Purple and Green Part II Dirty Dreams

Story by TheWhiteTiger on SoFurry

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Purple and Green

Part II Dirty Dreams

Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 18 do not read this story. Now since absolutely no one is going to listen to that, don't get caught and clean up after yourselves.

When I got to the bus stop I noticed she never really made eye contact with me until I called her name. When she saw me she immediately blushed and turned away. I noticed this and scooted closer without realizing it. She realized this and turned. I was so close in that she brushed against me when she turned. I don't exactly remember when she leaned in or when she wrapped her arms around me I only remember her hot mouth against mine and my tongue meeting hers. When we finally broke apart she blushed and so did I. I looked at her and she locked eyes with me. Thinking on instinct alone I reached over and grabbed her hand. She slid closer and I kissed her again. When we broke apart she just kinda stared at me for a minute then looked right at me. I asked her what was wrong and she smiled and asked if that was how I was going to ask her out. I must have had the most priceless look ever because she just started giggling and I chuckled a bit then caught her off guard by saying yes. She blushed then smiled and I smiled back at her that's when I noticed the bus coming to pick us up. That day we just talked in every class we had together. When we got on the bus to go home I invited her over for dinner the fallowing week. She accepted and when we got off the bus She kissed me goodbye and walked toward her house, that was when I noticed my mom behind the bus in her Nissan smiling at me, I don't think I had any blood anywhere else in my body other than in my face. I walked to the car got in and no sooner got my seatbelt on when I got hit by a barrage of questions from my mother. When she finally calmed down I started telling her everything I could while she smiled and agreed to the dinner for the fallowing week.

When she got home she couldn't stop smiling, she was so happy she almost didn't notice her parents in the kitchen watching her and waiting for an explanation for her behavior. She explained what happened and of course her mom was happy for her and her dad was acting like well, a dad. He started the questions first then her mother jumped in finally she had to lie to them about her having a lot of homework to get them to let her go upstairs. After her home work she asked about the dinner he had invited her to and after much insisting on her and her mother's part her father finally consented to let her go. She ran upstairs and decided to take a shower. Walking to her bathroom she turned on the water letting it get warm before stepping in and beginning her shower, she lathered up some shampoo and started working it into her fur. About midway through her shower she rubbed against her sex and had a shock of pleasure run through her body. Realizing what she did she reached out and began to rub her now dripping sex sliding her fingers across her outer lips and then inside her smooth cunt feeling her clit start to swell she stared to rub it vigorously. She reached her climax faster than she expected and let out a low moan as her walls contracted around her fingers. After finishing she rinsed herself off and got out to dry herself then she got dressed and got in the bed to go to sleep and possibly dream about her boyfriend again.

I got home and went upstairs to do what little homework I had. I guess half of your classes being extracurricular could have something to do with the abnormally small amount of homework I had even though I was a junior in high school. Dinner and the rest of my day went pretty uneventful, so much so I actually fell asleep on my bed out of pure boredom. When I woke up I was aware of two things, one I had by far the worst hard-on of my life and two, I was starting to get a horrible case of blue balls. So I went to the bathroom to solve both problems at once. As my pants hit the floor my hand reached my erection, as I slid my hand over my 8 ½ inches of slick flesh I imagined my girlfriends hands where mine where currently at. I felt my knot swell and then my body stretched taught as my orgasm hit and my muscles tensed. When I finished I flushed the toilet and then went back to bed. The next two days went on about the same way and finally it was Friday. I got off the bus but instead of going home I walked Jessica to her house when we got there I kissed her said goodbye and headed to my house. A few hours later the phone rang and my mom told me it was Jessica. I picked it up and started talking when she asked me if I could help her with her geography homework, and seeing as I had already finished I said sure and left to go to her house. Upon arriving I was let in by a thin yet muscular tiger, which must have been over 6'4"and realizing it had to be her father standing over my 5'9" slightly muscled frame I immediately jumped into meeting him. I guess I impressed him by introducing myself because he did the same and then told me where Jessica's room was. When I arrived I found her room had pretty much the same color scheme as mine but was entirely different in design and functionality considering every house in the neighborhood had the same basic layout. But what really surprised me was that she was dressed for bed already. Her tight shorts and oversized shirt where the sexiest things I had ever seen her in and she knew it. We worked on her homework and all the while she would starch or lean just right to get my mind off track just long enough to make me lose my train of thought. The homework that only took me fifteen minutes to do took her almost an hour and a half. When we finished she thanked me walked me to the door gave me a kiss and said goodnight. That was one of the worst nights I had in a while, the dreams I had where almost too real and I could still feel her under me, hear her moans and taste our sweat as we fucked each other's brains out for hours on end and it always left me feeling strangely lonely after I woke up.