Forever Sinful chapter 2

Story by SinFenrir on SoFurry

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#2 of Forever Sinful Series

Chapter two of the story, not really much for sexual relations but gives in some development. adds some new characters and faces, once again all characters within are (C) ME

Chapter 2

Awaking later that afternoon Jackson found himself alone and slightly sore from Kellan's thorough lovemaking, but at least the big wolf held him for a while after. He wondered though when he may have taken off, he sat up rubbing his eyes then he noticed a sticky note on the edge of the frame "sorry, have a soccer match; I'll see you again later. XO." He must've been with him for some time because it was almost 4 by this point. "A soccer match? Thought all those guys were lean." He spoke aloud even if he was alone; he appreciated the thought that Kellan deemed to leave him something the addition of the XO was cute of him. he stood and pulled on some fresh clothes, his thoughts turned to exploring the campus as he hadn't the time earlier to do so, that and the sudden and slightly rough sex with a nap took up a good chunk of time as well.

He took quite a while, he stopped by the library which was gigantic, he would probably spend a lot of his spare time there, he was a study bug after all plus he loved his books. Some other students were there busy with random things, either studying or reading, taking notes. He marveled that there were so many different species around. After popping by the student cafeteria to grab a hot pretzel he made his way to the athletics field, maybe he could see Kellan in action, sure enough the game was still going. He didn't spot Kellan though, not right away then seen him slap the soccer ball away from the net. That's why he played his large form and reach was perfect for a goalie, he wasn't enamored with him but the game gave Jackson something to do as he tore bits off his pretzel and ate them. He did watch him intently though thinking about his body and the forceful yet very hot sex they had if he had any energy to spare later Jackson thought he might try and do it again.

There was a call for the last half of the game and as everyone walked off the field to their respective sides Kellan notice him in the bleachers and gave him a little wave and a wink. Jackson waved back thinking about his sweaty shirt and his musk from before he let his mind wander about that now. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, he was only here a day! What was he doing acting like this already, he wasn't exactly ashamed because he had enjoyed it but still if anyone he had known from home heard of this they would not have been happy. He had a conservative family who frowned on things like that hell even his mother and father rarely did it. He waited till the game was over and Kellan to disappear into the athletics locker room.

He made his way back to the dorm and sat down with his laptop just randomly browsing but also checking in on his college page, they gave everyone a personal access so that they could see schedules and things of that sort. His desk in the living room he looked over his shoulder when Kellan came back showered and freshly dressed, he smiled at him and Kellan took a wave and leaned down when he approached the bunny and licked his cheek. "sorry I had to take off but gotta do what I gotta do" Jackson nodded in responds "quite alright thanks for at least leaving me a note that was nice of you" Kellan stood back up his ears perked forward and he smiled "hey I try to be a gentlemen you know, it was good to see you come to watch the game though." Jackson turned his chair and pulled his legs to sit indian style "I do like soccer I played a little in highschool but then I chose to study more and it worked out better that way." Kellan gave him another nod and started to go to his room "well ill catch you later I gotta get ready for a date." Jackson went agape a date? How in the world could he have done what they had earlier then just get a date? Or did he already have it? "what?" Kellan looked back and turned "what do you mean what? I have a date I'm sure I said that plain as day" Jackson glared at him "you mean to tell me you are dating someone and you did that with me anyway!?" Kellan nodded and showed no shame "yeah so what? If you want maybe we can again later? Its not like I've had sex with them yet..and I do have needs it seemed like you did too." Jackson turned his chair and shook his head.kellan walked back over and patted his shoulder "awe cmon you're really gonna be mad? Its just sex don't tell me you're jealous, we can still screw around, whos gonna know?" Jackson slapped his hand away and stood but he looked at Kellan and glared "yeah I did like it but really you're an ass, you're cheating on someone, since I have to live with you ill be polite but you try it again and ill ruin you" the wolf frowned at such a strong reaction "ya know bunny I could just stomp you into the ground if I felt like it but I'm not going to. I can tell you're not like obsessed or anything now but really atleast you're not going to be an ass." He approached him and forced a hug onto him even as Jackson tried to squirm away. "tell you what if things go south, ill make it up to you, they aren't giving it to me anyway so if it doesn't work ill take you on a nice date and ill show you I can be good okay?" Jackson turned his head away "fine whatever just let me go." The wolf sighed apparently he wasn't going to get anywhere with the stubborn jackrabbit and decided not to prod him any further. He went off to change leaving him be.

Jackson had his door closed but still brooded over the whole situation, after Kellan had left he decided to relieve his frustration and find a bar. He was legal to drink as he pleased so it would become a benefit if he chose to unwind during any downtime. He looked up local bars, and since he just wanted to blow off steam he decided to go ahead and give a gay bar a try, hed never been anyway so why not? Perhaps if he himself got a date maybe it would put a pin in the haughty wolfs ego bubble and teach him a lesson about using people. He got dressed in a pair of his favorite jeans and a silk purple button down, partially casual yet flattering enough, exiting and crossing the campus to the parking lot he jumped into his black and red mini cooper and headed out.

It didn't take very long to get there, it was a fairly busy night some dancing and music was going on it wasn't packed but it was surely busy. He found a seat at the bar and ordered a whiskey sour, it took a little bit so he was scanning the room, he really didn't feel like living it up too much so he would just drink for a while, then have a taxi take him home, since it wasn't far he could come get his car in the morning or once he sobered up to be safe to drive.

He had a few drinks and started to feel a light buzz and gave a sigh of contentment, that was the moment that someone tapped his shoulder and moved up beside him, a bear, Kodiak to be specific "hey pretty stiff drink, that one" Jackson looked at him then shrugs " I like em." His tone was rather short but the bear wasn't discouraged he put a finger at the bartender "two beers" for a bear his voice was pretty smooth he looked at the jackrabbit "you've been drinking alone for a while seen you from over there, if you want to you can join me and my buddy." Jackson shrugged yet thought about it "the name is George by the way" the big bear smiled and left him with the invitation. Once Jackson had ordered a fresh drink he decided to go ahead, why not? He figured that it couldn't be terrible to at least have someone to talk to and the bear didn't seem like he was a creep. He arrived at the table and there was another bear there, polar broad with a bit of muscle but a little bit of a gut, but it suited him well. George lifted his beer and smile "have a seat this is Bruno" Bruno smiled and took a swig of beer. "Jackson. Nice to meet you both." Bruno was the next to chime in "ya look a little down in the mouth, strong drink means something messed up." The polar bears inquisitive ness was fine after all Jackson had a buzz and the bears look like they had a few already. "nothing just some stupid thing with my roommate" the polar bear pulled his chair closer and hung his arm on him "hey forget about it." Jackson blushed a little thanks to the booze and George laughed "Bruno maybe you shouldn't be all up on him like that" Bruno looked at Jackson " what do you say?" Jackson took a sip of his drink "at least a big bear hanging on me will keep creeps off" Bruno chuckled and winked at George.

The night started on further he had sat and talked to them Bruno kept hanging on the jackrabbit even getting a bit flirty with him. they had moved to the dance floor and all three of them went to it, Jackson in the middle of the two which was just what they wanted, thanks to the drinks Bruno was first to be rather forward grinding and touching him. Jackson didn't have much for inhibitions so he didn't care thanks to the alcohol when they returned George had stopped at just a few beers but Bruno and Jackson kept going. Even going so far to flirt with him openly "Bruno you should stop" George warned him trying to rein in his friend, Bruno snickered as he wrapped his arm around Jackson's side. "stop it George we're having fun." He looked at Jackson then reached down with his other hand rubbing his inner thigh and licking his cheek "aint that right bud?" Jackson giggled softly "I could do worse. " Bruno was very satisfied and kept touching him they even made out in plain sight George stood up and punched his friends arm "we are leaving.. Jackson you have a good night and call a taxi." Bruno flipped off his friend "ill go when I feel like it dude, you aint the boss of me." George was trying to not get them into troube and just threw his hands up and left without them.

It was a while later they both stumbled out of the bar together Bruno was all over the smaller jackrabbit groping him " hey Jackson" he was slurring as he grabbed his behind " you got a car right?" Jackson hiccupped and nodded squeaking as he was grabbed but giggling "yeah but I wont drive..." Bruno chuckled deep then kissed him deep and hotly... jackson out of the moment held on to his neck and kissed back his body hot from both the alchohol and the bear. Bruno pulled back "well ill drive...but not your car." Jackson puzzled at him and the bear rubbed his ass again "mmm if you want my place isn't all that far..." Jackson realized what he wanted and thought it was just going to be like earlier "Bruno...we just me." Bruno nodded "yeah but I really want a piece of you...ill make you breakfast...and ill be real good to you" Jackson stammered a little Bruno sure was smooth, and he was certainly making it clear, at least he flirted with him first and he had been nice."I don't know..." Bruno chuckled as he heard the reply "alright... I gotcha, I wont ask for it again. But can I ask something else?" Jackson nodded as they were still in an embrace "can you come over anyway? You're so cute and I wont do anything, to be honest I haven't been out in forever and I'm single.." Jackson patted his cheek " sure..just behave okay?" Bruno nodded and smiled and kissed him slow and gentle. "I will but I cant say I wont make out with you. Cause we already are.."

He went home with him and it went just as Bruno said they stayed mostly clothed making out here and there but the big guy was very gentle to him not nearly as brutal and forward as Kellan. Bruno invited him to bed but had on a pair of fitted boxer briefs . " like I said Jackson...unless you REALLY want to you're safe" Jackson decided to be safe, even though the bear was sporting a tent he still promised Jackson safety, Jackson stripped down to his boxer shorts and hugged up to the bear "I like the other idea better.." Bruno smiled and gave him a long and slow kiss pulling him close and then picking him up "I get to cuddle with a cutie" he laughed a little and so did Jackson hanging onto him.. he laid him in the bed then set an alarm, the bed was incredibly soft and as Bruno pulled the blanket back and slid up to him he nuzzled his neck "sorry about the boner..cant help that" Jackson smirked "yeah me either.." he pulled it up around him and smiled kissing the bunny again."ill still make you breakfast" he started to yawn "Jackson giggled as the bear pulled him in close and held him "okay bruno" and he nuzzled into him.