The great wolves VI

Story by Benshee on SoFurry

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#6 of The Kiroth Wars (old)

_This chapter is admittedly abit weird, but you should find it quite an interesting source of possibilities for the future :)

Also I noticed that chapter IV was the most popular one so far so I'll give the readers what they want - sensual non-anthro yiff, this time of a whole different kind though._

The Kiroth Wars - The great wolves VI

The next days were gray and rainy. Inside their fairly comfortable prison the little pack of man and wolves were in low spirits. They were all huddled together in the center of the room, keeping each other warm and dozing. Normally they would have enjoyed this, but there was an uncommon heaviness upon them. Quite soon it would be half a year that they last saw unfiltered sunlight, that they breathed the free outside air. Spring was coming quickly and all of nature was awakening while they were locked up and barred from the world.

At noon it had actually become too warm for so many bodies in one spot and they slowly got up, one after the other, to stretch and take care of their sanitary needs. Kor found himself alone in the middle of the room, but he didn't mind to have a little bit of privacy for once. He felt only half-awake as he idly looked around. Luscia was laying on the floor about 4 feet away from him, her eyes focused on something far beyond the walls, maybe even beyond this world. Tamara and Delia were pawing each other, but it was obvious that they weren't quite in the mood to do it well. Tani was lazily cleaning herself and Nika was using a loose board to fight an itch. Tessa was fast asleep in a corner. Kor's eyes rested on her form for some reason and he kept them there until he drifted to sleep again.

Daylight was streaming through the gaps in the walls in eerie yellow rays. Kendra had her muzzle in the biggest of the holes, staring into that strange new world outside. In her mind she could see more then the barracks and tents, the dirt and the dead trees that sourrounded them. She could smell the scents of all the denizens of the woods, she could hear their voices and sometimes she could answer too. She was what is called a dreamer - a true dreamer that would not live in illusions, but rather with the powerful skill to perceive and shape the world around her.

She closed her wolven eyes and opened the eyes of her spirit. The other dreamers were not far, she knew. If only she had the strength to reach them, but she was young and for many moons she had been unable to renew her bond with nature. She could feel the world breathe and heard its powerful heartbeat. Dreamers knew that they were to the world what a single cell must be to a body. Depending on their actions they could strengthen the body or weaken it and they could change it. But just like a single cell they could be part of the body or the seed of a cancer and the universe had quite a healthy immune system that tended to eradicate those that meddled too much.

She wished so much to have the wisdom of the others with her. A single thought could free herself and her pack, destroy the whole Kiroth race and grant them all a long and happy life - but it would not last. It was not like she hadn't tried. She carried memories of what must have been hundreds of alternate futures that she had created, but failed to keep alive. In her last attempt the construct had almost been stable and lasted for several years, before collapsing at a time when she had been almost sure it would hold forever.

In her first creations she had used her ability to make herself alpha of the pack, but these were the most unstable realities. She came to understand that in a world of dreams the dreamer must not be the one to rule, but the one to serve. Nobody to carry powers of such an extent was allowed by fate to decide on their use too. Her vision blurred as days and nights became moments. She could see the future that was forming without her interference, a future of brief joy and then of lasting agony and degradation. Tears were welling up in her eyes. If only she had the power to reach the others.

Tessa had awoken in her corner and stretched abit. She felt alot better after her nap. The last days had been strange to her - she thought that she felt stronger now. Luscia seemed to keep an eye on her eversince her lovemaking with Kor, but there was no threat in her glances. Rather seemed the alpha interested in her, there was a kind of caring quality in the way she observed her. She had not eaten much recently and didn't feel like it either. Still, that wasn't uncommon for a female in her early pregnancy. Being of a rather low rank the pack had almost overlooked that she had come into heat, but Kor must have known in some instinctive way when he mated her. She would be the first to bear children to him.

Kendra closed her eyes and opened them. She turned her head and watched Kor in his sleep. Maybe he could give her what she needed, but she would not be able to use her powers to make him do it. The concept of persuasion and seduction without coercion was still pretty new to her, but she would try and be a good learner. She softly padded over to him and stopped herself short of willing him awake. It was so hard to control the instinct. She leaned over him and gently licked his face until his eyes opened and he looked at her with sleepy curiosity. She kept licking, running her smooth tongue over his lips now, inviting him to a kiss and he quite willingly opened his mouth to her, kissing her back.

Kor was unsure whether he was awake or still asleep. The she-wolf that was kissing him definitely was Kendra, but she seemed to shine in her own light and the tips of her fur moved like each hair had an intelligent mind of its own. He slowly rose from the floor and wrapped his arms around her neck, still exchanging deep kisses with the female. Her fur felt absolutely wonderful to the touch and he immediately got very aroused. Her eyes seemed to radiate even more of the strange light and there was a burning fire in them that at the same time seemed cold as ice - her pupils like blazing glaciers. He could feel the request, the need. This female expected him to mate her and he just knew that it had to be done by some strange inner voice. The voice definitely wasn't quite himself, but neither was it the female. It felt like a part of himself was talking to him that had been there all the time, but dormant, waiting for this moment since the beginning of eternity. Unable and unwilling to further probe his confusing subconscious he went to execute his task.

He broke the kiss and gently began to roam over the fur of her side and back. Kendra just stood still and let him touch her as he pleased. The smooth quality of her fur fascinated him greatly and he trembled as it brushed against his chest and arms. He dug his fingers deeply into it, feeling almost like it would move to caress his digits, reaching out for him, luring him closer. In captivated concentration he slowly moved over her side and towards her back where her tail was already shifting seductively. Behind her he felt her tail caressing his chest and tummy, the fur of her inner thighs flowing over his penis and stroking his scrotum as he inched closer.

There was a mesmerizing intensity of sensations on his hardened flesh as the head found her inviting lips on the first try. She did not feel wet, but rather like the smoothest and hottest silk and he could not remember thrusting when he already began to feel her warmth engulf him. Her folds took him in deeply, absorbing him. The fur on her back and sides seemed charged with electricity and warm currents of power discharged through him from her gently pulsing folds as well. Soon he was hilted inside her and the couple adjusted to the overwhelming feeling of their beginning union.

With his first thrust, she opened her maw and a soundless whine echoed through the room. He thrust again and the world around him began to blur. Finding a steady rhythm he rode his lover with powerful and blissful strokes. Her eyes were now glowing in a bright blue far beyond white and the room had long disappeared and been replaced by nothing but bright light that engulfed them like a thick liquid in which they were gliding along. The pulsing joy of his great lunges into her supercharged body brought her to plains that she had never before even known of.

By now the sounds of her rapture were filling the whole universe of liquid light around them. It felt so incredibly good, she thought, but she could not let herself cum just now. First she had to do what she came here for. Kor was beyond himself in joy - heat and cold, pressure and suction all merging into one distinct sensation. He had speeded up his ride considerably and each thrust sent him impacting against the hips of the she-wolf with the force of a charging bull, making her tremble and falter each time.

Kendra focused her mind and reached out. Her little world changed shape for the briefest of moments and it was done. Unable to withstand his force any longer she collapsed under him and felt him tumble over her, still charging into her with strong pushes. She howled and panted while he plunged her into the depths of of his building orgasm, driving her towards her own inevitable peak. Kor was now crying out in need for release, his hands securely around his canine lover's trembling hips as he pistoned in and out in reckless abandon. The female felt her body burning with lust and energy. She was reduced to shaking and whining breathlessly under him, waiting for the breaking point.

Finally both lovers could take no more. Kor pushed one more time and hard enough for her to drift forward. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and burried his face in her neck fur. With a loud inhuman howl he came powerfully into her wonderful body, making her claw about and howl with him as her sex clamped down on his manhood and squeezed him to yet another peak. Reality itself seemed to tremble as their bodies and minds merged for a split second, before the world returned to normal. The were back in the stables and on the ground, panting wildly. None of the others seemed to have noticed that anything at all had happened and they were all fast asleep. Quite exhausted Kor slipped from his lovers back to the ground and sleep claimed him.

Kor stirred slowly and looked up to Kendra who was sitting with her muzzle close to the cleft in the wall, the sunshine bathing her in soft light. There was no other glow on her, no moving fur, just a rather plain gray wolf. He blinked and shook his head. It must have been a really good dream then, he thought. At that the female turned her head towards him, her eyes looking directly into his own. A knowing smile formed on her face. He just kept staring at her as she turned her face towards the light again. She was content with the way reality was developing. And she would be a subordinate to the pack. A subordinate with the powers of a goddess, but still a subordinate. Her eyes lit up as she let her spirit rise towards the evening sky.

_Making Kendra a powerful being is a rather young idea of mine - I hope you like it. She won't directly interfere with alot of events, but will have her paw in it somewhat always without the knowledge of the others.

Im still totally oblivious as to what the next chapter will contain (even though I do have a general plotline planned). Maybe you, the readers, would like to submit wishes and I could pick one? :)_