My Great Big Brother - The Hammer Falls.

Story by ArcticWolf451 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, meaning if you are under 18 SHOO! NOW. And I know you aren't gonna listen because I did the same thing when I was 16. Sigh, so just make sure you lock the damn door so your parents don't catch you, a'ight? All characters are mine. Also, this story contains Incest in it. For the record, I don't condone it and sure as hell don't recommend it. So listen up kiddies and don't try to bang your sis. Got it? If not, your ass is grass and your dad's foot is a lawn mower. Oh, and any copyrighted names I used belong to their respective owners and I was not paid to use them. Go Steelers! And also Go Gators even though I don't go to that school. =) ***************December 25, 2009, 6:30 A.M. - Kyle's Room in Joan Holland's Apartment 'Oh god my head...' Kyle awoke to splitting headache brought about from dehydration. His mouth felt dry and his whole body felt sore and stiff. He tried to get up, but something was pinning him down. 'What the hell...oh fuck,' he thought to himself as he looked at his chest to see Katie peacefully sleeping on top of him. Looking around he realized that the sun hadn't come up yet, which meant that the rest of the family was probably still asleep. Kyle took a deep breath, and then gently patted Katie on her head. "Katie...hey...Katie wake up!" Kyle urgently whispered to her. However, she just stirred a bit and kept right on sleeping. 'Fuck it,' Kyle thought to himself, and with that he rolled Katie off of him and onto the floor. "Ow! Ugggghhhh, what the..." Katie groggily moaned as she awoke. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, and then yawned as she felt her senses slowly return. Noticing Kyle was up and about, Katie smiled and said, "Morning big brother, sleep well?" "Like hell I did. Katie do you realize what happened?" Katie tilted her head at Kyle in confusion, and replied, "I recall we had two rounds of amazing sex and then passed out on the.......floor....oh no," Katie said as she realized the gravity of the situation. "C'mon Katie, get dressed! You gotta get out of here and take a shower while I spray Febreeze everywhere," Kyle ordered as he clumsily put his boxers back on and then spun in circles trying to find where he left his pants. Katie got up and started getting dressed as well, while also trying not to laugh as Kyle tripped and fell over as he rushed to slip back into his sleep pants. "OW! Damn it! Fucking pants..." Kyle paused as he realized he had cursed in front of Katie, who no longer hid the fact that she was enjoying his lack of co-ordination. "Are you gonna sit there laughing or are you gonna get outta here and shower?" Katie stopped laughing and looked at Kyle, feeling slightly hurt by his abrupt tone with her. "Fine, I'll leave if that's so important to you. But at what point do you take a shower?"

"After everyone else is up and about," Kyle replied. "Wait...why do I have to shower so early?" "Because frankly, you smell like sex." "So do you!" Katie countered, feeling slightly offended at her brother's statement. "Yeah, but I'm a guy." "So?" "Soooooo, it's normal for me to wake up in the morning and reek of sweat, testosterone and whatever I ate last night." Kyle pulled his t-shirt over his head and took a sniff at it. "Whoa! Damn, I should probably Febreeze this too." Katie rolled her eyes at Kyle and said, "So you're telling me if I smell like you, everyone will know what we did?" "Yes." "But it's okay for you to smell like sweat, testosterone and your little sister?" "Yes and....little sister?" Kyle inquired with a bewildered look. Katie smiled and replied, "You said you'll smell like the last thing that you ate. Don't I count?" Kyle snickered at this and cupped his paw around his mouth so he could smell his breath. "Gahg! Okay, I'll need to use some Listerine to cover that up. Now hurry up and get in the shower before mom and dad wake up!" Katie sighed and started to leave with a dejected look. Kyle noticed this and rushed over to her. "Katie, wait a second." She looked up at him curiously as he gave her a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. "I love you sis," he said warmly. Katie smiled and hugged him back before quietly exiting and heading off to the downstairs bathroom to shower. Fortunately no one was up yet, although she did wonder how to explain why she wanted a shower at 6:35 A.M. Meanwhile, Kyle found a can of Lysol and bottle of Febreeze allergen reducer in the hall closet. He decided to use both and quickly began to spray down the carpet, his bed, and even the curtains. He figured that he had covered up the smell well enough when it got to the point where his nose burned from the combined scent of lavender Febreeze and "crisp linen" Lysol. Kyle didn't know what crisp linens were supposed to smell like, all he knew was that you don't mix it with lavender Febreeze. After dousing his room in what he was sure was a highly flammable fog of air freshener, Kyle returned to the hall closet to return the Lysol and Febreeze bottles. However, when he lifted his arms to put them back on the top shelf, his own body odor hit his nostrils and almost sent him reeling. Casually taking the Lysol back down, he started to spray his shirt and pants down. At this point Shelly had awoken from hearing Kyle walk around. She stepped over to him and said, "Ummm, what are you doing?" "Taking a shower, what does it look like?" Kyle replied sarcastically. "You know there is an actual shower just down the hall," Shelly stated with a sense of disbelief at Kyle's method of hygiene. "Nooooooooooooo, really? I didn't know that," Kyle said with a

strong air of sarcasm. "Really Kyle, sometimes I wonder how you and I can be related." "I've wondered that myself," he replied. "But in case you haven't noticed, Katie's in the shower and so I'm cleaning myself "college style." "Ooooookay. Wait...why is Katie showering now, it's like six thirty?" Kyle shrugged and said, "What can I say, she likes to be clean." "True, true. Just promise me you'll take a real shower when she's done okay? I can still smell you through that layer of Lysol you're covered in." With that, Shelly went back to her sofa bed and went back to sleep. Kyle stood there for a second before taking a huge sigh of relief. Shelly hadn't mentioned anything about how Katie hadn't slept in the sofa bed last night, which meant that she had no idea what he and Katie had been up to. Taking another whiff of his shirt, Kyle made a mental note to change into a clean set of clothes after taking his shower. ************* December 25, 2009, Joan Holland's Apartment, 5:00 P.M. And so another Christmas came and passed. The family had a fun morning of opening gifts and eating a breakfast of homemade cinnamon rolls and bacon (bacon makes everything better you know). Kyle and Katie went for a walk around the lake behind Joan's apartment after all the gifts had been opened. Kyle spent several hours playing Assassins Creed 2, spending most of his time attacking guards just so he could wack'em in the face with a war hammer. Katie, not knowing what the game was about, decided to go hang out with Shelly while Kyle played his new game. Shooting terrorists in Modern Warfare 2 was one thing, chopping some guy's head in half with a battleaxe was another. Katie had never liked violent videogames, and she only wanted to play Modern Warfare 2 with Kyle so she'd have an excuse to be with him. However, Assassins Creed 2 was strictly a single player game, which gave her the excuse she needed to go do something else. Meanwhile in the kitchen, John was helping Joan prepare the dressing for the Christmas turkey. "Joan where do you keep the salt?" he asked. "Top shelf in the pantry, to your right," Joan replied. John found the container of salt and returned to preparing the dressing. "John, have you noticed how close Kyle and Katie have gotten lately?" Joan inquired rather frankly. "Hmm, what do you mean?" "I mean Katie always seems to be right by his side. She's playing violent videogames with him, going on walks, and even sitting next to him every chance she gets." "They've always been good friends Joan, why do you seem so worried all of a sudden?" Joan let out a long sigh and said, "I don't know. It's just my maternal instinct hasn't left me yet, and I know that something isn't right here." John chuckled and gently patted Joan on the shoulder. "C'mon, what could be

wrong? I think it's great that they can be friends like this. Kyle and Shelly normally don't get along. At one point I thought they might kill each other. I've never had that problem with Kyle and Katie, and I sure as hell don't want one to start." "John, do you think Kyle knows?" "Knows what?" "That he's not your son." "I...I doubt it. I mean if he's figured it out he hasn't confronted me about it." Joan nodded at this and said, "You see where I'm going with this right?" "Not don't think those two know..." John replied with a hint of embarrassment. "I'm not saying they are John. I'm just saying you need to keep an eye on them so that won't happen." "Keep an eye on them? Joan, half the day I'm at work and the other half I'm at home listening to Kyle play loud music and cuss out people over the internet. There isn't much I need to keep an eye on." "What about when they're home from school before you get back from work?" John paused. He hadn't thought about that. "Tell you what, I'll come home early one day and not tell them, then we'll see if they're up to anything, okay?" Joan gave a relieved smile and said, "Good. Thank you John." He smiled back and returned to his work. 'I've got a feeling this is going to be a bigger waste of my time than when Super Mario Brother's 3 hit store shelves in the U.S.' ******************** December 30th, 2009, Katie's room in the Blackmon residence, 1:45 P.M. "Oh gods yes!" cried Katie. Kyle and Katie were in the throes of ecstasy as they mated on a peaceful Wednesday afternoon. Their family had returned home two days ago, and now the two siblings had the house to themselves for the day. Shelly and Eliza had gone back to the mall to hit the post Christmas sales, while John was busy at work. This gave Kyle and Katie about four hours to yiff as much as they wanted. And yiff they did. Katie was on her back while Kyle mated her in the missionary position. Since Katie was no longer in heat the two took things more slowly, as opposed to glomping one another and yiffing on the floor. They had been at it for nearly an hour now, and showed no signs of stopping. They were still infatuated with one another, especially since Kyle no longer felt guilty from his actions. "Oh gods sis, I think I'm gonna cum!" Kyle moaned as he felt his orgasm approach. "Ugh! Tie with me Kyle!" Katie replied. With that, Kyle pushed his knot into Katie's tight passage, ensuring that none of his load would go to waste. He gritted his teeth and gasped as he felt Katie's vaginal muscles clench and spasm around his wolfhood as he released six thick ropes of cum inside of his sister. Soon Kyle and Katie were smiling at each other as they relished the warm sensations of orgasmic afterglow wash

over them. "I love you big brother," Katie sighed as she tightly hugged Kyle to her. "I love you too sis. I..." Kyle stopped as his ears picked up...footsteps? He turned his head and sure enough he heard someone walking down the hall inside the house. To his horror he realized that not only was he tied to his sister...but also he hadn't locked the door to her room! The footsteps grew louder, and Kyle desperately pulled away from Katie, trying to remove his knot from her, but it was no use. His heart seemed to stop as he watched the doorknob turn. A second later John entered the room holding the box to an electric razor he had gotten for Christmas. "Katie," he said while still reading the back of the box, "I tried charging this thing for eight hours like the box said, but I can't get it my god." John dropped the box, but his paw remained in place as if he was still holding it. "What the hell are you two doing?" Kyle looked down at Katie, who looked back up with an expression that was a mixture of fear and confusion. Kyle looked back over to John and replied, "Umm, what does it look like we're doing?" "Right. Well, I think we both know the answer to that. Now, you kids are probably expecting me to yell at you. Normally, I'd be screaming my lungs out and trying to kill the boy on top of my daughter, but since that boy is my own son, I've suddenly forgotten how to move my legs. So here's what's gonna happen. Kyle, you're going to get out of the bed and stand in front of me, now." "Umm, can you give me about twenty minutes dad? I'm a little tied up here," Kyle replied, his sense of whit remaining with him even in the darkest of situations. "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me, you tied your sister?" "....kinda," Kyle sheepishly replied. "Did it ever occur to you that tying tends to create pups?" "Yeah dad, that did occur me. But Katie's on the pill so..." John held up a paw and interrupted Kyle. "Wait, she's on the pill? Where did she get those?" "Her ex-boyfriend gave them to her." "What mean Drew? How'd that bastard get his paws on birth control pills?" "I don't know dad, all I know is that Katie took them, so we're cool." "No Kyle, it's not cool. Now, don't move, I'll be right back." With that, John left and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Katie looked up at Kyle and asked, "Kyle, what's gonna happen? I don't want to lose you." Kyle gave her a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry sis, this was bound to happen. Just remember that no matter what, I will always love you. Nothing will change that, not even our parents finding out. We just have to explain ourselves and everything will be fine, okay?" Katie nodded and gave Kyle a nervous smile. Kyle gently stroked Katie's muzzle as

he thought to himself about what he would say. He knew that everything wouldn't be fine. There was no way John would let him stay in the same house as Katie anymore. Kyle didn't know what to expect, but he wouldn't be surprised if John took him out back, shot him, and threw his body in the nearby river. At that moment John walked in holding a glass of ice water. "Alright you two, get out of bed and into the shower." Kyle had to carefully scoot Katie out of her bed and carry her to the hallway bathroom, remaining tied to her the whole time. John looked away while they did this, mainly for Katie's sake rather than Kyle's. Once they were standing in the shower John handed Kyle the glass of ice water. Kyle immediately knew what it was for as he took it. He took a deep breath and then poured the glass's contents onto his member, causing his knot to rapidly contract. "AH FUCK!" Kyle gasped as a flash of pain surged through him as his knot deflated. A few seconds later Kyle was able to free himself from Katie's vagina. John, still looking away, handed the two wolves a pair of towels to cover themselves with. "Alright you two, go get dressed and meet me downstairs in the living room." Kyle and Katie nodded and rushed off to their respective rooms. John let out a long sigh as he thought about how he was going to explain this to Eliza. He had done as Joan asked and come home early, but the most he planned to do was try out his new razor and watch football highlights on ESPN. Instead, he had come home to see his kids tied to together. Once Kyle and Katie had gotten back into their clothes they walked back downstairs to meet John. The two siblings sat side by side on the large couch in the living room while John stood over them. "Alright, where to begin. Well, first of all, Katie, did he force you to let those things with you?" "NO! I mean, no, I let him," Katie replied. "So he didn't rape you?" John asked again. Katie calmly looked back at John and stated, "No, he didn't." "Then why are you two sleeping together?" Kyle answered by saying, "Because Katie is my mate, and that's what mates do." John blinked and looked like he'd just been sucker punched in the face. "I-I-I'm sorry, did you just say she's your mate?" Kyle nodded. "But she's your sister. Do you know the consequences of incestuous breeding?" "Yes dad, I do," Kyle firmly replied. "And yet you mated your sister anyway. Oh boy, what the hell was I thinking when I took you in..." "What?" Kyle asked in surprise. "Wait, that's right I never told you did I?" John asked Kyle. Kyle shook his head. "Well Kyle, I suppose now might be a good time to tell you that

you're adopted, you're not my son." "Wait...adopted? That means...that means Katie's not my sister! OH MY GOD! SHE'S NOT MY SISTER!" Kyle ecstatically yelled as he jumped up from the couch and hopped in place. "I'm not going to burn in Hell for all eternity! Thank you God!" "SIT DOWN!" John yelled. Kyle winced and sat back down. "First of all, just because you're adopted doesn't mean I'm not pissed at you for yiffing my daughter. Katie is only fourteen., which means she's got a long way to go before she's ready to find a mate, who sure as hell isn't going to be you." "Why can't I be her mate," Kyle angrily retorted. "She's not my sister, she's just another girl out there. I have every right to be with her, you can't stop me from being with her." John was visibly becoming angry, as he was nearly shouting at Kyle now. "Yes I can. I am your father, and you WILL listen to me. You aren't going to be seeing my daughter anymore." "Fuck you John." "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?" "FUCK YOU JOHN!" Kyle angrily yelled back at him. "I love Katie, and if you think you can try to tear us apart, I'll rip you in half!" John suddenly moved forward, picked Kyle up by the collar of his shirt, and then punched him as hard as he could in the stomach. Kyle felt the wind get knocked out of him as he collapsed in a heap on the floor gasping for breath.

Looking down with rage filled eyes, John said, "I am your father and you will show me respect, or I swear to God I'll tear out your living guts and strangle you with them!" "Daddy! Don't hurt him, please!" Katie cried as Kyle slowly stood up and sat back on the couch. "(Cough)'re not my father. You never were. All you are is a lying fucker who thinks I owe you for adopting me." "Why you ungrateful little bastard," John said while shaking his head. "Without me you would've been stuck in an orphanage for God knows how long." For a moment everyone was silent. The tension in the air seemed to die down as Kyle and John caught their breath. Finally, Kyle broke the silence and asked, "So, who's my real father?" "His name was George Clark. He and I met in the army back in the nineties. You came about by accident while he was on leave in the States with his girlfriend." "So what happened to them?" "They died in a car accident three days after you were born. I had been married for about two years by then and found out that Eliza was pregnant with Shelly. What happened was they were bringing you home from the hospital when a drunk driver hit them head on. You were in the backseat and survived by some miracle, but both of your parents were killed on impact." Kyle looked at the floor as he pondered this. "So what of my real grandparents? Why didn't they take me in?" "George's parents died when he nineteen. He had to join the army to pay for his college tuition. As for your mother, she hadn't talked to her parents for ten years, so the last thing they'd want is a bastard grandchild."

"And so I'm guessing when you got the news you offered to take me in?" Kyle asked. "Yes Kyle. George was my best friend, I felt I owed it to him to take care of his son since he couldn't. But if I had known that you would defile my daughter and hate me for my generosity..." John stopped and took a deep breath. Kyle looked up at him and said, "Why'd you never tell me this? Why'd you keep it a secretfor so long?" "Because I was trying to protect you from your past. A lot of good that did, eh?" Kyle chuckled and replied, "Hmm, yeah. Katie, could you give me and John a minute alone. I have to ask him something."

Katie looked at Kyle and nodded. She was still too scared about what was going to happen to talk. Once Katie left the room Kyle stood up and faced John. Kyle was 6'2" and still growing, while John was only 5'10". Both males stared at each other, trying to read oneanother's thoughts. Finally, Kyle spoke. "Alright dad, or should I say John, what's gonna happen now that you know about us?" "You mean how am I going to punish you? Well first of all, I'm taking the doors off of yours and Katie's rooms. Second, you're going to go through the same hell I did by enrolling in military school. You told me yourself you wanted to be in the army, so I'll give you a taste of just what it's like." "But what of me and Katie? I know you won't let us sleep together, but what about when she's old enough to mate with me? Will you acknowledge our relationship then?" "No. Kyle, you may not be related to her, but as far as you knew she was your flesh and blood sister. The fact that that didn't stop you tells me you're capable of anything. I don't want someone who's willing to forget everything I've taught him just because he doesn't agree with it." "John, the reason I mated with Katie is because I love her, not because I wanted to screw her. She caught Drew cheating on her and was heartbroken, and when I tried to console her she ended up telling me she loved me. I could tell I made her happy, so I gave her my heart to make her feel better." John shook his head in disbelief. "Kyle, Katie is a fourteen year old girl. She doesn't understand what the different emotions and feelings running through her mean. She was so desperate for someone to love her that she didn't care who it was." "No. You're wrong. At first I too thought that she was confused about her feelings, but I've looked into her eyes and seen what's going on in her mind. She does love me, and I love her. If you can't accept that, too bad."

"Are you just as lovesick as she is? My god, what kind of idiot did I raise these past seventeen years?" "I love her John! She's my mate, and there's nothing can do to change that." "Kyle, you can't be mates with your sister." "She's not my sister!" Kyle yelled back. Unbeknownst to him, Katie heard this and started to cry as she ran up to her room. "Then what is she Kyle? Huh? WHAT THE HELL IS SHE?!" "She's my mate, and there's nothing you can say that will change that!" Kyle's fangs were bared and he looked as if he were ready to pounce on John and rip his throat out. "How about I call the police and tell them what you did? You'll get hauled off for rape and be out of my life and Katie's life forever. What do you have to say to that?" Kyle paused. He hadn't thought about that. " wouldn't do that..." "Why not? What's stopping me Kyle?" Not one to be caught off guard, Kyle quickly changed his tone as he tried to come up with a way to salvage the rapidly deteriorating situation. "...part of you still cares for me as your son," Kyle quipped. John tilted his head. "What do you mean?" "John, I know that even though you probably want me to be dead right now, you wouldn't send me off to jail." "If you think you can talk your way out of this you're sadly mistaken," John replied coldly. "I don't intend to," Kyle retorted. "But first, answer a quick question of mine, would you care if died right this second?" "Not in the least." "Exactly. So why don't you use something along those lines to punish me?" "Kyle, what the hell are you asking? You want me to kill you?" "No John, I want you to give me a chance to earn your respect," Kyle replied with a sly smile. "Huh?" "Let me join the Marine Corp." "Kyle, you're seventeen. You can't join..." "...I can't join without a parent's signature stating consent. I think you see where I'm going with this."

John cracked a smile. "I see. So you think you can handle the Marines eh? Pff, you don't have what it..." John was suddenly stopped in his tracks as Kyle kicked him in the crotch, grabbed John by his ears, and pulled his head down so his face was lowered down to where Kyle could bash him in the nose with his left knee. John didn't know what hit him until he felt blood coming out of his nose while he choked on a small amount of vomit that had unexpectedly come up. Kyle smiled down at him and said, "I don't have what it takes huh?" "(Coughs violently). You sonuva bitch! Alright, I'll sign you up. Come May of next year you're going to be begging God to kill you." "Next year?" "You don't graduate until 2011 dip-shit," John angrily replied. "John, why would I need your signature if I was going to wait until then?" "You want to drop out of high-school?" John asked with honest astonishment. "Yes. I'll probably never finish high-school, but then again I probably won't need to considering how the war in Afghanistan is going."

"You think you're invincible don't you? It's going to be a sad state of affairs when you learnotherwise." John replied. Kyle nodded and said, "Yes. But should I happen to survive, I only ask for one thing, and one thing only." "What?" "That you recognize my relationship with Katie." "I don't have to do that and you know it." "True, but you still have a code of honor John. Consider this a gentleman's wager; I'll risk my life for your daughter's hand in marriage. If I live, I get to be with Katie. If I lose...well, I'll be dead and all so you'll at least be happy." John thought to himself and smiled after a long moment of thinking. "Very well Kyle. Now get in the car, I know where there's a recruiter just five minutes away from here." ************** And so Kyle signed up for the Marines. He was told to report back in two weeks to get on the bus that would take him to Parris Island where he would suffer thirteen weeks of boot camp before being shipped out to join his brothers in arms. The recruiter had been quite surprised by Kyle and John's enthusiasm, but then again he didn't know of the bet the two had made. January 11th, 2009, Kyle's Room - 6:00 P.M. Kyle was busy packing his duffle bag with an extra set of pants and a t-shirt. He had been told that once he was on Parris Island he would be issued clothing, but he should still bring a set of civilian clothes for when he was permitted to leave the base. As he laid a set of khaki cargo pants on the bed he felt someone walk up behind him. Turning around he saw Shelly standing in the doorway. "What do you want?" Kyle asked. "This isn't right," she replied. "Huh?" "It isn't right that dad's just sending you off to die like this." "What do you mean?" Kyle asked with a tilt of his head. "Kyle, I don't approve of what you and Katie did. I still don't. Honestly, I think you should have the crap beaten out of you. But just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you should have to die for it." " actually care about whether I survive my tour in Marines?" "Honestly, I was glad to hear you were leaving us. But have you seen how sad Katie is? She's terrified that something is going to happen to you. Now, I may not care for you very much, but I do care for Katie. You seem to make her happy, and if you can do that...well, I guess you're not all bad." Shelly stared at the floor for second before continuing. "Be careful over there, okay?" Kyle walked over and gave Shelly a quick hug. "Thanks Shelly. I will. But don't worry, everything will be okay. Where's Katie, I should probably go talk to her." "She's moping in her room. Right now I think you're the only one who can make her feel better."

Kyle nodded and walked down the hall to Katie's room. He didn't have to knock on the door, as John had been good to his word and removed the doors from Kyle and Katie's rooms. "Sis, you in here?" Kyle asked. "Mmmhmm," Katie sighed, her face buried in her pillow on her bed. Kyle smiled and took a seat next to her. "Hey, I'm here Katie. You wanna talk about what's got you down?" Katie sat up and looked at him, tears staining her beautiful white fur. "Oh like you don't know. Kyle, you're leaving and might never come back!" "What are you talking about, of course I'm coming back." "But what if you get shot or blown up? What then?" "Katie, I promise you that won't happen." "But you promised me you'd never leave me, and now you are." "True, but I still love you and that's what matters. And John said that when I come back he'll let us be together." "I don't care about that. All I want is to know that you'll be alright," Katie said, tears starting to form in her eyes. "Katie, I'll be fine. Remember, everything happens for a reason, just like you said. I became your mate to make you happy, and now I'm becoming a soldier so that we can be together. Fate is on our side; everything will work out." Katie smiled and hugged him tightly. "I hope so Kyle, but I won't stop praying for you until you're back home." "Thanks sis, I'm sure I'll need it." Kyle gave Katie a kiss and said, "I love you." "I love you too big brother...I-I mean Kyle," she replied while choking back tears. Kyle tilted his head and asked, "What do mean? I'm still you're brother..." "But you just told John you aren't!" Katie snapped back at him. "True but...wait...this is really bothering you isn't it?" Kyle asked as he noticed Katie's sudden shift in tone. Katie nodded while wiping a tear from her cheek. "It's just...any boy and girl can be mates, but we were more than that. It was to explain it?" "It was like having an ACR with a grenade launcher and heartbeat sensor?"

Katie just stared at him and said, "Very funny, but I don't think a videogame reference is appropriate here." "Sorry," Kyle replied, "But I get what you're saying. Not everyone can say they are both siblings and mates; it made our relationship all the more special, right?" "So you do understand!" Katie happily replied. "This may sound kinda weird...but...I think I liked it better when I thought we were brother and sister." "That's not weird...well...not to me it isn't," Kyle said while gently squeezing Katie's shoulder. "And just because we aren't related doesn't mean you're not my sister." "But you told John..." "I was telling him that our kids aren't going to be disfigured or retarded or anything. But as far as I'm concerned, you've been my sister for the last fourteen years, and nothing can change that." "Do you really mean that?" Katie asked with a combined sense of hope and relief. "Of course I do. It takes more than DNA to make someone your sibling. I will always love you as my sister and my mate, no matter what the world throws at us." Kyle tightly hugged Katie who happily sighed as she felt her brother's arms wrap around her. "I love you Kyle. Stay safe over there, okay?" "I promise. Don't worry Katie, I'll be back here before you know it." For the next half hour the two siblings sat side by side in a tearful embrace. Neither knew what to say next, so they simply cuddled together trying to fight back the encroaching heartbreak they both felt as they both silently prayed that this wouldn't be the last time they were together. *********** And add A Rapping Panda (just like that) on Xbox Live. He's awesome. On here he's called NightWolfz and will probably comment on this. I'm just advertising his gamertag because he asked me to so he could see how many friend requests he'll get. I'm interested to know myself, so go ahead and add him. Also, make your Modern Warfare 2 clan tag YIFF if you aren't afraid to show your true colors. Just make sure you don't suck at MW2, because I don't need morons bringing down the clan's rep. ^^