
Story by LucifersChef on SoFurry

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The stripclub was dimly lit, most of the illumination coming from flashing lights on the writhing dance floor. I sat at the edge of the floor, sipping my drink at the bar as I watched the writhing crowd with nervous butterflies in my stomach.

I looked up in surprise as a big tiger settled beside me, the man a tower of muscle. I snuck a peek at his toned body under the tight clothes he wore, feeling my wolfhood harden as I took in the delicious sight. He smiled back and I blushed.

"How are you today?" He accepted his drink from the barkeep and took a sip of a frothy beer as he spoke. His voice was deep and rich, making me shiver. I can just imagine him dominating me as he plunges his barbed length into my backdoor.

"Great thanks. Yourself?" I reply, feeling deliciously naughty with my thoughts. My maleness feels like it'll burst out of my pants and I cross my legs to hide the bulge.

"Been better but I'm bearable." He takes a big slurp of his drink. "Eaten many tonight?" He inquires casually, mistaking me for a predator due to my species.

I blush deeper red, glad my fur is black and it can't be seen. I'm sure I'd look like a fire truck by now otherwise. "Umm... well actually, I'm not a pred."

He nods casually. "Ah ... sorry, I just assumed, the whole wolf thing and all."

"Yeah, kinda makes it hard to get eaten. Everyone jumps to conclusions. I sometimes wish I was a fox or a rabbit. I'd be digesting by now." I sigh wearily, head in my paws.

I start when I feel a pair of paws on my shoulder and I look up to find him smirking, his strong paws massaging my neck. "Nothing wrong with a wolf. In fact, I happen to like a bit more ... substance to my meals."

I shiver in excitement, my tail wagging against his strong legs. "Really?" I almost yip, turning around to face him. My head is level with his perfectly defined pecs and his masculine scent fills my nose. I struggle not to cream my pants right there.

"Definitely. Have to eat lots to look like this." He slaps his furry abs and I nod in agreement.

"I'd definitely look great on your abs." I comment, licking my lips at the idea of being totally dominated by this male. Digested into shit and muscle, my own life totally useless to the big predator. I was just food in his eyes, like a takeaway pizza - a quick snack.

"Strip." His voice was a deep rumble and I obeyed immediately, my clothes ending up on the dirty floor. My red wolfhood popped out of my underwear already drooling and I blushed, looking up to him hoping for approval of my body.

"It'll suffice." He growled. "I see your look. You want to be fucked. Sadly, I don't have the time ... I'm sure your ass is nice and tight but you're takeaway food."

I sighed and my smile shrunk but I nodded. I was food at last and I couldn't complain. "Can you just... you know, just get me off one last time?" I asked hopefully.

"If you cum as you're going down, I'm not going to complain, but you're doing the work." He shrugged and lent forward, giving my face a lick. "Now hop up on the bar."

I nodded and hopped up, sitting on the smooth shiny material, my legs swinging. The tiger smirked, kneeling before me and I shivered, my cock giving a spurt of pre-cum as he gathered my legs together and licked my paws, tasting me. I moan, unable to stop myself from wiggling as he opened his maw wide. His shiny, sharp teeth glinted as he slid my paws into his throat with gentle hands.

I looked down at him pleadingly and he nodded faintly as I clenched my hands longingly beside my cock. With his permission, I grabbed it and began to stroke as his mouth crept up my ankles. I could feel the wet, humid chamber encroaching slowly.

I had no clue how I tasted but he seemed to be enjoying me, his tongue lathing my body in saliva as my legs bent to slide down his throat. I frantically stroked my wolfhood, which throbbed blood red, nearly exploding. My knees vanished down his hungry maw and I squirmed, knowing soon I have to feed him my hands and will no longer be able to jack off.

I realised, as my thighs vanished into his mouth, I never even found out the name of my devourer. I blushed, thinking about how slutty I must be to let a random guy eat me without even getting his name. However I don't get to worry about that for long, as I'm startled out of my thoughts by a tongue on my balls.

I let my hands go slack as his hungry maw slides over my swollen balls and dick, pre-cum slipping onto his tongue. He lets out a moan, obviously enjoying the strong flavour of my genitals.

I laid back, my hands slipping into his maw as he began to slurp over the abs I'd worked so hard on. I sighed happily, closing my eyes and focusing on the pleasure. My cock was being pressed hard against the back of his throat. I could feel his saliva pooling in my navel, his lips slurping at my elbows. I let out a long moan as my wolfhood began to shoot, squirting salty cum into the abyss of his gullet.

I could feel his tongue on my nipples now and I opened my eyes again, seeing him so close to eating me. I straightened out my neck, staring at the dirty ceiling and closed my eyes as the hot breath began to stroke my whiskers. It smelt faintly of myself, the musk of my cum.

His teeth closed just above the tip of my nose with a clack and I shivered, knowing there was no going back. There hadn't truly been since I volunteered, but now it felt so much more final, sinking home.

I wrinkled my nose as I slipped into the humid, fragrant insides of the tiger. I soon found myself curling up in his stomach. I could feel myself being jostled as he moved, probably on the way to the appointment he had to reach.

I moaned one last time and let my eyes close as I felt my body begin to soften around me, content in having finally fed a predator and nourished the beautiful tigers muscles.

Fireman Cum

Flames flickered in the windows of the house behind them as a stallion in a fireman's outfit set the rabbit he was carrying down on the grass by a vivid red fire truck. The rabbit looked up at him in awe, and hugged the stallion suddenly. ...

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