When Sorcerers Forget

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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When a great dragon sorcerer runs into a minor problem... what's to stop him from turning it into an enjoyable vacation of sorts? One harmless little memory-altering spell can make all the difference between having a bit of fun, and leaving before the party is done. After all, what can't Ack-kalenh The Amnesiac work his way out of? But, sometimes it's more fun to just go with the flow.

"Urgh..." It took a bit, but he woke up eventually.

He examined his surroundings. They were less than pleasant, but workable. Scales rubbed harshly against the cold stone floor. Apparently they hadn't even been decent enough to put him on a table first. Tsk, tsk. He'd been laying in a puddle of his own drool, the wet feeling on the side of his muzzle attested to that much.

"Agh. Damn, my neck itches something fierce. Must have used a nasty mixture... If I were interested in capturing a dragon, I'd at least make sure the prick would be unnoticeable." He grumbled, shaking his neck.

Luckily, nothing appeared to be damaged. Well, other than his plans for that day. His pack would be safe, and the supplies in it. Going out to gather some alchemical ingredients was mostly an easy endeavor. Other than when some rogue mage decided he needed a dragon for a bit. The dragon could tell it was a mage by the chains clasped onto his legs and neck. They hummed with faint magical energy. It took a moment to gather his thoughts, but he tested them for a moment. A sharp crack came from one of the chain links. It had... burst.

"Cheap magic. Must not know how to do better. Poor bastard, definitely not one of my apprentices. Unless they forgot most of my teaching. Definitely possible." He talked to himself, thinking through the possibilities.

Even with the short conversation he was having with himself, he was winded, and jaw sore, as well. Whatever they'd used, it was a piss-poor mix of foul materials that barely qualified to be called a tranquilizer.

"Y'know, I might not have to pay for my vacation this quarter." He stated it plainly.

If a mage wanted to get at the stuff he was constantly manufacturing daily, then he'd be more than willing to help out. After all, he was a dragon. And proud of it, too! Not to mention, he understood the hellish process of sourcing rare ingredients like dragon essence. Luckily, that was one he had, and made, in spades, and buckets, and other such units of measurement. He snorted out a weak chuckle. Of course, even if he did want to 'help' the mage... it simply wouldn't do to have him know.

"Well, I certainly can't be leaving my memories, name, and what I do just floating around up there." The dragon chewed his lip a bit, pondering.

The real question was how long. With the spell too short, he'd risk 'reacquiring' his memories while the mage was still there. It'd be a sudden personality shift. With it too long... he may end up staying longer than he wished. The sorcerer-dragon took a moment to fix the chain link he'd broken moments ago. Truth be told, he'd forgotten entirely about the chains and such. Whatever. They were a little uncomfortable, but not too bad. The fresh, new, no-doubt-stronger chain link popped into place. It hummed more quietly than the rest of the chain. Not that an amateur would notice at all.

"Kalen... That's a good enough shortening of Ack-kalenh, I guess." Ack-kalenh muttered.

Footsteps began echoing from deeper in the dungeon. A doors' lock was being fiddled with. As expected of an amateur, the sound of an old man fumbling with his keys broke the silence further. Ack-kalenh worked quickly, and with eager vigor. A short stay would be fine enough. And since typical sessions were mere hours, a shorter spell would do. At least, for now. The door swung open, and light spilled into the room, burning his eyes a bit. The dragons' lips and jaw barely moved as he spoke the incantation.

"The hell are you mumbling to, dragon?"

It felt like a switch went off for Kalen.

"What mumbling?" And why was he chained up? He aggressively yanked against the chains.

"Of course you wouldn't admit praying to your gods. Tch." The figure spat derisively.

"Gods, wha-?" Kalens' muzzle was clamped shut.

"Enough yapping out of you. Be glad I need something you have, or I wouldn't be bothering with your ilk." Every word the man said dripped with venom and hate.

"Hmmhrrrr!" Kalen growled at him. He didn't like this man. And what did he need, anyway?

"Your muzzle is so much better when it's not vomiting words. If you behave, I'll let you loose after I'm done. Probably. I honestly don't know how much I need, but I'll be keeping you until I have more than enough."

Kalens' eyes finally adjusted to the odd combination of dim light filtering through the dungeons' entrance door. The man was as old as he sounded, with a balding head, and short gray beard. The rest of his outfit was shabby, as well. Robes that looked more like they belonged in a bathhouse than on a man, let alone a mage or wizard. The only thing about him that had any noticeable texture to it were his eyes. They were piercing, a shade of sky-blue. And they stared at Kalens' silvery-gray scales with greed floating in them.

"Such dull scales. Hopefully that won't effect the alchemical ingredients. Or... as most peasants like to call it. Dragon essence. Of course, even that is more respectful than what it is. It's just dragon seed." The old man yammered on to himself.

Kalen could only strain against the chains. They must have been magically enhanced, as no chain could normally hold a dragon. Damn. He watched, matching the hideous mans' gaze with a piercing stare of his own. No one could make a dragon back down, chained or no. With remarkable swiftness, the man summoned a ball of light.

"'Bout time we illuminate the place." The ball split off into several others, flying into specially-designed holders for them.

So he was a mage. Kalens' mind whirred, watching him prepare the area. The last bits of grogginess from the poisonous tranquilizer was wearing off. His limbs felt a bit less numb, but the itching in his neck stayed, and irritated him to no end. Something felt off, though. Like he was forgetting something. Someplace, some.... Time.

"Thinking about how to get out? Impossible, you know. You're no sorcerer, and those chains are my best. You're at my mercy." The old man hissed, ending in a cackle that was as hideous as his visage.

Kalen wanted to bite, to crush, to spit back, anything to respond. But, the magic holding his muzzle shut was too powerful. It felt brittle, but at the same time, too strong to break. He waited for his time. Surely, at some point, this fool of a man would make a mistake, forget to say some words, something. The itch began to fade, finally, as the old man summoned another ball of light, setting it into a massive chandelier. Too damn fancy for a dungeon, and Kalen scoffed at the senseless show of waste.

"Hmm? What's that, dragon? Jealous you can't do something as simple as a light orb? Shame you can't, because otherwise I'm sure you'd be able to free yourself, too!"

This man was getting under Kalens' scales, and quickly at that. As bad as he would taste, the dragon savored the thought of ending the leathery-faced bag of human refuse. His claws made gouges in the stone floor, and his tail thrashed about behind him. Wait, tail meant-

"Ah-ah-ah." The mage shook his finger. "I may not have tied down your tail, but believe me, I have my own purposes for that..."

Magic froze the dragon in place, leaving only enough room for him to flex his claws, stretch his wings, and breathe. Not even his eyelids could close. By the time the mage noticed, they were burning. All this only proved to enrage Kalen more and more.

"Whoops. Here. No need to torture at the same time. At least not that kind."

His own eyelids returned to his control. Kalen blinked rapidly, wetting his eyes. If nothing else, it quenched his anger a bit. But not enough to spare this... fool of a man. He returned to his ice-cold stare at the doddering old man.

"What? While uncomfortable, no doubt, I do need you. For the moment, at least. But, enough chatter from me. It's time to get started. Grumbleby!"

It sounded like someone was falling over themselves getting to the mage. Of course, Kalen was expecting to need to look even further down to find the... thing he'd summoned. Dark red skin, an arrowhead tail, and two almost-cute horns. An imp, by anyones' guess. Kalen growled more.

"Y-Yes master? What can I do?" The little devil squeaked.

"I'm going to cast a spell. Go get the tub of large capacity I prepared earlier. Get the others if you need help with it."

"Which one, again?" The imp was skittering off already, but staying in earshot.

"The one that's dull, but shiny from underneath! In the second storage room!" The mage shook his head as the imp scrabbled off.

Kalens' hackles stayed on end. Imps were hellish little creatures, and it was best they stayed far away from him. Didn't taste good, either, which made killing the little nuisances all the worse. It'd been a while but he remembered cleaning out an infestation of them in his youth. It was his first cave, and he laid claim to it. After all, if the imps weren't there, who would have?

"I swear, they get dumber every day." The mage scowled. "But, to gathering what I need."

More magic, but this time, the mage worked slowly. At some point, he'd retrieved a staff. It appeared to be solid, and of hearty wood. The oddest thing about it was that it had a few leaves growing off of it. Some sort of nature-infused thing no doubt. Kalen watched, and waited. It was all he could do, after all. The mage took his sweet time, muttering out spell after spell. It all sounded like gibberish to the dragon, but the effects were clear. Arcane, swirling energy rose out of the floor, before solidifying. It crept up the chains, pausing before daring to touch the dragon.

"Now, I'm going to release your muzzle, but only beca-"

"Sack of human refuse. Think you can hold me here, against my will? And to gather what? If I were free, I'd-"

"On the other hand, perhaps it's best I mute your vocal chords." The old hag of a man sounded amused.

Kalen moved his tongue, and tried to talk, but nothing ever came out. His jaw was free, luckily. And so, he scowled at the mage. If he were a wizard himself, he'd crush him in his paws, burn him, and then melt the ashes from the sheer heat. It irked him greatly, to say the absolute least. After a snap at the mage for good measure, he returned to his usual glaring stare.

"Hush now. After I cast this, and after they retrieve that container, you won't see me at all for a while. It's best that way, since it's quite obvious a lower life form like you is only good for the stuff you contain in your balls. Internal though they may be..."

Kalen really wanted to melt this man, and his dungeon. It could not be emphasized enough, every word the mage uttered, was nonsense, and irritating. The arcane energies coalesced into off-purple tendrils, and remained coiled around the chains. Like they were waiting for a command. A loud banging, crashing set of noises tore his attention elsewhere.

"Brought the thing master!" A cacophony of tired, worn-out-looking imps screeched at the man.

"Good. Push it here, and then depart."

A bit of the floor began to glow, underneath the dragons' neck. His silvery-gray scales looked like lustrous metal in the light. Of course, the tub looked rather plain. The imps showed some unease pushing, shoving, and grunting while putting it into place. Kalen slowed his breathing a bit. Getting so angry wasn't good for his heath, and it was immensely tiring. No matter what he tried, he'd just have to see how this went. And, after all, after the mage had what he wanted, he'd be gone and free anyways. He could burn him alive then. For now though, curiosity won out in the dragons' thoughts.

"Good. There. Now leave me, imps. I require focus."

They all disappeared in a cloud of skittering feet, smoke, and tails. And all the better, with those wretched creatures near him, Kalen felt uneasy. His eyes watched the mages' staff, and hands. Barely audible words fell out of the mans' mouth, and what was audible, was the same gibberish as before. It was a light shock to the dragon when the man finally opened his eyes again, and slammed his staff on the hard floor.

"I will be back in a few hours dragon. Enjoy your new... company." The mage snickered. He'd get his essence, and the dragon would have no say in it. A maniacal bout of laughter followed him out of the dungeon.

As the mage left, the resounding slam of the dungeon door was reassuring to the dragon. That foul, idiotic fool of a man would leave him alone now. Something ticked in his mind. The magic holding his body still stopped the moment the door shut. His muscles ached, and he bellyflopped onto the floor. Scales on his throat moved as he muttered to himself.

"About time he left. Now about getting out of here..."

Yanking the chains did nothing, but as he examined them, he noticed a familiar symbol etched into the magic surrounding one of the chain links. Why was his family crest emblazoned onto it with a bit of magic? How did the mage even know his family crest? Another hard, rough yank, and the only thing Kalen was rewarded with was a sharp crack from his leg.

"Owww." He moaned. Luckily, it wasn't a dislocation, but an extremely painful crack instead.

Whatever the mage did, it was good enough to hold him. And for a dragon, that was no easy feat. If only he were a wizard, or a sorcerer! The tendrils of arcane magic moved slowly, waiting for him to wear himself out. A few moments after he let himself down onto the floor, they began moving ever quicker. If the mage needed something from him, he'd get it, no doubt. Kalen had no say in it, and let them lift him off the ground after they coiled around his limbs.

With that said, however... Kalen had a pretty good idea of what the mage wanted. If nothing else, it'd be pleasant. Well, for a while at least. The tendrils coiled around him, better lifting his rather heavy bulk. Couldn't have been more than a dozen feet, just enough to get a dragon off the ground. Each of the grasping, coiling, tugging tendrils had their own slight hum to them. Like they weren't properly synchronized. Of course, the dragon couldn't possibly care less about that little fact. It was a bit odd to him to be lifted up effortlessly.

"Well. That's a tub. And with where it is, I can only guess at what he wants. That being said though, I have a pretty good idea of what it is..." Kalen sighed. On the plus side, he was going to get some. On the minus side, he was going to be GETTING some.

Another of the solidified arcane energy tendrils coiled around his neck. Lightly enough that it had a grasp on the dragon, but not nearly enough to cut off his airway. But, it was enough for the dragon to feel the odd, shifting, almost smooth, and yet, almost rough surface of the tendril. It changed every moment. Another tendril grabbed at his tail, a bit more rough than the one around his neck. Still more grabbed his wings, and legs. Kalen knew better than to resist, as there were plants that worked on the same concept. Ah well. If nothing else, he'd be both walking funny for a little while, and enjoying a set of enjoyably emptied balls.

"Well, don't hesitate to get it over with..." Kalen mumbled, mostly for his own benefit.

They couldn't hear him, obviously. The tendrils were every bit as much machine as dwarven cogworks. Just machines in a different format, from a different plane of existence, made of different materials. But, machines all the same. And, as machines, their irritatingly slow preparations dragged on the dragons' patience. One by one, his legs were pulled apart, spreading him open. It was a bit of a stretch, but not uncomfortable. His tail was also pulled out of the way. All of this nudging, and pulling, and tugging on his scales felt odd. But, at the thought of being milked for his essence... one part of him agreed with all the stimulation, at least.

Kalen worked against the tendril around his neck a bit, craning his head downwards. They were surprisingly pliable, offering only minimal resistance to his movement.

"Of course." With as numb as his body felt earlier, one thing was clear enough.

They wouldn't have too difficult of a time finding WHAT to milk. His rod was already pushing out of his slit. Tendrils coiled around his lower belly, trailing lower until they began to slide underneath his rod. The odd surface of the tentacles made it a very, very odd sensation. Even this slight bit of stimulation drove the last bits of numbness and grogginess out of the dragon. If nothing else, he was absolutely awake now.

A long, drawn-out sigh fell out of his muzzle. He'd definitely enjoy being the mages' captor for a while. Even if he didn't enjoy the wrinkled old sandbag of a man. There wasn't much room for thoughts when the first of many tendrils finally found their target. These were a bit different, though, with smoother surfaces, and they felt almost warm to the touch. They slithered over his scales, ready to start with all haste.

Kalen grit his teeth as the tendrils coiled around his rod. Even if they were smoother, and being every bit as gentle as the previous set, it was a bit much at once. One coil... two, three. He lost count as more and more of them joined together around his rod. It began to leak pre already, dripping slowly into the large tub beneath him. As they began to stroke him, it took moments for him to finish filling out fully. His rod was rock-hard with the slight stimulation. The tendrils finished enveloping it moments later. It was like he was encased in another dragon already. A pleasing experience, to be sure.

"Grrrrh. Thought that was what-" Another of the smooth tendrils cut him off, plugging his muzzle. At first, his eyes were open in a bit of shock, then they relaxed a bit. Maybe he did talk a little bit too much.

Either way, the tendril did the bare minimum to plug his mouth. The vines coiled around his neck gently nudged him to look forward. No doubt they had no concept of comfort, but the dragon appreciated it. Well, at least until the tendril began to push further into his mouth. Even as he gnawed at it with his teeth, it didn't budge, bleed, or deform in any meaningful way. Slowly but surely, it pushed further into his muzzle, pausing before poking into his throat. Kalen gagged for but a moment, suppressing it quickly. Luckily, the tentacle got the message. It began to pull out of his muzzle, but not before leaving something behind. Some sort of sticky, almost sickly-sweet fluid that tasted even sweeter than honey to the dragon. After the first drop, he couldn't get enough. Any resistance he might have had vanished. It couldn't be that bad, right?

It almost felt like his teeth would have shattered if it weren't for the tendril in his muzzle becoming a bit more pliable. Tendrils around his tail had left one spot uncovered. One very, very vulnerable spot. And, one of the smooth tendrils had plunged inside, without warning, or mercy. It also leaked a fluid, of a bit thicker variety. Kalen grit his teeth, and gnawed on the tendril until the pain faded. As much as he had enjoyed rolls in the hay -and more- with other males, that was an activity best... prepared for. A salty tear rolled down his muzzle, before eventually finding its' way into his muzzle.

With the tendril providing its' own lube, it didn't take long for that pain to turn to pleasure instead. And with the dragons' internal body temperature heating up, the room temperature tendril cooled him a bit while it was slowly spreading him open. Even with that though, Kalen was absolutely certain he'd be walking funny for a while. That sudden penetration... Maybe limping instead. A whine fell out of his muzzle as the first inch of many plunged its' way in.

His breeding rod was getting the bulk of the attention. The writhing mass of tendrils that worked their way around it were slowly stroking him. His own pre, and a mixture of their almost sappy lube made the slow pumps all the more pleasurable. Breath came in alternating long, deep inhalations, and sharp, quick gasps for air. All Kalen had to do was focus on relaxing, and the magic tendrils would do the rest. A few more drops of pre landed on the rim of the tub. A tub that, if the tendrils had their way, the dragon had no doubts that it would be overflowing.

With both holes filled, and a warm, stroking mass around his cock, the dragon could only hold on for the ride. And oh what a ride it was! The thick tendril underneath his tail pushed ever deeper, as the one in his muzzle muffled his moans and whines. Each of the tendrils in the amalgamation around his rod added their own texture to the gentle stroking. Some smaller ones even wormed their way in, and coiled their way around his small ridges and spines. Truth be told, even Kalen had to admit it was pleasurable.

His claws grasped at nothing as he felt the first release of many begin its' inevitable exit. It took a moment or two, but the tendrils knew. The dragons' insides spasmed, and thick, creamy dragonseed shot out of him. A jet or two hit his chest, but the tendrils pointed him towards the tub. And they didn't stop for even a moment, continuing to stroke him even as he writhed in their grip. Kalen saw stars, and let the throes of orgasm wash over him. The messy-sounding splatters splashed against the tub, already filling it a third of the way.

It took a few long seconds that felt like minutes, but eventually the firehose of dragon cum died down. But... with the container remaining not completely filled, the tendrils could only do one thing. And that was the same thing they'd done for a while now. They didn't even give him the mercy of a refractory period, continuing to stroke, and plow him.

"_hrk, Are they insane?! I can only go after a few more minuuuurgh."_Even Kalens' thoughts were shattered as they kept up the stimulation.

While dragons had prodigious output, and legendary libidos, even they had a refractory period. One that the arcane tendrils intended to ignore, and push past. They had a job to do, and were mindless pawns in it all. Of course, that didn't stop them from giving the dragon immense pleasure while milking him for all he was worth, and then some. Maybe a minute after his first orgasm, Kalen felt himself tightening up again. The mixture of post-orgasm afterglow and pre-orgasm tension was a heady cocktail. His ass was a mess, with the tendril roughly thrusting into him, and his whines only being muffled by the tendril in his muzzle. Not even the sweet taste of the sap was distracting him from being so totally reamed. But, it was a good pain, and with every thrust, it was bumping up against his prostate. With the lube being produced by the tendril, it was easy going.

Well, easy being a very relative term when each thrust made the dragon shake, and the rest of the tendrils pull him back into place above the tub.

Another tear followed the first as an almost painful, and yet, extremely blissful orgasm followed the first one just minutes before. It hit him suddenly, with minimal buildup. The tendril paused for a moment, letting him empty his load into the tub. The dragon heard messy splashes with every spurt, and felt quite nearly completely emptied. But... It wasn't full.

A probing tendril dipped itself into the tub. It was mere inches from being full. That meant their job wasn't done, though. This time, they allowed Kalen to catch his breath, but only for two, perhaps three minutes at most. While a dragon may need to rest, that was none of their concern for the moment. Kalen squirmed in their grasp, and every muscle in his body protested. Kalen himself was sure they wouldn't get a third one out of him, rather his heart would explode long before that point. Said heart was already beating a mile a minute as they started back up once more. Hopefully, this would be the last time, though...

"hhrrrrrrr" Kalen weakly growled at the tendrils.

Already he'd be regretting this for days afterwards. But still, they kept on. His cock was oversensitive, and felt a bit overused. His balls, safely hidden away inside him, felt nigh-empty. But... nigh-empty was not quite empty. And if the mage were to have his way, he'd have it all. Each stroke was torture, and his prostate was being battered with every lively thrust into his ass. A moments' pause, and another tendril joined the first inside him. The dragon was already stretched out enough to accommodate them both. The extra tendril alternated with the first, thrusting in when the first pulled out. His throat felt raw, whether from the tendril poking into it, or his choked moans and cries, he couldn't be sure.

Already his extremities felt numb, and internal balls aching. If they wanted any more than another orgasm, he'd surely die. Already though, he felt like he was going to die all the same. But, he was sure he could push through at least one more. And the tendrils, milking him for all he's worth, intended to test that theory.

The dragon writhed as the tendrils did their best to milk a final orgasm out of the dragon. If he were lucky, it'd overfill the tub. And if not.... Well. They had as long as the spell would last. His silvery-gray scales rippled as he tensed up, muscles tightening. As hard as he tried, he couldn't free himself from the tendrils wrapped around his form. But, that wasn't his goal. Every bit of stimulation on his cock, prostate, and grazing the back of his throat was only driving him towards one final goal. Every inch of his lungs burned, and he forgot he even had legs, wings or claws. It took a while, but the upwards swell of pleasure was threatening to pull him over the edge once again.

He didn't resist.

Wet, sloppy slapping sounds came from his ass, and the tendril in his mouth stretched his jaw. Any rougher, and they risked damaging him. But, they were more than content to keep up the fast pace. Once again, Kalens' muzzle clamped down on the tendril as his last orgasm hit him like a sack of bricks.

"HrrRRR" He cried out, but his cries were almost silent.

It felt like his brain forgot that he had any limbs at all, save for one. And that was more of a fifth leg, as it were. His tail writhed, only held in place by the tendrils. The rest of his body followed suit, contorting as much as they'd let him. The coils around his breeding rod tightened, desperate to milk the last bits out of him. It was both a massive relief, and a massive orgasm once the dragon finally relaxed. All the limbs he had went slack, only being held up by the tendrils. Spurt after heady spurt filled the tub, overfilling it enough that a few gobs of dragonseed stained the floor.

Another series of tendrils pushed the tub out of reach of the dragon, as they continued milking out the last of his orgasm. Kalen hurt all over, but the afterglow was immensely worth it. With his body as numb as when he'd been captured, he barely felt the cold stone floor as they set him down. The chains clinked and rattled as his limbs tucked towards himself. Everything hurt, and he was glad he was numb. But, to be sure, that was the best orgasm he'd had in... years?

Wait a minute.

Ack-kalenh coughed as the last of the tendrils unplugged his muzzle. A sweet, somewhat salty mix irritated the back of his throat. It had lasted just long enough. And now, memories from Kalen flooded back into his mind.

"Oww.... Best in years, but ow..." Ack-kalenh curled up into a dragon-sized ball of scales.

One by one, the lights flickered out of existence. Of course the mage couldn't make a perpetual energy ball. His tail flicked from side to side, and he mumbled a simple spell. A massive ball of light drowned out the rest of the comparatively-dim lights. It was practically mid-day in the dungeon, now.

"Useless mage. And just where do you think you're going?" He glared at the last of the tendrils, poking out of their arcane portals.

A few more words, and their spells were renewed, but this time, under his control. He made them pull the tub back towards him. Ack-kalenh would be damned if he didn't at least get a sample. Shoving his muzzle into the tub, he lapped up a small amount eagerly. Just enough that it could be dismissed as a bit of a spill. The rich, creamy taste washed over his tongue. A smile crossed his muzzle. Even with his aching balls, it had been his best record yet. Of course... there were ways to fix that aching.

Another batch of spells. If the mage hadn't noticed the chain, he certainly wouldn't notice any of these, either. The ache disappeared, replaced with a full sense of satisfaction. And, well, a bit of pride, besides. Ack-kalenh added another mark to the chain. If the mage was that dumb, then this sorcerer more than intended to take advantage of this vacation of sorts. Besides, his clients could wait a while. And, while he could summon his own milking tendrils, and better ones at that, it was different when someone else was doing it.

And so, he didn't hesitate for a moment. This time, it'd be breakable by a phrase. One he'd recognize, even if he wiped everything. Just to be safe though, he etched it into the same chain links...

"Wait. Where am I again? Shit, did I get captured again?" Kalen moaned, complaining.

Ack-Kalenh The Amnesiac's business could wait. Right now... was the time to have a bit of fun.
