The Red Star: Chapter 2

Story by Badgorian on SoFurry

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Yeah, I'm switching back to third person cuz' it's better. Lol. This is the second installment of a story I'm writing, it's tight. It's kind of rushed but I still think it's better than my first. I need to rush cuz I'm heading to Utah for a week and I feel like a lazy ass for not having written anything the last month lol...well enjoy, and honost feed back =)


Allen ran through the forest covering his manhood from the branches that kept whipping him. 'Fuckin' hell this hurts.' He stumbled through the thick brush and slowed down when he heard the footsteps behind him stop. "Damn, that was crazy." He thought back on the encounter. 'I can't believe SHE broke it off with ME!'

He continued to walk covering himself until he hit a road. Peering towards the street sign he saw that he was on Dooblin ST. Allen took his cell phone and scrolled through his list, calling people to come pick him up.

"Hey! I'm naked on the side of Dooblin, think you could come pick me up?" All he heard was laughter and a loud, "Hold on! I gotta tell Ios about this!"

The other responses he got weren't much better.

"Hahaha! Dude, let me know how that turns out."

"It's only like a three mile walk dude."

"It's cold as hell outside, I ain't goin' out there. How shrunk is your junk dude? Hahaha."

After a few more calls Allen decided to swallow his pride and start calling some girls. "Hey Sharon, I'm buck naked on the side of Dooblin, think you could do me a favor?"

"Really? You're naked?"

"Yeah, you see I..."

There was a short sound of giggling over the phone then she got back on and said quickly, "Alright we'll be there in a minute," then hung up the phone abruptly.

Allen closed his phone and said out loud to himself, "...We?"


After a few minutes Allen saw Sharon's busted old Volkswagen slowly making it's way down the street. Making sure there weren't any other cars coming he took his hat off and covered his nether regions with it, while covering his tail hole with his other hand and ran in front of the oncoming car. 'I hope they stop...'

Sharon slammed on the breaks and rolled down the window letting out a cloud of little giggles coming from inside of the car. Allen ran up to the window and stuck his head inside, there he saw his senior friend Sharon, her little sister Kelly and her friend Rachelle. Kelly and Rachele were in Allen's grade and were in a couple of classes with him, making the moment that much more embarrassing, "H-hi guys."

"Hey big boy!" said Sharon ambitiously. Taking off the locks Allen opened the door and hopped in shotgun with the two others in the back.

"Hey Sharon," Allen continued to cover himself with his hat while sitting in the car. They drove off with the two girls giggling quietly to themselves and Sharon taking her eyes off the road every once in a while to try and catch a free glance. "What the hell are you guys doing out this late?" He said. He caught the cigarette Sharon was smoking out of the corner of his eye, "Could I get one of those? I left a full pack back with my clothes, along with my skateboard, wallet and my friggin' knife..."

"Here you go," she said lighting another one and putting it seductively into his mouth, "and I'm dropping the twerps off at their band concert." She took a hit of her cigarette and let the smoke come out off her mouth slowly and sexily. Sharon was a white rabbit, known around school as a total slut, but her and Allen were friends through their mutual interest of smoking. She wore a low cut white tank top with a skull on it, showing off her perky, soft breasts. It was stomach cut so you could see her belly button... Along with her white cotton panties which were poking out suggestively from her tight black mini-skirt. She had a cute face, her nose and eyebrow were pierced, along with four small loops lining each ear. The hair covering one of her eyes was died pink and she wore sexy pink lipstick with dark eyeshadow.

"So, could I just get a ride home?"

"Hahaha, hell no, these two are already late for their concert because of you, you could at least make it up to them by chillin' with us naked for a little bit". Giggles could be heard from the back seat again and Allen sighed and just accepted the free ride, "So what the fuck happened to you? How'd you end up buck naked on the side of a road?"

Allen spent most of the rest of the car ride going into vivid detail about the experience knowing that Sharon would be fully intrigued by it. The story made her think about Allen's naked body sitting next to her in her car and caused her to sweat a little.

"Aww that's so sad," came a voice from one of the girls in the back, "You two were such a cute couple..."

'Yeah, cute like a car wreck...' Allen thought to himself.

Sharon pulled her car into the high school, the sound of the Indiana Jones theme could be heard from inside the gymnasium in a symphony fashion. "Dammit Sharon!" said Rachelle pushing open her car door, "We're super late!" The two rushed out of the car carrying their instruments towards the school. She turned back for a little bit and peered at Allen, "See ya later sexy," she covered her mouth and giggled before running along side of Kelly.

'Alright, now that they're dropped off I can go home... and get some clothes on.'

They drove for a while, all the time Sharon thinking of what Allen had hiding under his hat. She felt herself becoming progressively wetter throughout the ride. Allen thought it was just awkward silence, little did he realize what Sharon had planned for him.

She waited for him to look out of his side of the window then quickly and silently put her hand down and pulled aside her panties, revealing her glistening wet nether regions and pulled her skirt back over it. She started up some random conversation, "So, I was at Starbucks today right?" She pulled out an unlit cigarette and put it in her mouth. Allen looked towards her and as she raised the lighter to her mouth, the lighter fell on her seat in between her legs. While he was still facing her she kept his attention and said, "Damn, would you do me a favor and grab that?"

Allen didn't think anything of it and when he reached down for the Bic he felt the warm moist pink surrounded by soft rabbit hair. He pulled his hand back nervously and apologized, but Sharon just smiled and put her paw on his, bringing it back down towards her nether regions, "You know you want to babe." She was right, Allen always thought she was hot and her bosoms had been taunting him since he got inside the car. He rubbed her lips lightly and slowly realized that his hat was becoming worst and worst of a hiding device. Soon the tip of his rod poked out from under his hat.

Sharon enjoyed the free massage for a while, she then caught the sight of Allen's protruding manhood out of the corner of her eye. She reached her hand down and rubbed the tip of it lightly, tickling it then taking his hat and placing it on his head. Allen couldn't help but think about how dangerous this was with her going sixty down the road.

"Allen, have you ever given a girl oral before?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

He blushed lightly and said, "Well I..." but before he could talk, Sharon cupped the back of his neck and forced his head down into her crotch, his muzzle practically inside of her. The fur around it matched the bright pink color that made up her hair. This sudden motion caused Allen's tail hole to press up against the window, with a car with an old lady and her three grandchildren in it right next to them.

"Close your eyes kids!"

The musk of Sharon's underskirt filled Allen's nose, causing pre-cum to form on the tip of his penis. The only things he knew about this kind of thing was what he learned from Sextopia, the HBO special. So he took what he knew and went with it. He licked the lips, tasting the juices that the girl produced. Taking his tongue he slowly slid it in and out of her slit enjoying every moment and every flavor she had to offer. She let a small moan out and closed her eyes licking her lips enjoying herself. But taking her eyes of the road she swerved to the other lane almost hitting an oncoming mini-van but jerking out of the way at the last minute. "This probably isn't a good idea-a-a." She let out several noises uncontrollably as Allen took his tongue under her hood and licking her clit slowly. 'God I have to take this guy home with me, I can't stand it any more.' "Keep going babe."

After a short, loud car ride Sharon pulled up into the garage of her house. Allen couldn't help but feel himself getting increasingly aroused, Sharon pulled on his ears bringing his face to hers. She started kissing him and leaned forward causing both of them to fall out of the passenger side door which was slightly ajar. They didn't mind the pain, it made the heat of the moment that much more exciting. She broke the kiss and stood above him, one leg on either side. He looked up to find a face full of muff. "Wow," Allen said to her, "You taste great."

She winked at Allen and flicked his nose before slowly walking to the inside of her house signaling him to follow. He didn't argue, the only thing in his mind was satisfying himself again. It seemed as though it was all he could think about for the last couple of days. It was an unsatisfiable urge that controlled his mind. He stood up, brushing the dirt off of his fur and walking as fast as he could after the bunny.

Sharon lie on the bed in her room, her mind racing. She had never really noticed how attractive Allen was before today, she found herself unable to think about anything else but him. Rubbing herself slowly she waited for him to follow her into her room. 'Hurry up...'

Alex entered the room, full animal lust taking complete control of him. He started toward the bed, taking his hat off when he was stopped, "Leave it on." This took him aback, this was the second time... 'Wait... that day at the garage sale.'


Two days earlier Allen went to an old turtle's garage sale with his friends Ios and Khail. He went not anticipating to buy anything but then, a beam from the sun reflected off of a metallic object on the display table. He looked in that direction and saw the coolest hat he had ever seen in his entire life. It was dark a dark green semi-barrette with a small brim, it had an iron red star sewn onto the front. Allen took the hat off that table and rushed to the old turtle lady inquiring about it's cost.

"Hmm... for that hat?" she asked with and accent like a gypsy, "Two dollars."

"Two dollars?!" he asked insulted, "Do I look like Mr. Moneybags to you?"

"This is no ordinary hat sir," she walked over and took it in her hand eyeing it. Shooting a warm smile at the timber wolf she said, "This hat will make you irresistible to women."


When she said this Allen thought it was only a joke, plus she lowered the price to seventy-five cents and he can't resist a deal. But he was beginning to think that there might be some truth to what the old turtle said.

"What're you doin' baby? Come over here." Sharon, took her finger and put it elegantly into her slit then pulled it out licking the juice off her finger seductively. Allen couldn't help himself. He hurried to the bed and tackled her, kissing her neck and rubbing her tit with his thumb. Slowly making his mouth's way down he used his paw to pull down her tank top, revealing a set of beautiful pink nipples. He set the tip of his muzzle there and began to lick her nipple while his paw to rub the pink. She began breathing heavily, she took one of her paws and placed it on Allen's balls, fondling them and playing with them.

Allen was almost there when Sharon pulled away and caught her breath, "I have an idea." Moments later he found both of his arms and legs cuffed to the poles of her bed with pink fuzzy handcuffs.

"I love how you think," he smiled at her because he could do little else.

Sharon leaned down and gave him a little peck on the lips, "You might want to brace yourself." Allen started to sweat as she slowly lowered herself down, still with her skirt on, onto his rigid cock. Manuvering herself to find her sweet spot she massaged her own breast and removed her tank top and bra revealing her breasts. This feeling Allen felt was different from the feeling with Carla, it slid in and she flexed closing the walls around it. Sharon positioned herself and quickly bounced up and down on Allen, adding more noise to the already loud noises she was making. He felt so helpless, unable to do anything but get ridden mad hard by this girl, and he liked the feeling. "Oh god, I'm about to..." Sharon's words were to late, the burst of juice dripped down onto Allen.

Allen took this to be a sign to finish up so he thrusted upwards, but unfortunalty Sharon's phone could be heard ringing on her dresser. She ceased the motion and leaned down and kissed him. "Hold on." She got off and made her way to her cell phone. "Hello?... Are you serious?! ... Right now?" She glanced over at Allen lieing hand cuffed to her bed, "I guess I have ten minutes." Looking over at him she shot a haughty look, letting him know she wasn't going to let him cum yet. "I'll be over in a second."

"What the hell?" Allen interjected, "You're not going to let me finish?" Sharon looked over with the same expression on her face. She reached into her dresser and instead of answering his question she put a ball gag in his mouth and blindfolded him.

"I won't be longer then ten minutes sexy." She began pulling on her discarded top and scooted her panties back to their origin. "Just don't move from this spot." Laughing she walked over to him and licked his body, "Oh wait, I guess you can't"

Allen heard laughing, keys jingling and then nothing. He was pissed.

'Bitch! She could have at least left the radio on or something... What am I gonna do for the next ten minutes? ...I spy with my little eye something black... Is it the inside of a blindfold? ... YUP! YOU WIN!' Allen tilted his head to the side and let out a sigh through his nose, 'This sucks.'