Part Five: Draconic Relations

Story by Saereth on SoFurry

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#1 of Draconic Relations


When Aerie woke, it was to find her little human toy stretched across her thighs, his muzzle buried between her legs, his dragon cock hot and erect against her leg. He was still sleeping, his little body twitching against hers, and she couldn't help but chuckle as she stroked her hands down his back, watching his cock twitch with excitement.

Slowly, she lifted him, settling his tiny sleeping form beside her, his cock hard and heavy against her thigh.She continued to stroke his tiny body, her big clawed hands moving up and down his body, reveling in the feel of his soft scaleless skin. She chuckled as she stroked his cock, slowly turning her body so she knelt over him, her thighs straddling his legs. She leaned down, flicking her long tongue out to gently tease the tip of his cock, curling it ever so slightly around the hard stiff flesh. How she loved the taste of this male, how sweet his seed was to her. She wanted him to be a dragon, truly be her mate, but she knew, she better not push him...she wanted him to come to that end on his own.

She purred softly, shifting her body once more, this time bracing herself on her hands and feet as she straddled him fully, not letting her weight down on him, just letting her body touch his. She rubbed her aching groin slowly across his cock, smearing his precum across her hot and throbbing folds. She was hungry to mate again, and even though he slept soundly, a smile on his face, no doubt a dirty dream on his mind, she desired to have him within her.

Slowly, slowly, she slid down his shaft, letting it slowly push its way into her core, the heated spire once again pressing just where she desired it to be, filling her aching sex with the solid heat of a male. She let out a soft groan as she let it slide as far into her as she dared, the cock filling her to just a few inches above his balls, no part of her body touching him except her crotch. Expertly, she wiggled, manipulating his cock to stroke against hte soft hot walls of her sex, allowing her to reach a quick and dirty climax, while he slept. She purred softly as she felt her body relax, her sex calm once again now that she had sated herself on the little male's dragon cock. She smiled down at him, then pulled herself up, letting her sexual juices flow down his shaft and across his belly, then laid back beside him, content to fall back asleep.

When Alex woke up, it was to the feeling of an aching cock and the sticky gooiness of recent sex as he could tell from the slick sheen across his belly. He turned slightly, his muzzle level with the dragoness' breasts, and he chuckled, looking down to see that her groin was still damp and that she had obviously pleasured herself at his expense. He shook his head, flicked out his tongue to taste the warm dampness that coated his lower body, and with a smile, he rose slowly, not disturbing the dragoness.

He slid slowly down, until his muzzle was level with her groin, his nose just beneath her tail. Slowly, ever so slowly, he slid his long thin tongue into the depths of her crotch, slithering it into her ever so gently. Inch by inch, he started to stroke her, licking the damp cream of her sex, his tongue circling inside her, curling against the hot flesh of her body, drinking the sweet nectar that flowed between her thighs. Slowly, he slid his small human hands across her buttj, his little fingers stroking the soft flesh, pushing aside the ample bounty of her cheeks, spreading her sex to his invasion. His fingers stroked across her anus, feathering across the taut little muscle, one of his fingers circling, invading just a little, making a small moan escape her snoring mouth, then with a quick little lunge, he pressed two fingers into her core, driving them into her warmth, pistoning them inside her.

Aerie moaned then, and lifted her hips, not quiet awake, not fully asleep anymore, murring softly as she felt her body being stroked. She smiled softly as she felt the tiny fingers stroking her ass, a soft whistling purr escaping her lips as she felt the small invasion. She waved her tail a little, moving it to the side, exposing the entirety of her ass to her little mate. She was mostly awake now, and she wanted to play, she could feel how aroused he was, his mostly human scent hot with his desire to mate. She stamped her feet a little, raising her hips to make herself more comfortable, exposing her sex to him.

Alex groaned as she shifted, his tongue darting out to flick the hot crevice between her cheeks, his lithe little tongue wiggling across her anus before stroking against her folds. He growled softly as he felt her body quiver against him, his cock so hot and hard, he wanted to bury it deep inside her body. He lowered his head to lick her tailbase, his thin little dragon tongue wiggling across the soft scales of her body. He bit her then, ever so gently, his teeth raking the soft scales of her tail.

Aerie moaned again, fully awake now, her body quivering with desire. She turned her head, her eyes open and burning with feral desire.

"Take me" she whispered softly back to her little lover. "Take me and ride me like your bitch."

Alex shivered, then with a groan of his own, he thrust his burning flesh between her folds, pushing his cock between her thighs, spreading her soft wet folds, letting himself slip deeply into her, his cock pressing to the hilt in one quick sliding warm wet motion. He stood there for a second, buried inside of her, her body quivering against him, his knees shaking.

Aerie purred, looking back at him, her eyes luminescent with lust and love, a smile on her muzzle. She stamped her feet a little, urging him on, laughing softly as Alex stood there, his cock buried in her, a happy silly grin on his face. She wiggled, spreading her legs a little further, pushing back against him, her sex feeling full and stretched, just how she liked it.

Alex purred down at her, changing himself a little more, making his throat shift more to the dragon, soft scales spreading down his throat and onto his chest, little scales of a delicate creamy white. He purred again, rumbling softly down at her. His mate.

He leaned down, his small body leaning across her huge body, the heat of her flesh warm and inviting against his. He sighed softly, his little hands stroking the backs of her legs, her hot thighs, the soft moist flesh just inside her folds, surrounding his shaft, his tiny fingers tickling and playing with her body as his hips moved ever-so-slowly against her, pulling out with a soft gentle sucking sound, slowly sinking back in with a hot friction of fluids and flesh. He could feel her all around him, the heat of her body warming his human skin, like standing in front of a furnace.

He growled softly then, panting softly as he began to pump in earnest, his cock moving swiftly between her thighs, his hands digging into her scales, small nails growing into tiny claws as he held her legs, showing a little dominance towards her. This was his dragon, his mind roared to him, his dragoness. She was letting him have control, and he was taking it.

He groaned as her muscles gripped him, so slippery and wet and delicious around him, his cock already feeling tight and tense, wanting to explode inside her so much. He started to pant, his muzzle close to her back, his body thrusting hard into her, mashing against all the spots inside her that he was learning made her feel good.

Aerie groaned as her little male started showing more dominance, wincing a little as she felt the claws that emerged from his fingers. A smile flicked across her face though, she could feel that he was shifting more, and this pleased her. He was coming closer to a dragonself, and she was glad. Maybe soon...soon...he would be a true dragon, and she would truly have a mate.

She sighed at that unworthy thought. Her little slave WAS her mate, regardless of what form he held. She knew that...knew that this bond was true. She chuckled a little inside though...regardless of her feelings, she would still treat him as her slave, because it gave her great pleasure to be the keeper of one so small and delicate.

Just then, his cock jerked, and a splash of heat flowed through her as a tiny wave of seed flowed into her. He was getting close to the edge, and she could feel it. She jerked against him, her sex gripping tightly, her body expertly manipulating him, stroking and burning around his shaft, her entire being intent on making him spill himself inside her.

Alex growled, his mind full of thoughts of the heat of her body and the pressing of her groin against his as he humped into her, his hips slapping hers over and over, his tiny body dwarfed by her hot flesh. He lunged then, his small muzzle biting down on the soft flesh of her upper back, just below her wings, biting into the soft flesh there.

Aerie growled back at him, the pain melding with the pleasure, pushing her so high into a state of arousal, she could feel the edge of her climax. She egged him on, mashing back against him, the wet squish of their flesh as they moved faster, his cock burning with the seed that flowed through it, her sex burning with her need, the two of them twined and rapidly approaching a state of climax neither had experienced before.

Alex lifted his muzzle, dripping little drops of blood, and howled, his first feral dragon howl, his cock stiffening and pouring his seed into the dragoness beneath him. As his howl echoed, Aerie lifted her head, her female voice melding and mixing with his voice, the two voicing their climax as their bodies pounded together, hers filled, his filling, both of them feral with the intensity of the climax.

It seemed to last forever, him spilling continuously until seed spilled down their legs, pooling beneath them, her sex milking him on and on. Both of them continued making animal noises as they slowly drifted down, his body falling against hers as he collapsed with exhaustion from the massive orgasm he had just experienced.

Aerie rolled over then, holding him close, leaving his spent cock between her legs. She looked down at him, as he lay across her belly, his flesh soft and warm against her hard scaley body. She reached down to stroke him, petting her hand gently through his hair, her clawed fingers running up and down his small frail body. She gently teased the soft scales across his throat, delicately stroking them, making a small purr rumble through him.

She leaned down then, to lick his muzzle, then pull him into a kiss.

She whispered down at him, "You serve me well. My slave."

Alex rumbled softly, contentedly, as he lay against her thighs, wet and fully satiated, his thick dragon cock already softening and relaxing. He stroked a hand down her thigh, and nuzzled her neck.

"I love you. My Mistress."

Aerie chuckled softly, then picked him up, cradling him in her arms.

"There is much to be done today, my little Slave, so we must be up and away now."

Alex smiled blissfully up at her.

"As you wish, Mistress."