Peer Mirror

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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#10 of Mirror Peer

A collab with Veround from a while back

The market is crowded today. You shuffle through the crowds, keeping your eyes always alert and searching of those around you. Despite the great numbers of attendees today, very few of the people, human or otherwise, that you pass hold anything worth snatching and those that do have a guard or two. It seems the peasantry came out in full force this morning, meaning your scavenging for scraps in this crowd. It's easy enough to pocket a few copper pieces here and there, but that's all you're getting--copper.

In desperation, you began to think of other ways to snatch some valuables today. The usual shopkeepers are around, and most of them know you by now. They should. After all, more than half of them are fences.

You glance around this way and that and spot a few temporary stalls here and there. There's only a few that truly catch your eye--one that is occupied by a cat like man who has fallen asleep at his post, his offered jewelry wares ripe for the taking and then there is a small wooden small attached to a larger store that is usually closed at this time. A sign hangs in this stall, promising its owner will be back in a few minutes.

You approach the cat's stall and quickly snatch some more pricey looking jewelry on his stall, and, seeing how he may wake up any moment, just walk out of his sight into the other empty store, certain you'll be able to pretend You're just a lost customer, and hoping You'll find something else of value there to make up for an unsuccessful day.

"Oh goodie, and how did I miss out on this one before?" you whisper, rubbing your hands. You quickly start examining the contents of the store, taking careful steps not to break anything or make too much noise. Most magic items have no protective charms or any covers around them, so that means they should be safe for the touch, but not worth much. Knowing a major robbery will lead to way stricter protection You just start appraising every item for sale, in hopes of stealing something previous but unremarkable.

As you take your time appraising the objects, you lose track of time itself. The sounds of the crowd fades away as you calculate the worth of one of a particularly golden bauble. You don't know what it does, but it looks fine indeed. You turn it over in your hands and that's when you hear something or someone walking behind you. Surprised, you spin around with bauble still in hand and come face to face with a lizard lady. The blue-scaled lizard humanoid wear a simple woolen robe that hangs loosely on her frame. She's a bit taller than you, forcing you to stare up at her long snout and eyes that gleam golden just like the bauble you hold. She smiles and her tongue flicks out. "Buying," she says, her voice slightly raspy but still somewhat light. "Or selling?"

"Oh, well... I don't have much magic items, just some jewelry I doubt you'd be interested in." You scratch your hair nervously until an idea pops into your head. "Well, I just represent a collector, you see! Do you have any particularly rare and valuable items? My client is willing to pay you a great sum for something that's truly unique."

You smile to her, and wait for the tale reptilian woman to turn your back on you so you could find a distraction of sorts, something to get her attention away from you and whatever she has to offer for a made up client.

"Rare? Valuable?" She smiled, showing off her teeth. "Of course, of course. Who is your collector, hmm?"

"Oh, he's not from here, you wouldn't know him! But he's rich, I assure you!"

She nods, always keeping her eyes on you. It's a little daunting, but you've faced worse before, or so you think. Something gleams in her eyes, an emotion you can't quite make out as she takes a step back. She sweeps a clawed hand to the other side of the store. "Collectors are never interested in what I have here," she said, and then nodded at the shelves you were just going through. "Nor there. They are always much more interested in what I have in the back. Would you like to see?"

"Of course!", You grin. Even if you won't be able to take the valuables without raising some noise, the items there may be worth so much they will definitely be worth it. Most likely enough to bribe the guards, too.

She gestures with a claw and steps aside. Behind her is a door, one that you didn't notice before. "Come," she hisses, her tail waving as she places one clawed hand on the door's handle. "Come on in." With that, she opens the door.

You walk in, waiting for her to follow you.

"So, what are the rare valuables you've got to show me?"

She steps into the room, shutting the door behind her. You look around and the room is mostly empty. Well, empty except for a cloth covered object at the far corner of the room. She points to it, firmly keeping her back against the door though her smile is still very, very friend. "There," she rasps. "I keep it covered in case of thieves. Would you like a look?"

"Haha, thieves! Nasty types, huh?" You laugh. "You know, this is bit bigger than I expected, but I'm sure my client would more than appreciate a nice piece of furniture. So, what does it do?"

"Many things," she says. "But personally I prefer it for some self reflection. There is always great value in that, no?"

"Hah, self-reflection? So it's a mirror? How much can a magic mirror be worth?"

"To the right buyer? Priceless." She motions towards the mirror. "Take a look yourself and see."

"Alright..." You wait for the lizard woman to uncover the mirror but, realising she's waiting for you to do it yourself you just walk to it, and unceremoniously remove the dusty coverings.

The sheet falls to the floor without a sound. Beneath it is just a regular round mirror, the only thing impressive about it is the gold trimmed stand it rests upon. The only thing impressive, that is until your gaze falls upon the mirror itself and the reflection itself. Except it isn't you that's in the mirror--it's a lizard humanoid, a lady lizard that stands there confident, her hands resting on her wide hips. Her olive green scales shimmer in the reflection and the whole of her body is bare before you.

You look back, expecting a second lizard woman behind you. The only one behind you is the blue one, wearing her outfit just like before. As you make a few steps back, you see the green lizard in reflection do the same. That's when it hits me, that's me!

"That's... That's it? It just makes me look like a dum-- ugh, like a lizard, just like you? Is that it?"

She smiles and placed a clawed hand on your shoulder. She turns you back towards the mirror, lowering her head to whisper in your ear. "But, my dear," she murmurs. "Look back. That's you, isn't it?" She pulls back, but not before giving your ear a light lick.

"No, this is just a magic trick!" You take another glimpse at the mirror, and your sight locks onto the reflection. Suddenly, a doubt in your previous words crawls in. "What if that is me?"

"It is you," she purrs. "Look closer...closer..."

She nudges you towards the mirror.

You walk towards it, enthralled by the reptilian magic merchant and the unfamiliar yet attractive reflection, without saying a word. The lizard in the mirror walks closer too. As you draw near, you feel small patches of warmth sprout all over your body and your boots begin to feel a little tight and uncomfortable. As you stare deep into the lizard's eyes that glimmer like gold, you realize that she really isn't all that unfamiliar. There's something about her that seems...known somehow. You smile and she smiles, her forked tongue flicking out momentarily.

The reflection full enthralls you as you attempt to touch it, in hopes the lizard lady on the other side will sense your contact. The body feels odd, patches of skin feeling strange and clothes are off, but You ignore your body, fully fixated on the reflection.

Your hands come into contact with the surface of the mirror, and the reflective glass is unusually warm. This along with the lizard likewise touching the mirror only encourage you to keep your hands upon it, hands that have had the hair fall away in favor of proliferating patches of olive green scales. You flex your fingers against the mirror and feel them elongate slightly while your nails harden and sharpen. You also can't but wriggle your hips as they begin to expand, your pants fitting looser and looser around your waist by the second.

You just shake off all the feeling you have, maintaining all attention on the sight. You have become completely enamoured by the reptilian beauty, You want to hug her and give her all your bodily warmth. You keep smiling like a fool, as you move your head right next to mirror's surface and attempt to kiss her.

Your nose bumps into the mirror as you move in for the kiss but then melts away. You tilt your head back for a second, but then go in for the kiss again. Your lips meet the mirror's surface as the lizard too leans in. Your tongue licks against the mirror, elongating and thinning while its tip splits in twain. While you sloppily try to give the mirror lizard an impossible kiss, your hair falls out in clumps from your head and olive green scales begin to rapidly subsume your skin. When they reach your ears, they shrink away into small, indiscernible hearing holes but your hearing isn't worsened. In fact, it seems you can hear a little better as you hear the lizard behind you chuckle and speak.

"How adorable," she says. "You're so susceptible."

You ignore these remarks, and just press yourself into the mirror more, rubbing it with your body in hopes the barrier will melt away and You'll be together with your beautiful reflection.

Your body presses into the mirror and you feel warm, so warm. With the warmth comes a pleasant haze that only further encourages your actions. Your clawed hands scratch against the mirror as your continue your kiss, your cranium reshaping and your jaws pushing out into a broad, lizardlike snout. Your chest itches, especially the upper portions, as the scales spread down from your snout to your neck and to your torso. Your shoulders slim, no longer as broad or noticeable. Your hips snap and crack as they finish flaring out into their currently wide proportions and the discomfort from your boots have become almost unbearable. Your feet feel trapped and your pants are barely hanging on as is. You hiss in jealousy at the naked reflection before you, the hue of your eyes starting to brighten.

You tear the clothes you never had any need in, and that only isolate you from the beautiful reflection, clawing them off and just throwing the shreds on the ground, taking off your shoes, and done with them you claw the mirror in hopes of breaking the barrier.

Now that you are freed of your clothes, the scales start to spread faster over your skin. You wobble momentarily on your clawed, reptilian feet as your heels lift and the bones of your leg crack. You stand in a digitigrade stand now and your legs are totally covered in the olive-green scales. You shiver as they spread up your stomach, smoothing it out and pressing in your waist.

As scales run over your rear, something begins to press out above it, though the scales reaching your crotch cause you to hiss the most from the sensation.

The sensations in your rear and crotch distract you for a moment, and as you close your eyes from pain, the reflection's glamour vanishes, you snap out of it, take a few steps back and fall down, not used to your digitigrade stance.

You hear steps behind you as the lizard lady comes forward and places her claws on your shoulders. You quiver and glance down at your crotch just in time to see your genitals pull up in your body. You let out a whining, high-pitched hiss as a passage opens up to absorb them in, a fresh scaly slick slit whose lips are a darker green than the rest of your body. You quiver again as your inner passage and walls form, digging deeper and deeper as your your testicles convert to ovaries. You hiss again, astonished by the sight of your smoothly scaled crotch and the flower of womanhood that lays between it, your green nubby clit the only remainder of your member. You are distracted from it as your chest begins to itch. "Ooh," the lizard lady purrs above you. "You're just like her, aren't you?"

You come to your senses, in a way. Instead of looking at reflection, You look at the merchant lady.

"You knew, didn't you?"

"Knew what?" she asks with a laugh.

"I wasn't going to... uh, buy anything," you rasp.

"No, of course not," she replies, squeezing your shoulders and edging your gaze closer to the mirror. "You're just here to look, right?"

You close your eyes. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what, dear?" she says. "What are you so afraid of? Yourself?"

Suddenly the itchiness in your chest becomes unbearable. You want to open your eyes but you don't, not even as the flesh beneath your still present nipples begins to press out. You take a deep breath and let out it and feel your chest heave and...bounce?

You just lean your head down, so that you wouldn't see the mirror, and look at your chest. After all the changes, it doesn't frighten frighten you as it probably should, turning into a lizard woman, but you still touch your new breasts, seeing them jiggle. Realizing you're already too far gone, you just sigh, and give in to the mirror again.

As your gaze returns to the mirror, you see the lizard again in the reflection. You aren't sure why you ever pulled your gaze away from the beautiful reptilian. Her posture is much like yours, but it seems lewder somehow, with her legs spread like they are, her puffy pussy exposed as she fondles her firm, full breasts. You hiss jealousy, dearly wanting breasts like hers. Your wish is soon granted as your breasts swell and swell while you pinch and prod at them, moaning and hissing all the while. In a few moments they're rather large, and perky too. You look back into the mirror, no longer jealous but also confused why you thought there was ever a difference at all. Abruptly you shift around on your rump, your rear filling out, soft and plush while the point pushing out above it finally sprouts freely. You hiss in pleasure as your wonderful tail begins to grow, waving this way and that with every inch it extends.

You quickly develop indifference to your reflection. Why bother with it when you're just as beautiful yourself? You fondle your breasts and caress your body, hissing proudly. Your mind filled with lewd thoughts, you dream of more lizards to spend time with, of sharing your own body and enjoying theirs.

The lizard lady behind you leans down and licks the nape of your neck. You shiver and hiss, the last of your olive-green scales covering what little skin you have remaining and with one last tug your tail extends out to its full length. You look towards the mirror and your apathy ends. You love the sight of yourself with your shimmering olive-green scales, your proud, pert breasts, your hips that wiggle at the thought of lustful things, and your slick, scaled slit that you only manage to just refrain from digging your clawed fingers into. But why? The thought filters through your murky mind, until lust overcomes all reason. You brush a claw over your slit and shiver, your lizardlike snout falling open wide as your tongue flicks again. Again you feel the lizard lady lick at your neck while you continue to look lustily at yourself. "Hmph," she hisses, her snout so close to yours. "You're quite taken in by yourself."

You look at her, and she's as pretty as you are. You nod, and lick her neck yourself. Having so little ambition beyond seeking pleasure, and the only memories of past being murky recollections of the market and city outside, you wait for her to guide you.

You claw needily and hiss at her, wishing she would disrobe and join you in lustful wantoness. She smiles and shakes her head, standing up. "I don't think so, dear," she said. "I've got a shop to run, remember?" She starts to walk away and you whine pathetically. She laughs as she reaches the door, turning her back to you and looking over her shoulder. Slowly her tail lifts, bringing her robe up with it, allowing you to see her rear and slick sex. You whine again and reach out for it but then she drops her tail. "You'll be back soon enough, dear," she continues. "I am fully confident in your capability to entertain yourself until then. Look to the mirror but just...don't wear yourself out too much, understand?"

She winked and flicks her tongue out, wiggling her rear and tail before stepping through the door and closing it behind her. You hiss as you see her go, but her last words remain in your mind. On all fours you crawl towards the mirror, your breasts and hips swaying in the reflection and in reality. Soon enough you reach the mirror, and when you do you reach forward and lift at it, pressing your breasts and pussy against it, grinding and rubbing relentlessly against it. She was right--you're more than capable of keeping yourself occupied until she comes back. Still, you can't wait, your whole body shivering as you wonder how she looks beneath that robe...