When a Dragon Comes Courting

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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Smokey was trying really hard to win the affections of one of the most desirable 'females' in his colony, Shayna. His efforts were going largely unnoticed and he was growing more despondent with every new failure to draw hir attention. He was just about to give up when a couple of friends suggested something that might turn things in his favor. The plan didn't quite go the way anyone expected, but maybe it could be salvaged.

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This story was written on Nimble Writer. It's a pretty great piece of software I'm just getting re-acquainted with. It even has an addon that lets you post directly to SoFurry right in the app. Go check it out on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/348200/

The water was cold, but the blue dragon didn't really mind it that much. He was at home in the water. And at least it wasn't the chill-you-to-the-bone cold of winter, where you got even colder by leaving the water. He swam as though he were flying through the air, turning and diving and spinning as he chased the schools of fish. Once his teeth sank in on a mouthful, he jerked hard and angled up towards the surface.

The still, smooth mirror of the lake in the calm of the morning was broken as the azure beast burst from below. His wings fanned out and captured the open air to hoist him completely out of the water, three decent sized fish hanging from his jaws. He flapped and glided smoothly towards the shore and alighted atop a fallen log. The fish caught in his teeth flapped about, trying to extricate themselves, but to no avail. The blue dragon stood proudly on the beach, turning his head this way and that to show his catch to anyone who might be nearby. It was as if to say "See these? These are mine."

But no one really seemed to notice. Perhaps it was a bit too early in the morning for the dragon to be showing off. He wasn't usually up this early, but he had a reason today. Shayna was here. Shi had been gone for a couple of weeks, but now shi'd returned, and Smokey was doing anything and everything he could to impress her, or at the very least to get her attention. He just knew that every other male in the colony would be out strutting their stuff. Courting was such a curious thing, Smokey thought. His green eyes turned as he cocked his head this way and that to keep the snowy-white dragoness in view. He presented his catch as clearly and plainly as he could, but shi didn't turn his way.

With a quiet grumble, the blue drake lowered his head and dropped the fish on the beach. A quick spit of fire roasted all three just enough to take away the raw flavor, and he devoured them, one by one. His attempt had gone completely unnoticed, this latest attempt a failure just like all the others before. Once breakfast was out of the way, Smokey set to sunning himself, sprawling out on the sandy shore to bask in the warm light pouring in from over the distant mountains. It was so pleasant he could have laid there all day. And with no other plans in mind, he thought he might do just that. Of course, that would only be if Shayna stayed there too. If shi got up and went somewhere else, he'd follow. But keep a respectful distance. After all, he didn't want to come on too strong. The term 'stalker' never really seemed to apply in dragon courting, no matter how apt.

Just then, Smokey noticed her looking in his direction.

And shi wasn't just looking in his direction, shi looked as though shi happened to be gazing right at him. Smokey lifted his head with a start, his green eyes wide. Shi was smiling. Shi was happy to see him, perhaps. The blue offered a smile in return, trying his best not to look goofy or creepy. The angelic dragoness then lifted a forepaw and waved politely. Shi couldn't be waving at him, could shi!? Smokey lifted a forepaw of his own and returned the wave, thinking maybe shi had indeed noticed his fearsome fish hunting skills. Shayna then turned hir paw around and gestured, as if beckoning. Smokey's eyes widened. This was it! This was his chance! He knew he could do it if he just kept at it! The blue drake stood and lifted a paw to take the first step.

Before he could set it down in the sand again, a figure slipped past him without making hardly a sound. The dragon was big, bigger than him by a fair bit, and colored as if related to the killer whales he'd heard stories of. Clearly this was a female, but then such terms were ambiguous in his colony. Everyone possessed both sets. Some appeared more feminine, others more masculine. This dragon of black and white was decidedly the former. Though, shi could put some of the 'males' to shame easily. Often that made a lady a more desirable mate. Hir scent hit Smokey like a boulder and he was left dizzy for a brief moment. There was no way he could compete with hir. Shayna had shown interest in this tall, dark creature, and he'd just been in the way.

Dejected and defeated, the blue turned and wandered off into the woods. He didn't have any desire to watch what was to come. The large female would claim the angelic dragon he'd pined after and shi would be lost to him. Rarely did mateships break. And just as rarely did they involve more than two dragons. He might as well just give up and go try to find another to fall in love with. Shi was way out of his league anyway, he started to tell himself.

After about ten minutes of wandering, the blue drake flopped down in the shade of the trees and lay on his side. He huffed deeply as he tried to come to grips with his failed efforts. Just as he was getting comfortable, and beginning to feel lazy fatigue creep over him, a pair of warm, fuzzy bodies threw themselves at him.

"Smokey!" two voices cried out.

The blue dragon jerked back fully awake with a start as a white wolf and a grey fox pounced him. They sprawled over his chest and stomach side by side, trying to give him something of a hug. His posture made that difficult at best.

"Oh, hey guys." Smokey said, sounding more depressed than he wanted to.

"Aww, what's wrong, big guy?" Sirius asked, canting his head to one side.

"Nothing. It's not important." Smokey replied.

"C'mon. Tell us what's botherin' ya." Brian probed, kneading over the blue drake's stomach. It elicited a purr from the dragon

"Fine, since you two won't be happy until you drag it out of me," Smokey sighed, "I've been trying to impress this one dragon lady. I really like hir, but shi probably doesn't even know I exist."

"Ooooh, you have the hots for someone!" The wolf said with a grin.

Smokey flushed purple in the cheeks and turned his head away, resting his chin on the ground.

"It's not funny. And besides, nothing I do impresses hir. I can't even get hir to look my way." The drake said.

"Awww, don't be like that," Sirius said, "We're just teasing you a little, that's all. What all have you tried?"

"Everything I can think of. Shi's just not interested." Smokey said.

The silvery fox lifted a paw to his chin thoughtfully as he lay on top of the drake.

"Has shi shown any interest in anyone else?" Brian asked.

"Not really. Except for this one lady who shi waved over to hir. I thought shi was waving at me, but I was wrong." Smokey said, still looking away.

"Well maybe you've still got a shot. That was earlier today, wasn't it? You just gotta come up with something that really grabs hir attention and you've got a chance! If you really like this girl, then you can't give up!" The two-tailed fox said.

"But what can I do that'll get hir to sit up and take notice? I've done all the same stuff all the other guys do. Do I just walk up to hir, turn around, and lift my tail for hir? Shi doesn't strike me as the sort that likes that." Smokey whined.

Sirius grinned a little, giving the blue drake a bit of a nudge in the shoulder.

"I've got an idea," He said, "We show hir that you're a good hunter, that you can provide plenty to eat!"

Smokey groaned and finally lifted his head, curling his neck to look back at the white wolf, seeming to focus on the black star that covered his left eye.

"Right. Tried that already. This morning in fact. Caught some fish, showed them off, no reaction." The dragon said.

"And I'll bet those fish weren't that big, were they?" Sirius said, still grinning rather wide.

"They were pretty big. For fish. I mean... it usually takes more than three of them to fill me up, but I didn't want to get too ambitious. Sometimes, if you try to catch more, you end up losing what you've got." Smokey said.

"Yeah, so they weren't that big. You need to show hir that you can provide a feast that would leave a dragon like you or hir stuffed. So stuffed that you just wanna lay there and show off your belly to everyone." Sirius said with a wink.

Smokey was starting to see what the wolf had in mind. Brian had already gotten there minutes ago. The fox was bouncing softly on the balls of his paws.

"Ooo, are we gonna do what I think we're gonna do?" Brian asked excitedly.

"That's the idea," Sirius said, "If Smokey here'll agree to it."

The dragon's expression turned to a mild, un-amused look.

"You want me to eat the both of you, don't you?" He said. It wouldn't be the first time, but it tended to have a side effect that, while the blue enjoyed it, would likely put him out of commission for a little while.

"Of course!" Sirius cried, throwing his arms out wide, "Why not!? It's the perfect plan! You get nice and stuffed, big and fat, and shi sees how well fed you are. Shi'll have to admit that you're a good hunter and provider!"

Smokey sighed a little.

"And what happens when she wants me to 'provide'?" He asked.

"Simple! You let hir eat us! No one said being a provider meant you couldn't use your friends as food! Especially when they enjoy it so much!" Sirius snickered.

"And what about feeding kids, if we have any?" Smokey asked.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now though, you just gotta get in with hir. And to do that, we gotta get in with you... well... just in you I guess." Sirius smirked.

Smokey rolled his eyes and sighed again.

"I can't believe I'm actually considering this. Fine, let's do this. It's not like I've got anything to lose." The dragon said, then rolled to sit up.

Once he was on his haunches, Smokey sat tall enough that Sirius and Brian both measured up to him where eye level was just above the blue drake's shoulders. He was like a large horse compared to the two slim, athletic boys.

They both huddled together in a warm hug and shared a passionate kiss. Smokey watched them, grimacing a little. It wasn't that the sight of them showing affection bothered him. It was that it reminded him of his chances of finding someone to enjoy that with himself seemed so very unlikely. When the boys finally eased down from their amorous moment, they both looked up at the dragon as if to say 'ready'. Smokey gave them both a slight nod and opened his mouth wide.

It wasn't the first time he'd eaten them. Nor was it the first time he'd eaten them at the same time. In fact, often they preferred to go together like this so they could enjoy one another's company on the way down. The warm, wet cavern of the drake's mouth slowly dropped down over them both, casting darkness across their vision. The two canids hugged together tightly as they giggled. A pair of hands reached up into the descending mouth. Their palms ran across the fleshy tongue that would be caressing over their forms soon enough, offering their dragon friend a bit of appreciation.

Smokey closed his jaws carefully, sealing his lips around both Sirius and Brian at their shoulders. The slick sensory organ they had offered appreciation to began to twist and turn, slowly working its way over the two boys. The dragon might have thought this wasn't a very good idea, at least to catch Shayna's attention, but he was at least going to enjoy himself in the process. Smokey closed his eyes and rumbled softly around his meals, sampling them while also matting down their fur in a thin layer of drool. They tasted just as they smelled; of the forest. The first swallow tugged their heads into his throat and he pushed his jaws down further. The end of his chin was now at the base of their chests. A visible lump formed in his long neck, certain to grow larger as time passed, then shrink back down after they'd passed through.

A pair of coos filled the dragon's mouth as he continued to lick. They were starting to grow amorous again. The two boys' hands were roaming over each other and they'd locked lips once again. Already, Smokey could smell their arousal, helped by the fact that his nose was very near the source. Unable to help himself, the blue drake found his own loins beginning to stir. At least they'd always had a positive effect on him. One more good gulp pushed the dragon's lips down to the two canids' waists, and another little tug from his throat drew their hips in.

That was when the real fun began.

Smokey snaked his tongue in between the two canids, lapping and slurping noisily at what he found. They were already at full mast, and the flesh he'd caught exposed was just as sensitive as ever. The two boys shivered and began to grind against the intrusive organ, smearing thin streaks of clear ooze across the dragon's tongue. Smokey rumbled again, then his stomach growled. Those fish didn't last long. And he wasn't interested in taking his time at the moment. Another good gulp dragged Sirius and Brian in right up to their knees. Smokey sealed his lips around them as best he could, then lifted his head. It was a bit of a challenge with two people in his throat and jaws, but he was used to it by now. He tilted them both skyward and opened his mouth wide.

A pair of cries of surprise, muffled by flesh, filled the dragon's gullet as they began to slide inward. Once their paws were past Smokey's teeth, he clapped his jaws shut and licked his lips, still able to taste them there. The two canids bulged out his neck tremendously, the swell wriggling as it slid downwards into his chest. The drake lifted a paw to press against the distention, feeling it glide easily from neck, to chest, then further down. His abdomen surged outward as his two friends landed in his stomach with a wet bounce. The great mass added to Smokey's middle forced his hindquarters apart. The bulge spread out over the ground a short distance as it writhed. Sirius and Brian were in. They squirmed to turn around to get comfortable and the movement made the dragon purr happily.

Smokey thumped his tail in satisfaction, then permitted himself the indulgence of a burp. It shook the fleshy world he'd trapped his two friends in and brought with it a few hints of their taste once more. Then he noticed something familiar. The weight in his middle was sloshing back and forth, outward, then back in again. He grinned and rolled his eyes as he realized Sirius and Brian were doing just what came natural to the two of them, the horn-dogs. They'd used Smokey as their own private love nest plenty of times, and they'd continue to for as long as the dragon would permit them. Smokey was quite comfortable with the act. More than comfortable in fact. This was actually the side effect he was worried about.

The dragon growled a little and began to grind his rump on the ground. All that activity was having the expected effect, and soon, the dragon's own mast made its appearance. It poked out from under the heavy, writhing belly, mashed into the soft grass underneath. Smokey grunted every time the boys put more weight on his length, forcing him to leave a little more of a wet stain on the ground. Eventually, the dragon couldn't take it anymore and he rolled onto his back. The heavy, bloated bulge stood up above him as he watched it sway from the lovemaking going on inside, unhindered by the change in position. He huffed and pressed against the two boys in his belly with a paw, the other moving to his groin to grip at and stroke his aching rod.

It was now a three-some. The wolf and fox hidden inside the dragon's stomach noticed no real difference, but they did pump and grind all the harder against one another. Smokey couldn't tell who was taking and who was giving, but if he had to guess, he would have put his money on Sirius having mounted Brian. His eyes closed, the drake pictured what they were doing inside him and he moaned louder, working his paw furiously while keeping them smushed comfortably against his innards. As he pumped, his thoughts drifted to Shayna and how shi might enjoy this hirself. He pictured the boys filling hir belly and making hir eager for attention. The mental sight of hir laying on hir back, spread eagle and panting for someone to come and give hir the attention shi so desperately needed finished him off. The blue reached that which he sought. A roar rose up through the woods. A hefty blast of white splattered across the still wriggling grey dome. Smokey fell limp, panting for breath. The boys weren't stopping. Rarely did they so soon. No, they'd likely be at it for an hour or two, maybe longer.

Satisfied, both with a full stomach and with releasing some tension, the blue rolled onto his side and curled up around his still active belly. Smokey craned his neck down and licked at the lively bulge, giving it a kiss from time to time. He smiled sleepily and sighed. Those two naughty boys always knew how to cheer him up. Who knew? Maybe this little plan of Sirius' might actually work.

"I'm gonna take a little nap. You two have fun in there. Love you, guys." Smokey said.

They didn't answer, nor did he expect them to. They were lost in the fever of lust. He meant what he said, though. They'd been there for him for years. He was more than willing to take care of them when they needed it. And they always returned the favor. Unable to really help himself, the blue drake gently humped against his wriggling tummy as he began to pass out.

There went his plans for the rest of the day. Just before he drifted off, he remembered that he didn't actually have any plans. With a half shrug, he permitted himself the comfort of sleep.

Morning was a rude awakening. The sun had the audacity to find a gap in the canopy just wide enough to send a ray of light down right onto the blue dragon's face. He winced once it reached the eye facing upward and groaned. The drake rolled over onto his other side, made sluggish by the weight in his middle.

That weight caught his attention. His paws moved to the swollen, softly yielding dome of his belly. It wasn't like that when he fell asleep. He grumbled a little and woke up more fully, sitting up as he massaged gently at the pleasantly swollen abdomen. He felt a little hungry, but not bad. And he felt more bloated than the day before. Had he really slept all day and through the night? He kicked himself for that. The more he examined his stomach, the more he was forced to conclude that he had accidentally digested his two friends. That wasn't that bad. He'd done that before. They had, however, reformed slightly lower down. He'd done that before plenty of times. In fact, he did it almost every time he ate them. Brian and Sirius rather enjoyed that. They liked pretending that Smokey was their daddy from time to time. And Smokey held a quiet love of treating them like they were his pups.

This however was inconvenient.

The whole point of eating them was to look like he was a good hunter, not like he was carrying a litter of whelps. Maybe he'd be able to get away with it, but he was concerned. Slowly, the blue dragon stood up and his belly sagged under him. It was heavier than if it was just the two boys. Yeah, he was supporting them alright, cords and all. The weight felt rather nice as it tugged on his frame. His hindquarters were forced apart as he stood there, adjusting to the size all over again. A quiet purr rose up in his throat as he rubbed a paw over the slightly squishy stomach.

Suddenly, his concern didn't seem that much of a problem. If it didn't work, he'd still have a big, round tummy and he'd get to enjoy carrying his friends for a good while. Silver lining and what not.

With Smokey's troubled mind put at ease by the mild stimulation of a surrogate pregnancy tickling his loins, he turned and began making the trip back to the shore. His gait caused his tummy to sway under him. That was on purpose. He relished it when he got to carry the boys like this, or anyone else if he could manage it. The sway made sure to keep the weight of his middle on his mind and it also tended to lull anyone inside into a comfortable sleep. Of course, it also tended to result in a bit of a drooling problem. Of course, Smokey didn't much care. That might work out in his favor, actually.

The lake wasn't too far away. The trip there was pretty short. Soon the round-bellied blue drake was standing on the sandy shore. Quietly, he contemplated going for a morning swim, but he thought better of it. The motion and noise of diving in might wake his boys up. He didn't have the heart to do that for no reason. Instead, Smokey turned and began walking along the shoreline. He spotted the perch that Shayna frequented and saw that shi was already there. And so was the larger black and white dragoness. They appeared to be talking, and they were laying next to one another, quite closely. He frowned a little and marched on, making sure to make his belly sway visibly.

There were other dragons there, though they were fanned out a bit. A morning gathering at the lake wasn't uncommon. Some came to go swimming, some came to drink, others to catch fish, and a few, like Smokey, were there to court. Already a few males, or rather those who appeared more masculine, were trying their best to impress the angelic lady. And quite possibly hir orca-colored companion. None of them were doing a terribly good job. A couple even received an angry growl from the larger lady, chasing them away.

Smokey smirked seeing one or two dash away, tail between their legs. Smokey might have a shot after all. He strolled up proudly and yawned, then stretched out luxuriously. He took his time with the act, making sure that his yawn was noisy enough to get some attention. Already he could feel pairs of eyes turning to look at him. Some of the other dragons had taken notice. Some gazed at him in jealousy that he was so full. Some saw the sight alluring. What was more, Smokey noticed that both Shayna and hir companion were looking right at him. Now he had his shot! Time to take it!

Smokey arched his back as he stood back up properly and began to stroll on past, making sure to use the gait that would make his tummy sway under him. The heavy bulge did just as he wanted it to, rocking from side to side. The tingle between his hindquarters was fairly strong at this point, no doubt making his scent strong enough in the light morning breeze to be caught by a few nearby noses. He was proud of that at this point. Smokey swung his hips a little as he passed the two dragonesses up on the smooth rock above. Their eyes followed him as he walked on by. As soon as he was offering them a good view of his rump, he paused, turned his head to the side, and waggled his eyebrows at them.

Shayna and hir companion looked at one another and rolled their eyes with a laugh. They had found him entertaining, amusing, funny... like a clown. Smokey's tail and head drooped a bit and he hurried off down the shoreline a ways. He wasn't going to be beaten by that. The blue plopped down into a seated position and grumbled. His paws moved to his round gut and he began squeezing and shaking it gently.

"Guys! Guys, wake up! C'mon, I know it's comfy in there but you gotta wake up! I need your help! I'm losing my chance here!" He said, trying to keep his voice low.

A quiet groan came from under his scales followed by a stirring motion. Smokey saw the dome distend softly as his boys began to rouse.

"What? What is it? Can't we just nap in here?" Sirius complained sleepily.

"Sorry, but not right now. I need you guys to move around. Shayna needs to see that I've got something alive in my gut, like I just caught it. So get to wiggling in there!" Smokey hissed at his belly, still jostling it a little.

"Okay! Okay! Easy out there! Demanding dragon." Sirius groaned, now sobered enough to realize he wasn't in the drake's stomach. He grinned a little realizing what that meant and roused the two tailed fox next to him. He knew just what to do to make Smokey's belly squirm real good.

After only a few minutes, and a brief conversation Smokey could only just make out coming from inside him, the dragon's swollen stomach came alive with movement. He shivered and huffed as he was claimed by the stimulation it brought with it. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea. The more Sirius and Brian rocked against one another, already in the throes of another round of lovemaking, the more Smokey decided he didn't care.

The blue drake got back onto his paws and started off back down towards the pair he had been trying to impress. Really he was just trying to impress one of them. If he managed to impress the other, maybe shi'd give him hir blessing or something. Such thoughts were difficult to hang onto as he waddled his way towards them. The wriggling under him was putting considerable pressure on a few key tender regions. The 'leaking' issue was growing worse, and he began to ache; all the way from the end of his dribbling rod to up over his now quivering folds to the tensing pucker under his tail.

It was something of a trick trying to keep his breath even. He had to look like a proud hunter, unaffected by how much his prey was trying to fight its way out. That wasn't the effect though. It was clear he was enjoying it, and from the motion, it was clear to everyone around him that whoever was in there was enjoying it too. Smokey managed to get back to the rock Shayna and hir friend lounged on. This time, he had their complete attention. As well as the attention of many of the other dragons nearby. The blue drake stopped directly in front of the angelic lady he sought to impress, forced a smile through his almost pained need for release, then continued on. At this point, he couldn't just stay there and hope that Shayna might strike up a conversation. The fact that neither of them had tried to at this point suggested that even this little move hadn't worked the way he wanted it to. He'd have to be depressed about it later.

He needed relief now.

Smokey quickened his pace down the shore and found a somewhat secluded spot where he could tend to his little 'problem' without interruption. He sat down in the sand and huffed, grinding his hindquarters against the ground. This was it, this was the spot. He couldn't wait to find anything more private.

"Whatever you two are doing, don't stop! I'm... I'm almost there!" Smokey moaned. The wriggling weight of his gut pushing down on his throbbing shaft and the insistent grinding of his flanks into the ground beneath him would be enough to finish him in short order.

A heavy thud sounded just behind the blue dragon along with a pair of very large wings flapping to a halt. Momentarily distracted from the two boys bouncing away in his womb, Smokey slowly turned his head to look behind him. There, standing on all fours behind him, large, densely muscled, and grinning quite strong at him was a very impressive looking green dragon. His black mane draped down along either side of his thick neck. His paws spread out over the sandy beach looking as if they were large and strong enough to pin and hold the blue without any effort. Of course, what had caught Smokey's attention was the rather large, rather stiff, and rather swollen shaft hanging down between his hind legs. As well as the impressively sized sac that supplied it with the necessary contents.

"Hey there, lil guy. Need a little help?" The big green fellow said.

His voice was deep and oddly soothing. The way he said it, it didn't sound like the other over-eager males who wanted just to hump and run, the skeezy jerks who were only interested in the act and not what followed. This one however seemed to carry a hint to his voice that suggested a more noble will behind it.

"I... No... I.. I think I'm good. Thanks... um... What was your name?" Smokey stuttered.

"Aron," the big green fellow said as he stepped in closer, sitting down so that his chest pressed against Smokey's back and his form surrounded the smaller dragon, "And I don't think you are. Whatever's going on in there looks like it's got you in a fit. I don't think just rubbing on the ground is gonna be enough for you. I think you need some 'proper help'."

Smokey whined a little as he felt the big male surround him. As he ground himself against the sand under him, he huffed and panted. Clearly Sirius and Brian had heard the conversation and could guess what was going on, because it felt like they had just doubled their efforts. The blue dragon's belly stretched out under his groping paws. He moaned and arched his back into a forward lean. He couldn't deal with it. He needed to do something.

"You know what? I'll take it. Just try not to break me, okay?" Smokey said. A quickie might be just the thing he needed at this point.

"I'll try, but I can't make any promises," Aron said as he stood back up. His jaws closed on the back of the blue's neck for a moment, guiding him to stand. Once Smokey was on all fours again, Aron released him, "You're awfully cute. I'm tempted to just mount and claim you."

That was all that was said before he did just that. Smokey didn't even have time to protest the notion. He yelped as the monster he'd spotted a moment ago was quickly stuffed into his quivering folds. Immediately, his eyes rolled back in his head and he lowered his chest to the ground. His rump was pushed upwards, tail off to one side, belly rattling around under him. Aron grinned and growled as he began to pump. Thrust after powerful thrust shook Smokey to his core. He'd been ridden before by large males in the past, and even the odd lady here and there who preferred to be on top, but this was the biggest partner he'd ever been with. Now he was wondering why he hadn't sought out someone Aron's size before.

Every crevice of Smokey's tunnel was stretched, feeling every inch, every detail of the invading rod. He huffed loudly and clenched around the grand shaft, not wanting to let it go now that he had it in him. But he had to. A steady piston rocked him back and forth under the big fellow. His own shaft bobbed away, slapping against his writhing gut. Smokey was being attacked on two sides. Sirius and Brian knew all the little tricks to making the blue roar while they were inside him. And now there was this mountain of dragon muscle pinning him. He couldn't help himself. Smokey's tongue spilled out the side of his gaping mouth. He leaned into it and reveled in the sensation. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad having this guy for a mate.

The blue drake conjured up an image of that; his belly swollen with Aron's whelps, the big green keeping careful watch over his little blue mate, and no doubt the frequent visits to the interior of that mountain of jade scale. It wasn't uncommon for dominant mates to consume those they claimed as a matter of protection or to just make sure other dragons knew what they had to do if they wanted access. Often anymore though it was done because both parties involved just enjoyed it. It wouldn't be Smokey's first time getting eaten or stuffed elsewhere. He'd wanted to be the one to be stuffed for a change, to swallow his mate and keep hir safe in his tummy for days on end. That dream seemed to be getting further away. And he was getting closer to climax. So close that he almost missed the edge as he was thrown right off it.

Smokey clamped down hard on the monster splitting him open and he roared. A heavy splash of honey coated his hindquarters as well as Aron's crotch. The blue's shaft pulsed and spilled its seed down his wriggling tummy into the sand below. Smokey himself was a mess at this point, just giving himself over to the pleasure of all he was being assaulted with. He just couldn't stand against the storm of climax. Aron meanwhile was like a metronome. His powerful flanks kept up their work with relentless strength. He growled and leaned down to bite down on the back of Smokey's neck again, this time to assert his dominance. It was a harmless act meant to show the submissive one who was in charge. A sudden rush of heat flooded Smokey's belly.

Aron had cum, and he had cum hard.

The blue dragon's breath caught in his throat as he felt his stomach start to swell. A veritable torrent of thick, hot, salty ooze poured into the smaller drake's womb. It caught the two boys inside off guard as they became awash in the sea of dragon seed. Spurt after spurt of the stuff was pumped directly into Smokey's belly, making him grow little by little until his stomach was pushing him up off the ground. And still Aron thrust away.

It looked like the big green wanted to claim him, and was doing exactly that. There wasn't much chance of Smokey ever getting to try this with Shayna at this point. But those thoughts were so far away. He could scarcely think of anything but the giant dragon mast keeping him stretched open and the tide of essence pouring into him. Quietly, Smokey submitted to the big green drake's will, permitting him to assert that dominance over him and to make it official. He could have worse partners he thought to himself. And if this Aron had the stamina to keep it up for as long as Smokey hoped he did, he wouldn't have to worry too much about 'scratching that itch' ever again. Aron would be all to happy to take care of that for him.

The world around Smokey began to blur as his eyes glazed over. All he could sense was the rocking, the stretching, and the filling. The jaws on his neck capped it all off. He was taken now, and he was loving it.

It was at least an hour before Aron finally settled down. Smokey didn't seem to be complaining. For the most part, he could barely even speak. His belly just continued to swell, slowly but surely each time the big green drake unleashed another burst into him. Eventually, the blue's middle was so large it would likely drag on the ground as he walked. Aron's motion came to a stop and his nostrils flared, still clamping down on the smaller dragon's neck possessively. He slowly lowered himself down fully onto the blue, keeping his still engorged rod planted firmly in the well-used dragon under him.

Slowly, Aron's jaws eased and he began to lick along Smokey's neck affectionately, bumping his nose against the back of the smaller one's head. A deep, powerful thrum rumbled away in the green's chest, passing into Smokey's spine, soothing him.

"I hope I wasn't too rough on you." Aron said quietly.

Smokey was still quite breathless, struggling to form words. His stomach was still writhing under him. Clearly Sirius and Brian were enjoying themselves in spite of the flood. Or perhaps because of it. Either way, it kept the blue thoroughly aroused. As did the green's weight on top of him and the stretch of his canal.

Aron had transformed. He wasn't the rough, dominant, forceful beast from just moments ago. Now he was kind and attentive, treating the blue with such tender affection that Smokey began to think maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Aron's large paws moved to the still squirming bulge, pressing in against it gently. The pressure was enough to slowly draw the blue out of his stupor. The attention felt rather lovely.

"Ooo... you can just keep that up all you like." Smokey said, still rather exhausted.

Aron chuckled and slowly rolled the two of them onto their sides. The whole time, he maintained contact, holding the smaller drake close against him. As he massaged the grand wriggling dome, he moved lower over the swell. What he found as he explored was that Smokey was still rather stiff, and from what he could tell, almost painfully so. He couldn't have that. His new mate wasn't going to go wanting, of that he was resolved on.

Without retreating from the blue dragon's petals even an inch, Aron bent sideways and craned his neck along the big bloat of the blue and grey dome, slowly bringing his muzzle down to the unused rod twitching away in the air. The first gentle lap of his tongue sent a jolt up Smokey's spine. The blue moaned and lifted his leg, offering the big green male access. With no hesitation at all, Aron dipped his head under Smoke's flank and drew the whole of the blue's rod into his muzzle. He suckled and dragged his tongue across the tender flesh slowly, making sure the smaller drake was enjoying it. And Smokey was indeed.

The blue dragon's form began to relax and tense in rhythmic motions, slowly trying to hump into Aron's jaws. There wasn't much else he could do beyond that except to lay back and enjoy it. As if to help his mate along, Aron began pumping his hips again, softly, working to stimulate his partner, not himself. And it had the desired effect. The blue lay on his side, a paw on his swollen, writhing stomach, moaning wantonly. In virtually no time at all, Aron received the creamy burst he was after, and he slurped it up gingerly. And still he continued to work on the blue.

Just how eager to please was he? Was this his first time taking a mate? Smokey didn't care. He was just soaking it up. It wasn't what he had in mind for the day's events, but he wasn't about to cast it in a negative light.

Smokey lay there, trapped by the loving embrace of the green still mounted on him. And he was skilled. He brought the blue to climax at least twice more before finally withdrawing his muzzle. Aron settled back on his side and nuzzled into the back of the smaller drake's head, thrumming away.

"Better?" He asked.

Smokey nodded slowly, having regained his breath. He even found himself pressing back against the green wrapping around him.

"Better." Smokey said.

"Good. Can't let a need like that go wanting." Aron chuckled.

Smokey blushed softly at those words, then closed his eyes, just trying to settle down after everything that had happened. Unfortunately, the two boys in his belly refused to let him. Every few minutes or so, a shudder would pass through the blue dragon and a light moan would rise up out of him.

His silence concerned the green drake.

"Hey, are you alright? I didn't come on too strong did I?" Aron asked.

Smokey didn't want to have to address his issue just yet. He had wanted to put it off as long as he could. But this green was too shrewd to let it slip by.

"I just-" Smokey sighed, "Look, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy what happened. It's just not how I had expected today to go."

Aron tilted his head softly to one side, still somewhat concerned.

"How did you expect today to go?" The green asked.

"I don't know," Smokey said, "I guess it's kind of silly to expect it when you think about it. Besides, it's not like it really matters at this point anyway. I'm pretty sure I've got a clutch of eggs brewing in there now. And Sirius and Brian are probably thrilled they're getting adopted properly."

The blue moved a paw to his still squirming middle, trying to quiet the two boys down at least a little. He was finding it difficult to concentrate with them keeping him so aroused.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask about that," Aron said, "I thought you'd eaten them."

"I did. But, I left them in there too long and well..." Smokey trailed off.

Aron chuckled a little and completed the sentence.

"They moved?" He asked.

Smokey nodded with a bit of a blush.

"They enjoy the whole thing a little too much. And we've pretended plenty of times in the past. Now I guess it's official." The blue said, looking down to his bloated, overstuffed belly.

Aron bit his lower lip for a moment. He wasn't sure if the smaller drake meant what he thought he meant.

"Official? So... that means..." It was the green dragon's turn to trail off.

"In more ways than one," Smokey said, "I've got a bunch of kids on the way I'm pretty sure, two of which who are gonna come out a lot more grown up than their siblings. And I suppose it'd be awful nice to have someone to help me raise and feed them all. You did kind of claim me."

Aron's heart skipped a beat and he leaned in again for a firm squeeze. A delighted thrum trembled in his throat.

"I was hoping that might be the case." He said.

"Life sure is full of surprises." Smokey said.

"Surprises?" Aron asked, "I thought you were trying to attract someone. You strutted back and forth on the beach, then wandered off to be alone. It smelled like you were in heat."

"Yeah, about that. I was trying to attract someone, alright. Just, someone specific." Smokey blushed and squeezed his eyes shut.

Aron relaxed his grasp, now feeling his heart starting to try and climb up his throat.

"Someone specific... and I got in the way." He said.

"It's not like they really noticed. I've been trying to get Shayna's attention for weeks. And even looking like I just got back from a successful hunt didn't do the trick." Smokey said.

Aron gasped and threw himself back, retreating finally from the blue's intimate embrace below. He sat up with his paws over the end of his muzzle. His eyes were huge and filled with horror.

"The white lady with the feathered wings! You were trying to get hir attention! And I just pounced you and took you away! I'm so sorry! I didn't know! I promise I didn't!" He said, completely aghast.

Smokey whimpered a little as his big, green blanket was ripped off him. He slowly sloshed his way up into a seated position, then sluggishly worked his way back over to Aron, leaning against him for comfort.

"It's actually probably a good thing you showed up when you did. I was starting to think no one wanted me. Now I know that's not the case. After a while, ya just gotta take the hint and move on, right?" The blue said.

Aron, though still somewhat hesitant, began to wrap himself back around the blue. It was almost as if he sought Smokey's permission to dote on him again. The smaller dragon gave it in the form of a little lick along the big green's neck. Once he felt more comfortable, understanding that Smokey accepted being claimed, Aron resumed his affection, though a fair bit more subdued.

"So you're okay with us being together? Even though I stole you?" The green asked.

"I'm okay with it." Smokey replied.

"Well... Even so, I'm going to do what I can to help you get the girl. It's not unheard of, multiple partners. Right? I'm gonna help you get hir attention. If it turns out shi's actually not interested, then good riddance. If shi is, then so much the better! You get two to snuggle up with!" Aron said.

Smokey laughed and rolled his eyes a little.

"That's awful sweet of you. But I think I'm done. I'm officially off the market and I somehow managed to land myself a big softy without even really trying for one. Just don't expect me to be able to get around too easily with this," Smokey squeezed his tummy, still showing signs of life from the two canids trapped inside, "I'm only gonna get bigger."

Aron snickered and leaned in to lick along his new mate's cheek tenderly.

"I have my ways of making sure you're mobile. Your two little friends in there have the right idea." The green said.

Smokey looked up at him and blinked, slowly realizing what he was suggesting.

"What... you can fit that much in you?" The blue asked.

Aron nodded and leaned in to squeeze his little lover again, rumbling deep in his throat. It was clear he was overjoyed to have the blue recognize the claim.

"You two are just too damn cute for words." Came a new voice.

Both boys looked in the direction it came from and Smokey's cheeks immediately flushed. Without another word, he shoved his head under one of Aron's forelegs to hide his face. It was Shayna. Shi had come over from hir perch. And shi was just sitting there. How long had shi been watching and listening? Aron looked between the lady and the blue under him, then grinned a bit as he lifted his gaze to address Shayna.

"Hello, ma'am. How are you today?" Aron said with an almost too chipper tone.

"Oh I'm quite well, thank you," Shi replied, "I was just sunning myself with my sister. Your blue friend put on quite the show. And then you did too. Quite a few folks were watching from just down the beach. Very impressive."

Smokey whined quietly and dug his head deeper under Aron's protective presence.

The green however just grinned further.

"Oh, I'm glad we could entertain! If you would indulge me, I was wondering if we could have a little chat. You see, my friend here has been trying very hard for a few weeks now to get your attention." Aron said.

Smokey yelped and curled up tighter against the green one. Why was he doing this? Oh, he was so embarrassed he could have died then and there.

"So I've noticed. The fishing, the flying, the roaring. Even walking by with a big, squirming gut. He's been trying very hard. If he really wanted my attention, all he had to do was walk up and say hello." Shayna said.

Aron's grin broke into laughter as he squeezed the blue under him, then nosed at the cowering dragon.

"You heard the lady, all you have to do is say hello." Aron said, slowly pulling away from the blue drake to expose him.

Smokey blushed even more powerfully as he was revealed, belly and all. As if shi couldn't see his bloated stomach. He couldn't bare to think how much shi had witnessed and heard. But, there it was, a simple and clear opportunity. He turned to look at the angelic lady, seated on his haunches, stomach protruding so far his forepaws couldn't reach the ground so they simply hung loose against the grand dome.

"H-h-hello." Smokey stammered.

Shayna stood from hir seated posture and crossed the distance between them, smiling the whole way. Before the blue could react, the slightly larger lady bumped hir nose against his.

"Hello." Shi said.

Smokey's cheeks flushed powerfully. He could scarcely think of anything to say, so he resorted to small talk.

"L-l-l-lovely day isn't it?" He stuttered.

"Yes, it is," Shayna said, "And yes, I'm interested."

Smokey's eyes grew impressively wide at the sudden forwardness.

"I-i-i-interested!?" He asked, though he had trouble getting the word out.

"Yes," Shayna nodded, "If you'd just walked up and talked to me, perhaps you could have been spared a lot of frustration. The show you put on was cute but anyone could strut and show off. I'm more interested in knowing what sort of dragon you are before I answer a courting display. And seeing you two together, your friend is very sweet and loving. He was willing to let you go after he found out what you were trying to do. You could have walked away with a belly full of his kids and that would have been it. But you chose to stick with him. I like that."

The blue blushed furiously and repeatedly averted his gaze. Why was he so flustered? This was exactly what he'd hoped for before Aron dropped out of the sky. So why was he like this now?

"Well... It... it only seemed right. He didn't know what I was up to. He didn't even know about my friends." Smokey kneaded at his still wriggling belly. They just wouldn't stop, and it was getting to him all over again. Hopefully Shayna wouldn't notice.

"Yes, your friends," Shayna said, dipping hir head down to nose softly at the warm, yielding belly, "Very sweet of you to adopt them like that. I'm sure you'll be a very good mommy."

Smokey's eyes fluttered a little as he felt the lady's muzzle on his stomach. He tried his best to keep from huffing from the contact, but it was so very difficult.

"Thank you... I... I'm certainly going to try." He said.

"Good. Then I guess you wouldn't mind a few more then." Shayna said, lifting hir muzzle to brush along the side of the blue's.

Smokey blinked then squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the lady lean in against him. Did Aron actually help him pull this off? Was this actually happening? Was shi serious or just pulling his tail?

Aron sat and watched with a huge grin, thumping his tail behind him.

"So does that mean you're... 'interested' in him?" The big green asked.

Shayna chuckled and slipped around behind the trembling blue, nudging him to roll forward over his belly a bit as shi pressed in behind him.

"Well of course it does. I've been talking to my sister, Ivory, about how much I'd like to do this. I just didn't know how Mr. Blue here would react. Now that I know he likes to bottom, I think I could settle in just fine." Shayna turned to whisper in Smokey's ear, "After all, if one of us is gonna go rough on you, then at least one of us should be gentle, don't you think?"

Smokey hissed quietly as he felt the angelic dragoness press in behind him. He rolled forward on his stomach only to find something very warm press against his still drooling nethers. Clearly Aron's marathon session wasn't enough to sate him, and that amused Shayna. Shi nuzzled tenderly against the side of the blue's neck as shi ground hir flanks against his, taking little time in parting those folds. Shi wasn't nearly as well-endowed as Aron. Few dragons Shayna's size were. But shi was rather generous to say the least. The slow, steady strokes that followed mirrored those Aron provided as he offered Smokey the service of his muzzle. It was quite wonderful, and it stole the blue drake's breath away.

He didn't fight it this time. While it perhaps wasn't quite the way he imagined it would be, it was what he wanted. Maybe he could get used to being submissive to both Shayna and Aron. He felt hir teeth brush against the back of his neck, then hir jaws close against his scales. Shi wasn't just filling him, shi was claiming him. A long, low moan rose up out of him as he felt hir push him forward further. Shi wanted to properly mount him, not have him sit on hir length. And just as shi had promised, shi was gentle. Insistent, but gentle.

Aron watched with great interest as his new mate was claimed by another. He couldn't stand by and be left out of the fun. If Shayna was claiming his mate, then surely shi wouldn't mind if he took advantage of the situation. The big green drake welled up behind the smaller, angelic lady. He nosed softly at the base of hir tail, only to find it flop over to one side, permitting him to do as he might. Shi was interested indeed. With no more blessing required, the green moved to stand over the mating pair and joined in. He arched his back and brought his still rigid shaft to bare. Now shi was getting a taste of what Smokey had endured. Though he likely wouldn't go for as long this time, would he?

He had no intention of leaving hir any less tended to than the blue under hir.

Shayna gasped as Aron pressed into hir, still keeping hir jaws on Smokey's neck. Then shi felt Aron's jaws clamp down on hirs from behind. It was an unusual situation. Rarely did three engage in the ritual at the same time, mainly because of the difficulties involved. But with Aron being so much bigger, it wasn't as much of a problem. He bucked strongly, catching Shayna by surprise. Hir own flanks were shoved forward into Smokey's. Apparently this wasn't his time to receiving the slow, loving experience shi had promised. Shayna wrapped hirself around the bloated blue as best shi could reach and gripped his neck tightly, trying to keep from drawing blood. Aron was pretty forceful when he wanted to be, shi was finding.

The three dragons rocked forward and back, the big green setting the cadence as he growled around the angelic lady's neck. He thrust away, the twin orbs that had filled the blue so well now slapping against Shayna's. The dragoness in the middle began pushing back against the green, using as much force as shi dared to use, hoping to ease the blow to the blue under hir. He'd had gotten it plenty rough earlier. The least shi could do was act as a buffer for him.

Before the angelic lady could get a handle on the situation, shi felt a powerful jet of warmth flood hir belly. The green mounted on hir was already filling hir up, and he wasn't stopping. Shi moaned through clenched jaws and shivered. Shi had tried to hold off as best shi could but the sudden bloat shi was receiving sent hir over the edge. Smokey scarcely noticed the contribution shi added to the sea of spunk already swirling around in him. He was too busy trying to 'keep his head above water' so to speak. Sirius and Brian were ceaseless in their efforts and kept him nice and unbalanced.

Smokey was quickly lost in another unending sea of climax. Just as one finished, another began, weaving back and forth between male and female. Shayna was claimed by hir own tide as well, held there in the blue's grasp to empty hirself again and again until Aron was properly done with hir too. The angelic lady's stomach swelled under hir, making it more difficult to hold onto the azure fellow, but shi persisted.

Another hour passed as the trio remained locked together. Shayna's belly had swollen and spilled over Smokey's sides, warming his back with its unearthly heat. Eventually, the green managed to settle down and release the lady's neck. Shayna similarly released Smokey and quickly began to nuzzle into his cheek. A trill passed hir lips as shi showed hir affection for hir new azure mate. The blue's middle had grown under him, but not enough for him to really notice. And finally, at long last, his boys were beginning to settle down. How they had enough energy to keep going for so long mystified him. Maybe he could take a few pointers from them once they came back out. Of course, that was going to be close to a year away.

Close to a year. Smokey was going to be this big and round for close to a year. And grow even bigger as he progressed. And to cap it off, he was carrying the seed of not one but two dragons in him. He was going to sire children from two different 'studs'.

The very idea sent a shiver up his spine.

Shayna giggled feeling him shudder.

"Someone enjoyed their fun." Shi said.

Smokey nodded as he panted for breath.

"I... I did." He said breathlessly.

"You sound tired." Aron said.

Shayna nodded in agreement.

"He does. We should get him somewhere he can rest." Shi said with a grin, having some clue as to what Aron had referred to before.

The big green drake grinned broadly and began gently withdrawing from the white lady under him. Shi whimpered and clenched as he slipped out. Shi had not wanted him to go so soon, but it was for a good cause, and there would be plenty of time for more fun later. Once he was free, Aron moved to stand in front of his two mates. He dropped to the ground, tail lifted high, exposing his own feminine folds. Shayna leaned forward and offered them a tender lick. It drew a quick tremor from the big green and shi chuckled with a smile.

"Alright honey. Your bed's waiting for you. Big green will keep you nice and cozy inside." Shayna cooed in Smokey's ear.

The blue nodded, leaning into hir nuzzling, even turning his head to offer hir cheek an affectionate lick. Sleep sounded wonderful to him. He rolled forward and pushed with his hind legs to drag his stomach across the sandy ground. The result was his muzzle suddenly parting Aron's nethers. The big green jerked in surprise and moaned. Apparently, he didn't have much opportunity to get filled himself. That amused the blue and he began pushing forward more urgently. His head vanished into the quickly moistening petals as Aron's form tensed. The green groaned and began pressing back against his lover. As soon as he felt like he had a good grip, the big dragon clenched firmly.

Smokey quickly felt his shoulders and the leading joints of his wings pulled into the warm, dark environs. The tunnel spread over his chest, squeezing and relaxing steadily. He could feel a steady inward tug, only hastened whenever the green drake willed him deeper. And Aron did so frequently. Soon, Smokey felt the curve of his swollen stomach begin to squeeze tightly into the hungry passage. He wriggled and moaned as his middle tried to compress but refused to do so more than just a little. All it did was stretch Aron beyond anything he'd tried to take before.

The green stood up once more and arched his back, pushing down on the blue now partially lodged in him. Smokey found himself forced to sit as the weight of the big green pressed down on him from above. His head and shoulders slid deeper, inch by inch, reaching the womb beyond that he would be calling home for however long Aron decided he should stay. Shayna had withdrawn completely at this point and moved around in front of the green. Shi licked at his nose, moving down his neck to his chest, then stomach. A deep, low thrum passed hir lips as shi parted hir jaws and slipped that massive rod shi'd just gotten to know as deep as shi could muster.

Aron immediately yowled. His passage quivered, then 'gulped' hard. His own stomach surged outward as he successfully managed to stuff the round blue in up to his flanks. Shayna's head was suddenly pushed down, almost to the ground by the explosion in mass. But shi remained right where shi was. Aron stood back up, hind legs spread quite wide, belly sagging below. Shayna followed, head tucked neatly beneath him as shi suckled away. Smokey's hips, legs, and tail hung loose and relaxed from the big green's folds, but not for long. He could feel himself 'falling' further in. The blue had been forced to curl up already, and to stay comfortable, he curled up further, which gradually drew his remaining portion in.

Several wet slurps, both from around the azure dragon's legs and the angelic lady tending to hir new mate's rod, spread across the beach, no doubt drawing more attention. As Aron worked over Smokey, eventually reaching his paws, he tilted his head back and roared. A mighty blast of strong male essence geysered down Shayna's throat. Shi pushed in against the green's crotch to keep from being overwhelmed and coughing. It dumped straight down hir gullet into hir stomach. The green lifted a single leg as he came, beginning to slowly hump into the muzzle tending to him. The steady act helped to hasten Smokey's disappearance. With one last lewd noise, the blue dragon's tail was slurped in out of sight. He descended completely into the great sagging belly housing him and he sighed.

Smokey nuzzled gently against the churning, squeezing walls that contracted rhythmically around him. The sound of the green's heart thumping away near his head soothed him tremendously. Aron was going to keep him safe, protect him, take care of him. And in exchange, the blue would carry his whelps. It was a good arrangement.

Shayna finally withdrew hir lips from the big green dragon's shaft and licked hir chops. Hir belly had grown just a little bit more, now almost as big as Smokey's. Granted, shi didn't have a pair of amorous canines tumbling about inside hir. Something about that left hir a little jealous. Maybe shi could find a couple to keep in there. That would come later.

"Better?" Shi asked the green.

Aron nodded with a happy snort.

"Better!" He grunted.

Shayna chuckled and nosed softly against the slowly writhing bulge just above hir. Smokey was turning about to get comfortable.

"That's a good look for you, but I think we can improve on it." Shi said with a wry grin.

Aron tilted his head, not understanding quite yet. He came to realize what shi had in mind when shi walked around behind the big drake and began pushing hir own head into his still quivering folds.

The green beast yowled again as his second passenger started to climb in.

Smokey basked in the warmth and darkness of his new home. The gentle sway of his world as well as how it would steadily squeeze and release him was comforting in a way he had not known possible. He could have drifted off right then and there, but then something suddenly protruded against him from below. Shayna's head had emerged right up against his crotch. Shi giggled realizing what shi was arriving against and licked along the features shi found. Smokey shivered and moaned, clinging to his belly.

"Hey there. Care for some company?" Shayna asked, as if Smokey had any say in the matter.

"I'd certainly welcome it." He said.

The angelic lady passed a little more easily than the azure fellow had. Aron had gotten used to the bulk on the first run, and now he could make real progress. Shayna wriggled and tugged, helped by the round blue shi was joining until with a firm 'POP', hir belly sank in. Aron roared once more and a powerful tug from his canal sank hir legs in right up to hir paws. The moist splash that soaked his hindquarters only aided in finishing the job more quickly. Aron tugged the last of his second mate in and sat down on the beach with a heavy thump. He huffed and rocked there in the sand as if needing something to hump. Shayna settled in against hir 'brother' and nuzzled at his cheek affectionately. Shi was quite comfortable there, belly to belly, wrapping hirself around the blue shi had claimed.

"Here we are. You've got me all to yourself now. What do you plan to do with me?" Shi asked.

Smokey shifted under hir and leaned up to press his nose to hirs in an attempt at a kiss. He purred deep in his throat and slipped his wings around the lady.

"Well, I'm gonna be carrying Aron's whelps and yours. Don't you think it's only fair that you carry his and mine?" He grinned.

Shayna cackled and pressed in against the blue firmly. Before Smokey could react, he felt hir force him to mount. Clearly shi'd been wanting him to do that since the start of his and Aron's little show.

Aron meanwhile huffed and groaned, paws on his enormous belly. It writhed in his grasp and he shuddered, relishing the sensation so much he wished he'd found those two sooner. Carefully, he stood on all fours, belly now swaying gently under him. His length drooled heavily as he began to walk. Even his petals oozed softly, adding to the scent of sex in the air.

As he turned to go for a little stroll, wanting to relish the sensation as Smokey had, he was suddenly stopped by the black and white dragoness that had been accompanying Shayna. Shi looked over the green curiously, watching his belly writhe as the sounds of two dragons in the throes of lovemaking could be made out, though muffled.

"I trust my sister is well cared for in there?" Ivory asked.

Aron blushed and smiled sheepishly.

"Y-yeah. Shi's safe and sound. And it feels like shi and Smokey are having a good time." He said.

"Good. I would hope so. Shi's had hir eye on him for quite some time. It's just a shame he wasn't more assertive. He might have had an interesting time with the two of us. Though it looked as though he was quite pleased with the outcome here." Ivory said.

Aron nodded with a bright smile, his tail swishing softly behind him.

"I'd say so! And I can't complain myself." He lifted a paw to pat at the huge gut hanging under him. It wasn't enough to reach the ground, but it was certainly bulging his sides, forcing his hindquarters to take a wider stance than usual.

Ivory nodded and moved to stand alongside the big green, leaning against him to feel the movement in his middle against hir.

"I should let you know. My sister and I rarely do anything apart. We tend to share in one another's exploits." The orca-colored lady said.

Aron tilted his head, wondering what shi meant by this. Slowly, it began to dawn on him, but he wasn't entirely sure that was the right interpretation.

"You... you want to-"

"Join them," Ivory said, "But not before I get my turn as my sister and the blue one did."

Aron's face turned slightly pale. Was he really ready for a third passenger? A third mate? This was getting a little out of hand! A groan bubbled up from his belly as the two inside made sure Shayna would be similarly laden to the blue. Aron shuddered as he felt the tickle of a climax rise up in his haunches.

"Did you want to right now? Or... can I maybe catch my breath first?" He asked.

Ivory leaned up to lick softly at the big green drake's muzzle.

"Breath is for the weak." Shi said, a dark huskiness to hir voice.

Aron shivered at the lick and huffed again. Ridiculous was starting to sound pretty wonderful.