Riley and Sophie 2

Story by Nieragon on SoFurry

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Warning: The following story contains adult content, consisting of a human and a crocodile engaging in sexual congress.

The beloved couple is back for round 2... ask yourself, are you ready....

Ok, Important notes:

  1. You should probably read the original Riley and Sophie before read this if you haven't already.

  2. When I look at this story, the word "ADULT!" comes to mind need I say more..

  3. I accept no liability if you get RSI in your right hand this can also occur in some peoples left.

  4. Yes this is a love story.. but oh... it is naughty!

  5. I would love to here feedback from you readers.

  6. Ok, last thing I want to say, I hope you like it.... Enjoy

Ok, lets do it!

Riley and Sophie 2

I pulled up out the front of my house in my car after a hard day at work, I walked through the front door a called out "Oh Sophie, where is my big baby girl?" I heard a noise and I saw a big snout appear in the kitchen doorway, "There you are, what were you doing in there" she quickly looked around the corner when she heard my voice and came running, as the monstrous croc ran toward me I knelt down and pulled a dead chicken from behind my back and threw it toward her, as the chicken flew through the air, I watched her face carefully, Sophie raised her head while still running at me at full speed looking at the chicken, I started to smile, but I saw her direct her gaze back on me, and my smile dropped "No!..Soph!... Oh shit!" she hit the skids but it was too late she crashed into me sending me sprawling back, I landed on the concrete just outside the front door, "ouch that hurt Sophie, well the chicken idea didn't work that time did it" I said with a smile as she pushed her nose to my chest nudging me lovingly.

After a quick cuddle I walked inside and threw my work bag in the corner and kicked the chicken toward Sophie, she made short work of the chicken and made her way to the lounge room, she knew that I go straight to the lounge when I get home, but not today, I crept as quietly as possible to the bathroom and grabbed a tooth brush and the toothpaste and walked out into the hallway as I turned to walk to the lounge I saw Sophie looking at me from the doorway I froze and looked down at the toothbrush in my hand. "Oh Crap!" I said to myself and tried to hide it behind my back but it was too late, Sophie bolted toward her room but I was faster and I headed her off at the door, she quickly started to turn around the middle of the hallway, I cringed as I saw her force her giant body around in the small hallway pealing the paint off the wall with her rough scales, once she had made her hasty turn she ran back into the lounge, "Come on Sophie it has to be done, get here!" I said shaking my head whilst looking at the damage on the wall, I walked up the hall I closed all the doors to prevent escape.

I slowly poked my head into the lounge and saw her lying in the middle of the room watching me, "Every Friday we play this game, please just once let me clean your teeth without all this fuss" I said looking at her, I walked around the couch and slowly walked toward her pointing the tooth brush at her with a grin on my face, she ran for the door knocking the televisions stand with her tail resulting in my new television falling on the floor cracking the screen. I sighed and walked to the hallway knowing that I now had her trapped, I saw her lying at her door watching me, I closed the lounge door behind me and approached her, she raised her head and knocked the latch on her door "Shit! I knew I shouldn't have taught her that" as she pushed through the door and I jumped toward her grabbing one of her hind legs trying to slow her down she dragged me through her room heading for her pool, I didn't have much time before she would make it to the water, and if she got into the pool she would hide under the water where brushing her teeth would be impossible.

I through my arm over her tail and grabbed her other hind leg this slowed her right down having both rear legs incapacitated and I was able to hurl myself onto her back, she made a final break for the pool when she felt my hands leave her rear legs when I let them go to get myself onto her back, but within meters from her pool I grabbed her front feet and she skidded to a stop on her belly. I laughed and grabbed her around her neck and held her tight "You broke a $2000 TV, destroyed the wall in the hallway, and now I have carpet burn on my knees, so I was not going to let you getaway this time" I said between breaths.

She knew that she had been caught so she gave up and slowly opened her mouth "Good girl" I said as I started brushing.

20 minutes later I had finished brushing, I rinsed her mouth with the hose, "It wasn't that bad was it" I said to the giant sulking croc, I knelt down and kissed her on the snout and gave her a tickle under the chin, she groaned happily and closed her eyes enjoying her tickle, "I have a surprise for you tomorrow, but now it's time for my dinner." I said smiling at her.

I walked to the lounge and cleaned up the mess she had made, and headed to the kitchen to cook myself some dinner.

After dinner I striped myself of all my cloths and snuck in to her room, I saw her dozing on her heated floorboards in the corner, I switched the pool lights on and raised the pool temperature. Quietly I slid into the warm water and hid behind a wooden rail located on the side of the pool. "Sophie!" I yelled, and watched as she raised her head and looked around, "HAY, OVER HERE!" I yelled still hiding behind the rail, she got up and came to look for me, I ducked under the water and held my breath lying at the entrance of the pool, I saw her slip into the water above me, still wondering where my voice had come from, I launched myself up toward her underbelly grabbing her, and warping my arms around her, she struggled in surprise, I emerged beside her and gasped for air, I ran my hand down her side and whispered in her ear "Want to play?" she knew these words well and quickly dove under the water with excitement, I made my way to the side of the pool and watched as she swam over to me and placed her chin on my shoulder "I love you so much Sophie" I said as I watched her run her nose down my chest, every time she did this I remembered the first time we had made love, she began to blow bubbles between my legs lovingly watching me, I put my hands on each side of her neck and pulled myself closer, touching my already erected penis to her nose letting the bubbles tickle me, I slowly slipped down beneath her running my penis down her neck and belly, whilst kissing her lovingly on her chin, she gently manoeuvred the base of her tail to help guide me in, as I felt the head of my penis slide down the slit of her vent I pushed hard without hesitation, Sophie hissed and hugged my hips with her rear legs pushing me deeper into her, I grabbed her around her chest and moaned, as I felt her push my erection deeper into her cool tight vaginal passage, I felt her vagina slowly loosening up as we hugged each other close, Sophie closed her eyes and groaned as she felt my hot member throbbing inside her cool cloaca warming her from within.

After another minute of savouring the moment, Sophie became tired of waiting and started to rub up down on my penis using her back muscles to create a thrusting action whilst also using her legs on my hips to keep me from slipping out, I returned the favour by thrusting back in sync, I started groaning loudly in pleasure, then something strange happened, I felt Sophie nearly slow to a stop, I looked at her, confused at why she was stopping, I saw her looking at the fence surrounding the pool, I gave her a playful slap on the base of her tail to pull her attention back to me, we quickly got back to our business.

Sophie started to relay put some energy into her thrusting, and on one of the thrusts she pushed me against the concrete on the side of the pool nearly crushing my pelvis "Careful!" I said to the giant horny croc, I began to kiss her under her front legs as she hissed from delight with the pleasure I was giving her, Voice: "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!" Sophie threw herself from me in fright and disappeared beneath the water, Riley: "What the!?!" I whispered looking around and heard the voice again, Voice: "THAT IS JUST FUCKED, YOU DO KNOW THATS ILLEGAL DONT YOU?" I scrambled to the edge of the pool in fright, looking around to see where the voice was coming from, Voice: "NO, I CANT HANDLE THIS!" my eye caught some movement from the other side of the pool fence, I saw William walking away, Riley: "Arr WAIT! Arrr... ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" I saw William stop and turn and walked back to the fence trying not to make eye contact with me, William: " Ok man, I over reacted a bit, if it is not what I think, then what the hell are you doing." he said still with his head turned away from me, Riley: "Arr... I LOVE HER!" I yelled in panic, I didn't have anything else to say and it just slipped out before I could think about it, William was silent for a moment and turned his head and looked at me, William: "I knew you loved her, but this is really something!" he said with a smile on his face, I just sat there still in shock looking at him, William: " So.. Well... can I come in then?"

I quickly got up and walked over to the gate and unlatched it for him, he walked through the gate and looked me up and down, looking at me like he was about to burst out laughing, William: "I know I have joked about it but you didn't have to actually have sex with her.... and man, could you please put some pants on?" he couldn't hold it in any more, he started laughing as he watched me run back inside the house to grab my pants.

When I came back out he was standing at the side of the pool watching Sophie hiding on the bottom of the pool I walked up to him, Riley: "I'm sorry man" I whispered, William: "Narr man, it's cool, I was the one that overreacted, but it was a pretty fucking intense thing to whiteness, your best mate having sex with a giant crocodile, you were getting right into her weren't you, for fuck sake how often do you do this!!" I paused for a moment and looked at my feet, Riley: "Pretty much every night..." William: "FUCK!!..", Riley: "Come on man, come inside for a drink aye..", William: "Yeah man, I need a drink after seeing that.".

We entered the kitchen and sat at the table, William: "Man you should have seen your face when you first heard me, you were flaking out" Riley: "Why the hell were you hanging around in the back yard anyway?" William: "well yesterday when we were talking about how we are going to take Sophie to the beach tomorrow I... Ouch! What the hell, why the hell did you kick me", Riley: "Don't say the B word, if she hears it she will go nuts, you know that!", William: "ok ok, anyway, I left my wallet here last night and I just came to collect it and I was about to knock on the door and I heard you groaning and I thought you had injured yourself or something, so I ran around into the backyard and yeah..." Riley: "And how long were you watching before you decided to yell out!?" William: "I don't know! Probably only a minute or 2" Riley: "WHAT!", William: "Well I was shocked I couldn't speak and Sophie looked at me and I hid behind a bush, I didn't know what was going on I thought she was trying to kill you or something and then I had a better look and saw what you were doing and I freaked out!" Riley "But I always here you coming from a mile away, your music is always over the top, why couldn't I here you this time, William: "I blew my amp up yesterday." Riley: "Oh, Fuck!, I am just happy you were not my mum or someone else, I am relieved that you didn't totally flip out and leave me sitting there, and another thing you don't seem that freaked out, I thought you would hate me after something like this" William: "Chill dude, we have been best friends since kinder, I wouldn't leave you hanging like that, and anyway there was just that little feeling that I had that you did love Sophie a little more what you were letting on, you are always kissing her and shit and I can see that look you give here when you don't think anyone is watching, it's just you startled me when I saw you doing your thing, but I am cool now" Riley: "Thanks man, You won't tell anyone will you?" William: " YEAH! I am going to tell everyone my best friend is a crocodile fucker, Like hell, of course I am not going to tell anyone!" Riley: "Shit you had me going for a moment there! So are you still up for the B.. trip tomorrow?" William: "Yeah man, as long as you don't try anything with her while we are there, like I said, I think what you are doing is illegal, you know, having sex with a croc, technically it is rape of a animal." Riley: "NO! It's not rape, rape is sex without consent and I would never do that, especially not to Sophie, not only does she want to do this, she is the one that pretty much started our sexual relationship, I would never hurt her, or make her uncomfortable, yes I know that having sex with a crocodile is still illegal even if I do have consent, but we are not hurting anyone and we love each other, so I choose not to abide to that law." William: "Ok, sorry, I think I know what you're getting at now, well I better head off, I got to prepare the car for tomorrow" Riley: "Sweet as... Hay aren't you forgetting something, Duurrrrrr..?" I said jokingly, William turned and saw his wallet on the table, he smiled walked over and grabbed it, William: "Pfffft... wait I think I have something in here for you." he said smiling he started fumbling around in his wallet, William: "HERE HAVE FUN!" he yelled and flicked a condom at me, and ran out of the kitchen laughing, Riley: "Your nuts, What kinda person carries condoms around in there wallet anyway?" I yelled William: "A very lucky one." I heard him yell as I heard the door slam.

I walked back into Sophie's room and saw her peaking out of the water "It's ok, his gone" I said and walked over to her, I slapped my knees beckoning for her to come to me, she slowly emerged still looking around for William, "Come on lets go to bed" I said, she quickly made her way to my room and lay in the corner on our custom made mattress, I jumped onto the mattress and snuggled up against her to cheer her up after her big scare, and we soon drifted off to sleep.

I open my eyes suddenly and sat up wondering why I couldn't feel my leg and saw Sophies tail lying over my leg cutting off circulation, I dragged myself from beneath her she opened her eyes and looked at me and started to get excited, she began kludging me with her snout "Ok settle down, I didn't go anywhere" I laughed, I heard a knock at the door Sophie ran to see who it was, I already knew who it was and I walked out into the hallway and stood well out of the way and yelled "COME IN!... and don't harass.." but it was too late William burst through the door knowing Sophie would be there, because she always waited to see who was at the door, he jumped her and grabbed her in a head lock before she had time to get away, William: " Dam I like catching her, it makes me feel tough, you gotta take a photo of this one day" he laughed and let her go, Sophie turned and headed for her room, William grabbed her tail and tried to pull her back to him, this resulted in Sophie speeding up losing control and side swiping the already damaged wall, Riley: "Shit go easy, you shouldn't give her such a hard time" I said, William: "Holy Crap!! that happened to your new TV" he said looking into the lounge, Riley: "That is a result of me trying to brush Sophie's teeth, I usually manage to trick her, but this time she got wise to me." William: "That sucks, so are you ready to go?" Riley: "Yeah, just let me have breakfast and we will be off, also I will let you feed Sophie, you might as well make friends with her before we go to the beach, having her running from you on sight will be a pain in the arse." William: "Oh cool!! you're going to let me feed her!" Riley: "Yeah man, the chickens are in the fridge, give her five, ok, and don't feed her in her pool it makes the water dirty." William: "Yeah, for sure" William grabbed the chickens from the fridge and ran off into her room, he saw her lying on the edge of the pool, when she saw him she disappeared beneath the water, he walked over and looked into the pool, he saw her on the other side of the pool watching him closely, he raised the chicken above his head and waved it, cautiously she swam toward him, he beaconed her to come out of the water with the chicken, but she wasn't comfortable with William being there, she thought he would jump her or pull her tail, William: "HAY RILEY! SHE WONT GET OUT OF THE WATER!" he yelled, Riley: "Just give her some time to trust you, talk to her or something" William stood there wondering what to say to her, William: "what do you say to a crocodile?" he whispered to himself, William: "Come here Sophie." he said quietly she just looked at him, not moving a muscle, William: "Dinner Soph.... Arrr ok...... Umm... Want to play?" hearing William say the words (want to play) scared her a little and she began to swim away, William: "Shit what did I say... Wait I have an idea." William knelt down by the water and whispered "Hay Soph, want to go to the beach?" Sophie quickly spun around and looked at him, William: "Beach Sophie Beach!" Sophie knew the words well and she tore through the water toward William at full speed William: "NO! GET BACK!! ARRR FUCK!! HELP!!" William dropped the chickens and ran for his life, Sophie was just meters behind him chasing him, he ran into my room and tried to close the door but Sophie was to quick and pushed through the door before he could close it.

As I was cleaning up after my breakfast, I heard I cowardly scream from the hallway, I quickly ran to the pool hoping Sophie hadn't accidentally bitten Williams hand off when he was trying to feed her or something, I heard a whimpering from back in the hallway, I ran into my room to see William curled up in the corner in tears with an overstimulated Sophie pushing and nudging him with her nose, Riley: "And that's why you don't say the word beach around her, calm down she is just excited she doesn't want to hurt you" I said with a grin on my face, Sophie quickly turned her gaze to me because I had also said the word beach, but before she could react, I jumped and grabbed her around the neck, and held the over stimulated crocodile still while William made his getaway, William: "That was fucking terrifying, I thought she was going to eat me." Riley: "She couldn't hurt a fly, unless someone she does not know enters the house without me around, then she is all teeth and anger. Let's go she is too excited to eat and I have pretty much finished breakfast" William: "Ok, let's get out of here, take Sophie to the car".

As walked outside I saw the car William had chosen for our trip, Riley: "Your fucking kidding me right, you said you were going to get a van!" William: "Stress less buddy", Riley: "How are we going to get this" (Pointed to Sophie) "into that" (Pointed to the old beaten up yellow station wagon) "that thing is way too small, she is easily longer than that car", William: "Narr man, check this out", William walked over and removed the duct tape holding the back window in and removed it, Riley: "Your unbelievable, fine then, we will see if it works out" William opened the back and removed the rear seats, I patted the back of the car to indicate to Sophie to try to climb in, Riley: "Croc's can't jump well out of water, get your arms under the front legs and pull her up, are you ready..... GO!", William: "She is fucking heavy man", Riley: "ok we have her front in now let's try the back.... one.. two.. three.. GO!", we hoisted her up and then pushed her into the car as far as we could, Riley: "I told you she wouldn't fit" I said looking at the full length of her tail handing out of the back of the car, William walked up and raised her tail and pushed it through the hole where the window used to be and shut the door, William: "See, look she fits" Riley: "Well at least her tail won't be dragging on the ground now, it's going to have to do."

We jumped into the car, I looked at Sophie's snout pushed between the two front seats, I bent down and started kissing her on the nose, Riley: "Whose my big sexy girl." I said, William gave me a funny look and shook his head, Riley: "What? You know about us now, so I can speak to her like I usually do" William: "Well as long as you don't start having sex in front of me, I think I will be able to handle it.".

When we arrived at the beach and got out of the car, Riley: "ok just remember she is very excited, be careful when getting her out, this is the first time you have been to the beach with her and I can tell you she goes nuts for the 15 minutes or so, so just stay clear, I am going to make her chase me to the beach so she doesn't make her own way, if I don't, she may crush a kid if it gets in the way or something, so when you're ready lift her tail and pull gently so she slides out, oh and one more thing watch all the beachgoers scatter and scream its hilarious", William: "Wohh! yes commander, got any more instructions for me?" he said Sarcastically, he opened the door and grabbed Sophie's tail, a few people had already spotted the large tail hanging out of the car and started to walk over, William carefully pulled her tail and she slowly walked back and slid out onto the grass as her front feet touched the ground she spun around quickly nearly knocking William over with her tail, Riley: "BEACH Sophie!!" I yelled, she gave chase, for a crocodile she moved fast on land, I legged it down the dunes and toward the water I saw people scattering in all directions as they saw the giant croc chasing me down the beach, as I looked behind me to check Sophie was still following me, I saw William running behind Sophie laughing at all the people running screaming around us, as I hit the water I slowed down, and Sophie ran past into the surf and disappeared beneath the water, the surfers in front of started you yell and started swimming for the shore as fast as they could, some of them also leaving there boards behind, I swam out to where I last saw her and ducked under the water and called her name as loud as I could, moments later she was by my side she was now content and not over excited.

I collected the surfboards and left them on the shore for the surfers to collect, Riley: "Ok it's time to try what we have been practising Sophie" I said to her, I lay on her back with both my hands on the side of her head moving her head side to side directing her where to go as she swam through the water Riley: "Wow, you are much better to ride than last time, last time I tried to ride you at the beach you took me out to sea and it was hours before we got back", People were beginning to gather around, to witness the strange spectral, I directed her toward William, Riley: " William, I think you should have a ride, just jump on her back, don't worry, just hug her around the middle, you will be fine, she likes you now that you said you were going to take her to the beach, I was going clam the credit for that, but it turned out a good thing you couldn't shut your mouth." William slowly swam out to Sophie, she was rolling about in the surf she saw him approaching and swam over, William: "Ok Soph, just be nice ok" he said and hugged her around the middle, she powered through the water, with William hanging on screaming William: "Woooohh! Shit!", after a minute or two he couldn't hold on any more, and let her go and swam into shore, I waved my arms to get Sophie's attention and slapped my knees, she came to me quickly, and all three of us lay on the sand resting, William: " That was fun man I going to come to the beach more often with you two" Riley: "Yeah, for sure" William: "Hay man there is a group of people coming what should we do" Riley: "Watch this." I gave Sophie a slap on the tail with my foot to get her attention, Riley: "Guard me Soph!" I said I said sternly, Sophie raised her head and looked around and spotted the people walking toward us and watched them carefully, I winked and smiled at William, Sophie decided that 20 meters was to close and started walking toward them Hissing loudly they step back a few steps, Riley: "CAREFUL SHE BITES!" I yelled, they quickly turned and headed in the opposite direction, "William: "Cool, now no one can bother us."

We spent the rest of the day sun baking with Sophie and having a quick swim now and then, until the sun began to set, William: "Lets head off aye.." Riley:" Yeah I have had my fun let's get out of here."

We returned home Sophie ran inside still excited from her beach trip, I turned to William, Riley: "That was a good day, I will catch you later then." William: " Yeah catch you later, and have fun." William said and winked at me, I stopped and thought for a moment, "What does he mean by have fun" I thought to myself, as he drove off, I heard him yell from the car window, William: "DONT RIDE HER TO HARD, SHE HAS BEEN RIDDEN ENOUGH TODAY.", Riley: "VERY FUNNY SMART ARSE!" I yelled as he left in a cloud of dust, as I turned around I saw Sophie watching me from the front door, I smiled " I'm feeling very salty, we do need a rinse off don't we Soph" I said and chased her inside, as I ran down the hall I pulled my board shorts off and ran to her pool and dove in, Sophie was already waiting for me in the water, I swam over to her and started kissing her on the back of her neck "Time for a massage to loosen up those muscles of yours" I said, She swam to the side of the pool and allowed me to start her massage, I started on her neck gently rubbing and squeezing her tight muscles and slowly moved to her feet, as I massaged her feet I noticed she started to squeeze my hand, I must have been tickling her, I passionately kissed her foot and gave her a little tickle between her toes, she kicked her foot as she felt me tickling her, I then moved down her middle rubbing her belly and back still giving her a kiss now and then as I moved down her body, I reached her vent and I gently rubbed around it I saw her rear legs stretch out as I worked around her vent "Not yet" I said and moved to her tail using all my strength to massage her tight tail muscles, I finished her massage and made my way up her back kissing every one of her armoured back plates as I moved up, as I reached her neck I whispered, "Want to play Sophie", Sophie slowly started to pull herself out of the pool I grabbed playfully at her tail and said "What's wrong Soph, don't you want to play" she looked at me and hissed quietly, and turned and started walking back to our room, I watched as she looked back at me now and then and disappeared into the hallway, I got out of the pool and followed her disappointed at her rejection, as I entered our room I she was lying in the middle of our bed she hissed happily watching as I walked over to her she raised her snout and gently nudged my penis with her nose, "Ok, maybe this is not a rejection I said to myself" and knelt down beside her, "Do you want to give some out of water action a go" I said to her.

Sophie groaned and rolled over onto her back, I could see a drip of moisture run down her side from her swelled vent "Oh Sophie, we have to make up for tomorrow don't we." I said with a smile, I ran my fingers down her belly and over the swelled vent, "Let me clean that up for a better look" I said, lovingly I started to lick her vent, cleaning her of excess moisture, after I had cleaned her up, I gently pushed my fingers into her vent, she groaned in pleasure as she felt my fingers slip down into her cloaca, I started to rub my fingers in and out of her cloaca, she groaned again, as my finger work increased in speed, I felt her muscles contracting on my fingers as I rubbed her, I leant down and pulled her vent open with my fingers and started to lick gently, then I pushed my tongue down into her deeper to feel her inner muscles contract on my tongue, Sophie could feel my tongue exploring her cloaca this made her hiss loudly "You like that, do you Soph" I said and pushed my tongue deeper, I could feel a little spasm now and then as I rolled my tongue around inside her vent, I knew that these spasms were her orgasm on its way, so I stepped it up by pushing my tongue as deep as I could and moving it side to side and I also began to push my fingers in to her cloaca from the sides to make the most of the rest of the space in her cloaca, her spasms were becoming more frequent it was going to be soon, I could feel it, I felt my tongue being squeezed harder by the muscles in her vent, I pulled one hands from her vent and I held on to one of her rear feet so I could feel when I found her most sensitive area, as I was exploring I felt her foot squeeze my hand and I rolled my tongue back to a small flap of skin concealed in her vagina, she squeezed again, I had found one of her most sensitive areas, I remembered this area so I could use it when I was ready, I moved my hand from her foot and began to rub her again, her vaginal muscles started to contort and convulse, "Here we go" I said to myself, I pushed my tongue as deep as I possibly could, my fingers rubbing gently around it, she roared and I felt her vagina shudder and tighten up, "This it" I rolled my tongue back to her sensitive spot and started rubbing my tongue up and down on the sensitive area, she roared again, her body started to shake and her legs started to kick the air, and one of her feet started to kick me in the chest I pushed my body closer to her to stop her from kicking me so hard, I was not going to stop, this was the biggest orgasm I had ever seen her have, my tongue was still working her sensitive spot, she was running out of breath her raw was now a laboured groan her whole body still shuddering, I paused for a moment so she could take a breath, I could see she was struggling, she took a breath and as she did I started to suck her sensitive point, making her roar again this was unbelievable I could just keep her going, I started to suck as hard as I could whilst gently squeezing the little flap of skin between my teeth, her legs stopped kicking and pushed hard against me, while her body gave I huge shudder her tail thrashed side to side, she was out of breath again and all she could do was make small grunting noises, I gave her sensitive area one more lick and decided to give her a rest from her giant orgasm, she lay there taking big berths and her legs gave a twitch now and then, she was so worn out after that, I wiped her juices from my chin and chest and began to daintily lick her belly scales of the mess I had made, "Oh Sophie that was on big orgasm, are you ok" I said playfully running my fingers up and down her belly, she slowly rolled over still in a daze and looked at me, I stroked her snout and kissed her gently on the nose, "Now it's my turn" I said and moved around behind her, she watched as I lifted her tail and placed it over my shoulder and grabbed both her rear legs and pulled her toward me, I used one hand to wipe some of her juice from her vent to help lubricate my hard throbbing penis, it was just as well it was my turn because my penis was starting to get sore from being erected for so long not getting any action, I gently started touching my hot stiff penis to her vent, Sophie could feel the heat from it and she tried to move back so it would slip in but I held back I wanted to tease her for a while, she was starting to get aggravated, she growled and squeezed my arms with her feet, as I embraced her "What's wrong Sophie, getting hungry for it are you" I said, and made her really work for it, she started to growl louder and looked at me angrily, all I did was smile at her, and continued with my teasing, she pushed back on me as hard as she could, I suddenly removed all resistance I was holding her with and she sat back with full force on my penis I groaned loudly as I felt my penis slam into her vagina, she roared in shock and I felt her body quiver in pleasure at the same time, I slowly pushed her up and away from me and then dropped her again, letting my penis push back into her cloaca with the full weight of her whole tail behind it, "This is a great position Sophie" I said as I started to lift and drop her over and over again, all she could do was groan as I slammed my penis in her over and over her again, I could feel my penis give a little twitch now and then, but I was far of finishing, even though with every twitch I could feel some semen make its way up my shaft, I used my penis to search for her sensitive spot but I was unable to find it, I couldn't find the little flap of skin with my penis, it had been erected for so long it was numb and I couldent feel very well with it, but after a few thrusts I felt her foot squeeze my arm and she hissed and looked at me, "There it is" I said and repositioned my penis aiming it toward the spot and began to pump, she hissed again and I felt her vaginal muscles give a twitch, "I am going to have to work hard to beat four fingers and a tongue" I taught to myself and started ramming my penis deeper into her, whilst rubbing the head of my penis on her sensitive spot, I felt her cloacal muscles tighten, she gave a spasm "Yes I have got you now Soph!" I taught to myself and increased my speed, as I pumped I began to feel that distinct feeling welling inside me, but I kept my rhythm and didn't slow down every time I felt her vagina spasm, my penis gave a little shudder and I felt a small amount of semen squirt into her, I bit my lip and sped up still rubbing my penis against her sensitive area, It was starting to hurt holding back my orgasm, but I was not giving up, I felt her vagina contort and begin to spasm violently, Sophie took a big breath and held it as her orgasm began to take control of her body, I could feel her legs stretching out and her body gave a little shake, I closed my eyes and bit my lip harder and started to pump vigorously, my shaft was now burning from the pressure of the semen built up inside it, Suddenly I heard what I was waiting for, Sophie roared and I felt her vagina tighten around my erection she squeezed so hard that with every pump my foreskin rolled up and down over the head of my penis, I decided to give a roar to, I released my payload into Sophie, I felt it squirting into her vagina, I let go of her legs and hugged the base of her tail pushing my penis hard against her sensitive area, I held her close feeling her muscles shuddering and massaging my penis, I groaned as I felt her spasms become less frequent, I slowly pulled my penis from her, she hissed with pleasure and I felt all her muscles relax, as my penis slipped out of her vent I felt lukewarm liquid spill onto my legs beneath her, I looked down and saw the mess we had made, as I knelt there holding my dripping penis I slid Sophie's tail off my shoulder, "No wonder this is illegal nobody should be allowed to have this much fun" I said to her as she lay there still breathing heavily after her second orgasm, I removed the messy sheet from under us and I gave her vent a quick wipe, it was still swollen and red from all its work, I lay down next to her and touched my nose to hers and stared into her eyes, "Sophie, you complete me my love, no matter what happens I will always love you" I said and warped my arms around her neck and kissed her on the snout, she pushed closer to me and we lay together as a couple, moments later we slept.

The end...

Written By:


A story written for:




Very special thanks to:

Green_Dragon (He knows why)

Originality inspired by:

Chito and his crocodile Pocho