An assisting wing

Story by StunningDragon on SoFurry

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#3 of MyFanfics

Hello everyone!

Looks like it has already been two week since I´ve uploaded my last story - that´s because I wasn´t at home for one week ;)

Anyways, I´ve worked on a new story - a comission for a friend to be accurate.

He asked me if I could probably write a story about his dragon ( Sika ) and Bryce. I was more than happy to do it :D

I know I´ve already written a few stories about Bryce - hope it doesn´t bother you ^^ - but I really like that brown dragon.

Hope you´ll like it regardless :)


An assisting wing

Friday - 7:30 am

The sun already shone it´s first few beams of light across the landscape. The daily city life had already taken it´s common course again. Most dragons were already awake - either they had to go to work, prepare for school or just got woken up by the sun shining through their window. However, a few of them were still lying in their bed lazily.

The sound of an alarm clock echoed through the room, followed by a loud groaning. Sika grabbed his cushion and pressed it on top of his head, trying to avoid the loud noise of his clock. The blue dragon didn´t want to get up - he had always been a late riser and getting up early was one of his most horrible fears. But he couldn´t help it - he knew that there was no way he could sleep any longer. With an annoyed look on his face he switched of the alarm, glad that it was quiet again.


Slowly Sika got on his feet, yawning while he did so. The feral dragon jumped off the bed, nearly falling onto the ground thanks to his still tired muscles. He extended his wings, stretching them so they didn´t feel like a pair of stones on his back. He really appreciated his wings but in the morning they always felt stiff and ached a bit.

Step after step he made his way into his bathroom. He stopped at the washbasin and turned on the faucet. Quickly he shoved his head underneath the water stream - the cold water really helped getting awake in the morning. He used one of his paws in order to wash his horns - something he was really proud of. The dragon started to shake his head, drops of water flying through the air, until his body was completely dry again.

Sika´s gaze wandered towards the door before he slowly made his way out of the bathroom again. The clock showed 7:45 already - it was about time to go to work. The blue drake worked at the city´s production facility - making sure that everything went well and without problems. He walked towards his desk, grabbing his key-card that was attached to a lanyard, put it on his neck and left his rather small apartment.

The facility was within walking distance and even if he could just fly there he decided to walk - it would just be a waste of energy and considering the fact that he was still ahead of time not necessary. Within a few minutes he had reached his workplace, opened the front door and entered the building.

It was just another regular day at the facility and so he started his daily routine, starting by patrolling the sheer endless amounts of corridors within the building, continuing by checking the generators that provided the energy needed for the production. As usual no special events occurred during his watch - not that he minded.

By the time he had finished his first round it was already noon - lunchtime for most dragons within the facility - including Sika. Gladly the institution contained two rather big canteens which were mainly supposed for the staff to eat. Yet most employees spent their lunch in one of the nearby restaurants or café´s because they didn´t like the food the cafeterias offered. Sika didn´t really care - as long as it was edible he was just happy to get something in between his teeth to chew on.

The food itself was nothing special - a soup - which the blue dragon skipped most of the time - a main course, primary containing flesh and a few side dishes like noodles or vegetables - and a desert, usually an ice cream or a small piece of cake. And today´s menu was no difference.

After he had eaten the last bite of his pie the drake walked out of the canteen again, a little bit annoyed that he would have to start his second round in a few minutes. Even if he really liked his job there were some things he just didn´t want to do. After about one hour of walking through the corridors however he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It looked like something had just disappeared at the edge of the hallway. Curious what it could have been he walked towards it. As he turned into the next passageway he was a little bit surprised to see a brown dragon talking to one of the girls from the laboratory. Sika knew this dragon - his name was Bryce and he worked for the police department. To be accurate, he was the chief of the department. The brown dragon visited the facility from time to time, making sure that there were no issues. Even if he had seen Bryce for a few times already he hadn´t talked to him yet - mostly because there was quite some distance between them.

After a few minutes of talking Bryce suddenly turned towards Sika and started walking into his direction. The blue feral, as if rooted to the ground, didn´t move and watched as the slightly bigger dragon approached him. He was sure that the police chief was just about to leave the building again, but when he came to a standstill and looked at him with a questioning gaze he got a little bit nervous. Did he think that he had eavesdropped on them?

"Hey there... I thought that I already know everyone within the facility but... I can´t remember your face. Are you new to this place?" the brown dragon asked. Sika was glad that he didn´t think that he had shadowed them. Slowly he started to shake his head. "No... I think we just haven´t met yet."

"What´s your name?"


"Ahh... Okay, nice to know you at last. I am Bryce, but I assume that you already know that." The blue dragon nodded.

"Sooo... would you... maybe want to do something? My watch is about to end soon and I could use someone to accompany me. Most of my friends have to work longer today and considering the fact that we don´t really know each other yet it would be a great opportunity to become acquainted."

Sika was a little bit shocked how outgoing Bryce was - they´ve just met minutes ago and he already wanted to do something with him. The blue dragon thought about it for a few moments and decided that it couldn´t hurt to get out of his apartment for some time. "What did you think of?"

"Well... I know a really cozy bar within the city if you´d like to drink something. Besides I also know the barkeeper and I assume that he would probably offer us a few free beers."

Sika turned his face onto the ground. "I... usually don´t drink..."

"Don´t worry, they also offer a bunch of anti-alcoholic drinks and cocktails if that fits you better."

"I guess that would work for me then... but I still got about three hours left before I can leave work."

A slight smile formed on the brown dragon´s face. "No problem - I´ll just pick you up later then. See you."

Before he was able to say anything Bryce had already left him alone in the corridor. The blue feral shook his head, trying to focus on his actual duty. He started his routine again, wandering through the endless amount of hallways within the facility, checking the generators and production rooms afterwards and after a couple of hours and a couple complains about some defective light bulbs - which he didn´t really care about - the clock finally showed 5 pm which meant: End of work for today.

Sika walked towards the main hall, handing his key-card to one of the receptionist. He also could just keep it but he felt more comfortable with leaving it within the facility. He wasn´t able to enter the building on weekends anyway.

When he stepped out of the front door he immediately spotted Bryce who sat on his hind legs, obviously waiting for him. Slowly he approached the brown dragon until he was right in front of him.

"Ready to go?" The blue drake nodded. "Let´s go then."

While they went into the city the sun slowly disappeared behind the hills. The town was now illuminated by lanterns and the light that was shining out of the windows from nearby houses and apartments. After a few more minutes of walking down the road Bryce opened the door of a medium sized bar and stepped into it, Sika being only a couple feet behind him. His presence didn´t stay unnoticed for very long - shortly after he had entered it a green dragon already walked up onto him.

"Hey Bryce! Nice to see you again, how was your week?"

"Just about the usual, you know how it goes. A few lost things here and there, nothing special."

"I see..." a broad grin formed on his face as he looked at the blue dragon behind him. "And who is that behind your back? Your new husbando?"

Sika blushed while Bryce seemed to be a little bit annoyed by that comment. "Ohhh shut it you jerk... just give us a table already."

"Hehe... alright follow me."

He led the two of them to one of the still free tables.

"So what would you like me to bring you?"

"A beer - as always" the brown dragon quickly responded.

"Just a coffee for me"

The barkeeper nodded. "Alright, be right back" he said before he left them alone again. Bryce sighed quietly.

"I am sorry for that. He has been a fool since I know him, but he still is a very good and honest friend."

The blue feral shook his head. "No worries, I had to deal with people a lot worse than that."

"Well... who doesn´t?"

While they talked the barkeeper returned to their table, setting down their drinks in front of them before he walked away again. The brown dragon looked at Sika´s coffee cup with a questioning gaze. "I am pretty sure you won´t sleep well tonight after such a dose of caffeine..."

"You would be surprised... Coffee never really affected me. I would have to drink much more than that to even notice something."

"Hm... if you say so..."

They kept talking for a pretty long time, speaking about their past, their dreams for the future, friends, free-time activities... until eventually both of them had finished their drinks. By that time it was already about midnight and the bar also would close soon.

"It´s pretty late already... I think I should go home now or I won´t be able to get out of bed tomorrow." Sika said. Before he had the chance to even stand up however Bryce already spoke up. "Wait a moment... it may sound like a weird question but... why don´t you stay at my place for the night? It´s nothing special but I would feel much better if I didn´t always have to be alone you know."

The blue drake was a little bit shocked by the sudden invitation of the brown dragon. One part of him told him that it was probably a bad idea. They had just met after all but he also knew how it felt to be alone all the time and his instincts also told him that he could trust Bryce.

"Well... nobody is gonna miss me anyway, so I guess it should be no problem."

A broad smile formed on his face. "Thank you! Let´s go then, this place will close in a few minutes anyway." Together they left the bar, Sika following Bryce while he headed for his home. The brown dragon´s house was located at the outside of the town in a relatively calm area. He opened the front door and led them in, switching on the light as they entered the building. Sika looked around - it was just as the brown dragon had described it: nothing special. A couch with a cushion and a blanket lying on top and a wooden table next to it. A couple of plants and drawers decorating the room and a few doors that led into the other rooms of his house.

"You can sleep on the couch if you want. I´ll just sleep on the floor next to you. Not that I´d mind - I have slept on much harder grounds before. I don´t know if you probably want to..."

With every word he said Sika paid less attention to them until he didn´t even make out the individual words anymore. His mind had started to focus on the brown dragon´s body instead. While they had walked around he hadn´t noticed how beautiful Bryce actually looked - his muscles flexing with every move he made, his long, mighty looking tail swaying behind his body, his...

" what do you think?"

"Huh?" the blue dragon´s line of thought was interrupted by the sudden question.

"Did you even listen to me?"

A slight blush formed on his face "I... might have got side-tracked for a few moments..."

Bryce started to shake his head. "Nevermind, I´ll just give you the shortened form then: Would you like to take a shower before you go to bed?"

Sika thought about it for a brief second before he answered. "I think I am fine, thank you."

The larger male nodded. "Okay. I´ll take one though, don´t want to sleep unwashed. Feel free to do anything you like in the meantime... just don´t... break anything."

"Of course not"

The brown dragon turned around and left through one of the doors, leaving his guest alone in the living room. The blue feral walked towards the couch, jumped on top of it and sat down. After a few seconds of literally doing nothing however a strong scent filled his nostrils. He had smelt it before but it was far less concentrated by then. He looked around trying to figure out where the aroma came from, until he noticed that it was coming from beneath him. He raised his body again and looked down onto the sofa, realizing that it was the turquoise blanket that emitted the smell. And now he could also tell where he had smelt it before.

It was Bryce´s body odor he smelt - and even if he wanted to deny it, he really liked his scent. He grabbed the blanket with one of his paws, pulling it from underneath his body.

He thought about it for one moment. Should he really do this? His mind told him to lay it back down, but the desire was too strong. Nobody would even notice... he had to do it... just for one moment...

The blue dragon closed his eyes before he pressed the blanket against his muzzle, taking in a deep breath through his nostrils. The musky, male scent the piece of fabric emitted rushed through his mind. The aroma he smelt dazed his senses, making him crave for even more. His thoughts were so focused on it that he didn´t even hear a door creak open.

"Sika?... What are you...?"

The feral was shocked by the sound of Bryce´s voice. Immediately he dropped the blanket onto the ground and turned around, facing the slightly bigger dragon in front of him. For a few moments no word was spoken until a bright, red blush formed on Sika´s face just before he looked down onto the ground.

"I... I think I should go now..."

The blue dragon, ashamed of what he had just done, turned around again, slowly approaching the door that led outside of the house. Before he reached it however Bryce had already caught up on him, blocking the exit with his body.

"You can´t just leave me now... you simply can´t!"

"Bryce please... you are only making it worse..."

The brown dragon, not even thinking about moving his body, shook his head. "I just don´t understand what´s the problem. You smelled at my blanket - okay - but what´s so bad about it?"

"No... Bryce, don´t you understand? It´s not just that I sniffed at it... I think I..."

Suddenly a deep realization hit him. Something that made him shudder in fear. It wasn´t only the scent that he had taken interest into, but also the one it belonged to.


A tear had formed on his right eye, slowly sliding down his muzzle. The brown dragon next to him looked at Sika with a worried gaze.

"No please..."

He took a step forward, lowered his muzzle and darted his tongue out, licking away the drop of water on the other one´s maw.

"...don´t cry."

He placed on of his strong paws on his back, pulling him close and resting his head on his own shoulder. "It´s nothing to worry about, really." he said while hugging the blue feral tightly.

"You mean... you are not angry?"

"Of course not..."

For a few moments they quit talking, the only thing to be heard were their slow and steady breaths.

"...but if you want..."

Slowly Bryce withdrew his head, looking into the eyes of the other dragon instead.

"...I could show you some things that are much better than that piece of fabric over there."

Again both of them went silent - It didn´t take Sika long to figure out what he meant.

"Wait... you mean..."

"I won´t force you - it´s just an offer."

The blue feral looked down onto the ground. He was literally fighting with himself now. One part of him told him to don´t go any further - he had already gone too far - but the other part was craving for it. And after a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity to him, he eventually gave in on his inner desires. His gaze wandered upwards until he was facing Bryce again. Slowly he nodded, signalising him that he wanted it.

"I am glad you agreed..."

The brown male lowered his head a little bit until they were on eye level.

"Let me show you something..."

He closed his eyes before he slowly closed the gap between their mouths. Sika watched as the dragon drew nearer, his heart beating faster with every second, and eventually he also closed his eyes. Soon he experienced the feeling of a pair of scaly lips pressing against his own, his nervosity vanishing into thin air. He was completely calm - nothing could ruin this moment. While Sika thought that it could barely get any better Bryce had already planned to take this one step further.

Just one second later the blue feral could feel something wet and slippery press against his mouth and he instantly knew that the brown dragon tried to press his tongue into him. Being lost in a mixture of lust and pleasure he opened his maw, granting the bigger male access to his insides.

Without hesitation Bryce slipped his oral organ into him, starting to explore the moist cave he was offered. Their tongues started to wrap around each other´s, exchanging fluids and tasting their mate´s flavour. The sound of the wet sloppy kiss echoed through the room while they went on.

After nearly two minutes, Bryce withdrew his tongue from his mate´s mouth, a trail of saliva connecting them. They looked into each other´s eyes for a couple of seconds, their lust being writ large in their faces.

"Come on. Let´s take a shower together..."

Sika followed the brown dragon through one of the doors into his bathroom. Without wasting much time Bryce headed for his shower, turning on the water which streamed down the showerhead just a brief moment later.

"Come here. I´d like to clean you..."

The blue feral nodded, swiftly approaching him and joining Bryce beneath the water.

"I assume this is your first time doing this isn´t it?"


A smile appeared on the other dragon´s face.

"Then I´ll have to make sure you will remember this for a long time."

Once again he leaned in for a long and passionate French kiss, their tongues beginning their courting dance for the second time that night. While Bryce did his best to explore every inch of Sika´s mouth he started to caress his neck with one of his paws.

After his oral organ slipped back into his maw again the slightly larger drake started to examine his partner properly, starting with his head.

"You have such beautiful horns..." he said while sliding his palm along them. Slowly he walked around his body, stopping at his side. "And your wings... you are a really gifted creature." Slowly his hand made it´s way to the underside of his body, stroking his underbelly for a few moments before he continued his trail. Patiently he moved his paw down his body, nearing his crotch with every second.

Sika shivered as the other male touched his already slightly swollen slit, taking a small step back in response. A grin formed on Bryce´s face. "Did I touch a sensitive spot there?" he teased.

"Yeah... I think you just did..."

"Well then..."

Again he moved his palm over the other dragon´s most private part, receiving a soft purr in reply. He kept stroking the swelling slit of his partner while Sika felt his draconic member stiffening inside him. Suddenly the blue dragon could feel his entrance being forced open by a long, sharp claw which made him moan out loud. Panting heavily he looked at his mate, his claw still buried deep within him.

"Shall I go a bit deeper?" Bryce said with a teasing voice. The feral drake just shook his head. "No, please. You are already way too deep. A grin formed on his face. "Do you think so?..."

Instead of pulling out he just shoved his finger into the male´s slit as far as possible, touching the tip of his cock with his claw deep within him. Sika cried out loud - he couldn´t describe how he felt at that moment. He didn´t know if it was pain or pleasure he was feeling - he just could tell that it felt amazing.

Slowly the horny dragon withdrew his finger again - covered in a thick, slimy substance. The blue feral watched as he shoved it into his mouth, eagerly sucking on it until it was clean again.

"Mhhhhh... you are one tasty dragon, that´s for sure. Can´t wait to add my own flavour to it..."

Patiently Bryce walked behind him, grabbing his tail and lifting it into the air, exposing his tailhole to him. "Now that´s what I was looking for..." he said before he started to gently stroke it with his already wet claw. The thought of another male being that close to his anal passage made him twitch in anticipation. He could feel his erection slowly emerging from his slit while the brown dragon continued to stimulate his sensitive hole.

After a few more moments of teasing his partner, Bryce darted out his tongue before he gave Sika´s entrance a few experimental licks. Before the blue dragon could wonder about what he was going to do next he already felt a claw pressing against his tight hole.

"Come on boy, don´t prevent it, let me in!"

With every second that passed, the horny drake added more pressure to his finger until he finally forced the tight ring of muscle open, just enough for him to push his finger inside. Sika started to groan heavily as he felt more and more of Bryce´s claw slowly being buried into him.

Patiently the brown dragon pushed his digit into the hole of his softly moaning partner until eventually his paw denied him further entry. For a few seconds he rest his finger in Sika´s warm, moist anal passage, before he started to slowly withdrew it again until only half of it was left inside.

Suddenly and without the expectation of the blue feral, Bryce slid his finger back in, causing the other dragon to moan noisily. A broad smile formed on the face of the dominant male while he slowly retrieved it again. A second time he pushed his claw inside swiftly, receiving even more satisfying groans from him. He kept penetrating the smaller dragon´s tailhole until the loud, lusty moans of pleasure had turned into a constant, heavy breathing.

Soon he could feel the brown dragon´s claw leaving his rectum almost completely, only the sharp, pointed end being left inside. Just as Sika thought that Bryce was about to thrust his digit back in he felt a second one being placed on his rump. The blue dragon wasn´t given any time to prepare before the other male stretched his anal entrance even further, causing the feral to gasp in surprise.

Slowly he sank his digits further in, his movements being accompanied by the soft moans of his partner. After a few more moments both of his claws were buried into the blue dragon´s butthole, and just as he felt like getting accustomed to the feeling Bryce started to twist them.

"...Do you like the feeling of getting fingered? Do you like getting... something up your ass?"

Sika panted heavily, trying to form a sentence.

"I fell... so full... I can´t describe... how amazing this feels"

"Ohhh... you are really a naughty boy..."

The brown dragon started to finger his mate in a moderate pace, causing him to moan in response.

"Such a tight hole... your body is gonna feel so good around my cock."

After a few more minutes of penetrating and stretching the blue feral´s hole Bryce finally slipped them out of him before placing both of his paws on his ass-cheeks. A brief moment later Sika could feel the horny drake behind him spreading his buttocks apart, just before he pressed his muzzle against his entrance. The smaller male´s breath quickened as he felt a slippery, long tongue enter his body, slithering deeper into him with every second. Inch after inch of the wet, oral-organ were forced into his anal passage, filling up his insides, accompanied by the sound of soft moans and heavy breathing.

He wished that this feeling could just last forever, but as soon as he had been granted with that incredible sensation it was already taken away from him again. As Bryce´s tongue left him a feeling of emptiness overcame him - a feeling he didn´t like.

For a few seconds he was able to rest, but his partner already had other plans with him.

"Your body seems to be clean now... I guess it would be fair if you... washed mine now?"

Slowly he turned his body, looking at the brown male who had sat down on his hind legs. His face formed a grin and as he looked down in between his legs he also knew why:

While he did his best to pleasure Sika he had also obviously enjoyed himself - His full fifteen inch cock was proudly pointing into the air, the blue dragon´s member being only twelve inches in length. Like his own it had a pointed tip and a knot at the base of it´s shaft, just that Bryce´s was a lot thicker. But even if the length of his dragonhood was already really impressive it was the texture that shocked him the most.

While his own rod was mostly smooth all the way down, the brown dragon´s dick almost looked like an ancient weapon. Just beneath the tip it was covered in small barbs. The underside of it looked like it was covered in plates and the rest of his shaft was covered in ridges all the way down.

"Go ahead... touch it. There´s nothing to be afraid of."

Slowly Sika approached him until he was only a few inches in front of him. Nervously he reached for his mate´s member, touching it at the base at first. Patiently he moved his paw upwards, trying his best to feel the texture on his shaft. Within a few moments he had made his way all the way up to the top, and as he touched the tip Bryce let out a satisfied purr.

"Do you like my texture?"

The blue dragon nodded in response. Once again a small grin formed on the other creature´s face.

"Do you know what that knot is there for...?"

Of course he did - he got one himself. Somehow he knew that he just asked him that question so he could hear it coming from his mouth. The feral gulped.

"...It´s for tying yourself to your partner, to keep him in place while you shoot your load into him and to keep it inside him as long... as long as you want to."

Bryce leaned forward until his muzzle was right next to Sika´s ear.

"And that´s exactly what I am going to do to you..." he whispered, before moving his head back again. "...but not here... let´s get somewhere else for this."

The blue dragon watched as his partner walked behind him, switching off the water that was still flowing. After that they shook their bodies, drying them until there was no water left on them. The brown feral walked towards the door, closely followed by his mate. They went into the living room, approaching the couch in the middle it.

"Lay onto your back Sika... I just have to get something."

He did as he was commanded, expanding his wings so he wouldn´t hurt himself, before he laid down onto the sofa, completely exposing himself. He looked at Bryce who had started to rummage through a drawer. A couple of moments later he returned to the sofa with a wooden basket in between his maw. Slowly he sat it down next to the couch before he jumped on it, gazing at the feral who looked at him with a questioning expression.

"What´s that?" he asked.

A small grin formed on the drake´s faze. "My Fun Basket."

"What´s inside it?"

The dragon above him lowered his head until there was only half an inch between their lips.

"I´ll show you..."

Quickly he closed the gap between their mouths, forcing his tongue into Sika´s mouth. Both of them had closed their eyes during the passionate, French kiss. The blue dragon was so focused on their tongue wrestling that he didn´t even notice Bryce grabbing something out of the basket next to them.


*click* *click*

His eyes shot open as he felt something metallic around his wrists. He broke the kiss and looked down at his paws, shocked by the sight of being handcuffed. The dragon looked at his partner above him, who just gazed at him with a naughty expression.

"Should have told you before... I like to dominate..." Once again the drake lowered his head until his muzzle was located right next to Sika´s ear.

"You are mine now..."

Slowly he moved his body back a little bit, until Bryce´s head was just above his property´s rock hard erection. He put one of his paws onto his chest, slowly sliding it down, heading for his cock. As soon as he had reached his crotch he started to trail circles around his slit, not even thinking about touching his mate´s twitching shaft. The only thing the blue dragon was able to do at this moment was to watch as his new found master had his fun with him.

After a couple of minutes of teasing the helpless dragon, the larger male eventually decided to take this one step further. With the back of one of his claws he started to stroke the throbbing pole of the creature beneath him, receiving pitiful whines of anticipation from his submissive partner. With every moment that passed, Sika got more and more aroused while Bryce worked his way up to the top.

When he finally reached it, the horny drake started to caress it with his palm, causing his mate´s member to twitch in expectation. Soon the blue feral felt the paw leave his rod again, just before he started the procedure again. He continued torturing his virgin friend for what felt like ages to him, sometimes poking his throbbing dick or even giving it a few soft smacks to the tip, causing it to dangle in mid-air. And after minutes of getting teased so aggressively, a small bead of pre-cum formed on the top of his meat.

Bryce grinned as he saw the drop of fluid on his mate´s erection that confirmed him that he had done a pretty good job. He leaned forward, lowering his head until it was only inches away from his partner´s awaiting pole. Sika watched as the brown dragon placed a kiss on his knot. A trail of kisses followed while he worked his way up to what he really craved for.

Just as he reached the top however, he stopped. The blue feral looked at his master with a craving look on his face who just replied the gaze. For a few moments none of them moved. Suddenly the earth dragon opened his maw, lowered his head and took in the tip of his slave´s anticipating cock. Sika gasped as he felt Bryce starting to suckle on his shaft. His body was literally frozen, only being able to gasp and moan as he felt his sensitive dragonhood getting stimulated by his dominant partner.

After about half a minute the brown drake let go off his mate´s member again, stroking it a few times afterwards. Soon however he felt like it was time for a shift of positions. He turned his body around before walking back a few steps, carefully not to hurt the blue feral as he walked onto his wing membranes, until his butt was just above Sika´s head. Before the dragon could wonder about what he was going to do next, the larger male sat down, his hole barely an inch above his maw.

"Go ahead slave, show your master how eager you are for his ass. I want to feel your tongue press against me! "

The submissive creature wasn´t sure if he wanted to do it, but with that horny male on top of him he also knew that there was no way he could prevent it. Hesitantly he darted his wet, oral organ out, giving Bryce´s anus a few experimental licks, receiving a soft, satisfied purr in exchange. Carefully he circled his tongue around the dragon´s anal entrance before adding a little bit of pressure to it. After a couple of seconds he felt the tight ring of muscle forced open and his slippery oral organ sliding into the brown male´s body. A moan escaped his partner´s mouth.

"Yeah... that´s the spirit... keep going."

While Sika started to burry more of his tongue into his anal passage, his master lowered his head again, opening his maw and taking in his mate´s member. Slowly he started to bob his head up and down, pushing more dragon cock into his muzzle. Both dragon´s moaned and breathed heavily as they were pleasuring each other. The groans were accompanied by lusty sucking noises and the creaking of the couch they were lying on.

After minutes of orally pleasuring their partner, Bryce let go off his property´s shaft again before raising his body and taking a step back once more. Now his own massive pole was dangling above Sika´s head.

"Open your mouth for me slave. I want to shove my dick in."

Willing to suck on his master´s rod he did as he was commanded, spreading his jaw apart as far as possible. Without hesitation the brown dragon inserted his cock into the eager maw of his submissive partner, the first few inches quickly disappearing within his muzzle. The blue dragon wrapped his tongue around the intruder, tasting his owner´s flavour and exploring all those barbs and ridges along his shaft.

After sliding about one-third of his enormous rod into his mate´s mouth he started to withdraw it again, leaving only the tip left inside, just before pushing it back in. With every thrust he did he tried to shove more if his phallus into him while also gaining speed. The horny drake moaned every time he sent his meat back into Sika´s maw. Soon he was face-fucking him in a moderate pace, unable to push more of his cock into him because he had hit the back of the dragon´s throat.

After minutes of getting sucked on his dick Bryce pulled out his pole completely. Both of them panted noisily while the earth dragon changed his position for another time. He turned his body completely, looking at his partner with a naughty gaze.

"Do you want me to penetrate your ass?"

"...Ohhh gods... Yes!"

A grin formed on the brown male´s face.

"What did you say slave?"

The blue feral blushed, knowing what he actually wanted to hear.

"...Please master... fuck me. Let me feel your glorious cock deep within my ass."

Bryce´s grin widened, proud of how his property had just offered himself to him.

"Mmmhhh... you are such a good slave... your wish shall be granted."

The slightly bigger dragon moved his upper body back, aligning his penis with other male´s anal entrance. He used his paws to spread Sika´s buttocks apart, licking his lips by the lovely sight of his anus.

"Such a beautiful, tight, little hole you have... it´s almost a shame that I am going to turn it into my fuckhole now..."

Slowly the horny drake pushed forward until the tip of his dick pressed against the smaller feral´s hole. Aggressively Bryce forced the tight ring of muscle open, inserting the first two inches of his draconic member into his slave. The blue male moaned out loudly as he felt himself getting stretched. He knew that his master´s rod was big, but now that it was inside him it just felt absolutely massive, all those barbs and ridges added extra pleasure to it. Meanwhile the other dragon enjoyed the feeling of his cock getting stimulated by his mate´s tight, sensitive inner walls.

"Damn... you are... nghhh... even tighter than I thought you´d be."

Patiently he buried his pole into him, both of them groaning as he did. Swiftly the dominant male reached out for the handcuffs he had put on Sika earlier, pulling them and the blue feral´s upper body towards him before he leaned in for a rough, passionate French kiss. They kept moaning while their tongues wrestled against each other´s. After a few brief moments Bryce broke the kiss, looking into the eyes of his groaning partner, before he started to gently lick the side of his neck.

Soon half of his meat was buried into the eager hole of the submissive dragon. Just one second later Bryce hit something deep within him. Something that made him gasp and moan in surprise as waves of pleasure were sent through his body.

"Ohhhhhh... god... what... what was that?"

The brown dragon above looked at him with a naughty expression on his face.

"Ohhh... you mean..."

He withdrew his penis a little bit.


Swiftly he shoved his dragonhood back in place. Once again Sika got lost in ecstasy as waves of pleasure hit him.

Of course the dominant male knew he had just hit his slave´s sweet spot and he was really happy about it - it was one simple but effective way to drive somebody wild. To tease or torture them until they beg for you to stop because they can´t take it anymore. It was exactly that thought which turned him on even more.

Over and over again the naughty reptile retrieved his pole just as much as necessary before thrusting back in. Sika groaned with every penetration he received, loving every second of it. Bryce on the other hand knew that there was no way his mate had a chance of standing a chance against this stimulation, but he loved the noises his victim made while he tortured him like this.

After minutes of enduring one quick thrust after another the blue dragon realized that if he didn´t beg his master to go in further he may keep torturing him like this for the whole night.

"...please master... ahhh... I beg you... ahhh... go deeper... let me feel your... ahhh... your whole length."

The brown feral looked at him with a broad smile on his face.

"How could I deny you such a request...?"

Once again he started to push more of his hot, throbbing rod into his slave´s awaiting hole, every inch being accompanied by soft groans from the smaller dragon. Soon 10 inches of dragon cock had disappeared into him and Sika knew that he was about to hit his limits.

"Ohhh gods... master please stop... I can´t take any more of you."

But instead of granting his property some time to rest he just grinned at him.

"That´s none of your business. You are going to take me whole now, at all costs."

There was no way of preventing it - he asked for it, he was going to get it. Time seemed to stop while Bryce forced more of his meat into the anal passage of his mate. Sika started to pant heavily as it became borderline painful to take in more. Just as he thought the rod inside him was going to tear his body apart, the knot at the base of his shaft prevented him from going any further.

For a few seconds they remained still, but just as the blue feral felt like getting accustomed to his master´s size the brown drake started to slowly withdraw his dick, his mate being able to feel every ridge as it slowly left him, until only the tip was left inside. Then he thrusted back in again, slowly but steady without stopping just once. The submissive male groaned and panted heavily while the long, heavily textured dragonhood entered him again.

As the whole phallus was back inside, Bryce retrieved it once more, before sending it back in. He started to gain speed with every thrust. Pre-cum had started to leak from his penis, lubricating the feral´s insides so it was easier to slide his cock in. Soon he was screwing his slave in a moderate and steady pace, their moans accompanied by the noises of their sloppy mating.

Sika on the other hand was in heaven - he couldn´t imagine anything to feel better than this, but unfortunately his owner had already decided to change positions again. Suddenly he pulled out his whole erection, leaving the blue dragon with an unsatisfying feeling of emptiness.

"No please... put it back in..."

"Don´t worry my eager slave, I´ll save the rest of your ass for later. For now however..."

He turned around his body, his shaft dangling above his mate´s head like it already had before.

" your mouth again."

He did as he was commanded and immediately Bryce shoved his pole into his maw. He was a lot rougher this time, pushing in as much of his cock as possible with the first thrust. But even that wasn´t enough to satisfy him. He tried to force more of his rod into his slave, but as soon as it tried to enter his throat, Sika had to gag, moving his head back until the huge shaft left him.

"Ohh... am I too big for you? Come on, let´s try again."

The horny male placed one of his paws on the back of Sika´s head before aligning his meat with him. Again he pushed in, trying to enter his throat, and again the blue feral started to gag. This time however the brown dragon hold on his head, keeping him in place, as he slid his entire length down the smaller male´s throat. Every attempt of escaping his tight grip was worthless and so the only thing he was able to do was to try to get accustomed to it.

After about one minute his gag-reflex finally started to fade away and Bryce´s grip also lightened. By himself he started to bob his head up and down on the mighty shaft, taking in the whole length and fitting it down his throat.

"Mmmmhhhhh... such an eager slave..."

The dominant dragon also started to thrust his pole into his partner´s mouth again. Both of them moaned as Sika got face-fucked in a moderate pace. Soon, due to the stimulation the blue drake provided him, Bryce felt his orgasm build up deep within him, and he was more than eager to pump his load into his property. Once more he grabbed his head, locking him in place while he started to quicken his thrusts. His moans got louder and his breathing got heavier as he neared his peak. After a few more moments he knew he couldn´t hold it back any longer.

"...get ready kid... master is going to fill you up now!"

He pressed Sika´s head to the base of his shaft before it started to twitch inside him. A huge load of sperm escaped the tip of his pulsating cock, followed by a second and third. Spurt after spurt of hot, gooey dragon semen were sliding down his throat, right into his stomach. He shuddered, thinking of all those fluids filling him. After about half a minute the brown dragon withdrew his dick, resting only the tip of it on his slave´s tongue before shooting another load into his eager mouth. Afterwards he quickly pulled it out completely, his last spurt covering his partner´s face in a layer of thick, white dragon seed. Swiftly Bryce turned around and leaned in for a deep French kiss, sharing the precious liquid he had just pumped into his property.

After the kiss broke they looked at each other while a mixture of sperm and saliva still connected their mouths.

"This was... amazing..." the blue dragon said, but the creature above just looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"What are you talking about? I´ve just started!"

Sika looked in between Bryce´s legs, shocked that his phallus was still rock-hard.

"How can you?..."

"I told you that I was going to save the rest of your ass for later. Get on your feet now. I am not finished with you yet."

Even if he just drank in a lot of dragon seed, he was willing to get mounted again. Quickly he got on his feet while his master searched for something in his "fun basket". Just as the blue feral thought he was about to get penetrated again, the earth dragon grabbed the handcuffs he still wore, pulling them back from underneath his body back to his hind legs. He was now in a weird looking ass-up, head-down position. He looked back, shocked to see Bryce with some kind of metal rod in his paw. The rod had one open sling on each end that could be closed and the brown reptile was just about to use it on him. He pushed the rod through one of the chain links before closing the slings around his hind-paws. He was nearly unable to move now, prepared for anything his master would like to do with him.

The dominant male mounted his victim, aligning his throbbing erection with his slave´s awaiting hole.

"Let´s see how deep I can go in one thrust..."

The blue feral got nervous as his owner started to press his pole against his anal entrance once more. Without hesitation he forced him open, shoving inch after inch of his draconic member into him. Sika panted heavily as he felt a mixture of pain and pleasure run through his body. Without taking a break Bryce stretched the tight, inner walls of his partner, grinning while he listened to the pitiful whines he made.

Soon the whole shaft had disappeared into the rectum of his slave, not including the knot. As he felt that there was no way of going deeper, the brown dragon started to swiftly retrieve his dick, leaving only the tip inside, before he forcefully pushed it back in.

The submissive reptile gasped out loud - he hadn´t expected to get penetrated that roughly. Every time he felt his master´s knot slap against him both of them moaned noisily, just before he felt the massive cock leave him again, preparing for the next even more powerful thrust.

"Mmmhhhh... yeah... that´s the best piece of ass I´ve had in a looooong time..."

Beads of perspiration formed on their skin, dripping down onto the couch beneath them. The smell of sweat and sex was in the air. The sound of their rough mating and the sofa creaking beneath them echoed through the room, accompanied by loud moans of pleasure.

Bryce did his best to fuck his slave with fast, powerful thrusts but there was still something he craved for: to knot his mate. To tie himself to his body while he pumped his load into him like he was a common female.

He tried to quicken his thrusts even more, screwing the poor dragon beneath him with inhuman speed. For the second time he felt his orgasm build up inside him. With every second that passed his desire rose until he was just about to cum.

"...hope you are ready to take my knot..."

Sika´s eyes shot open as he heard that.

"Ohhh gods... no... you are way too big for me!"

"You know what? I don´t care. You are going to take it, whether you like it... mmhhh... or not."

The blue feral tried to prepare himself as best as possible for what was about to come. With one last, powerful thrust the dominant male forced his whole shaft in, the huge knot trying to enter him. Sika cried out loud as he felt himself being stretched even further. A wave of pain overcame his body, causing him to almost pass out. Just as he thought that he was going to break the huge bulge slipped into him. The exhausted creature had no time to rest however as his master´s cock started to twitch deep inside him, followed by a huge load of hot, sticky dragon cum.

Spurt after spurt was pumped into him, covering his insides with a layer of gooey semen. He felt the warm liquid flowing through his body, warming up every spot it was able to reach. After about thirty seconds Bryce´s orgasm finally died out. They remained tied together, enjoying how close they were to each other. The blue feral softly purred, satisfied to be filled with his master´s potent seed.

After a few minutes the brown drake eventually started to pull his dick out of his property again, the knot leaving him with a popping like sound, followed by a stream of sticky sperm. While the precious fluid still poured out of his partner´s abused hole the dominant reptile had already hopped off the couch, walking towards the other end. Sika watched as he got onto the sofa again, grinning at him while he pointed his member towards his muzzle.

"How long do you plan to screw me master?"

"Ohh my eager slave... I am going to enjoy your body for the whole night... now shut it and start sucking."

He did as he was commanded, wrapping his mouth around the cum-covered shaft before he started to bob his head up and down the mighty pole.

--- 4 hours later ---

"...Ahhhh... yesss... please master... harder... fill me with your seed."

The blue reptile was lying on top of Bryce, his owner´s arms wrapped tightly around him. Both of them moaned noisily as the larger male penetrated his asshole. Drips of cum leaked out of his hole every time the massive dragonhood entered him.

The brown drake was about to fill his property again. His thrusts quickened and got more powerful with every second. Just a brief moment later, with a long and forceful thrust, his knot popped into his slave´s anal passage before his cock started to twitch deep inside him. Spurts of potent dragon semen were pumped into him. Sika didn´t know how often Bryce had pumped his load into him that night - he had stopped counting long ago.

The blue feral himself hadn´t even been allowed to cum once yet. His phallus was covered in a layer of pre-cum that had constantly leaked from the tip of his member.

Minutes passed until the brown drake pulled his dick out of him again, looking at his property with a naughty gaze. Swiftly he rolled them over, being on top now.

"Close your eyes... you´ve been such a good slave tonight... I want to reward you."

He did what he was told, shutting his eyelids and wondering what his master would do to him. He was able to hear the drake moving above him. Suddenly he felt his own throbbing erection surrounded by a warm, tight ring of flesh. His eyes shot open, just to watch as Bryce inserted his member into his hole. The blue dragon gasped as he felt his erection slide into him. The larger male had no problems of sinking the whole phallus into him in one go, all the way down to his knot.

Sika moaned as his master started to ride him in a moderate pace, stimulating his needy shaft. He gained speed, every time he shoved his dragonhood into him. Soon the feral knew that he wouldn´t be able to hold it back much longer.

"... Damn... master... if you keep going that fast I will..."

"Do it! Fill your owner´s passage with that seed of yours."

Groaning echoed through the room as the larger male tried his best to milk his mate. Both of them knew that he was just about to reach his peak.

"Ohh god.. I am..."

Quickly the brown dragon pulled out nearly all of his partner´s rod, only the tip being left inside, before sitting down again, pressing himself against the knot forcefully until it finally popped into him.


A loud, satisfied gasp escaped the smaller reptile as he felt his cock twitch inside his body, before he exploded deep in his anal passage. He breathed heavily as he emptied himself into his body, the hot, gooey fluid coating his inner walls.

His orgasm lasted for nearly one minute before it died out completely. They remained still for a few seconds before Bryce turned their bodies again, Sika´s dick still buried inside him. Gently he hugged the feral before he started to lick his mate´s neck.

"That was an amazing night... I hope we can repeat that one day..."