Experimenting With A Bear

Story by Hoffy on SoFurry

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This is a long thing sorta kinda based on a true story.


This is a big motherfucker, based on a true story. I still need to do a full proofread, I'll edit it tomorrow, just wanna post it up now so you can enjoy!

My parents are getting a divorce. Sucks, right? Now most people my age would get upset, wonder 'Why me? Why is my family breaking up?' I knew it was coming, when my dad told me, I just shrugged, anyone could see it coming a mile away. My friend at school, Maggie Daley, thought I was more upset than I was, so she offered to let me stay with her mom and brother, Darren. I may or may not have discovered that I'm bisexual...and that I like bears....and bear tongue forcing its way into my mouth. See in hindsight I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did.

I didn't know Darren that well, he kept to himself at school, didn't talk to many people, and if you tried to talk to him he would just swear in Russian or glare until you walked away. I know he came out as being gay when he was younger, I don't know if he was bullied for it and it just made him meaner or something He's been nice enough to me though, not like we're going to make out, but he'll grab a can of coke for me from the fridge if I asked politely. Over the course of a couple of weeks I got to know him better, he learned Russian to communicate better with people over his games, discovered he was gay when he was 14 and he couldn't even stand the sight of a girl naked, and loved cooking. I mean at that point we weren't going to make out or anything, but it was a friendly acquaintance, I was much closer with his sister, whom looked at me like a second brother.

When people meet a gay guy, they say 'Oh, my first fag, is he going to hit on me?' I thought about it, but shrugged it off, it wasn't any of my business, I didn't need to get any closer to him. A hallway nod was good enough for me, but then I started to notice things.

Darren was a thickset bear, looked older than his age of 18, but carried himself with the self-assurance of someone much older. He was a heavy guy, but he didn't let it bother him. It was that thickness and solidness I noticed first. I mean I liked it on women, but when I saw him start pelvic thrusting the air when he got a headshot on someone in Unreal Tournament I thought to myself, in a rare moment of excessive gayness that surprised me thirty seconds later 'I bet he could really lay into me.'

But then I started to notice him a bit more after the first week. Like his shirts. They were often just a size too small, or even half a size, they went about too tight around his form. I noticed that whenever he stretched, his shirt would lift and show the bottom of his belly. I also noticed that when he got down on one knee, his ass would fill out the seat of his jeans nicely. At that point I thought to myself 'I bet I could really lay into him.'

I wasn't inexperienced either, I had a girlfriend once. She was a farmgirl though, a solid and strong tomboy. Trust me, I make her swoon like nobody's business, I am an old school romantic after all and I liked her too, until she decided to dump me for someone popular. Of course, I'm not gay, but every time I looked at that wall of bear, I had to suppress my grey tail from wagging. So, one day, the second week of living there, I bumped into him in the hallway, my fault from being a dipshit and staring at the phone. Right away I whiff of sweat hit my nose. I feel like such a queer for using this word, but it was intoxicating. I was so used to smelling cheap, feminine deodorant that is sprayed every which way, that it was like opening the double doors to the idea of what it would be like to be with a man. I thought about if he sweated when getting blown, how much exertion he puts into fucking, if he's a top or a bottom or prefers to be dominant or submission in either role. That whiff was just a tease, and it set off me off in a way that I didn't expect. I decided right there, to talk to him tonight and ask if we could fuck.

Darren's body exploded across my screen, chunks of meat flying off and spatting into the ground. I turned around and fired wildly at this base, running back to mine. Face off was the best map in Unreal Tournament, Darren and I sometimes versed each other in CTF mode. I heard the terse voice of his bitch of a mother call out my name. I typed -hang on a sec- into the chat and took off my headphones. 'She asked if your parents called'

Darren had his eyes focused on the screen, waiting to respawn and chase after me.

'Uh, no, I think they were both at work today.'

I slipped the headphones on again and glanced at Darren, he looked at me and back to the screen.

'Comin' after you, cunt.'

'Try it.'

Before I turned my head back I looked down at the office chair he was sitting in to take note of the curve of his ass. I'm suck a fuckin' perve. We played for about 20 minutes after that exchange, trading kills and insults, both verbal and typed. If we ended up on the same team, we would use our MSN accounts to type to each other about the game. Eventually we stopped playing, having tired ourselves out, and just resigned to browsing the internet while Ms Daley and Maggie watched TV in the other room. That moment earlier in the hallway bounced around in my brain. I kept on asking myself the same questions I asked earlier, my mind was an endless parade of bear dick and ass. Now or fucking never. I brought up the chat window and started typing.

Ireum - Can we go into another room and talk?

????-???? - why?

Ireum - I need to talk to you about something.

????-???? - again, why?

Ireum - I just need to ask you something.

A coke can hit my headphones and sent them falling across my neck.

'Hey, can you stop being such a faggot and fuckin' tell me what you want?'

I turned my chair and bashfully looked at Darren, the bear was glaring at me, he tends to be rather direct. I could understand his annoyance, but it's not every day you ask someone if you could suck each other's cocks. It's not like I could type -hey teach me to deep throat would that be cool with you broski-. I stuttered a little, my grey tail hanging low. What the fuck why couldn't I just get it out.

'Um, don't worry about it, I'll be in the other room' I stood up from the chair and scurried to the other room.

I flicked through the channel on the TV, bored and embarrassed out of skull, every shitty sitcom was on tonight. I didn't think it would be that hard to get it out. I didn't know if he had a boyfriend, or a thing with someone else, hell if he was even sexual or asexual. Fuckin' stupid. I sighed and turned off the tv, picking at my paw nails. I must have sat there engrossed in them for some time because when I looked it up was 10 minutes since I turned off the TV, and a bear was draped across the opposite couch reading a book. 'Hi'


I kept picking at my finger nails, glancing back and forth as he turned the pages of his book. 'What you reading?'

'Gallic wars, Julius Caesar'

'Fair enough.'

I chewed on one of my nails and picked up the remote, anything to fill this awkwardness. 'Don't'

Darren had sat up and put his book on the coffee table, his brown eyes staring at me. He had an intense look on his face, but then sometimes it can be hard to tell when he's relaxed.

'What were you spazzing out about before, the fuck was that?'

I put the remote down and sighed, he wasn't going to let up. 'Well....you're gay right?'

He smirked, a tooth showing up past his lips. God that was cute

'Apparently its not obvious to everyone'

'Well yeah but um...'

His eyebrow raised up. 'Dude, what are you trying to say.'

You know those moment when you need to say something to someone, and the other person knows what you're going to say, but you need to confirm it just to get it out of the way. Aren't those just a barrel of fun?

'Do you wanna fool around?'

'I'm sorry, fucking what?!" The bear gaped at me dumbfounded, his hands apart and his head cocked like I had just told him his mom was planning to give him a vasectomy.

By this point I was balls deep into the situation and the nervousness dissipated from me. I had never asked someone to have sex with me point blank, there's not many situations where the need arises, and I don't think would want to be in many of those. But at least the guy didn't punch me, which was my main worry. I mean he's a perpetually annoyed slab of bear, could anyone blame me. Before I could stop and think though, the words came tumbling out of my mouth.

'You're gay right, I wanna know what it's like!'

Holy shit the confidence in my voice. 'Aren't you straight?'

'I dunno man, but...can we at least like, experiment or something, do you have experience?'

The bear leaned back into his chair and my nervousness returned. That look, he was considering it, there was no way he wasn't playing it through his head. 'Yeah.... I've done stuff, but...uh...only with a couple of guys I've been in a relationship with.... wait...you don't wanna-'

My ears perked and my back went straight. A relationship with a guy was something I couldn't get involved in. I mean it would be hilarious to come up to my parents after their divorce and say 'Hey, I'm giving this guy regular suckjobs.' But that would probably be the only benefit.

'Nahnahnahnah, no, no strings, none of that. I'm more interested in just...casual, brojobs'

'Okay, yeah, don't call it a brojob, ever. Please.'

'Yeah, so um, are you interested?'

'Sure, on one condition.'

My gut twinged. 'Yeah?'

'Feel my crotch a little'

I took the face he made earlier 'Right now?'

Darren grinned, stood up and stretched. The belly peeked out, and a bulge showed against his jeans. Christ, the guy was already sporting a half. He lumbered over to me and stood there with his thumbs hooked in this pockets and this big shit-eating grin on his face. He stood there and looked down at me, that toothy grin spreading over his face. He stood there like he had all the time in the world, as if his mom and sister couldn't just walk in.

'Well how do I know you're telling the truth, if you really want to experiment you'll feel me up and take it out' I gulped and stared straight ahead at his crotch, the tip of his zipper peeking out past the fold and begging me to pull it down. It was wild, I woke up this morning, brushed my teeth, had breakfast, jacked off to a mental image of a threesome with my ex and Darren, and now here I was, face to face with his crotch with an invitation to grope his dick. While I was marveling at the situation, I realized that I was cupping his balls through the jeans, I couldn't feel much due to the fabric, but holy shit I was handing another man's balls. Having realized I was groping him, I looked up at his face, the grin was still there, but his eyes were closed, savoring the feeling of it. I kept looking at him warily, watching his face to see if I was making him uncomfortable with the force of my kneading. Still looking up, my finger fumbled with the zipper and pulled it down, still looking up I reach in, grabbed something warm and heavy and still looking, I pulled out a heavy dick. Feeling the heat of it against my face, I looked down.

I'm not going to lie, I was impressed. I wasn't the biggest guy in the world, and he wasn't the biggest guy in the world (even though he had an inch or two on me in length and thickness), but right there and then, with what I perceived to be the fattest slab of dick I had ever seen, he was the biggest guy. Black and threateningly thick, it sagged under its own weight as it came to life under the ministrations of ballsack rubbing. A bead of pre formed on the tip, I looked up to see a pair of open eyes.

'Hey, show me yours.'

I muttered out a quick 'oh' and started to fumble with my belt. I must have been taking too long with the damned thing, because his meaty paw rubbed my arm and grabbed my hand, taking it away from the source of awkwardness.

'Let me.'

He placed his paws on my thighs and spread my legs open, enough to give him space to kneel downwards. He didn't have enough though, he grumbled 'fuckin thing' pushed the coffee table back with his foot, enough to give him room to slouch down his chin borderline resting on the cushion of the couch. I went back to undoing my belt, the hook slipping out simpler now that I didn't have the distraction of a cock in my face. I looked down at him with a grin 'Ready?'

Darren chucked and pushed his head forward and was instantly snuffling into my crotch. He kept his muzzle down there, breathing in and jostling my balls inside my underwear. Honestly at this point I thought that he would be down there for a while, I took it slow with him because I did the same, he must have had other ideas though because my pants and underwear were tugged down roughly to my ankles and my borderline painfully erect dick was in the air. I thought about the door to the other room and how close it was.

'Um, Darren?'

'Mmmm?' He looked up, his face was...warmer than I expected, it was the only way I could describe it, his eyes were soft, his smile was calm, his paws were rubbing my thighs. If my heart was going a mile a minute I would have been in heaven.

'The door, what if...you better not be laughing at me...what if your mother or sister come though?' He chuckled, the fucker had done this before, not a line on his face that indicated he could be caught with his head between my legs.

'Dun worry about it.'


'The baby gates...'

His muzzle pushed under my balls and huffed, the cold nose and hot burst of breath washing over my taint and making me sigh with a myriad of sensations 'Mmmmmf, nice, we'll hear them before the door opens'. His voice was muffled in the space between my balls and the couch and before I could worry about how well he was breathing down there, he set to work on my taint.

His muzzle and tongue, that fucking tongue.....I always imagined with a girl that it would be dainty, with a hint of trepidation, but Darren was a man, an experienced man, an experiences man with an experienced tongue. His forceful slurps along my taint and balls had no worry and sign that he was nervous, or excited or even horny. His muzzle just went up and down, the tongue pressing flatly against the fur of my taint, before dragging up and slurping along the sack, gathering the pre that was slowly polling against the fur. The only sound in the room was my panting and the wet sucks and slurps of a bear tongue against taint and sack. If my eyes weren't screwed shut, they would have rolled up in the back of my head. If my arm wasn't in my mouth, I would have released a moan that would have increased in volume and length. If my pants weren't down around my ankles, I would have....well I don't know what I would have done, so I just settling with drooling into my arm fur.

Before I could get into it, and what I mean by that is telling him to stick his tongue in my ass and fuck me senseless in one of the bedrooms, I felt his muzzle leave my balls. I took my arm out of my mouth and looked down at his face, spittle covered his chin and that massive grin was back. 'How was that?'

I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes, as if the smug bastard couldn't tell based on the drool left on my arm

'I uh...you do that to all the guys'

'Only to the cute husky's I think would make great bottom boys' He snorted before pressing his hands down on my thighs, diving on my dick and swallowing the entire thing.

'Jesus fuck!' I grunted before biting my arm again. His tongue took on an entirely new personality, before it was simple and blunt, no technique needed, just press hard and drag. But now with my cock in his mouth, his tongue caressed, it flitted and twirled and wrapped itself in wonderful ways that left me needing me to thrust into his mouth. I just resigned myself to rub the top of his head and coax him, as if he needed anymore coaxing.

I could imagine how much precum was flowing from my tip into his mouth, ever since I discovered I could make cum I had a problem with producing too much of it. Often I would have to keep reusing tissues to keep the mess from getting too bad. Darren didn't seem to have a problem with it though, every thirty seconds, past the reserved suckles and slurps, a quiet gulp was audible. He sucked my dick with a fuckton more effort than he worked on my balls, he applied suction at the tip when he went up, then let it drag against the base of his tongue as his muzzle pressed into my public fur.

Occasionally he would come up for air with a pop and grin up at me, asking if there was anything special that I wanted. I was too busy trying not to blow too early to reply, so I just his pushed his head down again and rubbed his ear. He really liked it too, his head tilted in the direction of my head. If I wasn't gay, I could have gone gay right there and then, it was the cutest and the hottest thing I had ever seen. He let out his gentle rumble as I rubbed the tuft of skin and fur, and I watched as my dick was worked between his cheeks and he slurped up the sides and kissed the tip, right before swallowing it again.

And of course, just before I went into the final throes of blowing the biggest load of my life into an eager and accepting throat, I heard a gate slam shut.



'The gates.'

I had never seen a man move so fast. Getting up a noticed his dick, rock hard with a string of pre that had connected to the floor before breaking in the rush to put everything away. If I didn't have to get my pants on I would have cleaned him up, but that dick had to wait while I fumbled with my pants. As the door opened and the hook went into my belt, a cushion thudded on my shoulder and landed on the couch. Darron had managed to cover himself with his jacket and throw a cushion at me, he mouthed 'cover up' and turned on the TV to a sitcom, tilting his head to avoid the exertion being obvious. I sat down, hugged the cushion and stared blankly at the TV as his sister walked behind me

'I'm going to bed, night guys.'

'Night.' A robotic reply to hide any intonation that anything happened aside from vegging on the sofas.

So yeah, that's how my cock got sucked. We didn't do anything for the rest of the night, every time we got eye contact and made a motion to move closer his sister would make a sound up in her room. Eventually we gave up altogether and watched TV until just before midnight. I got up from the couch and said goodnight. He gave the same robotic reply as before, his eyes glued to the TV. I went to the bathroom, went through my routine and started brushing my teeth. Halfway through I noticed him in the mirror, leaning against the doorframe watching. Having noticed me eyes, he sauntered up behind me, and did something which I could only describe as engulfing me.

He wordlessly sauntered up and pressed up against my back, his chest and belly perfectly forming into the small of my back and his bulge ground up against my backside. His arms wrapped around my chest and stubby muzzle nestled into the crook of my neck. If I was the swooning type, I would have swooned and enough of him would be there to keep my propped up. His paws spread open and rubbed against my chest and belly as he gave a soft rumble and huffed into my neck.

'I'm coming into your room later' He gave my junk a quick squeeze, kissed my cheek and left me along in the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging out of my mouth.

I had been set up in the spare bedroom. It wasn't a big room, there was only enough space for a closet and my bed, but I was comfortable there....well I wasn't comfortable then. I was sitting there with the lamp on, in the buff and thinking about the noise. The rooms weren't that far apart...Darren's was across from mine and Maggie's next to his. I wasn't worried so much about the walking in and seeing one of us being balls deep in the other but more about what noises one when the aforementioned one was balls deep in the aforementioned other. Darren and I had been in our rooms for about twenty minutes, plenty of time to wonder if I should go to sleep or not. My guess right though, because a couple of minutes later, just as I put my iPod away, my door opened and Darren stepped through, closing it quietly behind him.

My lamp was on, and I got to appreciate his form wearing only briefs. If you haven't a large man wear purple briefs, I highly recommend you do so. Those briefs hugged his hips and rear perfectly, with single black stripes going under each butt cheek to emphasize them. The front view was even better, with the stripes going under his balls to highlight each globe under the prominent bulge. His stomach hung over his undies in a slight sag that oddly not unattractive. It hung over like a small cushion that begged to be pushed in only to spring back into place. He grinned at me, put his finger to his lips and padded over to the bed, cradling his bulge before climbing on the end of the bed, sitting on his ass and leaning back.

"So uh....what you wanna do?'

I sat up and took off my shirt, eagerly threw it across the room and pushed up my sheets. I choked, what did I want to do? Here I was with a bear on the bed, his body on full display and I didn't know what to do with myself, should I squeeze one of his moobs. Would he even like that? Kiss him? Or would that be too gay? I started to shift towards him when he made the decision for me. By the time I got on my knees I felt his paws on my shoulders, pushing me back down. With the speed of someone lighter, he had straddled my chest, his bulge quickly approaching my face as he got comfortable on my chest.

'I think we'll start with this' His crotch shifted up in awkward heaves before he settled it down on my face, that same scent of sweat that hit me earlier in the hall permeated my nose and made my head light. That scent almost had tendrils, hooking into my synapses and urging me to nuzzle into his package. The scent poked and prodded inside me, telling me to breathe deeply into his crotch and soak up as much of the chubby male as I could.

With a spontaneity of which I was sure was driven by scent of balls rubbing up against my muzzle, I put my hands on his plush stomach and pushed him back a little bit, enough to give me room to nip onto the hem of his undies and drag them down. At first it was awkward and difficult as his dick curved a bit upward. After a muttered curse and his quick adjustment of my movements, the hard cock sprung out and up. I continued on my downward journey, tugging the undies down before tucking the underwear under his balls. I leaned back and surveyed my prize.

I didn't get a good look at it erect in the living room, I saw it only for half a second before he roughly stuffed it back into his pants. It wasn't torpedo straight like I expected, but had an upward curve that hugged the upper curve of his belly. His balls hung low in a dark brown sack, plump and inviting, they looked heavy with seed that had built up since he blew me. On instinct, I pushed my nose into those balls, got a heavy helping of the scent I craved straight from the source, stuck out my tongue and began licking.

I was tonguing a cock for the first time. That thought just kept running through my head as I replicated his method from earlier. I just pressed hard with my tongue and drooled along the length. I had no technique, it was the most uninteresting thing I could do, but it didn't matter, we both knew that it was my first time. I enjoyed the taste of precum rolling onto my tongue, and he enjoyed having his cock licked by a "straight" guy. There wasn't a need to impress or take command, it was just a guy letting another guy taste his cock, a nonchalant sucking, a casual dick lick.

The bear above me shifted back and made a noise like a groan, at first I thought I hurt him. I started to sit up but again he pushed me down. He turned around on my chest and sat back, his full and chubby rump cheeks encased in the purple underwear in front of me. He shook his hips, inviting me to grab. Which I did, I reached out with speed, grabbed two pawfuls of ass and squeezed. I manhandled that ass, I squished the cheeks together, gave them light slaps to make purple waves. It was a glorious ass. It was the kind of ass you could rest your head on and smooch, the kind of ass that was sturdy enough to take a beating with kangaroo hips and retain the dignity of its shape. But before I could pull them down to take a glimpse of what other joys that ass had, he had pulled himself back and turned around again in the same position as when he got on the bed, but this time one hand crooked its finger, and the other had the dick pushed down towards me. He wanted me to suck.

I surged forward with desperation and hunger, enough to nearly rocket that dick down my throat, but I twisted my head and just bumped into his crotch. He chuckled warmly and rubbed the sides of my head with affection before tilting my head up to look down at me and mumble.

'Listen...I'm pretty horned up, do you mind if I take lead'

I nodded and tried to get at his dick, he stopped me.

'No...I mean like, I really gotta get off'

I tried again and got rebuffed, he held my head more firmly.

'Listen, I gotta paint your face with cum, you'd look so cute. Would you let me do that? Just nod, curl your lips over your teeth and let me do the work. You can do it to me too, yeah?"

I nodded and got rewarded with a paw on top of my head and a dick in my mouth.

His taste blossomed on my tongue like fine dining when he entered and as he pushed deeper, his first thrust was slow but it felt even flower in my head. The spongy tip dragged over my tongue and roof of my mouth as it went forward. Centimeter by centimeter the hefty cock worked its way through me, pushing and leaving a trail of juice as it worked and prodded the back of my throat. I gagged and he stopped, careful so I wouldn't choke and vomit all over him. He repeated the thrust several more times, gauging my upper limit of dick swallowing. When he judged that I was ready, he got his hips moving.

He was gentler than I expected, he kept the humping to a slow, steady pace. He never went further than the limit, which was just over half of his dick. He didn't seem to mind though. From what I could see over his belly he had an easy smile on his face. Keeping myself propped up with my forearm, I reached back and jacked myself off with the same pace he humped my face. He encouraged me through the act, his words were soft, gentle and never degrading. He told me I was doing well, that I just needed to work my tongue, that the pressure was perfect. Honestly, the whole thing was perfect for me. I've seen plenty of pornos, it's all rough and 'Suck my cock, baby' and 'Oh, you're the perfect cocksleeve'. I mean I did feel like a cocksleeve with the way he was working me, but the gentleness of it and the lack of pressure and well....gagging, it was a way to get himself off without hurting me. I always appreciated him for that.

The pre was spilling out onto my tongue consistently, occasionally jetting onto the back of it every so often. His breathing was getting harsher, he was trying to maintain his composure. There was a certain sense of pride in me then. I was making him feel that, I was swallowing his precum as such a rapid pace, I was going to make him blow his load. His grip tightened on me, he leaned out and started breathing through his teeth, the occasional drop of spittle dripping onto the top of my head. I didn't mind, I had enough of his fluids in my stomach, and very soon it would be on my face.

Darren pulled my head away, muttered 'Hope you're ready.', gripped his dick and pumped it. I sat there and waited for a good thirty seconds while he jacked off. It was awkward. It was obvious he was going to cum, but I had seen it in porn when a guy would pull out and jack off for a perfect creampie, the actress would egg him on in that fake desperate tone. I didn't know what to do, just when I decided to reach out and cup his balls, he let out several shaky huffs, went stiff and let loose.

The first jet of thick, white cum plastered my eye shut, the second hit my muzzle, the third on my cheek, another on my forehead, the next across the muzzle again, and the rest came in short bursts. It was warm, it was heavy, it was sticky, it was a touch gross at first and made me feel cheap. But when he finished I was in nirvana. He was panting above me, working the last drops of cum onto my drenched and stupidly smiling face and I knew it was all because of me. I made him blow like Krakatoa. He fell on his side, and within seconds I had my hand on the side of his head and pumping my cock.

I came in seconds. Instead of letting me cum over his face, he took the tip of my cock into his mouth and sucked. My cum burst out like from a dam and I could hear a cough and gulp as it hit the back of his throat. I sat there draining myself into him, emptying the contents of my balls into his sucking maw, reveling in the occasional gulp. When I finished, I rested my back against the wall, trying to limit the noise of my panting. Darren then sat up, straddled my lap, and poured my load from his mouth into mine.

It was my first kiss with a man, done in the gayest way imaginable, but my energy was too sapped to protest. His tongue worked my mouth, the thick, flat piece of meat wormed its way into every crevice and slurped back the cum and some of my drool. When he got tired of that he worked my face, his tongue dragged across his cooling ropes of jizz and pushed it back inside my mouth, it was anyones guess who swallowed it. The sloppy, cummy kissing and facelicking continued. Even when he collected all the cum off me, he still sat there, licking my face. Though I think it was a measure of affection and appreciation for a job well done.

I got a towel out of the closet, poured some water on it from my bottle, and we got ourselves cleaned up. It was a quiet post sex clean up, we didn't speak, but occasionally he grope me, rub my butt or kiss the top of my forehead. He whispered 'Thank you', gave me another soft kiss and left the room for his own.