Commission - The Hyena's Kingdom - P3

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissions - Lion King

Now two sisters are willing, but known as skilled hunters they cannot expect what the hyenas have in store for them!

This is a commissioned piece for Shippo and is part 3/8 that I will be releasing over the next few days.


The aggressive lioness sneered at the sight of another group of hyenas heading their way and this time Banzai was at the head of them. He was looking curiously smug and Shenzi was sneering out at him in frustration. The aggressive one looked towards the group and noticed that a few lions had already left in a bid to appease the hyenas and protect their youngsters. She didn't like what was happening and was not going to be as well behaved as she turned towards Sarabi with a sneer and Shenzi just chuckled.

"You lions really are pathetic... at what point did you think it was better to stuff the males with food and let them focus solely on fighting? Your males can barely co-exist together! Not like us hyenas..." Shenzi began and the lionesses present just glared at her in frustration as she chuckled away, rolling a bone within her long paws. "Amongst my kind the females are the most powerful and the dominant ones... our males don't live unless they're tough and that way we always produced tough offspring..."

"Explain Ed then..." The aggressive lioness snarled and suddenly Shenzi was up on her feet and ready to fight. The two animals snarled at each other in frustration but did not go any further as Banzai stepped into the den reeking of sex and of the cub Nala. When the adults caught the smell they felt worried and Sarabi almost burst into tears before she realised that there were other cubs around the den. She immediately stood up, ready to go and cover those babies from his eyes but the other lionesses figured out things first. Two sisters with golden pelts that were practically identical save for their eye colour, stood up and in unison stepped in front of Banzai with soft smiles.

"Can we go together please my lord?" They stated with nervous and yet eager words which quite surprised the hyenas that had followed Banzai. He looked past the twins at first, peering at the rather mother aggressive looking animals beyond but his companions were licking their chops in fascination. As Banzai looked to them he then rolled his eyes and shook his head gently. He looked to the lioness with Red Eyes and then the one with Yellow Eyes... they were pretty but experienced females to be sure who bore a few scars from hunting and signs to say they'd produced young before. They obviously understood their role and together they were interesting.

With a grunt Banzai ushered the two females out of the den and Sarabi breathed a sigh of relief as she looked to the remaining cubs. She would have felt a little more relaxed and content about their fate if Golden and her mother Dark Tan had not wobbled in. The cub was grinning and looking like she'd been having a lot of fun playing but her mother was quaking with exhaustion and smelt of so many things that Sarabi did not want to ask. But she looked at Golden, smelt the cub as she went past to play with her friends and she shuddered in disgust. The cub smelt like she'd been touched but thankfully there was no evidence she'd been mated....

The twins meanwhile followed Banzai and his group out towards an area of land where it was open and there was prey feeding. At first the twins believed that they would be instructed to kill for the males to eat, after-all it was clear that Banzai had his own female to deal with and the twins were relaxed. However, it was clear when the animals present were revealed to all be young males of different herds looking for fun, the twins began to get a little nervous. They understood the fondness of the hyenas in humiliating the lions, already they had interrupted hunts that were to feed the hunting party and they used Shenzi as a barrier between the party and Sarabi. The young male animals present were not from the Pride Lands, they were all marked with scars to say they'd escaped hunts as youngsters and they were there to witness some kind of humiliation.

"It's a good thing you're twins... it'll make all of this quite fun. After-all, you've got seven males to service and only five of them are hyenas." Banzai grinned and the twins looked startled as a gruff looking buffalo with a missing ear stepped towards the group with a scratched up gazelle beside him. They already looked quite excited about what was going to happen and the twins shuddered in fear. So... this was a humiliation game and they'd willingly walked into it. But swiftly Banzai grabbed Yellow by her tail and tugged her to the side as a rather mangy looking hyena stepped over to Red. "Alright, Red, your job here is going to be straightforward... you want to let this Flea-Ridden guy breed you and if he likes you, he'll get to keep you. Your sister can watch whilst I play with her... then Yellow here can bend for one of the other males and I'll play with you."

The two lionesses looked fearfully towards one another, practically begging with their eyes that they did not want this to happen and that they needed to stay together. As Yellow was pulled to the side with Banzai, the other hyenas stepped around her and lay themselves in front of Banzai, blocking the sisters from each other as they let the Flea-Ridden one shuffle over to Red. The moment she saw the patchy animal she gave a grimace and backed away automatically towards the savannah, but the group of prey animals stepped forward, enclosing her in a ring. She then looked towards her sister with a whimper of upset as her sister was forced to lie down in front of Banzai and let him sniff at her back end as she trembled and whimpered in fear. Red had no choice, she had to lie before the Flea-Ridden beast as he bent his head down to lap at her with a cackle of amusement.

The moment his flat and rather dry tongue slapped the edge of her opening she gave a squealing sound of disgust, the moment she did the males watching gave a laugh. All Red could think about was the possibility of getting parasites or worse from this wretched creature as he positioned himself upon her and then gently grabbed at her scruff. Red dug her claws into the dirt, grimacing all the time as she prepared for the pain that was coming her way, however she did not except the Flea-Ridden bastard to stick his horribly musty cock straight into her back passage, making her scream aloud as the animals watching gave chortles of amusement to see a noble hunter being so badly humiliated.

"Whoops... I forgot to mention he only likes that hole... still, if that doesn't get you to cum then I'll make sure your sister enjoys watching." Banzai grinned, stretching out a paw to the edge of Yellow's pussy and feeling the heat searing from her. The moment he pressed his paw to it the lioness gave an uncomfortably hiss of air as he then began to rub his paw up and down to make her body clench about him with a mxi of upset and excitement. Red could not turn about to see her sister, she was too busy clenching her teeth together and trying not to notice the burning sensation within her bowels from being violated by the slow thrusting Flea-Ridden hyena that was drooling down her back. It kept grasping at her scruff, breathing snottily through its blocked nostrils as it thrusted greedily with grunts and gasps of pleasure as he savoured each gripping motion that permitted him to depart but fought so hard to stop him entering.

Red had to bite her lips so hard they bled as she tried to hold back on the strange pleasure she was feeling and instead she tried to think only of the pain. If she dared to enjoy herself than those watching her would laugh and torment her all the more, but if she tried to stop it then Red would only make it worse for herself and for her friends. She permitted the beast to keep drooling onto her body, to wheeze and groan as his knot shifted along his pallid looking shaft and squeezed its way into her. She gasped and even gagged enough to vomit at the sudden pain and the stretching of her backside that was so unnatural. Her vomit caused the beasts about her to laugh and yet Flea-Ridden was insulted and grabbed her at the ear, shaking her roughly so that his shaft jiggled within her and made her start to cry from the pain.

"Your sister's being much more cooperative." Banzai called out, turning to look towards the moaning Yellow who seemed so oblivious to what was going on with her sister. Instead she was getting so wet from his fingering that he could fit two of his fat toes into her crevice and flick the edge of her pulsating clit. Yellow was clearly coming into season soon and far too excited by the idea of having someone touch her in that way that she was starting to look to Banzai with love-drunk face that beckoned him to continue. Banzai grinned and then looked towards a young looking member of his gang and gave a bark to him. "Come on Kid... it's your first time so I've made her more than willing for you."

The young hyena shuffled over with a grin on his face, already his shaft was fully erect from watching the event and the prey animals were laughing in amusement at the eagerness of the young male and for the fact Yellow was clearly panting with her wish to get it over with. All attention turned away from Red who remained locked with the tiring Flea-Ridden hyena still pushing himself in and out of her, practically purring as he began to reach his climax. Red could hardly stand the sensation of his precum trickling into her passage, if only because it irked a more humiliating need within her body that she certainly would not grace the on-lookers with. As her partner reached his climax in a sudden jolt as he nipped his lip and practically slapped her shoulder, she gave a yowl of agony as his rather thick clot of cum burst into her passage and she scrabbled out from under his form as he sat back on his rump and breathed a sigh of relief as she rushed towards a bush to vacate the load from her soiled body.

The animals watched her and were laughing, but their eyes were swiftly looked upon Yellow as she jerked her backside up and gave soft little whimpers for the young male to mount already. The young male was surprisingly nervous in the presence of so many others but the seductive, beckoning expression upon Yellow's face intrigued him more and entertained the guests greatly. When the young male approached he froze suddenly as if he was not sure what to do and this made Yellow whimper.

"Please... please... just put your cock in me... please..." She whimpered and it only made her audience cackle all the more as her sister grimaced in disgust and tried to step over to her sister. Banzai noticed this and swiftly looked to another member of the clan to pin her down before he could have his fun with her. Red noticed the look and almost bolted when a large male with a mane down his neck that stood up like a Frill pinned her down. He made sure to put his full weight of her chest as she scrabbled and Banzai stepped over to her, he grabbed her head and turned it about so she could get a full view as her sister was finally penetrated and came very quickly around the young male's shaft, making him jolt upon her body.

Though Red struggled not to watch, she was soon whimpering in upset as she felt her other hole... the most private one of all... being pressed at by a curious paw still sticky from touching her sister. Although a little loose from the rubbing motions, the doorway tried to stay firmly closed, clenching each time she heard one of her sister's moans of pleasure. It was obvious to Banzai that Red was not close enough to her season to be as cooperative as her twin but he had firm plans for her. Even if he couldn't get her to cum either, he'd make sure she was humiliated all the same and he pressed her head down into the dirt in the direction of her moaning and panting sister.

Yellow's hyena companion was still new to everything and the moment his knot pressed to her body he yelped in fear at the sensation of heat. But the moment he pulled back Yellow began to pant and whimper for him to continue, making the hyenas with more experience around him laugh and holler at him to keep going. Yellow continued to call and beckon him to spill his load within her, but the male was a little nervous. Banzai just shook his head and then gave a suggestion for Yellow to help the male out. Although Yellow Eyes would rather he came inside her, she as so drunk from the affections and attentions that she spun about to wrap her tongue about the visible knot in hefty slurps... lines of drool connecting her chin to the pulsating young cock. The young hyena gave a whimper of pleasure and delight at the attention before, quite suddenly, he spurted his cum straight into the lioness' face, causing roars of laughter as Yellow began to lap it off her face and even try to wipe it across her moist crevice.

"You lot better help her get wide enough for what's coming her way." Banzai grinned as he turned towards the impatient looking buffalo before he turned towards the gazelle that trotted over to him. "Be as rough on this bitch as you want... she'll cum eventually."

Red snarled, trying to snap her teeth on Banzai but the male on her back grabbed her ear and bit in deep. She gave a screech at the pain and lifted her hind quarters, ready to twist and fight but that had been the plan. The moment she lifted her body the white belly of the gazelle was pressed on her hips, its weight making her jolt as it's bright-pink and narrow form strained forward. Red was not prepared as the young gazelle slapped his forelegs onto the hyena's shoulders for assistance and then gave a little jump, impaling his burning hot form into her tight crevice, making her scream once more. The gazelle was quick to keep bucking his hips forward, stabbing the hot probe into her tight corridor, ignorant of the little flecks of blood that fell from her form and speckled his white belly. He was grunting and groaning in pleasure to be punishing one of his predators in this way as Red continued to whimper and whine in agony, hardly helping her situation as her passage clenched about his burning spear and kept him thrusting more.

Yellow watched with a flush of embarrassment as she lounged in front of the male hyenas, permitting them to lap at her teats to encourage her to swoon, lapping at her anus and pussy to prepare her for the buffalo. She did not like the idea of being treated so poorly by a prey species, but she was still hot and flustered... desperate for more of the attention and for someone to cum inside of her. She listened to her sister's cries a little longer before closing her eyes and turning her head aside, rolling onto her belly so that the hyenas could lap and rub at her more. Every time a male's hindquarters passed her by she grasped his hips, lapping at his cock enough for it to slide out from the sheath and lollop against her chin.

By the time the gazelle had finished his stabbing motions he sat in a near rigid manner against Red's drooping hindquarters as he managed to cum with a cough. His load shot in deep, very deep and made Red give a wail of upset before he dismounted. He then turned about to look at the blood dripping to the floor with thin strands of his sticky cum, satisfied the humiliation was complete and stepping over to the other animals with a proud skip. Red was permitted to drop on the floor, to bur her face in her paws and cry her eyes out as the Frill-Mane male hyena sat beside her in silence, patting at her shoulder in understanding though his face was a vicious sneer.

Yellow ignored her sister's upset, Banzai had gotten up and stepped over to her back end and she lifted herself for him. He gave a chuckle as he gave her a sniff and then he lifted his paw at her dribbling cunt, probing in with one toe as she moaned, then two and even up to the whole paw as she pulled by the lips a little to see the thick layers of lubricant her body had produced in preparation. After giving her a swift lick he looked to the buffalo and instructed the other hyenas to hold down the lioness' paws to keep her still. Yellow remained with her hindquarters raised though her pussy twitched and quivered in expectation and fear. The great damp muzzle of the buffalo was pressed close to her as he gave a deep sniff, as she trembled he then let his long eel-like tongue slither over her cunt and delve inward a little. She gasped, her cavern tightening about the tongue that wriggled within her, causing her to whimper and moan in pleasure as if it was all she wanted inside her.

"That's good... but how about we get Red over here... maybe she'll cum if her sister licks her out?" Banzai cackled and though Red gave a whimper and begged them not to, the Frill-Mane picked her up and swiftly dragged her over to the open mouth of her twin. As the buffalo continued to play with his tongue, slipping it in and out of Yellow's cunt, the lioness was panting with pleasure and ignorant to her sister's upset. No sooner had Red been pinned down in front of her then Yellow was lapping the mix of blood, gazelle seed and the mess from the passage above with eagerness. She seemed blind to the shame, deaf to her sister's begging for her to stop and instead just rolled her rough tongue over the slightly swollen edge of her sister's clit.

"Come on sister... you taste so good... all you need to do is cum!" Yellow whispered sweetly before giving a soft moan of pleasure from the buffalo's actions. She then stretched out her legs more, urging the buffalo to mount her as she continued to flick her tongue against her flinching sister's pink tip. Red refused to make a noise now, smothering her mouth and begging her body not to react to it all, but the Frill hyena was getting irritated by all the fuss and without permission from Banzai he decided to deal with Red. He nudged Yellow out of the way and without thought he mounted Red, his pulsating cock was already quite hard, dribbling a little with precum and eager to satisfy this lioness.

He penetrated deep, making her gag a little but then his motions were hard and fast, pushing in so deep that Red had only enough time to panting and monitor her breathing as he hurried to reach climax and push her into one. When his knot bulged out and then squeezed its way into her tight vagina, Red gave a strange kind of yodelling sound and to Yellow's great joy the penetration of the knot had caused Red to cum! Frill continued to thrust, pushing himself further and further into Red's raw and sore passage before his own pleasure was sated and his load flooded her passageway, going deeper than the gazelle and flushing her out. When he then dismounted and let his flaccid form slap at her hind quarters, he gave a grunt and sat down beside her. Red collapsed on her side and then looked up at him with utter affection.

"Thank you."

"Finally - now can someone please stuff themselves in me? I want to be pregnant! Please!" Yellow whimpered and the buffalo gave a grunt of amusement. He then angled himself properly and encouraged her to lie lower so he only had to rock his body. Yellow complied, noticing the massive pink sword straining out from the buffalo's swollen belly in search of her quaking opening as she prepared herself for it. The moment the buffalo stepped over her his musty smell smothered her nose and though she wanted to lick at something, his form teased its way about her damp cavern and she sucked in air quickly in anticipation as the massive form then pushed slowly into her body.

Yellow was soon giving a howl of agony that she was trying to fight through at the stretching, tearing of her pussy to allow the massive form of the buffalo's cock into her body. The hyenas stared in awe as they watched something visible shift within the lioness's form, pushing down into what looked to be her belly as he grit her teeth, coughed and gagged at the mix of pain and pleasure. She was truly filled by the buffalo and though just its presence within should have satisfied her, the buffalo began to rock back slightly on his hindfeet and at first, the backward motion pulled the lioness back, her pussy tightly wrapped about his shaft. As she whimpered at the pain, tears streaming from her eyes, the hyenas stepped in to hold her paws and allow the buffalo a slight withdraw.

"Looks like he'll pull her guts out with his cock!" One of the males giggled and it only made Banzai grin all the more. Yellow gave a shuddering moan, practically bellowing like a cow as the rocking motions of the buffalo's hips began with a little more speed and she felt her body being pulled in and out. She half expected to be ripped in two or her pelvis to collapse at the heavy weight of the stiff object within her, but somehow her body tried to cope. Her passage dribbled to allow the movement, her clit was so stretched over the shaft each pulsation made her giggle with pleasure and the buffalo seemed content. He continued his slow and carefully positioned dips into her body until he felt his excitement brewing and began to throw caution aside.

Yellow was bellowing with her face pressed into the dirt as the buffalo grunted and groaned, pushing back and forth so fast her body was practically flopping about of the end of his shaft. Impaled upon his manhood she was dizzy and numbed to all but the pulsating motion of her clitoris against his form. When his form twitched heavily against her, indicating he was preparing to blow his load, the sudden rolling against her clit caused her to howl in an echoing kind of scream as she produced another large orgasm and passed out onto the ground. Her sister gave a whimper of fear and then the buffalo came.

In a jet of fluid that had Yellow's unconscious body lift off his cock and slump onto the floor, the buffalo bellow out his pleasure. His stream of seed flushed out of his length over her unconscious body, covering her head-to-toe as she came around with a whimper of joy and lapped it from the air. Blood and semen and her own juices were dribbling from her back end and the motion had numbed her pelvis and back legs. The buffalo gave a grunt of pleasure as Yellow looked towards him as if completely infatuated.

"I hope I'll have your baby."

"This was fun... I'll remember to use you in future for some fun Yellow." Banzai cackled before he strode off in search of his own little pet. As he padded away he heard Yellow rolling on the ground begging the other male hyenas to continue where the buffalo had left off and even the other animals were looking interested in getting involved.