Tree Top Stories Pt. II

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=WARNING= If your reading this you should already know the rules. police your self i take no responsibility for underage viewing or if you take offence :D enjoy!!

Once again i ask that you comment on this story as it only makes me better. Both positive and negative critisisms welcome.

Tree Top Stories Pt. II

Several nights had passed since the first time the relationship between Kyle and Shane had began to bloom. Each night the pair made the journey out to their tree house, spending the night secretly exploring their young sexuality. Tonight was no exception.

Mrs. Bolton woke up with a start; glancing at her bedside clock she saw that it was nearly midnight. She pulled on her nightgown and headed toward the kitchen, intent on getting a glass of water. As she moved through the house, she caught a glimpse of her son's tree house, a faint glow still emanating from the window.

"Surely they're not still awake," she said quietly to herself "No wonder they are so tired in the morning." After finishing in the kitchen she made her way back to bed, deciding that the boys wouldn't be back tonight, she striped out of her underwear and climbed into bed. She looked solemnly at the void in the bed that Kyle's father used to fill, and as she reminisced, her hand wandered southward.

Kyle slowly opened his eyes and smiled as he saw the rising and falling of his best friends chest, mere inches away from his face. The sun shone brightly through the curtained window. He softly pulled his arm out from under Shane, trying not to wake him. The young squirrel cub got dressed in his pyjamas and smoothed down his ruffled fur with a wet paw. As he drew back the curtain and gazed at the dew-covered grass he suddenly felt a sharp pain between his shoulder blades, he turned around to see Shane standing there, naked as the day he was born and massaging his fist.

"Why didn't you wake me, ass?" he said smiling. Kyle clutched his stomach as it grumbled.

"C'mon dude, get your P.J.'s on, im starving," moaned Kyle.

"Alright, keep your fur on!" laughed Shane, pulling on his pyjamas. As the pair made their way down the tree and across the grass, their footpads became cold and wet. They ran in through the porch door, expecting to be hit with the familiar smell of pancakes and eggs. They were disappointed when they saw that nothing was cooking, no plates had been set out, in fact it looked as though no one was even awake yet. Kyle walked around the house, checking the rooms to see what was going on. He pushed the door to his mother's room open and padded in, a strange and unfamiliar, but not unpleasant smell filled the air. Creeping slowly around the bed, he saw a figure under the sheet, still sleeping. He smiled and tiptoed to the head of the bed. He was shocked to see his mother's bare breasts moving up and down, her pink nipples standing erect, chilling in the cool room. The sheet was pushed down below her stomach and the area around her crotch was crusty. Kyle ran out of the room, almost bowling Shane over as he used his paws to stifle his laughter.

"Lets make our selves some cereal and go play," said Kyle, still grinning. Shane looked at him with a peculiar face, trying to guess what had made Kyle so happy. After breakfast the duo changed into play clothes, grabbed Kyle's remote control speedboat and headed for the lake.

It was well past 12 o'clock when Samantha Bolton stirred from her slumber, she was normally an early riser but was exhausted after the intense activity from the night before. She moaned and ran a hand through her tangled blonde hair before getting up and stripping the bed. After putting the washing on she walked to the kitchen to fix some breakfast and noticed that the porch door was open.

"Oh my god! The boys must be up" She said to her self, hoping that they had the sense to make breakfast. She was pleasantly surprised when she saw two used bowls near the sink.

She checked Kyle's room and then showered and dressed. She grabbed her bag and car keys before walking outside.

The boys put the boat in the lake before walking back about a metre from the shore; the surrounding dirt had been turned into mud from the rain. They took turns at chasing ducks around the lake with the boat, and then they made challenges like how fast they could get the boat or weave it in between the reeds. They saw Samantha coming across the field.

"Hi Mom!" yelled Kyle, running up and hugging her.

"Whoa, what's up with you champ" laughed Samantha, holding Kyle close.

"Nothing!" said Kyle, giggling.

"Ok, well I'm going to town to get some groceries and run some errands, if you get hungry there are some sandies in the refrigerator, and please don't stay out too long hon." She said in her most motherly tone.

" Ok mom" smiled Kyle, trying hard not to laugh.

As she walked away Kyle tuned to Shane and burst out laughing. Shane smiled and pushed him.

"What's the matter with you, what did you do to her?" asked Shane.

"Nothing!" laughed Kyle

"Tell me!"

"No, nothing happened!" yelled Kyle. Shane pushed him harder, making him fall hard into the mud. Kyle looked at Shane with a surprised 'O' face before jumping to his feet.

"Your gone fur ball!" he yelled before lunging at Shane. The pair hit the floor and began wrestling around, play fighting until they both rolled into the mud. Thick brown mud clung to their soft fur and their clothes became sodden and filthy. Both boys giggled uncontrollably and it was not long before Kyle had skilfully pinned Shane to the ground. Then it happened. Kyle stooped over his friend and kissed him on the lips. In the time they had spent together, they had done many things, but this was the first kiss.

"I-I'm sorry Shane" mumbled Kyle. He slid off of Shane and crawled to the grass, lying on his back, facing the sky. Shane got to his feet and walked over to Kyle. He silently lay down beside Kyle, staring skyward also.

"I don't know why I did that," said Kyle. He wiped the mud from his eyes and dropped his paws to his sides. Shane remained silent. Sensing his friend's discomfort, he placed his paw in Kyle's and gently squeezed. Kyle's head snapped around, staring at Shane in disbelieve.

"Its ok, I liked it" Smiled Shane. They both lay there in the sunshine, the mud dried and tangled in their fur. They talked and talked until the sun began to lazily sink behind the hills. They saw Kyle's mom's car pull into the drive way and they jumped up, retrieving Kyle's boat from the lake. They walked back to the house laughing and chasing each other. As they stepped in through the porch door, Kyle's mom turned around ready to ask them why they were out so late. Her eyes widened as she saw the two incredibly dirty fur-boys standing before her.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TWO GET UP TO!" she cried, ushering them straight into the bathroom. She turned the taps on in the bath, filling the porcelain tub quickly with warm water.

"Strip down and jump in, I'll be back in a second to wash you down," she said hurriedly.

"But mom! We'll be in the bath together...naked!" cried Kyle, masking his delight.

"It's ok dear, you both have the same things. Now hurry up and get in," said Samantha. She walked out of the bathroom to get towels and washcloths. Kyle and Shane smiled at each other before quickly stripping out of their dirty clothes. Kyle squirted some bubble bath formula into the tub as they stepped in. They gingerly eased themselves into the water, cringing as the warmth enveloped their dangly bits. Samantha burst back in throwing each of the boys a washcloth.

After several minutes of intense scrubbing, most of the dirt and mud had come free from the boys' soft fur. Samantha first washed her son, almost harshly untangling his fur with her paws. Then she turned her attention to Shane. Gentle this time, she scrubbed the fur clean and de-tangled softly. She stood up and dried her arms.

"I'll leave you two to wash down there, but don't stay in the tub too long or you'll catch a cold," She said as she walked out of the bathroom, intent on putting away the groceries she left on the kitchen counter. And so the boys were left to their own devices in the tub. It was not a big bath, but the pair fit in comfortably, their legs slightly interlocking, the faucet was in the middle so that it did not stick into either's back. Shane reached forward and used his cloth to gently stroke Kyle's private area. This produced a moan from his friend. Kyle smiled and did the same to Shane. The pair giggled as their soft, limp boyhoods began to grow and peek out of their foreskins. The bubbles in the tub hid from view, the attention that the boys were paying to each other. Kyle stopped suddenly and looked around.

"Wait here" said Kyle, smiling. He stood up in the bath and stepped out, water dripping off his fur, his penis standing smartly to attention away from his body. He walked to the door and peeked his head out, spying his mother fumbling around in the kitchen. Shane marvelled at his friends tight buttocks, covered in orange fur. He smiled as he watched his friend quickly dash out of the bathroom and into the shadows, loving the way his tail swished gently from side to side. After a brief moment Kyle ran back in, his erection swinging in the wind. He closed the door softly and snibbed the lock. Shane grinned as Kyle stepped back into the tub.

"Where did you go?" asked Shane, smiling. Kyle opened his hands to reveal a set of swimming nose plugs and a pair of swimming goggles.

"What are they for dude?" asked Shane, puzzlement written all over his face. Kyle grabbed his electric toothbrush from the sink next to the tub.

"I want to try something, grab your legs and put one on the faucet and one on the soap dish" said Kyle, smiling.

"O-Ok?" said Shane, confusedly obeying. He placed his legs in the positions the Kyle told him to, exposing the tip of his erection as it pierced the surface of the water. Kyle smiled, snapped the goggles onto his head and plugged his nose. Kyle got onto his knees and put his head underwater. Shane watched as his friend's behind swang into the air, his tail brushing the wall. Underwater, Kyle slid forward and poked his friend's furry sack with his nose. He could tell Shane enjoyed it as he felt him squirm up the bath. Kyle placed his friends balls into his mouth and began to play with them, using his tongue. After a few nights practice, both boys were getting better at the 'games' they played. Kyle felt Shane place his hands onto his head, stroking his ears; he did this every time Kyle played with his privates. Kyle didn't mind, he just decided to move it up a notch. He turned his electric toothbrush on and put it to his friend's member. Shane jumped at this feeling and slid up the bath, trying to escape the intensity of the brush against his sensitive area. Shane moaned quietly, trying desperately not to alert Kyle's mom of there going ons. Kyle relentlessly sucked and nibbled Shane's balls, while he stroked his cock with the toothbrush. Kyle only came up for air before once again engulfing his friend's sack. Shane's back arched and his head flew back as wave after wave of intense pleasure flew through his body. Each pulse and rotation of the toothbrush sent shivers shooting up his spine, his mind reeling in ecstasy. As Kyle worked his lower parts, Shane felt his climax nearing, he pushed his friend's head down as he felt his dry orgasm hit. The push sent Kyle's head sliding down the bath, his nose accidentally pressing hard against Shane's tight virgin tail hole as he slipped down. Unbeknownst to Kyle, this increased the pleasure of Shane's orgasm tenfold and as a result he screamed out in pleasure. Kyle heard this as he surfaced, and he jumped on Shane, trying to stifle the scream. He felt his friend's warm erection pressing against his stomach as it throbbed in afterglow. Both of the boy's hearts dropped as they heard a soft knock at the door.

"Kyle? Is everything ok?" inquired Samantha, trying the doorknob.

"Uh, yeah...Shane just hit his knee on the faucet, he'll be fine" mumbled Kyle.

" Yeah.... I'll...I'll be fine" said Shane, breathless. He sighed and slid deeper into the bath.

"Ok well get out of the tub now, its dinner time" she said, walking off. Kyle smiled at Shane, disappointed that he would not be able to return the favour. He sighed and got out of the tub, drying his clean fur with a towel. Shane stood up, his boyhood now hanging limply between his legs, and also dried. They walked to Kyle's room and got into their pyjamas. Before they headed to dinner, Shane grabbed Kyle and lightly punched him on the arm.

"Thanks, I owe you one," said Shane with a smile. The pair walked toward the kitchen.

The boys ate dinner in silence, drawing puzzled looks from Kyle's mother. Shane's young mind was racked with the day's activities. First the relationship between himself and Kyle had reached new levels. Kissing was what moms and dads do. Not boys. Shane was not angry with Kyle, more confused. He had always enjoyed the 'games' they played in the tree house, but that's all he saw them as. Games. Kissing was not a game, at least, not to him. And then there was the even more confusing pleasure he felt when Kyle's nose pressed against his hole. In everything that the boys had done, they had never strayed as far as the tail hole. This was where the poop came out it was dirty. It felt so good though, never before had he felt the elation of pressure against this sensitive area. He looked across the table at Kyle; he saw a look of disappointment and fear in his friend's eyes. Kyle's mother cleaned up the dishes and handed out bowls of ice cream to the boys.

"Well now that you two are all clean, you are not going out to the tree house tonight. You can sleep in bed, I don't want you getting dirty again so soon." She said sternly. The boys just nodded in agreement. It was when the boys got into bed, top tailing, that Shane decided to act on these new feelings.

About twenty minutes after they climbed into the single bed, Kyle felt Shane move up beside him. Shane tapped Kyle on the shoulder, signalling him to turn around. Kyle obeyed and shifted around until he was face to face with his racoon friend.

"Look Kyle, there is no reason for you to be scared" said Shane with a reassuring look on his face.

"I know I seemed shocked when you kissed me, but that's just because I didn't expect it. In fact I actually liked it." He said, gently tapping Kyle's cheek with a finger. Shane leaned forward and kissed Kyle on the lips, hold his own there for a few seconds. Shane retracted and looked into Kyle's eyes.

"I saw my mom's boobs today" said Kyle, making Shane smile in shock.

"I was scared cos I thought she caught us in the bathroom, and I was laughing earlier cos I saw her boobs" he giggled. Shane laughed quietly; delighted that Kyle was not upset with their relationship. He put a finger to Kyle's lips, silencing him as he whispered in his friend's ear.

"I want to show you something, if you don't like it just tell me. But it feels really good to me" whispered Shane.

"Ok" said Kyle under his breathe.

Shane began to slide down his friend's torso, trailing his hands down the fur boy's pyjama covered chest. As he reached his friends crotch, he put a hand under the elastic part of the pants and pulled down slowly. Kyle's hardening member slipped out, growing chubby as blood rushed to it. Kyle shivered as Shane nudged and nuzzled his boyhood before using is warm tongue to tickled Kyle's soft sack. Shane nibbled up and onto Kyle's cock, taking fully into his mouth, his friend's organ. Kyle moaned quietly above as Shane snaked his tongue around the maleness. As Shane slid up and down the penis, his hand wandered up Kyle's leg, coming to rest just under his sack. He gently rubbed a digit over the puckered flesh that was Kyle's tail hole. Kyle jumped up, making Shane's mouth slide off of his member. Kyle drew his legs up, clutching his knees and looking at Shane in disgust.

"Don't touch that!" he cried

"That's were poop comes out, it's filthy"

"No, no, no. Its clean, you just had a bath, and it feels really good!" said Shane hurriedly, embarrassed and shocked at Kyle's reaction. Shane crawled up the bed and placed his paws on Kyle's legs.

"Please, just try it. If you don't like it we can never do it again, but trust me it feels really good" pleaded Shane. Kyle thought about it for a moment before smiling a little.

"Ok, but If I say stop, then you have to stop" said Kyle sternly. Shane nodded and gently separated Kyle's legs with his paws. He once again went to work on Kyle's penis, while he ran both paws down his legs. He used one to cup and tickle Kyle's sack and the other to tickle the hole. Kyle grunted and wheezed in pleasure, unexpectedly enjoying the attention being paid to this area. Shane continued to suck and stroke, getting into a rhythm, pleased that Kyle was having a good time. His long, slender fingers stroked and pushed on the sensitive flesh of Kyle's tail hole. Kyle groaned and shuffled as he felt his climax building, loving the feeling of Shane's soft and warm tongue slurping the pre-cum that leaked out of the end of his boyhood. His cock throbbed and bounced in Shane's mouth, his orgasm nearly arriving. Shane felt his friend buck and arch in his dry bliss, so he plunged a digit into Kyle's hole. In the half pain, half pleasure of this action Kyle slammed his hands onto Shane's head, pulling his fur and pushing him further onto Kyle's maleness. As Kyle came down in his after glow, Shane could feel his friend's penis going limp in his mouth. After a few minutes Kyle put his legs down, breathing heavily he watched as Shane climbed up his body. When Shane was level with Kyle's mouth, he planted a big sloppy kiss right on his lips. Kyle just smiled and continued to breathe heavily as Shane lay beside him, hugging him. In silence the two fur boys fell asleep in each other's arms.

The harsh buzzing of Samantha's alarm clock woke her from slumber. She pulled on her dressing gown and walked to the kitchen, intent on making a cup of coffee. As the milk frothed she decided to check on her son and Shane, just to make sure they hadn't snuck out during the night to sleep in the tree house. Expecting to see an empty bed, she received even more of a shock when she gently pushed open the door to her son's room. There was Kyle, sheets pushed down to the edge of the bed. His pyjama pants had been pulled down to his ankles and his soft, eleven year old penis hung limply between his furry legs. His best friend Shane was lying next to Kyle, with his arms wrapped around her son. Samantha contemplated waking the boys and finding out there and then, just what the hell was going on. But then she saw their faces; both had a slight smile across them. She shut the door and shook her head, laughing slightly.

"Boys will be boys," she thought to herself. At least now she knew why they had been so tired the past few days. She walked off and had her cup of coffee.

By Pawl