Not One Day

Story by Kulkum Al Stavich on SoFurry

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#7 of The Savage Dark

Continues from The Broken Mask ( Dark things await with lots of fluffy romance, sexy content and funny moments as we go. Check out the fan art gifted to me by TheWyvernsWeaver.

I now have a Patreon that I share with TheWyvernsWeaver (the artist above.) Donations are welcome. :)

Thanks to everyone for your kind reviews and votes! I actually managed to be in the Popular section for a few days. New record!

Judy watched him as he stepped away from her, watched him as he adjusted his shirt over his shoulders and started to button it without comment. Somehow, it didn't surprise her, even if it caused an ache in her chest to see it. Now that the other bunny - who was apparently named Jack Savage - was gone and the irritation of his presence in her apartment was starting to fade, worry started to work its way to the surface. And she watched him with that worry in her eyes, listening to him talk as if nothing they had learned in the last few minutes even mattered.

"He is an agent of some kind," he was explaining as deft paws slipped the last button just below the collar line into place. "Working the streets, you hear all kinds of rumors. Or at least I did. Roaming the bars, the seedy places that a fox can go into without getting a second glance or a dirty look from a bartender who'd end up ignoring them. While everyone else was sticking to their own business, I listened. Learned who to go to for what, who to avoid, where there might be prime targets for a hustle."

The worry didn't fade, but it blended with a feeling of curiosity and sympathy as she stood next to the bed and let him talk without interruption. They had talked about his past as a hustler, many times, but he almost always kept the stories light hearted and humorous. Unless she had questioned him about specific subjects, subjects that he was sometimes reluctant to talk about. But he always told her anyway, always shared those little pieces of who he had been before they had met.

"Well, there were rumors for years about a bunny with black stripes. They were pretty funny at first," he chuckled, though she couldn't bring herself to smile as she watched him stand in front of the mirror to start looping his tie. He was avoiding looking at her. "'Hey, did you hear about that rabbit so and so had trouble with? Can you believe it? Stupid lion.' Or 'Marty found a bunny down by the warehouse. Nah, just some drunk bunny with stripes. They let him go. It was pretty funny.' Then the lion disappeared, and the warehouse was raided by the ZBI a few days later. The whispers stopped being jokes. Goons - you know, muscle for the big cheeses in the underworld - whispered about some rabbit screwing up big scores, or people vanishing after an encounter with him. Jack. Or Savage, which always struck me as funny. You know, bunnies being savage. Who comes up with this stuff?"

"So you think he's dangerous?" she asked, and decided to discard the blanket, tugging the makeshift tie free and letting it slide to the floor as she made her way towards him. Discarding the blanket had the desired effect: she saw his gaze move to her and his hands pause on the knot of his tie when it was halfway up his chest. Normally she might have enjoyed that reaction, but the fact that he looked on the edge of panic for a moment after his eyes scanned her rumpled fur and compact form was anything but a good feeling.

"Maybe? I don't know. It's not like I have a full record of his doings. Just a name, a few bits here and there. Stripes. Bunny. Uh." She saw him swallow when she stepped closer to him, reaching up to place her hand on his chest. And because he was standing next to the mirror, it was an easy matter to shove him back a step until his back pressed into the door. That was becoming a habit tonight. "Carrots, this whole you being naked and sexy and a little scary isn't exactly productive in a 'I should leave' kind of way."

"Why are you leaving?" she asked, her tone bland, her eyes trying to meet the green ones that were obviously trying to avoid looking at her as he rolled his head back with an exasperated sigh. She didn't move, just kept her paw on his chest. "I don't want you to leave."

"You know why I'm leaving, Fluff," he said, sounding defeated as he turned his eyes to hers and held them sullenly. "You know why I need to leave."

"What happened to fighting to keep me?" she demanded, her temper rising right alongside her determination. She was not going to let this take him from her, even if she had to play dirty. "Suddenly a little stress enters our relationship, and you decide to run off and hide? Is that what you call tooth and claw?"

"This is not a little stress," he replied, and she could tell that he was trying to hold his temper. Not an easy thing, according to what Lapin had just explained to them. "This is reports saying 'Savage fox eats girlfriend, news at 11!' And I am not running away, I am putting a little distance until we know more about what's going on."

"No, you're right," she said, and stalked past him to open the door herself. She stood to the side and waved a paw towards the exit. She waved her arms in the air, and grunting as frustration and hurt gave her that little irrational push, she gripped the front of his uniform and tried to drag him out. "Go on then! Get out! Because that's exactly what I need right now. For my partner to end up running savage through the streets because he's a dumb fox; one who's obviously too dense to understand anything said in the last half hour. You want to talk about stress? That's stress!"

When he didn't move, she glared at him, amethyst eyes glittering with sparks of anger as she slammed the door again. She could see the hurt in his, the fear, the uncertainty. But she knew she couldn't let up, and wouldn't let up. She wouldn't let this cost them. Not even...

"Judy, I could..." he began, but stopped when she slapped her paw into his chest to shove him back into the apartment.

"You could what? Hurt me?"


"Then do it!" she snapped, her ears dropping as she stepped closer to him, making his ears do the same. She wasn't exactly imposing, standing naked in front of the much larger predator, but she was also stronger than she looked. When she stood toe to toe with him, she placed both hands on his chest to shove him, causing him to stumble back a step. She advanced on him, and punched him in the shoulder hard enough to draw a growl from him. "Take your big, dangerous claws out and attack me. Or use those vicious predator teeth to take a bite! I'm just a helpless little bunny, after all. A savage wouldn't care; a savage wouldn't stop himself. So do it! Maul me! Make me bleed! _Hurt_me, Nick!"

"I can't!" he snarled, making her heart slam hard against her chest in a way that had nothing to do with fear as she found herself looking into the eyes of the savage again. Those savage eyes, that should have been right on the brink of insanity, that just looked miserable when he dropped himself into the edge of the bed and lowered his face into his paws.

Silent steps carried her to him, and he didn't resist when she gently drew his paws away so she could meet his eyes. "I know."

"Damn it, Judy," he growled, and she didn't resist him when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. She felt the heat of his breath against her shoulder as he buried his muzzle there; the slow and deep breaths causing a shiver to race through her as she buried her face into the blue of his uniform. "Why can't you be reasonable?"

A little laugh, slightly manic in her own ears, escaped her when she gripped the front of his uniform with both paws and clung to him, feeling as if she was trying to keep him from pulling away. Tilting her head to the side, she nestled her muzzle nest to his and nudged it lightly until he raised it and those strange eyes a bit to look at her. Taking advantage of being the shorter of them, she ducked her head and before he could speak fit her mouth to his. And she kept it there, waited one beat and then two, until he responded to the kiss by closing his eyes and softening. She moved her lips over his softly, easily, and lovingly at first before she tempted him with a small and contended sigh against the side of his muzzle. Then she urged it deeper, until she felt his mouth part and his tongue glide over hers, filling her senses with the taste and smell of him until she felt that warm tingle start to grow in her belly and between her thighs again. Still, she kept it slow until she broke the kiss and looked up at him. Her gaze almost shy now, seeing bare and wild desire fighting with his attempts to control himself.

"Look at us," she said, her voice a whisper against his mouth before she eased into another slow kiss. She had been seduced by him, loved by him, and shown his desire for her at every turn. And now as she relaxed her grip on his shirt and moved her hands down to slowly tug the knot of his tie free, she was going to show him hers. "You're a fox and I'm a bunny, Nick. The very idea of what we are, and how much I love you is not reasonable."

She saw his eyes move over her face as she spoke; hunger and longing, warmth and love, curiosity and fear all intermingled in the way he watched her as she slowly drew the tie from his collar. When she moved her fingers to the buttons of his shirt, he moved one of his paws between them as if to stop her. Closing her fingers over it lightly, she drew it to her face to nuzzle and kiss the pad lightly, feeling the shiver race through him as she directed it to rest on her hip rather than impeding her as she returned her attention to his buttons.

"This is different, Carrots," he said softly, though he showed no inclination to pull away from her now. His nose twitched, his muzzle parted slightly to show the tips of his canines. She could hear the little growl in his voice, and despite his confusion and his fear, she recognized the sound of one of desire. "We don't know what will happen if I go fully savage. I could hurt you."

"No. No, we don't," she replied. She continued to watch her fingers pop the buttons free, breathing in the scent of his fur with every rise of her chest and savoring the warmth of the paw pads that now slid up the curve of her waist. "But I know what won't happen. And there is nothing that will convince me otherwise. And I know it's not reasonable. I know it's not smart. And I really don't care if it is. I love you, and I don't want it to be reasonable.

"I want it to be crazy," she murmured when his shirt fell open and she was able to learn close to nip at his chest. She smiled a bit when she felt him jump, heard him groan. She reached for his belt and nuzzled her way up against his throat as she worked to unbuckle it. "Because I feel a little crazy when I'm with you, you know? Out of control. Mad with passion for a scruffy old fox."

It warmed her heart and eased her mind considerably when he released a breathless laugh. One of his paws came up to touch her ears, and she lowered them so he could slide a caress down the length of them. The touch was just as comforting, both from the easy excitement and shocks of pleasure it sent through her heat addled body and because he was touching her without hesitation. Once his pants were open, she gave him no time to think before she slipped her paws down his hips to slide them down. The warm glow of desire grew hotter when fabric hit the ground, the quickening of her heart roaring through her ears when she turned her mouth to his again.

She slid over him, nudged him until his back hit the bed so she could straddle his hips. Everything she saw in those savage green eyes of his was a little more feral than normal. The hunger was a little more intense, the desire a little more eager, the urgency a little less restrained, and the love a little more possessive. The pleasure a little richer in his sigh when she slid her hips forward, and wet heat met hard flesh in a slow slide that made both of his paws grab onto her hips. She felt his claws extend, press through her fur until they touched her skin, and now more than ever wondered at the fact that they didn't break the skin. It sent a thrilling spark of pleasure through her rather than frightened her, and she rolled her hips against her in a slow grind to draw a throaty sound from him that hovered somewhere between a moan and a growl.

"So is this your plan then," he managed, his voice gravely. His paws tracked up her hips, and took a slow turn to slide upward through the fur of her stomach. She watched his eyes follow the trail of ruffled fur his fingers left, seeing the light in them when she shivered as he used the pads of his palms to smooth it back down again before starting the process over again over the smooth plain of her chest. She loved how big his paws were. They made her feel like he could touch her everywhere at once. "Take me to bed and seduce me until we know for sure that I won't lose control? Oh God, Judy!"

Not bothering to stifle her own moan when he growled out her name, she gave the first part of her answer by sliding her hips forward and then back suddenly, taking the already throbbing length into her without a spark of hesitation. The size and difference made her ache, made the last inch a difficulty, but the sigh that escaped her was blissful when she had taken all of him. Amethyst eyes met deep, predatory green when he looked up at her. When he looked ready to say something again, when his muzzle parted, she raised her hips and slid down again, letting the friction silence him. It was as adorable as it was sexy, the way his muzzle tightened as his eyes seemed to lose focus for just a second. She moved her paws to his, drawing them away from her body until they hovered between them so she could place her palms against the pads of his. She never felt as small as she did when she was with him like this. Small, fragile, and so completely safe.

"I already know you won't hurt me, Nick," she said and pressed into his paws for leverage, her hips rising again until just the tip remained inside her sex. She savored the pulse of his shaft as much as the pleasure it caused her when she rolled her hips on the way down, stopping in a slow grind that left him panting. "But I will seduce you until you believe it."

She was pushing him, and she knew it. She kept the pace of her hips just a little too slow, kept their paw joined between them to draw things out as long as possible. She never stopped moving, which made everything feel so amazingly good when he filled her, but always slowed when she withdrew and paused a little longer than was needed. He wanted to touch her. She could see it in the way his eyes moved over her body, the way his tongue licked at the tip of his muzzle when he looked between them to see where their bodies mated. But she kept his hands between them with hers, moved hers with his when he tried to reach around them until he stopped trying and just looked up at her almost pleadingly. Frustrated, longing, so hungry that she could almost feel the need rolling off him as he arched his hips to hers. It all made every inch of him throb eagerly, urgently until she could see the corners of his muzzle start to twitch, exposing the deadly teeth of a predator in his pointless struggle for self-control.

"You're going to have to take me, Nick," she whispered, her voice breathy and soft, causing his eyes to snap to hers. She could see the savage just under the surface, with Nick struggling for control. It wasn't smart. It wasn't reasonable. But she needed him to see it, needed him to know what she believed with every part of her being. Down deep into the heart that quickened when his fingers closed on hers and tightened enough to make pulling them away difficult, not that she intended to. Her breath hitched when his hips jerked upward as she lowered herself again, driving the full length into her aching sex quickly enough to cause her already flushed body to heat considerably.

"D-don't you remember what it was like in the rain forest? Half savage," she groaned and tightened her thighs on either side of his hips, feeling heat seeping into her as his eyes darkened, focused. "Half mad, just needing you to touch me. I know you held back, because I could taste you in the air around me. I wanted you inside of me so much."


There was almost no control left in the voice, and what control was there slipped behind the growl when she pumped her hips down to his firmly. The muffled whine that escaped him, a very rare, very canine sound made her ears burn and her fingers tighten under his as she held his gaze.

"I didn't want you to hold back then, and I don't want you to hold back now."

Maybe she was expecting it, even hoping for it, but the sudden movement was so sudden and quick that it made her vision swim for a moment. Breathless, she found herself on her back in the center if her bed, eyes wide as she looked up at the fox that now loomed over her. She felt very vulnerable, and the fact that he hadn't released her paws only added to the feeling when he dragged them above her head and pinned them there. His eyes were focused on her, wild burning emeralds, and she saw only the primal need in them now as he lowered his muzzle to her throat. It should have terrified her. She had no idea how far gone he was, or if he was even able to think. But that didn't stop her from tipping her head back, and arching her hips when she realized he wasn't inside her anymore.

"Nick, please," she groaned, in a voice that in no way asked him to stop, her legs wrapping around his hips fully. She felt the graze of sharp teeth through her fur, brushing her skin with a little more force than she was used to. Hard enough to leave a mark, make her skin heat as blood rushed in and rose to the surface, making her writhe in a crazy need that made her wonder which one of them was more savage with it.

She found soon that she didn't need to beg, because he was beyond teasing, and she felt it when he shifted his hips to match hers. The first hard thrust took her breath, forcing it from her in a quaking scream of pleasure that was muffled in the fur of his neck as she toppled over the edge of a climax she hadn't even known was that close. It was all she could do to keep her mind from slipping into oblivion, and what she managed to keep was overwhelmed by the bright flash of sensation that wracked her body centered around the fox inside of her. And he did exactly what she had wanted him to do, what she had driven him to do: he took her without restraint, without fear. She wondered if he kept her hands in his as some line to sanity, because his felt like hers in what was otherwise a madness of need and unrestrained passion.

She wasn't even sure if it lasted a minute or some sort of eternity that was just for them, but she was lost in it. She could only remember his body sliding over hers, demanding more of her with every filling thrust, every hungry bite and lick and suckle of his mouth that fell on her neck and shoulders. She gave what she could, and took what he gave her in turn until she was gasping for breath, unable to tell of the pleasure had ever reached the peak or if she had simply been driven from one orgasm to the next.

What she did know was that it did become too much when she felt the swell at the base of his shaft, when his thrusts shortened and quickened into an urgency that she understood very well. Feeling the need, the tension in every muscle of the larger predator on top of her. A part of her wanted to grip his fur, while another part of her was glad that she could only ride it out when at last the snarl of pleasure from her fox sounded. A snarl that was muffled in the mattress below them when he raised his head and pressed the bottom of his muzzle between her ears. She pressed her mouth to his throat, nose twitching as she sucked in breaths filled with the scent of him, feeling the thickening pulse within her as liquid heat flooded her.

She decided then, in a half conscious state of pleasure, that she had been right: if this wasn't reasonable, then she wanted to live the rest of her life without reason.

The rabbit drifted under the weight of him then, surrounded by the scent of him, savoring the way he felt inside of her. Feeling his paws relax, ease their hold on hers until she realized they had been holding so tight that she had lost some of the sensation in them. She didn't mind, and hardly noticed anyway when she used that new freedom in her dreamy state to simply lace her fingers with his as best she could. She wasn't sure how much time passed, as their gasping pants became normal deep breaths, as the quick beat of their hearts - both of which she could hear in the silence of the room - slowed to a manageable pace. Neither one of them seemed inclined to move, and she allowed herself to drift between consciousness and warm darkness until she felt him move.

A small sound of protest left her when he withdrew, both from within her and by taking his weight from on top of her. She quieted and relaxed when he settled down beside her, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. She came right back to where she was with a few adjustments, molded herself to his large frame with her face pressed into his throat with her chin resting on the thicker fur of his chest ruff.

She may have drifted off again. It was so hard to tell if it was simple, perfect contentment or peaceful sleep when she felt like this. But she was suddenly aware of his fingers sliding through the fur on his neck, parting it to see the skin beneath, and it drew a slow sigh from her as even that couldn't drag her out of her happy place.

"Someday, you're going to have to stop looking to see if you hurt me," she murmured, tilting her head to the side to give him easier access as one finger pad slid very lightly down what she was sure was the mark his teeth had left.

"No, never."

The quick and unquestionable reply made her smile a little, mostly because even in the certainty of it, he sounded relaxed. At ease. As calm and content as she felt. When opened her eyes at last and raised them, she found herself looking into the rounded green that she knew so well again. There was a moment where she wondered if his heartrate had something to do with the change, or if it was simply emotion. Maybe both, as they were directly related physically. But she set the questioning aside for later as she reached up to cup his muzzle with both hands to draw him down for a light kiss.

"This was risky, Carrots," he said, tilted his muzzle down so he could rest his nose against hers while he held her eyes.

"Both of us have gone savage, Nick," she reminded him, and ran her fingers up to scratch at the base of his ears until he relaxed into the sensation. "And only one of us has hurt the other while savage. And that one wasn't you. I don't know who is doing this, or what will happen going forward, but I do know one thing for certain: I won't let it take you from me."

"It's not," he began, but she placed her paw on the tip of his muzzle.

"Not forever. I know you were thinking that a little distance would be safe, a little time. But no," she whispered, and brought her paws down to his face. "This crazy happiness you talk about feeling is mine, too. And I won't let it go for a month, or a week. I won't let this take you away from me. Not even for a day. Not one day."

His eyes searched her face for a long moment before she was drawn closer to him again. Nestling into him, tilted her head into the sound of his sigh, she smiled. The sound was content now, maybe just a little resigned.

"All right, rabbit," he said in a low voice, his fingers sliding in a slow caress down the length of her ears. It felt amazing, even with everything else, when he traced the pad of his thumb along the rim lovingly. "You win. I won't try to leave again, even if it is the safe thing to do."

"Just try to leave again," she said with a grin, and a light tug at one ear that made it flick away playfully. "And I'll show you how safe it's not, fox_._"

"Big words from such a tiny ball of fluff," he deadpanned, and only laughed when she playfully smacked his shoulder. "There you go again! Assaulting an officer, madam, is a very serious crime."

"And what exactly are you going to do about it, Officer Wilde?" she asked, and to make sure he was moving in the right direction with his answer, she nipped at his shoulder lightly and glided her fingers through his belly fur slowly until he groaned lightly.

"Try to survive the night?" he quipped, batting her hands away when they wandered a little lower than his belly. "I keep forgetting you're in heat. Is that strange?"

"Everything about the last two days has been strange," she said, and grinned as she swatted his hands away in turn to allow her own continued their path downward. She didn't stop until his back stiffened and his tail thwapped the wall behind him with a little yelp. "We should make up for lost time tonight."

"Mercy," he begged weakly, turning his face towards her with a pleading look that was made ineffective by the sparkle in his eyes when he looked at her. "I am only one fox."

"You started this, with the flowers and the pretty words. Now, Officer Wilde, you have to pay the price for being in love with a bunny," she said, nudging herself closer and giggling when he nipped at her ear.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death," he began, and came to a stop when she cover his laughing mouth with hers.