First Class Meal

Story by Jizzal on SoFurry

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((Story written for a good friend of mine, has vore, implied butt-sex, and non fatal cooking stuff like that. Don't read if you're under 18 blah blah blah, hope you enjoy))

Characters are © Nintendo I think...please don't sue me, I'm poor! >.<;;

"Welcome back sir," the guard said with a salute.


"We trust you received the message....sir?" The guard asked while the wolf just gave him the most menacing stare possible, and with only one eye none the less.


"S...Sir! I was told that you are to report to room #2213-gahhh!" the guard would have continued, but the wolf had grasped his paw around the young soldier's neck and squeezed.

"...I...KNOW!" the wolf growled and shoved the young canine officer to the ground before he strangled him to death. The guard coughed a bit and rubbed his sore throat, but he felt lucky that was all the wolf did, normally those that angered him had to get medical attention, lots of it as well.

Wolf O'Donnell was obviously having one of his "off" days, he too was surprised he let the guard off so easily, things hadn't been going his way as of late. The lupine paused in the hallway of the massive ship and leaned up against a wall. With a growl he slammed his fist into the wall he was leaning against, causing a dent in the usually resistant walls of the station of had been summoned to.

"Lord O'Donnell, we need you to report back to the Sargasso Space Zone, there is a little "gift" waiting for you. The others and myself all know that of late you have been rather moody, we think it is because of that insignificant piece of fox, he seems to be on your mind almost every waking moment. Report to room #22136, that is where you will find myself and Panther as well."


Wolf still had the letter sent to him in his pocket, and every time he just thought about Fox, his old "friend" and rival, it made him more than upset. He had some resentment towards the vulpine obviously, but he also had more personal reasons to be upset each time he heard or even saw his name. These reasons were only known to him, and that's the way he wanted it, for now. Wolf sighed and got off the wall with a sort of grunt before he continued his way down the hallway. He stopped at the room he was summoned to, and kicked the door in to signal he wasn't too happy being summoned like this.

"Alright, what is it?" Wolf growled and stepped in, standing on the door that was very much unlocked before he kicked it in without mercy.

The room itself was deserted, there wasn't a single person inside, and it looked like no one had been inside for a while. After a few moments of glaring into the empty room, he stepped in further and sat down at the long conference table, he simply assumed that he arrived early. While Wolf sat in the chair, he leaned back a little while he thought of how he was going to pummel a certain chameleon and panther for their tardiness. It gave him an evil smirk as usual. After about only five minuets of waiting, he was already thinking how long the two members of his team could die in rather painful ways, being late was inexcusable. Wolf scratched the side of his muzzle while he nearly forgot that he was getting a "gift" as well, but there wasn't anything in the room.

With a tired growl, and many, many, many cruel thoughts on his mind he got up to leave, despite the fact he only waited five minuets and thirty seconds, he didn't even notice that on the note there wasn't a time for him to show up. Wolf got up and kicked the chair into the wall, breaking another inanimate object out of rage, and while doing so, he neglected the fact that there were three guards standing in the doorway. The were all standing their waiting for Wolf to notice them, and as he did, he wondered just how long they had been standing there.

"What the Hell do you want?" Wolf looked to the three and cracked his knuckles, making the poor souls standing there all gulp in unison.

"Lord O'Donnell Sir! We are here to report that Lord Powalski and Lord Caroso will not be able to make it, but they send their best regards!"

Wolf twitched his eye, and at the same time his gray fur pricked up some, he was incredibly pissed at this moment, and the three guards sent to deliver the bad news to him were most likely not going to need medical attention, but rather an undertaker.

The three at the door shivered in fright as the wolf approached. Sure, there was three of them, and one of him....but that one of him could probably take ten of them, and barely break a sweat.

"L-L-L-Lord O'Donnell! Sir! With their regards they wish you to have this!" One of the guards stammered and presented an odd looking vial to the wolf seconds away from rampaging on the unlucky three. Wolf stopped in his tracks, only inches away from the guard and snatched the vial.

"What is better be important," he growled and flashed his glistening white fangs, which caused the poor soldiers to nearly break down and cry.

"It is sir! They also present you with a meal to tide you over! They said you deserved a First-Class meal instead of what you normally consume...s...sir." A fourth guard squeaked out, he was behind the other three, but he had been pushing a large dinner cart that had only one object on it. A large silver platter, complete with the lid, that was all.

"Well then...leave that with me, and get the Hell out before I decide to make sure you three...excuse me, four, suffer dire consequences, now move!!" He snarled and the four of them ran down the hall, feeling as if they dodged a bullet, but they left the cart behind.

"Lazy bastards, didn't even finish their job..." Wolf sighed and wished that he had gotten a better look of them so he could find them later, but he shrugged it off and brought the cart into the room, though he had some difficulty with the broken door on the ground.

"And will SOMEONE fix this damn door?!" the vulpine hissed and picked up the door and slammed it back into the position it used to be in, fixing itself practically, and giving the wolf his privacy.

Wolf left the cart in front of the table and looked at the vial in his hand, it only read "Drink me, and enjoy" on the label, though he couldn't help but wonder if it was poison or not, as well as the "meal" they had provided with it. Wolf ignored any of the so-called "dangers" others may have feared and he took off the cork with his teeth and spat it across the room. With only a moment's hesitation, he pressed his black lips against the opening and tilted his head back. The thick fluid slowly made its way into his mouth, leaving an oddly sweet taste, but there was a bitter after-taste. With a few quick gulps, he drained the entire thing and tossed it aside and smirking as he heard the vial shatter against the wall.

"Well...that was interesting," he thought to himself and licked his lips, mildly satisfied with whatever it was he just drank, it seemed to give him a buzz of sort, but not in an alcoholic sense. Wolf grinned and closed his eyes, his whole body seemed to tingle as he felt lighter than air and carefree, and so oddly happy. His nostrils flared and he caught a whiff of what it was under the cover on the silver platter before him.

Wolf hadn't felt that hungry, but he suddenly at the urge to eat, his jaws dripped with sticky saliva that splattered on the floor while he easily heaved the large plate onto the table and kicked the cart aside, letting it roll into the wall and crash. Another thing broken, but this time he was content.

"This is rather heavy, what in the world could it be?" Wolf thought to himself and swished his tail back and forth like a pup would, he was rather curious and excited at his point.

With a low huff, he removed the metal cover, letting the steam rise, still a rather fresh meal obviously. Wolf closed his eye while the steam hissed upwards and he set the lid down casually on the ground while his nose flared again, and his whole body shudder. The smell was divine, something he had never smelt before, and it was driving his every sense wild. The lupine didn't even realize he had a throbbing erection in his pants, the smell was that good. His eye stayed closed while he sniffed the air, moaning softly and letting all his worries drift away while his body was treated to such a wonderful smell. After standing there for what felt like hours (in reality it was only 20 seconds) he finally looked down at his meal, wondering what could smell so good. Wolf wiped away some drool and opened his eye, then widened his eye and his jaw as well, giving a rather comically look of shock, for the meal was one Fox McCloud, his 'friend' and rival.

Wolf stood there, his one eye locked on Fox who was on his arms and knees, his hands tided together and his feet were as well. His body was COMPLETELY nude, and the smell of his roasted fur was the one Wolf had smelled. The golden fur of the bound vulpine had a slight brown tint to it, and the steam continued to rise off his body. Wolf at first just stood there, shocked, hungry, and horny, but more the first one.

How did they do this? Why? This is incredible! Why the Hell does he make my mouth water?! Where thoughts floating around the wolf's head. After looking fox over some more, he decoded that they somehow caught him, obviously, tied him up, also obvious, cooked him to perfection at possibly anywhere from 200-400 degrees, most likely a low setting to let him bake slowly, and to top it all off, there was an apple lodged in his jaws, as well as a sticky white fluid dripping from the fox's tail hole. Apparently, the chef had some fun making the fox cream filled probably before he cooked him. Wolf set aside at how bizarre his 'meal' was, and licked his lips, as if he didn't have control over his body.

"T...This is...ooohhh, you smell INCREDIBLE Fox!" he shouted at the top of his lungs and nearly howled. At that moment he noticed his arousal and wondered just how long he had been standing there with a large bulge in his pants aching to get free. Without further delay, Wolf literally tore off his clothes, leaving him completely naked in a matter of seconds, and his throbbing member stood at attention. The wolf couldn't help himself, he grasped a furry hand around his large nearly dripping cock and gave it a squeeze, and then he noticed something else. Fox, was still very much alive, and looking up at the nude lupine with his penis in his hand with a half-dazed look in his normally alert eyes.

The vulpine weakly moaned and blinked a few times while he finally came too, he had slept through most of the cooking process, but he remembered all the procedures that took place before hand, especially the one where his tail hole got stretched, though he enjoyed that portion to some extent. Fox tried to speak, but the apple made it so that he couldn't, and his tired tasty body could barely move, all he could do was twitch his tail back and forth.

"Trust me...I'm just as surprised as you are," Wolf smirked down as Fox looked into his one eye and managed to let out a whimper. "But you don't hear me be a good little foxy and let me finish making sure you're well coated before I gobble you up," Wolf said with an evil smirk, though he was smiling at just how his luck turned around, and Fox's lucky streak came to an end.

Fox whimpered again and tried to get free, but he had no energy left, so his ears lowered and he looked up at the wolf with sorrowful eyes, only to see that Wolf had begun stroking himself, which oddly enough aroused Fox. He knew he had feelings for O'Donnell, and even as he masturbated himself in front of him while he was tied up and smelling like the greatest tasting thing in the galaxy, he still felt mildly aroused by the muscular lupine.

Wolf moaned and closed his eyes while he started to stroke his rock hard member harder and faster, making his whole body tense up and his ears splay back against his head. His tail swished back and forth faster and faster as his cock started to leak clear pre cum. He clenched tighter on his member as the knot at his base began to swell and swell with each jerk, and his nose continued to inhale the scent of the well cooked fox which seemed to be just what he needed to further stimulate himself. He gritted his teeth tightly and snarled, feeling the warm sticky pre get on his hand and onto his cock, lubing it nicely and making a wet swish each time he jerked. With a loud howl, the furry ballsac under the base of his sheath throbbed and his tip spewed out a large blast of his warm seed onto the top of Fox's head and it started to trickle down his back. The stream of cum lasted only a few seconds, but in the end, fox had a nice white streak going down his the back of his head and into his fur, the cum bubbled a little while Fox was still mostly hot.

Fox winced slightly as the thick cream splattered into his fur, but he couldn't help but murr at the feeling, and the sight of Wolf cumming all over him, since it was one of his hidden fantasies. He watched Wolf lull his tongue out and pant while his let go of his now limp cock and moaned quietly before addressing Fox again.

"Mmm....I know you liked that as much as I did Fox..." Wolf smirked and licked his lips while he stood there, still catching his breath. Fox sheepishly nodded and wagged his tail a little back and forth weakly, and he could feel his own erection poking into his stomach as he watched Wolf release and stand over him.

"Well then, I'm sure you'll enjoy this as well," Wolf smirked still and reached down to pick up Fox by his slim shoulders, but the fox didn't protest, as if he could. The lupine leaned forward and gave Fox a soft kiss on the lips, making him blush a little before the massive wolfen jaws started to creak open, dripping with saliva.

Wolf blasted Fox's face with a heavy cloud of his humid breath while his jaws stretched and made a popping noise, a trick he learned from a certain reptile. Fox closed his eyes and accepted his fate, if he had to go, at least it was Wolf the one doing it, he wasn't even surprised that he planned to eat him in such a way, Wolf was always creative in his deeds. With a wet slurp, Wolf slipped his jaws over fox's entire head and gave it a somewhat gentle suckle as his tongue licked over the head of his meal. The taste was even better than the smell, and the hint of cum he got from the fur made it all but more special. Wolf rolled his eye almost into the back of his head as the drool soaked into Fox's head fur, causing his whole body to shudder at the truly divine taste on his pallet. Slowly, Wolf started to continue his task with a smile around his stretched mouth, and his cheeks filled with the fox that made him so angry, and horny too it would seem. The rippling muscles of his throat relaxed as Fox's nose slid further back into the mouth and was gripped by the wet muscles as they began to pull.

The rippling flesh continued to pull the tasty well-coated fox deeper into the darkness of the mouth, and further down the seemingly bottomless passage. Wolf gulped slowly and slide his stretching jaws around the shoulders of his meal, letting them fill his cheeks while his throat bulged with fox's head and neck. The wet sounds of Wolf's insides made Fox squirm a little at the disgusting sloshing and slurpings of the ravenous maw around him. His well toasted fur matted down as he was forced deeper into the hungry passage aching to claim him, and Wolf continued to feed on his rival, smiling still and starting to feel his cock stir and slowly perk up again. After a few swallows, Wolf had his ebony lips around the well-toned stomach of the fox, and starting to feel the slight wiggling bulge inch further down his slick throat. He continued to murr at the taste his mouth surged with, and Fox murred a little himself as the muscles around him squeezed and massaged his tender body. Wolf tilted his head back and held onto the remaining portions of Fox's body with one hand while he rubbed the bulge in his neck and chest. His fur had a small impression of the fox's body, and it responded to the touches by murring louder, and vibrating slightly.

With the aid of gravity, Wolf opened his jaws a little and the stomach and waist slid in without him needing to move his jaws, just gulp. As he reached the hips, he felt the leaking member of Fox on his lips, he was aching to release his seed just as Wolf was. With a sly grin, he lapped his tongue all over the vulpine cock, savoring the fleshy flavor tenderly while Fox started to moan louder and wiggle his body even more. Fox's tail swished back and forth frantically and his toes clenched up as Wolf sucked down all the clear tasty pre before he opened his jaws again and took in his cock before swallowing, letting the muscles around him finish the job he started. Fox squeaked in pleasure and his entire body tensed up as the throat muscles came into contact with his cock. After only two squirms, Fox released his seed down the throat, which added to the flavors in Wolfs' mouth and lubed up the passage so he could slide down even easier. Fox sighed and went limp in his predator's jaws, weakly kicking his feet, still bound together while his entire body tingled with the pleasure of releasing his seed, and being devoured as well.

After another series of short gulps, Fox was forced through a tight muscular ring of flesh and into the stomach. The humidity and heat intensified as he passed through into the stomach, and it contained an odd sweet...yet bitter smell to it as well as he sunk in further. Wolf rubbed his stomach happily while his lips wrapped around Fox's ankles, only having his feet and the tip of his tail left. After one last swallow, the deed was done, and fox slimed his way down the pulsing throat completely only to curl up in the warm belly. Fox gave a few squirms in his fleshy prison as he was brought into a fetal position as the odd liquids seeped into his body, but oddly enough didn't burn, but he keep his eyes closed and submitted to his fate, which he was pretty sure was death.

Wolf rubbed his bulging belly and sat on the table before he leaned back and comfortable, running a hand down his large belly with a soft murr still. He smiles a little as Fox shifts around, the wiggle belly even rubs against his erect cock, pressing against it nicely. Wolf leaned up and licked his marvelous stomach before he let out an echoing belch, one that probably everyone within half a mile radius could hear. The wolf chuckled and licked his lips, still tasting the delicious morsel on them as his stomach churned and squeezed over the trapped vulpine, but didn't digest him as the liquid he drank seemed to halt the process.

"Ahh....just what I case you didn't notice're all mine now, and I'm going to make sure I enjoy every second with you." Wolf smirked, a little evilly, but also happily. He had Fox now, and Fox didn't mind as he drifted off to sleep in the warm belly while Wolf rubbed the bulge gently before drifting off to sleep again. He dreamt of eating Fox again, something he planned to do several times in the near future.


Don't read if you're under 18 \*blah blah blah\* well here it is anyway! And YES! There's vore! so Don't read if you don't like VORE!!! Simple as that =P I normally don't to fanfics, but it was for a friend so I made an excepton ^^ Enjoy! All...

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Minotaur in the Mist

Don't read this story if you're underage \*blah-blah\* heh, hope you like it! And yes there's vore, so if you don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that ^\_^ Enjoy! "Uh...Where the Hell are we?" asked the young anthro skunk. "No idea, I'm...

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