between a laugh and a scream as she collapsed onto the ground trying not to lose control. "A virgin?"

"Please Red, I know you want to help, but you're not making this very easy on me!" Krris protested. | image |

| "I'm sorry. You're right. But... so your only sexual experience has been with Udaran in some magazines?"

"Well, I did work at the Cathouse. I know how it's done. But, personally... no." Krris said, looking away.

"NO! Krris, do not be embarrassed! You are made to be sexual Krris. We may keep it private, but we ALL are, unless we have much bigger problems than yours!"

"So... you think I can get over her?" Krris asked hopefully. | image |

| "Who? Udaran? Krris, Udaran is not your problem. Your problem is your cock doesn't know how to get hard without her picture! You've trained yourself, whether you realize it or not. I suspect even if she were waiving her tail right in front of you, you'd have the same problem since she's not on paper!" | image |

| Krris shook his head. "No... it definitely gets hard when I see her."

"Oh! Okay. Well, there's one theory shot. I know men, Krris, but I'm not one myself as you may have noticed. My knowledge only goes so far. But I have a plan." | image |