Lliam's First Day

Story by Stripes_Wilde on SoFurry

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#1 of A'alis

To thine own self be true time, this story is for pawing off to. Sure, I tried to put reasonably good characters and story in, but that was just so I wouldn't feel like I was pawing off to mannequins. Right. Let's get to fapping:

* * *

Hall A'alis was an imposing structure, taking up a full acre when one included the gardens. It sat, languidly near the edge of the city, in a way that caused passers by to smirk without knowing why, if they didn't know the purpose of the structure.

If one knew the purpose, one knew also why one was smirking.

Inside, Julius, lord of the Heat Family A'alis, stood before his family, the five devotees remaining after Lucious' leaving, holding the hand of a replacement. Julius himself was a tiger of imposing stature, so his new lover, seeming a small fellow on his own, was dwarfed by Julis' size. Lliam was a mouse of barely twenty cycles, a little young to be part of a Heat Family, certainly young for one as prestigious as A'alis.

"A family of seven, with one master and six lovers unto each other and unto the master. This is the Heat Family A'alis, and we have at last chosen our new love, who cannot replace the one who left, but who can replace his heat." Julius grinned wickedly. "Now that the formalities are over with.."

With such speed that Lliam nearly cried out, Julius pressed him against the wall at the side of the grand stairway and plunged his tongue deep into Lliam's mouth, muffling a shriek of surprise before it became more than a squeak. Any surprise Lliam might have felt rapidly left him as the lust of his tiger master made itself evident in the bulge throbbing against his hip. Julius broke his kiss and began nipping at Lliam's neck and whispering to him. "I shall leave you with the others for two weeks, my precious little morsel," he said, ending with a long, sensuous slurp up Lliam's cheek ending in his ear. "And when they've done teaching you about us, we'll have some REAL fun." Here, Julius squeezed Lliam's member through the gauzy, translucent garments of the A'alis family.

As Lliam swooned from this lustful treatment, Julius broke the embrace and stood at attention, his protruding member still bobbing noticeably in his more conservative robes. "I am going to attend to some business, loves. I will be gone for two weeks, but I'll be thinking about you," he said, massaging his cock lewdly through his robes, "and thinking of all the things I'm going to do to you when I get back. Lliam is one of us now, so I want you all to teach him..."

Julius squeezed himself, letting his manhood peek through the fabric, grinning wickedly.

"..what it's like to belong."

Julius began stroking himself in long, slow, powerful thrusts as the five seasoned family members and Lliam watched, transfixed on his incredible self control. Clearly near orgasm, but standing almost stock-straight, Julius allowed a low, rumbling moan to escape his lips. The strokes grew faster, and still Julius stood nearly still, his moan turning into a roar as he at last sprayed his seed in several high arcs onto the marbled floor. Still standing, he milked his erection dry, and tucked it back into his robes. Lliam approached him, panting with a mixture of admiration and lust.

"You're... Incredible, master." Julius put a thick forefinger under Lliam's delicate chin and smiled.

"And just think," he said, angling his head at the five A'alis who would be Lliam's family for the next two cycles, "I taught them everything they know." Julius looked back at his family. "Make sure you give him a VERY thorough education, darlings. He's got some talent but he's still very... fresh." At that, Julius clapped a paw over Lliam's buttocks.

Lliam's squeak made several of his new husbands and wives giggle.

Before Julius had cleared the exit, Ilka, a sturdy vixen perhaps four cycles older than Julius, was already kneeling at the puddle of Julius' seed, licking at it lustfully. Michal, a wolf closer to Lliam's age, plopped down beside her, watching. "You're such a cumslut, Ilka."

"You wouldn't deny a girl her greatest pleasure, would you Michal," asked Ilka as she slid her breasts over the puddle, mopping the last of it into her fur. Lliam hadn't even noticed her removing her gauzy top. She rubbed the cum into her nipples, pinching them and letting out a little moan. "Oh, we'll miss you, Julius," she said to the air.

"Don't let this display fool you, Lliam," said Michal. With the exception of Julius' wad, she's the tamest of the bunch." Incensed, the vixen shoved Michal over onto his back and straddled him, pressing her tits into his face.

"Now lick it off, Mikey. You deserve far worse for trying to mislead the poor boy."

"Ohhh," said Michal, rolling his eyes in mock horror, "The torture," and immediately began lapping appreciatively at Ilka's bosom.

"Mmmm, good doggy," said Ilka, sliding a hand around to fondle Michal's burgeoning erection. "Are you going to give me more cum?"

"All you want and more," said Michal dreamily. Ilka let go of the wolf's cock just long enough to grab the garment that made a mocking attempt at hiding her nether regions and yank it off in one fluid motion. Lliam watched all this, idly fondling his own erection.

"You can try, Mikey. You can try." She pulled the wolf's bottom down over his cock and impaled herself on it, moaning. "Ohh, give it to me, Mikey. Give it to me!" Mikey had lost his ability to speak and continued fucking the vixen's sopping pussy, moaning incoherently.

The rhythm intensified, and Ilka continued slicking her cunt up and down the wolf's throbbing manhood, groaning with each stroke. "I'm gonna... gonna..." Michal gasped.

"Cum?" Ilka slid off him and directed his spasming cock at her chest in time to catch his load on her stomach, where she rubbed it into her fur. "Good try, but you'll have to spend a little less time jerking off in the library if you want to satisfy my lust."

"Ohh, you slanderous, libelous..."

"Evil little vixen," Ilka finished for him, grinding her pussy into his spent erection. "Wouldn't have me any other way and you know it. But look! We've made our new husband all tense!"

"I'm not tense," said Lliam. Except between my legs, he added mentally. This was truly what heat families were for, a chance to indulge the desires of the body to their fullest, when the body was best ready to enjoy them. And the lessons, in both the physical and emotional ways of love, would last a lifetime.

"You might not be tense, but I can see one part of you that definitely needs massaging. C'mere." Lliam cheerfully stepped close enough for Ilka to clap her mouth over his cock, right through the fabric that barely covered it. Again, she jerked off the flimsy garment with a single flick of her wrist.

"You'll have to teach me how to do that," said Lliam as Ilka sucked happily on his rod. Ilka only laughed into his meat and squeezed his buttocks, milking him with her tongue. "Okay, I'll learn later," he said, his voice trailing off as she sucked him. Her tongue acrobatically worked his cock, around in circles, then up and down on the front, over his slit. Lliam braced his feet on the floor as best he could, gasping in warning of his coming. Ilka took one last, long pull off his pole and then let his wad spray onto her face, chin and breasts.

"Mmm, hmm hmm," she said, rubbing in the goo on her tits and sucking her fingers, "I like you already. Sylvia, could you be a doll and show him around? I think I'll just stay here and

suck Mikey's dick a while longer."

Sylvia, a slender, athletic looking black cat in pink garments stepped to Lliam's side, picking up his bottom and handing it to him. "We'll see how long you can keep it on this time," she said, grinning.

Lliam blushed, re-knotting his silk loin cover. "I guess this really is going to be as wild a two years as I expected."

"Well," said, Sylvia, linking her arm with Lliam's, "we are tame SOMEtimes. But you're new, and I think Ilka wanted to give your introduction a little extra flare. Also, you have a very tasty-looking cock."

Lliam jumped at her paw gripping his buttock. "You're also easily flustered," Sylvia added, giggling. "C'mon," she said, "I'll show you around."

Sylvia showed Lliam the kitchen, which looked big enough to support three or four cooks at once. She explained to Lliam how he'd be learning to cook in addition to his academic and sexual studies.

"Wow. This is going to be a great two years," said Lliam, hugging Sylvia. She put her arms around him and squeezed.

"Mm. It's too bad I'm leaving next. It would have been nice to spend longer with you."

Lliam kissed his new wife. "I'll try to be a good part of your last term." Sylvia swooned slightly, and Lliam took her light weight easily into his arms.

"Mm.. You're already off to a good start," she said, cuddling into his embrace. "There's a good soft couch down this hallway." Sylvia was one of the several family members he hadn't yet been intimate with, so her slow licks on his neck spurred him to a fairly brisk walk. Sylvia giggled. "I'm not going to disappear or anything."

The couch was a soft, deep, large seat that almost looked more like a bed. Lliam lay his lover down on it gently, kissing her again. "If I did my homework right," said Lliam, "you like it slow."

Sylvia smiled, a glint of mischief in her eye. "You're such a good boy."

Lliam climbed onto the couch beside her, hugging her close to him. A little slow love would really do him good after the whirlwind lust of his arrival. He kissed Sylvia again, planting a trail of kisses down her neck, teasing the light of her arousal into bright flame. "Touch me," she breathed, relishing Lliam's slow fingertips as they slid along her flanks. Lliam let his fingers graze over the fabric of her loin cover, just barely stimulating her moistening sex. Sylvia moaned appreciatively.

Lliam turned Sylvia around and spooned into her, running his hands slowly up and down her body, giving her arousal time to warm up. Sylvia squirmed against Lliam's cock as it prodded her rear, sighing appreciatively at the way he ground his hips into her, not yet seeking entry, but instead teasing her to higher arousal.

Lliam removed Sylvia's top, eliciting another giggle as he struggled with the knot. "I'll teach you that when we're through here," she said, slightly huskily as her arousal was nearing full fruition. Lliam smiled with satisfaction as his fingers grazed across her nipples, eliciting a proper gasp.

Lliam squeezed Sylvia's breasts, but noted the way she ground her legs together. Soon his right arm was sliding down to touch her now very damp pussy. Sylvia moaned as Lliam put a finger between her aching lips and began gently massaging her clit. "Sit up," said Lliam, smiling at Sylvia's compliance. As a learner, Lliam should have been taking the orders, but now wasn't the time for hierarchy. Lliam undid Sylvia's loin covering and slid his tongue up her wet cunt. Lliam caressed Sylvia's breasts, slipping his tongue in and out of her pussy. She sighed, arching her back and gripping the silk covers of the couch as Lliam's tongue continued its slow, slippery exploration of her dripping-wet sex.

"Fuck me," Sylvia moaned. Lliam got to his knees and slid himself almost effortlessly into her yearning sex. Sylvia pulled him close to her, his tongue finding her aching nipples.

"Fuck me, Lliam, fuck me," moaned Sylvia, grinding her hips into the throbbing cock inside her. "slide that cock in my pussy, Lliam, fuck me, fuck me fuck me," she chanted as her climax neared. Lliam let the waves of pleasure wash over him, and when at last Sylvia's pussy spasmed with her orgasm, he let himself go, fucking her hard as his cum sprayed up into his new wife.

Sylvia continued to grind up against Lliam for a few moments as their shared orgasm subsided, moaning appreciatively. They remained embraced, Lliam's cock still buried in Sylvia's recovering pussy, while Sylvia cooed to her new love.

"You're a very, very sweet boy, Lliam. This family is lucky to have you."

Lliam smiled. "I'm very lucky to have it."

They embraced, slipping back onto the couch and napped in each others arms.

"Oh, now THAT is cute," said a male voice from above Lliam's drowsy head. "Smells like someone had some fun." Lliam recognized it as Michal's voice.

A female voice joined in. "Ooo, Sylvia looks properly satisfied for once. Can I pick them or what?" Millicent, Lliam thought. She'd been the scout who'd given him his first set of interviews. That rabbit's calculus drills were murder, and she knew her way around a vibrator like you wouldn't believe. "Let's tie him to something and fuck him."

"Now, why would we do a mean thing like that," said Michal mockingly. Lliam tried not to squirm and reveal his waking.

"I don't think it would be mean," said Millicent. "He LIKES it when you do that. Isn't that right, little mouse?" Lliam felt a paw wrap around his erection. He'd been given away almost immediately by his arousal. Millicent looked into Lliam's now-open eyes and smiled. "You want us to play with you, hmm?" Lliam smiled back eagerly.

Millicent scooped him up, carrying his weight easily. In her arms, Lliam found himself almost wrapped around her ample bosom, her nipples clearly visible through the thin fabric of her top. He resisted an urge to touch them with his hand that hung free.

"Go ahead," Millicent said with a softness he hadn't heard from her during his interview, "Touch them. They're yours now, as much as they are mine."

"But I'm going to be your play-toy," said Lliam, thinking eagerly of what Michal and Millicent were going to do to him.

"Oh, you are, my little husband. Michal and I are going to tie you up, and I'm going to suck your cock while he fucks your tight little ass, but then we're going to untie you, and you'll be our husband again. A'alis is a house of love. Remember what you wrote on the question of love?"

"Love is sharing. Love is equality in inequality. Love is making a master of your slave, a slave of your master, an endless circle of the joy of surrender." Lliam, understanding that there was no such thing as a real rank in A'alis, even with Master Julius, caressed Millicent's breasts without inhibition now, reveling in their gentle curves and sensual weight. "I'm going to love being your husband, Millicent."

"Good, mousie. Because we're to the tie room."

The tie room was a fairly sparse room with a low ceiling and loops carved or bolted to it every few feet in most directions. A small basket sat in one corner, filled with multicolored silk ropes of varying lengths and thickness. While Millicent sorted through the ties, Michal hugged Lliam, caressing his back.

"Mm. I can't wait to play with you." Lliam kissed his new husband, his erection returning at the touch of Michal's own rod. The kiss deepened, and Lliam became so absorbed in it that he didn't notice Millicent sneaking up on him until his arms were being pulled up over his head and lashed together. Millicent knotted the tie, pinning Lliam's wrists to the ceiling.

"Your arms will start to go numb after a while in that position. We'll have to do this nice and fast." Millicent grinned wickedly at Lliam, caressing his balls. Lliam felt Michal's hand sliding over his ass, applying warm olive oil. Millicent dropped to her knees and took Lliam into her mouth in one fluid motion, sucking his erection hard. Lliam moaned.

"Oh, my masters. Take me!"

"As you wish, my plaything," said Michal, guiding his lubricated cock into Lliam's waiting ass.

Lliam gasped appreciatively, his tail lashing about spastically. "God yes! Fuck me, Michal! Fuck me!" Michal grunted and intensified his efforts while Millicent continued slurping Lliam's cock appreciatively. Lliam's moans echoed in the small room as he was simultaneously fucked and sucked by his new spouses.

Lliam felt Michal's thrusting become erratic and urgent, and ground his hips into the cock plunging his ass as the fox came, moaning and gripping Lliam's hips. Seconds later, Lliam's own cock exploded into Millicent's appreciative lips, Lliam moaning incoherently.

Michal removed himself gently from his mouse husband, tenderly caressing Lliam's buttocks. Lliam felt Michal's arms wrap themselves around him. "Thank you for loaning me that tight little asshole, husband." Lliam could only gasp in reply; Millicent was still sucking him. "I think he's done, my wife."

Millicent reluctantly took her lips off Lliam's flaccid shaft. "Oh, allright."

Millicent undid the ties holding Lliam in place and he lowered his arms, suddenly aware of how sore being tied up had made them. Michal hugged Lliam, caressing his hair and shoulders. "You're beautiful when you come, you know that?"

Lliam grinned. "You should see it up close some time."

Michal only licked Lliam's nose in reply, grinning back at him.

"If you two are finished being disgustingly cute," said Millicent, "It's about time for lunch."

The kitchen was alive with smells; while Lliam, Michal, and Sylvia had been playing in the tie room, Ilka and Dexter had been cooking. Dexter was a muscular, sturdily constructed skunk, although not as massive as Julius, and had a soft, familial smile. "We're almost ready," he said, tasting the curry sauce. "Michal, would you be a dear and take this? I haven't been properly introduced to our new husband."

Michal took over for Dexter while Dexter veritably glided over to Lliam. "How you holding up," he said, with a voice that made one feel instantly at ease.

Lliam shrugged. "Pretty much okay. I -am- from Cali Province." At this Dexter gave an easy, comforting laugh, and hugged the slender mouse.

"Well, Cali Boy, how's about you and me have a little cuddle while Michal finishes lunch?"

Before Lliam could answer to the prospect of being drained yet again, Dexter put a finger over his mouth. "I didn't mean like that," he said, and in one fluid motion hefted Lliam up into his arms and sat down on one of the house couches, which seemed to be everywhere. He licked Lliam's nose. "Not yet, anyway."

Lliam and Dexter hugged on the couch, exchanging caresses, kisses, and stories. Lliam talked about being brought up by a very conservative Galic family who only grudgingly let him spend his last two summers at home selling his body to tourists, and who expressed no end of relief that his escapades hadn't hurt his chances with an elite heat family like A'alis. Dexter told a sweet yarn of his city upbringing, and the big Nesting Family that raised him and his half-dozen brothers and sisters. "And then Elexia walks in on me and my first boyfriend," Dexter continued, "Can you imagine that? So she's running around screaming 'I'm blind, I'm blind', and mom walks in and -before I can even get my pants up, mind you- starts hitting me with a throw pillow," here Dexter made vigorous gesture, "and she's shouting 'I set up a perfectly good room for this sort of thing JUST LAST WEEK, and already you're bored with it? This is what I get for moving to the city!' and I'm like, 'Mom, Billy's already using it!' and well, I don't need to tell you about half of us got shipped off to local heat families that very week!"

Lliam laughed, leaning into the soft fur of Dexter's chest. "So what happened to your boyfriend," he asked.

Dexter smiled wistfully and put a hand over Lliam's head. "He came here a couple of shifts before me and stayed about until you got here."

Lliam's head jerked up, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't--" again, Dexter's finger went over Lliam's mouth.

"Shh, love," he said. Dexter had an emotional serenity that made even little touches like being called "love" feel like luxurious caresses. "It's not a big deal. I still see him when he visits. Part of what keeps A'alis going is its network of family friends." The finger hadn't left Lliam's mouth. It started pushing in. Lliam sucked.

With the big arms enveloping him and the finger- no, two fingers in his mouth, it was all Lliam could do to keep from stroking himself. "Are you hungry," asked Dexter, pulling his fingers out just long enough to get an answer.

"Yes," Lliam gasped.

"Good," said Dexter, letting the mouse continue sucking, "because lunch is ready."

After lunch and the afternoon lessons, Lliam was left to his own devices for a while, which he spent walking around the gardens. The gardens had dozens of small clearings surrounded with foliage just dense enough to provide the illusion of privacy. On his way back, he spied Millicent and Ilka lounging together on the soft grass of one of the clearings.

"I like him, so far. I didn't get to grill him like you did back at the Trials," said Ilka.

Millicent stretched out luxuriously on the grass. "Heart of a poet, that one. Got a good head on his shoulders, though. He knows how to be serious when he has to. He was all business at the interview until I'd undone my sixth button."

Lliam smiled. At his interview, Millicent had undone one button on her blouse every five minutes or so when he wasn't looking. After the sixth one, Lliam had called her out on it, and the next half hour of the interview had passed very pleasantly.

"Six? Is he a man or a machine?"

"And what does that mean?"

Here, Ilka rolled over to where Millicent was lying. "I think you know what I mean." Ilka slid a hand along Millicent's flank and cupped one of her heavy breasts. "These are irresistible and you know it."

Lliam tried to walk away but he couldn't help but watch as Ilka undid the tie barely holding Millicent's breasts captive, causing them to sag free. The vixen licked at her bunny-lover's breasts slowly, savoring the curves. Millicent let out a low, rumbling moan as her hands found Ilka's own breasts. "Yours are pretty nice, too."

Ilka and Millicent kissed, their lips and tongues sliding together. Lliam started stroking himself, remembering what Millicent had said about her body being his to enjoy. Presently Ilka pulled her mouth away from the kiss and started laying a trail of new kisses down Millicent's neck, over her breasts, and finally, with Lliam watching and masturbating furiously, to the bunny's sweet pussy. Millicent let out a gasp as Ilka's tongue slid into her dripping wet cunt, grabbing a hold of the vixen's waist and pulling herself into a perfect sixty-nine. Lliam was at just the right angle to see Ilka sliding her tongue around Millicent's throbbing clit, her hips grinding up and down as Millicent's own tongue worked its magic.

Lliam froze as Ilka looked up.. and right at him.

A wicked smile grew on her face between laps at Millicent's pussy. "Lliam, honey, if I didn't know better I'd say you wanted to join us." Lliam couldn't tell if Ilka had heard. From the sound of things, she hadn't stopped working on Ilka's snatch. "Why don't you -lick- be a dear and -lick- put that cock of yours in me?"

Lliam eagerly complied, positioning himself behind the vixen, where Millicent seemed to be in her own world, lapping in broad, slow licks at Ilka's pussy, her eyes closed with bliss. Lliam waited for an opening, and slid his cock effortlessly into Ilka's slippery cunt. If Millicent was surprised by this, it didn't show. Her tongue's slow, repeating motion began including his cock without skipping a beat.

Lliam made his strokes as agonizingly slow as he could bear, moaning each time Millicent's tongue slipped over his cock. He didn't last long, though, between watching Ilka and Millicent and the attention he was getting, and soon he came, his load messily divided between Ilka's pussy and Millicent's mouth. Lliam's orgasm set Ilka off and she came, moaning into Millicent's cunt, who managed to hold off her own orgasm just long enough to give Lliam one long suck...

The sensation of having his softening member sucked by the climaxing rabbit was so intense Lliam could have sworn he came a second time. He collapsed to the ground beside his recovering wives.

"I swear, Ilka," said Millicent dreamily, "you are just full of evil little tricks."

"Liked it, though, didn't you," said Lliam slyly.

"You could have had him fuck me," said Millicent. "I wouldn't have even suspected until his cock got in."

"To be fair," said Lliam, snuggling himself into Millicent's arms, "You've had it in you before."

"Yes, but I've already tasted it today. I haven't had it in my pussy in WEEKS. And by my count you must be drained dry twice over by now."

"Well," said Ilka, "aren't WE adjusting quickly."

Lliam looked up dreamily at the vixen. "Hmm?"

"You were properly servile when you got here this morning and you're already treating us like equals," explained Millicent, hugging Lliam affectionately. "I'm starting to think you've got more than a six shift stay here in mind."

Lliam blushed. "Well, maybe a little."

"Ambition's nothing to be ashamed of, love," said Millicent. "Julius will be leaving while you're here. He'll pick a successor and I can definitely see you becoming a good master."

"If a skinny one," said Ilka, reaching over and tickling Lliam.

"Hey," said Lliam, grabbing a hold of Ilka's arm, "There's nothing wrong with a skinny master. If I was big and muscular like Julius, could I do this?"

Lliam vaulted Millicent nimbly and pinned Ilka's arms to the soft grass. Ilka tried to throw him off, but couldn't get leverage. "Got me," she said, smiling. "Maybe you'd make a good master at that. But you'll have to beat me to it," she added, grinning wolfishly. With that, her legs slid out from under Lliam and handily flipped him over onto his back.

Lliam grinned back. "Loser starts a heat family in Cali province."

Millicent laughed. "I'll leave you two young bucks jockey for position. I've got work to do."

Ilka looked up. "But we could see who's best at dominating you!"

"Bye," said Millicent, laughing as Lliam managed to slide out from under the vixen's grasp.

Ilka hunched over in an attempt to grab Lliam and pull him back into place. "Get back here you little-" she started, but stopped as Lliam's nimble tongue found her pussy. "Mmm... Little... Little Master."

Lliam stopped licking just long enough to say "You are NOT giving me that as a nickname."

Lliam and Ilka were of course late for supper, much to Millicent's amusement. "Decide who gets to be the next Master yet?"

Ilka nearly fell into her seat. "The way I figure it, anyone with a tongue like that can rule me any day."

"If it lathth that long," said Lliam with an exaggerated lisp. "Sheth got the thtamina of a mule."

After dinner was fairly well wrapped up by an evening soak in the house baths. Lliam cuddled up to Dex while Michal put an arm each around Ilka and Millicent. Sylvia just lay back enjoying herself.

Dex stroked one of Lliam's thighs under the water, holding him close. "Mmm, you're a sweet little delight of a husband, you know that?"

Lliam smiled. "You haven't even really had me yet."

Dex smiled back, teasingly stroking his hand over Lliam's very limp genitals. "You're pretty dried out by now I'd bet."

"But you're not," said Lliam, grinning mischievously.

"Oh gods," said Michal, laughing, "Just give him a blow job already, Lliam. The anticipation is murder!"

Lliam grinned, breathing oddly.

"I think it's unanimous," said Dex, smiling. "I know you've wanted to taste me since lunchtime."

Lliam smiled again, and slipped beneath the water's surface. Dex's smile grew deeper as a mouth enveloped his rod beneath the water. "Ohhh," he said, "this is interesting..."

Ilka perked up. "Oh my, I wonder how long he thinks he's going to keep that up." She giggled.

Sylvia peered languidly beneath the surface to watch Lliam's head bobbing back and forth. "I think he's planning on catching a load down there."

"Oh don't be ridiculous," said Michal. "I can't even do that."

Time stretched on for a few moments, and Dex's breathing became erratic. Suddenly, though, Lliam's head broke the surface, his mouth sucking in air the moment it broke. Dex started to laugh, and was about to hunch up to sitting on the edge of the tub when Lliam dove back, not having uttered a word. This time, Dex didn't smile. He gasped.

"Ohhhhhh, GODS what is he--" Beneath the surface, Lliam's tongue twisted around Dex's cock furiously, sliding over his glans and ducking in and out of his foreskin while a hand cupped his balls. Dex couldn't believe it, he was close already. Lliam's other husband and wives looked on admiringly as Dex moaned, his wet chest hair bristling as goosebumps rose and muscles writhed. "Ohhhhnnnnnnggggg..."

Lliam's head broke the surface again, and with another powerful gasp, he vanished again.

"He's gonna make it," said Sylvia, smiling.

Dex was really losing it by now. His hands pawed at the edges of the tub and his whole torso thrashed from side to side as Lliam's incredible mouth enveloped him in tight, slippery ecstasy. "OH GODS LLIAM," he cried, at last blasting his hot load right down Lliam's gulping throat. Lliam finally re-emerged for good, collapsing against Dex's chest, gasping for air.

Sylvia clapped. "Now THAT is a magnificent display! How in the name of the eight rings did you pull that off?"

Lliam spoke between gasps. "Two things... oyster diving... and... the stopwatch special."

"The what," said Michal.

"I used to... run this special... the longer you could last... the less the blowjob cost. They were... usually pretty expensive."

Dex laughed gently, holding Lliam's slender frame to his body. "How much would that have cost me?"

Lliam smiled, getting a little more control over his breathing. "How's about a room here for about two cycles?"

"Now it isn't like that and you know it," said Dex,

"Of course not," said Lliam, hugging Dex. "That's why I'm here and not blowing my way through New Gladstone for fun and profit." Lliam squeezed tighter, burying his face in the warm fur, deep enough almost to pick up the Skunk's faint musk in the chlorinated water. "If any of you had the slightest doubt of that I wouldn't be here. Dex?"

"Yes, husband," said Dex, caressing Lliam's cheek.

"You have another load there you could put up my ass?"

Dex scooted up out of the water and started lubricating his cock, the attention gradually raising it again. "I think I can manage for you, my Mouse."

Lliam watched Dex ready himself, fingering lubricant into his own tunnel. Dex and Lliam's other spouses drifted off, either sated of voyeuristic pleasures or simply wanting to let the two be alone. Lliam moved over to Dex. "Lie down?"

Dex complied happily, his erection still slicking back and fourth in one paw. Lliam straddled him, letting the skunk's shining black cock prod his entry. Dex let go of his cock and started playing with Lliam's, spent many times over that day as it was. Lliam moaned as he slowly lowered himself, centimeter by centimeter, down onto Dex's rod.

"Like it?"

"And I thought it felt good in my mouth," said Lliam, groaning. Finally, Dex hilted, his cock buried in Lliam's tight ass. Dex's hands stroked Lliam's thighs as Lliam slowly lifted himself up again. Just when Dex thought Lliam's rear entry would lose its grip on him, Lliam began lowering himself again.

"You're tight..."

"A man's tunnel doesn't really ever get its strength back like a woman's. Saved it for this. For you."

"You mean--"

Lliam let himself drop suddenly, cutting Dex off as he gasped in sudden pleasure. "No, you and Michal aren't the first. But there haven't been many."

"Wonderful gift for us, husband." Lliam picked up the pace, grinding his hips back and fourth as that long hot cock burrowed in his insides. Dex moaned slowly, luxuriantly.

"Really fuck me now," Lliam begged. "Fuck me, Dex. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" Dex's hips picked up their pace, and Lliam's back arched as his chant became an orgasmic scream. "FUCK MEEEEEE--" he shrieked, as Dex's load gushed inside him, filling his sweet Mouse ass with hot Skunk cum. A trickle of cum oozed from his own member, surely the last orgasm he was good for that night, as he collapsed onto his husband, Dex's cock still locked inside him. "Ohh.. I love you."

"And I love you, little Mouse," said Dex. Once they'd breathed together a while longer, Dex picked up Lliam in his arms and carried him off to the big bed where the family slept together. Michal, Millicent and Ilka were already sound asleep, but Sylvia was lying back, pleasuring herself at as slow a pace as she could manage. Dex hugged Lliam one last time and then tucked his arms in, seeing Lliam's interest in his wife's pleasures.

"Hi lover," she said to him dreamily. "Hold me while I cum?"

"An honor," he said, enfolding her in his arms from behind. He could feel her muscles tensing. She was close.

"You're such a good husband," she said, her voice increasingly husky. "Oh.. hold me.. hold me tight..." With that, Lliam felt her orgasm ripple through her, her muscles tensing and relaxing everywhere he touched. He could feel her stomach flexing, her legs grinding, and her shoulders writhing. As she came down, he felt all the tension melt away, leaving her utterly relaxed and at peace in his arms. "Thank you, lover," she said, drifting at last off to sleep, into which Lliam followed her, exhausted and filled with the love of his new family.