The Moon

Story by Visilan Kryel on SoFurry

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If you're told that you're not worthy,

Or even that you're damned,

Just look up at the moon,

And take her outstretched hand.

If you're ever falling deeper,

Into a nightmare steep,

Just look up at the moon,

She'll guard you while you sleep.

If you're in need of comfort,

A friend to share your fears,

Just look up at the moon,

That's where I've looked for years.

If you're suffering from heartbreak,

Or think you want to die,

Just look up at the moon,

She's with you when you cry.

If you're ever dubbed an outcast,

A wanderer unnamed,

Just look up at the moon,

The lover unashamed.

If you're feeling kind of lonely,

Or maybe a bit blue,

Just look up at the moon,

For I'll be looking too.