
Story by Arsimael on SoFurry

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#1 of Shorts

This is just a short scene. A glimpse on what will happen in future chapters of my stories. I just had to write it down before it leaves my head and gets lost.

Arsimael was standing outside the toilet. The door was closed and his body was shivering from the pictures in his mind. Savenya was alone with Thomas. He slipped through his fingers and sneaked into the bathroom while his pregnant wife was in there. Arsimael realized it a bit too late what happened, and left the party in the garden and nearly ran to the toilets. Now he was standing there. His heart racing, his body shivering in anger about Thomas and in fear of his wife. The looks Thomas gave to Savenya over the whole evening were... 'Images showed up in his mind'. Arsimael saw how Thomas forced his wife down, ripped her clothes apart, spread her legs and... He saw Thomas face. Grinning and pushing himself into his niece, taking her, enjoying his act of incest. Arsimael shook his head, trying to get rid of these thoughts, but his whole body was trembling now, his heart at a very high rate, his whole body ready to act without his brain. Adrenaline rushing through his body, sharpen his senses. Then it happened.

"Thomas! NO!" he heard Savenya yelling and some sounds like a short fight. A slap like someone got a slap around the face and then a low growl from Thomas. "...and you are mine! You were always mine. NO ONE, not even this wimpy cheetah faggot will change this." He heard another slap, a heavy one this time and ripping fabric... and a painful yelp from Savenya. "You are mine, Sav." ...Rustling noises... and Thomas continued in an aroused and lusty voice. "And now I am going to remind you, who you belong to!"

Something exploded in Arsimaels head. His already stressed body starts to move on his own. The shaking was gone. The fear was gone, the doubts were gone. He opened the door and what he saw, flipped a switch in his mind. The peaceful, kind and gentle guy faded. The scenery was too much for him to handle. His wife was pushed against the wall, her skirt and panties thorn, exposing her female parts, while Thomas hold her, one paw at her throat obviously choking her to hold her in place, using his other paw just opened his trousers and releasing his already hard manhood. Arsimael saw some bruises on his face and some dried blood on his nose. Seems like Theresa already had her "talk" with him. But... the gentle guy was gone. Arsimael was replaced by something else. A cold, calculating presence full of hate and disgust. He was pushed. In his mind was a wild, untamed beast, demanding and craving for blood, revenge, giving pain and... torture and kill. Thomas turned his head in surprise about the sudden interruption and when his eyes met the person in the door, he froze.

I was screaming in my head. I was screaming, crying and near losing my mind. My wife... Savenya... no... I wanted to make a step towards her, taking her in my arms, but... my body wouldn't move. I could her a low, unnatural growl. Unable to locate its origin, I tried looking around, but I couldn't. What was going on. My eyes were fixed at the scenery in front of me. Fixed at Thomas. My wife... hanging at the wall, her pregnant belly and her crotch exposed and this disgusting man in front of her, about to rape her. Then I realized where this growl came from. It was me. I could feel my lips pulled back, exposing my sharp feline teeth. And I realized what was going on. I FELT it.

I jumped towards Thomas, my claws fully extended and I knew they were as sharp as always. I reached out my arm and clawed through the face of this huge tiger in front of me. I could feel how my claws cut through fur, skin and finally... flesh. I felt a deep satisfaction and the beast in my head wanted more. Thomas tried to put his hand on his face his eye cut he instinctively tried to protect his face, but he was too slow. My other paw, led by the beast hit him on his shoulder and again I could feel my razor-sharp claws cutting through his clothing and fur, leaving deep and bleeding lines on his chest.... MORE... The beast was not satisfied. Thomas was lucky. If he wouldn't have raised his arm, my jaw would have closed around his throat, but instead of his this, I could feel my teeth sink deep into his arm. I had a heavy taste of Iron in my mouth and nose and I knew, it was the blood of my victim. MORE! My paws were pulling back and short after this, rushing through the air, hitting Thomas head. He fell backwards. MORE!! I jumped again. Short after, I was on top of him beating the living shit out of him and the beast was grinning. Enjoying every punch, every time my fist met Thomas face and body it was howling from satisfaction. Demanding, thirsty and hungry. MORE!!! Thomas body was shaking from my punches. My fists were firing down on his face. Again, again, harder, harder... Thomas face turned into a bloody mess of something and I could hear my fists hitting something wet, something warm. They were covered in his blood but I couldn't stop. Still having the image in my head how this... worthless, disgusting excuse for a living being hold my wife in his claws... ready to... RAPE her... The beast inside me roared in rage and my fists were rushing down again. The beast... I wanted to feel his bones give in and how his skull would break from my ruthless punches, his body weakening until he takes his last breath and leaves this world to burn in the eternal fires of hell.

Strong arms grabbed me from behind, pulling me off the lifeless body of my victim. Growling and hissing I tried to bite the arms which were keeping me from satisfying my urges, but I got a punch in my face. "WAKE UP" I ignored the words and could break free. My ears folded down, I tried to get a hold of myself. Another punch, out of nowhere. "WAKE UP!" I growled and crawled back to Savenya. I had to protect her. I had to protect my wife and my unborn child. I could see her through a red haze, and jumped towards her, turning around and searched for the other attacker. Another hit. "God damn. WAKE UP ALREADY!" Soft arms wrapped around me, gently pulling me down. I could smell something very familiar. It made me feel protected, safe and loved. A soft voice broke through my inner defence. "Huny. Please stop." It was a shallow voice. Shivering and hurt. But that was all I needed. I calmed down... relaxed a bit... This voice... She made me feel like home... I lifted my ears. Always ready to go back into any fight for me and my wife, but I calmed down. Trying to lock the beast back into its cage deep deep down in my subconsciousness, buried under tons of memories and experience on how be nice and kind. I felt a touch on my cheek. Soft and careful. Stroking it. Caressing it very lovingly. And I could finally open my eyes and realise what I had done.

Kumiho was stepping inside the bathroom, pushing Theresa out of the way. Now Arsimael got aware where the punches came from. "Oh, my fucken god. MAUREEN!" He yelled out of the door. "CALL AN AMBO! HURRY!" He bends over his passed-out brother which bleed from nearly everywhere with a face, barely recognizable as the face of a tiger, and laid his fingers on the side of his neck. "Did I..." Arsimael was choking on what he just did, slowly realizing the consequences about what would happen if he succeeded in what he was craving for just a few minutes earlier. "Nah. He's still alive. That bastard is not giving up easily. But if the fucken ambo is not here fucken fast, we will have a problem." He turned around. "What the fuck happened here?"

Chapter One - We came from a land down under

„Do you have everything packed?" Arsimael shouts up the stairs. „Not yet Hun, I am still looking for my dress. The black one!" Savenya was digging through her wardrobe. Where was this damn dress? She knows it has to be here somewhere. „Do you mean the...

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Chapter I – Hello, I'm James…

## "Booooring..." I groan, closing the lid of my laptop, waiting for the typical "beep" that indicated that all hard drives and moving parts had shut down. When the lights along the side had stopped blinking, I picked my laptop up and went out of...

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