Messed up Monday (pt 1)

Story by halfD0g on SoFurry

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#1 of Messed up Monday

Welp. After sitting on the fence for a very long time, i've officially decided to upload my first story. Got a second one in the works to be uploaded in a week or so as well, an unrelated story, though I do plan on doing sequels (not as long though, this one kind of got away from me) in this series.


Donna wished she had a better story to tell. The night before the big change had hardly been different than any other night. She'd gotten in yet another row with her mother. She was right in the cusp of those most painful and frustrating teen years where every single thing her mare mother said was like nails on a chalkboard to the young filly. Her curfew, her clothing restrictions, and as always yet another night's meal ruined by one of her mother's -stupid- diet experiments were only some of the reasons for their constant screaming matches. Donna was a young teen girl; would it kill her mother to just order a pizza instead of trying to make her own with gluten-free flour and a low acid tomato sauce and some weird soy cheese? Ugh, she was getting worked up just thinking about it.

Donna couldn't -remember- saying anything...foreshadowing. She hadn't told her mother "You just don't understand what it's like to be me!" Or "I wish you could see things from my point of view!" As if that might explain things. Well at least then there'd be some intriguing irony. She'd called her mom a bitch a lot but she didn't think that was somehow responsible. Regardless, she'd woken up about a week and a half ago, not only not in her own bed, BUT NOT EVEN IN HER OWN BODY!


When she'd rolled over that fateful morning, woken up by that thin ultrabright slash of sunlight that managed to slip through the drawn curtains, hitting her in the face, her first thought was that her bed suddenly had a lot more room. Sleepy, bleary-eyed she'd stretched, spreading her legs wide, surprised not to find herself hitting the wall or dangling off the side of her insufferably small twin bed. When she opened her eyes she'd found herself in her parents' bedroom! Mortified to find herself on the familiar dusty rose pink sheets underneath the massive quilted comforter of her mother's, her mind had raced. She hadn't crawled in bed with her parents in over a decade! However, her view of the rest of the room was blocked slightly, as she was unable to see down past her own suddenly massive breasts. And that had brought everything sharply into focus!

Donna had leapt from the bed in a panic, wobbling and almost faceplanting, off balance and taller than she remembered. Rushing to the large mirror across the room that hung over her parent's long dresser/tv stand only to find...she wasn't -herself-!?!

The face in the mirror wasn't a stranger's though. No, it was her mother's face, but instead of observing the reflective glass and seeing her own messy shoulder length bob of red hair and witchfire green eyes, it was her mother's more mature face staring out, with her long locks of rich roan hair, and the duller, dark emerald eyes. True, Donna took after her mom...that brown draft horse fur, that long white stripe down the muzzle (though she had...or had had a brown nose where her mother's was white)...she couldn't explain it but somehow, she was in her mother's body!!! And as she'd soon verify later after rushing downstairs to her bedroom, her mother was in hers!


But now it was a week and a half later, and what else was there to do but make the best of it? It wasn't like she could go to a doctor and ask for a consciousness swap, or a... milf-body-ectomy. Not that she could get her mom to agree to it. She'd barely seen her over the past week. -She- was enjoying the hell out of her new body much to Donna's frustration. The bitch had better not ruin her reputation. Donna was a straight a student overachiever...a virgin too, more focused on her schoolwork than boys. Sigh. be honest, Donna was making the most of it as well, enjoying her new adult body and the privileges there. For instance, not going to school, but for another, booze. It was getting late, and so she polished off her last glass of wine with all the grace of a shotgunning frat boy. Chugging the contents before setting the wine glass carefully in the now...rather overfull sink, (her mom and she had refused to do dishes in a few days). Now it was time for bed.

Donna had felt she'd needed a glass or two before bed tonight, gulping as she saw the reason why Mainly her father's thick, muscled creamy tan back exposed to her on the opposite side of the bed. Hoping he was asleep, she tiptoed...well tip-hooved to the massive king bed, cautiously slipping under the covers. No such luck however, her face lighting up with embarrasment as her dad lazily reached behind, a black "gloved" hand casually reaching back and grabbing her breasts! His huge meaty paw scooping up the masive mound of mature flesh, giving it a playful little squeeze! "Heya hun, was wondering when you'd get to bed~".


Donna's dad had been a lot more...handsy recently. Well why shouldn't he be? He had no idea that it was his mortified daughter's brain inside the thick-bodied mature mare he'd been sharing a bed with for the past few decades. And Donna had kinda...pushed him into it. Donna hadn't wanted to clue him in to the transformation...trying to act casual and businesslike as usual but...some things had tripped her up.

For instance, she'd been caught masturbating by her own dad...mortifying, right?! But after she'd suddenly found herself in her mother's body with her house to herself one day, she'd decided it was time to snoop! Disapointing to find out that her parents weren't secretly stoners, or that they didn't have a stash of booze somewhere...she'd gone on a beer run later...but she -had- opened that drawer to her mother's nightstand to find...well... Her theory that her mother was so uptight because she needed to cum was apparently wrong. Donna wondered what the battery budget in the house was as she unearthed a variety of sex toys; dildo, pocket-vibrator, magic wand... Donna couldn't understand -why- considering her mom was married, and presumably her parents had sex at least once since she was here and wasn't adopted, but whatever.

Donna as the slim athletic teenager rarely pawed off. It just wasn't "worth it". For one thing, it took forever no matter what she used; her fingers, electric toothbrush, video game controller. She was too intimidated and virginal to use anything really -inside- that slightly thicker-lipped mare pussy of hers. Also when her climax finally did happen it wasn't the overwhelming, -overpowering- orgasam that all the magazines...and smut -swore- was waiting between her legs. So, all in all she had better things to do than masturbate.

But with that glut of toys infront of was worth trying. After running the whole gamut of them through the dishwasher, she'd spent her first day in her mother's body flicking the bean. She'd stripped out of the...weird housecoat thing her mother wore, to lay naked on the bed with her laptop up beside her. It had taken her a moment to get past the "gross" feeling of seeing her mom naked...even if it was -her- that was confusing.

From an -objective- standpoint her mother wasn't unatractive. She as a tall, broadly built draft horse. Mature, huge (Donna wasn't sure what the size was when you got to that range, they were proportionate though) breasts sagged slightly with their age, the brown furred orbs still had that big teardrop shape though, and the pale, almost tan pink nipples pointed just slightly skyward. And her mother's crazy dieting at least had the effect of making that long stomach of hers flat and toned. Heh, her mother would never stop dieting though, blaming childbirth on those thick thighs of hers, and that prominent, thick back shelf of an ass. Whatever, it was just more comfortable for Mona to sit back on, wriggling as she spread her legs, utilizing a small makeup mirror placed on the bed to inspect her moms/her genitals. Like mother like daughter...her mom had the slightly more "feral" equipment. A thick lipped, slightly leathery black lipped horse snatch, shivering as she'd reached down to squeeze one of the slightly rubbery lips between her fingers, pulling it aside to reveal the depths of the pink mature cunny. Well, at least one part would be easier. Unlike the teenage Donna, Mona, her mother's clit was a -lot- more obvious. The reddish-more-than-pink-nub hanging slightly past it's hood just as a matter of course, easy enough for her to give a little prod to...whinnying at the pleasure that went through her, causing her to inadvertently pull her legs up a little in reflex!

She'd started with the bullet vibe. Curiously wrapping the little velcro band around her finger, securing the...well...bullet-shaped thing to the tip of her finger. She used her free paw to stretch over to her laptop, bringing up one of her favorite 'tubes, and accessing a wealth of e-cocks thanks to the power of the internet. Thumbing the vibrator to it's first position, she brought her now buzzing finger down to her mother's...her...prominent clit, sending vibrations through her body and....ohhh~! No, it still wasn't the drooling pleasure that the girl in the video between two wolf-cocks seemed to be experiencing, but it was more than she'd felt before. Flushing as the vibrations seemed to travel through her clit, and deep into her lower belly. Panting softly her mature folds began to glisten just slightly as she rubbed the buzzing thing against her clit. A slow...lazy counterclockwise circle, finding that big clit that swelled slightly easy to push around.

"Ahh~!" Horse gods this was -much- faster than anything she had to deal with! Already feeling that warm flushing sensation between her legs, it felt like not just her pussy but a significant portion of her lower body was tingling...her inner thighs, her groin, even her puckered doughnut of a tailhole felt hot as she slid the vibrator down lower, biting her bottom lip as she curled her finger, pressing the bullet vibe just barely inside her sex.

She switched over to the magic wand. Flushing slightly at the intimidating size of it, she didn't wait long though, turning it on and pressing it between her legs, clutching it tightly between her thick thighs, she -squeezed- the thing against her mare pussy, shivering at the sensations it brought, a low moan escaping as the thing rumbled what felt like her entire body below the belly button! It wouldn't be long with that...but of course that was when her father came home from lunch.

She'd never gotten caught before, but pleasured as she was her brain skipped a beat. Misfiring with mortification as she lay back on the bed, mouth open slightly as the thing buzzed like a rock tumbler between her legs as her own father peered at her from the bedroom door, taking in the sight of his wait no his wife...naked and on her back, practically riding that expensive "body massager". Shit....only now did Donna realize how wet she was downstairs, she'd turned the nightgown of her mother's that she'd sprawled onto in a swampy mess.

What she -hadn't- expected was for her father to peer at her...well at the body of his wife, spread-eagled and dripping, and to offer a noisy, nostril-flaring snort of a sigh and head into the bathroom. It wasn't the first indication that Donna had that there was something wrong with her parent's marriage but...


Donna and her mother had an uneasy truce.... a sort of unspoken agreement that as long as this bizzare transformation lasted they wouldn't screw up one another's lives -too- much. After all they had the perfect hostage in being able to do whatever they wanted to their doppleganger in retaliation. So, Donna couldn't just completely rebuff her father. She didn't want to cause her parents to divorce after all, but seeing her marriage through her mother's eyes had made her aware of a few things that she'd stumbled into blindly.

For instance it was only the second night in her mother's body, when she'd retired to bed, having thrown away that stupid soviet housewife nightgown thing her mother typically wore for a more casual long-tshirt and pair of casual white panties. Forgetting how much bigger her mother's bust was though she hadn't counted on how the fabric stretched around her chest. But as she was about to fall asleep, she'd yawned reflexively and asked where her father was going, confused as to why he didn't seem to be headed to bed, only to learn to her embarrasment that her dad had been sleeping in his recliner in the basement most nights, and that he'd thought the question was an invitation. Sleeping that night was more than a little awkward, her father pleased with the invitation to intimacy. Sleeping, spooning, Donna had to try and figure out how to sleep with her own dad's stallion cock pressed firmly against her backside! She'd experimented with her parent's old coffee-maker the first time that morning.


Richard on the other hand had no idea what was going on in his house. HIs normally straight-laced, A student daughter was off the rails, staying out all night, wearing the sorta rebellious punk attire that reminded him of the punk girls back from his own childhood, and all the sudden it felt like his authority over his own daughter had vanished. She didn't listen to him, his words barely seemed to affect her, and what was more was his wife didn't seem to care!

He wasn't sure how far to press his luck there though, unsure what was going on with his wife, but afraid to say anything and send it all tumbling down. For instance, it was nice having homecooked meals yes, but after years and years of healthy eating he'd nearly had the heart-attack she claimed to be trying to prevent when he asked what was for dinner, and she simply shrugged her shoulders and told him to order pizza! He'd had to hunt down the number it had been so long! He'd been slow to take advantage but he'd carefully tested the boundaries. Bringing his beer out of his basement mancave minifridge to the main fridge...which seemed fine considering how his spouse suddenly seemed to love her wine.

One would think that catching his wife with her toy collection would've excited him, but no, that was just par for the course...his wife servicing her own needs like she expected him to do infront of the computer downstairs. Sex "took too long" and was "Messy" according to her.

But he felt like a teenager again, his hormones ignited like a young colt at some of the other changes. He'd be hard pressed to explain it but, she was dressing differently. Not slutty, but after years and years of high-waisted mom jeans, simple peasant blouses, those annoying floral was jaw-dropping to see her in just a pair of tight shorts or a regular t-shirt. It felt like ages since he'd seen her shoulders exposed in a tanktop, and she'd experimented with a few sundresses, and he had no idea what had happened to her collection of old bras and panties, the annoyingly over-embroidered and modest type that had all he sex appeal of grannie's bloomers...they had all appeared in the trash one day and he wasn't about to comment on that!

It was more than her dress too, but her behavior. Years and years of marriage and closeness had ironically drained the intimacy between them. As a teenager, the thought of a woman walking around in the nude or showering infront of him had driven his every thought, yet after the long years of marriage it just felt like another action or bodily function. But NOW! His wife seemed shy all the sudden. Trying not to let him catch her in too much of a state of undress. She blushed when she caught him in just a towel, surprised to see his pecs, and although she'd invited him back to the marital bed (thank god that recliner was killing his back) his manhood had seemed to startle her despite how familiar she should've been with it.

"She's having an affair" was the conclusion from his friends...and honestly, he could understand where they were coming from, but that wasn't it. She was home -more- these days. He wouldn't comment on the fact that she'd blown off PTA, her gardening club, her book club, her crafting group. Thank the horse lords in his own opinion. But she'd had -less- of a chance to cheat. His best guess? Maybe it was a last burst before menopause, or more likely for some reason his spouse wanted a late in life baby. After all their daughter was starting to look at colleges and maybe she was panicking, wanting another baby around the house. Richard hated to be thinking with his dick, but the possbility of breeding again practically had him drooling.


But back to the present. That squeeze to the mare's thick brown breast made her flush, and she quickly scooted -out- of bed, mumbling something about requiring a shower, shutting the door behind her she felt a little more secure under the spray...under the -cold- spray. The young but now old mare turned the stream as cold as she could get it, biting her bottom lip as the water streamed down her chest, stiffening her pink nipples into hard little pebbles, but cooling down that burning between her thighs a little...but just a little. Horse lords! She was getting turned on by her own father, what the hell was wrong with her!? Maybe it was Yea that made sense. She stayed in the shower for a good...what twenty minutes? Before figuring it was safe to throw her bathrobe on and head back to bed.

However her father -wasn't- sleeping when she stepped out of the bathroom. Nope, the no longer young filly learned suddenly waaaaay more about her father than she wanted to know, like for instance that the stallion's cock was about the length of his forearm, a dappled pink and blackish brown, the base a chocolate color that faded to that fleshy-pink hue around the broad flared stallionhead, with those little ridges all along the flared tip....fuck....her father sitting up, naked as the day he as born, his hand lazily stroking the base, treating the thing like a fleshbat as he leered at her. Donna's cheeks flared red as she prepared to shout at him indignantly, how dare he stare at his own dau...oh...right. The mare's mind raced wondering what signals she could've been accidentally signalling to make him think she wanted this! So distracted that she hadn't noticed him slipping out of the bed, until he'd wrapped an arm around her!

Donna waited for a second, hoping that either a heart attack or fainting spell would take her away from the situation but no such luck, as she suddenly had her dad pressed in close, angling himself just so that broad tall horse-cock that had flopped against his own belly as he walked, instead slipped under the bathrobe and pressed against -hers-! Her mother's flat belly...hers...getting an... oh horse lords was that pre already!? She winced at the slippery slimy feeling of it as his cockhead hit her stomach and felt the stuff slide down into her navel. "Uhhh..." Oh great job, -that-'d stop him!

Her mind raced, panicking as he shuffled backwards, dragging her along with him back towards the bed. Sitting on the edge of it he felt his hands around her waist, dragging her towards his lap and for a moment she couldn't help but think of that mare pussy of hers as magnetic, eyes wide at the shocked foreshadowing of that thing slipping inside of her, she panicked and blurted 'W-wait! How about a blowjob!"

She wasn't sure who was more surprised, her for actually saying it, or her father judging by his reaction, but it was the only thing that she could think of to stop herself from getting that incestual dick inside of her. The thing looked like it would -break- her....or that it would at least...i'unno...bruise her kidneys or something as long as it appeared. However, she'd gotten herself into more trouble as she felt her father's hand brush through her hair as she instinctively, obediently took the gentle pressure of his palm on the top of her head to sink down to her knees. Now at dick level, oh great... she'd wanted to avoid it and now she could probably draw it from memory if she had to.

Her father was -big- was that previously mentioned? And she didn't think it was that illusionary "Dad dick inches" either, and it didn't help that this was the first she'd ever actually seen in her life. She was mortified, but curiosity overtook her. A-after all it wasn't like anyone would find out, or he'd find it strange, right? She slipped a cautious hand under his sagging dark shaft, surprised by the warmth radiating off of the plum sized testes in that leathery, but smoother than she expected, even with the veins...sac of his. Blushing furiously as she felt the weight on her palm, and was it just her imagination or did they feel really.... full? She tried not to think about the fact that all those little swimmers inside were technically her siblings...

"....Well?" Her father's soft basso voice, heated...uuugh...this was what her dad sounded like when he was horny!?! Another revelation she really hadn't wanted to know, but gulping she forced herself to go forward. Wrapping her hand around the stallion's shaft, able to get her hand around it but just barely, she got a feel for his member that sagged slightly from it's own length, running her hand up and down the fleshy pink and brown pole...which earned a quite rumble of pleasure from her father that kinda made her want to drop dead from embarrassment.

Donna watched porn. Duh, she was a teenager so she had...a general idea of how this was supposed to go. Though by now the girl in the video typically would've jumped on that thing mouth first, or the guy would've forced her head down over the entiritey of it untill she was droooling and crying. Thank the horse lords for small favors right? She forced herself to lean forward, bringing her big white horse nostrils close to it, accidentally taking a long whiff and hiding a wince. Well that was what a dude smelled like. Her dad's heavy, just slightly...oily? male musk as -he- hadn't taken a shower.

Time stretched uncomfortably long as she procrastinated with a will...trying to avoid it but eventually her cheeks burned and she couldn't think of anything to do but to go forward. Starting, trying to get away with just the slightest... peck to those big low-hanging orbs in his sac. Making a face that she carefully hid from him at the smooth leathery feeling of his nuts against her mouth. Well...shit...another just barely peck against his other nut as well, before timidly extending her tongue to drag it across the shiny curve of one, which earned a quite whinny of appreciation from her dad.

Ugh, eww on the one hand, on the -biggest- hand actually. But on the other, heh, she'd made him do that. The only way to get through this, she was starting to convince herself was to....get outside her own head...try to forget that it was her dad or more...imagine maybe she was her own try to focus on the mature mare body she was in now as she got her first sampling of the slight salt-sweat around those breeding orbs of his. Okay not terrible. Experimenting more her tongue lolled out, slathering his entire coinpurse with a longer lick.

She didn't know that her father couldn't believe his luck, and that it had been multiple presidential elections since the last time her mom had gone down on her dad, and she was sorta surprised how quickly she was starting to get into it past her initial reluctance. She even tired the actual -dick-, holding that big horse shaft around It's brown base she sampled her father's cockhead. Big horse tongue lapping across the flat fleshy surface, and another dribble of pre. Hitting her uh.... kinda tasted like when she'd had a cold and it had gone down her throat but it wasn't the -worst- thing in the world...

She'd be mortified to admit it, but his response, father or no was enough to urge her onwards. His nostrils flared, and that tight core of his lower belly flexed when she used her tongue on him. Wincing and taking a breath as she'd try to take the rest of him, slipping her mouth around his shaft her cheeks abulge as she stuffed that pink cockhead into her mouth. Feeling the flare press down against her tongue and the roof of her mouth. What would her dad say if he knew it was -her- going down on him? Well -hopefully- he'd be appalled, but for now? Her hand slid under his sack, gently tugging the skin around his balls a she suckled.

Thankfully that "horseface" of hers helped. Leaning forward on her knees, she tilted her head, dragging far more of that long brown and pink shaft into her mouth than she'd thought she'd be able to. Breathing heavily the warm air from those big nostrils of hers blowing over her fathers stubbly haired brown groin as she began to bob her head. Cheeks puffed as she suckled on that shaft had been partially responsible for her birth...trying to push those incestuous thoughts out of her head.

Her father groaned, clutching the sheets of their bed as his hips wobbled slightly, struggling but he could barely help himself from lifting his hips just slightly off the bed to meet that hot warm mouth of his wife's...he-hell he didn't care if she wanted a whole -herd- of new kids at this point if he was able to get this out of it!!

Mona let out a stifled whinny around her father's dick when he reached down suddenly, grabbing her hair. Wincing as she instinctively prepared for him to force her head down onto his didn't, merely holding her by the nape...sheesh what sorta videos was she watching?

Bobbing her head slowly up and down, she spread her legs a little wider, trying to get a better stance if she was going to be on her knees for awhile, and not as she told herself, to try and ease the burning she felt between her legs, not noticing as a few thick offwhite droplets of pre slid down her thick lips to drop onto the pearl colored carpet of the bedroom.

Her nostrils flared, breathing heavy around the thick brown and pink veiny length of her father's cock in her mouth. Tilting her head as she bobbed up and down over his manhood, a moan pressed out of her as she eased down once. Blushing at her own lewd noise as she suddenly found herself with her nose just barely brushing his pubic hair.

Despite herself she couldn't help but be turned on. was because she was looking through her mother's eyes she told herself, but her father despite his middle age was still flawlessly built. A construction worker, his muscles still showed. The definition of them visible on his naked brown furred six-pack abs. Shivering at the feel as she reached up to place her palm flat against his lower stomach for support. But her mind wandered still, how fucked up was it that this was her dad! The guy who'd been in the waiting room when she was born, and here she was sucking his dick, feeling his wet drooling flared medial ridge brush up against her cheek, who was moaning with pleasure as she finally took him to the hilt. Her lips pressing flush against his groin, tasting his pubic hair.

Mona gasped as her father gripped her hair. Not forcing her farther down, but holding her still, his cock filling the entireity of her mouth and throat as he shivered, and bucked his hips once. Bopping her snout as she felt his shaft swell...she could feel that ridge pressing against her throat as he whinnied...and came.

Mona's eyes opened wide, dumbstruck by the sensation of a man climaxing inside of her. Her own father's dick pulsed, and throbbed and she tasted, if barely that load of slimy, hot thick seed delivered directly into the back of her throat and stomach. Wincing just slightly as the whole "swallowing" question was taken out of her hands, and her eyes only grew wider at the -volume-. How the hell did she not she have like a dozen siblings with the amount of spunk that he unloaded inside of her, sloppily coating her throat.

That incestuous shaft pulsed for a few moments, her father finally letting go of her, him panting, her gasping as she finally pulled up. Spluttering, wincing as a few last-minute volleys hit her square on the mouth, giving her the full slimy-salty taste of a not just a male, her -father-'s spunk on her lips, instincitively licking it off, but wincing once she'd realized what she'd done.

Aaaaand then there was silence. Her father breathing heavily, peering down at her, her peering up at him...either waiting on one another to comment, on either his roughness or her surprising wiliness at oral. A few awkward moments ticked by without either one saying anything. "Well...good night!" She said suddenly, hopping onto the bed, crawling over her side to try and sleep away her embarrassment before she fell, oof! Faceplanting in the thick comforter all the sudden!

"Hmmf! Huh?" "Oh no you don't." her father chuckled, having grabbed ahold of his spouse's legs, yanking them backwards he gripped her by her inner thighs, strong arms roughly pushing them aside to view the arousal misted thick pink mare lips. "You're not waking me up at 3 am with your vibrator again." She couldn't tell by his tone, was he teasing or was... "Da...richard you doOOOONT~!" The mare's voice went high, gasping as her father hiked her bathrobe up from behind and plunged his face into her cunny!

Oh horse lords! Her own father, without the least bit of embarrassment or bashufllness, just shoved his long muzzle between her legs, stuffing his lips up against her cunt, sending a shock through her legs that almost felt like someone had smacked her with a baseball bat between her thighs. Er..except not painful. Just that forced....smooch...drove the wind out of the mare as she suddenly felt the odd squirmy fleshy sensation of a tongue between her legs, lapping noisilly. Oh horse lords she could -hear- it as well as feel it as her own father's tongue slurped between her legs! Already forced past those thick pink and black equine labia of hers.

It didn't...vibrate or buzz or whatever like any of the toys she'd tried or experimented with, but somehow despite how she squirmed and tried to twist or pinch his muzzle between her thighs that tongue of his found that spot inside of her, sending shuddered that sent her spasming against the sheets. Coherent thought gone as suddenly she had -it-. That orgasm that the magazines talked about. Well maybe not that long one that went all through her. Honestly it was like a shock, like sticking a fork in a toaster as she suddenly -jerked- wildly for a second and came. Squirting, her cheeks -burned- as she thought she'd peed herself for a moment only to realize what had happened as she gasped for breath, clutching the comforter under her as she tried to regain her senses. Shivering at the now cold empty sensation as her father pulled his muzzle away.

It was in that hazy, blearly, mind-broke state of mind that the mare became dimly aware of her father's hand to the side of her head. Planted firmly on the comforter, she observed the muscley brown forearm placed about her head height. Ears perking up as she heard some barely-comprehended words behind her with her father's soothing basso voice, though now it had a riled up, teasing edge to it. "You know... I would've appreciated being consulted on the whole having another foal issue, but I also admire your seduction technique."

It took a few moments for Dona to realize it was a tease. Coming more to mind when she heard the creak, and felt the matress sink down a few inches as her father climbed up ontop of it. Her green eyes going wide as she felt his knees on the back of hers, pushing her legs apart! "D...Daddy wait!" She bleated, using that familiar name to try and stop him. Okay the jig was up. She could apologize and explain and it would be awkward but they'd figure out a way to sto....

"Daddy huh? Wow you are in a mood..." The equine grunted, pressing a kiss to the back of his wife's neck, and before Donna could protest, she felt it. Her father's hard, thickly flared pink cockhead pressing against her thighs, pressing past the chubby flesh of her inner thighs, then up against the lips of her labia. The big flared head seeming to cover that whole space between her legs. Time seemed to stand still in shock, a second that stretched out forever...before he drove home!

Donna cried out! A scream that turned into a gasp and then a moan on the way out of her mouth as she was so suddenly and -thoroughly- filled. The surprise and completely new sensation of being penetrated. In shock for a second as she was de-virginized but.... not really. She couldn't have imagined taking the forearm sized length especially not as a petite teen virgin, but her mother's body was apparently accustomed to taking his girth..ew...still, the unfamiliar sensation had her gasping and roling, wriggling on her stomach as she tried to figure out what to do. Only to burn with embarrasment and gasp as she felt that flared head spread her insides, and then her father's powerful thighs pressed up against her flanks..and that -thick- breeding pouch of his resting squarely between his legs as he'd hilted her.

Oh Horse Lords! Two thoughts fighting for dominance in her mind suddenly, as irellevant as they were. One, how was he this hard already? Hard enough to make her gasp as he pulled out a few inches, only to shove himself home again, his wife's familiar snatch stretching just so to accommodate the pink semi-incestuous length inside of it like it was a casted mold. And two...along with the blush, the realization of what he'd said about a foal hitting her as she felt her father's smooth but veiny sac swing and smack her between the legs as he rutted overtop of her.

"Uuuungh~" she moaned out as she grasped the comforter. Trying to get her hands under her for support before she gave in. Whatever...not her body, not her womb that'd be stuffed with another colt or filly, and this....uh..totatlly didn't count as incest because it was her mother's body that her father was so eagerly railing from behind, though Donna was now painfully aware that she hadn't heard the smacking sound that came from his thighs against her backside coming from her parent's bedroom in as long as she could remember, and now she didn't know how she could've missed it, given how noisy her father was overtop of her.

Shakily, she grabbed the sheets, pressing herself upwards farther onto her knees. Llegs behind her, she hid her embarrased face as best she could as she humped back. Leaning into it as her father penetrated her again and again. The horse had technique, a solid rhythm that took him almost completely out before crashing back into her with just enough force to rock her on her hands and knees. Donna shivered at the pleasurable sensations running through her. That flared head creating htat weird..almost suctiony feeling in her as she did her best to push back and meet his lap against her rump as he fucked her.

"D-daddy..." She tried again weakly, whimpering as she gave into it, earning an excited whinny from her father as he reached around, gripping her by the hips to roughly buck her, pulling her into his lap as he mounted her.

Donna felt it welling up inside of her...and she had no idea why she was fighting it, albeit briefly. Flushing, feeling slightly flush and sweaty like she had a fever for a moment as she tried to resist an overwhelming climax brought on by her own father's horsecock deep inside her. "H-here you my foals..." Her father grunted, and Donna -gasped- and came when he did.

There it was...that overwhelming climax that almost took her outside of herself. Shivering, her body locked up slightly as her brain stopped sending messages to the rest of her. Collapsing, glad her father had securely snagged her as he emptied himself inside of her.

Hadn't...hadn't she -just- drained that? The sleepy thought amusingly waltzed through her brain as she felt that huge sac of his pull tight between his legs, and that flared tip swell as he came...a lot more than she would've thought did she not have more siblings? As she felt a warm, full sensation as he came, rope after rope of milky warm spunk fired into her, filling her up, feeling stuffed with the warm goo from a space somewhere below her stomach down, filling her insides.

"You're washing the sheets." She muttered, all she could think to say as she was suddenly -exhausted-, letting herself sink down and letting her the sheets around her, and kiss the back of her neck as he spooned her, neither minding going to sleep in the rapidly growing wet spot.


Mona had never been so livid in her entire life. The mare now in a young filly's body clenched her fists in anger as she looked into -her- bedroom, silently eyeing the asleep figures of her husband and her daughter. Well....her body with her daughter in it anyways...The noise had been inmistakable...did they think they were hiding it? And now, in sleep the sheets had gotten twisted, and she could see her husband's thick goo still oozing out of her thick leathery black mare lips, though it was obviously her daughter who'd felt him insert that load.

Fine....was that how she wanted to play it? Then the truce was off...