A Small Trance: Fantasy in Hir Mind

Story by Shiveneve on SoFurry

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#1 of A Small Trance

So yay! Another story posted to yiffstar! It's been a while, but I hope you enjoy this anyway. The usual applies, don't read this if it's illegal for you to. You've been warned! Also a note about comments. I like comments, I welcome comments, but keep in mind that when I write a yiff, I don't spend hours pouring over the text making sure that every spelling and grammar error is corrected. Far as I'm concerned, a spelling error never made pawing off take any longer, and that's frankly the goal of my yiff texts. If you notice anything blatantly bad, let me know and I'll fix it. And for all you purists out there (or the horny teenage furs who might actually try it), yes I'm well aware hypnosis doesn't work like this, but Shiveneve isn't!

This is part 1 of 3 parts planned. There may be more pending positive feedback.

"Finally, they're gone." Shiveneve sighed in relief as shi leaned hir back against the front door, firmly closed and already locked behind hir parents. Living at home could be hard on a young herm dragoness just coming into heat, and every year it became more and more difficult to hide from hir parents just how sexual their child had become. This year though, a surprise vacation to the Bahamas for their twentieth anniversary proved rather convenient.

Closing hir eyes for a moment and just enjoying the silence of an otherwise empty house, Shiveneve allowed a smile to slowly blossom upon hir muzzle. Shi had so many plans for this week, but first of all shi wanted to try something a friend had told hir about that shi had surprisingly never thought of before. With a last, apprehensive glance as if in fear of hir parents returning, shi checked the locks a final time and hurried back upstairs to hir room.

Shiveneve had never told hir parents that shi was a herm. Perhaps they knew, but they had never mentioned it and always treated hir as a female. As a dragon hir male parts remained hidden unless shi were aroused, so only hir closest friends ever knew hir secret. Not even the family doctor knew, shi had never had a serious injury or needed x-rays before. Being a herm sure was a lot of fun though, even with the difficulty of keeping secrets.

Hurrying back up to hir room, wings spreading to balance as shi took the stairs two at a time, shi slammed the door behind hir and locked it reflexively. Halfway to hir bed shi remembered anew that the entire house lay empty beyond hir door. Thinking kinky thoughts of public displays and what shi would do if shi had the courage, shi decided to open the door.

As Shiveneve eased the door open all the way, the sense of exposure coupled with what shi knew shi would soon be doing only served to bring hir arousal forth with a vengeance. Shi felt hirself moistening between hir thighs and beneath hir tail, bringing a murr to hir lips. Straying a paw to hir hips shi began to touch hirself lightly at first stirrings of pleasure directing hir actions far more than thought by now. As shi felt hir cocktip erecting to part the lips of hir foreslit, the damp touch of pre upon hir paw brought hir back to the present.

"Not yet..." Shiv chuckled to hirself, withdrawing hir damp paw and tapping the tip of hir cock, "I have special plans for you tonight." The touch sent a shiver through hir once more, testing hir discipline, and for a moment shi almost took hir member in the caress of hir paw once more, but no, hir patience would be well rewarded this time.

Pushing herself away from the doorframe shi had been leaning against shi quickly went over to hir closet and tossed aside a large pile of boxes, clothes, and knick-knacks. Digging in the back uncovered a small box, a Pandora's Box as shi liked to call it. Shiveneve's own little slice of evil in an otherwise picture perfect life as far as anyone else could see. If hir parents found out shi had what the box contained, shi figured they'd probably disown hir.

With a guilty smirk shi lifted the lid to spy a wide assortment of variously-sized dildos, vibrators, a few extra large condoms (for when shi had hir friends over), and a half-used bottle of silicon lubricant. Toward the bottom of the box Shiveneve had a video a friend named Narse had passed off to hir, shi didn't know what was on it but had been told to wait until hir parents left to watch it, and that shi would enjoy the contents a great deal. Shi figured it was yiffy, and had been tempted to peek several times before, but with a video it was always possible that hir parents might hear something and walk in on hir. Otherwise shi would have to watch it with the television muted and risk missing half the fun.

But now that shi was alone.... Shiveneve half-lidded hir eyes again, almost reverently lifting the video from the box and clutching it greedily in both paws. Now shi would see just what Narse was so fired up about. Shi also snagged a few of hir toys, just in case the video inspired the use of a prop or two. Quickly prancing over to the television shi popped open the dvd player and slid the disc into place.

Settling hir tail on the bed, Shiveneve licked hir lips and thumbed the power on the television. The dvd began abruptly, with little to no introduction. From the title and the short monologue shi quickly learned that Narse had given hir one of those self-hallucination tapes. Shi paused it after the message and replayed it once to make sure shi had heard correctly. Apparently by listening to the soothing voice and focusing on the relaxing color patterns playing on the screen, shi would find hirself able to realize hir favorite fantasies as if they were really happening. At least according to the professional appearing fox on the screen, apparently a doctor of sexual hypnotherapy, though Shiveneve privately doubted he was anything so respectable.

Still if Narse said it really worked, shi might as well give it a try. Unpausing the tape, Shiveneve had the sudden odd thought that many furs and scales probably had fantasies involving themselves transforming into a hermaphrodite, something that shi already was. This helped lighten hir mood a bit as shi turned back to the video. Oh he had started already, shi supposed shi should start feeling sleepy or something. Hmm, the doctor really did have a nice voice, soothing, even, but shi wasn't sure shi could really be hypnotized. Stuff like that never worked and shi was too yiffy to relax anyway. The patterns were kind of pretty though, the way they swirled aimlessly, soothingly. What was he saying now? Something about focusing on hir fantasies... well why not? Shi didn't have to think for very long, as hir favorite fantasy quickly came to the front. What would it be like to be a macro dragon, larger even then hir ancient ancestors? As Shiveneve finally started to fall asleep, shi supposed shi was about to find out.

The video droned on, the voice on the screen guiding Shiveneve deep into hir fantasies. Images played through hir mind of hirself as a colossal wonder of draconity. Thirty feet long shi padded about town distracting drivers and pedestrians alike by hir ravishing beauty and unusual size. Shi felt strong and sensual, bare scales to the world as shi pranced down Main Street, eyes following hir smooth, slender curves as the dragoness bounced past.

But hir fantasies didn't end there, and soon Shiveneve found hirself nearly twice as tall, possibly larger than a six story building. By now the stares of the crowd had transformed into panic screams, sounds which a darker side of hir appreciated with deviance. Other furs were toys to hir now, and shi dallied to play with a few of them. Soft moans interrupted the droning of the television as hir arousal in the real world reacted to the fantasies playing in hir mind. And still shi grew larger in hir mind.

By the time the voice brought hir back, Shiveneve had worked hirself into quite a state of frantic pleasure. Shi had reached truly phenomenal sizes, and done things shi never even considered possible. Shiveneve had experienced what it was like to have the world at hir paws and as hir toy. Ruminating on hir experiences for a few moments shi noted that despite the evidence of several orgasms displaying itself upon hir scales, shi was still quite yiffy and ready for more. Shi turned back to the video to play it through again, but before shi hit the button shi realized the doctor was still speaking.

Turning the volume up to hear the last of what he had to say, the dragoness was overjoyed to discover that as part of the video, a trigger phrase had been implanted in hir mind. Whenever shi wished to experience hir fantasy again, all Shiveneve had to do was speak out loud the subject of hir fantasy. Shi would experience the same sensations shi felt while under hypnosis and hir fantasy would play itself back in hir mind, overlaying as much as it was possible with the real world so it wouldn't cause any problems with hir life. Shi didn't kind of wonder how that would work with a macro fantasy, but shrugged it off after a while. Shi figured that the word "grow" would be the trigger word.

Finally switching the video off shi returned hir attention to hir dripping sex, both of them. Realizing that hir arousal has hardly abated at all and thinking back over the events shi just went through inside hir mind, shi decides that there's no time like the present to try the trigger out. This time Shiveneve choose one of hir toys to aid hir exploration, hir largest dildo that shi had never been able to work past the head of. Maybe in hir fantasy shi could take the whole thing!

The bed with its wrinkled sheets beckoned. Leaning back upon and spreading hir legs limberly to either side, the teenage dragoness took hir maleness in one paw and pressed the dildo to hir pussy lips with the other. Shiveneve gasped in surprise at how horny shi felt. Applying pressure to hir nethers with the thick head of hir dildo shi started to spread hirself so pleasurably while stroking hir cock slowly but steadily. Shi had barely begun to touch hirself and already shi felt like shi were going to explode! Did that video have any suggestions to increase sexual pleasure as well? Shi didn't know but neither could shi explain how much more shi was enjoying hirself.

The dragoness knew shi was about to climax, but Shiveneve didn't want it to end this quickly. Removing hir paw from hir maleness, shi lifted it to hir chest instead, rubbing hir right breast, giving hirself a few squeezes and tweaking the nipple once or twice. Shi didn't have to work long before shi began to lactate, something that none of hir friends could do yet but that shi enjoyed immensely. Lowering hir muzzle toward hir paw, shi circled hir reptilian breast with hir satin tongue a few times before parting hir lips and slipping the erect nipple into hir maw. A gentle suckling drew hir tasty cream into hir muzzle.

Thick and sweet, the heavy milk quickly filled hir muzzle. Shiveneve had long wondered if it were narcissistic of hir to enjoy hir own tastes so much. Cum, milk, shi even liked the flavor of hir nethers. As a dragoness shi possessed a neck long enough to let hir fellate hirself with ease, even cleaning out hir tailhole required only a bit of warm up stretching. Whether or not shi should though, shi knew that shi did very much like the flavors nature had gifted hir with, especially hir milk. It wouldn't be long before shi suckled hirself to orgasm, and shi wanted to hold off on that a bit longer.

Panting heavily as shi drew hir muzzle back from hir breast, the herm forced hirself to stop and calm down for a bit, withdrawing the dildo and simply relaxing on the bed for a moment. Soft moans and gentle purrs stirred from hir lips as even the light breeze from the air conditioning seemed to excite hir. Shiveneve felt not the slightest sexual frustration, though hir vaginal cavity rippled in memory of the large dildo and hir cock throbbed thickly in the absence of hir stroking paw. Even hir breast was still leaking hir creamy milk. Shi had never felt so turned on before in hir life.

Shaking hir muzzle as if to clear it, the dragoness stammered aloud to hirself, "At.t..this... rate... I'll... I'll finish b... before... I start." Closing hir eyes and concentrating on calming down didn't seem to work very well, but maybe it would be enough. "I b...better... try the... the code... n... now."

It took a lot of strength to fight for even a moment of control against the powerful pleasure. Licking hir lips and giving hir head another couple shakes, Shiveneve took a deep breath and opened hir eyes, wanting to see the world around hir as part of hir fantasy. Shi at last managed to pronounce the single word without hesitating, "Grow."

Instantly the herm dragoness felt a surge of pleasure overwhelming hir. Gasping out loud with the almost painful intensity of the feeling, shi positively writhed upon the sheets of hir bed. This wasn't at all like the hypnotic trance shi had been in while watching the video, if anything it felt a hundred times more powerful, a hundred times better! Catching hir breath after a few moments shi let out a heavy moan of pure pleasure, nearly drooling as shivers of electric bliss danced upon every inch of hir scales. Whatever shi had expected, this was so much more.

The room swam around the young dragoness. Shiveneve tried to sit up in bed, if only to prove that shi could still use hir limbs. Shi was surprised to find that shi could still accomplish it, and even more surprised at how much the room around hir appeared to change. Surely it was all in hir mind, but still shi wasn't quite prepared for everything to shrink so quickly. The bed, the television, hir desk, the assortment of furniture shi had around the room; all of it seemed so much smaller than shi had remembered.

The code word actually worked! At this surprising development, the dragoness was able to fight free of the pleasures overwhelming hir for a few moments and actually think clearly. Shiveneve had to know how this had happened and how the illusion worked, forgetting hir arousal even though both hir sexes continued to demand hir attention quite forcefully. Hir eyes shone brightly as shi took in the now comparatively tiny room. Shi figured at a glance that everything appeared roughly two-thirds the size it used to be. A floor lamp that stood taller than hir previously now barely came up to hir sitting height. The clothes scattered loosely upon the floor looked like those of hir younger sister, still in middle school. Textbooks spilled from a carelessly tossed backpack took on the dimensions of paperback novels. Shi giggled as shi thought of trying on a pair of sandals from hir closet, but quickly dismissed it. Obviously this was all in hir mind and shi feared that trying on the shoes would disrupt the illusion. Still, Shiveneve knew shi could always say the code word again.

Unable to resist, Shiveneve stood up off hir bed suddenly, intent on testing hir theory. Unfortunately hir experimentation was quickly interrupted by the solid knock hir head received upon impacting with the ceiling. The dragoness sat back down, hard, hir bed creaking under the sudden weight. Lifting a paw to rub the top of hir muzzle, Shiveneve looked up ruefully at the unforgiving ceiling. "I guess this illusion is meant to be rather convincing...." Hir voice trailed off as shi spotted two perfect holes in the white-spackled roof. Reaching hir paw up further toward hir horns, the dragoness felt a residue of drywall or ceiling material. Brushing it off quickly, shi brought hir paw around to gaze intently at the flaky stuff in disbelief. "That's not possible...." Shi mumbled to hirself, glancing back and forth between hir paw and the ceiling.

Several moments passed in silence.

"This is one hell of an illusion." Shi laughed, wide-eyed in wonder. But now that shi had started to come to terms with the hypnotic suggestion working the way the tape had claimed, shi acutely felt hir arousal returning. Really it hadn't ever left, judging from the large puddle of fluids gathering on hir bedspread. Sparing only a moment's grumble at the work shi was making for hirself later--at the very least shi would have to wash the bed clothing--Shiveneve decided the pleasure and excitement were worth it. Reaching for hir dildo, shi decided to get on with the business of enjoying hir new size, even if it was all just an illusion.

The normally impressive sex toy seemed quite a bit smaller than usual. Shiveneve frowned as shi curled hir paw around it and nestled the thick head up against hir cunt once more. Even though shi knew it was all in hir head, hir growth fantasy apparently made the toy seem smaller as well. Shi had no difficulty pressing the entire length inside hir now in just a few seconds of effort, and it didn't stretch hir nearly as pleasantly anymore. After several moments of frustration as shi tried to recapture that feeling of pleasant fullness, shi yanked the dildo out again and stared at it angrily. "Stupid fantasy! It would be so useful to be able to make other things grow too."

Before Shiveneve even finished the thought, the dildo seemed to leap in hir paws, quickly expanding to match the new proportions of the large dragoness. Staring in disbelief as hir toy was restored to it's impressive size (at least in relation to hir), a grin slowly crept in at the edges of hir muzzle. "Wicked! Narse was right, this is the best ever." Shi laughed at the feeling of power it gave hir to be able to grow hirself and hir playthings. This was definitely one fantasy shi found hirself increasingly enjoying.

The dildo made the short journey back to the dragoness's oversized snatch, once more filling hir pleasantly as shi lay back upon the bed. By now hir juices had been flowing for quite some time, and shi found that shi was able to fit more than just the head in. Nearly crying out in pleasure as shi gradually worked the thick artificial cock deeper inside hir, Shiveneve wondered if shi had ever felt this horny, or this good before in hir entire life! Soon shi had buried the entire length of the toy inside hir cunt, hir other paw once more forcefully massaging hir throbbing maleness as pre and feminine fluids drooled over hir scales.

Rocking hir hips against the pleasures of hir toy and paw, Shiveneve half-lid hir eyes in blissful sexuality. Shi wanted to experiment further with the hypnotic fantasy, but right then all shi could do was surrender to the pleasure. Thrusting the heavy rubberized shaft deep inside hir oversensitive pussy, shi clamped down upon it's length with a fierce passion that could have injured a male lover hir size. At the same time shi practically mauled hir cock, rubbing and squeezing all up and down the length of thick dragonmeat with hir pre providing all the lubricant shi needed.

The room almost seemed to mist with the steamy heat of the dragonesses, the air thick with hir pheromones and the scent of hir heat. The intoxicating scent only served to make the dragoness even more yiffy, to increase hir arousal to almost painful levels. Shi needed to climax now, like the sight of an oasis in the desert, hir orgasm called to hir with inexorable command. Gripping the dildo even tighter shi drew the oversized toy nearly all the way out of hir pussy before firmly driving it in to the hilt, a shivering moan parting hir lips as hir sex responds by firmly massaging the rod inside hir. At the same time shi increases the already frantic pace of hir paw around hir maleness, practically thrusting into the artificial sex formed by hir delicately scaled forepaw. Pumping hir hips and arching hir back forcefully enough to make the bed groan and threaten to give way, the dragoness quickly achieved the most powerful orgasm shi'd ever had in hir entire life.

Tossing hir head back and roaring at the incredible sensation, Shiveneve could only writhe as the force of hir climax washed over hir as one continuously overwhelming wave. Every inch of hir scales felt as if shi were on fire, except for hir genitals and breasts, these felt as if they had burned away into molten lava. Neither of these sensations were painful, it's simply that no other frame of reference exists which could possibly encompass the sheer degree of hir pleasure. Shi came, shi couldn't possibly recall for how long, an hour, a day, a week? Hir cum plastered hir chest, painting hir scales in the sweet-smelling, tasty meringue that was another of hir favorite fluids. It covered hir upper arms and parts of hir wings. Shi caught quite a bit of it in hir muzzle, despite that shi could barely move at all, hir aim had been exceptionally on target. Somewhere in the midst of hir pleasure, the frantic convulsions of hir femsex had forcefully ejected the massive dildo, which sat in a lake of femcum already soaking through to the sheets beneath the bedspread.

All told the room remained dizzy with the scents and sounds of hir self-loving for several minutes longer, until Shiveneve could breath steadily again, and bring hirself back under control. To hir surprise shi remained the same overlarge size, the hypnotist's suggestion obviously quite deeply rooted. Hir dildo remained unchanged as well, and even more staggeringly shi immediately realized shi was still horny. Whatever that hypnotherapist had done, he had done it almost too well. For now though shi could hold out long enough to use the bathroom, clean up a bit, and maybe each lunch while enjoying a slightly larger size around the house. Of course shi had no plans on stopping here, but a short break would work out nicely.