My magic friend

Story by mutatedbunnyboy on SoFurry

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First story, Hello furries, scalies and other anthro's, I am the Mutated Bunny Boy this is my first story and if it's good hopefully not my last, please comment as it would mean a lot to me, tips would be appreciated. The main character is based on me all other characters are made up, please don't read if u get offended easily cheers. This is a work of fiction and I do not agree with situations like this in real life.

Alex woke to find himself staring yet again at the peeling wallpaper on his ceiling crudely covered by posters of various rock bands.

"I need to get the hell out of here" Alex was a hybrid, a cross between a rabbit and tiger, an unlikely affair between his mother and her boss had led to his creation and ultimately alienation. Like all walks of life society was decided by the whole food-chain thing and because he didn't belong to either end he had been shunted back and forth all his life. He had tried to live with others like himself but always found it to be too disturbing as the outcasts often used black magic to get back at society.

Alex of course been interested to learn these arts if not to use for revenge then to simply make his life easier and as casting spells on himself and the people around him was more effective then explaining his life he used them quite often.

A distant sound of a train could be head and he suddenly sat bolt upright "Uh oh!" and soon sure enough footsteps could be heard outside and before he could scramble to his feet the door to the room flew open and in ran the littlest wolf cub he had ever known. His name was TJ and he was the son of the owner of the Motel Alex was currently staying in.

"ALEX!" He screamed and pounced on the mattress as it groaned under the extra weight, bouncing up and down laughing. "Have you been in bed all day?"

Alex who had been drinking and practicing spells all night thought he deserved a day in, especially as he had just managed to pay off another weeks rent.

"Sure have and its ace. How was school?"

"Boring as ever, my stupid teacher doesn't believe iv got a friend who can do magic!" Alex looked suddenly alarmed, magic wasn't commonly known among most anthro's as it was a banned art punishable by a series of tortures that leave someone wishing they where dead. "Show me something then" by this time he had stopped bouncing and was looking down at Alex expectantly.

"What? No I can't do that, and keep your voice down"

"Pleeeeeease" TJ whined sitting down. "I won't tell nobody" he got off the mattress and grabbed the quilt "Come on get up and show me something"

Alex who was still under the effects of a euphoric spell he'd managed to pull off last night wasn't in any mood to do more magic not because he couldn't, simply because he was now feeling another wave of the spell and he didn't want to get out of bed.

"Come on" TJ yanked the cover off, Alex had forgotten he was naked under the cover and before he could realise it TJ was staring towards his groin in amazement.

"Hey how come yours looks different to mine?" Alex who was still in a mid-high didn't quite understand

"What?" Alex said in a slight daze.

"Your pee-pee, it's not like mine" he said pulling down his pants "Look"

There where only slight differences Alex's was obviously much bigger and his testicles had dropped, and there were slight differences in shape but that was all.

"I wonder if daddy's is like that?" He started to turn towards the door, 'Shit' Alex thought, he was already on thin ice with the owner , having him find out his son had seen him naked would get him beaten unconscious and most probably thrown out.

"Wait, wait! I'll show you some magic. Lock the door so no one comes in." TJ ran over to the door still with out any pants on, bolted it and ran back.

"So what u gonna show me?" Alex who had been wondering this himself was getting some bad ideas from all the nudity, he could do an ecstasy spell and since TJ was only young the effect should wipe his memory after the spell had worn off. Fuck it, why not?

Now the thing about all magic is that every spell requires a certain sacrifice, the stronger the spell the larger the sacrifice. Last night Alex had to give up the memory of someone for the euphoric spell and it was worth it especially as he had no idea as to who he'd forgotten.

So he was going to use an ecstasy spell, this would require a part of his spirit as it was wrote in old textbooks or his cum as it was known today. And what I perfect place to start.

"Ok, if you want me to show u a spell you have to do everything I say, when I say it."

TJ just nodded

"Ok start by getting out the chalk in my coat pocket, then drawing two circles, one inside the other."

TJ followed the instructions immediately "now what?"

Alex got up and knelt down just outside the circle's, his hand rose and fell, and candles appeared lit up all around the circle. Once again his hand rose and this time the curtains drew across plunging them into a dim candlelight.

"Right, for this spell to work I need your help" Alex almost whispered these words looking down towards his penis.

TJ started to back off a bit, not too sure what he was being asked to do.

"Come here TJ, you must do as I say otherwise this spell will not work."

TJ slowly started to walk back towards Alex and sat down next to him "What do I have to do?"

"First all you have to do is grab it, not to hard" indicating towards his penis, TJ complied. "Now start moving your paw up and down, slowly" TJ's paw started moving in a fairly paced rhythm. "Good, that's really good" his member started to grow quickly 7, then 8, now 9 finally stopping at 10 inches

"Wow, it's so big" TJ couldn't help but be impressed.

"Lick it" Alex half moaned

TJ edged closer towards the member and slowly extended his tongue licking to very tip sending shivers all along Alex's body "Yuck! That tastes horrible"

"Keep going" now dragging the little wolf closer, TJ continued licking but only at the tip. Alex pushed his head down so that half of his cock went in to the pup's mouth causing him to gag. Alex was now moving TJ's head up and down forcefully moaning away. He started chanting an ancient language and the chalk glowed red. Faster and faster he now started thrusting his hips up and down into the pup's mouth.

"Oh, oh god....... move!" he pulled TJ of as he came his cum flying into the air before landing in the centre circle. "Now stand in the middle"

TJ moved into the middle and rose into the air.

"What's happening, im scared" TJ started to feel warm his head grew numb and he felt an immense pressure in his penis. As he drifted back down his eyes had glazed over and he started giggling to himself "I feel funny"

"Come here" Alex said calmly, TJ walked over "Now sit down" he began to sit "No, not on the floor, on me". Without much idea of what he was doing he lowered himself down, Alex positioned his cock at the tip of his rectum "keep going". TJ continued to lower himself feeling the pressure

"It hurts" TJ said sounding as if he could not imagine anything more blissful, continuing to lower himself, he then took a deep breath and forced himself down, the 10 inch cock was swallowed by the tight arse, "yes, yes that's so good!" he started bouncing up and down slowly increasing the pace, his little penis started growing causing him to moan louder.

Alex started thrusting his hips pulling the young wolf down trying to get more of his cock in causing TJ to whimper in joy, he reached round and started rubbing the young cock pumping it hard and fast, finally pulling TJ down hard filling him with his cum, TJ fired his up, landing with a plop. Alex's cock shrunk back to normal size. TJ got off alex and bent over to lick it up, Alex looked down at the sexy pup watching his ass move from side to side, Alex's cock started to rise again.......

Walking over to the pup he bent down and started licking his butt-hole the cum oozing down into his waiting jaw. TJ started to moan again wiggling his ass trying to get the hybrids tongue further in. The thrust his tongue in licking the inside of the pups bowls.

Then another perverse idea came to alex taking his tongue out he started muttering ,reaching between the pups legs he started rubbing the little prick fondling his un-developed balls , and instead of his dick growing , it began retracting back into his belly ,his balls shrunk and he gave a great moan as a slit appeared where his dick once was.

"Now im going to break you little one" he grabbed the newly transformed female pup by the hips, holding his cock with one hand he began rubbing it up and the outer lips of pups moistening cunt, her juices starting to flow lubricating the cock causing it to glisten in the candlelight "This will hurt at first"

"Good I want it to hurt, make me bleed , rip me in two!" came cries from the pup.

That was enough for the rabbit as he thrust hard and fast ripping the puppy open his insides stretching wide, blood dripping down his cock he thrust harder once again muttering to himself.

"Oh , its... its growing ......growing inside me" cried out the wolf and the hybrids cock was indeed growing stretching the pup ,still thrusting and growing the pups body reached its limit , alex kept thrusting feeling his orgasm rising and as it peaked he held the young pups legs together coming hard filling the puppy up , her belly expanding, cum flowing through her organs and up her neck into her mouth causing her to drool thick, white, hot cum. Alex pulled out then muttered the spell to change the pup back leaving the cum expanded belly with nowhere to go. TJ collapsed forward onto the floor unconscious a pool of cum slowly flowing from his mouth.

Alex stood raising his hand one last time packing all of his stuff instantly ,then left the motel leaving the cum soaked pup to be found by his father.

Hopefully to be continued if people like it

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Thank you for reading love MBB