Introducing Rodrick, part 1

Story by Lokan on SoFurry

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#1 of Symbiosis

The bull ran his fat fingers along the small lutrine body resting on his round belly. The bull's heart rate finally returned its regular beats, and his breathing slowed. His body involuntarily shook a couple more times as the intense pleasure he felt a few moments ago slowly drained from his mind.

The otter chirred contentedly and ground his groin against the bull's. Their still stiff member, now slick with each other's seed, slid against each other making the bull shiver in pleasure. The bull's shaft pulsed a few more time, forcing a bit more seed to ooze out.

"Feels like someone's not completely empty yet." The otter breathed softly as he lifted his head up from the soft chest underneath him.

"Gimme a few, and I'll show ya. This ol' bull's got the drive of a yungen." The bull teased back, between deep breaths. He continued to stroke the smaller otter body with his fingers, enjoying the feeling of the small body resting on his. "Not tired are ye?"

The otter shook his head. "Far from it, ol' man. My job ain't be done 'till you're completely drained." The otter smiled and wriggled his body.

"Ya better fer the price I pay ya, boy."

The otter winked, and slid up the bull's soft and round body until his muzzle met the bull's. Pressing his lips against the bull's, he gave him a long kiss. The bull responded by rumbling deeply in his chest. "Well, obviously you think I'm worth it. Why else would you have me in your bed every night?"

The bull let out a deep laugh. "I'm that obvious, am I?" He winked at the otter. The bull thrust his hip upwards, making his member rub against the otter's buttock. "Well, I think I'm ready for round two." The fat bull began to shift his body, as he tried to lift his bulk off the bed.

The otter pushed him back down. "Not so fast, old man. I don't think your ready yet." The otter replied with a sly grin on his face.

The bull glared at him back. "Did ya lose yer senses? Do ya remember who I am?" The bull challenged back.

"Oh, I remember. You may be a powerful male out there, but in here, I'm in charge." The otter matched the bulls stare and stood his ground, pushing the large male back on the bed.

The bull tried to push back against the otter; however, the otter got the better of him and he found himself lying on the bed once more.

"Lets see how long you can last this time." The otter challenged as he looked at his victim lying under him.

The air quickly filled once more with excitement and the thick smell of male arousal.

Before the bull could enjoy the start of his second session, a loud explosion reverberated throughout the room. The fat bull instantly sat up, forcing the otter off his body. "What the...." He looked at the otter, who stared back startled and confused.

Silence returned once more, only to be replaced a few moments later by pulse weapons fire and the yells and screams of his men.

The bull jumped off the bed and rushed to the door. After pressing a button on the wall pad, the metallic door slid open. His two bodyguard stood on the other side, weapons drawn. The bull quickly looked down the hallway and saw nothing. However, the sound of weapon fire and his other men barking orders drew closer. "You two, go help out."

The two guard nodded and ran down the hallway.

The bull pressed another button on the pad, which closed the thick metallic door; pushing a few more buttons the door emitted an audible click, indicating the locks activated. He quickly moved back to the night stand resting beside his bed and lifted the receiver on his video phone. It instantly responded by displaying static on the display, which mirrored the sound in the headset. "Damn." The bull spat, as his video phone refused to respond to the button he pressed.

A loud thump came from the other side of the door, followed by another, as if someone was thrown against. A third, louder thump was heard, this time sounding as if something metallic hit it. The subsequent thumps grew louder and stronger and left a dents. Fortunately the door withstood the onslaught.

"What's going on?" The otter screamed as he scrambled behind the bull, and clutching the silk blanket tightly against his body.

"Shut up!" The bull barked, and gave up on the video phone and fumbled with the drawer in the night stand. He finally managed to get it opened and took out his weapon. He pushed a few buttons on the side, and the weapon hummed as it charged up to full strength.

The bull focussed his attention towards the door with his weapon ready to fire at whomever was on the other side.

By now the thumping stopped and all was quiet once more.

"Is it over?" The otter asked softly, his voice filled with fear.

"Be quiet!" The bull growled once more, throwing the otter an infuriated glare before returning his full attention at the door.

After a few moments, the door pad beeped, and the door slid open. Not taking any changes, the bull instantly fired.

The blue energy from his pulse gun streaked towards the door and down the now dark hallway striking nothing but the air and the walls.

The bull waited a few moments, then carefully walked towards the door. He cautiously looked out the open door and only the dark empty hallway. "Nothing." The bull breathed softly.

"Not quite empty." A voice startled the bull. Before he could react, he felt something knock the weapon out of his hand and a force push him back into the room. He stumbled backwards and lost his balance and crumbled onto the floor on his back.

Before he could stand up again, the space in front of the door rippled and bent into a solid shape. Where there was empty space now stood a figure wearing a full body power armour suit.

The black metallic armour absorbed all light striking it, making it impossible to make out any distinguishing marks, for the exception that it was in the shape and size of a bull furren. The only place on the suit the bull could focus on where the two glowing red lights were eyes were, or the glowing red lines running from under the eyes down the chest and down the front of the legs all the way to the feet.

Both bulls stared at each other for a moment. "Am I interrupting something?" the armoured bull asked in its metallic voice, breaking the silence. It shifted its attention from the bull on the floor to the otter on the bed. The otter stared back petrified and unable to move.

"Who the hell are ye?" The nude bull finally asked.

"Who I am isn't important." The black bull replied.

"Then what the hell do ye want with me?"

"I was sent by Big B. It appears you crossed him."

"He crossed me first." The bull growled, as he slowly backed away towards the bed. The armoured bull noticed that the nude bull on the ground was searching for the weapon he lost; which rested on the far side of the room, too far for him to reach safely.

"I don't care who crossed whom first. I'm here to deliver a message. Big B. can't have those whom he does business with cross him. It gives the wrong message to others."

"Look, whateva he's paying ya, I'll double it. I'll triple it even." The fat bull managed to stand, and puff his chest slightly, standing his ground. This was far from the first attempt on his life, if somewhat the most successful of yet. He also knew this would not be the last.

"Now, what type of message would that give to my customers if those I were hired to take care of could buy me off?"

"How about power, fame... males?" The fat bull looked at the otter, who's eye widened even further. "If ya have half a brain, ya know who I am. Ya also know there's nothin' I can't buy one way or another. Ya gotta have a price."

The armoured bull stared back at the fat bull. He responded by raising an arm, the side of which opened up to reveal the barrel of his weapon. The weapon began to hum as it charged up.

The fat bull's composure began to break down. "Isn't there anythin' ye like... I can get anythin' ye need, anything ye want!" His voice faltered. Panic quickly set in as he frantically looked for an escape route.

The armoured bull pointed the weapon at the fat bull. "It's nothing personal. I'm just doing my job." With that, the weapon fired.


Rodrick tiredly stood in front of the door, duffle bag in hand, for a few moments, trying to muster up what little energy he had. After taking a deep breath, Rodrick knocked on the door. A few moments later, the metallic door slid open with Whitehorn standing on the other side. "Rodrick!" The large bull greeted him with a grin that split his muzzle. "Come in, come in!"

"Thanks." Rodrick returned the warm smile and entered the large large flat.

Once inside, the white bull gave him a powerful hug, which knocked the air out of the human's lungs. Once the bull had his fill of the hug, he released Rodrick who took a deep breath.

"Happy to see me I see." Rodrick chuckled between deep breaths.

"For you, always." The huge bull replied, still with a big smile on his face. "Come and sit down. You look tired." The bull put a hand on Rodrick's shoulder and led him to the living room.

"Yeah, it's been another long night."

The midday sun shone through the large windows, filling the living room with warmth and light. Rodrick took a moment to enjoy the breathtaking view of the city that the windows provided. No matter how many times he visited their place, he always took a few moments to look through those windows.

"Same ol' sight." The bull stood besides him; but, instead of staring at the sight outside, he stared at the sight inside that Rodrick provided to the bull.

"I know, but I don't get to see it every day." Rodrick tore his gaze from the window and back to the bull.

The bull continued to stare at the human. "What?" Rodrick asked, somewhat confused.

"Why do you keep wearing those pants?" Whitehorn asked, as he tugged on Rodrick's only article of clothing he currently wore. "You know you don't have to wear those."

Rodrick chuckled. "You know me. They feel comfortable."

"Bah. I tried those once... they aren't comfortable at all."

"Well I'm not surprised with all that fur on you. Your fur is pretty much all the clothing you need."

"Bah." The bull countered. "There's more than enough humans that go without clothing too."

Rodrick could not help but smile at the bull. "I think you just like seeing me naked, Whitehorn."

Whitehorn's smile seem to grow larger, much to Rodrick's surprise. "Well, it's only fair. You get to see me naked all the time." The bull began to pose for the human, flexing his muscle under the short white fur.

Rodrick took a few moments to enjoy the show. Even though he lived all his life in the furren society, whom did not believe in clothing, seeing Whitehorn nude and posing in front of him elicited a reaction. He could not help but look at those huge arms roll under the short fur. The large chest raise and lower with every breath; as the dark fur on his chest invited him to follow it down to the dark member hanging freely between his legs.

Rodrick closed his eyes and took a deep calming breath. If it were not for the fact that he and the Bookend Twins worked together, he may have tried to see where things would lead with them. However, they worked together, and he wanted to keep it professional, no matter how hard it was.

"Where's your brother?" Rodrick asked as he regained his composure and shifted the subject of conversation.

"Oh, he's at the gym. He wanted to work off some frustrations."

"Darn it. So, I only get to enjoy half of you sexy twins." Rodrick winked back. He may wanted to keep the relationship professional, but nothing stopped him from teasing the Bookend Twins. "Why aren't you working out with him?"

"Well, one of us had to wait for you." He paused for a second and then added. "I drew the short straw."

"I bet you did. I'm sure you're suffering."

Whitehorn let out a deep laugh, which Rodrick felt in his chest.

Both males sat down on the huge sofa and Rodrick put the duffle bag , that he still held, on the living room table. Once Whitehorn saw the duffle bag, his smile vanished.

"You got the job done?" The bull asked.

Rodrick nodded as he opened the duffle bag and took out two long broken horns. "Yup, took care of it last night."

"Big B. 'll be happy to hear that." Whitehorn took the two horns and put it back in the bag and closed it. "I'll let him know."

"Is there anything else Big. B wants me to take care of?"

"Not at the moment. Actually, he said you did such a good job for him lately that he's giving you some time off." Whitehorn took on a more relaxed composure again.

"Good." Rodrick leaned back and let a tired yawn escape his lips. "It's been so long since I had time to myself, and just relax... and unwind."

Whitehorn reached over and stroked the human's hairy chest. "Well, you know you could always unwind here."

Rodrick shivered as he felt the furred hand run over his entire chest. He could not help but close his eyes and enjoy the feeling; which made his pants tighten. He caught himself and sat back up on the sofa, adjusting himself.

"Whitehorn...." Rodrick looked at him. "You know my position on this...." It was hard turning him down, but he had to uphold his ethics. Mixing business with pleasure was always bad business.

The bull left his hand linger on his chest for a few moments and pulled back. "You can't blame me for trying." The bull smiled. Rodrick had to admit the bull knew how to tease him. "Well, it looks like you need more than just unwind," as his gaze shifted to Rodrick's groin.

Rodrick looked down. "That's been even longer." For some reason, Rodrick always felt comfortable talking to Whitehorn about anything. "Unfortunately most places that furrens frequent won't allow us humans in."

"Why don't you find a human then?"

"You know me, I enjoy the company of furrens more." He gave the bull a wink.

Whitehorn let out another laugh. "Well, if you want to unwind like that, I know of a place where there are a lot of us furrens that may peek your interest. It's a place my bro and I used to frequent a lot."

"Oh?" Rodrick sat up, his interest peeked. "A place where you used to frequent has to be good.

Do they allow humans?"

"Only of they have the right connections." The bull smiled and winked. "Just tell them that the Bookend Twins sent you and you'll be well taken care of."

"Well taken care of?" Rodrick repeated. "I'm not sure if I should be excited or afraid."

Whitehorn gave him a sly look. "A bit of both."

"Well, then. I don't need any more goading. I'll go take a look tonight."

"Let me know how it goes." The bull grinned slyly. "I want juicy details. Your way of paying me back for letting you in."

"Deal." Rodrick felt his energy return. The prospect of finally being in a bar full of furrens re-invigorated the human.

"You got plans for the rest of the afternoon?" The bull asked, and smiled as he saw the male sitting beside him perk up.

"No, not really. Why?"

"Why don't you stay here and hang out. We can watch a movie or somethin'." The bull paused for a moment. "And see if I can finally get you out of those damned pants."

Rodrick chuckled. "Sure." He had no other place to be and the only friend, if you called it that, was Whitehorn. "I could use the company." He look down at his pants. "I think I could be convinced, if you got some beer?"

"Here." Whitehorn handed him the remote as he stood up, and made is way to the kitchen. "Let's see what we got to drink."

Rodrick looked at Whitehorn rear as he walked to the kitchen and took a deep calming breath. He was thankful he found a place to release his tension tonight. He definitely needed a good release, even more so now if he was going to spend a whole afternoon with that Whitehorn, naked.

Before Rodrick could use the remote, the bull returned with two beers in hand. "Now, about those pants of yours."