Mama Bear - Part 1

Story by Lobo del Rio on SoFurry

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Ahaha. I forgot to put this here. I started a story series, yes... This is part one. It's been on FA for a few days. Part 2 is about 1/3 done and god willing will be up later tonight. I get a couple of days off work to try and get through a couple of chapters thanks to a health code violation in the kitchen. :P But you don't care about that. Enjoy. Tagged M/solo because it needed one and there's no sex?

Part 1 contains mild bondage and transformation from a male human into a female bear.

(I'm also trying a new POV for this series, so if it reads awkwardly I apologize.)


Devon opens his eyes, blinking in the feeble rays of light that filter through... are those bars on the window? Something is in his mouth, something large that's keeping him from speaking. He sinks his teeth into it, and though it has a little bit of give it refuses to yield- it's rubber. Muffled sounds escape him as he tries to reach up and remove the object, and finds his wrists immobile. Panic begins to set in and the hair on the back of his neck bristles as he struggles against what the human realizes are a set of full-body restraints.

His neck is choked with a collar that he jerks back against, gasping slightly around the gag. His wrists are bound together behind his back, what feels like leather biting into his wrists and chafing the skin. He tugs at them but they don't give. A harness around his waist hoists his backside into the air, bindings around his ankles keeping his legs spread wide, the cool, damp air making his sac shrink up between his parted thighs. Clamminess sets in from the sudden fear that grips him. His breathing increases, and he struggles against his bonds for a few more minutes before he slumps down, winded. Gooseflesh has broken out on his arms, his chest and back, his legs... his short blond hair is slick with cold sweat, and his eyes roll back in fear as he hears the rusty screech of a door opening.


Twelve Hours Earlier...

Devon sighed, kicking a rock along the beaten sidewalk as he trailed home from work. After spending the last eight hours stuck in the drive-through window of a fast-food joint catering to every idiot that pulled up and mumbled into the speaker, he wasn't eager to slip into that cramped apartment and spend the night there. The cool autumn air bit at his exposed flesh, and he pulled his coat tighter around him, breath coming in clouds with each exhalation.

A car began to roll up, and he barely paid it a glance until he realized it had slowed down to trail along next to him. He cocked his head and peered at it.

It was a silver sports car, definitely expensive, with chrome rims and a fin that made him envious. The windows were tinted perfect black. He could see only his own startled and suspicious expression until the glass began to roll down.

Inside, a black-haired lemur stared back at him, flashing a toothy grin his way. Furry ears flicked upward, twitching once.

"Hey there, buddy!" the furre greeted him, eyes aglimmer. "Wanna help a fella out? I'm looking for Parks Mall, and I've been driving in circles for probably an hour now."

"Uhh, sure..." the human mumbled, one hand coming up to ruffle his own hair. "You wanna go back down Walnut Street to where it crosses over to Third..." he turned to one side, pointing back down the road the car had come from, when he heard the dull sound of a car door opening. Before he could turn back, something hard hit him in the back of the head. The male crumpled, stars winking in front of his vision as he dropped to the sidewalk. He landed on his side, staring blankly up at the darkening clouds in the sky as blackness swirled in and annexed his sight.


"Hey there sexy," a voice croons with a murr from behind him. Light footsteps echo on a stone floor as a light it switched and a lone, bare bulb flickers to life to bathe the grim room in light. The human on the table is horrified by what he sees: a wall lined with odd surgical-looking instruments, tubes, boxes for syringes and what look like BDSM toys similar to the ones binding him now. He chokes slightly around his gag, saliva starting to dribble around it to pool on the table, and frightened brown eyes turn to the very corners to see the same anthro from the car gayly stepping around to the head of the table his victim is strapped to.

"Mmph, mm-mmm, mph-mm-mmph!" Devon protests, squirming a bit more.

The lemur laughs heartily and gives his ass a slap before trailing the rest of the way around. "Don't worry baby, we've been watching you for weeks. You're not gonna get hurt and we're not gonna kill you! You've been chosen to take part in a pretty kick-ass study we're doing. So, Devon McLane, welcome to my basement lab! I'm Doctor Francis Cross, and I'm going to be your attending for the first part of the experiment."

Dr. Cross flashes him that grin again, messing his hair with one paw and gleefully skipping around out of Devon's field of vision. It's only now that the human realizes the furre's state of undress. Somehow, considering his position, it's unnerving. He squirms a little and groans around the gag once more, trying to figure out what's going on. All he hears are a few metallic clinks as the lemur fiddles with something, and then his vision is taken over by white bellyfur as the anthro steps back right in front of him.

"Open wide and take your vitamins, mmmmkay?"

Devon stares in horror as the doctor reaches down and presents a large white pill to him. It smells bitter, and he whimpers lightly as a second furry paw comes down to remove his gag. The human coughs and retches once with his mouth free, panting and still staring up at the lemur in front of him. The pill is violently shoved towards his mouth, and he clamps it shut against the intrusion, making sounds of protest all the while.

"Oh, come on. It's not that bad!" Dr. Cross insists, reaching down and using his free paw to pinch the human's nose shut. Over a minute ticks by while Devon holds his breath desperately, hanging in his restraints until spots dance in his vision. He's fighting a losing battle, however - another moment, and his mouth drops open so he can sputter for breath. At that point his mouth is violently invaded by two fingers, which shove the inch-long pill across his tongue and to the back of his throat. It catches there as he refuses to swallow, but once more his air is cut off, and after a few seconds he's forced to admit defeat. He gulps it down and moans lowly as he feels the tiny lump it forms work its slow way down his esophagus, gritting his teeth as it splashes into his empty stomach like a stone.

"Mgh... what was that?" he chokes out, looking up at his captor as the pill begins to foam in his gut, growing warm.

"You'll see in a moment!" the doctor chirrups, swaggering over to the wall and leaning against it. He reaches over to a table just out of Devon's line of site and produces a tape recorder, which he holds up and clicks the button to a moment later.

"The time is six twenty-three A.M.. Patient had been under restraints for precisely eleven hours and forty-one minutes. First dosage was administered approximately two minutes ago. Second dosage will be administered shortly."

The human wriggles in his bonds. By now he's desperate to get a hand free, if nothing else just so he can massage his stomach, which is beginning to clench and gurgle uncomfortably. It feels like his insides are beginning to writhe, and he squirms a bit more in an attempt to at least put some weight on his aching belly. He's starting to feel bloated, and in fact as he turns his head as far as the collar will allow to snip at the furre, a belch rises up and cuts him off mid-word.

"What are you--URRRRRRP," he groans a moment later, tensing the muscles in his abdomen to try and somehow ease the ripples of tension running through his innards.

"Tell me when your tummy settles down, all right?" the lemur snickers, petting his lower back some. "I don't want to incite any external changes until your internal ones are at least well on their way."

Devon whimpers, panting now. It feels like there's too much stuffed into his gut; his muscles are taut and it feels like everything inside is expanding slowly. Lower down, he shudders as something just above his groin itches and begins to move around within him, as if his actual organs are shifting places somehow. The sensation reaches a peak, and he tilts his head back slightly and cries out.

That seemed to be Dr. Cross' cue. The human tenses again as he feels something beginning to invade his most private depths. He tries to push his thighs together, but the restraints keep them spread wide, and his eyes tear up as an even larger foreign object is slowly pressed to the tight pucker of his ass. A little gasp escapes him, and it slowly slides in, stretching the opening slightly in a way that's shamefully pleasant to the captive. He can hear the lemur talking into the recorder again, but he's distracted by the sensation of his lower muscles clenching and tugging the object into his bowels, where a feeling similar to the one previously in his stomach also bubbles up. His muscles are involuntarily working around it, tugging it deeper inside of him, and he cries out lightly as whatever it is ruptures and unleashes a tiny flood of scorching liquid into his rectum.

He shudders and lets out a groan, but after a couple of minutes the pressure in his belly seems to be decreasing. At the same time, his restraints feel tighter, but the anthro holding him there makes a quick job of undoing them so that he slumps down on the table. Part of him screams to get up and flee, but he's unable to move. His nose begins to elongate, the tip thickening, blackening. His nails thicken and harden, then lengthen into unmistakable bear claws. His teeth follow suit, at first bulging from his lips and then settling in as his muzzle fully forms. His spine curves itself back and extends slightly as a tail pokes from above his anus, now, filling the room with the sound of crackling bones as his entire skeleton begins to change shape.

Shaking his head, he lets out a cry that dissolves into a bear-like bellow as his vocal cords change, his neck growing thicker, attaching itself to bulkier, more muscular shoulders. He moans and finally pushes himself to a sitting position, looking down at himself with horror at the squish of his internal organs changing to suit his new form. A moment later, he cries out as a pair of large, round breasts slowly push out of his chest, brown nipples hard and erect. It doesn't stop there, though. A second, slightly smaller pair emerge beneath those, and then yet a THIRD beneath those! His hands tremble as they reach down to lightly cup each one, giving them all a light squeeze to assure that yes, they're most certainly real and most certainly his. His mouth has dropped open as he watches his body continue to change - his belly fills out, becoming more round and soft, his hips widening and also rounding off to match. His penis is the last thing to change. It quivers slightly, and he lets out a light cry as it begins to slowly shrink down. He leans back and uses his paws to press his new rotund gut out of the way to view it, but there comes a point that he can no longer see it even that way. However, he feels it as it inverts, pulling up inside of his body as labia form between his legs. It moves in deeper slowly, and finally, after a few agonizing seconds, connects with a newly-formed uterus.

Devon looks up at Dr. Cross, stupefied at what's just happened to her body as the anatomical changes finish up. There isn't much left, now. Her blond locks darken to crow's wing black, and the hair begins to creep down from her head, over her face, her shoulders, spreading like a wave to cover her entire curvacious figure in thick, silky fur. In just a few minutes more, the newly-formed FEMALE sloth bear is staring at the lemur, incredulous.

"Success! Full transformation has been achieved," the male records, "It's thirty-five minutes past the hour. Phase one has been completed. Phase two may now commence."

Devon pushes herself to her feet and lets out a growl. "Change me back!" she spits, lumbering towards the much more diminutive anthro before her. When he simply gives her another grin, she lets out a snarl and aims a misjudged swing at him, staggering forward as he dances over to another wall. Before she can correct her balance in such an alien form, she feels a pick in her hindquarters, and looks back to see the lemur, smile intact, depressing the plunger on a syringe that's been stabbed into her. It takes mere moments for her racing pulse to spread anesthetic through her entire body. She falls forward onto the floor, rolling onto one side to regard the doctor with utter contempt. He simply kneels down and gently pats her belly.

"Don't you worry about a thing. We'll take good care of you here."