Draen - Meeting Zek.

Story by SPmats on SoFurry

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Tipping a glass to his muzzle Draen surveyed the bar, stout vodka slipping down his throat with a familiar burn. The bar was modest, nothing flashy really. Dark woods made up most of the furniture with dull amber lights hanging over the counter and a few tables scattered around the walls. Looking over the edge of his glass yet again, he looked for someone of interest. He had been sitting at this stool for about an hour, casually sipping his vodka. No one in that hour really seemed to be worth the effort, besides the fact he was looking for a guy. Draen rolled the thought around as he swirled his drink. Was he going to find any other guys at this resort? He wasn't unattractive, his fierce green eyes hidden behind his glasses, light tan fur sliding over his brow and down his cheeks. He smirked, he liked the tan parts of his fur, it framed his eyes and muzzle also his chest and stomach as it stopped on his inner thigh. The rest was covered in a cream color, not pure white but still pretty damn sexy.

A tap on his shoulder brought him from his thoughts, it was the bartender. "Hey, one last drink then we gotta close up." The bobcat filled his glass and started to stack glasses underneath the counter. The bar was empty now; Draen had missed his chance or wasted his time both leaving him in a sour mood. Downing the glass and leaving a tip for the bartender he found himself in the main lobby of the resort. The usual lodge style permeated the resort, brown woods everywhere and darker colors making up the furniture, the amber glow of lights warming the atmosphere. The resort had the bar he just left, a five star restaurant one level up and the usual skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobiling activities. Tomorrow Trey was going to take him out on the slopes for some snowboarding. He hadn't been snowboarding in a few years but he figured he could get it down after a few tries.

He rounded the corner to one of the wings that kept the rooms to the resort. The drinks he had really didn't have much effect; he was too encompassed in looking for someone to keep him a little....closer company than his friend to drink that much. He shook his head, the thick lupine fur around his neck shaking. What was his room number? He would have to guess from finding it earlier. After a few moments of trying the key on some doors he got the right one. Opening the door, he heard a gasp, caught the site of his friend being topped by a rather buxom feline and closed his eyes. "Oh shit man! Why didn't you knock?" Trey said as Draen stared at the closed door, the shuffling of clothes filling the room. "Because, we've only been here one day, I didn't think you would have found...someone that quick." He was about to say a skank, but held his tongue. Trey turned him around, his vulpine face in a smirk. "Next time, knock." Draen stared at the red around his face, the white cascading down his tight stomach. He caught himself and glanced away. "Yeah, I'll make sure." Sometimes he wished Trey was like him, interested in men. He thought they would make a good couple, but he didn't mind, his friend was always there for him. The feline passed them as Trey flashed a smile; she flicked her tail and slammed the door.

Trey held true to his promise of snowboarding, bright and early Draen opened his eyes to his friend already dressed and slipping a pair of goggles between his black ears. "C'mon yah bum, were not gonna be the first to shred the slopes if you don't hurry!" A few moans, a problem getting boots on and a long walk later, Draen was staring down the gigantic white monster of a mountain. He checked his snowboard, all set. The wolf sighed, his glasses were a tad uncomfortable behind the goggles, and the slope before him wasn't exactly friendly looking. He wanted to get to know the slope first before he threw caution to the wind and flew down it. He didn't really have time though, already people were filtering onto the trams to take them up the mountain. Damn, well here it goes. Draen breathed lightly and lifted himself from his perch to slide down the mountain. The rush of wind was wonderful. It filled his ears with a roar and pushed the slight mane around his neck back. As he glided down the slopes he watched the tall pine trees fly by, thick forests of them to his sides. The tall mountains capped with snow towered behind the forests, their grey rock gleaming in the sunlight, a blue sky stretching before it as lazy clouds drifted between the mountains.

He felt free as the snow billowed behind him, free with no problems or worries to weigh him down. He slowed his pace down the mountain; he was half way down and thought he could enjoy the last half. As people slid by him he thought about what they might be up here for in the resort. Enjoying a nice trip away from the usual routine of everyday life? Practicing their snowboarding or skiing skills? Were they looking for someone to fuck? Wait, what? He shook his head, were did that question come from? It was rather blunt, but true. Not just to fuck, but someone who actually cared for him. He sighed, he wasn't the only one, and Trey was alone too so what gave him an excuse to mope around about it? Because he can actually get some, besides what gay guy wants to snowboard? Draen stared at the snow as it slid by; sometimes he hated that inner voice. That last part is stupid anyways, he thought, a lot of people liked to snowboard.

Draen lifted his gaze as he came to the bottom of the mountain; he slipped his board sideways to stop. He felt a jolt, something had hit him. The wolf felt the ground leave his feet as he lurched forward and slammed into a patch of ice as his world went black.

Thumping, incessant thumping pounded his brain. Whoever's doing that is a real asshole. It sounded deep, like it was inside his body. Wait, it was his pulse, and his head felt like it was being crushed. He opened his eyes to a squint. The room was blurry, but it was at the resort, not a hospital. He saw the blobs of what was probably a television and the front door. A larger blob was on the corner of the bed, was that Trey? He lifted himself a bit, opening his eyes all the way. The blob shifted, he couldn't focus his eyes. "Hey, you feelin' alright?" It wasn't Trey. "Where am I? And who are you?" He felt stupid and vulnerable asking those questions, but he needed to know. "You're still at the resort, and my names Zek. When you stopped on the slopes I sent you flyin' right into some ice." Draen watched the blob move as Zek handed him something. He felt the familiar thin metal of his glasses, that why everything looks so shitty. "Thanks." He said as he slipped them on. Zek was tall and thin, basic structure for a weasel. Dark brown fur covered most of his face, with a bit of white under his muzzle. He was wearing a blue shirt with a darker blue jacket; Draen noticed a red flame design on one of the arms. "You took a nasty hit to the head; you should stay still for a bit." The wolf didn't want to stay here with someone he didn't know. He wanted to get back to his own room and sleep; maybe this headache would go away before the trip was over. "So, uh, what's your name?" Draen brought his eyes to the weasels. They were a nice deep brown; they radiated a sense of comfort and safety. "Draen..." He said as he kept staring at Zek. The weasel smiled, as did Draen. "Well, despite causing an insane headache, it's nice to meet you." Draen chuckled, rubbing his ears as his head throbbed. "So, do you drink Vodka?" Zek had produced a small glass. The wolf smiled even wider. "I sure do."

It was only an hour ago, but it stuck so vividly in his head. The vodka was the usual, but the weasel he was with was not. Zek was nice and inviting. Draen wandered down the halls back to his room. Even though his head was throbbing Zek still weaseled his way back into his thoughts. He chuckled at that thought. Would Zek be interested in him? He hadn't thought that far. He stopped walking, the sudden thoughts hitting him. What if he was just being nice to him, not interested in him? His head throbbed, he would think about it tomorrow. He slid a hand in his pocket, opening the piece of paper he produced. Zek had invited him to snowboard tomorrow, he even wrote his room number down so he could meet him there, incase his injury made him forget.

He soon found himself staring at his room door. Trey was probably fucking someone on the other side. He actually had forgotten all about Trey. He didn't care though; Trey seemed perfectly able to find someone on his own, even if they didn't last very long. He sighed, tapping the handle a few times before turning it all the way. "Whoa whoa, hold on." Draen stopped, the door open just a crack. His ears twitched, trying to pick up any sound, his nose searching as well. He only heard Trey, but the scent was strong. "Okay, I'm good." The wolf entered slowly, the scent still hitting his nose. "What you been up to?" He said as he looked around the room. "I should be asking you that! You disappeared on the slopes!" Draen's eyes widened as his fur prickled. Did he tell Trey about Zek? He would surely be teased about it the rest of the trip. But, he didn't even know if Zek was interested. "My board had a crack on the left side, went to get a replacement. Clerk was stupid and took forever." He turned his attention to the finding the remote for the television. "You could have come back to the slopes." Trey didn't like his vague answer, damn. Draen found the remote and flipped through the channels, not even paying attention. "I just didn't feel like it after that clerk man, I'm sorry." He couldn't help his tone being hollow; he had other things to worry about besides his inquisitive friend. "Alright Mr. Mysterious, I won't press any further." Trey walked passed him and into the bathroom, the sound of the shower following shortly afterwards. Draen leaned back on the bed, remembering Zek's room, the weasel again filling his thoughts, his wide smile and warm, brown eyes. Draen rolled over and laid his glasses on the bed stand. He noticed a bottle of lubrication and wadded up tissues in the trash can. He sighed heavily, wrinkling his snout. Trying to ignore the scent by flooding his thoughts with Zek soon had Draen in a deep, rather aroused sleep.

Draen woke up troubled, his thoughts from the night before coming back to torment him. So he was going to snowboard with Zek in about an hour. Was that a date? No, he had only seen Zek once for fucks sake. He sighed explosively; Zek was probably being nice from his accident on the slope. What were the chances Zek was gay? What were the chances he had been interested in Draen from such little contact? He got up and shoved his feet into his boots, his paws fiddling with the strings. He was probably overreacting from lust, or not having someone to his own for awhile. Yeah, he was overreacting, just enjoy the company. He finished dressing and closed his room door, a slight smile tugging at his muzzle.

"Hey, Draen! Over here!" The wolf turned, his ears wobbling to sort the noise from the crowd. The rail cars that took you up the mountains had been stopped for repairs, much to the dismay of the guests. Draen caught Zek waving to him, a good distance from the crowd. He couldn't help but smile when he approached the weasel. "Some luck, huh?" Zek made a gesture to the railcar. "Yeah, at least we aren't at the top of the mountain." Draen glanced at Zek, his brown eyes meeting his own green. What was it about his eyes? They were almost captivating to him. He smirked, looking to his gloves. "You still up for snowboarding?" Zek turned to him. "Actually, I was thinking we could catch something to eat while their working." Draen's eyes widened in surprise "Yeah, I haven't eaten today yet." The weasel smiled. "I was hoping you'd be hungry." Draen blinked as Zek walked towards the main building. He was hoping I was hungry? This is too good to be true, there has to be some sort of catch. He caught up to Zek as they entered the equipment rental/café of the resort. Zek found a seat and waited for Draen to find his spot. "So, what do yah feel like?" Draen snapped away from the snowboards lining the walls to Zek. "Oh...probably just a cheeseburger." He chuckled. "Alright, be back in a sec." Zek was already to the counter before he could protest. He sighed, he wanted to connect with Zek so much. But, if Zek wasn't interested or even committed, he was wasting his time. He needed a plan, bide his time and see what Zek would do, then make his decision later. The plan made him a bit more comfortable as Zek returned with their food.

They are in silence for a bit, Draen was almost half done with his burger when Zek set his down. "So, you up here for the slopes or just to relax?" Actually I was hoping to get you into a room for some hot sex that could melt the snow, is what he was thinking. "Just to relax, I don't snowboard very often." Is what he decided to say. "Yourself?" Draen said before munching on some stale fries. "I'm actually working here; I got a break before my finals at school so I decided to make some extra cash. You go to a school near here?" Was he hoping to visit? No, just general conversation, need to relax. "No, I'm just across the state border. I go to Gheren State; it's not far from here." Draen flicked his ears back; another couple had taken the table behind him. He felt oddly uncomfortable with them so close. They didn't talk anymore, finishing their burgers and walking to the now fixed railcars.

"Have you ever been to the top of this baby?" Zek said as he checked his boots. "Yeah, although I didn't make it to the bottom before some weasel hit me." He smirked as Zek flashed him a grin. "Hey now, I apologized and helped you with that bump on your head." Draen crossed his arms. "By giving me vodka?" Draen began to realize he was growing a bit forceful in the conversation, his own question driving him. Zek stared at him for a bit, his ears back. "I, uh, just wanted to make sure you were okay." The wolf stayed silent; if he pressed more questions he could probably get the answers he wanted. "Why take me back to your room? I'm sure medical personal could have handled it." Draen stated. Zek sighed, looking him in the eyes. "Because, I saw you at the bar the other night and something caught me. I wanted to see if you would be interested in someone like me."

Melting the Snow

Snow littered the air, a swarm of light crystals being controlled and ushered by the forces of air. Dred shook his snout, the few flakes that built up on his nose now free to fly about. He pulled the dark grey cloak he was wearing around him. The...