Clarity Part 1

Story by pentrep on SoFurry

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#13 of Background Stories

This is the first part of my sixth continuation of my series. It deals with Pent's confusion about his feelings and how he comes to terms with it.

Clarity Part 1 by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: This story series is the first part of the sixth continuation of my other series. While it is not directly related to the background story of my fursona, it is very early in his life. This story attempts to maintain the scientific realism of my other works. However the basic theme now shifts from something new but not all together different. Let me know if you have any comments, suggestions, or criticisms. I am open to everything so please feel free to leave me a message!

"When we are in love we seem to ourselves

quite different from what were before"

-Blaise Pascal

Chapter 1: Uncertainty

Going to bed that night, my head was spinning. Arthur had kissed me, sure, but what all did it mean? My mind racked with the possibilities tossing and turning in my bed. This lasted for about an hour before the front door closed. Surely it was Samaliel returning from dropping Arthur off at home. It wasn't long before my bedroom door opened. I was sure he could see the glisten in my eyes as Samaliel looked at me from the door before stepping inside leaving the door open for some light.

"Everything alright? You should be asleep, you got school tomorrow." Samaliel stepped over towards the bed, peering over me.

Samaliel was right there when it happened, he likely had an idea of what was bothering me.

"Yeah, I know I'm fine" I responded knowing full well Sama could see through my deception.

"Heh, who do you think your kidding bud?"Samaliel sat himself on the side of my bed, not accepting my answer.

I decided to confide with him since I knew he wouldn't leave until I did.

"I dunno, just confused I guess." I ruffled my headfur before sitting up to join him on the bedside.

"You mean cause of the kiss, right?" Samaliel didn't need me to come clean, he'd known me his entire life.

"Yeah...I don't know what to think about it." I looked up at him for consolation.

Samaliel simply smiled at me considering his response.

"What does your heart tell you?" Samaliel answered carefully.

I simply shrugged...I wasn't sure myself and no amount of questions was going to change that.

"Well...don't think about it too much. If you decide you like him, that's fine. If not, that's fine too. Just listen to what your heart says." Samaliel responded as if he'd expected this conversation.

I hugged Samaliel tightly, my own uncertainty causing me to shake within his arms. His larger body holding me tightly against his own. His embrace was a welcome comfort. He gently kissed me on the head before breaking the hug.

"Now get some sleep alright?If you wanna talk about it more, just let me know whenever." He added.

I nodded at him. Samaliel made his way out of the room before wishing me good night and shut the door behind him. Surely I would figure it out in time. Lowering my head onto the pillow, my restless mind finally put at east, I finally managed to fall sleep.

Chapter 2: New friends

I awoke the next morning to the same alarm that had awoken me the previous day. My same morning routine repeated without fail. I was excited for a new day and a little anxious to see Arthur. Surely he was as mixed about the kiss as I was? Even if he had initiated it...or so I thought. Dressing myself in my school attire, I gleefully skipped downstairs with a youthful spring in my step. It was as if I didn't have a care in the world.

Samaliel had prepared some fresh fruit and a waffle, warm out of the iron. Samaliel had himself already eaten and was prepared to go to the university for the day. Samaliel had even baked some fresh cookies, which he intended for me to take to school. I decided that I'd take them if only to give to Arthur later that day. I began to eat my meal before asking Sama to place some of the treats in my bag for lunch. I asked for 2, Samaliel didn't inquire as to the reason for the extra goods.

After finishing my meal, I made my way to the bus stop. Samaliel didn't have time to drop me off today, So I decided to be mature about it and just manage myself. The bus came around the corner in the same manner it did the day before stopping at the corner with a brief huff of air released from it's exhaust pipe. The glass doors swinging opening before being indignantly greeted by the same pudgy pug from yesterday. To no surprise the fat thing indulging on a fine danish that was slathered in chocolate icing.

Making my way up the staircase, the door soon slid closed behind me before the bus carried on it's way. I jolted forward looking at the driver with disgust, who simply ignored my disapproval. Carrying on I grabbed each carrying my forward in order to insure my own security during movement. Finding space in the same spot as yesterday, the same Shiba Inu who was still bundled up against the window. Sitting down next to him, not saying a word .

Placing my bag on the seat, I searched through it before pulling out one of the cookies I had taken from home. Pulling it out I handed it over to the Inu who looked at me, half expecting mischief. Continuing to hold it in my hand, I attempted to coax the boy out of his shell of insecurity.

"Is that...for me?" He sheepishly asked me

Pleased that he had spoken, I simply nodded at him before he took the treat from my paw and partook it into his maw. For once...a smile lit up his face and I was pleased that he finally felt safe around me.

"Thanks...What's your name?" He inquired seemingly unsure of my purpose.

"My names Pent, what's yours?" I asked always happy to make another friend.

"My names Cleo." He still huddled up near the window but at least he was warning up to me.

The bus stopped with the seemingly short conversation. I got up before waving at him and he followed with a meek smile on his face.

Chapter 3: Learning

Arriving at school, I was seemingly more excited than the day before. I had more to look forward to since today would actually involve learning instead of just rules and procedures. Looking around the school entrance, I searched for Arthur who seemed to be nowhere in sight. Shortly after making my way towards the passage, I couldn't help but feel a little defeated. I had hoped that Arthur would greet me so that we could talk. Perhaps he was confused as I was? Only time would tell.

Heading towards homeroom, I looked around the hallways knowing that even if I saw Arthur, there would be little time to talk. Entering into Fontaine's Room and into the first row, I prepared my things for the first real day. Taking out a notebook and pen to write with, Fontaine went over role call before continuing to inform us that Homeroom would be extended to include first hour for the rest of the year. The reasoning she explained was to simplify the schedule.

Though history was not my favorite subject I still enjoyed it enough to not complain. Her first lesson explained the coming of the first nations to Canada. How they crossed the land bridge and eventually settling southward finding homes in all parts of North America. The talk of Paleo-America was not one that interested me but still one that deserved some discussion. She even included a rather interesting story of the slaying, and eventual extinction of the Mastadon.

After being dismissed, I made my way down the hallway knowing full well Science was next. I knew this would be a chance to catch up with Arthur, at least a little. Speed walking through the halls I made my way with haste to Moreau's class. Breaking through the door, I looked inside seeing Arthur in the same seat he was in yesterday. However something seemed wrong. His head was slouching over the desk, almost as if laying down. Approaching him, I took some caution before asking.

"Everything alright?" I asked with concern.

He didn't respond, instead opting out to twiddle his pencil on his desk. Clearly he wasn't ready to talk about it but it pained me to see him this way. But I didn't have long to dwell over it before being told to sit down by Moreau. Turning myself around and putting myself into the chair, I couldn't help but thinking about what was bothering him. Even Moreau's first lecture didn't interest me. He seemed to be droning on about molecular energy, which I knew all too well from my own experimentation.

Even when Moreau called on me, expecting that I wasn't paying attention, I was able to answer his question about the transfer of energy between orbitals. He seemed surprised I was able to answer that without much thought. Chalk it up to being a science nerd. He refrained from picking on me again continuing the lesson until completion before finally dismissing us. Stepping outside I couldn't wait to inquire as to why Arthur was moping.

Waiting for him outside, the older boy simply walked past me. Nothing was said, his paws were dug inside of his pockets as he headed towards his next class. Had I done something wrong? I thought to myself. I began to lament that I had said something that upset him. Trying to recall exactly what had happened last night, It seemed to me that everything had gone well. I would have to wait til lunch to confront him about it. Perhaps the cookie would win me back the companionship I so eagerly desired.

Chapter 4: Cafeteria Conundrum

French went by without much celebration. I was just as distracted as I was in science, except that I wasn't quite as adept in languages. Fortunately for me the instructor didn't see fit to pick on me and the lesson went on without a hitch. My stomach went off like a clock, my body knew it was lunch time even if my mind was occupied with thoughts other than food. Making my way down to the mess hall, it was just as busy as it was the day before.

Getting into line, I patiently waited my turn to select a meal for the day. This time I chose a fruit salad with a side of tofu and my usual favorite drink of choice, milk. I knew Arthur would not arrive for a few minutes so I decided to find a spot that could accommodate both of us. Placing my try down, I set my lunch tray down before digging into my bag and fetching out the cookie I had saved for him. It looked tasty for sure, but I thought Arthur would enjoy it.

Feasting on my meal, enjoying it I patiently busied myself waiting for the 6thgraders to be dismissed and the 8th graders to arrive. The familiar chime of the bell sounded before the switch occurred. The larger boys began to file into the room while the smaller ones exited. Looking behind me I did not yet see Arthur, who I searched for quite actively. Giving it a few more moments, I finished my meal before looking around again. It seemed Arthur had shoved himself into a corner by himself.

Making my way over, I discarded my lunch tray and milk box before joining him on the tables bench of chairs. He didn't greet me instead finding solace in twirling the pasta he had chosen as his own meal. The dish looked as if he hadn't even touched it. Grasping the cookie I tried to sneak it in under his nose in order to entice his sense of smell. But he wasn't having it, instead just swatting away the cookie and turning away from me.

"Arthur...what's wrong?" I said with an innate sense of guilt and pain building inside of me.

"Just leave me alone, Pent." I could hear sadness in his voice.

My heart began to burn...It was like a knife had been stabbed inside of me. He dismissed himself not touching the food he'd ordered or the cookie I had saved for him. I couldn't help but stare at it, tears welling in my eyes. Soon giving in to my emotions, I bunched and folded my arms before crying into my fur. The bell rang but I couldn't be be bothered, I was to hurt emotionally to continue the day like normal.

It wasn't until the end of lunch, that someone noticed. I was seemingly the last one in the lunch room that an adult finally picked up on my solitude. No words were said as the adult helped me up from the table, assuming I had been hurt and delivered me to the nurses office, where I sat tears finally drying on my face. Finally I was seen and giving into my own despair, I feigned illness and requested to go home for the day.

Chapter 5: The talk

Samaliel picked me up in a jiffy after hearing that I was ill. Leaving the school was a welcome change of pace to my day. My face was still red and the jabbing sensation in my chest had not left me. Upon hopping into the car, Samaliel looked me once over before attempting to analyze my ailment.

"Did someone hurt you?" Samaliel asked defensively expecting that I'd been picked on.

I was still wallowing in my own sorrow but knew I could trust Samaliel with anything.

"Arthur hates me." I spoke broken words meekly.

"Hates you? But isn't he your best friend?" Samaliel pondered my words carefully.

Tears began welling in my eyes again before I broke out crying again into my shirt sleeve.

"Don't worry Pent. I'll talk to him, alright?" Samaliel assured me he'd fix that.

I trusted Sama and decided to leave it at that. I would have given anything that moment to fix whatever rift had been created between Arthur and I. Only time would tell if Sama could mend our seemingly broken friendship. Arriving at home, Samaliel decided to give Arthur's parents a call. I was not nosey and headed instead into my room in hopes of keeping my mind off my own misery. I decided to busy myself with an experiment to stem plant growth.

I managed to pass the time with this before I heard a knock at the front door. I assumed it must have been a package delivery or something and did not pursue it's purpose continuing to complete my task. I could overhear a muffled discussion between Sama and someone else. Who the other person was, I couldn't decipher. Several minutes later a knock at my door sounded before the knob turned and opened the door themselves.

"Pent, there is someone here that wants to talk to you." Samaliel insisted and I could only hope it was Arthur.

Not even a moment passed before Arthur slinked into the room, finding his way to the bed. His paws gripped together, grinding against each other, not able to look up at me before finally speaking.

"I'm sorry Pent...I didn't mean to upset you." Arthur said in a almost whimpering.

I was concerned about him enough to stop what I was doing. Looking back at him, I could tell something was bothering him still.

"I was just worried that I did something wrong." I said before joining Arthur over on the bed sitting down next to him.

Arthur's body warmth next to my own was soothing, even if he we didn't look at each other instead staring into the distance.

"Nah, I just don't know how to explain it." Arthur said, something clearly taxing his mind.

"You can tell me anything, I won't judge you." I assured him with a cool confidence.

Arthur took his right paw before grasping my left one and holding it in between both of his paws firmly.

"I...really like you Pent." My heart skipped a beat the moment he said that.

Arthur's head turned towards me expecting my gaze to met him. Looking over at him our eyes met. I was at a loss of words. His words swirled around in my head making my heartbeat intensify.

"I was thinking maybe me and you could be boyfriends?" My heart seemingly rose in my chest.

I had never considered being in a relationship. Sure I liked Arthur but was it in the way he suggested? His paws gripped mine firmly eagerly awaiting my response. My hesitation left him on edge.

"I guess we could try it." Arthur's face beamed with glee as he wrestled me flat onto the bed, licking my face.

Arthur's body was on top of my own. He still held my paw to his chest and I could feel his heart beat. Like mine it was pulsing a kilometer a minute. Nothing was said as he lurched in towards me his snout nearing my own before finally reaching it. The kiss again - the feeling was electric sending new sensations through my body. This time it last several moments, even longer than the first. Neither of us explored the others maw before Arthur finally lifted himself from the kiss, finally releasing my paw from his grasp.

"Thanks won't regret it." Arthur said with a cool confidence.

I still couldn't move much as the larger boy was still on top of me. However I didn't protest. He gathered himself before finally picking himself up off the bed. A giant grin decorated his face as he stood up waiting for me to join him. Giving in I stood erect before giving him a firm hug. His furry texture pressing against mine. Arthur just stroked my headfur. But it was getting late and Arthur needed to go home soon.

"Want to stay for dinner?" I asked wanting nothing more than to spend time with him.

Arthur simply nodded before breaking the hug and heading downstairs to call his mother. I asked my brother who of course had no issue with the prospect. Arthur's mom agreed if he would be home by 8. That meant we had 2 more hours together. Both of us welcomed the idea and eagerly awaited dinner together while playing games. I hoped that it was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Clarity Part 2

Clarity : Part 2 by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: This story series is the second part of the sixth continuation of my other series. While it is not directly related to the background story of my fursona, it is very early in his life. This story...

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Puppy Love Part 2

Puppy Love : Part 2 by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: This story series is the second part of the fifth continuation of my other series. While it is not directly related to the background story of my fursona, it is very early in his life. This story...

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Puppy Love Part 1

Puppy Love : Part 1 by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: This story series is the fifth continuation of my other series. While it is not directly related to the background story of my fursona, it is very early in his life. This story attempts to maintain...

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