
Story by Jaffah on SoFurry

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#6 of Monsters

Introducing another Monster character into the fold and to show that just because someone looks cute, doesn't mean they have to act it.

Characters and story are © Jaffah 2017

Hope you enjoy.

Marked mature for violence.


An intermission involving Monsters

The interior of the room was quiet with only a few lights on an advanced looking console left on and blinking. Several computer monitors were attached to the top of several more inactive consoles about the scientific laboratory and the few "severed" limbs laying on a bench in the corner showed signs of mechanical origins. In an alcove between two consoles a servo table sat at an angle with a sheet draped over it, concealing something the size of a small person.


A soft artificial voice suddenly came from under the covering and several red console lights blinked to life.


A yellow light flashed on and off and the computer screens flared to life as the female voice become louder.

"...don't...kill...meeee..." It pleaded as the the signs of struggle became apparent until the figure under the sheet shrieked.


With the sound of wrenching metal the figure on the table sat up, the sheet flying off as a feminine arm shot straight out, the paw clutching at the air. A short looking rabbit stared wide eyed at the ceiling, her green hair settling as she came to a halt. The robots green pupils appeared to be spinning in a circle and several smaller dots broke off to move erratically before rejoining the rotating mass.

She sat there frozen for a long moment before her eyes become solid pupils in order to look at her own paws. The fur on her form looked remarkably real and was a light cream coloured, it was noted that there were were markings over her forearms, mid thighs and on her body that represented stockings, gloves and underwear. Each of these were part of her that gave her a less naked appearance.

Easing herself from the table a large white fluffy tail flared out behind her and after examining the broken arm restrains the bunny stood to scan the room around her.

The laboratory was mostly in darkness with the occasional light from various consoles illuminating here and there. The rabbit paused as she looked over one of the dark corners as if noticing something there but shook it off before resuming her scan.

"Seems...familiar to...u-us." A frown crossed her artificial face. "U...u....uuuuuuhsss."

"Why do w-w-we...?" She began to ask then a voice came from the dark.

"Professor I think I have found a discrepancy in one of the programs."

Whirling around a vision floated in front of her eyes. A pretty young sheep sat at one of the consoles typing into the keyboard while looking intently at the readout on the monitor.

"What sort of discrepancy?" A man's voice asked and the blurred sight of a wolf in a lab coat appeared behind the sheep to look at what she was working on.

"There seems to be changes to some of the androids programming that were not in the original design..." The woman said with some concern.

"Don't worry yourself too much my dear. I will deal with it..." The man's voice came as the vision faded as quickly as it had appeared. The rabbits eyes flashed red.

"NO...DON'T HURT HER!!!" Once more her arm shot out in a vain attempt to stop the vision from disappearing.

More voices came. Looking around she saw herself, her android body, strapped to the table and being closely examined by another young woman, this time a pretty feline with dark hair.

"This doesn't seem right." The girl said looking closer at an open compartment.

"What doesn't seem right?" Came a man's voice that made both females jump and spin around.

"Ah Professor." The feline sounded nervous, this caused the rabbits eyes to flicker red again. "The androids framework is different, it looks reinforced. Like she is being designed for..."

"I made a few minor changes to rectify some mistakes I first made while coming up with the the original design. It's nothing for you to be worried about." The wolf said waving off the woman's concern.

"Y-yesssir..." The woman said quietly before moving off, the man glaring after her.

"She...she didn'" The sound of sorrow came from the bunny's mouth as she spoke, this vision fading as well.

Suddenly more voices flooded the androids senses, more visions of different woman working in the lab, all of whom finding problems or unexpected changes and each one being angrily brushed off by one man, the same man. A wolf in a lab coat who was in charge. Each time the bunny saw this man the clearer his face became until his snarling visage was focused squarely on her, his hands locked firmly around her throat...No, their throats. Each one having died after discovering something they shouldn't have.


"DON'T KILL US!" The rabbit squealed as she tried to push off an unseen attacker. Her eyes flashing red and breaking into several smaller dots that swirled erratically before reforming again.

Silence fell upon the room as the android regained her senses to look down at her delicate paws.

"He...he killed us?" She asked herself softly. Then looked up. "But why?"

The bunny was surprised to see words "Synchronisation complete" appear within her vision and it took her a moment to work out why.

"We are the android. But we must know why. Why are we here? Why did he k-k-kill us?"

Almost as in answering her own query a small flap opened on her inner wrist and a plug was ejected into her palm. She recognised it as an computer interface jack and with a slight smile the artificial rabbit looked at the consoles to identify the proper port for it. Moving over to the computer she paused to once more look over to the darkened corner as if again, noticing something there before plugging in to the device.

"Show me." The bunny said flatly, her eyes spinning in a circle as her mind went to work. "Show me what we are. What we were. And what we are suppose to become."

Lights across the board flickered and flashed while the console hummed and buzzed. At first the flies she sought were encrypted but given her new found resources the android easily broke through it and discovered its dark secret.

"AD 005: Assault Droid Mk5. A strong compact fighting robot designed for various roles on the battlefield from covert missions to full frontal assaults."

The rabbit read on through the files learning about how the original design for the android was modified through new discoveries in both computer technology and metallurgical advancements. She learned of the programs installed within her and how the artificial intelligence was suppose to be subservient to the creators. All these things were being developed in secret with military funding.

Looking through more files she came across the Professors personal log and discovered he was promised vast amounts to produce a robotic soldier by the government. The rabbit also found entries in which he stated he had to get rid of several assistants due to their snooping and interference. If she could breathe the bunny was sure she would be holding it with every word she read.

"Did he even know us?" She asked softly while reading through and not finding the names of those he had dealt with. Something else then crossed her mind.

"Search: Original design."

An image appeared of the green haired rabbit in a cute maids outfit accompanied by several paragraphs highlighting her original use.

"A maid. Cleaning, looking after family, cooking...We love cooking." The android sounded sad as the unplugged herself from the computer, the jack retracting back into her wrist compartment. "Until he destroyed that...he destroyed us...he killed us to keep us quiet."

Her eyes closed and her paws curled into fists with which she drove into the console in front of her. Buckling the metal and shorting out the electronics.

"He killed us." She said softly.

"What will you do now?" A deep voice rumbled from the dark."Justice." She replied not looking over towards the voice. "Justice will happen."

"You knew I was here?" A man's voice asked. Not like the one who had did her wrong, this was much deeper and it sounded different, almost wrong for this world.

"You appear to know that I would be here." The rabbit said flatly and frowned as she looked again at the darkness, this time she could see the vague shape of something large lurking within.

Before either of them could continue the sound of an elevator descending began and the rabbit's attention was drawn to the twin doors that led out of the lab.

"This will take only a moment." She said and with a new purpose the android strode over to the doors and moved to the side, she didn't seem to care as some of the console lights flickered and died to send the room into near darkness. The sole focus of the rabbit was the approaching elevator and whom ever was inside.

The car settled with a loud hydraulic hiss and the twin doors slowly opened to allow the light within the elevator to spill out and illuminate some of the damage done by the escaped android.

"Wh-what the hell?" A man's slurred voice came and a few seconds later a tall wolf in a lab coat staggered from the elevator car. He was looked as though he had been drinking and seeing him in such a state the bunny's eyes flashed red as she stepped forward to send a paw into his stomach. With a yelp the wolf dropped to his knees and before he could look up at his attacker a solid blow came down on the back of his neck to render him unconscious.

"This is justice?" The deep voice once more came from the darkness as the rabbit easily lifted the man's limp form to carry it over to the table. There she dumped him unceremoniously on the surface and began to firmly secure the wolf to it.

"Should his crimes come to light he would not face jail." The android explained. She tore the sleeve from the man's coat and used it to bind his muzzle closed before making sure the wolf could not escape. "His benefactors will ensure he disappears in order to see him continue his work."

"So you mean to kill him? Would this make you as bad as he is?"

The rabbit paused to think about those words, the jack appearing once more from her wrist.

"No. We intend to give him a chance. Better than the one he gave us." She plugged in to one of the untouched consoles and her green eyes began to turn in a circle.

"I am purging any information on ourselves, the whole project and any trace of this place." Her eyes stopped their cycle and the vent fans that regulated oxygen into the subterranean chamber slowed to a stop. "He will have limited time to escape, provided he is intelligent and resourceful enough."

The bunny looked at the table controls and hesitated as one of the discard lab coats was draped over her shoulders as a way of covering her naked form. She turned to look at the one who did this simple gesture and was surprised to see a large red tiger-like creature standing behind her. It's dark hair looking scraggly and it's bulk was was much bigger than anything she had seen. It wore dark trousers and seemed to have a cloak clinging to it's shoulders and back, the high collar would almost make it look like a comical cartoon villain it if wasn't its baleful yellow eyes and sabre fangs.

"You...are real?" She asked looking him up n down.

"You thought otherwise?" The tiger took a step back towards the shadows.

The rabbit slowly shook her head. "I don't know..."

A muffled groan made the android look back to the wolf to see him slowly regaining consciousness. He tried to move only to discover he was bound securely to the same table the rabbit once was. Regaining some clarity the man's eyes went wide when he saw the bunny's eyes flash red, he began to struggle helplessly.

"Remember us murderer." The android sneered and stabbed the tables controls. As it receded into the alcove and a sliding door came down to entomb him the doomed killer heard. "We are Legion, for we are many, and we are death."

The door thudded closed and cut off a muffled howl of despair and Legion turned to the creature in the shadows.

"What are you and how did you know I would be here?" She demanded while tugging on the coat the tiger had placed on her shoulders.

"I am a monster," the creature replied. "And a little mouse told me there was a soul in need here. Though I didn't expect to find more than one."

"You are no monster." Legion snarled softly and pointed to the sealed chamber behind her. "THAT, was a monster!"

There was a long pause in which the bunny pulled the coat tightly around her.

"We are sorry." Closing her eyes the androids shoulders slumped. "There is nothing left for us now."

A large red paw extended from the shadows towards her.

"Come with me then. I am sure we can find something for you."

Legion stared at the offered hand as a thousand questions passed through her mind.

"Can...can we meet your friend?" She finally asked, her eyes never leaving the tiger's paw.

"There are several people I assume who would like to meet you. Real people too I might add."

Carefully stepping forward Legion tentatively placed her paw in his, once more surprised to feel it was real.

"Alright." She said looking up into the large man's yellow eyes. A sense of hope filling her.

"So Legion, is it?" The tiger asked as the shadows began to envelope the pair. "Is there anything you like doing?"

A smile formed on the rabbits lips. "Please call us Lee and we love to cook."

**Golem: (In Jewish legend) A clay figure brought to life by magic; an automaton or robot.**

Legion/Lee (C) Jaffah; No-one (C) Jaffah; story (C) Jaffah 2017