Vacation Pt. 1

Story by orcalover91 on SoFurry

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Vacation Pt. 1

As I walked along the beach, I was looking for nice quiet spot. I haven't had a vacation to myself in a while. A finally saw the perfect place to take a nap. The sun was high and it was beaming down its rays of light. I was so happy to be lying in the warm sand, that I didn't notice what was going on around me. Someone was watching me, but I didn't know it. As I started to undress so that I could sunbathe, a huge figure was watching me. As I lay there, I didn't notice that this figure will slowly creeping up on me. I could feel someone gazing at me. "Well hello there." I heard a voice say. As I open my eyes I can't but help see a huge creature standing before me. "Um hi..." I say nervously. "Nice little body you got there," boomed the voice. As my eyes finally adjust, I see the behemoth standing before me. A beautiful orca, he walks over and gives me his hand to help me up. "So what is your name?" he asks me. "Um... My name is Jay, I'm from out of town." The orca smiles at me wryly. "Well we are just going to have to have some fun than aren't we now?" I look in horror as the muscle bound orca lunges toward me, I try to run but it's at no avail. "Where you going buddy? I only want you to have a good time." I try to break free from his grasp but at no avail. He turns me round facing him, and smiles. "I'm not gonna hurt you bud, just work with me here." Next thing I know the orca plants a kiss right on me, taking me by surprise. I tried to fight back but it was a no avail, I finally gave into him. He pulled me toward his warm body, and I soon found myself caressing his muscular frame. I feel his muscles rippling beneath his skin, giving me an instant hard on. I soon move my hand over his chest and abs, feeling the power that they hold. He pulls back from the kiss, "Well, well now, isn't someone a little excited? You know your well endowed for a human." He says to me, "but it ain't nothing like this!" I watch as he begins to work his cock from is sheath, gently rubbing his self. My jaw just drops, it's so freaking huge, and his balls are enormous! "So wha'ya think?" I couldn't say anything, I almost started drooling. He busts out in laughter "you humans always get that same look on yalls faces. But not to worry it will be fun... before we start though you gotta get me hard, so start sucking." He sits on the warm sand, spreading his huge muscular legs, leaning back on his webbed hands. I watch as he smiles at me, wondering what is all going through his head. I grab the warm pink flesh, and lower my jaws over it. He moans deeply"that's a good boy, yeah suck my dick" the flesh mound starts to enlarge and thicken. I could taste the warm salty pre on my tongue. He was flowing pre like a broken faucet. He pushes me away, "whats wrong?" I ask him. "Don't want you filling up just yet", he replies. "Plus if you drink it all, its gonna hurt when I mate you." He smiles, at me. So I began to slowly jack him, spreading the wonderful liquid all over his cock. He grunts, and a blast of jizz hits me in the face. That's the most cum I have ever seen in one squirt. I taste the gooey liquid, its taste of masculinity, and put me right over the edge. "Oh gosh mate with me!" I cry out. He pulls me close to his face and kisses me, then licks some of his cum off my chest. "I thought you never asked", he replied. He beckoned me to turn around; he then starts prodding at my tail hole with his huge fingers. I clamp up at first, trying to stop the finger from entering me. "Relax...." He says reassuring me. He gently kisses me on the neck as he pushes his finger in. I moan out loud, as he continues to work my hole to his liking. "Wow you're tight. Virgin hole, gotta love it." He exclaims. I feel his finger stroke my prostate, nearly causing me to cum right there. After he fingered me to his liking, he mounts me, slowing sliding his cock between my cheeks. "Get ready", he tells me. I feel his cock head push against my hole, sliding into me and stretching me. I whimper as I feel a shot of pain go through my body. He slowly works himself into me, inch by inch, then pulling out a little to let my body adjust. After about ten minutes of this, he finally hilts with me. I can feel his massive member throbbing inside of me, ready to work. "You ready babe?" before I can give an answer he starts to thrust inside of me. His huge balls slap against me. I moan out slightly, the feeling is unbelievable. I was breathing hard and gasping for air, and he just pumped into me like it was nothing. The feel of his member stroking my insides put me over the edge. I came right there. "What, I made you cum already? Wow I'm good" he said laughingly. I couldn't even respond to that, the orca started to nibble on my ears and neck, causing me to moan louder. I soon arched my back trying to get more of him inside of me. I felt his tail slide between my legs and press against my stomach, holding me up. A sense of euphoria washed over me, I couldn't believe it. I was being mated for the first time. The orca started to thrust harder into me. I squealed out. "Suck on this" he told me and force a finger into my mouth. I lustfully sucked on that finger, and hearing him moan made me suck even harder. "Don't stop!" I cry out. " oh gosh this is so freaking good, breed me deep, oh man don't ever stop!" the orca's hips slammed in and out of me without mercy. "AHHHHHH!!!!!" he roared out, slamming his cock so hard into me it nearly knocked me out. He collapsed on top of me; I was surprised that he didn't crush me. I felt his cock pump his thick wad into me, breeding me. The feeling is unexplainable. Bliss fell over me, as the orca caressed my body. His member continued to pump his spunk into me. "That was fun" I tell the orca, he looks at me and smiles." Too bad you on vacation", He says, we could do this more often" I smile of the thought of the orca breeding on a regular basis. Well, my vacation isn't over yet," I tell him. He pulls out of me, releasing a torrent of jizz flow from my tail hole. He turns me to face him. I feel his finger push against my rawed out hole. "Your right," he said, it's only the beginning.... Oh yeah," he says, "I'm Kevin. "

To Be Continued...