Shattered Diamond

Story by theviewer34 on SoFurry

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A short story explaining the backstory of my friend Turbo's characters. You can find his gallery here


"Hello, I'm calling on behalf of CRMC. We have someone attempting to break in at the moment. No, our security team should be able to handle it. Mmhm. Yes, we just need someone to sort things out when we have them in custody. Thank you." Diamond hung up the phone and sat back in her chair. It was no surprise someone would attempt to infiltrate the company with R&D on the verge of a breakthrough. In fact, the most unexpected part of all this was that it took so long for someone to try. She reached under her table and felt for the button to alert security. Her delicate finger pressed the button in, but the locking doors and sound of the alarms didn't happen. Rather, there was only the noise of a door opening and footsteps entering. "I wouldn't bother. We've already disabled the system."The voice was gruff, the speaker having growled his words in an attempt to disguise his voice. Diamond looked up to see four men entering the room. Despite the masks they wore, she immediately started to catalog every detail she could manage. Despite the masks, she could piece together some basic information by the shape of their muzzles and bodies. All four were male: Two canines, a feline, and a bull. Judging by the snout, one of the canines was a Doberman. The sheer black tail on the feline indicated him to most likely be a house cat. Most concerning however was the weapons they brought with them. The bovine wielded a sledgehammer, no doubt a tool to assist their trespassing but still lethal. The feline held a short barreled shotgun while Diamond could only guess they all carried some sort of smaller firearm under their coats. "I suppose you're here to steal our research?" She stated in an exasperated tone. All she needed to do was get them talking. The conversation would be recorded and any information she could gather from them would be invaluable. "Smart secretary they got here. Let's put it this way. You be a good girl and show us what we want and nobody gets hurt." The bull stated in the same gravelly voice. Good, Diamond thought. Things would only get much worse for her if they had known she was actually one of the leading researchers. She slowly moved out of her chair and into a nearby corner of the room before giving a simple nod towards the monitor. The canine of undetermined breed moved towards the desk and quickly began searching for any and all data they could find. "I'll be honest. I didn't think CCR would stoop to basic theft. I figured they would try a spy or something less brute force." "How did you know CCR sent us?" spoke the feline before receiving a swift punch in the arm from the Doberman. Diamond took another glance at the one sitting by the computer. A fox tail protruded from the hole in his pants. "Relax, it's not enough for them to go on. Of course they would call out their competitor as the prime suspect. Still, no more slip ups. Hurry up and tie her."

The bull moved towards diamond, leaving his hammer against the wall as he pulled some rope from the bag slung around his shoulder. He approached without saying a word as he planned to wrap the ropes around her without a fight. He was wrong. As he threw the first loop around her back, she raised her arm and struck him across the face with the back of her hand. The bull stumbled backwards and landed on his ass before quickly scrambling back to his feet. While her sudden outburst was surprising in its own right, the blow had more force than he would have expected from someone her size. Diamond heard the chair chair move as the fox stood up. She was quickly blindsided by the butt of his gun slamming into her cheek. She felt no pain despite the large tear of skin and fur from her face. The ring of metal resounded in the room as Diamond faced the fox. Bare metal marred her otherwise perfect face. She grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off his feet with only one arm. "She's one of those fucking androids!" The fox screamed as he kicked and struggled, though he forgot to disguise his voice. Diamond prepared to throw the helpless man over the table, but noticed the bull approaching out of the corner of her eye. She barely had time to lift her other arm in defense before the sledgehammer crashed into her. Metal crunched and bent under the weight of the hammer. Diamond's arm had been utterly destroyed at the shoulder, rendering the limb useless before it fell off. It fell suspended only by the synthetic flesh covering her body which tore under the weight. The fox regained his composure and placed his pistol under the arm holding him up. He fired several rounds into her arm, forming a hole and disabling her ability to use her hand. The bull prepared for another swing, this time aiming low and cracking down on her shin and breaking it off as well. Diamond fell harshly onto her back. Her mechanical mind raced as she tried to think of something she could do to escape, to fight back, to expose their identities. Her new upward angle allowed her to see the feline stand on the table and take aim with his weapon, and it was at that moment she knew nothing could be done. She closed her eyes and accepted her fate. She began to shut down. All her processes slowed and stopped to the point she was only dimly aware of the sound of gunfire. The cat fired several times into his helpless target until a large chunk of her torso opened to the surrounding air. "These things creep me the fuck out." He said as the adrenaline began to wear off. "At least we don't have to worry about a witness now." stated the Doberman before continuing "Hurry up and get the files. I don't want to be caught with this mess on top of everything else." The fox gave a quick nod an went back to searching through the system files. The bull meanwhile looked over the mechanical corpse. "Shame, she's pretty hot. Don't much care for the insides." "Since when do any of us care about what a girl's got on the inside?" chimed in the cat in an attempt to bring some levity. After some tense moments, the thieves finished copying the files to a portable drive and left as quickly and mysteriously as they came.


Turbo arrived to see the building already closed off to anyone not involved in the investigation. The cheetah lifted the police tape and entered the lobby. He took a quick look around, yet the lobby seemed relatively undisturbed. What did catch his eye however was his boss standing near an elevator. Turbo took a deep breath and walked over to the large bulldog. Every moment around this man was a test in patience and sanity. "They didn't tell me much on the way, just that there was a murder involved with some breaking and entering." he stated, trying to get to the point as quickly as possible. "One of the labcoats was working late last night when some loser breaks in. Apparently things take a turn for the worst and he offs her. Did a real sick job from what I hear." The elevator arrived and the pair entered. Turbo wondered if his boss could feel the tension between them. He dreaded any time they had a quiet moment together because it usually meant some idiotic and bigoted statement would follow. "Why close off the entire building? It sounds like this should be just the room where everything went down." Turbo pondered out loud in hopes of staying on track. "They're not taking any chances with this. We still haven't pinned down the point of entry. They want every floor checked, including records of who is on call and when. Sounds like a pack of nerds butthurt over losing their new sex toy project if you ask me." Turbo rolled his eyes and grit his teeth while he waited for the painfully long ride to end. When the doors opened, the feline once again saw nothing too out of order. Several men gathered in the hall next to an office discussing what had happened. It was only when he walked into the room that Turbo found the gruesome site. In the back of the room hidden behind the desk was the body of a female android. Shattered limbs littered the area around her with various pieces of scrap metal scattered between. Her face was frozen in a slightly disgruntled expression. There was no hint of terror in the lines on what was left of her face, but rather a grudging acceptance of her own demise. The thought occurred of how lifelike she would look when she was alive compared to the inanimate husk she was now. "I thought you said there was a murder. This looks like destruction of property at best!" the bulldog began to huff and puff in his usual manner. Turbo supported the wall while his superior began a string of insults and damn near literal barking over what he considered to be a waste of time and gross misuse of police time and effort. The supervisor for the local division of CRMC tried in vain to justify his decisions and point out that Diamond, like most other androids, had her own form of life, feelings, and desires. The chief inspector was having none of it. Eventually the supervisor realized speaking only added fuel to the fire and resigned himself to the man's incompetence. The bulldog gave one last spout of anger before turning around and heading straight to the elevator. Meanwhile, Turbo approached the poor man. "I'm sorry about him. Honestly he causes a lot more problems than he's worth. My name is Turbo. I guess we should start with how you first found out about the situation?

The parrot sighed. "It was actually the police who found it first. Diamond was working late last night. She called the police after seeing the intruder, but didn't activate our security lockdown or alarm for some reason. We're thinking she tried to stop whoever it was from reaching the computer, so they resorted to force. She's designed to be as strong as an athlete, but weapons are about as effective on her as anyone else." Turbo moved to the body and inspected it. Photographs had already been taken of the scene however he moved cautiously all the same. He pulled aside her shirt and inspected was remained of her shoulder. He took up her arm and gave it a quick look before judging the large hole in her abdomen. "It looks like she was hit with a large blunt instrument on her left arm. Judging by the location, it would have to be someone fairly tall and muscular in order to wield it. The hole in her right arm was made by a small firearm at point blank range, the one in her stomach from something larger. I find it hard to believe that only one person had all of this on him." He looked at the table and spotted several empty shells leftover from the feline's barrage. "If I had to guess, I'd say no less than three. She grabbed on to one, another started attacking to get her off. He knocked her down, third one jumps on the table and starts shooting. The one that was grabbed takes a pistol and shoots into her arm to make her let go. How is the security system activated?" "There's a small button on the underside of the table. Every office has one installed." replied the parrot. He didn't have any objections to what the investigator had stated. It all seemed quite plausible to him. Turbo knelt down and glanced at the ceiling, the bullet holes confirming his theory. He reached over and pressed the security alert button only to receive no response. "Looks like it's either disabled or broken" he stated as he stood back up. "I don't know what to tell you. I'd love to do everything I can to help out on this case, but if my boss pulls it then there's nothing I could do. We don't have much to go on at the moment. As far as we know, it could be anyone. We might be able to find out more after a proper autopsy is done, but until then my hands are tied." He spoke while allowing his displeasure to show on his face.

The supervisor grumbled and shook his head. "So much for proper authorities." he muttered under his breath. "I have a feeling this was done by Controlled Cybernetics and Robotics. It wouldn't be the first time they've tried to get one up on us by stealing our research." he stated in one last hope of gaining assistance. "Unfortunately a guess isn't enough to get a warrant. Without one the most we can do ask ask politely if they did this or not." responded the investigator. He could sense the desperation in his voice. This man was obviously not taking the situation well and the lack of help from the law was only making things worse for him. Suddenly he motioned Turbo to follow him as he left the room. The other members of the police force continued to do their jobs while the pair left for their privacy. Once out of earshot, the bird placed his beak near Turbo's ear. "We_are_one of the most profitable companies in the country. This research is very important to us, and we have quite a bit of extra money we could donate to help quicken the investigation." Turbo responded by gently pushing the man back. "I'm sorry, I don't accept bribes. We'll keep in contact if we find any new leads." The cat walked away shaking his head only to stop a few paces away. His eyes darted back and forth as his mind worked. "Actually." he started before turning back to face the supervisor. "If you have the money to throw around, you could just hire me to work the case privately. We just need to fill out some paperwork and I'll be on your payroll." A smile broke across the corners of the man's beak before he enthusiastically agreed. He then lead his new soon to be employee to the elevator. When they reached his office, they quickly began negotiating the terms and wages involved. Unknowingly to Turbo, the rest of the police staff had finished their business and left to file their own reports. Yet the body of the android had not been taken away to be examined. The decision had ultimately been made that she was in fact property and that it was up to CRMC to dispose of their product in an environmentally safe method.

After a few hours passed, the branch supervisor received an email as his negotiations with his commissioned detective came to a close. "Well Turbo, it seems we have some new information we can share with you. If you'll please follow me we can hopefully get back on track to finding the culprits." Turbo's mind was still foggy from the exhaustion that usually accompanies finding a new job. He had filled out forms recording employment, tax forms, Non-Disclosure Agreements and Contracts, not to mention the actual negotiating of these forms. He followed without saying a word until they were both in the elevator. The parrot selected one of the basement levels of the building, thus beginning the lengthy ride downwards. "Most of our theoretical research and coding are done on the upper levels. We also keep management such as myself and other bureaucratic necessities up here. We keep our production labs and testing facilities in the basement levels. We have far more room to work and in a much safer environment this way." he spoke. Turbo only gave a noise of acknowledgment in return before the bird continued. "We're also working on gathering the security footage and employee time stamps for you to look over. We don't keep superfluous data for too long, but we're holding on to everything we have at the moment just in case." The elevator finally reached its destination and the doors opened to another hallway. Unlike the upper floor they came from, these doors seemed far more secure. Some were metal and locked with electronic pads while others had large presumably bullet proof glass windows allowing the room to be observed. With a swipe of his ID, the supervisor opened one of the metal doors to a dimly lit area that Turbo could only guess was some sort of assembly area for androids. He had heard once that all androids were created by hand to avoid overpopulation and preserve uniqueness. Outer cases could be cut to different sizes to provide for different heights and sizes of androids, though most companies stuck with fractions of meters for simplicity's sake. A large table rested in the center of the room presumably used to assemble the parts together into the finished android. Turbo could see a figure on the table covered by a light blocking sheet. The table itself was currently tilted upright to the point its occupant would slide off if it were raised any higher.

The supervisor walked towards the table and swiftly removed the sheet. Turbo's eyes widened as he saw the figure resting beneath. The android this entire case revolved around lay bare on the smooth metal surface. She had been stripped of all clothing, allowing the cheetah to see exactly how much damage she had sustained and where. He also took the time to fully study her figure. Her synthetic fur was a light cream color in a stripe down the center of her torso but surrounded by a light purple that stretched up to her face. A third shade of much darker purple covered her arms from the shoulders down and from her toes to her knees. Her namesake came from the markings on her shoulders and wide hips, light blue diamonds that shown when activated but currently remained off. Her short hair matched the color of her limbs which likewise matched the color of her nose. Turbo's eyes drifted downward to her exposed chest. Both sizable breasts were capped with a nipple matching the darker color of her fur, though the upper half of the left breast shone with metallic brilliance from the removed flesh. His eyes continued downward until he saw the exposed lips of her vagina. He could spy the same dark purple color as her nipples and the whole thing topped with a tuft of unkempt pubic fur. All in all she was a perfect example of the feline form. Turbo couldn't help but wonder what his life would be like if he had met her even just a few days before. "She's a beauty, eh?" The parrot spoke, making Turbo jump slightly as he suddenly became aware of his surroundings again. "We designed her to be almost indistinguishable from organic life, but we hit the jackpot for the code in her brain. She's quite a learner. She managed to work her way to a position as one of our lead scientists in a remarkably short time. And that's why we have her down her. As you can see, her head only has minor damage. With Diamond being such a successful model, we decided to give her a memory backup. It was rather difficult to get that approved, but we figured it was worth it." he stated with no lack of pride in his voice. "Alright. But why is she naked?" Turbo questioned simply. "It's usually pretty difficult to perform repairs with clothes in the way. That's why we have her on the table, by the way. Her power and cooling systems were destroyed but her memories are intact. Once we have her back up and running, we can ask her first hand about what happened." replied the supervisor. "Then why go through the trouble of contacting the police over a murder? You could have just as easily reported the crime as industrial espionage!" Turbo cried. "Okay, calm down. Destruction of an android is still considered on the level of taking an organic life. Granted it's still a hotly debated topic, but I digress. We had hoped labeling the entire thing as a murder would help add a sense of urgency to the case and have it resolved quicker. Your boss threw a wrench in that plan." Turbo sighed and shook his head. "This is a lot to take in. I appreciate keeping me in the loop, but I'll stick with some old fashioned detective work. Give me a call when she... uh, wakes up." "Right. We both have a lot of work to do. We'll go ahead and get you a copy of everything so you can look through it at your own pace. Let us know the moment you find anything you think we need to be aware of."



Turbo rubbed his eyes as he bathed in the light of his monitor. The past couple days had been a blur of watching footage from each security camera and comparing it to the list of employee work times. No suspicious activity had shown itself yet and he was beginning to question whether or not the criminals had the foresight and capability to sabotage the cameras. His phone started to ring, but he was only dimly aware with it. It wasn't until the phone almost stopped on its own that Turbo finally realized what was happening and answered the call. "Hey, Spottybutt!" the cheetah ground his teeth at the name. "We have a new case and I need you here asap! You need to head to-" "I'm going to go ahead and stop you there, chief." Turbo stated with no subtlety to his anger. "I'm still working on the Cybernetics Robotics and Machine Company case that you oh so wisely decided to disregard. If you feel like getting off your fat ass and doing your job, I'll be happy to fill you in on what you missed." He added snidely. "Listen here you fucking sack of shit I-" "That sounds nice, but like I'm said I'm busy with actual detective work. So..." he drifted off as he finished the call. He leaned back in his chair and let the consequences of what he just did sink in. A smile spread across his face. 'Well that's a burned bridge." he thought to himself. Much to his own surprised, the outburst had actually given him the energy to continue his pursuits. Just before he resumed the current recording, his phone rang again. A grin broke out across his face as he mentally prepared all manner of insults and sarcastic replies to give his former boss who was undoubtedly frothing with rage at the moment. However, the number on the display did not match the number he had learned to dread. "Turbo here." he answered. "Turbo? It's Paul from CRMC. Have you made any progress on the recordings?" The cheetah took a quick look at the paused image on the screen. "Unfortunately it's been slow going. I've been comparing every person who shows up to the employee list. I haven't seen a unidentified person or anything out of place." "Damn. We're almost ready on our end. We want you to be here when Diamond wakes up." "Will do." he replied before finishing the call. He stood up from his chair and stretched. Aside from his usual exercises, he had been spent all his waking hours scanning that screen. He quickly dressed himself and was nearly out the door before he stopped. In his daze he had nearly forgotten something dear to him. He returned to his bedroom and found a necklace in the shape of an Ankh, which he promptly slipped around his neck and tucked under his buttoned shirt. Feeling fully prepared, he entered his car and left for his destination with no lack of eagerness.

Turbo wasted no time in getting to the laboratories. He tried to keep his focus on the potential clues he could gain from speaking with her, yet in the back of his mind he was more concerned with meeting her. The painfully long elevator ride finally ended and he worked his way to the same room he had been shown in his last visit. He found the gray parrot standing in front of the locked door waiting for him. "Hey! Are you ready?" the man asked excitedly as he saw the investigator approach. He received a quick nod in reply. With a swipe of his ID, the door opened and the red light flooded into the hallway. Diamond rested on the table, however it was immediately obvious to Turbo that something was different about her aside from the obvious restoration of limbs. She now had obvious lines where her joints and various pieces fit together. Turbo recalled Paul's words on how she was supposed to be almost indistinguishable from an organic person, yet now it was fairly obvious she was a machine. The thin fuzz covering the inside of her ears was removed to show the reflective metal surface underneath and her tail, which had once been full of long hair and fluff, now held a defined shape from the much shorter fur. Turbo felt a tinge of sorrow at seeing her in this new state. Though he would never admit it out loud, he found her inactive body to be far more beautiful than what he saw now despite the damage that body had sustained. He also took note of the clothing she was now dressed in, if it could be called such. Her body was only half covered by a sling bikini that pulled up against her groin, separated to show her flat stomach and immense cleavage before coming back together at a collar around her neck. The cloth itself was nearly transparent and he could see the points of her nipples forming bulges in the fabric. It seemed something more likely to be found in a lingerie store than in any swimwear seller. Her legs were covered by long black leather boots that rose to the middle of her thighs. She looked closer to a dominatrix than a scientist. "Curious outfit you put her in." Turbo stated with a slight accusatory tone. "There's a reason for it, trust me. It'll all make sense when she's awake. Speaking of, I'll start the boot up sequence." the bird spoke before typing on a nearby laptop. A simple chime came from the speakers as Diamond's processes resumed. Her body stirred slowly at first but became more and more deliberate. Suddenly her eyes shot open, causing Turbo's heart to jump. Her pupils, which matched the now glowing diamond patterns on her body, seemed to pierce sharper than any blade. He felt a deadly and damn near psychotic intensity behind those eyes, emphasized by the fact her pupils could only be seen by the outline surrounding them. She clenched and unclenched her fingers before she pushed off the table and onto the ground. She tested the fingers on her right hand while looking at it curiously before she bent her wrist back. Her forearm split slightly to expose metal and the barrel of some sort of weapon jutted from where her wrist hinged. She turned her gaze to her other arm. She raised her arm before quickly pointing it to the ground. A metal coil fell from her forearm and hit the ground before curling back up under her whim. Suddenly the lengthy whip-like appendage crackled with electricity at her command. She retracted both her weapons and turned to Paul, who sat with a smile on his beak. "Diagnosis complete. Everything is working as it should." "Excellent. This is Turbo, the detective we hired to help retrieve the stolen data." Diamond turned to the shocked man as he still tried to understand everything he had just seen. Her eyes darted around his entire body while she analyzed him. "Um, Hi. If you're feeling up to it, I'd like to ask you about the night you were...well, murdered." She paused in thought for a moment before speaking. "It'll be easier if I show you in my office." The three piled into the elevator in silence.


Diamond's account of the night was incredibly accurate compared to most testimonies given by victims. She reenacting her exact motions from her conflict with mechanical precision. It was a strange sight to behold as she held out her arm to lift an unseen assailant only to fall backwards shortly afterwards. She narrated her perspective as she acted out the scene. She included precise details on the size and species of each of her attackers. When she was done, Turbo felt much more confident about bringing a case against CCR, let alone getting a warrant to search their systems for the stolen document. "You were able to reenact your movements perfectly it looked like. Would it be possible to get your memories into a format other people can see? Video and audio files?" He questioned, hoping to get some physical evidence. "Android memories are massive in their original format. It would take some time to convert them, but it should be possible." Paul answered. "Great. Once we have that, we can turn it in and start pressuring CCR." Turbo chose his words very deliberately to avoid any hint that he may no longer be a part of the police force. "Actually we had something else in mind. With Diamond back in operational order and you on our pay roll, we figured a more direct retaliation was in order." "I don't like where this is going." Turbo stated. "It would take too long for the police to get to the next part of the investigation. We already took quite a lot of time getting Diamond her new modifications. It'll take some time for CCR to understand most of the research and figure out what to change and where to cover up the fact that it was stolen, but that's time we already spent. Besides, what are they going to do, accuse us of breaking in and stealing the research they can't even explain themselves?" The parrot spoke in a tone that indicated he would not be taking no as an answer. "There's the part where they seem to be fine turning someone into Swiss cheese. No offense." "None taken" Diamond replied in a casual tone. "We fit her with some more durable plating than what she had before. She looks less realistic, but it's nothing that can't be undone. If you're worried about getting attacked, I would suggest hiding behind her. No offense, Diamond." the parrot continued. "I don't appreciate being made a shield, but okay." "Well think of it this way. You two are both going in there. Detective, I expect you to lead Diamond in and help retrieve the data. She'll know what to look for and how to get it. If things get out of hand, let her take charge. Just try not to make a mess and I'm confident you'll be fine." Turbo still had his objections, yet he stayed his tongue. He knew the police might have some apprehensions about accepting evidence from an unlicensed private investigator, but he would be outright doomed if that self important bulldog was still technically the head of that case. "Fine. I'll do it." Turbo said with a sigh. "But you can guarantee me you'll come out okay, right?" he asked to Diamond. "I've got armor plating welded to me right now. You should worry more about yourself." she replied. It was then decided that the pair of felines would try to enter the building that night. Turbo took Diamond to the local branch of CCR that would have launched the attack and they waited until late into the night. They used this time to go over their plans, though Turbo silently prayed to his gods while Diamond spoke.

"How do you know the floor plan, anyways?" Turbo asked as the time for their mission drew near. "They're on public records. It's not some movie villain lair or anything; It's a an office building." "Makes sense." Turbo replied. He hoped Diamond wouldn't catch on to his nervousness about the whole ordeal. They both left the car, but before they started walking, Turbo asked "Are you sure you're not cold wearing that?" Diamond gave him a glance. "It doesn't hinder movement and there isn't much to grab on to. It's the most efficient thing I could wear short of a zentai suit. As for the cold..." She trailed off as she approached Turbo. She took hold of his hand and slid it underneath her suit and over where her heart would be. "I'm always cold." Turbo went wide eyes at the sudden forwardness, yet he understood her meaning. Her flesh had very little warmth to it, yet it felt so lifelike. In fact, he was more concerned with the soft synthetic flesh of her breast. He pulled his hand away. "Good point." was all he could muster to say. She turned to walk towards the CCR building only to be stopped as Turbo called for her to wait. "The entire point is to go in and out undetected, right? And if we do get into trouble, it's unlikely they'll open fire. Even if they do, it'll be more at you than me, right?" Diamond nodded as he talked. "Then I hopefully won't be needing this." He took off his sport coat and threw it into the car, followed shortly by his shirt and finally the bullet proof vest. Diamond held her gaze on him as he undressed. His body was toned, she noted, but not overly muscular. He kept himself in shape with a physique close to that of a runner or swimmer. She captured the image of him bared and stored it away, though Turbo would not be able to tell even if she had his full attention. "I think you'll be needing that vest" she added after he had finished. "You might not feel cold, but those things get stuffy quick. Besides, if we're trying to be quick about this, I'll do better without it weighing me down." "I don't know. If I get shut down, I can be repaired pretty easily. But if you go down, then you're gone for good." "For now" he replied. "Hmm?" Turbo chuckled to himself. "Sorry, it's something I'm looking into. It's part of the reason I'm sticking around for this. If an android can have their consciousness backed up to be put back into a repaired body, why not organics? There are stories of gods, undead mosnters, liches and that sort of thing. If it's theoretically possible, why not find a way to practice it?" He caught up to her and walked beside her. "Whatever you say, Spottybutt." For the first time, he felt no anger at the nickname. "Hey, it's not that spotted. I can show you when we're done here if you'd like." Diamond had gotten him stirred up with her boldness earlier, not to mention the joke of a costume she now sported. He was certainly not shy about his body when it came to flirting with women, and she was no exception. She chuckled in response before adding "That may be a bit too much for a first date." That wasn't a no, Turbo thought to himself. "Wait, you count this as a date?" he said, only to be countered by "Do you not?".

The half naked duo approached the building from the side, being cautious to stay out of sight of the security camera watching the door. As they drew near, Diamond let the metal whip coiled in her arm slide out. Suddenly she leaped up and swung her arm, causing the metal to wrap around the arm that held the camera in place. Electricity coursed through the device and Diamond felt for sure that the electronics inside were fried. "So much for a subtle approach. I thought the entire point was to mimic the way they broke in?" "This way is more expensive for them." She said coldly before trying the door, only to find it locked. She clicked open her right wrist and prepared to hit the lock with a blast, but paused as a sudden thought occurred. "This is going to be a bit loud. We're probably going to need something to muffle the sound." "Well I didn't exactly bring a pillow, so I don't know what you're expecting." "Clothes should do fine." She said as she threw him a quick glance. "Fine. I'll go get my jacket." Turbo sighed, but was cut off before he could turn around. "Your pants should be enough." "What? No! The car's right over there!" "Do you want this done quickly or not?" she asked bluntly, and though her expression was entirely serious, she was forcefully hiding a smile. "You know what? Fine." Turbo spat as he worked his legs out of his slacks. Diamond took the cloth and wrapped around the stump of her wrist before pointing it to the lock and firing. Turbo heard a mild, electronic noise and the door opened with a slight push. She tossed the pants back to Turbo who looked at them with a scowl. The blast had scorched a sizable hole in the fabric. "Great, what am I supposed to do with these now?" "Just toss them around the corner. We'll get them when we come back out." Turbo quickly jogged to the corner of the building and discarded the useless rags before returning to see her already in the building. Turbo suspected she did this on purpose, though he was ultimately very much at ease with their near nudity. Diamond crouched down as she peered around a corner on the lookout for anyone who might catch them. Turbo kneeled closely behind her, though his attention was more on her body. Her swimsuit came up to a ring around the base of her tail, but that was all. Almost her entire backside was exposed. Her round ass was only emphasized even further by her current positioning. Turbo felt very thankful that she was facing the other way or he would have to explain a very awkward situation. "The path to the elevator looks clear. Let's go." They hurried over to the elevator and pressed the button.

"So far so good. I don't know exactly what floor I'll be able to access the files from, but the top floor should be a safe bet. The security room is somewhere on this floor, so I think it's best to split up here. I'll try to keep an ear out for the elevator when you're done. I guess just try every floor until you find me." The doors opened and she climbed into the elevator. She turned around to see Turbo's concerned face. "Look on the bright side." She spoke in a soft tone that conflicted with her otherwise blunt nature. "We determined that your butt is, in fact, spotty." She flashed a smile before the doors closed. Turbo returned the smile and stood daydreaming for a few moments. Suddenly he remembered he had a job to do. He searched through the lobby and short hallways of the ground floor until he found a uniquely locked door. He quickly tried to think of any method he could use to unlock it or break it down when he was struck with inspiration. He knocked on the door slightly and waited, his body poised to attack anyone who opened it. He knocked again and kept himself at the ready. These kinds of doors were usually sound proof to avoid any outside distractions, so he had no way of knowing if anyone was inside or not. Just before he tested the lock, he door swung open and he launched a kick at the unfortunate guard inside. His foot was aimed at what he assumed would be head level, however he only felt hard muscle as his foot landed on the barrel chest of a bull. The bovine was unharmed aside from the intense confusion at seeing a cheetah in tight black underwear standing at his door. He quickly came to his senses and charged at the cat, crushing him against the wall with his massive size. Turbo squeezed out from between the wall and readied himself. "Why did I have to get the big guy?" He wondered as he tried to think of the best way to subdue the behemoth of a security guard. Standard police training and grapples would only take him so far against someone this size. Turbo ducked as the bull swung his big, meaty fist at him. When the next punch came, Turbo caught the wrist under his arm and countered with his own punch to the chin. This had little more effect than hurting Turbo's paw. This man was a tower of bone, muscle, and sinew. If he didn't think of something quick, guns would be the least of his worries.

Diamond left the elevator and proceeded to investigate the names next to each office. She rounded a corner and found what she was looking for. The uppermost floor only held janitorial equipment and other such supplies, but the one below that held what she needed. The door itself was unlocked, much to her relief. The man running this building seemed to be fairly confident nobody would try and break into his office. She approached his computer, thinking "With any luck, he doesn't lock his computer either." She shook the mouse and the screen lit up. Perfect! His computer had only been in a sleep mode. If there was a password, it wasn't needed. She quickly began to search the shared files for her document. First she looked for anything matching the title. Barring that, she also looked for any files of exact or similar size. While the computer worked, a curious thought crossed her mind. She began to look through his internet history. She looked through casually, clicking on anything that caught her interest. This man was quite a pervert from what she could tell. The times for each page were usually only minutes or seconds apart, but went throughout the day. She didn't hear the elevator open up, but the lights in the hallway suddenly turning on alerted her to oncoming trouble. With no chance of hiding or covering her actions, she decided the best she could do was stall for time. She turned on the lights of the office, sat back in the chair, and waited. She heard the footsteps of someone approaching, but they stopped cautiously. There was no way Turbo had finished his job by now, but there was no time to worry much about him. An equine man looked around the corner and took sight of Diamond sitting in his chair. "Well hello, this is a surprise! What's a bombshell like you doing in my office?" "Someone paid me for the night. I think someone was giving you a very....intimate thank you." "Lucky me. What's your name?" "Diamond." she answered as she stood up from the chair and placed her foot on the table. She slapped her thigh and drew her hand across the glowing diamond on her flesh. "Nice. You know, I may have a position here you would be perfect for." "Oh really? And what...position would that be?" The horse opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly turned his head as footsteps approached. "I'll be right back. I've got some friends coming who'll want a piece of this." Diamond continued her sultry looks, but internally she was preparing for a fight. They wouldn't be expecting her to pull out weapons, but it still leaves the problem of witnesses. She didn't like the prospect of fulfilling her role as a fake prostitute, but she was willing to do it if it were necessary. And it was that thought that disturbed her.

"Sorry about the wait by the way. Had to make sure you guys got the right file. I think the surprise you guys left in my office will more than make up for it." She could overhear him say as he approached the room again. "Hey, you're alright with three guys, right?" He said he walked in with a doberman and a panther following behind him. Diamond grinned widely at the sight. "I am, but are they? They seem to be a little concerned." she taunted. The horse turned and nudged the stunned feline. "What's the matter?You can't tell me you guys have never done this before. She's an android. They're clean!" "Th-That's the one! The one we had to off during the job!" The horse turned to see Diamond point the gun built in to her wrist at him. "Funny thing about CRMC quality products. We're very, very durable. I had hoped to avoid violence, but now that you're here, I'm going to show you exactly what being killed feels like. Rest assured, I'm going to kill you two, and it's going to hurt. The. Entire. Time." The cat bolted for the elevator while the canine reached into his jacket and pulled out his sidearm. Diamond waited until he aimed his weapon before firing her own shot with robotic precision. The bolt of energy struck the weapon from the doberman's hand, scorching both in the process. Seemingly ignoring the pain, he charged at Diamond. She was more than ready however, and with a swing of her arm, she wrapped her metallic whip around his neck. The electrical current that followed dropped him to his knees. "Now I know you didn't send these guys just to kill me." She spoke to the businessman who stood in absolute bewilderment. "So I'm not going to kill you" She continued. "However, you did try to steal my research and pass it off as your own. I'm going to have to get you back for that." The doberman clawed at the coil on his throat as his body writhed, prompting Diamond to tighten its grip. "Right now I'm going through your system and looking for my file. When I find it, I'm going to erase it, format the drive, then run a program to overwrite any remaining data three, oh hell, make it four times." The body on the floor stopped its struggling as death overcame it. Diamond continued her hold on it just to be certain. "My partner has disabled your security system by now. Aside from your testimony and these TWO CORPSES" she called out the feline who ran. "...You'll have no evidence we were here. I'd love to hear you try and explain why they are in your office. And good luck trying to explain how the woman who died mysteriously only a few days before murdered them. Funny thing about being legally dead, it makes it rather difficult to blame me for crimes committed after the fact. You could always accuse CRMC of espionage, but then, of course their closest competitor would blame them. Oh yeah, I'm also making a copy of your internet search history. By the way." She gave him a knowing look. "Oh, don't take it so hard. After all, you'll be able to read all about my research when I publish it. There will be a hefty fee for using my designs, but trust me. It'll be worth it."

While this was happening, the panther had ran back to the elevator. He had scarcely heard the sound of an energy weapon being fired before he was hammering the button to summon the elevator. "Come on, we just left this thing. How is it already downstairs?" he muttered as he pointlessly continued to press the button. After excruciating minutes of fear, the doors finally opened. Yet the panther did not enter. His way was blocked by the large bull who had assisted him only a few days before. "Oh, it's you! We have to get out of here! That robot bitch is back!" The bull did not reply. Instead, he leaned forward and collapsed onto the floor, revealing a very bloody and battered cheetah. The panther didn't have time to think. All he knew is that this man somehow took out the bull seemingly without weapons. He decided to take his chances with Diamond instead. The fight had been one of the most difficult ordeals Turbo had gone through. The bull seemed impervious to any kind of attack Turbo attempted. Punching him hurt his hands, kicking left him too vulnerable. He was too large to be grappled and his overwhelming strength let him power through anything. Turbo had only won by a last ditch effort that happened to pay off. He ran at the bull and quickly dropped into a slide, raising his leg and landing the bottom of his foot squarely in the bovine's groin. He had doubled over from the sudden pain, and Turbo took the chance to grab onto one of his horns and slam his head into the thin edge of the opened door. Blood streamed down from the gash made by the impact and the man slipped into unconsciousness. The horse had entered the elevator completely unaware of what was happening at the time. Having secured the room, Turbo made his way to the elevator to find Diamond. He was cut off when he saw the doberman and panther enter the building and move towards the elevator as well. By some chance of fate, both parties had not used the door damaged by his own entry. Turbo crouched around the corner while they ascended to the upper floors. Figuring the worst might happen when he arrived, Turbo summoned the lift back down and dragged the body with him. Once in the enclosed space, he propped the bull up against the doors so that, if a hail of bullets were waiting for him, they would hopefully be stopped by the wall of flesh. Turbo clambered over the fallen body in pursuit of the panther, though his entire body ached. By the time he arrived at the office, the black furred feline was already on his knees pleasing for his life. The equine man stood aside watching this with a disgruntled look on his face. Diamond slowly approached the kneeling man and gently lifted his head to face her. "Let me put it this way. I'm going to do to you exactly what you did to me. If you live, congrats. In the likely case you die, you should know you have nobody to blame but yourself." The man started to plea, but Diamond shoved him to the ground and fired a shot at his kidney. He curled up in pain, but Diamond's boot slammed onto his neck. She fired again and again into the same spot and only stopped when she noticed Turbo standing in the entryway. "Oh, hello. You look like shit." "Had a little trouble downstairs, probably a few broken ribs, but I'm alive." "So I see. By the way, do you remember how many times this one shot me?" She asked in a casual tone. "We only found five shells, but there could have been more." He replied with a gentle smile. "Good point." she replied before firing twice more, one burrowing a hole entirely through the now lifeless body and the other widening the hole. She stood up and ran a hand through her short and spiked hair. "That was...cathartic." "I'll bet. Are you all finished here then?" Diamond walked to the computer and checked her progress. She had started her erasing program while the canine was being strangled, and it had made decent progress. "It's already made the first pass, but it should be fine if we leave it. Even if he figures out a way to stop it, most of the data in this building is lost anyways." "So you're going to let him live then?" Diamond took another look at the businessman, who only responded by tucking in his lips. "I think so. We've come to an understanding. Let's just get out of here." She stepped over the two dead bodies that littered the floor and walked up to Turbo. They began leaving, however Diamond quickly surpassed Turbo who limped and struggled from his soreness. She slowed herself and eventually took his arm and threw it around her shoulders. They came to the elevator, though it remained opened as every time it closed it pressed against the body blocking. "Did you kill him?" "I don't think so. Took everything I had just to knock him out." "Well then. Please allow me to avenge my own death." She prepared to fire another shot before she was cut off. "As I remember, he didn't land a lethal blow." The purple cat paused for a moment in thought. "You're right. But he tried. He managed to take my arm and I only think it's fitting I do the same." She took a few select shots at this shoulder, leaving a mess that Turbo thought only a miracle would be able to save. Although the wound was blackened from the excess heat, it was not enough to stop the bleeding that soon followed. Turbo rested against the wall while Diamond tugged at the body to allow their exit.

With a quick stop by the security to room to remove any recordings and a moment to gather the remains of the cheetah's pants, the pair returned to the car and drove back towards the local branch of CRMC, their mission complete. Diamond offered to drive Turbo to the hospital, however he insisted his injuries could wait until after they reported back. "What's so important about this stolen research anyways? Most companies would have cut it as a loss and not bothered with all this revenge and espionage." He questioned as he drove on the silent streets. She sat silent in her thoughts before she answered "It's blueprints for a physical apparatus and accompanying operational procedures and instructional language for reproductive simulators on artificial beings hat displays above 99% accuracy in mimicking organic structure and senses." She spouted in an attempt to disguise the actual meaning of her work. Turbo sat quietly as he tried to understand what she had just said word by word while ignoring his own aches and pains. "It's... parts and code for android sexual organs?" "Yup. So highly advanced that it should feel the same for an android as it would for an organic." Turbo chuckled and shook his head at the relative silliness of it all. "It's not funny! This is a huge breakthrough for android relationships, as well as further understanding of android and organic relationships! It's the next step to making the two indistinguishable." She argued but couldn't help holding back a couple of laughs herself.


The feline pair arrived at their destination and quickly entered into the basement. There they found Paul, asleep on his desk with his phone resting nearby. A quick shake roused him and he blinked groggily as his senses came back to him. "Oh, how did everything go? You seem to both be in one piece. Relatively speaking." He looked Turbo up and down, hardly noticing his near nudity as he took in the damage he had received. "We had some trouble, but everything turned out alright. We made sure they no longer have access to my research and I got to have my own little revenge spree. Speaking of..." She flicked her wrist and aimed her barrel at Paul. The bird's eyes went wide as she suddenly had lethal intent, those piercing eyes burning into him. Turbo's body ran cold at this sudden turn, though he was too exhausted both physically and mentally to do anything about it. "Don't think I didn't notice the changes you made to me. I know my mind, Paul. I'm not usually this bloodthirsty. Usually. Someone tampered with my personality settings." "I swear it wasn't me!" He pleaded as his body trembled. "Well someone did! And you're going to fix it." She glanced over at Turbo as he stood cradling his arm. "And he's going to watch and make sure nothing else goes wrong while I'm out." She returned to her operating table and plugged herself in to the nearby laptop while the bird prepared to change some settings. Turbo had no idea why Diamond would place her confidence in him on this matter. He had no idea if the man was actually correcting anything he saw wrong or if he was only making things worse. "This is so strange. Someone definitely messed with her head. Did anything strange happen while you two were out? She didn't get captured or anything?" "I wouldn't know. We split up pretty early on. I don't think there was any time for someone to do anything, but then I'm no expert on these things." Turbo replied. "I'm going to reset her personality to her default. She should be more than capable of doing this herself. I think she doesn't trust herself enough to do it...wait, no...Aha! Whoever did this also locked her out of changing it." "Wait, you're setting her to default? That won't mess with her memories, will it?" Turbo asked. As strange as it was, he did actually enjoy spending time with her despite the beating he received and her own murder spree. "I said personality, not memories. She'll remember everything, don't worry. Think of it as changing all the noises and styles on a computer but leaving your documents untouched."

The man worked into the early morning hours trying to repair Diamond's mentality. It had been quite late when they arrived, but by now other workers were starting to show up for their usual work days. Finally Paul had finished hard coding the android back to her usual self, and with a quick sequence, she began to activate again. Once again her eyes shot open, though she maintained her piercing stare. Turbo was surprised to still see that insane gaze coming from her, though he soon realized that she would of course have no physical change. And yet there was some small change. For the first time, Turbo could see a gentle smile on her not accompanied by a sinister intent. "Thank you, Paul" She said as she rose off the table and on to her feet. "Sorry about threatening you earlier. I wasn't in a good mindset." "I'm just glad you didn't hurt me. Oh, the detective here brought you a change in clothes while you were out." Diamond picked up the neatly piled clothes and excused herself to a restroom to change. "So if she's one of your lead developers, why did you design her so crazy hot?" Paul chuckled at this. "I told you before, we meant for her to be indistinguishable from organic life. The fact that she is so quick to learn, from an android's perspective no less, is entirely by accident. Frankly, without the weapons and extra plating she asked us to add, the only way you'd be able to tell would be those glowing lines she likes so much." "Mmhm. I hope I get to see her once she's back to her normal body. Wait, she asked you to add the weapons?" "And the outfit." the supervisor answered. "We actually got her back up and running fairly quickly. When we tried to ask her about the night in question, she insisted we add those parts and that she would take care of it herself." "Which means the tampering was done before she first woke up." Turbo stated. Suddenly a commotion could be heard down the hall. The two rushed to see what was happening only to find Diamond pinning one of the developers to the wall by his neck. "Diamond! What are you doing!?" Paul yelled as he saw the fox against the wall kicking and trying to free himself. "Did you think I wouldn't notice, Gary?" She interrogated while ignoring her concerned onlookers. "I have voice recognition on top of not being an idiot. You let yourself talk that night, remember? And let me guess, you were the first one to offer to help get me back running when you found out." She turned to face Turbo. "I said there were four that night. A doberman, a bull, a black feline..." she turned to face her victim. "...and a cowardly, sniveling fox." "I didn't know they were going to hurt you! I didn't know you were here! All I did was let them in, I swear!" he babbled in a pitiful attempt to defend himself. It suddenly clicked in Turbo's mind why he couldn't find anything on the records. The security system could easily be disabled by an employee already in the building. Covering up any footage would be incredibly simple after that. "He does have a point though. He didn't try to murder you." Turbo tried to reason with her. She sighed in reply. "You're right. But he did pistol whip me!" She swung her fist and struck the side of his face with a bone shattering crack. The fox's body went limp as he quickly shut down to avoid the pain. "Oh, and the bullets in the arm." she added while delivering a swift kick. By now the security team had arrived and, through a quick explanation, put the fox in custody.

Turbo was escorted to a hospital shortly afterwards. Although he wasn't injured in any life threatening way, he still had several broken bones and needed several stitches. The expenses were high, however he had worked out medical coverage in his contract. CRMC was a wealthy company and he had done an exemplary job after all. The payment was well worth the effort, and while it had cost him his job with the police (as he found out later that same day), it also allowed him to move on with his life. He had enough money to last on his own while he recovered in addition to applying for a license to become an official private detective, which had been a lifelong dream of his. The weeks of his recovery passed as he kept an eye on any news of his case. Diamond of course was in no danger, being legally dead and nearly untouchable until proven otherwise. The night he spent with her made it to the newspaper that day, though it was given only a small segment. It would appear to anyone who read it that the owner of the building happened to go to his office during a break in. The two thieves, who were identified as notorious mercenaries specializing in such covert operations, had been murdered in self defense by the security manager. The security manager, a rather large and stocky bull, had been contacted by his boss after he discovered the break in. He was unable to prevent a near total loss of the building's data and had been severely injured in the conflict. He declined to give any comments on the evening. The case was tied in to a similar case that had happened just a few days before at a competing company which resulted in the tragic death of one of the employees. It had been discovered that same day that one of the employees had worked with the two thieves to sabotage an important ongoing project. Ultimately, it was decided that some third party had hired the two men to disable both companies.

Time passed. The cheetah had turned his apartment into an office, though he made sure to keep his more occult tastes out of sight of any potential clients. His injuries had healed with no complications and he was ready for a new case. Business was slow, as it would be for any new face trying to get a job in a large city. However, eventually came a knock on the door. Turbo dressed himself in a hurry and answered the door only to find the pleasant surprise of Diamond waiting for him. The first thing he noticed about her was her eyes, which he had only seen before as eerie blue balls of death and rage, now appeared as natural and calm as any organic would have. "Oh, can't say I was expecting you!" Turbo said gleefully. "I saw that you had started your own detective agency and thought I would stop by to see how you were doing. In fact, I think I may need to hire you for something." This of course surprised the cheetah. He offered her inside and quickly began finding supplies he would need for documenting the case. Diamond casually took in the living space turned office before slipping off her jacket. Turbo could see that she had gotten rid of the unneeded accessories built in to her limbs in favor of the more realistic appearance he had been told about. Although he tried to avoid staring, he couldn't detect a single flaw or joint line on her exposed fur. If he didn't already know her, he easily would have been fooled into thinking she was born from two very lucky cats. "So why kind of work do you need done?" He asked as he pulled out a notepad. "Missing person, actually." "Can you describe the individual and when they were last seen?" "Let's see. He's a devilishly handsome feline. Cheetah to be specific. Very fit, very noble. Spotted ass." She grinned as Turbo looked up at her. "We went on a date one night a few months ago, but he had to leave after he got injured. I haven't heard from him since." "I see." Turbo said as he approached the purple furred beauty, nearly pressing his body against her. "I think I may now where to find this guy." He continued as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her intro an embrace. She gladly reciprocated and more by pressing her lips up to his muzzle. Turbo noticed her body was still, in fact, cold all the way down to the gentle touch of her lips. He didn't care.