Tamara and the Wolf

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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A commission by Conn. He liked it.

If you want to commission me, just PM me! I am always open for them!

Warning: This story contains some nasty horror movie things, including death by soft vore. Who cannot stand that should scamper away now!

Above the limitless sky, underneath a land that stretches from horizon to horizon. Some think of it as a symbol of greatest freedom, others just know it gives you a boredom that makes your brain turn into a sticky muckus that flows out of your ears to escape.

The sun was setting in the west as a lonely car on a dusty street sped towards it, leaving some marks and a cloud. And in that vehicle, four brains were very close to that state.

Tamara had a grip into the steering wheel as if it was the only thing keeping her brain inside her head, where it belonged. She stared onto the street that did not change within twenty minutes now. She could just close her eyes and go on, it's the same anyway. A bit of rest would be all right, yes...

"Ey, Tamara!"

The car swerved right, a bit off the street, then back to a straight track. "I'm awake!" Tamara yelled.

"You bitch! You want to get us killed?" Lisa hissed from behind the driver's seat.

Pam put her hand on Tamara's shoulder. "You should let me drive."

"I'm fine," Tamara assured. "Just a bit knackered." She fixed her eyes to the road.

"We should take a break," Pam said calmly. She unfolded the map in a complicated manner. "There should be a small town ahead."

"You said that twenty fucking miles ago," Lisa said. "Why don't you just admit we're lost, Miss Navigator."

"If you want to have it that way," Pam growled. "But we're not lost. I know exactly were we are."

"The desert," Tamara said, half in a dream land. She blinked and adjusted her glasses. "The empty desert somewhere in the USA."

"Yes, British girl. We are lost in the USA." Lisa stared out of the window. Her anger was too big for just two victims, so she poked the girl next to her. "And you don't care, do you?"

Cat pulled a plug out of her ear. "Well, we've enough food to last days, there's enough booze to last weeks and if you could just swallow your pride," she added, wryly, and held up her music device. "You could just call someone. To help you." She felt like that was more than enough for this conversation, so she re-plugged her ear and dissolved into the sound of European experimental sounds.

"So where is that town supposed to be?" Lisa continued, now even more enraged as Cat refused to take her side or the others' side. "Can't you read a map?"

"At least my idea of navigation is not 'let's get to Nevada, it's easy from there'."

"Well, it's not as if Las Vegas can be missed, right? But hey, we made it anyway. Turns out Vegan is bad for your head."

"So my ass is not a big as a house, so sue me," Pam hissed and stared so hard at a bush it almost caught fire.

"Why, you little skinny b-"

A loud sound interrupted her. The horn made a shrill noise, having all three girls cover their ears. "Shut up!" Tamara yelled. "All of you, just shut up!"

"But she..."

"I. Do. Not. Care!" She put her food on the brakes. The wheels stopped turning right away, but the dusty road made the car slip forward. Tamara lost control of the steering, the vehicle went off the road and into the only tree for ten miles.

Silence followed. Three pairs of eyes were fixed on Tamara who gripped the steering wheel, panting in anger and fright. The young woman unfastened her seat belt, opened the door and stepped in the cool desert evening. The other girls did so as well.

"My brother will strangle me!" Lisa squealed. "Right after he shot me, I swear!"

"There's not much damage," Cat said relaxed, chewing her gum.

"Not much?" Lisa screamed. "It's steaming! Don't tell me it should be steaming!"

Cat took her phone and pressed some buttons. Then she lifted it to her ear. Every stared at her as she nodded slowly. "Yep, no connection."

The others moaned.

"I told you! It's the middle of nowhere."

"Nope," Cat replied. "The middle of nowhere is way more popular than this place. I ain't seen any other car for hours, have you?"

Tamara made some steps to the road and looked into the direction they came from. "I don't think we're going anywhere tonight."

Lisa stepped up to the red headed woman and slapped her. "You fucking bitch, you drove us into the center of Lonely Ass County, refused to take a simple break and then wrecked my brother's car!"

Tamara rubbed her cheek and looked as Lisa as if she saw the other woman for the very first time.

"It's all your fault! It was your idea, too! Let's have a trip to Vegas, she said. I hate you, Britgirl!" She started crying, of anger and desperation. Pam put her hand onto her shoulder, but she brushed it away. She stomped off to sit in the steaming car.

"What do we do now?" Pam asked.

"Well, she is right. It's all my fault. From start to the end."

"Are you all right? You're shaking."

"I just drove a car against a tree. What do you think?"

"Jeez, okay, okay..."

Tamara sighed. "Are you sure about that town?"

"Eeeh... almost..." Pam tried to smile. "I mean, all roads must end somewhere, right?"

Tamara nodded. "I guess. Maybe someone drives by." She yawned. "Better stay here to make sure they stop."

"No, no, you should take a nap. I'll stay here."

"It's all my fault, I should..."

"Listen to me, Tamara. It happened. Nothing we can do about it now, right? The best we can do is to find a solution, not a culprit."

Tamara smiled. "Yes, yes. Thanks, Pam, you're a real friend. Unlike Lisa..."

"She's just got a short temper." Pam sighed. "She'll be all right as soon as she cooled off."

"I hope so," Tamara said and went over to the car. It had stopped steaming, but the front continued looking crunched. She had not been very fast as it happened, but she did not want to take the risk of starting the engine. Too often she had seen those things explode in the movies.

She sat down in the right front seat and sighed. "Where's Cat?" she asked.

"Dunno. Went off to... stare at rock, whatever, as if I cared what that weird girl does in her spare time."

"Fair 'nuff," Tamara mumbled. She took her glasses off and closed her eyes. Soon she dozed off into a sound sleep.

Cat stumbled over a stone. It could be really dark out here, so far off the civilisation. She had her phone in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other, using the light of the device to illuminate the ground. Still no connection to anywhere. It felt as if she was missing an arm or something.

She climbed up a rock and sat down on it. There she took off her boots. But admittedly, it was quite cold for her outfit. Texas Slut had seemed to be all right for Vegas, where she had expected warmth and boys, but out here it failed to have any positive effects.

Cat opened the bottle. "Happy birthday, Daphne," she mumbled. She opened the bottle and took a huge sip. "Meh," she said. "Overrated." Then she took the next sip and stared out into the open desert, listening to Radiohead.

She closed her eyes and thought why none of the girls she was out with knew her birthday. Or even her real name. Then she wondered why she was with them on a trip to Las Vegas when all she wanted to do was sit home and work with her computer. Or whatever. Then she giggled.

Then Cat giggled again. And then she stopped, eyes wide. Something was tickling her feet. One of these lethal desert creatures? She shivered at the thought a scorpion might be crawling up her bare legs. She screamed and pulled her legs up the rock. Beer spilled over her chest and the plugs fell out of her ears.

In the darkness, she heard a sniffing noise. It sounded like something big. A coyote, maybe? Were those harmless? Like in reflex, she wanted to google it, but the phone slipped out of her hands to the ground.

And there it jumped up on her. A big, furry animal lay on her. Cat found herself between rock and smelly breathe. It was too dark to make out any details. A snout sniffed her cheek, her neck and then her chest. Suddenly it dug itself underneath her very short and very tight blouse, making it pop open. A tongue lapped over her chest.

"Whoa, whoa, fella," Cat panted. "That's not nice." Slowly she tried to crawl backwards. "You could at least treat me a meal before." She held the bottle of beer up. "You want that? There!" Then she threw it away.

She had hoped it would distract the animal at least. But instead it licked all over her, covering her in saliva. The thing was huge. Quickly she went through the animals of the American desert but she could not remember any that were huge, had a taste for human girls and... had hands that open hot pants and bras!

Cat shrieked in sheer panic and tried to back away. Now naked, she tried to jump off the rock, but rather fell down and sprained an ankle. Shivering she lay on the rocky ground. The animal came closer. Her heart pounding, Cat clenched her eyes.

The next and last experience of her live was being swallowed whole by a huge canine being, then being digested slowly and painfully.

"Hey... hey, Tamara."

Tamara woke up from being shaken and groaned. Her head and her back hurt. Sleeping in a car's seat was really uncomfortable. She yawned. "What is it, Pam?"

"Cat's gone."

"She's just taken a leak," Tamara mumbled.

"For three hours?"

Tamara was wide awake. Cat missing? Another huge problem that would be her fault. She had convinced Cat to come along, for one because it was cheaper to share gas and hotel for four and because, admittedly, she felt sad for the little outcast girl. Her being smart and skinny never got her many real friends.

"We should go looking for her," Tamara said and got out of the car. "Whoa, it's cold."

"That's why I'm worried," Pam replied. "Remember what she wore? She would have come back for her jacket at least."

Tamara put her glasses on and took her own coat from the boot. It had sounded ridiculous to bring it, but sometimes mothers could be right. It just happens rarely. Then they woke up Lisa, who had of course not cooled off yet.

"Where did Cat go?" Pam asked her. "Do you know?"

"Geez... she took a beer and went... about in that direction. What do I care?"

"She's gone for three hours now."

"Good," Lisa snarled. "Couldn't stand that snotty slut."

"Oh fuck you!" Pam yelled out and left the accident site for the direction Lisa had pointed. Tamara followed closely.

"Remind me why I called her a friend," Pam said. "Really, she used to be such a decent girl and we were best friends forever and all that, but since she has that boyfriend she's gotten a pain in the ass."

"It's a stressful situation," Tamara answered. "You got a torch or something?"

"A what?"

"A light."



They went into the night until a step of Pam was followed by the nose of glass softly hitting stone. She bend and lifted a bottle. "Cat's booze. It's empty."

"Almost all spilled. Maybe she didn't like like it." Tamara went a bit further. "You won't believe it."


"Her knickers. Her bra. Boots..."

Pam went up to the rock. It smelled strongly like spilled beer. "Oh god..."

Both girls laughed out loud. "Oh goodness," Tamara said. "She's had her first beer and got so wasted she's running about without clothes."

"Better find her before she freezes to death," Pam mumbled and picked up the clothes. "Ew, that one is all slimey."

"She could be anywhere. Lisa must help us with that."

"What a night," Pam laughed. "I bet you, nobody will believe any of this when we're home."

"I was hoping to be drunken in some Vegas pub by now," Tamara said. "Why is the bra so wet? I mean... what the heck?"

The girls returned to the car. It was not difficult to find back, as the car was the only thing that was illuminated and on the ground. Other than that, there was just a gibbous moon and a lot of stars. Tamara would have enjoyed the stars more if was not feeling so incredibly guilty.

"Lisa! Get out!"

"Shh!" A hand appeared from behind the car and waved them closer. "Take cover."

Pam laughed. "Lisa, you finally lost your mind. Can't say I ain't expect-"

"Shh," Lisa hissed. "Duck. There's something out there!"

"What?" Tamara whispered.

"Some hillbilly pervert," Lisa answered. "Groped me in sleep but ran off."

"You gotta be kidding me."

"No, it's true," Lisa assured. "Pulled the blanket off, groped my breasts and tried to take my top off."

The others saw the seriousness in the girl's face. She was not kidding.

"And he's still around?"

"I saw him move just before you arrived."

They sat down and leaned against the car. Pam armed herself with a heavy rock and Lisa had a stick in her hands.

Tamara gasped. "They have Cat!"


"We found her clothes. They must have... oh god..." Tamara's voice trailed off.

"Now let's not lose our heads here," Pam said in her calm manner. "Could just be some curious kid, you know. Not having many hot girls around. And maybe Cat just met some handsome... Lisa, stop drooling on my shoulder!"

As she saw where the others stared, she looked up. She wanted to scream, but not even the sound dared to leave her throat. All three girls were stunned by the face of a giant wolf. It grinned and drooled greedily.

The girls set off, but a huge paw shot forwards and grabbed Lisa. She tried to get free and screamed all the air out of her lungs. The other girls ran but then stopped. they watched the wolf drag Lisa up to the roof of her brother's car.

"Help me!" she screamed so loud her voice turned out scratchy and weak. "Oh God help me!"

Frozen in panic and fear, Pan and Tamara watched the wolf rip off all of Lisa's clothes. Then there was a loud cracking noise that made the girls twitch. The wolf had broken both of Lisa's arms to keep her from fighting it. She sounded like drowning in her own snot and tears.

And then the worst part came. The wolf swallowed Lisa whole and alive. Head first, then shoulders, body... The wolf pressed against her crotch to force her down his maw. Lisa's legs kicked and struggled, but it was too late already. A second later, Lisa's entire body had disappeared in the black wolf.

Pam grabbed Tamara's Arm and dragged. "Run, you moron! As long as he's busy!"

It was not easy to pull herself from that scene. As the wolf was done with Lisa, he looked right into Tamara's eyes. He licked his lips and a ice cold shiver went down her back. Then finally she made it to run with Pam into the open night.

Panting the girls were forced to stop. They had run until they had no strength left. Tamara broke down on the ground and Pam suddenly turned around and threw up.

"Lisa..." Tamara whispered. "What... what was that..."

After Pam was done, she sat down, back to back with Tamara. "She... she never deserved that..."

"It swallowed her alive! She was still kicking from the inside! I heard her crying!"


"Oh god oh god oh god," Tamara whispered. The hugged her legs and put her chin on her knees. "Oh god, oh god..."

"Calm down. We gotta get help," Pam said, trembling in fear. "We must get help."

"Oh god, oh god, oh god..."

"For fuck's sake, calm down!" Pam grabbed her friend's shoulder and looked into her eyes. "Nothing we can do, we must survive! Just like in the movies."

Tamara actually calmed down. She blinked several times. Then she breathed in. "I know that movie. Only one girl survived."

"Yes, the most sexy one. But I will protect you," Pam grinned.

"You're crying."


"I'm sorry."

"We must get on. There's a town. I know it."

Hand in hand the girls stood up and followed the road.

"I don't think it makes sense to look for Cat any more," Tamara said quietly. "Do you think that thing is full with two girls and will let us go?"

"Don't talk like that, please." Pam wiped a tear off her cheek.

"The last time I saw something like that I was jobbing at Burger King."

"I said shut up."

"I can't, Pam. When I shut up I'll flop down and won't stop crying."

"Then go on."

"Thanks," Tamara said. "They really never deserved that."

"No. Lisa was a bitch but being... eaten like that... And Cat really never hurt anyone!"

Tamara breathed in and out. Then she gasped. "I think I saw a shadow!"



"That's a tree."

"And that?" Tamara pointed somewhere beside the road.

"That looks like a... a house!"

"More like a shack."

But Pam was already running up to it. "Who cares! Maybe there's someone who can help us."

"I doubt that..."

"Come on," Pam said. "At least it's shelter, right?"

The building was but a hut. Broken windows and the lack of a lock told them that this place was deserted. Glass cracked under their shoes. The roof was not solid, but there was enough of it to provide a certain amount of security.

The girl sat down, resting against a wall.

"I'm so exhausted," Pam sighed. "What a night..."

"Maybe it's all a dream," Tamara whispered. "Do you think we're safe?"

"Perhaps that thing is full. Two girls should be enough, especially if they are of Lisa's size..."

Tamara looked up to the roof. "You should sleep. I will take the watch."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. You're tired. And I'm paranoid enough of both of us."

"Thanks," Pam whispered. And just seconds later, she had dozed off.

Tamara stared at the door. Actually, this was quite stupid. In open field, they had so many ways to run to if that monster appears. But here, there was just one exit. And it was the entrance at the same time. Surely easier to watch, but also fatal, should the beast break in.

Her eyes felt heavy. She was exhausted. Also, the guilt was overcoming her. Lisa was dead. Cat was dead. And it was just her fault. She had started that stupid trip idea but then was just too cheap for a flight. Oh, and of course that entire let's-crash-into-a-tree thing.

But of course they had to get lost in the only part of the desert where a monster lives that would turn her live into a cheap horror b-movie. Panting she stared at the door. There was no noise and no stir. Pam was right in many ways. The monster can't possibly still be hungry. And Lisa was sure fat.

Surely there would be no harm in closing her eyes for just a minute...

A sharp pain in her ankle woke her up. There was light. It was morning. She survived the night. But she fell asleep. Quickly she turned her head. Her eyes went wide as she found Pam missing.

Her eyes followed a trail of clothes, up to where a table was placed. On it, the wolf monster sat. Tamara started to cry as she saw two feet disappear in its maw. "Pam," she whispered. "I'm so sorry..."

She tried to get up. But the pain grew with the movements. The monster looked at her. It was now fat and slow, but that did not matter. Tamara had a bear trap around her foot. She would not going anywhere. She was going to die just like the others.

The tears streamed down her face. She sobbed loudly as the thing came closer. "Please," she started. "Please, please, please don't eat me. Please let me go."

Snout and face were very close together. The Wolf looked as if he was pleased by the girls desperation. He grinned.

"Please, I'll do anything, just let me go. I've got my parents at home and my little brother waiting for me... please just let me go... I'll do anything you want..."

The wolf put his paw onto her crotch and licked her face.

"Yes, I understand... do what you want but please let me go..." She slowly started to undress, the coat, the top, the bra. The wolf looked even more pleased. With hesitation, she opened her pants and pulled them down with her knickers.

"Do what you want," she sobbed. Then she closed her eyes and turned her face away.

What followed was pain. The wolf's penis was huge and her vagina dry and unprepared. She put her hands before her mouth to keep herself from screaming. It hurt. There was blood. As he thrust into her, she felt the sheer strength of that monster. And it felt like tearing her apart.

As he was done, he left the hut. Semen and blood streamed out of her. The trap held her tight, so she was just left to cry and sob.

The wolf raped her again three timed during the day. It hurt even more every time he came into her. In the evening, after the last rape, he finally opened the bear trap. Shaking Tamara stood up, blood dripping from her crotch.

"C-Can I go?" she said in a faint voice. "G-go home?"

But the wolf shook his head. Tamara's heart sank. She had no strength left to fight. "M-make it quick at least."

That wish he fulfilled. Without any hesitation, he opened his muzzle and shoved the girl inside. Tamara did not fight back. All the semen and saliva made her slip down his throat. A moment later she found herself in a moist darkness.

And then an acid started to dissolve her skin, leading her into an end full of pain.