Geno Saves the World

Story by Maxwell Kay on SoFurry

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Notes: This story is part of a trade with Coyotek, and thus features his favorite character, doing what she does best. Geno is ©Coyotek, while the story and other characters are my own.

It was impossible to hear yourself think inside the club, with the BOOM-BOOM-BOOM of the dance beat reverberating inside your skull, but Geno hadn't come here to think. She rarely did anything to think, as a matter of fact. She was here to dance, to drink, and to party, and thinking had nothing to do with any of that.

The swirling lights were as hypnotic as the pulsing beat, and as numbing as the outrageously overpriced alcohol she had already consumed. She finished a little primping to her thick, blond hair and snapped her compact closed, shoving it into her back pocket as she swayed towards the dance floor. Half drunk, she would have stumbled as she moved, but the music, repetitive and insistent, moved her hips in rhythm, and that made the rest of her body sway along with it. Therefore, instead of wavering unsteadily on her big, bare feet, the catgirl shimmied into the press of partiers with perfect grace.

As Geno let her eyes drift close and began to let the rhythm take over, she was aware that she was being watched by a number of furres, male and female alike. Let them watch, she thought. She was going to need someone to plow her later on, so there was no reason not to start advertising: she moved her hips in wider sweeps than necessary, thrusting her chest forward as she circled and twirled, making sure everyone got a nice show. She wasn't interested in sex just yet, but she would be later, after she'd gotten tired of dancing, so it was important to let everyone know she was available before all the hot people were taken.

It was impossible to dance alone in the club; there were simply too many people there. That was hardly a problem, as most of her dance moves consisted of different ways to rub up against strangers. Geno had been told, long ago, that all her catting around, if you'll pardon the pun, was just a means of getting attention. She had replied with a roll of the eyes and an insulting "Well obviously." She thought of this, briefly, as she ground her ass against someone's groin, grinning as she danced face to face with an obviously drunk female who kept trying to kiss her.

The world moved as Geno moved, hot and close and hypnotic. The feline was aware of numerous bodies pressing close against her and against each other, but she had no idea who any of these people were. It wasn't important, anyway. They weren't even faces in the crowd; they were bodies without faces, without minds, just rhythmic forms moving in the semi-darkness to a tyrannical beat. That was all they were supposed to be, all they needed to be. Anonymity was precious; connection was to be feared.

But even the hardiest partier can't dance forever, and eventually Geno had to slither out of the sweaty crowd and stagger back towards the bar. She needed a rest and she needed a drink, and the fact that one of those was free made the fact that the other one cost way more than it should. As a bonus, she could get both at the same place.

Geno was on her way to the bar when a body stepped out of the darkness and directly into her path. She almost darted right around the individual, but he moved to intercept her. Ahh, that was why. It was a scrawny fox she'd seen a dozen times before, a guy with no fashion sense and no charisma. Nobody who wore pleated pants to a club belonged at a club, and Geno had nicknamed him Not Right Now.

"Hey, uhh, care to dance?" Sometimes it was hard to turn him down, he was so pathetic. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, it's just that he was so lame, and he had the habit of showing up at the most annoying times. Like right now, when she just wanted to drink something cold and alcoholic and get off her feet for a few minutes.

"Not right now," she answered, as she always did. And, as always, he dejectedly mumbled something like "Ok, catch you later," and disappeared into the crowd. Geno assumed he always went to ask other females to dance, but she never saw him on the floor, suggesting that either she was the only one he was interested in, or that everyone else turned him down, too.

Whatever. It wasn't her job to dance with every dork that wandered into the club. Let him take care of himself. A good, stiff drink was what she needed. Plopping down on a barstool, she ordered just that, and a moment later the fiery blaze of alcohol had driven all thought of Not Right Now from her simple mind.

The next hour went by in a hot, hazy blur. The catgirl remembered dancing and drinking, rubbing against faceless bodies, making out with a few of them, being groped by disembodied paws as she moved in time to the beat, all action, no thought. In a way, it was very Taoist: she wasn't trying to have a good time, she wasn't trying to distract herself from anything, she wasn't trying to prove something to the rest of the world. She just was.

And then she was aware of sitting at the bar, sipping a drink she was fairly sure she hadn't paid for, watching apathetically as Not Right Now asked yet another female to dance with him. He was across the room, so she couldn't hear anything that was said, but she saw the female laugh and turn haughtily away, dismissing him with a contemptuous wave of her paw. Geno felt momentarily sorry for him as the fox's face fell. The bitch could've at least turned him down politely.

This time, though, the fox didn't slink away into the shadows. This time, he began panting, his ears twitching wildly, obviously fighting an internal battle against some very strong emotions. It must have been the heat and the alcohol, because Geno could have sworn she saw a pale glow, like the ripple of heat waves, radiating out from his small body. Vaguely interested in what was going to happen next, she leaned an elbow on the bar and watched him closely, totally ignoring a male that had sidled up to her and begun shamelessly flirting.

It wasn't her imagination. There was a glow slowly spreading from Not Right Now's body, and other people were beginning to notice it, too. As he stood there and tightened his fists into balls, the air around him shimmered and shook, and faint wisps of smoke began to rise from his clothing. The chatter gradually died down as more and more people stopped dancing to watch incredulously the scene unfolding before them. Crimson bolts of lightning started to play over the fox's frame, filling the air with a hot, tingling energy.

Too drunk to realize just how bizarre all this was, Geno half-turned to the male at her side and quipped, "Hey, did you ever see Carrie?" Before he could respond, the world exploded.

It wasn't easy, clawing her way back to the world of the waking, but Geno managed it. She wasn't too sure she'd done so at first; everything was way too weird. Most of the club goers were sprawled across the floor, unconscious, or groaning and holding their heads like she was. Maybe a bomb had gone off; that would explain all the dust floating through the air, and why the music was no longer playing. It would also explain the ringing in her ears, and the ache in every part of her body. It would not, however, explain why Not Right Now was in the middle of the dance floor, a coruscating halo of energy surrounding him, pulsing and crackling with power. Multi-colored energy rolled off of him like flame from his hands and head, and scarlet lightning flashed from his eyes. Geno blinked the dust from her eyes several times just to be sure. Yup, she was seeing right. The world had evidently gone crazy.

It was a moment before Geno realized that the fox was speaking, or rather, screaming. His voice had become so high and frenetic that it was at first drowned out by the ringing sound that was like cotton in her ears. He was definitely saying something, though.

"You bastards!" He was evidently pissed off. "You've ignored me my whole life, and when you're not ignoring me, you're actively making my life miserable. Well now it's my turn to make your lives miserable! You think that you have problems now? I'm gonna make you forget all about your old, pathetic problems, because the problems you're about to have are going to be so much worse..." Here, he trailed off in a fit of gurgling mirth, and then continued. "You're all gonna die, slowly and miserably! The whole fucking world is gonna die!"

His breathing coming quicker, the bursting energy around him glowing more brightly by the moment, the fox lifted his arms to the sky as if in supplication. "You don't understand what's happened, you poor fools. I've been snubbed one time too many; my rage was enough to trigger my latent psionic powers, and now I've become a god! I can do anything. Anything!" As if to prove his point, a blast of light and force exploded outward from his body, knocking everyone who had crawled to their knees onto their backs once more. "I can raise the ocean levels and drown you. I can deplete the ozone layer and roast you. I can move the Earth farther away from the sun and freeze you. Or I can just crack the planet in half and let everyone die as they're sucked into space, your little meat bodies bursting apart from the internal pressure. I bet you wish you hadn't laughed at me now, huh?" This was directed at the female who had turned him down so cruelly earlier, who was now busy cringing against the rubble that used to be the DJ's booth and trying to make herself as small as possible.

Again the fox laughed, an insane cackle that would have been hilarious had the situation not been what it was. "You've treated me like garbage for years, and now it's too late to save yourselves! One dance, one fuck, would have spared the world my righteous fury, but now you're all going to die! Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Picking herself up off the floor, absently trying to brush the dust and grime from her clothes, Geno scoffed loudly. "That's what this is all about? You just need a fuckin' lay? Shit, you coulda just said so; I didn't know you were gonna be such a little bitch about it."

Everyone in the room, most especially the glowing, crackling fox, stared open-mouthed at the catgirl. She didn't seem to notice, but then again, she didn't notice much else, either. Drunk enough to slur her words, and having been blasted with waves of psionic force not once, but twice, her mind was not working like it usually did. She was never a deep thinker, but under ordinary circumstances she was smart enough not to call someone with the power to destroy the world a little bitch to his face.

As she approached him from across the room, Not Right Now finally recovered from his shock. "Wa-what? You're gonna, huh?" Well, maybe not fully recovered. He was able to talk again, he just wasn't making any sense.

"What? That's what you wanted, right?" Batting her long eyelashes at him, Geno stepped up to the male, tossing her long blonde hair behind one shoulder. "One fuck, that's all it would take, isn't that what you said?" She put one paw on his shoulder and stared into his eyes, smiling coyly.

It should be noted that the femme, all appearances to the contrary, really had no plan in mind. On the face of it, it looked like she was seducing a maniac who was threatening to wipe furrekind off the planet, offering herself to buy the world's life. Had anyone been able to look inside her mind and see the thoughts that were currently running through her brain, they might have been disappointed: she was drunk and confused, and whenever she was drunk and confused, she immediately turned to sex. That was something she enjoyed, and something she understood. No matter what was going on, if she could get a cock inside her, she could at least narrow the world down to something she understood, and in a time and place like this, faced with a situation more bizarre than any she had before encountered, she need to be able to understand something.

One thing she did understand was the blank expression on the fox's face. He was still stammering uselessly, too amazed to make any sense. No matter. At this point, there was nothing he needed to do. With the skill that comes from long years of practice, Geno reached to his waist with a free paw and unbuttoned his pants without looking at them. She smiled sweetly, and without warning, plunged her paw into his pants and took hold of his junk.

The male's reaction was pretty much expected, but nonetheless priceless. His eyes opened wide, his jaw fell slack, and his head lolled backwards. Geno giggled openly, finding tremendous amusement in the fox's behavior, flattered to know that just one paw could do that to him, and dying to find out what else she could do. "Oooh, you like that, huh?" she cooed, leaning close. Not Right Now just nodded, too caught off guard to reply verbally.

"Mmm, I'm glad to hear it. I wonder what else you like." With practiced ease, the feline sank to her knees, staying close to the male's body as she did so. As she lowered herself, the changing angle required her to pull her paw out of his pants, but as soon as she was crouched on the floor, long legs curled underneath her, a quick yank brought his pants to his ankles and once more her soft paws were caressing his crotch.

"Now that's a nice sight," she breathed, her left paw curling around his sheath. A rock-hard cock extended a few inches out of its furry holster, growing rapidly as she squeezed softly. "I'm going to like playing with this toy." The fox was rather on the short side, and so unsurprisingly his dick was maybe a tad smaller than average, but Geno knew from long experience that sometimes size really didn't matter. Sure, sometimes it was great to be filled up with a monstrous wanger that stretched you out and squished your insides, but other times there was just as much fun to be had with a smaller weapon. It was all in how you used it, and she was a master of using them.

Leaning forward, Geno extended her little pink tongue and licked the tip of the fox's emerging member. The male responded with a violent shudder and a low moan and bucked his hips forward involuntarily. The catgirl laughed and gave it another lick, eyes sparkling as it appeared from its furry cocoon. Lifting her right paw, she paused a moment to gather up some saliva, then spat fully into her palm, soaking the rubbery paw pad. Grinning evilly, she quickly wrapped her fingers around his dick and began jerking it slowly, letting the hot flesh slide easily along her moist palm, enjoying his reactions.

"Wha-what are you doing?" The fox's voice quivered with excitement, his body shaking as he tried to restrain himself.

"What does it look like, baby?" she cooed. "Isn't this nice?" Not Right Now nodded in response. "Yes, it's nice, isn't it? Now lemme show you something even nicer..."

Geno leaned forward, her mouth partly open, and engulfed his now-hard rod. The fox moaned loudly and his body gave an involuntary jerk, but other than that he managed to hold still. He was lucky he did: Geno was in the mood to take control, and she wouldn't have stood for his moving around a lot. She wanted him to stand still for this; the moving would come later.

Placing her paws on his upper legs, fingers splayed, Geno began bobbing her head back and forth along his burning member, her tongue swirling expertly around the fat head. The fox's scent mixed wildly with the tangy, slightly bitter taste of his flesh, and she momentarily compared it to others she had tasted. However, she quickly realized that she didn't care about comparing the tastes, and tilting her head so she could look up at the male, Geno grinned and sped up her motion, causing another shudder to spread throughout the fox's body.

For several long moments, the only sounds audible were the male's labored breathing, the wet slurping noise of a messy blowjob, and the periodic moans emanating from the kneeling femme. Her rhythm varied from time to time; some times she moved almost achingly slowly, sucking hard at the distended member, while sometimes her head bounced back and forth rapidly, her hair flopping around her face, and sometimes she let the foxhood slip from between her lips, gave the male a teasing wink, and licked the shaft from base to tip.

"Ooh, man, I can't take this," the fox groaned. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum..."

The catgirl ceased her oral ministrations and scowled up at the Not Right Now. "You'd better not, pal. I'm not through with you yet." While the fox stared in slack-jawed disappointment, Geno leaned back, her work apparently finished. Before he could complain, however, she rolled onto her back and slid off her shorts in one fluid motion, as if she had practiced it before (and she probably had). Pulling the front of her thong aside, she fluttered her eyelashes and pursed her lips. "It's your turn, stud. Dive right in."

Perhaps half a second passed before the fox was on his hands and knees in front of her; Geno wasn't sure she had ever seen anyone move that fast before. Once in the proper position, Not Right Now didn't hesitate a bit, but shoved his face into her snatch, nuzzling and smacking at the moist organ in a horny frenzy. He didn't seem to have any kind of plan, though, or any concept of technique, apparently relying on pure gusto rather than technical precision. With a disgusted sigh, Geno curled her claws in his hair and pulled him away roughly.

"Hey, hey, easy, pal. This isn't a contest. You're not being graded on speed." Smiling wickedly, she released her hold and settled back in a more comfortable position. "Try it again, babe, but this time think before you act."

The male just nodded dumbly and turned his attention back to her slit. Licking his lips greedily, he leaned forward and began a more restrained, more purposeful attempt. A long, muscular tongue swiped hungrily across her outer lips, and Geno sighed warmly. "Much better, hon."

Lying on her back, legs splayed open, the fox snacking hungrily on her sex, Geno let the sensations runs over her body like ripples in a pond, tingling every part of her in succession. The pleasure would radiate out to her fingers and toes, then turn and cascade back into her center, where it crashed into a new small explosion of sensation and rebound back out. Sucking dick always turned her on, no matter what the situation was, and then to be treated to oral sex immediately afterwards...well, let's just say she was enjoying it a great deal.

Not Right Now seemed to be having a similarly good time, though perhaps his appreciation was a tad less intense. His nose buried in her blond bush of pubic hair, inhaling her thick scent with every breath, his tongue played joyfully inside her, with slow, deliberate strokes against the sensitive flesh. She was warm and tangy, and her cunt was practically flooded; this chick was really getting into it.

The catgirl's breath remained steady, but her voice rose slightly in pitch, and every so often she would roll her hips in response to the fox's tongue touching a particularly sensitive spot. Lifting her head, she looked down at the male stretched out between her legs and began spitting filthy comments at him.

"That's good," she groaned, "eat that hot pussy. Yeah, you like that? I said, you like that?" The fox nodded in the affirmative. "Yeah, you like that pussy. Tastes good, doesn't it? Stick your tongue in deep, real straight. Ahhh, damn, that's good." She bucked her hips again, driving her wet sex firmly against his muzzle. "Mmm, c'mon, fuck me with that tongue. Do it! Tongue fuck me! Yes! Yes!"

The dirty talk was growled out between clenched teeth, and as Not Right Now began shoving his tongue, ramrod straight, back and forth in her cunt, Geno really began to get into it. Her voice rose a little higher, got a little more excited. She began bucking harder against the male, who had put his paws on her hips just to keep her still.

The fox pushed deeper and deeper into the feline's hot snatch, the tip of his narrow muzzle pressing inside the entrance inch by inch. It was hard to breath, sure, but it hardly mattered. It was a price worth paying to bury his face in that lovely pussy, to taste the exquisite flavor of a gorgeous female, to feel the waves of pleasure roll down her body and into his. He thought he could pretty much do this forever.

It seemed Geno had other ideas. Gripping his hair tightly, she pulled the fox away from her quivering cunt, his face soaked through. Breathing hard, she sat up and pushed him away, her face bright red under her fur, a pleased grin spread across her face.

"Great job, babe. You did good, real good. I might even letcha have another go at me some time. But now I need something else, something bigger and harder." Smiling teasingly, she asked, "Do you know something that would work?"

The female didn't wait for an answer as she rolled Not Right Now onto his back, shoving him roughly onto the floor. Pulling off her thong with a quick snap of her wrist, she threw a leg over the fox and mounted him, her sleek, firm thighs holding tightly onto his. With an evil smile that showed every razor-sharp tooth in her mouth, Geno reached down and gripped his throbbing prick in one paw, rubbing at the tip with a fuzzy thumb.

Not Right Now writhed underneath her, but the feline wasn't quite ready to give him what he wanted. Instead, she pressed the bottom of his dick against her wet slit and ground against it, moaning shamelessly at him as she did. "Ooh, you want to put this big cock inside of me?" She rolled her hips, rubbing the underside of his tool with her sex. "You think it would fit, baby, huh? This big fuckin' cock?" The fox nodded helplessly, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. "I bet you would like that, to stick this big cock inside my tight pussy. Huh? You want to stick your cock in my pussy?" The male's head rolled back and he groaned loudly, unable to bear the teasing.

"Well, I've got good news for you, baby," she purred. "I'm gonna let you." Lifting her hips, Geno pressed the tip of the hot member against her and lowered herself onto it, hissing as the hard meat spread her inner lips apart and filled her body. Hilted, she shifted a little to get maximum penetration, remarking again that while he was, at best, of average size, she couldn't remember the last time she had felt anything quite so hard. It felt like concrete stuck inside of her, the flesh stretched taut against the straining muscle. Rocking her hips back and forth, starting to get a rhythm going, Geno smiled drunkenly at the fox spread out below her. This wasn't going to be so bad at all.

Grasping her breasts tightly, sharpened claws digging into her sensitive nipples, Geno began to slide up and down along the male's meat, the burning member moving frictionlessly inside her slippery cunt. Sitting up straight, her eyes hooded, her body bouncing almost comically astride her partner, the femme noticed two things she hadn't noticed before.

One, everyone in the club was watching them. That wasn't so surprising. After all, had she considered it earlier, she would have expected to be the center of attention. There was no problem with that, honestly. Geno liked to be watched; it was something of a turn on for her. Second, and this was surprising, the glowing nimbus surrounding the fox had become even brighter, and now it was enveloping her, too. The world looked deep red and wavy as the coruscating sheet of flaming energy billowed over them, but other than a vague tingling, she wasn't aware of it through any sense but vision. It was a strange feeling, to know she was engulfed in a halo of psionic energy potent enough to shatter stone and yet not feel any unpleasant effects.

Part of the reason that was, she thought, was that all the pleasant effects were canceling them out. After all, she had spent plenty of time doing something she enjoyed very much, that is, having a sexual encounter with an absolute stranger, and now she was nearing the climactic end. The cock inside her felt like it was ready to burst, and she was certain she was going to cum soon. The way her head was swimming, and the building boiling pressure inside her, told her that there was an orgasm drawing near, and that it was going to be a hell of a show.

"Yes, fuck, oooh, yes." Her dirty talk was now little more than just a stream of curse words, but the effect was the same. "Oh shit yeah, fuck me, harder, ohhh, shit." The male only gulped and panted, unable to form any coherent words, but Geno was talking enough for both of them. "That's it baby, right there. Oooh, right there. Yes!"

That last word wasn't spoken so much as yelped, as the fox's member, slipping in and out of her wet pussy, hit something especially sensitive inside and sent a shockwave through her body intense enough to almost knock her over. She squealed again as the male's rock-hard dick hit that spot a second time, and Geno nearly fell off her mount.

Spitting a steady stream of dirty words, the catgirl threw herself on top of the fox, her lithe torso pressing against his. With her legs pressed tightly against him, Geno began humping the male by lifting her full, rounded ass into the air and slamming it back down again, shoving his foxhood deep into her body. Over and over that delectable ass rose and fell, hitting Not Right Now with so much force that they were both going wake up with bruises the next day. No other part of her body moved, just that half-moon ass pounding up and down like a jackhammer.

"Shit, baby, you're so big," she moaned, eyes squeezed shut. "Give it to me. Fuck me! Yes, yes, fuck me harder! Oh, yes!" She didn't seem to realize that she was the one in complete control, that she set the pace, not him. Either that, or she was so far lost in her own little world of pleasure that she wasn't paying any attention to what she was saying, and her mouth was just on autopilot. "Fuck me harder, you fairy piece of shit! Oh shit, yes, yes, fuck me harder!" It was probably the second one.

The world had faded away, leaving only a few impressions and sensations in its place. Her nipples felt so hard that they ached, like they were going to fall off any moment. Her pussy, drenched with love juice, pulsed wildly with every motion, every nerve alive to the incredible feeling of the rock hard cock inside her, filling her up and rubbing forcefully at her burning insides. She could hear the fox's labored breathing, ragged and heavy, mixing with her own high-pitched moans, creating what was to her a beautiful song, one of lust and sweaty, moist desire. She also felt a strange tingling across her body, like her skin had fallen asleep, but she couldn't really figure out what was causing it. Not that it mattered, of course, or that she was really even aware of it, but subconsciously her mind was a little curious.

It wasn't curious for long. Not Right Now began taking in huge gulps of air, breathing in but not breathing out, a sure sign that an orgasm was on its way. As he did, the tingling sensation grew stronger, until it was an unmistakable feeling of pent-up energy, like her body was on fire. The tingling even attacked her loins. Every nerve ending in her lithe body danced with excitement, driving her out of her mind, sending her body into spasms of joy. She had never felt so good. It was like every part of her was involved in the sex, not just her pussy, but everything. Every nerve cried out in pleasure, writhing with the intensity of the sensation. "Oh my fuck," she gulped, "Ohhh, shit, I'm gonna cum. Oh shit, I'm gonna, I'm gonna..."

She never got to finish her sentence. The fox was writhing dumbly, unaware of anything, unaware even of the feline riding him, panting and grunting. Suddenly his body stiffened and he let loose a long, shuddering groan. The burning aura around the two burst outwards, there was a deafening roar, and for the second time that night, Geno's world went blank.

Slowly, painfully, the world came back into focus. It was strangely quiet, considering how much noise there had been before. All Geno could see was the ruined remains of the club, and all she heard was the faint cry of sirens in the distance. For a moment, she forgot what had happened during the past few minutes and thought she was waking up from the first blast, but gradually, as her vision cleared, she remembered. She had cum at the same time as Not Right Now, and then...well, then something had blown up.

Holding her sore head, Geno sat up and looked around. The club was demolished, blasted into rubble; she could see that the walls had been blown out and the ceiling had collapsed. She wasn't sure where everyone else was at first, but after a moment she saw the rest of the club goers picking themselves up across the street. So that was good. It looked like everyone was all right, just shaken up.

A dozen feet away, the fox was groggily sitting up, holding his head in one paw. "Dammit," he muttered, "what hit me?"

"I think I did," came Geno's reply, rubbing her own skull. "Or maybe it was the other way around."

Not Right Now chuckled quietly and shook his head. "Whatever it was, that was the best damn orgasm I've ever had..." The fox's voice trailed off as he looked around, surveying the damage. His eyes widened as he took in the blasted shambles of the building, as if something suddenly occurred to him, and he quickly leapt to his feet.

"Oh yeah, my revenge!" The male clenched his paws and squinched his eyes closed, grunting with the effort of summoning world-shattering power from within his own psyche. After a moment, he opened his eyes and looked questioningly at Geno.

The catgirl shrugged her shoulders. "Nothin'." The fox was no longer glowing. He wasn't even sparking. There were a few faint wisps of smoke rising from his fur, but that was all. "Sorry."

"Wait, wait, let me try it again." Again Not Right Now clenched his paws and devoted all his mental energy to summoning up the outrageous psi-power he had wielded earlier, but nothing happened, and he eventually gave up, panting with the effort.

"What's wrong? You burnt out?" The question was asked with nothing more than casual curiosity. Geno wasn't drunk any more, she had worked off all the alcohol, but in the warm glow that came after a particularly good fuck session, she found it hard to be too concerned about anything.

"Not exactly," came the gloomy reply. "It must have been my pent-up sexual frustration that triggered my power. Now that I've released it, I've got no mental fuel for my psionic power. I'm not a god any more; I'm just another loser." The fox sank miserably to his seat, shoulders slumped in defeat.

Several moments passed, during which Geno turned an idea over and over in her little mind. Finally, she reached the mental goal she'd been aiming for. "So, is your power gone for good, or just for a while?"

The male looked up at her, his brow furrowed. "Just for a while, I guess. It's like I ran out of batteries."

"And not getting laid recharges your batteries?" Not Right Now nodded silently, not sure where she was going with this. "So, if you don't get some, eventually there's gonna be a repeat of tonight's little episode?" Again, the fox nodded.

"Don't you see what that means?" Geno was grinning from ear to ear. "The only way to protect the world from your power is by periodically fucking your brains out!" As the fox's face brightened, Geno cackled delightedly. "And I call first shot! After all, it's what a true hero would do."