
Story by PottZie on SoFurry

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Duncous, part 2

You know the drill, only continue if you are over the age of 18. Thats all I'm going to say.

"Its been a few months since Swift got attacked, hes doing better, altho he does complain about something hurting, I think its coz he just wants to yiff...oh well, I never complain. Swift dose have his moments, Since the accident he picks fights a lot of the time, but I'm there to stop him...thank goodness. Tigero, well his parents found out about him being gay, and they sent him off to training school, it does get lonely around here without my Lil Tiggy to fool around with. A lot of the times I wake up, thinking that hes there with me, but hes not, I miss him a lot. Even if we weren't dating, I still love him. I guess that for me, things could be going better, my dad, well, he got arrested for driving drunk, and hitting an officer, my mom, well she's still the same, always hitting on my and asking me to yiff her, I try to stay as far away as possible, so when she's home, I'm not. Well thats all I have for tonight, moms going to be home in like 15 min so I have to go."

Zander sighs as he finishes up the last sentences in his journal and looks at the clock to make sure he has time to get out of the house. He gets up and doesn't feel like getting shoes on, nor socks, he decides to go out bare paw. He takes his shirt and tosses it on, hes lost weight since tigero left, hes lost about 20 pounds, which isn't good, all his cloths are too big for him and he doesn't have as much energy as he used to.

Zander hears a car pull up and looks out the window, "CRAP!!!! Moms home" He watches her without letting her see him. When she walks into the house he jumps out the window onto the roof and goes to side where he has a rope ladder and climbs down. He starts running as his mom calls him name, "Zander....Oh come back here..."

As he runs he sees that some new furs are moving into the house that was for sale on the next street, the house, was big, it was like a mansion compared to what Zander has been in. It was the biggest house in the entire town, its been for sale for about five years. Some say its haunted, but he knows better.

He looks back to see if his mom is coming after him and runs right into a male otter, both of them falling over onto the grass, Zander on top of the other. The otter blushes and so does Zander, "Um..sorry about that" he gets up and helps the Otter up.

"Its ok, I should have been watching, Da names Exil, what's yours mate?"

"Um..its...a...oh...duh, sorry, its Zander..." He says and thinks that hes an idiot, but hes never seen a male otter before, or at least not in real life, and not one so cute. The otter has a very nice toned build, not to muscular, but just enough. Hes brownish fur flowing in the wind softly. "So, your new around here right, coz I've never seen you before." Zander puts a paw on his head trying to cover up being embarrassed.

"Yeah mate, I just moved in ta that house there, the big one." He points to the house and laughs as Zander stairs unbelievingly at him, "Tis true mate...he, is that your mum, she's yelling your name"

Zander looks back and yelps and jumps behind the otter. "Hide me please"

Exil nods and grabs zander and picks him up as tho hes light as a feather and runs swiftly to his new home and inside it. "There we go, she wont think you're here...." he laughs at the look on Zanders face as he walks around in the big house.

"Wow...this place is huge." Zander says, "How many furs you got living here?"

"Just me..." Exil states.

"J...Just you....h..how, why?"

"Well, me mum...she's rich, and she bought me this place..."

"Thats cool, I wish my mom was like that...instead of how she is..."

"Yeah, well I rather have a loving mum than what I have..."

"Not my mom...there is a thing as too much...loving..."

"Yeah, I guess your right, but at least you live with her, I got kicked out coz I'm gay...er...um...oh boy" Exil looks down embarrassed that he let the fact of him being gay slip out.

"Zander...I'm..sor..r...hun?" Exil looks at Zander, Zander's just standing there with a smug look on his face. Zander walks around the otter sizing him up. "Its ok, Exil, I'm bi, and your one Sexy otter, you're the only otter that I have ever seen."

Exil blinks and looks amazed his tail thudding to the ground in disbelief, "Y...your bi? But, you look...straight...I thought you were straight."

Zander stands the and smiles laughing a little, his tail flicking as he just found a new friend. He licks his maw as he looks up and down the otter, his ears twitching, as well as his paws. His animal side wants to go for him but he keeps it at bay. "R...really, well I'm bi...and I don't know how long I can hold out for now..."

Exil tilts his head a bit and looks at Zander, "What? Hold what?" But just as he finishes Zander pounces onto him and looks him in a deep kiss. Exil is shocked but murrs softly and kisses back, he finding Zander really attractive and sexy.

Zanders tail wraps around Exils tail as they keep the kiss locked, neither one wanting to break it, both murring and cuddling into each other. They roll around on the nice soft carpet as they continue to kiss. Zander finally breaks the kiss and murrs licking Exil on the nose.

"Wow.....that was great, you're a great kisser" Exil says murring softly and lick back at Zanders neck his arms wrapped softly around the duncous's body. The otter smirks and picks up the duncous and takes him to the play room. In it, there's a pool, water slide made out of smooth rock, and a few other things, which included a pool table which Exil put Zander on.

Zander gets put onto the table and smiles as he takes off his shirt and shows his skinny body. The otter looks at him and shakes his head, "I think I may need to cook for you, your nothing but skin and bones" Exil giggles and kisses Zander on the nose. Zander just sits there blushing and giggling nodding a little.

Exil kisses Zander again as his strong paw pushes zander onto his back. He rubs the duncous's warm chest and teases his nipples. As Exil rubs Zander he starts taking off his own cloths, which is just a pair of shorts and his boxers, not really caring for shirts didn't have one on. Then Exil pulls off the pants and boxers that Zanders wearing.

Zander blushes and giggles as the otter looks at his sheath and licks his lips. Exil smirks and leans down to get a better look. As he does his nose pushes on Zanders sheath, his nose feeling cold and wet on Zander sheath makes his cock head poke out slightly making the otter murr loudly.

Zander moves his foot paw to the otters sheath and rubs it, the feeling of paw pads makes to otters own cock start to stiffen. Both of them blush as they rub each others cock and sheath. Each of there cocks become stiffer as they get rubbed by the other.

Exil smiles and looks at Zander, "Do you think you can handle me?" he asks.

Zander blinks and looks at the otters rock hard cock, it was bigger then Tigeros, and thicker then Swifts knot, he has never seen one so big, but he nods and murrs at the idea of it in him, "Oh yeah, I should be able to." he lies.

* * * * * *

Outside of the big house, watching Zander and Exil, is Tigero, having come back form training school, well being kicked out, he was said to be causing a lot of trouble by hitting on the other guys, which he didn't, they were hitting on him, and he didn't want anything to do with them. He had decided that when he got out, he was going to tell Zander how he felt.

But as he watch, he cant help but cry, being mixed with both jealousy and happiness. Hes mad that Zanders with someone else, and mad at himself for not telling the duncous how he felt, but also happy that Zander found someone to be with, and dint dwell on the fact that he was gone.

Tigero continues to watch tears staining his fur. He knows he should be happy but he just cant take it, He wishes it was him in there with Zander, altho he feels that the otters hot and all, but he didn't think that Zander would be with anyone but him or Swift. He thinks about Swift and sighs remembering what happen to him, and not want to watch the otter push his cock into Zander decides to go see him.

He gets up and leaves, he starts walking but then starts running, tears running down his face faster. He just wants to get away from there as fast as he can. As he runs he tries to assure himself that Swift will make him feel better, but doesn't know how. He turns onto the street that Swift lives on and runs right into him, Swift hits the grass, but Tigeros not so lucky. He hits his head on the curb and gets knocked cold.

* * * * * *

Zander moans and murrs as the otter starts pushing his cock into him. Zander whimpers as the big cock goes in, it being bigger the he realized. Zander bites down on as lower lip as the otters cock gets all the way into him. Exil looks down and quits pushing, "You Ok cutie?"

Zander nods softly as he gets used to the otters cock, "Y...yeah..." he looks at the window and see Tigero get up and leave, "W...Wha...Tigero?"

"Hun? What's Tigero?" Exil asks.

"Hes my best friend, his parents found out that he was gay and sent him away...I didn't know he was back..." He looks at the otter, "I'm sorry, but I have to go find him..."

"Ok, here, I come with you" He pulls out of Zander and grabs his pants.

"N...no...thats...th..th......" he passes out, not have any strength from not eating much and becoming so thin.

"What? Hun...Zander!" Exil grabs him, Zanders still breathing but its faint. Exil calls the hospital and they send an ambulance.

As Zander gets loaded into it they tell the otter that he cant ride with him unless hes family, so the otter tells them that they a dating, they nod and allow him to ride with him. They go to the hospital and put Zander into the emergence ward, Exil having to wait in the waiting room. He goes there, and takes a seat across from a wolf. The otter looks at the wolf, "Hi..."

The wolf looks up, "Hi." The wolf gets up and stretches, "I hope my friends ok...he hit his head pretty hard..."

"Same here, well I hope my friends ok, he passed out, and it looked like he hasn't eaten in forever."

They look at each other, "by the way, my names Exil, and you are?"

"I'm Swift...Man I hope Zander doesn't find out that Tigeros in the hospital, I don't even know if he knows that hes back..."

"Zander? About this tall, a scar on his arm, yellows fur?"

"Hun, Yeah, why? You know him?"

"Sort, I met him today, and he said something about a Tigero...then he fainted..."

"WHAT?!?! Both of my best friends are in the hospital....Oh great, what happened?"

"Well me and Zander were...um...well we were....."

"No, you and him....so, thats why tiger was running and crying...I hope there both ok...and I would want to be in your shoes when that tiger wakes up..."

"Why not?"

Swift looks at him and shakes his head, "Hes very stubborn, and can get pretty jealous...I should know."

"Well, I'm not afraid, but what I am afraid of is if they're ok."

"Yeah...same here" Swift starts walking around the room. As he walks he looks at the otter thinking hes cute, the otter doing the same thing, but not letting the other know that they are looking. Swift sighs, "I wish I could get a massage right now...too much stress.."

"Here, I can give you one, come lay down." Swift nods and smiles murring softly wanting this to happen, he goes infront of the otter and lays down. The otter gets up and leans down over swift, their rumps touching. Exil smiles to himself and takes off Swifts shirt and places his paws on his back and starts moving them up and down softly using his palms to push in and rub against the wolfs tense back. He goes up slowly making sure to undo any knots in his back up to his shoulder and neck.

"Oh...oh yesss...that feels good" Swift murrs loudly, as he blushes enjoying this immensely. As he lays there he cant help thinking about the cute otter on top of him, as he thinks about it his sheath starts to swell as his cock gets hard. "Oh, yes keep going, it feels so good...mmm"

By this time the otter doesn't think that the wolf is tense, just yiffy, and he has no problem with that, his own cock becoming harder. He leans down, his hardening cock in his pants pressing against Swifts rump. "Oh really, well there's a few place I can do to make you feel better, thats if you want me to." He giggles and gropes the wolfs rump.

Swift nods, everything going they way he wanted, the big otter wants him, murring loudly he says in a very sarcastic tone "Oh please no, please don't rape me" He giggles and sways his tail about wrapping it around the otter.

Exil catches on and giggles pushing down onto swift so he doesn't run away, like hes going to. Exil smiles and licks the wolfs ear then undoes his zipper, as well as the wolfs pants. As he pulls them down slightly reveling his tailhole he say "Oh, you don't want me to rape you, well I'm going to, and you cant do anything about it my Lil wuffles."

Swift smiles and lightly struggles, but even if he did try he could get away, the otter being too strong. Swift moans and murrs, giggling softly as he moves his tail out of the way for the otter. He goes into his pocket and pulls out a tube of lube and gives it to the otter, the otter smirks, "Well, arnt you prepared, but since I'm going to rape you, we don't need it." he tosses it aside and presses his hard cock against the wolfs hole and murrs.

Swift blinks and looks back at the otter, his cock being bigger then anything hes ever had, now starting to think this is a bad idea he begins to whimper. The otter smirks and flicks the wolf on the nose, "Bad wuffles, don't whimper, you brought it upon yourself." Exil pushes his head into the tight wolf and moans loudly. "Wow, your tight, I am going to enjoy this..." He rams the rest of his cock into the wolf without warning, Swift yelping out loudly in pain, tightens up his tailhole more, but the thought of him actually being raped makes him feel harder and more aroused.

Exil waist a bit to let the wolf get used to his thickness then pulls out so that just his head is in then slams it all back in. Swifts whimpers, start become few and far between as he starts enjoying it more and more. As the otter continues to ram his cock in and out of the wolf, his paw goes around to the wolfs throbbing cock and gives it a might squeeze making the wolf moan out in pleasure and pain, his knot becoming full as pre shoots out of his cock.

They both grunt and moan as they feel themselfs become closer to their climax, the otter moans loudly and rams into the wolf faster and harder about to blow his hot cum into the wolf. He smiles and murrs loudly, "HERE I CUM!" he shouts as he blasts his cum into the wolf. Swift feels himself being filled cant take it anymore and blasts his own cum onto the otters paw and onto the floor.

Exil keeps himself in the wolf, his cum slowing then stopping, he moves his paw and starts licking off the wolfs cum, enjoying it a lot. When its clean he lays down on the wolf and sucks on his ear. He whispers "that was great, I hope I didn't hurt you too much..."

Swift smiles and moans "Oh no, that was great, I have never felt like that, thats the best I ever had."

They both fall asleep, Exil on top of Swift, both forget why they are there.

To be continued.

Yes, I believe that this one is a little better then the first one, so yeah, anyways tell me what you think, I may not be the best, but I am working on it. If you have any questions or comments drop me a line at [email protected] or [email protected]

Peace all,

Da PottZie