A second midieval birthing.

Story by Macrofurry_Writings on SoFurry

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Medieval times can be very interesting. Wars can sometimes break out over the littlest of things, jousting can murder people in a heartbeat with a slight miscalculation of a particular aiming of a spear and in this case, in the inland settlement of Rashir, a very rare occurrence would happen on this day. Little did they know it but a human master and his pet stallion would be adding to their household twice fold in a single day.

This particular human's name is Richard and his pet's name is Caskie. The horse was named that because allegedly at birth, his hide was as strong as a wine barrel, or cask. So thus the name stuck. Richard was a twenty four year old male built with a pudgy figured body type, with short brown hair, Caucasian in skin tone, about six or so feet tall and was wearing a normal cloth tunic of about a dingy dirty white color or thereabouts.

Cask meanwhile was a young adult horse with white fur everywhere except for a peculiar brown section on his belly area alone, about twenty two years old, about six and a half feet tall and had more of a fatty fuller figure to him and brownish blueish eyes. The stallion was clad in only a loincloth made from moose fur traded in from the northern coastal village nearby.

As the sun rises into their modest yet spacious middle ages type home, Caskie rubs his loving Master's back and says lovingly "I want to fuck you right now. I haven't spilled my load in days and am eager to rut." Hearing this awakens Richard and he says sleepily "Ok sweetie. Let me get myself ready for that huge thick equine cock of yours."

With that, the horse gets out of the bed and stands as he watches his master get on all fours. As soon as he is ready the human turns his head and says affirmatively yet gently, "I am ready to receive that cock." He then winks and watches as the fatty yet strong horse strokes his cock and steadily gets to gull erection status. At its most erect point, Caskie's dick was about a massive foot long and about six inches in diameter. Now that he is fully ready to engage in sexual activities with his master, the horse gets on the bed, steadies himself on his wide knees, especially by equine standards, and rubs his flat cockhead all over the space between the human's asscheeks, even spending a copious amount of time teasing his anus.

This teasing not only makes the human moan out in arousal, but it gives the equine male stimulation that makes his cock throb and ooze clear precum. This precum then oozes down into Richard's asshole and works it's way through the walls, lubricating them. Thus this prepares his ass for being penetrated by the huge, hung for his body figure, horse's erection.

Richard groans and says, lost in lust for being fucked "Ohhhh Caskie my sexy fat pet, fuck me like you would fuck the horse of your wildest dreams!" With that, the strong equine smirks and says in reply "Ok my Master Richard. Enjoy this fat horse dick" With that he slowly, carefully inserts his phallus into his Master's ass, stretching the virgin tight muscles out ever so slightly with this initial hilting thrust. He then grunts as he thrusts his hips back slowly and then with more lube inside the anus from the continually leaking cock from the pre, he thrusts just a bit faster, making sure his master isn't in pain from the girthy erection inside him.

Upon hearing his master's pleasurable moans, the big horse moans out as he feels his well endowed testicles filling with his cum. As they fill up they gain more force from the weight and soon begin to slap themselves against his Master's lower asscheeks. The feeling of his pet's balls landing on his ass only serves to turn on Richard more, and gradually his uncut cock of about ten inches long and four inches in diameter reaches it's full erection point too. Now both guys were horny from this sexual moment of intimacy between Master and pet.

After some time passes, the horse begins to get eager and now that the inner muscles of his master's ass are fully lubricated from his sweaty, pre coated cock, he thrusts quite rapidly. This serves to arouse Richard more, but he doesn't stroke his cock. He decided to save his cum and erection to repay his pet's willingness for sexual intimacy. The pair of males moan and thrust as their bed creaks and shifts around from the weight being tossed around with each thrust of masculinity occurring.

After a few more minutes, Caskie smiles and says over the human Master's shoulder "Unnggh... I am close to blowing my seed into your ass Richard." Richard grunts in pure arousal and replies by saying "Do it my lovely pet. Cum into me with all you have inside those heaving destructive cannonballs of yours!" It was with those words, paired with one final grunt and hilting thrust of his horse dick, that Caskie lets out a loud, almost prehistoric type, carnal roar of manly climaxing pleasure as his cock forces out seed like a rushing river rapid. Truly, as the saying goes he was cumming like a horse.

After the cumshot terminates, Caskie slowly pulls out of his human sex partner's ass and watches as the tight anus oozes some of the cum he put in back out. Impressed the equine grins and says "Wow. Best amount of seed I spilled in quite a while! I truly filled your ass Master Richard." The human groans in delight as his cock bobs with every rapid heartbeat and he says "Ok, my turn to fuck you my cute pet." With that, both horse and human get off the bed, and this time Caskie gets on all fours upon the sweaty mattress and readies his own ass to be fucked. A few moments later, Richard gets on the bed on his knees and proceeds to insert carefully, gingerly his girthy fleshy shaft into his pet's ass region, making Caskie moan out in manly intimacy.

Soon enough, Richard begins to slowly, almost in a masternally careful type of manner thrust his hips, making sure that his pet is thoroughly enjoying this experience of making love. To his satisfaction, he hears Caskie moaning quite loudly in delight with every thrust of the wide fleshy penis. This pleases Richard and as such, he works his way to thrusting faster so he could get his way towards ejaculation. Moments later, pre spurts out of Caskie's master's cock and this makes both shudder in pleasure from the feeling mutually felt between them at the moment that event occurred. With the newfound pleasure from that, the human thrusts a bit faster and groans. He then says "Mmm... I am getting close my beautiful pet." Caskie grunts and says as his fur drips in sweat and musk wafts from his sweat producing regions like his armpits and groin to Richard's nostrils "Yes Master. Blow your seed deep inside me! Let me know how much you love me!" Soon enough, the human gives one final thrusting all the way to his human fleshy dick's base and lets out a roar of his own as he shoots his seed deep into his pet for a few consecutive minutes. After that he kisses Caskie's left cheek and slowly pulls out of the horse's anus. He then looks down and notes that unlike his own ass, the horse keeps most of his cum inside of his anal sphincter. Richard then gives a few deep breaths, clearly at least a bit exhausted from the sexual roughhousing and says impressed by the act the quine has shown "Wow! You have a mighty asshole my lovely Caskie."

The compliment makes the stallion blush deeply, turning his cheeks brick red and he replies "Aww... thank you Master Richard. Those words mean a lot to me." The horse then turns around and they begin to kiss each other on the lips. It was during that kiss however that they both, nearly at the exact same time felt a weird sensation in their bodies, one unexperienced by either of them until this exact moment in time. They both began to suddenly feel ill, and violently so in both Richard's and his pet's cases. They then as quick as they could put on their respective clothes and ran down the hill to the river that ran behind their home. Luckily, they both got to the riverbank in time because as soon as they got to the river's edge with its rushing clear blue water, they hurled quite forcefully. They didn't just do it once, but three consecutive times. Luckily for both, the session of vomiting subsided after those three hurls.

The pair of them, human and horse, then look at each other and Caskie says to Richard "Shall we get something to drink, in case that returns again whatever that was we just went through?" The human nods and says happily, yet exhausted "Yes Caskie. Let's get drinks made to nourish ourselves and replenish our lost strength from that sudden violent illness we just had."

With that, the pair of them walk slowly, steadily back up the hill and into their home overlooking the nearby village they lived close to. After a bit of searching, the human decides to make the pair of them glasses of apple juice using fresh apples that he had gotten from the trading market a few days prior to today. After making the juice, he pours it into mugs, one for him and the other for Caskie, The duo then sips and eventually drinks all of the mugs of refreshing sweet and clean tasting apple juice.

After they wash the mugs in a makeshift sink that was more in reality akin to a bucket, the human and equine then look at each other's chest area and the human says to his horse pet "My... your chest has grown... a bit." To which Caskie responds with "I could.. and will.. say the same about your chest Richard. It has grown as well!" With that Richard now blushes and he grabs two more moose fur cut outs' one for himself and the other for his pet. They then tie them around their fronts, and make sure that they are comfortable yet have enough room in case that their chest regions would expand farther. After that was settled, they then, seeing it was mid afternoon, decided together to go to the market to get food for dinner.ied their cover ups on loosely, because in the time it took to get to the market district of their village, about an hour or two max, their chests had gotten to a plump full figured B cup in size. The sight of the usual customers having mammary glands makes the market owner look and say to the pair "Wow, that is a rare case, I heard about one such case of men with women's chests happening in the nearby coastal village but now we have two? Here? That is extraordinarily amazing!"

Richard smiles at the owner as he picks up some fresh river fish and crab brought in from other places in the area and says kindly "Well I am glad to be part of this rare event, alongside my pet Caskie." The equine, hearing his name as he picks out some potatoes and celery, perks his ears up, turns his head and waves at the owner, letting her know that he was acknowledged and replied. The pair of the new breasted people then pay for their food they got at the market and make their way back home as the sun starts to lower in the skies above, turning them a hue of purpleish blue.

As the sun began to set in the sky around them, the pair of the human and stallion begin to prepare dinner. Caskie assists in this by making a fire pit outside at the top of the hill overlooking the nearby river. Meanwhile Richard cuts the potatoes and carrots and puts them in a pot with the fish and some white wine that was recently discovered using green grapes from a far off settlement near the Mediterranean Sea. He then takes the pot full of food and liquid outside and places it on the roaring fire. It is there that the duo watch the food cook. While the food cooks away, the pair of them, horse and human, notice that milk is mysteriously dribbling down their fatty figured body forms. After some thought they come to the sudden conclusion that they are making milk now. With already a weird day in hand the duo doesn't acknowledge the fact that their bodies have decided to start producing milk and just focus on the food instead.

After the food is cooked, then Richard takes the pot off the flame and carries the warm pot back inside. As he does that, the equine takes a bucket and goes down to the river. He then carries the heavy, water logged bucket back up the hill. After that he tosses some of the water on the fire, extinguishing it. After watching the steam rise upward as a result of the water interacting with the flame and hot wood and ignition sources, then the horse pours on the rest of the water all over the makeshift fire pit, just to make sure that all of the heated material is put out so that it doesn't re-ignite and cause damage to who knows what.

Upon satisfaction that the fire is fully put out, the feminine male horse turns around and walks back towards the house his master and him lived in, all while taking a deep whiff to smell the cooked seafood and vegetables cooked in the beautiful white wine sauce. He then washes his hand paws in a bucket nearby and seats himself, clearly ready to eat, as signified by his stomach rumbling loudly.

Almost as a response to that noise, Richard's stomach rumbles. The human then chuckles and says happily as he also seats himself at the table they ate dinner at "Seems we made dinner at the right time, for we are both stricken with hunger noises from within our bellies." With that they both nod and begin to eat their meal. As they eat they discuss all the stuff they saw at the market since they were at opposite ends of the area the market sprawls out upon. For example, Caskie saw a whole bunch of citruses and other fruits at the end he was at, as well as many veggies. Meanwhile on the end Richard was on, he saw mostly meats and other associated things. On this occasion though there was a special sale on reindeer venison. They then both agree to get some the next time they go there if that sale is still occurring.

They then finish eating their meals and patting their full bellies. Having taken notice that it is now near absolute darkness outside their home as the sun has set, Richard lights up the candles around the house. Upon finishing that, he takes notice as his belly was now really big, and so was Caskie's. The stallion looks down, having taken notice of the same thing his master has. They then look at each other and Caskie says "Wow.... our offspring is growing inside us!" Caskie's master then replies with "That certainly seems to be the case here. I suppose birthing will occur soon... I hope. I likely can't stand walking around long with all this additional weight on my lower belly." The horse nods in agreement and says "I agree absolutely with that string of thought you have there sir."

Needing comfort the most at this period in time, the pair of horse and human walk over to the couch they have and sit down upon it. They then look at each other's bellies and it was at that moment when they felt something that can only be described as kicking against their guts. Curious, Caskie put his head on his master's belly, and Richard followed suit with Caskie's belly. They then listened and felt their kids kick against their womb's walls that was in their bellies. Smiling, Caskie says as he sits up "That is a wonderful feeling master Richard, feeling my kid in your belly kicking his hooves." Richard then replies with "I could say the same for your belly and my kid's kicks with his feet, teehee!" The horse chuckles and nods before saying in reply "Oh that is very true Richard."

Then a few moments late as the full moon rises over the village, a new feeling arises within both Richard and his pet horse simultaneously. Unlike the last one though, this one was completely different. It wasn't a feeling of sickness, no. It was... a sudden craving. They craved something sweet and fast!" So Caskie does something that usually gets them sweet food faster. You could call it a primitive form of food delivery this village invented recently. The horse gets wood and makes a fire.

Meanwhile down in the village, a baker sees the smoke coming from the hilltop and says to her workers "Oh boy we have another baby desserter on our hands! I need six strawberry tarts and six cinnamon rolls now!" About an hour later the workers line up with a tray full of six cinnamon rolls and six strawberry tarts. They then hurry to rush the desserts out of the village and up the hill to the home the pregnant equine and human were residing in, knocking on the door when they reach the house.

After hearing the knock on the door, Caskie gets up and gets the trays, thanking the bakers for their services. Meanwhile Richard extinguishes the fire. After that they return to their lounging and makeshift childbirthing couch, even though they weren't giving birth... yet. They then gleefully begin eating the sweet foods, each taking half the strawberry tarts and cinnamon rolls.

After they finish the sweet foods, they burp lewdly and then rub each other's bellies as well as their own, appreciating the feeling carrying a kid brings to both of them. After that they then feel sleepy due to sheer exhaustion from the food and all the moving around they did earlier to get the food, so thus they wind up falling asleep. For how long nobody truly knows.

What is certain is that they both wake up around the same time. Now who wakes up first is a matter up for debate, but whom felt the baby coming first wasn't a matter to debate in the slightest. It was Richard who felt the baby related contractions first. As such he says 'Oh dear Caskie. You'll have to help me deliver this child!" The horse nods and says in reply "Gladly Master Richard. I will aid in delivering the kid. Hopefully he appears before my child pains start up!' The human gulps and nods with a hint of nervousness on his expression before saying in reply "I hope so too."

With that, Caskie the strong, fat and now full term stallion gets on his knees gingerly and removes the tunic from his master's body. After that he says to him "Ok master. I am going to go from what I know based on what I have heard about pregnancy across the village. Now what I am doing to need you to do is to take breaths and when I command you to push, you push the baby through the birthing canal, ok?" Richard nods strenuously and says in reply "Ok Caskie. Will... ingh.. do!" Soon, after a deep breath of his own, feeling the kicks in his own belly become more vigorous, Caskie nods and says "Ok, spread your legs and push!" The human young adult nods and groans as he struggles to spread his thick legs and then breathes deeply as far as he can before groaning as he pushes the baby from the womb into the birth canal. Caskie then says "Good. More pushing!" Richard groans, breathes and gives another push. With that secondary push, the baby moves farther along the tube leading out into the open world. Richard then breathes and pushes once more, thius causing the baby, one who looks like an anthro male baby horse to pop its head out into the open. With that occurrence, it starts to take air on its own and cry. The human gives one more push and the baby horse comes out entirely.

With one part of the duo having delivered their respective child, it was now the pet horse's turn to childbirth. They then slowly, carefully swap places, with Richard gently in a motherly fashion cradling and slowly rocking the baby quine back and forth as he says to the horse with his legs spread wide apart "Ok my lovely pet, Caskie, push as hard as you physically can!" On those words being sponen, Cskie then breathes deeply, making his belly appear even bigger than it already was, and pushes. He then groans and says "Ooh... master! I feel it coming!" Richard nods in delight and replies "Good sweetie. Push more!" The horse nods rapidly and pushes harder. On this push though, the newborn's head appears from the inside of his body. Unlike the last infant born into the world though, this one wasn't an anthro equine. This infant was a human. He then gives one more push, revealing the gender of this infant to be like the last one, to be male. And with one final deep breath and trying push, he fully delivers the kid into Richard's hands. It was hard to tell exactly how much the kids weigh, or how long in inches they were, but they knew for certain, by side by side comparisons, that both kids were similar sizes and weights.

Having delivered their kids, both Richard the human and Caskie the horse now lounge seated upon the couch they used to give birth to their little ones. Now though they were holding their little newborns to their respective breasts and breastfeeding them their own supply of warm fresh milk straight from the source using their nipples. Both Richard and his pet horse were enjoying the feeling that the milk going from themselves to their children's mouths gave them. After being suckled dry, they both realized something that they didn't have most newborn infants of pregnant families had. A crib. Then again, most families don't have their babies delivered on the same day they have sex to create those infants. Most pregnancies take months. Not hours like both of theirs did. So, they agreed to go get themselves a pair of cribs for their new babies upon awakening the next day. So, they yawn sleepily and realize just how exhausting birthing children is to do. As such, Richard gives the horse baby to Caskie to hold. Meanwhile as the horse infant is being held, the human male grabs the blanket from the bed that he and his pet equine sleep in together and in this case had sex in this morning, and after sitting down, pulls the blanket over himself and Caskie, all while they both make sure that their kid's heads were outside the blanket so they could breathe efficiently enough and not suffocate. Soon after that though, the duo fall into a deep sleep along with their infant children.

The next morning the duo awaken with a modest, cute in some cases, yawn. This disturbance per say, also causes their duo of children to awaken as well. They then get ready for their day ahead, especially the aspect of getting their kids a pair of cribs to sleep in. When they all do eventually become ready to go, they then walk off into the sunrise to go off into the village to find the wood smith that would be responsible for making the infants' cribs. As they walk Caskie asks Richard "What shall we name our kids?"

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