Leather-Bound Journal

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A man loses something he holds dear, only to gain much more from it.

Commission for gotommax

Edited by Texotic

The mood was somber inside the living room, a handful of people stood or sat around as they discussed the reason they were there. One of those people was Adrian, a younger gentleman in his early thirties with sandy blonde hair that sat alone in one of the leather recliners in the room. He, as well as everyone else in that room, was there because of Leonard Kalder, or rather because no one had seen Leonard in at least two months. The police tried to find any leads into his disappearance, but they finally had to call it quits when they found no leads other than his abandoned car in a parking lot off the highway.

"Adrian?" a voice said behind the chair, whom Adrian recognized as Peter, Leonard's lawyer, as the older man came around and shook his hand. "I'm glad that you came, do you mind if we go off for a second to speak in private? I have some business to attend to that concerns you."

Adrian nodded and the two walked upstairs to Leonard's study, where burning logs crackled in the fireplace and the smell of leather and oil was in the air just like it had been all the times he had been there before. Peter motioned for the other male to have a seat across the desk before he sat down on the other side and opened his briefcase. "I have received strict instruction from Mr. Kalder that, in the event of his death or disappearance, you are to be the only recipient of this," the lawyer informed him as he laid a plastic bag with a book inside it.

"Oh my god, it's Leo's journal," Adrian exclaimed as he pulled the plastic covering from the tome and ran his hands over the rich, hand-tanned leather with an intricate design of a bull's head pressed into it. "He never goes anywhere without this thing, how did you get it?"

"I actually received it in the mail a few days ago," Peter admitted as he watched Adrian flip through the gilded pages. "Adrian... I know how much Mr. Kalder meant to you in particular, given your shared interests. The fact that he's giving his estate to his extended family and only leaving you that book... Well, I can honestly say it's perplexing."

"Don't worry about it, Peter," Adrian replied with a small, sad grin. "There's a reason why I've been sitting alone down there this whole time, I honestly wouldn't have even come had you not invited me specifically. Thank you very much for this journal, it means more to me than you realize."

Peter and Adrian exchanged a few more pleasantries before Adrian excused himself and left the house, pulling his jacket up over his head to try and keep his head dry as he ran through the rain. From there it was a short car ride and another rain-soaked run up to his apartment. Once he was finally within the safety of his four walls did he let out his emotion, cheeks wet from both the rain and his tears as he pulled the dripping jacket off and set it aside. He quickly removed the rest of his wet clothes and dried himself with a towel before he flopped on the leather couch that dominated the small space. Once he was finally comfortable, he took the book out of the plastic bag once more and inhaled it deeply, smelling the scent of leather and a hint of Leo's musk before he pressed it against his chest.

"God, Leo, where did you go..." he asked the journal before he opened it, recognizing his mentor's handwriting almost instantly. Inside those pages were all the techniques that his friend and partner had used for their craft, the nearly lost art of the creation and crafting of leather. They had met on a leather enthusiasts website and hit it off almost instantly, and after a while Leo had invited Adrian to meet in the city. It was because of him that Adrian had moved to the city, and now that he was gone, he felt adrift in an endless sea.

After laying there for a few minutes, the naked male opened the journal and began to idly flip through the pages. He remembered a lot of the instructions that had been put down, in fact he was there for many of the times he added a new entry to his journal. As he continued through the journal; however, his eyebrows furrowed as he noticed new entries he had never seen before. It involved something that Leo called 'oil of the divine', something that legend said was used to make leather fit for the gods themselves. Adrian sat up as he counted the entry quick and found it to be dozens of pages worth of research, including detailed schematics of tools and equipment that would have been far too large to hide in the usual spots.

Adrian bolted up and grabbed his cell phone, running to his bedroom to grab clothes as he waited for the other end to pick up. "Hello, Peter?" he asked when he heard a voice on the other end. "I know you can't talk too much about Leo's estate, but would you know of any purchases that he might of made of any property that he left... off the list of his inheritance? You do? Great, text me the address."


Two hours later Adrian pulled his car into the parking lot of a rather large and decrepit warehouse, a building deep in an abandoned industrial park near the waterfront. Most of the land belonged to the city in order to try and revitalize the district, but after constant delays, it continued to remain as empty factories and abandoned truck ports. The area he was looking through had already been searched by the cops, or at least that's what Peter told him when he asked. There was still police tape over the door they had busted into to look for him, which he tore down before he opened it and stepped inside.

Almost immediately he saw why the police didn't take too long to search the place; the entire warehouse was one big room and completely empty, save for some rotten wooden pallets and rusty oil drums scattered about. Though it appeared to be nothing, it was the only place that Peter knew of that could hold what he was looking for, which meant that it was worth a look. "Hello?" he called out on a whim, as though hoping that Leo would suddenly call back. "Are you here Leo?"

When only silence replied, Adrian sighed and shined his flashlight around as he walked. The entire area had an eerie vibe to it as he circled the perimeter, like he was being watched despite being alone. More than once he twisted his body around when he thought he heard a noise behind him, only to find nothing there. Then, when he heard a loud bang that nearly caused him to jump out of his skin, he looked to the center of the warehouse to see the faintest of movements on the floor. He ran over and kicked away the debris, which revealed a set of metal doors that opened to reveal a staircase that led downwards.

"How did the police miss this..." Adrian said to himself as he took one more glance around before he started down the concrete steps. When he reached the bottom he found a light switch and flicked it on, which caused the lightbulbs that hung above him to flicker to life. It illuminated an old utility hallway that led to single metal door at the end of it, and Adrian turned off his own light before he walked to it. About halfway to the end, an odor flooded into his nostrils; the unmistakable smell of leather that caused him to break into a run. His breathing was quick and shallow as he grabbed the handle and wrenched the door open easily and allowed Adrian to see inside.

The first thing the male felt was disappointment as he found the room to be devoid of life, and though he knew it was a longshot, he had hoped he would find Leo standing there in his leather outfit with a smile on his face. But it was soon replaced with curiosity when he looked around the workshop, though to call it such was an understatement. On one side of the large room there was a chemistry set that you would see in the basement of meth manufacturers, except as he drew near it, he could smell oils and spices as he looked at the liquids that swirled and boiled within the glassware. Strewn on the table that contained it were a variety of notes on chemical compounds and equations that made little sense to him.

"This definitely looks like Leo's work," he mused to himself as he turned around. The other side of the space was dominated by a workbench and tools, and though he recognized a lot of them, there was also a setup of leather straps and pulleys that looked more useful lifting engine blocks than working with leather. What really caught the inquisitive male's eye; however, was what was tucked in the corner: a life-sized, leather stuffed animal in the shape of a Minotaur-like creature, slumped over. As he walked over to it he saw that it was very anatomically correct, with a foot-long cock that seemed to rest against his thigh.

"Okay, now I know that he was here for sure," Adrian chuckled as he pulled up the giant leather plush to its feet. "Looks like Leo used a lot of his own costume for this doll, but why sacrifice some of your best work and then just leave it down here when you disappear?" As he propped the heavy object up against the wall, he found something bump against his groin and looked down in surprise to see that the doll's member was in an erect state and pressed against him. "Heh, looks like someone is happy to see me."

"I am happy to see you," the doll's lips suddenly moved, which prompted Adrian to gasp and reel backwards in sheer shock. The last thing he saw was the bull's face smiling at him before it turned to a look of concern, then he felt the back of his foot bump against something metal and his momentum carried him backwards. As he fell down, Adrian felt an intense ringing pain radiate from the back of his head, then was surrounded by darkness before he even hit the floor.

When Adrian opened his eyes again he felt two things: his head was throbbing and his body felt like it was floating. When he looked down he realized that the latter part was somewhat true, as he was suspended in mid-air by a series of leather straps that covered his body; his stomach facing the ground as he hung at a forty-five degree angle. He also quickly found that he was completely naked, save for a leather thong and loincloth that dangled from his groin. As he began to regain his bearings and started to struggle against his binds, he felt something cold press against the back of his head and the leather Minotaur once again entered his field of vision.

"Sorry about the scare," the creature said as Adrian's jaw dropped. "I forgot that you jump easily, luckily you hit one of the leather binders and not one of the metal ones, otherwise I probably would have had to call the hospital. But now that you're awake, what do you think of the set-up? I bet this position brings back good memories."

"It can't be..." Adrian stated in disbelief as the Minotaur continued to smile at him. "Leo? Is that really you?"

"In the flesh," Leo replied with a laugh. "Well, what constitutes as my flesh now. Isn't this amazing? I was hoping that you would read through my journal right away and find this place; it has been agonizing waiting all this time down here for you to arrive."

Adrian shook his head, but that caused the pain to return and he winced as Leo pressed the cold pack more firmly against his skull. "But... how?" he finally asked. "How did you become like that, and is that why you just disappeared? What is this place, how did the police miss it when they swept the building?"

"Alright, slow down," the leather Minotaur replied with a chuckle. "You always were the inquisitive one, that's why I liked you so much. I suppose I should start at the beginning... you see about a year ago, after we had stopped using the message board to communicate, I logged on again just to tell people that I probably wouldn't be on as much when I saw I had a direct message from someone who called themselves 'SanterTheLeatherHorse'. They told me that they had been watching me for a while and loved my work, and then told me about a compound they called the 'oil of the divine'. At first I thought the whole concept was some sort of leather community myth... until we video chatted, and the second I saw that beautiful rawhide stallion I knew he was telling the truth, and had to duplicate the results for myself."

"You knew for a year?" Adrian balked slightly in shock. "How could you not tell me something like this?"

Leo grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head, which continued to amaze the human to see the leather shift flawlessly over his muscular form like it was a form-fitting suit. "To be honest I still had a slight bit of doubt on the whole project," Leo confessed. "Plus the compound was a puzzle all in itself, something that Santer said was part of the process to determine whether I was worthy of such a gift. Besides, while you are a gifted crafter of leather your... knowledge of the chemistry of it all is almost cringe-worthy, no offense."

"None taken," Adrian quickly replied. He knew that it was true; he had the hands for working the leather into the desired shape, but when it came to tanning, it often came out a splotchy, stiff mess. It's why he and Leo made such a good team, to the point where they had talked about selling their wares online. At the moment, it appeared to the human that his partner had a far different idea for their future as he walked over and grabbed a bottle filled with amber liquid off the shelf.

"As for the secrecy of this location, I had a friend on the police force that I asked to keep this place hidden in exchange for certain... services," Leo explained as he walked back with the container to the bound human. "I've also got a few other people that I've networked in order to get me the things I need to keep this place operational, though I've found that without the need to eat or sleep, those necessities are few and far between. Anyway this is it, the oil of the divine, what do you think?"

Adrian stared at the viscous liquid inside the glass, then watched as Leo pulled off the stopper pushed his thick finger into the opening. With a quick swish, he had coated the digit in its entirety before he pulled it out and rubbed the substance into his palms. Once he had gotten the liquid over both palms, he grabbed Adrian's suspended hand and rubbed his oil-covered hands in it, transferring the substance onto the human's flesh. At first the only thing he felt was the warmth of the oil and Leo's hands, but as the bull man motioned for him to continue to watch, his eyes and mouth widened.

The skin on Adrian's hand turned from the typical pale color he was born with to a deeper tan, then to an unnatural bronze as he felt his fingers stiffen slightly. The transformation reached all the way up to his wrist and it felt like he was wearing a leather glove. As he rubbed his fingers together, he marveled at the texture of his changed skin, as well as grew aroused as he felt the thong he wore tighten from his growing maleness. After about a minute the leather cracked and flaked, and when he flexed his fingers a few times, it fell away to reveal his normal human skin once again.

"I can't believe it," Adrian said in disbelief. "You really did do it, you created an oil that turns things into leather. How the hell does it even work?"

"I don't know to be honest," Leo replied with a shrug of his meaty, leather shoulders. "But now that you see it works, I have a choice for you. I know you well enough that you would keep this secret, and the only reason I have you restrained like this was in case you freaked out again, so if you would like, you could remain as you are and we can continue to rendezvous in secret. Or... you can walk down the path I've taken and I can turn you into a life-size plush permanently. What do you say, want to live with me in a life of leather bliss?"

For Adrian the choice wasn't a tough one. His current life was mediocre at best, and he had taken a dead-end job in order to support himself in the city. All that sustained him was Leo and the trade they shared, and increasingly that started to shift more towards just Leo. He hadn't realized how much he cared about the other male until he had disappeared, and now that he was back, his feelings still overshadowed the surrealness of the situation. The fact that the object of his affection had turned into a hunky, muscular leather bull that was sexy as hell only made it easier for him to accept.

"So how do I become like you?" Adrian asked, which caused the bull plush to jump and clap his hands in glee before he ran to a nearby storage closet. The human watched as the leather creature opened the door and dragged something out of it. As Leo brought the metal foot locker to the center of the floor, Adrian's entire face turned up into an expression of excitement. "You mean..."

"You bet," Leo responded with a grin as he unlocked the box and opened it. "Santer explained to me that any topical application of the oil is temporary and limited in nature, but should it be ingested... it triggers a permanent and radical transformation. He also said that what people become is usually based on certain things like personality, but if the subject happens to be wearing leather gear, it will bond with them and guide the transformation. As you can see I'm living proof that it works with the beautiful bull costume you made me, so I can think of nothing more fitting than for you to receive the same gift."

At this point the leather thong Adrian wore was straining as Leo pulled out a leather hood and held it up to the light. It was one of their finest works, fashioned in the shape of a stag head to go along with the one that had transformed Leo's head into that of a bull. The rich hide glistened in the light as Leo brought it over and put it under the human's nose to inhale the rich smell. The condition of it was even better than Adrian remembered, which the leather bull mentioned was due to the use of the oil on it as one of his first tests of the substance's abilities.

Adrian closed his eyes as the hood was pulled over them, which plunged him into darkness for a few seconds before the eye holes were lined up with his face. He could feel the leather shift on his cheeks and jaw as Leo ensured the fit, and once he was done smoothing the seam against his neck, Adrian moved his mouth a few times to make sure the mask's lower jaw did as well. After that was secure, the human watched as a soft leather collar was secured around his neck right where the mask ended. Normally it was just an accessory to help hide where leather ended and human flesh began, but this time it felt far more significant as the bull wrapped his arms around his shoulders once the latch was secured in place.

"You always were special to me Adrian," Leo confessed as his muzzle was mere inches from the nose of the deer mask. "Now I get to give you a form that is just as much." To Adrian's surprise the bull turned his muzzle away and took a swig from the bottle of oil, then pushed it against the mask until the upper and lower jaw of it was stretched wide. Leo nearly touched his human lips, and then he felt them get split open by a thick, oily tongue. A tingling sensation spread across the mask-covered face as the tongue probed deeper into his mouth and he tasted something spicy and viscous begin to drip down his throat.

As their tongues danced around one another, Adrian started to find it easier to wrap his lips around the stretched appendage as his maw got fuller. The leather of the mask began to grow more animated as Leo began to withdraw his own muzzle, watching in awe as the mouth of the human began to merge with the leather of the mask. Soon the two were pressed muzzle to muzzle as the leather tongue of the stag stuck out past the animated edges and slid into the bull's maw. At the same time, the human flesh that could be seen around the eye holes was assimilated by the mask, and the eyes themselves turned amber and glassy while the stuffed antlers, which Adrian had spent hours sowing to look as realistic as possible, rooted themselves to his skull.

"I fel stwahge," Adrian tried to talk when the two broke their kiss finally, which caused Leo to chuckle when he looked down in surprise at his leather tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"It takes a while for your motor functions to realize you're being turned into a leather doll," Leo informed him with a smirk as he went back to the metal foot locker. "Right now flesh and bone is being turned to leather and fluff and it can be disorienting, especially for your head, which takes the longest to change. That's why I wanted you to get a start on that before we continue, and trust me when I say that your new mouth is going to be amazing for blow jobs when you regain control."

"An jut how do yu gnow tat?" Adrian managed to ask as his body wiggled in his restraints.

Leo's grin grew even wider as he took a pair of elbow long leather gloves with hard, black pieces of leather on the end. "You'll be surprised st how flexible your new body is and what you can do to yourself," Leo insinuated with a wink as he unlatched each of Adrian's wrists before he slid the hoof glove over it. "I also thought about giving you the leather mitts, but I want you to be able to have that wonderful dexterity in your fingers so you can keep creating things unhindered. Luckily, I have just the solution to make sure you have a set of proper hooves."

Adrian continued to feel the stag mask shift as the inside seemed to melt against his head and neck while he watched the Minotaur rummage through the footlocker. It had reached the collar and he could hear the metal clasp that had secured the band of hide clang against the concrete. The leather flaps of the mask's ears, which like the horns had originally been for decoration, perked up at the sound as he tried to turn his suspended body to see it. As he tried to twist around, Leo had come back and Adrian felt the clasps around his ankles become undone for a second before something slid up to his knees.

As the leather bull reattached the leather around his ankles, Adrian looked down to see the latest addition to his wardrobe. He gasped in surprise when he saw his feet and legs completely encapsulated by leather leggings that were capped with a pair of hard, shiny, leather hooves at the end. They had been something he had originally tried to create to go with the stag costume, but with the padding and awkward nature he had to walk with, they had only been worn once. "I expect you to reciprocate and make me a pair that I can bond with later," Leo chided as he secured the straps into place.

With his ability to form words still impaired, Adrian merely nodded as he felt the strong hands of the leather bull slide up his thighs towards his groin, which caused him to shudder in pleasure. The thong and loincloth he wore were quickly pulled off by the snaps that secured it, the stag-headed human breathing a sigh of relief as his erection finally bobbed freely in the air only to feel leather press against it once more as something else was secured there. With some slight adjustment, he was able to watch as his erection was guided through the hole of a leather jockstrap with a modified sheath, his bare ass hanging out in the air as he felt the small tail attached to the waistband rest above it. When the bull was finished, only the tip of his cock poked out from the leather undergarment as the male wiggled in the restraints.

"Now I could just leave you hanging and let the oil I fed you slowly convert you," Leo explained as he grabbed the bottle of liquid. "But considering how small of a dose you got, that would mean you'd be stewing here all night, and as fun as that would be to watch, I've grown rather impatient. I want you now, and I know exactly how I'm going to take you so I can watch your change every step of the way."

Adrian shuddered in lust at the dominating tone of his partner as the leather creature poured a handful of oil that he slathered liberally over his huge tool. The member glistened in the light as Leo wasted no time, his slick hands rubbing over the human's writhing body as he pressed the head of his cock against the tight hole. As soon as the oil made contact with his skin, Adrian could feel his body changing, growing supple as the insistent bovine began to spread him open. Even with it turning to stretchy leather along with the slight give in the bull's cock, he could get little more than the head in as Adrian's muzzle opened wide in a pleasured gasp.

"It's so beautiful..." Leo moaned as his hands clasped against the quivering cheeks of the other male, which began to grow taut and fill with muscle under his fingers. The originally inanimate tail began to wag as Leo was able to slide in another inch, then another as Adrian could feel his insides shift and change. As his partner pushed into him, his own cock began to slide out from its bronze-colored sheath, the sensitive flesh growing even more so as its leathery length pushed out past its normal size and continued to grow as he was penetrated. Both bull and stag grunted as it grew easier for Leo's girthy member to push into the transformed flesh as more of the leather spread from the human's groin and assimilated the fat and bone underneath into stuffing that made it look like the lean, hard muscle of an athlete.

As the two males continued to rub and thrust against one another, Adrian could feel the changes spreading throughout his entire body. He lost all feeling in his feet as they merged with the leather hooves, the tingling sensation spreading through them. His chest and stomach gurgled and shifted as the light dusting of hair on it fell out, replaced with thick leather that was molded into lithe musculature. The male deer could feel every changing part of his body combined with the pleasure of his lover behind him, causing him to close his eyes before another powerful thrust caused them to snap open once again.

The straps that held the restrained male creaked and groaned as Leo grunted loudly and thrusted deep, pushing out the taut leather of the stag's stomach as Adrian felt the bull's groin against his new bubble butt. "There's one more thing I wanted to have bonded with you before your changes complete," Leo whispered in Adrian's ear as he saw the bull's closed fist in front of his muzzle. "It's something you have to accept freely, but like with everything else today, I'm hoping you will wholeheartedly."

Adrian's eyes widened as he saw Leo's fingers open and reveal a leather ring with very intricate designs pressed around the band. "Oh Leo..." Adrian gasped as he turned his head towards Leo. "Yes, of course, a thousand times yes! Let me be your leather stag forever, you beautiful bull!"

The two kissed deeply as Leo reached up and slid the ring around Adrian's finger, which bonded to the leather just like the wrist restraints and gloves did. The newly created living doll gasped around the tongue in his mouth as he felt his changes complete, his old life as a human vanishing completely with little care from the leather creature as he squeezed his walls around the cock still buried deep inside him, which caused the bull to let out a muffled grunt. "You make me so happy," Adrian gushed once they parted muzzles. "We have to share this, to spread the word to help others like us."

"A wonderful idea love," Leo replied with a smile as he brushed the stag's cheek, the two staring lovingly at each other. "But right now I'm buried hilt deep in my newly-transformed, leather stag stud of a husband, and there's so much about his new body that I have to teach him..."

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