The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 12: Mama Wolf

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#12 of The Blakes and The Greys

Evie Hemming sat in the living room of her small farm house, the one she'd raised three male pups; Wilber, Bart, and Hubert. Her first two sons had been a bit of a disappointment to her.

The lie about country folk was that they were all simpletons, not knowing how to read and write or not being well read. There were some that fell into that category, but for the most part, they were well read. Not having good tv reception allowed for a great deal of reading, mostly works of classic literature including religious texts as well as fiction and non-fiction alike. Evie herself had read War and Peace six times. Unfortunately for her, her sons bought into the fantasy of country bumpkins so much so that they looked down not only on her, but on their entire family.

So far, neither Wilber nor Bart had managed to get married, something that Evie figured was based on their attitudes. Bart had gone about calling himself Bartholomew to sound more sophisticated, but that was only because Wilber had started calling himself Wilberforce for the same reason. The old wolf shook her head from side to side. Hubert had been the closest to getting married, but Evie could tell that Penelope was a lost cause from the day she laid eyes upon her.

Penelope had been much younger than her youngest son, a good ten years younger. The motherly wolf knew that the young alpha was just using him as a stopgap until she found someone else, something that made Evie furious. She hadn't been surprised at all that Penelope would break Hubert's heart, though, she wasn't prepared for the damage he'd been able to do.

Unfortunately for Hubert, Evie's husband, George, had a hard time letting go of a grudge, even if it's from his own kin. She'd sent her boy away so he could calm down, and that had been six months ago. She'd meant to keep in contact with him, but every time she tried, the two alpha wolves would get in an argument.

Evie had just about given up on trying to call her son again, when the phone started to ring. The old canine grabbed the handle on the old rotary phone and held it up to her ear. "Hello," she asked, hoping it was Hubert and not one of the other two.

"MAMA," a happy voice cried out over the phone, "Iz sorry I ain't called you, mama. Iz jist been s'busy."

"HUBERT," Evie screamed, a happy grin on her face, "Oh Hubert! I'm sorry I ain't called ya. Iz s'happy to hear you!"

"Mama! I mets a gal," Hubert said happily, the joy clear in his voice.

"Oh," the wolf asked as her ears perked up, "ya did? She ain't like Penelope is she?"

"Naw, mama. She's my age! And she's purdy."

Evie's ears flattened a little, "Has she been treatin' ya right?"

There was an a-hyuck that made his mother scowl a little. "She's been treatin' me right, mama. She's s'sweet! I loves her s'much," her son said in a dreamy tone. The old wolf was skeptical, though more so in a protective sense, "Oh?"

"I do, mama! Wez been t'gether fer six months! And it's s'wonderful."

"Six... months," his mother blinked. He found a new girlfriend that quick? "What's her name, Hubey?"

"Jo-sef-een," the dreamy tone said again. It sounded like he was floating in air.

"And she's yer age?"

"Yes, mama."

"S' ya'll can't has no pups."

"I knows it, mama, but she's already had pups. She's gots a really nice boy named Kody. He's a pilot!"

Evie's ears flattened against her head. She'd wanted her son to have pups, not inherit someone else's pups, but from the sound of it, whoever this Josephine was, she was miles ahead of Penelope. "Ya said she's purdy?"

"She sure is, mama. She's s'purdy'n'sweet."

"Is she an alpha?"

"Naw, mama. She ain't no alpha."

Evie let out a sigh of relief. The problem was alpha-beta relationships were different from alpha-alpha relationships. Where alpha-alpha would keep each other in check, alpha-beta always meant that the alpha would take advantage of the beta. "That's good, sweetie. Do you want me to come visit? I'd like to meet yer new wolf girl."

"Sure mama, but Jo-sef-een ain't n'wolf. She's a fox."

His mother's eyes just about popped out of their sockets. He could mean one of two things; either he was joking and he was calling Josephine a foxy female, or her son had really just fallen in love with a fox. "Yer sayin' she's purdy like a fox?"

"Naw, mama. She is a fox."

Her son fell in love with a fox! The alpha bitch's nerves started to fire off left and right. The pack was in trouble. Part of the old wolf felt like this vixen was taking advantage of her son. Another part told her that this vixen was putting the entire pack in jeopardy. A final part was happy that her son had found someone that he loved and it sounded like she loved him too, but that part was quickly silenced by the other two voices.

"I'm coming tomorrow," she said gruffly before hanging up the phone, slamming it down. Her husband, George poked his head into the living room. "What the hell did Hubert want," he growled, still sore about what happened six months later.

"HUBERT'S FALLEN FOR A FOX," Evie snarled out.

"A fox?"

"Yes! A fox! I don't want my boy fallin' fer no fox! They's trouble!"

George rolled his eyes, "Can't be more trouble than that Penelope bitch. She been treating him right?"

"From the sound of it, yes."

"Then what's the problem?"

"She's taking advantage of him! She's gonna pawn off her kit onto our boy. I'm leavin' tomorrow to stop this at once!"

"If yer going, I'm going too. I wants t'meet her."

"Ain'tcha gots chores?"

"They can wait."

Hubert looked over at Jo as she sat in the living room with Kody and RJ. "Mama's comin' t'visit t'marrah," he said with a smile before sliding back into his seat.

"Oh," Jo asked curiously as she looked at her husband, "I thought we were going to go see her."

"Naw, she wants t'come here. I thinks she likes ya, Jo-sef-een," the wolf replied with big smile, though something told everyone at the table that it might not be the case.