Taken in the Locker Room

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A trio of horny lads in the gym locker rooms... What could be better?

A YCH commission for three lovely gents! Thank you for purchasing the YCH slots and it was a pleasure to write about your characters, Ming, Shea and Gabriel!

This story was up to read on Patreon a few weeks ago! Check out my 5 USD pcm tier if you want to read the stories early. ;)

Characters (c) their respective owners

Story (c) Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare

Taken in the Locker Room

Written by Arian Mabe

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A YCH story commission for Gabriel Clyde, Alluring Ming and Shea Smolinski

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Seppen snorted, the equine's nose brushing the floor as he completed a push-up, the sixth of his set. Sweat dripped from his shoulders, his white, chitinous skin shiny with it. He couldn't have been more pleased at the conclusion of his workout that he'd forgone a shirt that day, for he was a sight to behold. Although his form was on point, he drew more attention than most in the gym who were not there to build the biggest muscles they could possibly brag, his skin that of an incestoid exoskeleton and not a true equine coat. He also had more of a feminine form than most, but wasn't about to not take care of his body for the sake of being seen as 'pretty' or 'prettier'.

No, that wasn't his way. He knew what he had to do to keep himself in good health. He puffed a cloud of cold breath, which frosted up naturally from his nostrils, knowing there were eyes raking over the holes that seemingly were cut out of his arms and legs, near translucent blue wings tucked down the length of his back.

He was easy to spot in a crowd, that much was sure. Seppen grunted, forcing himself onto his knees as his mind spun, long, equine tail flicking out of the way of his hooves as he shifted back. No, not many furs knew he was a Changeling, or at least a strain of what Changelings had become in a mixed-race world, even if he struck them as instantly different. But he couldn't complain; he liked it well enough that way. He got by with most thinking he was a funny looking unicorn and that was good enough for him to go about his daily business.

The ones who did not skim over him, however, proved intrigued. Seppen smirked, leaning back against the wall as he checked the messages on his phone, breathing elevated after completing his final set. His arms ached fiercely, fingers trembling on the touch screen. He didn't do anything by half, not when it came to his time in the gym. For, if it wasn't simply time for himself, it was time he could share with others in a far more interesting manner.

Seppen grinned. He made no pretence of his intentions, the bulge of his sheath and half-dropped shaft showing in a clear, defined outline through his gym shorts. Perhaps he should have chosen clothing that was a little more discreet, but where would the fun have been in that?

He stood, stretching his arms above his head. Although furs cast him sidelong glances, he kept a sharp eye for one who may be a little more interesting - more attuned to his particular tastes, so to speak. Licking his lips, the equine stretched out, easing the tension from sore chest and arm muscles the best he could, gaze roaming the free weights room.

Dumbbells lined the racks on the far wall and a lion growled as he curled his paw around a single dumbbell, his roar echoing off the walls as he hefted it in a single-arm row. Leaning too heavily on the rack, he arched with bad form and bared his teeth at the mirror directly in front of him as if challenging himself to lift more, to do more, to be more than he was.

The Changeling eyed him. Nice muscles, but...no. Seppen shook his head minutely, not enough for anyone observing him to notice. That one would not do. Too focused on himself, too vain for Seppen's attention to add to his ego. The Changeling dropped lightly into a hamstring stretch, head tilted to the side as if he was also easing out the soreness in his neck.

There. He stiffened, shoulders rolling back. The raptor. Light in colour, his leathery skin pulled tight over lean, mean muscle, green stripes running horizontally down his back, arms and legs. A long, prehensile tail undulated gently at his back as he rubbed his forearm and gathered up his lifting straps from the floor, having already replaced his barbell behind the full rack where it had come from.

Seppen's sheath plumped out, shaft filling with blood and begging to be released from the confines of his shorts. The Changeling smirked, tail flicking back and forth as he tucked his phone into his pocket.

Yes, he would do very nicely.

Seppen grinned, hiding his smile behind the fall of his mane, floating down over the arch of his neck like a living waterfall. How much would it take to get the raptor to follow him back to the locker rooms? His grin widened. He would soon find out. And maybe uncover just what that bulge in his tracksuits bottoms was hiding too. If he was lucky, that was.

And Seppen was always lucky.

Straightening, the Changeling swung his arms lightly back and forth. Although he wasn't quite done with his usual stretching routine, the raptor glanced at the watch on his wrist, shirt slung casually over his forearm, as if he was about to make tracks. Seppen ran his long tongue down the side of his muzzle, extending it further than any fur should have been able to. It was one of the things that furs found disturbing and alluring about him in equal measures.

As the raptor fiddled with the hem of his shirt, the Changeling made his move, sashaying across the gym with a spring in his step. His tail flicked softly in a long sweep of hair that shimmered in the overhead lights, which would not have been flattering to anyone. Seppen, however, had more than enough lure for anyone.

He winked to the raptor, making the anthro step back as he approached, eyes widened in surprise. Seppen couldn't really blame him for looking so startled, his tail stiff and snout upturned as if to sound off a warning call. Not many furs would approach another in such a public space with such a predatory, knowing look in their eye. But Seppen wasn't most furs. He was a Changeling and he knew exactly what he wanted.

"Nice to see another, ah, unusual sort here," Seppen winked, blowing the raptor a kiss as he shimmied past him, making sure to let his tail graze the other fur's legs. "Wouldn't mind seeing you around a little more either, looking like you do."

The raptor swallowed, eyes sliding down the length of Seppen's body, taking in every nuance of his form that he could in one fell swoop. He tilted his head curiously as his stare caught the holes in Seppen's body - a feature of the Changeling condition - a question forming in his eyes.

"I...uh... Well, I dunno." The raptor shook his head, blinking as he rubbed the back of his neck, words lost to him. "Who exactly are you again? I've not seen you around before."

He tried to save himself and failed, blushing as the Changeling cast him a glance back over his shoulder, pausing as if he was still in half a mind to walk off and leave the raptor standing there dumbfounded by the strange encounter. Seppen pushed down his mirth; some furs were so strange about talking to others in the gym. Was it really that taboo? It could be social. In fact, it could be a very social experience indeed.

"Seppen. It's a pleasure to meet you too..."

He trailed off, tail swishing as he waited expectantly. Swallowing, the raptor smiled more easily and extended his paw.

"Shea. My name's Shea," he said, grasping Seppen's paw in a firm shake. "And you may have caught me just a little off guard there, Seppen."

He rocked back on his heels, lips stretched in a grin as he appraised the equine-fur once more, making no pretence that he was checking Seppen out. Shivering, the Changeling flipped his mane back and slid a finger into the waistband of his shorts, smirking as Shea's eyes followed his motion. The raptor coughed into his paw and turned away, suddenly busying himself with his shirt, which fell loosely over his crotch as his tail curled between his legs.

Seppen's smirk deepened. The beast was his already.

"Gotta get cleaned up now, but I'm sure I'll see you around. I'm always here in the evenings." He winked, blowing Shea a cheeky kiss. "Maybe sooner rather than later though, if you catch my drift."

Swinging his hips, he smiled to himself and clasped his paws to his chest where the raptor could not see, hooves light as he trotted to the changing rooms. His heart pounded, a wicked thrill running through him at the encounter, however brief it had been. He kept his tail pinned down over his rump, though a part of him almost wanted its swish and flick to draw the raptor's attention to the increasingly obvious bulge between his thighs. In his mind's eye, he saw himself folding to his knees, cupping what had to be an enormous pair of balls and running his long, flexible tongue around each one, letting them weigh down softly against his muzzle.

Seppen trembled, not quite daring to turn back and check if the raptor was watching as he made good his exit. He could almost taste the stranger on his tongue... And how would his workout add to his musk, the innate maleness of him? He swallowed hard, licking his cool lips as if he could better imagine how it would be to take the exotic male into his muzzle. The raptor wouldn't be the first fur he'd lured back to the locker rooms and blown in near public. And not the first he'd had in that very gym either. The Changeling's cock swelled with blood, leaking pre-cum as he muttered under his breath and ducked around the corner, pushing open a door into a rush of cool and an air conditioned room.

In the quiet of the deserted locker room, he leaned back against the wall of metal lockers and exhaled softly, closing his eyes as he willed his heartbeat to slow. His shaft throbbed, begging to be released from the confines of his shorts, and he groaned softly, rolling his head back until his horn tapped the metal locker behind him.

His paw dropped of its own accord and he ground his teeth together, letting his fingertips trace lightly over his bulge. Wriggling his hips, he arched out from the lockers as if thrusting his hips into an imagined raptor lover, but his mind was only full of thoughts of getting on his knees and letting his new 'friend' drive roughly between his lips over and over again until he'd had his fill of the subby equine. The overhead lighting cast a tasteful glow over the changing room and his white skin seemed to glow, setting off the blue speckles in his hide. Seppen sucked in a breath. Any male would be lucky to have him. And he'd be lucky to have that raptor too.

Soft steps snapped him back to the real world and he jumped, heart leaping back to a vibrant pound as he locked his gaze on the fur entering the locker room.

It was the raptor. Of course it was. His heart skipped a beat, a wave of dizziness setting his head spinning as if he'd just jumped off a moving treadmill. What on earth had come over him? She grinned, rubbing his forearm as he approached, every fall of his trainer-clad hind paws seemingly deliberate.

Seppen shook his head, unable to drag his gaze away. The raptor was stalking him.

He swallowed a whine, shaft pulsing with blood and pushing out through his shorts, leaving an obvious bulge and spreading wet spot of pre-cum. The Changeling blushed, but would not be cowed by his condition - oh no. He locked eyes with Shea and gave him his best smouldering look, looking up at the studly reptile through lowered lashes.

"I didn't think you'd follow me so quickly into here, darling."

Seppen purred, trailing a fingertip down the raptor's chest. Shea blushed, inhaling sharply as his tail wavered back and forth, but did not move away from the Changeling. Standing almost eye to eye, the raptor tipped forward closer and closer, breath tickling Seppen's snout. He parted his lips as Shea's paw brushed his hip, curling possessively around the waistband of his shorts - and then the raptor's lips claimed his.

Melting into the kiss, Seppen's body fell forward against the raptor's, moulding into him as if he belonged there. He ran his paws down Shea's back, letting his tongue in to dominate his mouth as he groaned. His head whirled with thoughts, cock harder than he thought it ever could have been. Bearing him back into the lockers, Shea growled into his muzzle, tongue battling playfully with his as the Changeling tried to use his longer one to his advantage. Whatever he did, however, the raptor seemed to have the upper paw and tilted Seppen's head up as he deepened the kiss, paw slipping round to grope Seppen's rump, a mix of soft flesh and firm muscle greeting his sly fingers.

When the kiss broke, they were both panting, a string of saliva connecting their lips for the briefest of moments. Shea flashed a smile, letting Seppen see a glimpse of the sharp, predatory teeth lining his mouth.

"Maybe a treat like you isn't worth passing up," he breathed, sharing breath with the equine. "Maybe I had my eye on you too. You're just as easy on the eyes as you supposedly think I am, judging from how hard you are for me right now."

He pulled back, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips, so much cockier than he had been when the Changeling had first come onto him. Seppen's heart did a back-flip, arching his back to push his throbbing cock, still covered by the now irritating fabric of his shorts, into Shea's waiting paw.

"Didn't you see me watching you?" Shea growled, nosing down the Changeling's neck and nipping his throat sharply, right over his small Adam's apple. "Maybe you were thinking about your workout too much... At least right then."

Seppen gulped.

"No..." He moaned, rolling his head back as Shea's lips kissed and nipped a path down to his collarbone. "No, I didn't notice..."

"Mm, I thought as much. Too busy scoping out what other guys you could have, hm?"

The Changeling shook his head.

"Ah...no..." He blushed and fumbled for words, lunging for them as slipped out of reach. "But...well..."

He chuckled, mirth breaking into a throaty moan as Shea nipped his neck sharply. Seppen sucked in a breath, only to huff it back out coolly, breath crystallizing in the air and evaporating as soon as it was born. He hoped Shea wouldn't mind this particular little quirk of being a Changeling, but, after all, it was the raptor who had followed him into the locker room.

Groaning, Seppen dropped to his knees, nuzzling Shea's hard bulge as his heart rate quickened.

"Come on, I made it quite clear what I was here for, didn't I?" He grinned, confidence brightening his eyes. "I wouldn't have found anyone better than you here though. And perhaps you would feel the same about me, if only you'd let me show you my, ah...skills..."

Letting his words hang in the air, Seppen grinned and tugged Shea's shorts lower and lower, drawing out the anticipation. The raptor groaned and huffed as he rested a paw on top of the Changeling's head. Seppen inhaled, the scent of male musk and sweat mingling deliciously as the raptor's cock bent down lightly, barely held in place and contained by his waistband. The garment would not hold him forever, however, and Shea snarled in the back of his throat as his cock sprung free, bobbing before Seppen's waiting muzzle.

The Changeling moaned softly, simply unable to help himself in the moment. It was always the moment that excited him the most - what he had been going after from the very first instant he'd set hoof within the gym. He knew what he really wanted, what he needed and craved more than anything else. He leaned in, flicking his tongue over the head as the foreskin slipped back into place, a glimmer of pre-cum slick down the underside. Shea murmured under his breath, bucking lightly up to Seppen's muzzle as he wrapped his long tongue around the length, eyes rolling back into his head.

Such a delicious cock...

Shorts down around his ankles, the raptor's tail wove from one side of his hips to the other as he stepped out of unwanted garments, panting harshly. As Seppen parted his lips to take him deep, eyes alight with the promise of a good blowjob, the raptor stopped him, winding his fingers possessively into the Changeling's draping mane.

Seppen's wings buzzed lightly.

"Easy there, little one," he panted, eyes bright and wanting. "I have a better way to use you, since you've been so willing to offer yourself up to me."

Seppen glanced up, lips parted to ask just what the raptor meant, but breath was stolen from his lungs as his hooves left the floor. Demonstrating shocking strength from his size - to be fair, a large part of him being able to so easily manhandle Seppen was due to the element of surprise - he spun the equine-fur and shoved him forward, balance lost to him. Seppen gasped, hooves catching on the floor as he teetered and fell, only caught a fraction of a second before his chest hit the wooden bench in the centre of the locker room.

Growling softly, the raptor's arms wound their way around his torso, his abdomen forcing Seppen's tail up and out of the way. Seppen arched, gasping for lost breath as he pushed himself further over the bench, lying across it with his rump perfectly raised for the taking. The raptor leaned far over him, fingers trailing down the Changeling's spine. Seppen shivered and whined.

"Yesssss..." Shea hissed, the sound rolling wickedly from his lips. "This is much better."

Seppen growled and playfully kicked out, jigging a hoof in the air as if he was trying to dislodge the raptor. His mane bounced off the side of his neck as he twisted, Shea growling as he hung on to the wickedly bucking equine.

"Maybe I'd rather have that cock down my throat," he purred, wriggling and finding his wings pinned down to his back. "Oh, hive mother... You're even better than I thought you'd be..."

Shea huffed and used his legs to force Seppen's apart, using his greater strength against him. The Changeling snorted, squirming and groaning as the raptor's cock ground back and forth over his raised rump, leaving a gleaming trail of pre-cum in its wake. The Changeling groaned deep in the back of his throat, eyes closed as the raptor arched down over his back, putting his muzzle very close to his ear.

"But I like you this way," he hissed in Seppen's ear, hot breath tickling his cheek. "And I want nothing more than you as you are right fucking now."

"Wait..." Seppen blushed, ears slipping back. "No...ah...lube?"

The raptor smirked and squeezed the equine-fur's arse, claws pricking into his chitinous skin. Squealing, Seppen bucked and panted, the front of his shorts soaked through with his own arousal.

Fucking hell... He clenched his jaw, rolling his head as his tail hole squeezed down on nothing, wanting something there. Just what was the raptor doing to him? Shea chuckled softly and leaned over Seppen's back, fingers curling around his shoulders as he held him in place with his torso, the tip of his tail flicking keenly.

"Why would we need lube?" Seppen could hear the laugh in Shea's voice, sending knots into his stomach. "I'm sure a good slut like you can handle me, no?"

His fingers dug into Seppen's shoulders and the Changeling swooned, eyelashes fluttering as his cock throbbed in his shorts, as dropped as it could possibly be. Would he have thought to refuse anything the raptor asked of him? He doubted his own rationality in the moment, yet nothing seemed to matter anymore other than the raptor and his throbbing cock grinding between his smooth rear cheeks.

"I will," he breathed. "For you."

Shea trailed his fingers through the Changeling's mane as he stood, cock in one paw. He pressed the tip to the equine's tight pucker and groaned, snarling out words as he demanded entry.

"We'll see just how much of me you can take then!"

Seppen did not provide him with much resistance, relaxing the best he could and pushing his rump back onto that wonderful cock. Oh... He rolled his head from shoulder to shoulder, mane damp with sweat and clinging wetly to his neck. Although he couldn't have said how large the raptor was, he was more than big enough to stretch him out more and more, filling him with a thick girth that made his head spin and stars dance before his eyes.

Ducking his head, Seppen hissed and hung on to the bench for some sense of stability as Shea pushed in deeper and deeper, inch by agonisingly pleasurable inch. The Changeling shook his head, breathing harshly through his flared nostrils as the raptor blessedly fumbled a paw under his stomach, yanking his shorts down to release the equine's achingly hard shaft before it tore a hole clean through - or at least Seppen felt he was horny enough for that to be a highly distinct possibility.

Moaning as his cock was released, Seppen rolled his hips back, letting Shea drive deeper and deeper under his tail until the raptor's cock was entirely buried within his tight, twitching passage. Seppen sucked in a breath that did not seem to be enough, wings flicking up to brush along Shea's abdomen and chest, cock throbbing and swinging as it trailed pre-cum down to the tiled floor in a thick, lusty rope.

The raptor snarled, a primal, guttural sound that reverberated throughout the clinical locker room, still smelling strongly of pure male. Eyes closed, Seppen inhaled deeply, shorts tangling about his fetlocks. He couldn't bring himself to care - not with such a thick cock grinding over his prostate.

"I didn't think you'd take me so easily," Shea grunted, hips flush with the Changeling's backside. "But now it's time to see just how much you can really take. Because that's all you need, isn't it?"

Shea grinned and twisted his fingers into Seppen's mane, yanking his head back as the Changeling gasped.

"You need a bigger male to pound you like the needy slut you are, don't you?"

The only answer Seppen had for him was a moan, grinding back onto the cock he craved.

And Shea did not disappoint him.

Claws biting into Seppen's hips, Shea drew away with the force with which he intended to continue. His first thrust was brutal, driving Seppen's abdomen into the bench as he heaved for breath, eyes wide. Shea growled and let his torso tip over the more delicate fur, tail slapping the floor as he threw the full weight of his body behind each and every thrust. Seppen gasped as his body rocked forward, rump jiggling and compressing each time the raptor's hips pressed up to him. His cock twitch as if he was suddenly one of his four-legged brethren back at the hive, bouncing their cocks off their bellies for the sheer hell of it.

"Ah...yes!" The Changeling snarled, tongue flicking out from between his lips like that of a snake. "More! Harder! Fuck me!"


Seppen lifted his head, forelock a mess hanging over his eyes, to see a black stallion framed in the doorway leading to the showers. The equine nickered, seemingly startled to find two males going at it in the middle of the changing rooms, ears flicking back and forth to catch the sounds of their rampant fucking. Despite his apparent surprise, the twitch at the front of the towel wrapped around his waist told a different tale. The black stallion blushed, rubbing the arch of his neck, and flicked his tail, eyes fixed on the duo as if he could not bear look away.

Seppen grinned shakily - or grinned the best he could while Shea did not break in his ruthless pounding of his tail hole, even though he had to be aware of their audience. If anything, the raptor's thrusts became even more driving, head rolling back as he took his pleasure as he best knew how.

The stallion stared and Seppen knew what he had to do, what he'd wanted to do the very instant the stallion had set hoof within the locker room.

"You could join us if you like," Seppen forced out, squeaking as the raptor's tail curled around his ankle, holding him tightly. "There's...unngh..." He broke in a groan, twisting his head back and forth. "There's still room for one more here."

He ducked his head and howled as Shea grunted and grabbed his hips, pulling Seppen back into him with every brutal thrust. The Changeling's tail flipped back and forth, Seppen barely able to think about keeping it hiked and out of the way as he was brutally taken, skin tingling with a cooling warmth that was typical of his species.

He didn't know if the equine would take him up on his offer, only that he was preoccupied enough as it was. The next he knew of the horse was a pair of black legs filling his vision as a towel fell to the floor. The black stallion with feather around his fetlocks grinned and hefted his larger cock in one paw: it put both him and the raptor to absolute shame. The Changling licked his lips and leaned in, ears pricked. Suppressing his needy groan as much as possible, he parted his lips as wide as he could, tongue lolling from his muzzle as if to invite him in.

"Take me as you will, stallion..."

He purred, words broken only by the punctuating slap of Shea's thrusts. As the stallion grunted and pushed his shaft between the Changeling's lips, his head swam, a cock filling both of his holes. The thick length forced his lips apart in a strained 'O', a trickle of pre-cum and saliva glistening at the corner of his lips. The softly glowing overhead lights - much better than the harsh lighting strips of more rugged gyms - illuminated the muscle bulging through the stallion's coat, drawing attention to the defining lines.

Seppen couldn't have been more in heaven!

The stallion snorted and stomped, tail flicking as he almost lovingly thrust deep into the Changeling's muzzle, nostrils flaring as if he had not felt such pleasure in a long time.

Rocked between the males, Seppen murred softly around the stallion's fat shaft and let the pounding thrusts of the raptor drive him towards a heady climax. Squeezing over his prostate with every thrust, Shea huffed and leaned heavily on his shoulders to pin him down, hips working like a piston. But he wasn't concerned for Seppen's pleasure - only his in the moment of raw lust.

Seppen twisted his head back and forth, horn glowing faintly as his tongue curled around the full length of the stallion's cock, caressing the medial ring before drawing back. He shouldn't have been so close to climax from anal stimulation alone and yet he was, inexplicably so. Shuddering, the Changeling tried to suck in much needed breaths, tail flicking up against the raptor's stomach as he thrust. And the delectable cocktail of sensations were far, far too much for a little pony.

The Changeling climaxed with a muffled grunt, eyes bulging as he fought for breath around the length thrusting down his throat. Twisting his fingers into his mane, the black stallion snorted and leaned forward, driven on by the twitching spasms of his submissive partner's throat as Seppen squealed and lifted a hind hoof, letting the bench bear his weight. His cock throbbed and pulsed, sending spurt after spurt of cum onto the floor beneath the bench as his eyes rolled back into his skull and he succumbed to ecstasy.

It would have been perfect if all three had been able to reach that peak of orgasm together, yet it was not the way in the coarse world of fucking in the gym, the risk of discovery lurking around every corner. Shea snarled from sheer lust, baring his teeth at the horse who paid him no mind, rolling his hips to sink the full length of his cock between Seppen's lips. The Changeling's cock shot its last few dribbles of cum as the raptor finally could take no more of Seppen's deliciously clenching tail hole and ejaculated with a throaty roar, claws pricking through the Changeling's hide. Spots of dark blood tipped his claws yet he didn't care, Seppen trembling back into him with a whine as the raptor filled his tail hole with ropes of thick seed.

Seppen was so concerned with the warm filling in his rump, cum oozing down the sides of Shea's shaft, that the equine caught him off-guard. The first jet of cum hit him in the back of the throat as the stud thrust and he hacked a cough, swiftly gulping it down as his eyes watered. His chest heaved and he wrapped his arms around the stallion's hips, drawing him to him and burying the full length of his cock down his throat as throb after throb of seed pulsed down the length. Tongue squeezed up to the underside, Seppen moaned lustfully, able to feel each and every pulse as the equine squealed and gave him every drop he needed.

There could have been no better end to a gym workout, although Seppen warranted, cum trickling over his lips and down his chin, that they would all need a good, long shower after their heated liaison. Shea groaned and nuzzled the back of Seppen's neck, running his fingers through his mane over and over again. The Changeling arched into his touch and nickered, although the sound was muted as the equine's cock slipped from his lips.

Panting in the afterglow, Seppen nuzzled the stallion's softening cock, wrapping his tongue almost lovingly around the length as the equine groaned.

"Ah..." He chuckled, stroking the Changeling's ears softly. "Maybe in a moment, little one. I'm still sensitive there."

Seppen purred.

"I should hope so..."

Shea rubbed the flat of his paw in the small of Seppen's back as he withdrew slowly, as if careful not to hurt his partner, cock finally dropping into open air and leaving a gaping tail hole behind. Seppen groaned, reaching back to feel just how much he'd been stretched, two fingers sliding easily into his anal ring. His cock throbbed, swelling with blood once again.


Shea's head whipped around, tail suddenly stiff, as a bear lounged in the middle of the changing rooms with such a grin on his muzzle that it was possible to consider that he'd been there the whole time. Seppen's heart leapt into his throat, pounding ruthlessly. Were they caught? His question was thankfully answered by his own curiosity a moment before he could panic, the bear's hard cock pressing through his jogging bottoms. The Changeling exhaled, heart beating quicker for an entirely different reason.

"Is this what goes on when the staff are out then?" The bear continued, pulling down his jogging bottoms to free his cock, uncaring for the state of the fabric as he smeared pre-cum up the interior of the clothing. "I wouldn't have thought it was that kind of establishment."

Seppen blushed, but met the bear's gaze squarely as the others squirmed, challenging him to best him with his gaze alone. Whatever the ursine had to deliver, he was sure he could take.

The bear grinned, dragging off his shirt over his head as he spoke.

"And if one as fine as you was having a good time in here, you really should have given me a shout."

His gravelly voice rolled over the trio and Seppen shivered, Shea's softened cock suddenly hardening all over again. The raptor's breath caught and he tipped forward over Seppen's back, eyes fixed on the bear and his fat shaft, too large for him to wrap his fingers around completely.

Sauntering up to them, the bear seemed to know that the furs who had been previously using the Changeling would give way to him, sparing them a glance and a grin. The black stallion stepped back, ears pricked and nostrils flared, open admiration flickering across his muzzle. The bear groped his arse as he passed and grinned, though there was only one object of his true attention.

"Don't mind if I do, boys."

Licking his lips, the bear pressed the drooling tip of his cock to Seppen's lips as the raptor and stallion embraced, paws roaming each other's bodies with renewed passion, cocks hard. But Seppen had only eyes for the bear towering over him, eyes burning with a deep-seated lust. He opened his mouth for him and the bear winked.

"My turn now, little pony."