A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 24: Insecurities

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#26 of A Curtain Falls Over Furdom

This story can/will portray levels of gore, violence, sexual behaviors (M/M, M/F, F/F, ....), upsetting stuff, etc. that may not be suitable for infants/minors or the weak of heart. Know that you are free to read. View at your own risk if you are anywhere (anywhen?) you shouldn't be reading. All characters and situations are sprung from my own head (ie. poof). Any resemblance to real, imaginary, dead, alive, undead, or transitional beings is coincidental.

I braced paws on the rooftop and blinked several times at the surface. What had happened? I was hit? Looking up, I saw I was just inside the facade. Peter loomed over me in the day's remnant dusk.

I blinked at the ferret. "Peter? Wha-"

His fist hit the other side of my muzzle. Sound went dim in shock as I impacted the roof surface again. While I shook my head, trying to clear it, he grabbed me by my shirt collar. I struggled to rise to my footpaws as he dragged me up.

"It's your fault," the ferret hissed, growls rising under his breath. Hot breath, reeking of alcohol blew past my muzzle. He threw me to the side, away from the FurShopper facade.

I fell with a heavy thud and yelped. Pain shot into my shoulder. I curled my body, trying to find a sense of protection on the open roof as my mind reeled. "Peter," I whimpered, growing fear trying to overwhelm confusion, "...why?"

"How could you ask?" Peter had angry tears running down his face as he stood over me. "I lost Mark... James... even Jenny." The low growl increased until it was hard to understand his next words. "It's your fault."

The ferret's paws clenched at his sides. The heated hostility of his gaze burned me even as the twilight left the world. His eyes sagged at me with a mix of disdain, rage and upset. His clothes were disheveled and untidy, sloppily drunk. Stirring sounded in the green tent, and I tried to scoot away from him, away from the tent. I couldn't expose Shadow to Peter's rage. Dark eyes in a furious face blocked the dark sky above me.

I shivered and held up a paw. "Peter, calm down. You're drunk. Let's talk about this."

The ferret picked me up by my shirt collar, showing the mad strength in his lean frame. He drew me up, just off my footpaws, and shook me.

"You all but killed Mark and James," he snarled, ignoring my words. Spittle flew in my face. "The stag and husky have their blood on your paws. Now you're snuggling up with that wolf, dragging him down. It's disgusting. When I first met you, I thought you were a good pup. But I was wrong. You should disappear. This place is too good for you."

The shaking was making me feel strange and dizzy. When my eyes focused on his eyes, I knew I was in trouble. I scrabbled at his arms and chest with blunt-clawed paws, my panic rising. I cried out a ragged, "Help!" I struggled in his hold, trying to kick, but he easily avoided any serious impact.

Peter laughed. "No one will help a useless fag like you. You've done wrong. Now you'll be punished for it."

I managed to find my voice in the wobbling world when he stilled the shaking. "But I-"

"Didn't do anything?" Peter growled, muzzle nearly touching my nose. "You did too little or not at all. You living is killing us."

I shivered and picked up my struggles harder, to no effect. Peter weathered my struggles with a look of disgust. He had seemed a decent fur, but he was very drunk and out of control. His breath reeked of booze. His eyes were crazed with anger, bloodshot with too much alcohol and rage.

I understood why Shadow had not been able to throw Jenny off. Even as I tried to push him away, he kept shifting so my efforts did nothing substantial. This similar mustelid to Jenny was lithe, strong, and far more flexible than I. Stilling, I panted, unsure of what to do. The ferret leaned his muzzle close and took a long sniff next to my neck. I stiffened when I felt his pants-hidden sheath hard against my hip. I gaped at him. Really?

He leered down at me as I tried to swing my fists at him, managing to give him light cuffs. "Damn... I like it when a fur struggles," he laughed.

"No!" I yelled, struggling again. "Help!" my voice shrieked into the newborn night.

He dodged my fist, aimed at his head. He shook me again, and my head bounced around more.

When my struggles slowed as my senses reeled, he pulled me close, whispering in my ear, "I have needs, like any fur. I can't have Jenny now, but I can have you." He pulled on my ear with his teeth, causing me to squeak. "I'm not gay, but I'm not too picky for a quick fix. They say a 'hole is a hole'!" He licked my ear, a terrible slimy feel. "Time to test that."

Peter dropped me low enough to the ground, but my legs gave under me in dizzy shock. He dragged me, while I shrieked into the night air. I heard answering noises from the tent. Shadow was rousing, but was groggy with drugs. With a satisfied grunt, the ferret dropped me, face-down onto the crate, right behind the front of the store. My chin touched down on the facade top.

Peter laughed, pinning my paws behind me with one paw. Ignoring my flinch of pain at my shoulder being wrenched, he growled, "Like anyone can come in time to save you."

"No!" I shouted. I struggled to get footpaws beneath me. The crate wobbled beneath at my attempt.

Something smacked me on the back of my head, and my chin snapped on the store facade. The undead furs below saw me and gathered beneath the facade. Growls and zombie consonants came from the parking lot.

As I whined in terror, my head spinning, the ferret stroked my back, slipping a paw under the shirt. It made my skin crawl, like nothing I'd ever experienced before. My ears plastered to the back of my head. The touch felt wrong, and I was hyper-aware of every contact. It seemed like the Curtain, sickening my every sense.

"Yeah," Peter whispered in my ear while I struggled. "You're soft like a female. You even smell sweet." His other paw stroked my back, fingers slipping through the fur. "This isn't so bad. Once we're joined, no one can stop us."

"No! I don't want-" I managed before his fist smashed my muzzle. My nose was bleeding and my head was spinning. My panicked eyes blinked, trying to slow things down, so I could sort out what was happening.

The paw left my back to pull my shorts down to my knees. My tender pucker flinched as cold air and foreign fur touched it. I tried to jerk away with a yelp, my tail tucking. A firm paw pressing my wrists into my back stopped me. What could I do pressed down against the crate? This fur was out of control. Secret or not, I whistled. Three notes got out before he smacked me upside the muzzle. I panted, feeling dizzy, trying to hold to my consciousness.

Clothes rustled behind me. Fur and heat pressing into my back brought me closer to clarity with a gasp. Tucking my tail didn't help the close press of the ferret. I needed to do something. I tried whistling again, and more notes got out before my muzzle got smacked once more. The dead creatures below scrabbled at the facade, making a horrid racket.

A voice snickered from above me, "What got them wound up? Maybe I'll throw you down when I'm done."

I hated feeling helpless. Helpless. As I had been when I hid behind Shadow, and even more when I had been at Bradley's mercy. I couldn't be helpless in this new Furdom. I couldn't survive next to Shadow without bringing my own strength. This wasn't supposed to happen. Not this. If anyone was allowed, it was my Wulf, not some smear of a ferret. Anger grew. Fear remained but was overtaken.

I growled and struggled, desperation giving me strength. His hold on me wavered. My muzzle slashed side-to-side, hoping to catch flesh. My teeth scraped on fur and flesh, and I felt a surge of victory. His weight shifted over me, and something smashed into the back of my head.

"That hurt, you brat!" I heard distantly as I went limp with flashing lights in my eyes.

Sounds were muted, and I felt far away. A long tone rang in my ears, overcoming sounds. Numbness.

Somewhere far away, I heard a male growl. "There you go. Just relax," the voice soothed as I felt my tail being moved to the side.

Something pressed up against my tail hole, and a weight leaned heavier over me. Through the dimmed sounds, I heard the crowd of zombies beneath me continue to howl. Time and perception slipped out of place. What was happening? Something was wrong, I had to get away.

Hot breath whispered in my ear, "I have a hook at the end of my cock. Once I start, no one can stop me. You'll tear open inside if they try. We'll be joined for hours, or you'll die. Well," the voice chuckled, "you may die anyway after this. I'm not in a mood to be gentle!"

The world narrowed as I felt a body lean into mine. Lithe arms wrapped me. Teeth seized my nape. Every cell of my being said 'reject'. The presence at my rear paused for effect, pressing at me, as my horror peaked. My fur rose. My teeth grit together as my eyes shot around, seeking escape.

Gone. The weight on my back and the moist hook, pressing at my entrance, was gone. Arms around me were ripped away. I heard a dull thud and a surprised squeal, followed by a dense thump.

I heard a fur pleading as I slumped over the crate and the facade. My arms fell to my side, one shoulder aching. I shook with mixed horror and relief, shown in my whimpering breathing. My drool dripped on rampaging zombies below. A dull thump came from behind me. My head was heavy, but I managed to look up and to the side.

Shadow was struggling out of the half-opened tent door. He stumbled towards me, still dressed from the day. My world wavered and steadied as he threw himself forward on unsteady legs. My wolf pulled me off the crate and into strong black arms. He wobbled under a drug haze. I rested my head against his shoulder. Dulled thumps spaced with pleading and whining continued behind me. Who then...?

Looking over the warm shoulder, I saw Bradley holding Peter up and laying into the ferret with steady blows. The bloodied ferret tried to deflect them, plead with him, but the honey badger kept silent save for growls. Isaac stood nearby with his arms crossed, looking annoyed. Shadow reached down to pull up my shorts, growling. He was giving the three other furs a death glare.

My head spinning, I pulled away from my black Wulf and stumbled over to Peter. Staring at him as he squeaked in pain at each blow from Bradley, I felt nothing. Then anger and fear swelled within. I'd had enough of being pushed around. I was a fox with my own strengths and my own feelings. I felt hurt and furious. With a growl, I kicked Peter hard, causing the mustelid to squeak.

"Tyler!" Shadow gasped, pulling me away before I could kick a second time.

I didn't spare him a glance at his shocked voice. I felt angry and numb and fearful all at once as my tail drooped. Reality felt wrong; everything, wrong.

Bradley turned his muzzle to me, and I saw a mad rage within his eyes. "Stay back," he growled in his hoarse voice.

I wanted to growl back and claim the right to punish my assailant, but the wolf pulled me away, holding me tight. I growled anyway, wanting to vent on something, anything. The world wobbled in distant numbness; wrong.

In Shadow's arms, my anger faded, and the lingering fear and shock overcame it, causing me to tremble. Shadow whined in distress and stroked my throbbing head as I clung to him. I let go my control and sobbed into his shoulder. Tears blurred the sight of the stout honey badger beating the ferret.

I could see and hear enough to tell when the ferret went silent and the honey badger let him fall to the rooftop. Bradley crouched over him, doing something.

"Enough, Bradley," commanded Isaac. When the honey badger didn't stop, he yelled, "Enough!"

My eyes cleared for a moment, as I too stilled, sobs silencing. The honey badger paused, a nasty snarl on his face, dripping saliva on a senseless Peter, shoulders pulled up by his scruff. The honey badger's fist raised, and the lion growled, taking a step forward. The honey badger glared at the big feline, letting an unmoving Peter drop to the rooftop.

"Don't turn those eyes on me," growled Isaac stepping forward.

Bradley snarled once, then visibly pulled himself together. He moved away from Peter, but didn't resist an urge to kick the ferret. His face was a study of restrained fury. The honey badger spared me a quick glance, showing a range of emotions.

Isaac approached us, ignoring Shadow's growl as the wolf held me close. The lion peered at me as I lost control again, and trembling overtook me. I turned my eyes away and buried my nose deeper into Shadow's clothed chest.

"The pup's okay?" asked the lion, showing more interest in stealing a glance at the wild zombies below.

Shadow must have nodded in response, for the lion grunted. I didn't care what the feline thought. All I needed was Shadow. But I felt awful, so dirty and filthy with an unwanted scent. My skin crawled with unwelcome echoes of paws and breath.

Isaac shifted and sounded annoyed. "This lughead of a honey badger convinced me to come up here. Seems something else was troubling him. Probably that ass of a ferret who was picking a fight at my party and took off."

Who cared? My ears dropped to my head. I felt upset grow until I was sobbing into Shadow's shoulder again.

"As soon as we came up the hatch, he took off towards the storefront." The lion paused to let out a long sigh. "Now things are settled, I'm heading back to my party. Bradley said he wanted me to talk with you, but it can wait. It was probably an excuse to get up here, crazy bastard."

"We got this one," Bradley grunted, and something heavy shifted with a whimper.

Shadow kissed the top of my head, and my sobs calmed to slowing gasps. I heard the two big furs move off, and looked up to see Peter draped over Bradley's shoulder. Shadow poked his nose into my cheekfur, sighing with relief. My breathing was slowing as I calmed. They were gone. It was just us again. Sobs were replaced by desperation. Desperation grew to join a sense of guilt.

"I'm sorry, Shadow. I was sitting -and watching the night fall -and thinking -and he hit me -and I-"

"It's okay, Tyler," Shadow breathed into my ear as I clung to him. "It's over. No one's going to touch you. You're mine," he finished with a fierce growl.

I nodded. "Yours only," I said, my desperation in my voice. Peter was gone, but it felt like his paws, weight, and hooked cock were still on me, pressing me to give myself. I shuddered, drawing a possessive squeeze from Shadow.

There was yelling in the distance, in the direction of the hatch. I thought I heard Burt's deep voice. The zombies were calming to their 'normal' noise. The voices subsided, and only the night sounds and our breathing could be heard.

Shadow drew us towards the tent. I let myself be guided, clinging to him, needing to feel him with me. We slipped into the tent, and he zipped up the newly damaged entry. The black wolf lit the flashlight and set it down. Turning to me, his eyes burned with an intensity that made me shiver. Shadow leaned over me as I lay back. I felt uncertain under Shadow's gaze, and I couldn't help the fidget in my paws.

Hooves thumped up, outside the tent. "Tyler, Shadow? Are you two okay in there?" The deep voice sounded stressed, worried. The fur could barely be made out through a torn tent hole.

Shadow spared a glance towards the bull's voice before he stroked my muzzle, eyes locking with mine. "Yeah, Burt. Tyler's a bit shaken up."

I was under Shadow's touch, under his focus. He was here with me. Shadow leaned closer to kiss my cheekfur. His whole body sagged into mine, relief apparent.

"Did that ferret really..." Burt trailed off with a groan.

Shadow sighed into my cheekfur, "Yeah. Not now. We'll talk in the morning."

There was a long pause. "Okay," said the deep, uncertain voice. A moment of silence later, hoofsteps left and faded into the distance.

Shadow turned his attention to me, as I was barely holding it together. A wolfy paw set to rest on my chest as he stared into my eyes in the dim light. I blinked through tears and found myself grounded in his eyes. He lowered his gaze and snuffled unhappily in my fur. Feeling the loss of my stability, I clung to his shirt and more tears leaked from my eyes. What did he think of me now?

"You smell like Peter," he said frowning. His eyes were fighting the drooping weight of the drugs.

I flinched at the name, feeling Shadow's paw tighten on me in response. I nodded and turned away, feeling my shamed ears splay. "I should have been more aware of my surroundings."

I smelled of another fur when I only wanted to smell of Shadow. I wanted to cry in his arms until I passed out. I wanted nothing but that the last thing I had experienced before bed was the sunset and my own thoughts. I wanted to go back to the moment of peace before the ferret had shown up.

Shadow huffed, removing his shirt. "Not something you'd expect to happen."

Sitting up, I hung my head, even as he pulled my own shirt off. "He's been looking angry every time he laid eyes on me. I just- I didn't know-" I shrugged, unable to continue the thought. "I guess 'cause he was drunk?" There had to be some logic behind it all, right?

Shadow licked my nose and gazed into my eyes. "Nothing that fur did was your fault. It was something he decided to do himself. And don't you start thinking I'm going anywhere 'cause of this. You're my Foxy. Who am I?" he prompted with a smile.

"My Wulf." I bumped my nose into his shoulder, managing a smile and a twitch of my sad ears. I couldn't stop the shaking of the paws I set on his knees.

He nodded, face serious, and placed paws on my shoulders. His bright eyes shone in the half-light given by the flashlight. "You'll always be mine, no matter what happens."

I nodded, tears in my eyes. "I wanted only you. I couldn't fight him off."

"Furs were never meant to fight their battles alone," whispered Shadow. "I've learned that too, though it can be a hard lesson to swallow."

Shadow helped us both out of our remaining clothes in silence. I lay back and gazed up into his golden eyes. The wolf crawled over me, bracing on his elbows as he drew me into a tight embrace. We held each other for a moment, feeling each other's relief. He pulled back and stroked my cheekfur. With care and soft eyes, he licked my tear-trails clean. I breathed his gentleness and wolfy scent through me, calming me.

"Now," he growled, "where did he touch you."

My eyes dropped, unable to look at him. I shuddered, feeling like Peter still had his paws and fur on me. A moment of hesitation occurred before I touched my muzzle, where blood was drying beneath my nose.

Shadow leaned over me, as he held me steady with paws curled under my shoulders. With deep gentleness, he licked my muzzle and my cheeks, easing the pain and erasing the tears. I gripped my paws into his fur, to draw him closer.

My eyes closed, and I breathed in his scent, trying to forget the smell of Peter. Shadow's tongue was big and infinitely soft. It was the best feeling, him licking my fine facefur, taking away the tear trails and my sorrows.

"Where else?" he whispered.

I hesitated, my whiskers twitching and my eyes flickering under my closed eyelids. A paw to my nape, where Peter had bit, were all I needed to show him. Shadow made a low, distressed noise, giving the area slow attention with lips and tongue.

"Where else?" he repeated.

I kept my eyes closed and mumbled, "All over my back and the backs of my legs." It seemed like a phantom ferret paw still touched me.

Shadow growled, but it wasn't directed at me. With wordless gestures, he had me roll to my stomach and rubbed himself all over me, mixing in his scent and fur with mine. He rubbed his neck and face into me, grunting and groaning. He lifted his tail and rubbed his butt over me too. His wolfy smell seemed stronger than usual as he marked me with scent.

I tried to hold back tears as I covered my muzzle with my paws. My Wulf grunted a few more times in either pain or effort, but kept at it until he was satisfied. Afterwards, he snuffed at my pucker with a frown. I jolted in shock when I felt a warm tongue against me there.

"Sh-Shadow?" I gasped, my instinct trying to block him with my tail.

He paused, sniffing. "It smells all wrong. It smells like Peter." He sounded upset.

I shivered. The cold nose felt so strange and sensitive. I wasn't sure how to react. "He didn't enter... but he was about to. Pressed against me."

My Wulf growled and pushed my unhappy tail aside. He licked beneath the furry appendage again, whining and growling. Several minutes past as I lay, fending off the despair my ears still expressed.

"Enough, Shadow. You don't need to."

He growled and continued. After a moment more, he paused, sniffing. Finally satisfied, he rested his heavy head on my rear and sighed. He had to be cramped where he was against the back of the tent, but he seemed to drift towards sleep.

I pushed onto my arms and turned my muzzle to face him. "Come up here, Shadow. Sleep with me?" I begged. I didn't want him distant. It felt I might drift away.

His head raised and, with a great effort, hauled his sleepy self up next to me. Shadow yawned and turned the flashlight off. "Don't leave the tent. We'll talk in the morning, okay?"

I drew the blanket over us as he settled next to me, exhausted. Our limbs intertwined as we faced each other. His breaths were soon even in sleep. I stroked the brow of the wolf I... loved. Yes. I loved this Wulf. I had to trust what care I'd seen in Shadow, that he cared for me too. Hopefully even through this. I was soon fast on the heels of Shadow's sleep-self.


I was running. It was dark and damp in the forest. Vines, sodden with slime, hung from the trees. My footpaws kept getting sucked into the muck of the forest floor.

Heavy breathing followed me. Looking back, I saw Peter, his muzzle in an undead snarl pursuing me, gaining on me. Flanking the dead ferret were the white ox and the leopard from a few days ago. Behind them, chasing in the gloom, were the two rabbits from the creek and the stag from the car in Furnon. They had all found me.

I staggered and fell, pulling vines down with me into the muck. I was tangled and dirty, but worse, the zombies were on me! They didn't bother eating me. They touched me everywhere with rotting paws and hooves. Even the muck was better than their touch. They touched under my tail, prodding at my tight, unwelcoming tailhole. The tune rose in the forest around me, and I heard Kaylee screaming.


I opened my eyes to Shadow's dim form over me in the moonless dark. I shuddered, the dream still alive within my mind. I glanced around in urgency, searching for any of the snarling dead.

"You were screaming." He lit the flashlight, frowning in concern.

I calmed a bit, nodding, and started to sit up.

"No, lie back down. Tell me about it. Sometimes it's good to voice your fears before they take you." He kissed me gently. "I guess we'll have that talk now."

He did look more awake, rested. I went over every detail I recalled about the dream, shuddering as I recalled the tainted touches. He listened quietly, licking my ears as I voiced the fears and the disgust I felt. It took little time, for the dream was short.

"That's it," I finished. "I woke up to you calling my name."

He stopped licking and nodded. "Since you haven't had tail sex, the dream couldn't go that far. You don't know what it feels like."

I shivered, agreeing my mind could have given me worse. "I-I just want the feeling to go away. Nothing really happened, right?"

Shadow shook his head. "It's okay to feel wronged. It's a cruel thing to do to any fur. Don't deny that it happened. Accept that it happened, even if it hurts. It's part of your past now, it can't be changed. You can continue. You're stronger than this. I know you are."

I shrugged. It was always difficult to believe I was one of the 'strong' ones. With Shadow, I could get through this. I knew he was strong; I could be strong with him.

"You know you'll always have me, right?" he asked with a grin.

"Always?" I whispered gazing into his eyes. Might I dare to hope?

He nodded and held me close, mixing our furs and our scents. "I don't care what happens, we're here for each other. What we do, we do together. I mean it."

I closed my eyes and licked his ear, knowing he liked it. I comforted him as he had comforted me. With a sigh, I realized I felt better too. Shadow was here. We could bring comfort to each other, support each other.

Even though I kept flashing back to the incident, it didn't have as much power over me. Peter hadn't taken me. Shadow wanted and was with me. And above all I was stronger than a memory. I felt the dream slip away. I felt the horror of Peter's assault weaken. It simply didn't matter compared to the presence of my Wulf.

I could be a strong, resilient fur with him around. Stronger than any bad memories. With that knowledge, I drifted to sleep.


>>>>[[NOTE: DAY 13]]<<<<

With hours of sleep in each other's arms fortifying our strength, Shadow and I went to Camp breakfast. My shoulder felt fine, and my black companion was being watchful. For the first time in days, the wolf had brought the bat down with him, clenching his paw around the grip, frowning. He'd refused to give the gory thing up, even when climbing down the ladder. The wolf walked himself all the way to Camp, looking a bit tired when we arrived. Burt found us and questioned us briefly. He already knew the details, having talked with Isaac and Bradley, as well as Peter.

I couldn't help the real cringe I felt at the mention of the ferret's name.

Shadow kept looking around, anger and wariness on his face as he ignored Burt's looks of worry and regret which kept settling on me. The black bull excused himself to go help his wife Michelle, who was looking weightier and slower every day. Helaina was with some of Isaac's groupies, laughing even as she glanced our way.

Shadow and I wove through the gathered furs towards the serving table. The wolf held me close by my elbow, growling and showing the bat to anyone who got too close. We almost made it without an encounter, but Isaac and Bradley found us first.

"Pups," Isaac generalized his greeting. At least he hadn't addressed me as 'parasite'.

Shadow frowned in suspicion while Bradley stared at me, as usual. My Wulf's grip on the bat was tense, and he closely watched other furs who stole glances our way.

"Hi, Isaac, Bradley," I said, taking over when my defensive Wulf looked unlikely to speak. "Um... thanks for last night."

Isaac shrugged, rolling his eyes. "Thank this guy," he pointed a thumb at Bradley. "You guys talk, I'm getting food."

Isaac walked past us, leaving Bradley. It was the first time I'd seen them separated. I idly wondered if they were different when apart. The honey badger stared at me, and I had a difficult time meeting his eyes. His direct gaze unnerved me. Shadow was tense next to me, his fingers flexing every few seconds on the bat's grip.

"Um-" I looked down, my ears struggling to keep upright. With effort, I met the honey badger's eyes. "Thanks for last night, Bradley."

His muzzle broke into a smile, the first positive expression I'd seen on his stoic face. It was a little smile, but the feelings behind were genuine. He grunted, the smile fading into a neutral look. He studied me again with intense eyes.

When Bradley spoke, his voice was hoarse. "Knew Peter was up to no good when he left the party last night, heading your direction. He'd tried picking a fight before he left. He won't bother you again."

Shadow had a doubtful look behind his open wariness as I nodded in response. I had not seen Peter anywhere that morning, for which I was glad. I didn't want the fur anywhere near me. I wasn't even sure I wanted Bradley around, but he had saved me....

Bradley wasn't a tall male, though he was a bit taller than me. His clothes fitted his broad body poorly, but I could see how dense his body was. Muscles could be glimpsed beneath his dark fur and cautionary markings. This fur always faced whatever trouble he had head on.

"Why did you come all that way on a hunch?" I wondered aloud.

Bradley grunted. "Not a hunch. I can see trouble in that one. But you..." he drifted off, and scratched his clothed chest. Clearing his throat, he looked down at me, his eyes softening. "You remind me of my little brother. You're a bit weak, but you fight with everything you've got. In that dark closet and on the night we had to hold down your wolf friend, you did what you had to without backing down."

I shrugged, managing a stronger smile. Shadow's frown deepened at the mixed compliment; I knew he'd start growling if Bradley called me weak again. I cleared my throat and squeezed his paw, trying to redirect Shadow's attention.

"So why did you bring Isaac with you?" I asked. "You seem capable of taking on Peter yourself."

Bradley shrugged. "I lose it too easily. Isaac's one of the few who can put me off in a fight. Even if it's just once in a while, it'll make me think before I actually kill someone."

I gawked at him, seeing he was quite serious. Should I feel scared for my life or thoroughly protected around this fur? I could feel Shadow's increased tension at the blunt statement.

Bradley ignored the wolf and continued in his hoarse voice, "Anyway, that's why I follow him around. Got into trouble without him. Kept me from trouble growing up." The badger sighed. "He saved me from losing my job many times."

Shadow looked unimpressed, though he settled to glaring at the other furs around us. The wolf's paw never relaxed on the wooden bat.

"What did you do? Before the Curtain I mean?" I asked, tilting my head, curious.

The honey badger shrugged. "Welding work, industrial jobs mostly. The two of us made it out okay, but everyone else..." he frowned, a sad, distant look filled his black eyes.

I tried to imagine a 'little brother' of this dangerous fur. All I could envision was a smaller Bradley, just as fierce. How could I compare?

"Anyway, I'll get back to Isaac now, before someone messes too much with me," the honey badger frowned as the young tiger accidentally bumped into him.

The tiger's face blanched, and he hurried past. He didn't look back until he was past a few furs. I might have noted the handsome tiger more, but I was firmly attached to a certain wolf.

Bradley ground his teeth. "That's Drew, I almost went into it with him once. He's around your age. But he's a wimp, I wouldn't bother getting to know him if I were you."

I shrugged. I wasn't impressed by the tiger's attitude, even though his muscular and lean body was covered in a handsome, shiny hide. But who wouldn't be unsettled by an angry Bradley?

Bradley nodded a wordless goodbye and continued to where Isaac was gathering his cronies. Shadow shrugged and pulled me to the serving table where we gathered our food in silence. The wolf kept close and was sure to growl at any who came near me. Ruby and Clovis waved from a picnic table, and we headed there, side-by-side.

Clovis was even quieter than usual, attempting not to stare at me too much. Ruby, on the other paw, kept trying to engage us in talk, trying to cheer us up. I did cheer up a bit, though Shadow remained reticent and glaring. Jenny joined us late, and she kept silent after her greetings. She kept giving me sad looks as she picked at her food.

The general mood at breakfast was subdued, and I caught many glancing our way with troubled gazes. Apparently, it was no secret what had happened in the night. I didn't see any sign of Peter, and I didn't want to ask after the ferret. Even thinking of him made my backfur rise.

"You okay?" whispered Shadow, nudging his nose into my cheekfur. He looked unsettled and kept glancing around at any near movement.

I nodded, trying to relax my raised fur. "I just don't want others to see me after last night," I admitted. "It feels too vulnerable."

"If anyone bothers you today, I'll chase them off," Shadow growled, not joking as he raised the bat.

He gripped my paw in his, drawing a smile from me. It was good to have the wolf there. I felt content and safe whenever he was around. I could handle anything with Shadow at my side. I wanted to give him equal support too.

Steve stepped up to the table, giving his ears an uncertain flick. "Shadow, Tyler, are you two up to sitting the cubs until noon today? I'd have Michelle do it, but Rusty wants her off her hooves today." At a warning glare from Shadow, he added, "If you can't that's okay. I just wanted to ask you first."

I hesitated, wanting some time alone with Shadow. I sighed, deciding to bite the bullet. "I'm up for it. As long as Shadow can help me. And..." I hesitated again, "I want us to have the afternoon off."

Shadow nodded, a deep frown on his black muzzle. "As long as Tyler's okay with it."

Steve blew out a big breath. "Good. We seem to have a lot to do today. It will be a big help. The afternoon is fine. You both need some time to, er, process I'm sure." The big rabbit looked apologetic and seemed about to say something, but stopped. With a single nod to us, he left to talk with the young Labrador pair.

We gathered the young and led them to the toy section, designated as the 'kid zone.' Away from the grown furs, Shadow seemed to relax a bit, even setting the bat down on occasion. He still seemed restless, but he wasn't acting hostile or defensive around the young furs. His watchful gaze kept flicking around.

The rest of the morning was a bit wild, with little squirrel Tara deciding to race the collie pups around an isle shelf. Even though Shadow and I tried to settle them into calmness, we couldn't help but laugh at their antics as they slipped and slid around the corners.

The activity was distracting me from my troubling thoughts. The day didn't seem as gray with the young shrieking in play. It seemed cubs could find joy and play in any situation.

The little pika girl clung to Shadow's clothes and grinned, watching too. The bunny-like female must have been about my sister's age I guessed. I reached over to pat her little head between tiny ears, and she ducked away, looking scared. When I smiled, she calmed and allowed my touch, gazing up at me with little black eyes.

It was all fun and games until someone got hurt, which always seems to happen when cubs get too wound up. Diana slipped trying to take a sharp corner and hit her elbow against the shelf as she fell. The little pup howled a few minutes after hitting her 'funny bone'.

After that mishap, we settled them down playing with toys - dolls, mostly. Shadow kept close to me, not letting me out of his arm's reach. When the whistle for noon came, the four young all looked troubled.

"Don't wanna!" shouted Tara.

"You're gonna 'hafta'!" I told her back. When she looked ready to scamper into the depths of the store, I added, "Unless you want a snarl stuck to your face forever."

The little squirrel's face fell, and she looked near tears. "I hate it," she whispered, slowly bringing her begging eyes to mine.

I ruffed her headfur trying to add a reassuring smile to my troubled face. "It's something we all must do, Tara. It's how we survive."

I could see her struggling with herself and her fears. I waited while she calmed herself, stroking her head. Though it was sad to see her look shuttered and older. She nodded, heading for the restrooms with slow steps.

"Tell you what, Tara," I gestured the squirrel close. Leaning in, I winked at her and smiled, whispering, "I know where there's some chocolate-covered walnuts. I'll have them for you at dinner."

"Really?" she whispered back. Her eyebrows were high on her head, and she examined my face for falsehoods.

Over her shoulder, I saw Shadow grinning, a little gray pika hanging on his arm. I nodded to the squirrel. I'd seen them tucked away on a shelf of the FurShopper closet. She grinned and bounced forward. I hoped the treats were still there.

Shadow pulled me in next to him as we walked, our hips touching and the bat hanging over my shoulder, as the pika was attached to his other side. He winked at me and nibbled at the base of my ear. I snickered and wrinkled my nose, trying not to laugh.

We took the four young to the restrooms, where the collie parents, Erin and Roger, took charge of them. The pika had a hard time letting Shadow go, but went into the females' bathroom with the others. Shadow and I were directed to the males' side. The restroom was crowded with furs practically lying on top of each other. So many lived and breathed the FurShopper air. Alive.

Shadow's paw tensed on the bat again as we wove between furs. He gave each fur measuring, nearly hostile glares. Furs had differing reactions, but all were ready to leave it alone.

As we settled near the rear of the room, I chuckled, wanting to cheer him up. "Why's that little pika stuck to you so much? It's cute."

Shadow shrugged, giving Sanway a nasty glare as the springbok turn his nose up. When he was satisfied no fur would give us immediate trouble, he sat and seemed to relax a tiny bit. "She was the little one I saved, when that group was running in." He sighed, managing to let go more tension as he pulled at my paw, wanting me to settle with him. "I got clawed up by a dead leopard and nearly didn't make it myself."

"I'm just so glad you made it. You make every moment so happy for me," I whispered in his ear as I settled in close.

"I make you happy?" I could feel him tremble with emotion even as he grinned into my shoulder.

I nodded and dug my nose into his ear, licking there and ignoring the signs of the oncoming Curtain, as it fell again.

The Curtain dropped, terrorizing with minute vibrations, ever-straining to reach deeper into us. I felt vibrations in places I'd had no knowledge I could feel, places deep within which vibrated pain and torture with every second. The Curtain thrashed through me, and I could feel myself being swept away as my mind refused to deal.

But beneath the vibrations, I could pick out the hum, the tune unknown. It sung through the chaos, and my being leaped for that focus. My mind clung to the wave through the tsunami around me, and I was able to find Shadow in there. His presence under my paws, paws singed with vibrating pain. He was there for me, and I for him, both surviving the chaos.

Curtain sensations stopped, and all else stopped, but my and Shadow's presence. All in existence were just the two of us. I nudged into him through the emptiness, and the world rushed back in a painful snap.

My body shuddered and panted with his, and we calmed in tandem. I opened my eyes to see his muzzle. I felt... okay. More okay than I ever had after a Curtain. Nothing felt good, but I wasn't about to lose it from physical distress. I had survived with Shadow; I could thrive with him. The Curtain didn't matter, we could be stronger, slyer than what it tried to throw at us.

I grinned as I licked his ear. It flicked a little at my muzzle as my Wulf whimpered. I felt the full-body aches too, an unavoidable aftershock of the Curtain, but I no longer cared. Pain would come and go, but Shadow and I would be together, forever.

The black wolf sighed and opened his eyes. Stretching, he spoke with a grin just for me. "You look chipper. Someone put a little sun in your day?"

"Only you," I whispered, licking his ear. I heard a snicker and glanced aside to see the Labrador teen couple staring.

"Don't mind them," whispered Shadow, reaching to cup my cheek. He seemed in better spirits, having been granted another day of life, though his gaze continued to flick to the other furs.

"I'm not," I insisted, focusing my attention back to his ear. "I just want them to not care, like they'd do with any other couple."

It was Shadow's turn to snicker. "Since when are we like any other couple?"

"Oh, I don't know," I grinned back, giving the end of his muzzle a quick kiss. With a pat to his uninjured shoulder, I said, "Let's go see Rusty before we head up for our afternoon off."

Shadow sighed and sat up, "Right when I was looking forward to some time with you."

"You'll get it as soon as Rusty's done, Shadow." I rubbed his back with reassurance.

I coaxed Shadow up, and we left the crowded restroom with the other furs. We waited until the usual knots of furs dispersed before hunting Rusty down.

He seemed pleased with Shadow's healing stitches and told us to remove all bandages, but the one at his shoulder. The shoulder-neck join was still oozing occasional blood, which Rusty said should stop soon. Throughout, I licked Shadow's ear, distracting him from Rusty's examinations, which seemed to distract Rusty more than it did Shadow.

The FurShopper was quiet and dim in the afternoon, relieved when we made it to the roof, and the hot afternoon sun soaked into us. It was breezy outside, relieving the heat.

The mouse had given me more pain pills for Shadow, which were of the common sort, not the kind to give him a drug haze. He took them when I placed the pills in my muzzle and insisted he take them from me in a kiss. It seemed to excite Shadow and eased his troubled expression.

Alone, on the bright rooftop, Shadow's tension seemed to vanish. The wolf I knew, who could show such enthusiasm for being alive shone through.

"Race you to the tent?" Shadow grinned with a gesture towards the distant, green thing. He held the bat at its half-length, able to relax once more.

"No, Wulf. You're not to strain the stitches while they heal."

"Okay..." he sighed, deflating a moment before perking up again. "How about at a walk? I know I'm up for that."

I chuckled. "You're looking at the master of speed-walking," I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"Oh really? Now I have to see this. Ready? ...Go!"

I tried to use my black forearm against his chest to propel me a step further, faster than him, and he struggled to hold back laughter at my petty maneuver. I used my arms in broad motions, allowing a counter to my wide stride. With measured breaths, I pulled ahead of him a little.

"No way!" Shadow shouted right behind me. "I've got longer legs too!"

"Speed up, or go home," I glanced back grinning, not dropping my pace.

He laughed behind me, tail swinging behind him. "We -are- going home."

I focused on the tent ahead of us and willed myself to go faster. The wind gusted in my face, and my breath slipped. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Shadow come alongside me. I glanced at him, my heart beating far faster than it needed to for the walk. He turned his head to grin at me. With a wink, he sped up a fraction, eyes set ahead with determination.

I snickered, managing to hold back laughing my excitement under the warm sun. My tail swung like a wild thing behind me. Little by little, I could see his shoulder pull ahead of mine. The tent was nearing!

He tagged the tent a whole arm's-length ahead of me. He raised his muzzle and strutted in front of the tent, grinning and causing me to crumble into laughter, leaning onto my legs. When I managed to stop, panting for breath, he winked at me, and I couldn't help but wink back, grinning at his success.

I tried to hold back another laughing fit, enjoying the pent up merriment. I really needed that! Too many serious things had happened, and the tension had been getting to me. By his wide grin, Shadow had needed release too.

I cleared my throat, my white-tipped tail swinging broad circles behind me. "So, what would the victor like as a reward?"

His gaze brightened, and I could see an immediate idea in his gaze. However, he set the bat down and shrugged with a secretive grin. "Oh, I don't know...."

I sidled up next to the black wolf, smiling and gazing into his golden eyes. "What do you want? I'll give you anything."

The black wolf stepped in closer to me. So close, but not touching. His face was serious, his eyes drifting, taking in the features of my face before his bright eyes fixed into mine. Again, he moved closer, and I could feel the heat from his body.

Closer. The closer he got, the slower he moved. His head moved alongside mine, barely touching. I closed my eyes as my breathing increased. Shadow's nose tickled into the guard hairs of my ears. I brought up my paws to clutch at his shoulders. Time slowed, and the world shifted around me.

"Anything?" He whispered in my ear. I could hear the grin in his voice as he brought his paws to rest above my waistline.

I shivered at his breathy voice in my ear and nodded, cheekfur rubbing into his neck at my movement. My eyes closed at the nearness of him, the heat of him. I would give him anything he wanted; I would give him everything of myself if I could. What could he want of a below-average fox like me?

"Then let's play for a bit."