Krris #9

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#11 of Krris

Ubergard's Lust

In which Ubergard makes it clear as day that she is more than a pretty warrior in skin-tight chainmail, Muz-Ra continues her therapy, and the last night between Krris and Muz-Ra begins. (yes, a bit of foreshadowing there).

Don't worry too much about Krris' penis being hurt by Ubargard's sharp teeth. A close examination of Argonian mouth structure reveals a large gap between the front-most fangs, rather similar to the gap between a snake's teeth - ostensibly egress for the tongue which doubles as a sense of smell in snakes and lizards. However, this same gap functions beautifully for ingress as well, so Krris' penis is resting comfortably and warm atop Ubergard's moist and active tongue here. It's in safe hands, you might say.

| "Oh my!" she said, turning around.

Krris was caught offguard. "Oh, I'm sorry. I..."

"You were looking at my ass. No, don't deny it!"

Krris gulped, hard. "Well... yes. I was. It just looked so..." he admitted shamefully, letting the sentence hang. | image |

| She shrugged, put on her armor, and bent over again to get her boots while he stood there unsure of what to say and realizing that once again he was actually staring at her ass and he looked away quickly.

"And you've also got a boner the size of the Throat of the World," she said, not looking at him.

He looked down and covered himself immediately.

"Maybe we shouldn't take baths together anymore." | image |

| Ubergard spun back and walked over to him menacingly. "And why the hell not? You think I mind you looking at me? You think I am upset that your cock gets hard looking at my ass? You, my friend, don't know me very well apparently. Maybe you should." | image |

| And with that, she dropped to her knees and took him in her mouth. For just a minute. Just a little tease. She rose shortly after and gave him a nuzzle under his chin - the equivalent of a kiss for Argonians as he understood it. | image |

| "Ubergard! You are a cock tease!" he laughed as she turned back to retrieve her weapon.

"Maybe so," Ubergard smiled with one eye-ridge raised. "But you shouldn't be so worried all the time. Not around me. And besides, yours is the only cock I tease." | image |

| "Good point," he agreed.

"You, my young apprentice, are getting very interesting to be around. Muz-Ra's therapy is working."

Krris felt his tail fluffing in embarrassment, but he put his own armor back on, taking care to adjust himself. "It is," he admitted with a shy smile. | image |

| That night, Muz-Ra just held him again. Though she was kind enough, he felt she was somehow more distant. When he tried ask her why, she assured him it was nothing. But when they snuggled together, either it was his imagination or she held him a little more firmly and pressed herself against him a little more solidly. Actually it felt even better. That night it was Krris that fell to sleep first. | image |

| However, by the fourth night, his body was losing patience with his newfound celibacy. It wanted release. | image |

| "Muz-Ra?" he asked as he got into bed.

"Yes Krris?"

"I... um... how do I put this. I think I want to..."

"Masturbate? You really have a problem with that word, don't you?" she laughed. | image |