Reminiscence ~ A Good Person

Story by BridgeToPeace on SoFurry

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This is a reminiscence chapter. I'll be doing more of these to supply and mend gaps in the story. To talk more about the characters using flashbacks and to give characters more development and quirks. These are vital to the story as they give insight and background to everyone. I'm trying a new form of writing for these ones. I'd like to explore the first-person style of writing for this since it's easier but not every Reminiscence chapter will be like this.

I'm also planning on fleshing out Jason and Raiki's character development so this is hitting two birds with one stone.


"You're a bit tired, aren't you?" a tall male walked across the dank and dark room with a candle. "The 30th Ward doesn't usually have electricity coverage so I'm afraid you'll have to make use of the candle."

"I'll be fine." Jason replied to Takizawa, he seemed quite sick after the long trek towards the second camp site. As his supervisor left, Jason's arm reacted in a way as if an electric pulse had shocked him. What was that?, he thought. And it instantly took him back to that time..

-- TOKUGAWA UNIVERSITY ~ Second Day of Classes

What an insipid little jerk he was. Jet black hair, amber lit eyes clad with an extremely obnoxious jacket. As I looked at my bandaged arm, I could only feel the sensations of pain that he gave me. Who does that anyway? I'm only glad that my military background allowed me to even survive bolts of electricity like that. Any other person would've died! That incident with him yesterday definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.

"Mr. Alexander, there is a seat next to Kizu-san. Please have a seat." the gentleman-looking male from across the room called out to me. That was Mekiyasashi Kashikoi, our school's director and dean. A sophisticated man, polite and courteous and your typical white knight looking person. I'm really glad I could study here. Tokugawa University is currently considered one of the most advanced colleges in the world right now.. and I'm getting education here for free! ..I finally can fulfill my dreams of getting an education and a steady, normal and mundane life. It's all thanks to my uncle. But..

That little jerk was writing something in his stupid little notebook. He gave me a sneer and I gave a glare back. Little jerk. I've been here 30 minutes and I've already met someone I have a distaste for. Not wasting anymore time, I sat next to him and tried to listen to Director Kashikoi's orientation. Looking at the class it seemed everyone was attentive and ready to listen. So this is what a normal day in school feels like, hm? .. It has a serene feeling to it. ... Huh?

He was looking at me. This guy named Raiki. He quickly jotted something in his notebook as his eyes steered away from my direction. That notebook seems awfully important to him.. maybe it was a diary? That's unexpected. For a tough looking guy like him I didn't expect him to hold such trivial matters close to his psyche. ... Well.. I shouldn't judge.. he may have things in there he wishes to keep secret.

"Hey.. what're you writing in there?" I asked, looking quite curious and hoping that I could strike a new path in our relationship.

"Is everyone from your country this intrusive?" he replied back with another sneer. Well.. I was trying to make amends for your stupid decisions, 'friend.'

"N-no.." I said, holding back the urge to say something that I think he deserves to hear. There's no point in being the aggressor in this situation. Many conversations of the past has taught me how to be the bigger man.. and in this case he is the child.. I'm the adult. "I was wondering why you keep writing in it.. it's just the orientation. I'm surprised you're so diligent."

"... It's.. important that I list these things down. I'm a very compulsive person." Raiki replied back to me. He seemed quite somber the way he did.. I was expecting another snarky response but hey.. this works too!

"I've never met someone so overly compulsive about schoolworks." It was quite impressive.. he seemed like those stereotypical Asians who study things to death without a passing glance. At least, that's what we always thought in America. "Your parents must be strict."

"No.." Raiki said, continuing to write on his notebook. "I'm quite free to do as I please at home." He closed his notebook with an audible thud. "Is that the stereotype in your country? I've surmised that every foreigner I've talked to has always questioned the diligence of the Japanese people. We aren't quite nonchalant and ignorant like the Westerners. Like you."

"Hnn..." Calm down, Jason. You are the adult in this situation and right in front of you is a 12 year old pompous little brat who thinks he's all that.

"Your lips purse up when you get irritated." Raiki replied, opening his notebook and writing things down. "What an interesting quirk."

Is he.. profiling me? "..What? H-..How did you..?"

"I have keen eyes." Raiki replied, still writing down things on his notebook. That's.. unsettling though. Quite the compulsive person he is, taking down information about me. As if he plans to use it against me someday? That IS very unsettling. ..Eh.. I'm being too paranoid, am I? I guess it's just how he prefers to do things. Man, Japanese people are so stuck up. At least.. he's the first I've seen so snobbish.

"So.. uh.." As I tried to strike another avenue for conversation with him he tore out a page from his notebook and gave it to me. There was a Japanese symbol on it that I could not understand. "Um.. what is this?"

"It's the hiragana for the word silence." Raiki replied, his eyes glued to Kashikoi as if he wasn't acknowledging my presence. Looks like.. this year's going to be fun. New friends, a brand new culture to explore and this big ball of joy and happiness. Great. Looks like he really isn't the friendly type. And I actually thought he was warming up to me there. "I advise that this be the first Japanese word you learn."

"Hey! I'm trying to be nice here and--" I couldn't take it anymore.. I've never met someone so stuck up and full of himself.

"Alexander-san.." Kashikoi looked towards my direction from below as all the other students followed suit in giving me the limelight. "Is there something you wish to share with us?" the older male said seeming quite gentlemanly still.

"N-no.." I replied, quite remorseful of the disruption I caused. "Please.. d-do continue. I apologize for the disruption." With that, the director let me off with a nod as he continued his little dialogue with the class. From the far edges of my peripheral vision I could see a smirk.. a haughty little pompous smirk directed towards me.

"Shizuka." (Silence) Raiki replied in a low tone of voice as he wrote more things in that old notebook of his. "Regret is one of the worst feelings ever. Sometimes it's best to know when to keep quiet."

A philosopher too, huh. Can this guy's high horse get anymore taller, you'll pierce through the ceiling if you're not careful. "Tsk.." that was all I managed to muster. Talk about a rough first day. A few more minutes of this little dialogue and I'll be home free..


That's the school bell. I can finally go home and chat up my parents. Guess I didn't really have enough time to meet new people.. but I think that can wait for tomorrow. Just.. I.. what..? Is..?


"Oh no, he hit is head on the staircase!"

"Someone take him to the clinic!--"


What the hell.. happened? I remember trying to walk down the stairs but.. what? It's Raiki. And he's reading his notebook. His sleeves are up and it seems he's sitting next to my bed. Wow.. did he..?

"..hey there." I managed to squeak out, looking quite embarrassed to be in this state in front of him.

".." Raiki took notice of me, his eyes darting towards my direction. "...Shizuka." And there he goes. His penchant for one word Japanese quips. "You need rest."

Huh.. that's weird. Compassion doesn't suit him. With the way he acted before, it seems he's a completely different person right now.

"Your stupid injury caught up to you.. are you really that weak?" Raiki said in a calm, nonchalant manner as he gave a slightly arrogant smirk. "No.. you didn't take care of it, did you?" ..he's right. I didn't have time to mend it yesterday..

"...h-hey now." I tried to rebut but my vision was hazy and my arm quite numb. Did he really.. go and.. bring me here? I don't understand him.. he's like a child. And he's writing more things in that goddamn notebook again. What the hell is he writing in there. "Hey.." I managed to say despite being tired. ".. can you tell me now.. what you're writing in that?"

Raiki gave me quite a surprised look, but then subsided into his neutral expression. He sighed and put down his pen as he closed his notebook with a thud. "Do you believe in time travel?"

"..Time travel..? That's.. not possible." I managed to say, quite confused by another of his cryptic questions. "..I wish it were.. though."

"It doesn't exist. But.. there are time travellers. I can say that with confidence.." Raiki said as he gazed up into the ceiling. It seems the notebook does hold quite a significance to him.. but.. "That's all I have to say." In his reverie, Raiki dropped his notebook onto my bed. A page opened up and showed a really well drawn sketch of.. me? Raiki quickly grabbed his notebook at the chance that he could. He kept the notebook close to his chest, as he stood up.

"..." He fell silent.. I couldn't get a good look at his expression but it seems he didn't like me taking a peek into it. Raiki walked quickly outside of my room without giving another comment. ..What an odd person. Prideful.. arrogant.. oddly compassionate at times. That's how I came to know him, at least. And as we got to know each other even more he's gotten even more comfortable with introducing the arrogant and prideful side to him.. but..

He's saved me more times than I can count. I can still.. remember those times where he. That time.. in the fighting arena.. that time during Kiyoshi's training. But this.. will probably a lasting memory. Even though he denies it.. he's a good person. What.. in the world.. hurt him?

Why am I being taken back to the time he first showed me compassion?

I guess.. the war really has changed me. This feeling is rare.. to be shown care for is.. a welcoming change.


"Jason..!" A voice rang outside.. it was one of the villagers inside the campsite. "Takizawa-sama is asking for you. He said it was time to enact the plan. We will be waiting for you at the forward camp near the Outskirts. Don't be late."

"I-I'll be there.." I must've been on the clouds for quite some time.. I don't even feel rested yet. "I hope he's doing okay himself. Raiki Kizu.." My arm feels much lighter now.. that's odd. Wherever he is, I hope he takes care of himself. Like he does for others.. for this entire city.

He's a good person. Despite what everyone else in this city thinks of his heritage.

I.. believe in him.