Forever Sinful chapter 4

Story by SinFenrir on SoFurry

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#4 of Forever Sinful Series

chapter 4! yeah i know all these are uploaded pretty close together but i already have this stuff written lol. all characters within (C) me

Chapter 4

A few weeks had passed by since Jackson and Bruno had been seeing each other and things had been going rather well. Though this hadn't put Kellan in a very cheer disposition when he finally became available for the chance, Jackson did get some joy from that. Through the weeks he had been out with Bruno many times and stayed over just as much, Bruno was a kind sort and the sex was fantastic, but Jackson felt something was out of place. He found out the one day he walked into a classroom and a burly polar bear turned around and he was staring at his boyfriend and the professor of his new class. The horror crossed both of their minds neither one knew that this could happen and now that it had they weren't sure what to do. Jackson approached Bruno "I need this class but if they find out we are dating much less having sex they will can you and ill get kicked out!" Bruno looked at him and the serious implications of this were larger than the relationship between them.

Though they had not known one other was watching events unfold, Kellan couldn't hear what was going on but through the body language something was up. He looked around for any others arriving early and found none when his eyes crossed the professor's label on the door his eyes widened at the first name could this be the same Bruno? Judging from the distress on Jackson's face it was the very one he mentioned it had often come across that he liked the guy and he seemed to like him more than just a crush. Jackson watched that look and in his heart he worried about what might be crossing his polar bears mind "Jackson, you're completely right, this is major trouble." Jackson huffed at him "we can do it though Bruno can't we? I like you and I know without a doubt that you like me would it really be something we can't solve? In all honesty?" Bruno soured a little more at Jackson's insistence when he was the very one that brought up the point in the first place, this job was his life and he enjoyed teaching comparatively speaking the relationship between them wasn't worth the risk. "Jackson you can't honestly be serious about that you're just a student here and this is my livelihood. Frankly forcing me to choose won't end well then again I am not being forced but we are done." Jackson looked up in surprise Bruno couldn't just blurt that out so coldly and not regret it at all could he? Jackson's heart started to sink in his chest and he examined the handsome bears face and it was cold looking, he really did mean it and tears started to well up in his eyes at that unforgiving expression. He went to protest and was cut off by a glare "don't even start Jackson grow up and be a man I said we are done so take your easy ass elsewhere."

He called him easy and those tears burned now "Bruno how could you!?" Bruno glared once more "because it's true, you let me feel and grope you, you're a rabbit all of you are sluts at the core so just go sit down like a big boy and shut your mouth. This never happened as far as I'm concerned." Bruno wasn't going to flush his career for this so he did what needed to be done. "You're being so cruel! You've been such a kind guy and now you treat me like garbage..." Bruno turned away and continued what he had been doing and Jackson couldn't stop the tears, they had gotten so romantically involved and now he was nothing to him. Kellan watched the scene unfold and even he felt sorry for the little one of the pair, those tears welling up in Jackson's eyes had started to fall, Bruno was trying to hurt him. Jackson covered his face and started to sob softly "Bruno..." The bear turned again and growled "get out of my class till you can stop balling like a scorned child, grow the fuck up go get some guy to stuff your loose hole. At least I got that out of this ordeal."

Jackson couldn't believe it, no one ever once in his life had said something like that to him, he never once seen Bruno act like that and his heart sank. He had liked him so much by now they even spent some evenings just cuddled while watching TV he was growing fond of Bruno and even heard Bruno admit the very same thing. Tears quietly falling down his cheeks and he sniffled softly "you're being such a monster but fine have it your way, but I'm none of those things and you know it" Bruno smirked "yeah you really are, just go." Kellan tried to stop Jackson as he was leaving the classroom but he avoided him and walked down the hall wiping his eyes "hey teach!" Kellan called out to Bruno and the polar bear turned and raised a brow "can I he-" Kellan interrupted him "you're an asshole." Kellan walked away from the classroom door after Jackson leaving the stunned Bruno standing there.

Kellan followed silently and found Jackson sitting in the dorm room on his bed crying to himself, he stood in the doorway "go away Kellan." He could understand why he said it but Kellan sat on the bed by him "he broke up with you didn't he?" Jackson nodded "yeah you're probably overjoyed about it seeing someone hurt me." The wolf sighed and shook his head he took hold of the small sobbing frame and pulled him into his lap and hugged him in a gentle embrace " no I'm not, I'm sorry he did that, sure I was jealous but I am not happy with it. " he leaned his muzzle down and tenderly licked one of those tear stained cheeks and that's when Jackson shattered, he turned his face into the strong chest and started to sob loudly "he said so many horrible things Kellan!" He choked out between gasping around the lump in his throat "he's an asshole Jackson." He spoke quietly and tightened his arms around him and rubbed the jackrabbit's back.

By the time Jackson had calmed himself and stopped shaking in his sobs the blue shirt spread across Kellan's muscled chest was soaked with his tears. Kellan looked down at him and simply laid them both down, he held on to him to be his comfort, of course for a moment he thought that bow he had his shot but it was far from the time to be saying anything about it. Jackson looked up at him and buried his muzzle in the white furred neck "thank you" he said after a sniffle and Kellan just made an affirmative noise. He was a little caught off guard by the sudden caring disposition of the wolf but being wrapped up by the strong arms and held against him, he felt much better. Kellan moved his head and then brushed one cheek with a paw, he kissed him tenderly and pulled him close again "whatever that dumbass said it's not true I'm sure, ill lay here with you as long as you like." Jackson wouldn't complain about the tender kiss of the wolf, that muzzle to his felt right in those few seconds that seemed to go on for minutes. "I thought you were nothing but some jock douche bag, but I guess I was wrong" Kellan nodded "yeah you were "

It was later they were sitting at a local coffee shop "Jackson it's weird I know and maybe a bad time for it but I had to ask." Jackson looked across the table, Kellan had blatantly asked him to date him and so soon a mere few hours later. Though Kellan's honest sensitive concern about what happened had been especially helpful which it only increased after Jackson had told him all that had been said, he added how Bruno had been to him before that and Kellan instantly soured. "I know things didn't go that well after well you know but give me a chance I did make you a promise." Jackson thumbed the spoon in his coffee thinking hard about it, Bruno had hurt him. Though Kellan's gentle hand sort of proved him true, he looked and the big handsome jock in his T-shirt and jeans he even smiled, Jackson looked back down at the coffee there was another point as well Kellan's and himself were the same age. "Fine Kellan." Kellan cocked an ear "fine? Well don't sound so happy about it." Jackson sighed " Kellan, understand that I haven't had the best day." Kellan nodded and smiled reaching across the table and putting his big hand on Jackson's "I know, but listen how about we go to a movie tonight? A little you and I date, I won't even try anything, and I'll give you a proper end of the date kiss though." He gave a chuckle but the thought did make Jackson smile.

It was a while later they decided to meet up in front of the theatre instead of staying together until then just like a proper date. Kellan had tickets already and decided to surprise him with that though Jackson had assumed it would be something rough and tumble or action filled what was picked though was a romantic comedy. Jackson appreciated this it was just what he needed Kellan enjoyed it too as they sat side by side Kellan had his arm across his shoulders he leaned into it through the movie.

Later after Kellan walked him away and in the warm evening he took him by a park "hey" Kellan spoke suddenly and Jackson looked up at him"huh?" "Come here let's hold hands" Jackson's eyes went wide he wanted to walk in the park and hold hands? Where was all this sweetness before? He blushed gently and walked closer, Kellan's big paw wrapped around his they had some idle chatter but it wasn't much of anything. Jackson enjoyed the comfort that Kellan provided and as they later had made it back to campus Kellan stopped "can I call you tomorrow?" He chuckled softly as he stood close to Jackson "really Kellan we live in the same dorm room." Kellan smiled though "hey I wanted to give you a proper date night." Jackson laughed softly which also made Kellan smile broadly he liked the jackrabbits laugh. He nodded then Kellan smirked again he put his paw on Jackson's cheek then gave him a slow and deep kiss "then I'll call you later." Jackson blushed as Jackson smirked and waved as he walked away. Kellan had certainly been charming tonight. When he laid in his bed he smiled to himself it had been a real turnaround from the morning, though just as he was about to fall asleep Kellan knocked and came in. He spoke low " sorry but I thought I'd offer if you want to come cuddle." Jackson blinked then looked and smiled "supposed to just be the date, goodnight though Kellan I actually had a great time."