Shared tastes

Story by Timmichangas on SoFurry

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A story I wrote as a gift for a friend of mine :D Kinky stuff is always fun^^

Enjoy, everyone! :D

There weren't many things better than a friend with similar interests. Sure, winning the lottery was probably even better, but Ryl was thinking realistically. And such was the case with Naya. Both of them shared a passion for anything 'booty'. Not an attraction for the rear end of another being, just anything you'd wear around a paw, boots for example. Thus the word 'booty'.

Well, and ever since a fellow dragon had opened up his boot store called "Starpaw Fashion", Ryl had fallen in love with his talented work and soon turned into a frequent customer. Starpaw Fashion was making good business, so it had surprised Ryl that Naya hadn't been there yet when they had talked and chatted the last time.

So, it shouldn't have been a surprise to him either that when they met again she was wearing new, dark boots from SF. There was that familiar logo in the leather- the star with a paw engraved into the middle- to point out its origins. Well, and Naya said that, to try her new boots out, the two should have a walk through town and perhaps enjoy a relaxed evening at his house. It hadn't taken Ryl long to say 'yes'.

These boots are of flawless design! Ryl's mind squealed as he found his gaze glued to her boots. They were fitting her perfectly, squealing with every step like leather tended to do. Her tail was bouncing off the ground delicately, the tip angled upward slightly. They go along well with her jeans too, Ryl decided as his gaze wandered up her sleek, yet muscular built calves.

She moved with such elegant poise, her hips swinging slightly, her tail stiff for keeping her balance. They had enjoyed a nice afternoon together, even affording to go for a round of bowling, and now they were on their way to Ryl's house. His feet were tired, so he wasn't complaining. "Now where do you live?" Naya asked and Ryl bumped into her, still entranced by her appearance. "Agh boof, sorry," he muttered with a blush, ears angled low. Her movement was captivating him and Ryl had the feeling she was doing it on purpose," It's... just around..." "Well?" "Hm?" "Where is your house?"

Ryl blinked. His attention was slipping away like sand slipping through an hourglass. It wouldn't take long and he'd lose it completely and then the hourglass would be turned around. "It's... just around the corner, then to the left," he finally said, pointing to the left with a little grin. Naya nods in acknowledgment, returning the smile. "Thank you. Now that wasn't too hard."

Speeding up slightly, Naya turned around the corner, Ryl close behind her. He forced his gaze up, glancing at the different houses. "Hmm, hmmm, here," he said," Number 19." He grabbed into his right pocket, his tongue poking out of his mouth and he put on a somewhat serious face. Clinkclink. "Ha, got the keys," he said with a whiff of pride as he pulled them out of his pocket.

Naya took the keys from his hands with ease, striding towards the front door. She fumbled with the look for a moment, making a few annoyed grunts, before a key clicked into the lock. Then the door slide open with a loud creak. Ryl had always found it a bit unsettling, but with Naya nearby he didn't want to show that he was, in fact, afraid of a door.

"After you," he said and made a courteous bow. Not just was he showing his manners, but he also didn't want to be the first to go in after the front door squeaked so creepily. Win-win. "Ladies first." "You're being really nice," Naya remarked and stepped inside, her tail whipping Ryl across his cheek playfully.

Ryl followed, even if a little hesitantly, and cleared his throat. It was incredibly dry and raspy. "Home sweet home," he announced somewhat half-heartedly. Truth be told, he hadn't expected Naya to come over, so he hadn't cleaned his 'lair' up. Now that she was actually present, he came to realize how much of a mess it really was.

The first thing he noticed was the dust. Not that his home was particularly dusty, but there were many places he had overlooked when he had cleaned up. Atop of cupboards were thick, grey layers and on the doorframes; hopefully something Naya wouldn't notice. The boots were cluttered, yet somewhat organized; Ryl always looked after his paw-wear as if they were his children. Problem was that he had so many boots that he had run out of space to store them, so, while being neatly stacked next to each other, they were starting to take away space. Well, and he had developed such a liking for them that they formed part of the decoration.

"Some of these are really pretty," Naya remarked, picking up a boot as she strode through the narrow corridor. "Well uhh," Ryl stuttered, gathering enough spittle on his tongue to speak," They are part of my personal collection and... I guess some of them are out of fashion." Naya gave him the look and shook her head. "And you call yourself a fashion expert? Look at this one," she said and held a boot in front of his snout, all the dust making him sneeze. "Mphhh! Sorry.. Urgh, I," Ryl mumbled, wiping a tear from his left eye," This is something people wore in the 70s. That's even before my time!"

"Whatever," Naya said and gently, almost lovingly, placed the boot back on the ground. They continued walking down the corridor, Ryl once again staring at her boots and jeans. When they arrived in the living room, Naya sat down on a sofa. "Would you like a glass of w-" "Some help with the boots please?" she asked-demanded with a pleading undertone, holding up a muscled leg," And yes, I'd like some water, thank you." "Uhh uhh sure!"

Ryl stomped towards the kitchen, stopped and spun around, trotting towards Naya's extended leg. He wasn't sure which need of hers he should go after first, but since she was already showing him her boot so nicely... The water could wait.

Kneeling down in front of her, Naya rested her one leg on Ryl's shoulder, her other leg spread into the other direction. "What are you looking at?" She asked tauntingly, fully aware of the view she was giving the poor, squirmy dragon," Don't you have a boot to open?" "Heh, yes yes," Ryl said, focusing his attention back onto her boot and not onto what was beneath her belt. He started to undo the straps, the thick smell of leather making his head swim. BZZZZZP. The boot loosened and Naya slipped out of it teasingly slow, wiggling her toes once they were out.

"Now the... hic, other boot please," Ryl whispered and Naya began to grin. "I can see you're bulging with excitement," she commented, glancing down at his crotch. "What- OH!" Ryl squealed and noticed that his love for boots, paws and... well, for Naya was clearly showing. He grinned and blushed, shifting his legs awkwardly. "Sorry..." he muttered, dropping his reddened head in embarrassment.

Naya smiled and placed her free paw beneath his chin, pushing his head upwards. "Don't be," she said with a wink, her legs spread far enough to make the dragon snort with glee," Now the other boot...?" Ryl nodded, his throat tingling in an odd sensation. Suddenly he flinched, a pressure on his crotch. "Hey hush, calm down," Naya said reassuringly and Ryl saw her paw resting between his legs. He squirmed when she wiggled her toes just a bit," It's me, just me."

Quivering with excitement, Ryl started to open the straps of her other boot. He'd stopped trying to hide his arousal- obviously it was exactly what Naya wanted to see- and let her paw gently run and rub his rod inside his baggy pants. She was stretching and flexing her toes, making Ryl squirm as he opened the zipper of her other boot. If it weren't for the leg on his shoulder for support, he'd fall straight over like a pleased puppy after his first meal.

"Oh, I've been wearing these boots all day- sure you wouldn't mind massaging them a bit?" Naya asked playfully, watching Ryl's lips tremble as he tried to reply. There was a big curve in his pants, much to Naya's satisfaction. There was no way he'd resist any of her wishes. "I.. uhh, not at all," he stuttered and brought up his trembling hands, but Naya hissed through her teeth and pointed at her mouth. "No hands."

It clicked inside the squirmy dragon's head and he nodded slowly. "Ahh.. y-yes, I... of course!" The dragoness hovered her paw in front of Ryl's face, her other foot still resting on his crotch, making Ryl sweat and moan. After gathering a bit of saliva in his mouth to soothe his dry throat with a gulp, Ryl spread his lips. First he let his tongue slide over Naya's toes and paw pads before she urged him for more, gently moving her paw into his mouth.

Ryl stared dreamily into her alluring eyes, his ears ringing like church bells, a grenade of pleasure having gone off inside his brain. It felt as if all the cement in his mind had been blown to pieces by Naya's gaze... and her paws, naturally. Her toes were deep inside his mouth, which made him chew her paw pads gently.

"Good... good," Naya moaned and pulled her paw out of Ryl's mouth, who still made a few suckling movements in his trance. It took him a moment to realize that the chewy paw was gone. First Naya was wiping her paw clean on Ryl's torso before letting it slide down his belly and onto his pants, taking the position of her other paw, which she now moved to his face.

A shiver made Ryl wheeze and his jaw dropped as if there was no muscle or joint holding it in place. Her paw slipped into his maw with ease, Naya chuckling as Ryl's teeth brushed her paw pads.

After a moment of suckling however, Naya pulled her paw back, a line of spit streaming down Ryl's chin. "Was I," he started, panting a little, a bit worried when he saw Naya stand up," not doing a good job?" Then his eyes widened when she opened her jeans, letting them slide down her muscled legs teasingly slow. Her underwear followed shortly afterwards. "Uhh... oh," Ryl mutters with a blush as Naya sat back down, her lower body nude.

"Continue," she urged affectionately, her legs spread. The bulge in Ryl's pants grew bigger and he shivered, a little moan escaping his throat. She held up her paw again and Ryl let his tongue roll out of his mouth and started licking her sole like the obedient puppy that he was. Naya grinned with satisfaction and stretched her leg, moving it paw past Ryl's face. "You're too far away," she said tauntingly and gave him a very suggestive wink," Come closer."

Ryl shuffled closer to her, still on his knees. His tongue was running over her calves and Ryl shuddered; he could almost taste her muscle. He was getting dangerously close to her crotch, his heartbeat accelerating like a big machine being set in motion. It was her alluring grin that urged him to continue, which forced him to let his tongue slither up her thighs when suddenly-

His head came to a sudden stop; Naya was holding onto one of his horns. I have gone too far! Ryl figured and his face fired up. But, to his surprise, Naya only steered his head towards her privates, making Ryl squirm and squeak softly. She moaned when his tongue moistened her slit for the first time and she wrapped both her hands around one horn each, locking the dragon's head in place.

Perhaps it was the Naya's strong dominance or maybe it was Ryl's by then uncontrollable lust, but there was nothing that could make him stop. Hearing the dragoness groan in pleasure was the most exciting thing Ryl had heard in months, which spurred him on. He'd let his tongue slide over her teasingly slow, poking it inside from time to time, which would make the dragoness squirm and shift even closer, which in turn would make Ryl even squirmier and thus the cycle continued.

Ryl was so entranced and in love with the situation that he just let his tongue do its job, Naya moaning in pleasure. There was a wet spot over the bulge in his pants and Ryle felt that he was ready, he wanted more, he was ready to give Naya his love. Then Naya rocked forward, wheezing and groaning as she reached an orgasm. She had pushed herself completely against Ryl's snout and he snorted, pulling his tongue back into his mouth to let her recover.

"Ohh... whoa," she muttered and hissed in pleasure, running a hand down to her crotch," You.. did good." "Ahehe.. th-thank you," Ryl mumbled, still blushing slightly. She leaned forward, giving Ryl a little smooch on the nose. "I think it's time for your reward," she whispered with a wide grin, her foot poking his growing bulge. The slightest touch made Ryl quiver and moan; he was needy!

Naya stood up slowly, leaving Ryl on his knees, staring up at her. She had no intentions of putting her pants back on, much to Ryl's delight. "M-my bedroom?" he asked, his voice hoarse and raspy. He lifted a trembling arm, pointing to a door to the right," Right over th-there." The dragoness smirked and nodded. "Good. Now get up," she said with her fierce, commanding voice and Ryl shifted, taking his time to stand up straight on his wobbly knees.

The wet spot had gone even wetter and Naya grinned. "Ohh you can't wait to get your reward, hm?" she remarked and grabbed his hand, giving it a tight squeeze when she lead him into his bedroom. Ryl felt strange, not only because he was feeling extremely horny, but because it seemed like he was the visitor in his own home. Naya was the one showing him what to do, where to sit, how to breathe.

Once in the bedroom, Naya had restored herself to her usual dominant self. She closed the door gently and grabbed one of his belts off his wardrobe, approaching him with that bounce in her hips and that smirk in her face. "Such a good boooy," she whispered and placed her hands on his waist, his back facing the bed. It took Ryl a moment to realize that his hands had wandered onto her rear some time ago and that he was in fact having quite the grip!

Naya snaked her hands down to his pants and helped loosen them, making them drop down to his feet. The heavy smell of seed was in the air and Naya lowered his underwear with a smirk, kissing his muzzle. Oh boy, this tongue is going places today! He thought to himself as he found his tongue exploring Naya's mouth, while she gently squeezed his member, much to Ryl's excitement. All it took Ryl to fall over was a gentle push from Naya aimed at his chest and he bounced onto the bed backwards, yelping in surprise.

Then, like a tiger on the prowl, Naya began to crawl towards him, making Ryl gulp and move further back against the end of the bed. Ryl squirmed and his stiff member brushed her belly. He squealed like a kicked puppy and didn't resist when Naya tied his hands to the bed bars using the belt she'd grabbed moments before. "Just for safety precautions," she whispered, that familiar taunt in her voice," Who knows what you turn into at night." Then she crawled back to his crotch, the anticipation already making Ryl pant, and lowered her head, letting his rod slide into her mouth.

There was this surge of ecstasy pulsing through his veins, almost like an electric charge brrrzzaping through his blood which made his head swim. Ryl moaned, his mind begging him to pull the dragoness close, but his hands were held down by his bonds. All he could do was to stare at the ceiling, which appeared sickly yellow in the faint light. With a thankful, but also pathetically horny smile, Ryl moaned, his hands and feet trembling as if grabbing an electric wire.

Her tongue was stimulating Ryl teasingly and all he could think of was how Naya must've felt when they were in reversed roles. His ears were near deaf, blood pumping fast through his veins and into his manhood. His ears were angled low in pleasure, but also in slight pain as the belt started to cut into his wrists. Ryl's head was going haywire, a burst of love making his thoughts thick as honey. The dragon groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, pushing against his restrains with a loud moan as his leg muscles spasmed and kicked, a load of hot seed pumping into Naya's muzzle.

The dragoness swallowed and continued sucking, catching every last bit of seed Ryl could throw at her. He was panting and shivering, his tongue hanging out of his mouth in exhaustion. "N-Naya, that... that was intense!" he admitted and dropped his sweaty head back into the pillow. He closed his eyes, trying to get a quick breather and a short rest, but Naya had different plans in mind.

While Ryl was panting and trying to catch his breath, she crawled over him and moved a hand around his hard member. "H-hey, Naya!" Ryl wheezed and tried to smile," G-gimme a short b-b-break, please." "Of course," she replied as she straddled him and forced the moaning dragon to penetrate her," Once I'm done with you."

Ryl fell into a fit, laughing and moaning at the same time as Naya places herself gently atop of him, stimulating them both with rhythmic back-and-forth movements. Ryl shivered, letting his cock be ridden, completely washed away by the wave of pleasure coursing through his blood. "P-please," Ryl started to beg after only a few moments into the action, his rod stiffening and swelling, yet throbbing slightly painful from exhaustion," S-stop for now... hehe, I need a break." "That's up to me," Naya claimed and continued, making Ryl grimace, his face contorting uncomfortably. He wanted to stop... if only it didn't turn him on so much! It was as if his mind was split in half. His wild, coquette Ryl self was begging for more while his well-mannered, good-boy Ryl self was praying for rest. Both put together made his head hurt.

None of his internal conflict seemed to bother Naya in the slightest. The dragoness moaned in pleasure, feeling Ryl's manhood deep inside her. Ryl cried out, flexing his muscles as he felt his brain melt through his skull as Naya forced him to reach his peak a second time. His balls were hurting when he climaxed, shooting a load of seed into her abdomen. Naya shuddered and hunched, bending over to kiss his muzzle. They were both panting heavily, barely able to touch the other's lips.

Ryl could hear the clicking of metal and then his hands slipped free. Weakly he wrapped one of them around Naya, who had dismounted him and slid to his side. No tricks now- she was tired too. However, he felt her hand snake down to his crotch and he did nothing to resist as she stroked it gently. "You did good," she whispered and a kiss on the cheek was among the last things Ryl felt before his head grew too heavy, his thoughts settling down for something simple, but yet so direly needed; sleep.