A Thorough Patdown

Story by ElijahHusky on SoFurry

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#1 of One-Shots

Just another way of saying "fuck the police"!

Long time, no see! ... or hear... or anything I guess... oops?

Anyways I just randomly sat down and decided to write a little bit of smut because hey, why not y'know? I did a brief run through to check for spelling but nothing crazy so if there are any errors I apologize. Just something short and sweet I whipped up on the spot! Featuring my character Elijah and one of my favorite police dog friends who's birthday also happens to be today! Hope you enjoy!

A wide yawn split my muzzle as I drowsily sped down the long, dark back road on the way home from the third night shift that week. The day job at the local grocery store simply wasn't cutting it anymore so I'd decided to try to find myself a few extra hours at the bowling alley in the town over, a hot spot for the local college kids.

The first week or so went well for the most part, that is until my hours got cut back more when they decided to hire a few more reliable workers for the daytime, meaning that if I wanted to stay I'd be stuck working the late hours. I didn't entirely mind as I was a bit of a night owl myself, but six straight hours of dealing with obnoxious college students who were so drunk they could barely stand let alone roll a bowling ball, I was thoroughly exhausted.

It was tough to keep my eyes focused on the road as they constantly drooped, but the road was known for its tendency to have wildlife run out in front of cars quite often meaning I had to stay vigilant. I came around the wide bend informing me that I was nearly at the halfway point of my trip home, only to attempt to slam on my brakes as I spotted the lone police car parked on the narrow dirt side road just around the blind turn. I tried to make the abrupt slowing look as natural as possible, but my worst fears were met when the vehicle whipped out behind me and flashed its lights.

I drew in a heavy sigh as I pulled my car to the shoulder and placed it in park, already reaching towards the glove box to grab the registration for my car. I set it in the passenger's seat next to me and patiently waited for the officer to exit the vehicle, watching through my side mirror.

A couple minutes passed before the door finally kicked open and a heavy set of boots met the gravel of the shoulder beneath followed by the tall, stocky build of what looked like a German shepherd. He slowly approached and I kept my paws wrapped around the steering wheel. He had to lean down a bit to peer into my car with his flashlight, a citation pad in his other paw.

"I assume you know why I stopped you?" the gruff voice spoke. I sighed and nodded my head in response.

"Yep, speeding. Just trying to get home so I can get to bed." I replied with a bit of nervousness in my tone. I'd never personally been pulled over before, but I'd been in the car for a few of the times either of my parents did so I was a bit familiar with the drill.

"License and registration please." He stated almost mechanically. I fulfilled his request and handed him the documents, taking a moment to inspect the officer. His golden nameplate had the name ROOK imprinted across it, stuck to the chest of his bulky police vest.

I wasn't going to lie, he was actually pretty handsome, and I'd always had a soft spot for men in uniform. He glanced up for a moment catching me staring causing my eyes to dart away quickly and a small blush to run across my face.

"I'll be back." He grunted taking my documents back to his car to run my information. I crossed my fingers that the officer was feeling nice tonight and would let me off with a warning, but I wasn't going to let my hopes get too high.

A few minutes passed by before he exited from his car again to bring my documents back. "So Elijah, what are you doing out driving so late? I don't get any traffic through here most nights." He asked with a suspicious glance.

"Just on my way home from work, had to work the night shift over at the bowling alley." I replied, my palms beginning to sweat a bit.

"The one near the campus?" He exclaimed with a bit more interest, pausing from scribbling on his citation pad.

"That same one yes, familiar with it?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah! That was one of my favorite hangout spots when I was still attending, I haven't had the time anymore working this job though." He explained with a grin. A thought seemed to cross his mind as his peered at me again, the smirk on his face growing a bit larger.

"Y'know, I think we might be able to do each other a little favor if you're interested." He mused while his long tail streaked with red swayed behind him.

"O-oh? What's that?" I replied, my heart rate increasing a bit as I had a sneaking suspicion as to what he might have been hinting to.

"You look like you've got a pretty nice muzzle on ya... why don't you step out of the car so I can get a better look at it?" He responded with a glint of mischief in his eyes. Any tiredness that was still in my body quickly vanished as I turned the car off and stepped out. "Turn around and face the vehicle, paws up high so I know you aren't reaching for anything." He commanded as I shut the door behind me.

I did as I was told, having to suppress my curled tail from potentially giving away my excitement. He stepped up behind me and began to pat down my sides, taking his time to thoroughly check my back pockets in the process. I felt my face redden a bit as he began to openly grope my rump from behind before stepping forward a bit more to plant his crotch right under my tail.

I could feel the bulging heat radiating from the spot as he leaned forward a bit and used his strong paws to pull me back against him-or a combination of me pushing back as well- as he placed his muzzle by my ear.

"On your knees, pup." He whispered gruffly, and I whined in response as he stepped back. I turned around to see him working on his thick leather belt before grabbing his paws with a grin.

I sank down until I was eye level with his waist and used my deft paws to quickly undo the bindings. He growled approvingly as I continued my work, popping the button off and working the zipper down to reveal a set of dark red underwear.

The darker wet spot was somewhat noticeable against the modest tent the hidden shaft was creating, and I helped pull the black pants down further until they pooled at his boots. Before I could do anything one of his paws found the back of my head and brought it forward to grind his hefty package against the side of my muzzle.

I let out another low whine as I breathed in the thick, almost earthy musk that reeked of male, and I couldn't help but give a few excited wags. My muzzle opened as I mouthed around the bulge, the paw rubbing encouragingly over my ears as he gave a few deep sighs. I had a feeling the officer was fairly pent up, and if it meant getting out of a speeding ticket then I was more than willing to help him out.

I was definitely nervous about being caught on my knees in front of the officer whose pants were currently around his ankles, but the thought gave the situation another level of arousal that caused my own sheath to twitch in my tightening pants.

My fingers hooked themselves around the waistband of the final cloth barrier and tugged them down to join his pants. I blushed as I took in the sight, a large red canine member jutting out of a tan colored sheath, knot prematurely swelling at the base. The scent was amplified tenfold without it being masked anymore, and I felt myself getting drunk off the thick musk.

I happily shoved my nose under the low hanging sack and inhaled heavily a few times, it was almost heaven. The officer chuckled before pulling my head back and poking my muzzle with his swelling member.

"Get to work pup." He instructed with a sly grin, and I obeyed by planting my warm tongue against his equally warm shaft. I took a few long laps across the surface, enjoying the slightly salty taste before taking the tip and then some into my muzzle. The pleasured grunt from above and drip of pre alerted me that the attention was appreciated and I let my maw sink further down the length in response.

I bobbed my head steadily along his member, taking care to keep my sharp teeth away from the sensitive flesh. It certainly wasn't the first blowjob I'd ever given, but the shepherd was larger than most other males I'd had a chance to play with.

I resurfaced momentarily and took a deep breath before diving down the entirety of the red canine shaft, causing the shepherd to bark and hump forward. Practice was the only thing that kept me from choking as I kissed his swelling knot. My paws reached up to grab at the officer's rear, holding him in place as my tongue assaulted his tip.

He grunted and moaned lowly as he gripped my ears in return giving my muzzle a few firm thrusts before reluctantly withdrawing from my muzzle. He panted slightly with a grin as he looked down at me.

"Guess my feeling was right about you, you've got a real nice muzzle pup. But I'm not going to let you off THAT easily I'm afraid. I'm going to need to do a full body search, so stand up and lose the clothes and meet me at my car when you're done." He rumbled as he pulled his pants off completely and carried them back to his car.

I blushed as I got back to my feet and began discarding my clothes, tossing them into the back of my car. I'd worn my favorite blue jockstrap that night out of sheer chance and I left it on in the chance that another car came around the corner.

The blue and red flashing lights that had been running the whole time flicked off leaving only the headlights to give any type of lighting and I took that as my cue to join the shepherd at his car. As I approached his vehicle I watched him peek up from the backseat before slamming the door shut to join me in front of his car. He'd discarded his vest leaving him only in his boots and a black, tight fitting muscle shirt.

His red member bobbed about as he walked causing me to unintentionally lick around my muzzle in anticipation. He seemed to growl approvingly as he noticed my attire, the heavily bulging jock struggling to hide my excitement.

"Paws on the hood, let's see how well you know your place." He exclaimed. I assumed the almost cliché position with my legs spread apart, tail arching over my back as he came around to admire the view.

I kept my head facing forward and listened as his boots crunched behind me, before gasping in surprise and pleasure as I felt a warm, wet lick brush across my tailhole. I instinctively spread my legs wider to give him more room to work with as he wettened up the area, applying more and more pressure to the spot.

I did my best to suppress my whines and moans as his tongue drilled against my taint repeatedly, failing to do so when I felt the warm organ slip into my entrance. I lifted my tail higher in response as my tunnel was prepared for something much less forgiving. My trapped member twitched at the thought.

After a minute or so of thorough preparation he withdrew to admire his work before pushing a thick pawtoe against the now loosened entrance. I'd played with one of my favorite toys the night before so I wasn't horribly tight, but I knew it was going to be a stretch as the second pawtoe pressed as well.

I squirmed in delight as he took his time stretching me out, before finally standing to assume his place. "Hope you're ready, I was nice enough to stretch you out but I won't be gentle." He grunted, and not soon after did I feel the hot, firm flesh of his member at my entrance.

I tried to relax best I could as he began to apply pressure, the tip popping in with ease. He leaned into me and eased his way in a bit further before stopping to let me adjust, although with his preparation I could barely feel any pain as he continued to reach deeper.

I gasped out as he bumped against my pleasure spot causing my member to throb dully in my jock strap aching for release, and he still pressed in further. The pressure was almost too much as his hips finally came flush with mine and held himself there for a few moments before withdrawing. It didn't last however as he abruptly thrust back in, and it was on from there.

He moved his paws down to grip my hips and firmly pull me back against him, his heavy sack slapping against my own with each hump forward. The feeling was like gold as he continuously bashed our hips together and I began to let my groans and whines run free, the slick surface of the car frustrating me as I had nowhere to grip to push back against him.

All of a sudden he withdrew and scooped me up with his strong arms to lay me on my back on the hood of the car, and I reflexively spread my legs apart as he lined back up. "Good pup..." He growled as he plunged back in to resume his vigorous thrusting.

The car rocked with us, and at this point if anyone had bothered to drive by they would be presented with quite the show. I could feel his knot persistently pressing against my abused tailhole, and I wondered if he was going to try to tie me. I clenched at the thought of it causing him to growl and give a few tough thrusts in response causing me to relax again.

I could feel my release drawing near, and by how erratic the officer's thrusts were getting I could tell he was getting close as well. He grunted with effort and with a particularly rough thrust popped his knot inside causing me to see stars, but he tugged it right back out.

He repeated the same motion a few times before on one tug back the thick ball of flesh did its job and stuck. He growled as he hunched over me and gave a series of jackhammering thrusts as his knot swelled further putting more and more pressure on my sweet spot. I was ready to burst at the slightest touch, overstimulated member drooling and creating a puddle of white on my soft belly fur.

Suddenly, his grip tightened substantially and I felt him tense up before giving one final push beginning the torrent into me. I blushed as my insides grew warm, the steady stream being held in place by the thick ball of flesh. It felt like ages before he was finished, and I could see the ever-slight bulge in my stomach as a result.

I laid in silence, eyes locked to his pleadingly as my pink member throbbed and drooled. I was leaning right on the edge but the pressure from his knot was keeping my release from occurring. He finally recovered from his haze enough to realize my predicament, and with a smirk firmly wrapped his fist around my length and began to paw me off. I clenched again and again around him grunting and writhing in pleasure as I finally exploded, covering my stomach and chest as I panted in exhaustion.

"So... this means... no ticket... right?" I asked hopefully between breaths, giving my best puppy dog gaze to seal the deal. He seemed to consider it for a moment before erupting into a hardy laugh.

"Hahaha silly pup, I wasn't going to write you a ticket in the first place. I just needed something to help ease some tension and this certainly did the trick!" He exclaimed grinningly. I blushed heavily in response, but couldn't help but giggle along with him. "Though if you get into any trouble later on, you tell them that you're a friend of old Rook and they'll cut you a break, it's the least I can do for ya for lending me a paw... or a little more than that I guess." He continued, giving a slight tug to reaffirm his point.

"S-sure thing officer. Glad I was able to help out!" I smiled in return, wagging. He grinned back before grabbing hold of my hips and giving a firm tug to pull himself free. He helped me up after and we walked back to my car where I redressed quickly.

"Well officer, I hope you have a nice rest of the night. Maybe we'll meet again sometime!" I exclaimed as I slid back into my car.

"Better not let me catch you out speeding again pup! I won't be as easy on you next time!" He shouted over his shoulder as he walked still clad in just his shirt back to his patrol vehicle. I chuckled and pulled off the shoulder to resume the drive home, thinking of crawling into bed after cleaning up a bit in the shower.

A few minutes down the road I happened to glance up in my mirror and see the distant pair of red and blue lights again causing me to slow to a stop once more on the shoulder curiously. I grinned as the same black boots stepped from the vehicle, the officer approaching my car once more. Upon realizing him scribbling on his citation pad though my smile quickly vanished as I rolled down my window.

"Is there a problem, officer?" I gulped as I asked. Glancing towards me his expression was serious, but as he tore the paper and handed it to me it softened a bit. Scribbled roughly was a phone number, and I glanced up at him once more.

"For if you want to get ahold of me while I'm off duty... give me a ring." He said quietly. "Have a nice night." He finished as he briskly walked back to his car. I looked down at the number again and rolled my eyes as I folded it up and tucked it away in my shirt pocket for later, before peeling off for the final time of the night to head home.

Be sure to let me know what you guys think about the length/content etc. whether they should be longer or shorter! Hope you all enjoyed!