The Worst That Could Happen

Story by StrikerSA on SoFurry

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It was late at night and the moon was full in the cloudless starry sky. A large industrial compound stood at the outer edge of the city, lit up in full brightness with all sorts of lights. A high, electrified fence surrounded the facility. At the front gate was a sign that said this was a pharmaceutical company. And at the moment dozens of police cars were swarming through the front gate, their sirens shattering the night silence.

At the extreme outer edge of the compound stood a truck and an expensive luxury car. Several pig workers in green overalls were unloading barrels from the back of the truck under the watchful eye of a female horse executive. The pigs rolled the barrels to an open sewage hatch and were dumping the contents down the hole. All the while they looked around nervously.

"Is this really a good idea?" One of the pigs finally asked.

"Just keeping pouring!" The mare replied, not taking her eyes off from the direction where the sirens were coming from. "If the feds catch us with this stuff, we are all going to jail and this company goes down!"

One of the other pigs just shook his head and looked at his colleague. "Forget it, Sid. The execs are covering their tails now. All we need to do is get rid of this or else we will all be on the streets with no pay."

The first pig called Sid was still skeptical even as he unscrewed the lid from a barrel and tipped it over. He peered into the sewers as the bluish liquid inside the barrel poured down into the darkness. "Are you sure about this?"

"Come on. The sewers have taken worse. I mean, what's the worst that can happen?" The second pig replied as he rushed to help unload another barrel.

Sid kept looking down the hole, then shrugged and decided that no further arguements were needed. He emptied the barrel, then went and tossed it back onto the truck.

Down below in the sewers, the blue liquid mixed with the sewage as it flowed along the pipes towards the city. At one point the toxic river cascaded down a waterfall into the lower sewer levels, the liquid and the sewage mixing it up. It then settled in the pool, where a few bacteria molecules began to feast on the strange new mixture.

The apartment complex was a four-story building that stood on the same street as a number of row houses in a residential zone of the city. A single gate led to the back where vehicles were parked in the courtyard. It was still early in the night, so many of the lights were still on and shining through the windows.

Through one of those windows, Phoenix the female pomeranian canine was preparing to take a bath. She and her husband Striker had a long trip before coming here to a friend's apartment and she was looking forward to soaking away the aches and pains of the ride. While warm water flowed into the bath Phoenix started to undress. She took off her white short-sleeved shirt first, letting her firm breasts bounce forward. After tossing her shirt aside, she took off her boots and socks before unbuckling and unzipping her denim jeans. She then slid her paws between her body and the jeans, grasping both it and her panties, and pulled them down. The lower the jeans went down her athletic legs the more she had to bend down and wiggle. For a moment she thought how Striker could have reacted seeing her wiggle her naked buttocks at him. She smiled, knowing he will soon come and join her in the bath once he had finished up some work. Phoenix stepped out of her jeans and kicked them onto the pile, leaving her completely naked.

Phoenix went to the bathroom and felt the water. It was nice and warm, steam rising off it in small white clouds. She turned off the tap, and then got into the tub. Her body immediately displaced the water so that it rose to halfway up the bath's sides. Murring softly, the pomeranian sat down and then lay on her back. She closed her eyes, feeling all her cares and worries simply disappear with the steam.

As she lay there, Phoenix did not notice that the bath plug had come loose. But instead of water rushing out the drain, something was coming out of the drain into the tub. A transparent jelly-like substance with a faint blue color was oozing through the drain holes into the bath. As more of it got into the tub, the more the water level rose. The blob began to ooze towards Phoenix's feet, expanding and growing in size. The blob then covered her feet, flowing over her ankles as more of its mass was squeezing into the bath. The only response from Phoenix was a soft giggle. The jelly then began to crawl up her legs, like some kind of living being, all the while making the water level rise as more of it got out of the drain.

Phoenix was aware of the feeling on her feet and legs, but did not think much of it since it felt nice. Probably the warm water, she thought at first. The sensation kept going up her legs, quickly approaching her thigh. She murred a little louder, her pussy becoming moist as the sensation came closer to her privates. Suddenly she felt it going into her pussy and the pomeranian arched back and gasped from the intrusion. But she did not open her eyes, thinking that it was her Striker who was sticking a finger into her body. Phoenix smiled and moaned, loving the feeling. Then the same feeling came from her anus and she yipped out. He was definitely kinky tonight, she thought. But what she did not realize that it was the blob making its way into body. The gooey mass was now filling half the tub and the water had risen up over Phoenix's breasts.

It was that rise in the water level that made Phoenix think for a moment. Was Striker tapping in more water? But the water did not feel warmer, nor did she hear running water. She finally opened her eyes to ask Striker about it.

"Strikie, what are you..." Phoenix began to ask, but then she saw that Striker was nowhere in the bathroom. That's when she realized there was something else in the bathtub and she quickly turned her head to look.

To her shock, Phoenix saw that there a blob mass inside her bath, and her entire body below her chest and her arms were already inside of it! She opened her mouth to scream, but then part of the blob dove at her face. Phoenix's scream was silenced when the blob flowed into her open muzzle and over her snout. Now in the grip of panic, Phoenix tried to thrash her way free. But the blob had her and now its mass engulfed her generous breasts and shoulders as more of it got into the bath. By now the water was cascading down the sides of the bath onto the floor. Phoenix felt herself being lifted off the surface of the tub as the blob began to ooze over the side of the bath onto the wet floor.

Phoenix, though able to thrash around a little, could not move much inside the blob. The mass climbed up her neck, while the goo already on her snout went for her face. She watched, and felt, as the transparent blue stuff go over her face and up her neck. Then it was only a matter of seconds before her forehead, ears and finally her long hair were consumed by the blob. Phoenix was now completely inside in the blob, kind of drifting in its mass. Surprisingly, Phoenix found that the goo had pressed over her eyeballs and formed a film that still allowed her to see, even she blinked. The world outside now had a blue hue and looked rather distorted. Even more surprising she noticed that an air bubble had formed on to the tip of her nose, letting her breath fresh air even though she blew out carbon dioxide into that same bubble. Maybe it was turning that into oxygen, she thought. But what was this thing doing to her?

The answer came suddenly when she felt the blob began to massage and churn her nude body in its mass. The goo in her pussy and ass began to rub, slide and press against her inner flesh even as they flowed ever deeper into her body, filling every space and crevice. The blob in her mouth forced her mouth wide and churned inside her muzzle, though it did not go further into her throat. Phoenix's mind was immediately assaulted by the powerful jolts of pleasure coming from all over her body and especially her lower holes. Phoenix tried to fight the sensations and thrash her way free, but the blob had her and the electrical pleasure was breaking down her resistance. Her thrashing became that of ecstasy instead of struggle and she closed her eyes. The pomeranian felt that she was quickly being brought close to orgasm, but she did not know why this thing was doing it to her. Her breasts were being squeezed, massaged and groped by the goo mass until they started to leak out her warm milk. The blob took this milk, forcing it into small white orbs that drifted inside the mass.

With all of this going on it did not take Phoenix long to climax. Her body and limbs stiffened as it hit her. With her stuffed mouth, all the pomeranian could do was groan loudly while her body shuddered in joy, causing the blob to shake like jelly. Her vaginal and anal muscles squeezed on the intruder, while her pussy released her lubricating juices and her breasts squirted out their liquid goods. All of these juices were taken by the blob and made into orbs, drifting in the mass.

Phoenix's climax finally came to an end, giving her some needed rest. She opened her eyes after a minute and looked back. That's when she noticed both the little white orbs with her juices as well as a large, black one that was the size of a soccer ball. Curious, Phoenix turned her head and looked at it. The white orbs headed towards it and as they approached the black one enveloped each one. It seemed as if it grew in size with each orb it consumed. This must be how it feeds, Phoenix finally figured out. By living off my body fluids I release while being yiffed.

Then all of the sudden the black orb began to tear in the middle and finally split into two small orbs. Phoenix watched as a large chunk of the blob around the second black orb also began to break away from the mass. When it finally got loose, it looked exactly like the one that held Phoenix, only a little smaller. Phoenix realized with both fascination and shock that, not only did this blob yiff her for food, but also to procreate. And if it could do it this quickly, what would happen if the blobs that came from this one also found victims from whom to feed and reproduce?

A new noise caught Phoenix attention. It was the handle of the door to the bathroom that was turning. Striker! The pomeranian thrashed anew, wanting to escape and warn her mate not to approach the blob creatures. She did not want him to also fall prey to these things. But her efforts were quickly countered when the female felt her blob begin to stimulate her anew. She jostled, not wanting to be forced again, but her resistance crumbled even faster than last time.

In the adjacent bedroom Striker was getting ready to go and join his wife in bathing. The cocker spaniel canine with the light orange fur and white fur that ran from between his eyes, over his muzzle and down his chest to his groin wore some pajama trunks for modesty in case their hostess, Ellissia the cat, should accidentally walk in. The canine's ears were floppy and fluffy, as was his short tail. Striker gathered a towel plus some toiletries before walking towards the door that led to their bathroom. Striker tapped on the door to let Phoenix know he was coming. He didn't hear anything and assumed that his mate was probably dozing in the water. He grasped the handle and turned, and then he pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"Enjoying a little rest and re...." Striker started to say with a smile, but he stopped and his smile vanished when he saw the sight before him. Phoenix was inside a large blob-like creature, naked and thrashing about inside. He could see her mouth, pussy and ass begin forced open as the goo went into her body. Right next to the blob that held the pomeranian was another blob, smaller but also the same color and having a black orb inside of it. "Ai yai yai!" Striker was finally to utter, then he dropped his towel and toiletries and rushes forward to help Phoenix.

He reached out and plunged his paws into the mass of the blob. But suddenly his paws bounced back and the blob's skin smoothed out. Striker then tried to scratch at it, but his canine claws just slid over the smooth, rubber-like skin. "What is this thing?" He thought out loud. But he was determined to free his wife, so he tried to grab a chunk of the blob and rip it free. He did manage to grab the chunk, but in pulling all he could do was stretch it to a long length. The blob was unrepentant while it continued to churn and fondle Phoenix inside its mass.

Suddenly Striker felt something envelop his right foot. He quickly looked down. To his shock, the smaller blob had reached out to him and managed to grab his foot. Oh no, he was not going to become this thing's next victim! Striker tried to tug his foot free while holding onto the door handle, but his other foot slipped on the wet and he fell down hard on his back. The impact knocked the wind out of him for a moment, giving the blob the chance to get his other leg and grow up his legs towards his knees. By the time Striker managed to regain his breath and look down at his legs, he was shocked to find that his legs just above the knee were already inside that mass.

Striker turned onto his stomach and clawed his way along the floor towards the doorway, muscles flexing as he did so. He grabbed the frame and pulled, hoping to get his legs free. To his dismay, he found the blob being dragged with him as he pulled himself along the floor. And it was moving up over his trunks and thigh. The canine then tried to pull himself towards the kitchen to try and get a knife, but the further he dragged himself on the bedroom carpet, the more the blob consumed his body, going up his stomach and back and then reaching his muscular and furry chest. Behind him the other blob oozed its way into the bedroom with its friend, a quivering and over-stimulated Phoenix moaning loudly inside it. Exhausted and feeling the blob flowing over his shoulders, Striker tried one final attempt to get free by punching the thing. But all that accomplished was causing his arms to be pulled into the mass too. Striker tried to shout for help, but suddenly the blob enveloped his head so quickly that his mouth was stuffed full of the blue goop. The cocker spaniel bit down hard on the chunk, and then triumphantly felt the piece break free. But then the piece wiggled down his throat and into his stomach, while the blob filled his mouth again. He tried to struggle, but the male was pretty much suspended inside the blob. He then discovered that an air bubble had formed on the tip of his nose, giving him the chance to breathe.

Striker felt something tingling at his thigh and squirmed into a position to look down. To his shock he saw his pajama trunks dissolving away, but only his trunks. The thing's body probably could dissolve only clothing, he though, and he knew why. Once the last of his trunks had disintegrated he could feel the smooth, gel-like mass begin to engulf his testicles and sheath and slide between his buttocks. Striker bit down, biting off another piece of the blob, as he tried not to let the sensations from his lower body get the better of him. But the blob started to tug and massage his balls while rubbing on his sheath and pressing against his tailhole. Right away his canine penis peeked out from its sheath and grew into the tight embrace of the mass. The canine's eyes sprung wide when he felt the tight gripping, rubbing and massaging of his cock. This also caused him to momentarily unclench his anal sphincter. This was all the blob needed to force itself into Striker's ass, making the male squirm and yelp as it flowed into his body. As his cock grew to full glory, the blob started to churn and stimulate the male all over like the other was doing to Phoenix. Striker could feel his body starting to surrender to the mass pleasure bombing and quickly looked at Phoenix. Though his vision was rather blurry and a bit distorted, he could clearly see Phoenix was orgasming, shuddering violently inside her captor. Moments later he saw the blob split into a third new blob and it hit him that this thing was reproducing using their bodies.

Suddenly the blob chunk in his mouth broke loose of its own accord and slid down into his stomach. Striker then remembered that he had been hungry a few minutes ago, but now he wasn't. This thing was feeding parts of itself to keep both him and his mate alive. How long would this then go on? Was it only going to use them for a short while, or are they now permanently these things' prisoners? That was the last coherent thought Striker had before the pleasure became overwhelming. He closed his eyes and groaned as his cock spurted out precum. The mass took this juice and formed it into an orb before taking it to its core. The blob then took it up a notch and really went at Striker, groping, squeezing and kneading his body and even massaging his ass muscles inside his body. The cocker spaniel's fighting spirit faded away until he too climaxed. His body arched and he let out a muffled howl as his throbbing cock shot out his load into the gel mass. His canine jizm was also turned into small globes that were swallowed up by the black orb moments later.

After Striker had rested from his orgasm and his cock had emptied itself, he opened his eyes. Just in time he saw his blob split into a second, smaller one just like Phoenix's captor. Now there were four of these creatures, two of them without victims in their masses. Striker turned his head to Phoenix and found her looking back at him with concern. He knew that she was thinking the same thing as he was. Unless someone did something drastic, these things will capture more victims and multiply even more.

Suddenly they both heard the sound of a door opening, followed by two female voices. The couple realized that their hostess, Ellissia, had returned and that someone was with her. They had to warn her to stay away from these things and get help. However, before they could even make a sound the blobs began to stimulate the canine couple once again. Meanwhile, the two empty masses of gel moved towards the open bedroom door, attracted by the voices.

In the hallway that connected all the other rooms with the front door, Ellissia had just come in with a visiting friend, Tanya the female skunk. Ellissia was a cat with black fur and red stripes on the back of her arms and legs. Tanya had black fur, white fur running from her face down to between her legs and her rump, a white stripe running down the middle of her big, fluffy skunk tail and shoulder-length white hair. Both of them were well built, though Tanya was the more athletic of the two. Ellissia wore a simple white shirt and denim jeans, while Tanya wore a tight-fitting yellow tank top and black bicycle shorts. Ellissia had met Tanya while fetching the mail as the skunkette returned from her gym class. The cat invited her friend for some tea and she accepted. They chatted in the doorway, unaware of the two jelly-like mounds oozing towards them.

"... and then she give me that brochure I showed you." Tanya said.

"Do they really offer free massages on opening day?" Ellissia asked, her tail swishing behind her.

"One for every customer." Tanya nodded. "Think we should go and give it a try?"

"Wish I could, but I got some visitors here. Maybe I'll ask them about it over a cup of tea." Ellissia said. As she finished her sentence, they stepped inside and started to close the door. Just then the feline felt something cool touch her foot and she looked down at the floor. Tanya did the same when, at the same time, she also felt something on her sneakered feet.

When the two females saw the blobs and how the were oozing over their feet both of them shouted out in shock. Tanya was so startled that she fell backwards into the kitchen area. The blobs began to slowly pull in the two hapless females. Ellissia grabbed her legs and tried to tug them free of the blue jelly-thing, while Tanya crawled on the floor to try and get away. The skunkette's sneakers immediately began to dissolve inside the blob. The two of them kept fighting and trying to break free, but the two creatures were unrelenting and already had both of their legs inside them. As the stuff oozed over her waist, Ellissia saw the two other blobs coming out of the guest bedroom with Striker and Phoenix inside. The cat could not believe her eyes, but she did realize that she and Tanya were going to be next. She decided to fight back and readied her sharp claws. She took swiped at the skin of the thing and at first her claws cut deep slashes into the blob. But to Ellissia's shock the cuts quickly smoothed out and vanished. She then clawed wildly at the thing as it took in her thigh and tail and rose up her midsection.

Tanya tried to yank herself free of the blob by grasping the table legs, which were fixed to the floor. But all that accomplished was simply to pull the mass along the floor. The skunkette looked back. Besides seeing her large tail and well-shaped buttocks sliding into the thing, she could see Ellissia being pulled in by both her body and her arms, which were stuck inside the mass. The feline's denim and panties had dissolved completely, leaving her lower body naked and exposed. Tanya blushed when she saw Ellissia's femalehood, forced open as the gel oozed into her body. Ellissia looked up at her friend when her round breasts slipped neatly into the blob.

"Call for help! Dial 91..." Ellissia was cut off as the blob, not wasting time, made one last powerful tug and pulled the feline completely into its mass. Tanya then saw her bicycle shorts melt and dissolve. She could feel the stuff oozing against her vaginal lips and tailhole. Desperately she crawled towards the counter where the phone was, using all her strength to try and reach it. But the blob was already climbing up over her tank top, while below the gel forced into her two private tunnels, eliciting a loud gasp from the skunkette. Tanya found herself right by the counter and reached up for the phone, but now the blob had so much of her body that it could just simply drag her in. Her DD-size breasts were pressed upwards against the thing's skin before being enveloped. Tanya then screamed out for help, but her scream was cut short as the blob covered her face. She uselessly flailed her arms before they also went in.

Like with Striker and Phoenix, the two blobs dissolved all clothing off Ellissia and Tanya before yiffing them like crazy. Both females soon surrendered to the pleasure and their bodies released their juices and breast milk for the blobs to feed on. At the same time the things fed their victims and gave air, making sure they were well-nourished. It took only a few minutes before all four furries orgasmed and the blobs split in two again.

The door of Ellissia's apartment, which had stood partially open, was pushed wider so that the mutated bacteria cells could come out. There were now eight of them, four of them with Phoenix, Striker, Ellissia and Tanya inside of them. While those four continued to yiff the four furries to orgasm, the other blobs made their way to the other apartments. They either slid in under the doors or oozed through open windows. Soon those apartments' tenants were also captured, stripped naked and yiffed. And the more victims the things caught, the more their numbers multiplied. It took less than an hour before the cells had caught every furry in the building. The blobs then spread out to neighboring apartments and into the streets. Within the space of two hours the entire neighborhood's population had fallen prey to the bacteria. Soon the hordes of bacteria were spreading over the city like a cancer.

Back at the pharmaceutical company, the pigs who had dumped the blue goo into the sewers learned with relief that the police had found no trace of evidence of irregular practices or illegal experiments. Once the executive told them the news they were slapping each other's backs over the successful covered-up.

Sid was lighting up the cigarettes they had passed out amongst themselves. "Guess you were right. We had nothing to worry about." He commented.

"Exactly." The second pig said, inhaling a good deal and then blowing out little smoke rings. "Like I said, what's the worst that could happen?"


Story By: Gerhard "StrikerSA" Naudé

Phoenix and Striker copyright to: Gerhard Naudé

Ellissia copyright to: Her Player