Lilika Trisain - Chapter 4 - Under Control

Story by Zon Liea on SoFurry

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#1 of Lilika Trisain, Adventurer For Hire

(This particular story used to be on SoFurry quite a number of years ago. I deleted it for various reasons. Over the years, I've seen people mention on scant occasions that they missed this story. So, here it is. I ran it through a spell checker, but otherwise, everything is exactly the same as it used to be before it was deleted from the site. I'm not entirely a fan of how this story came out (the writing in it is rough at best, as this was before I learned basic rules such as spell-checking, proper punctuation, and tenses,) and if I had done this story today, I would have done it differently. But, I figured it was better to repost this story where people could read it, rather than have it languish forever on my hard drive.)

Lilika peeked into the alleyways as she walked by, trying to look casual about it. There were still people out on the streets, and she couldn't let anyone see what she was up to. As much as she hated going anywhere without her sword, she couldn't run the risk of it getting confiscated if she wound up getting captured. It was a trusty sword, and while she had bought and sold countless swords over her years as an adventurer, this one had always been her first choice whenever she needed to fight something non-magical.

She finally found an alleyway that was deserted, which she was glad for. Almost every alleyway in this city had someone or something having sex in it, and it was beginning to get on her nerves. The alleyway was filthy, which would only help her cause. This one in particular had a pile of lumber that had once been a carriage. She kicked a few of the boards, smiling to herself as she knelt down, pulling apart a few of the boards until she had an opening. She took her pouch from around her shoulder and stuffed it as deep in as she could reach, and then, with a moment of hesitation, put the sword in as well. She shifted the lumber to cover the hole, and then piled some garbage to make it less noticeable.

As she walked back to the main street, she felt naked without her sword by her side. Lilika had only kept a dagger, a sliver compared to her sword, and it wouldn't do much for her in combat. As for the pouch, she was still carrying a bag of gold around inside, and that would be the first thing a captor would take.

The clock on the Gate Office said that it was 11:39, which meant that the slave auction would be starting soon. She hoped it would be simple, but with the way her luck was going, she wasn't getting her hopes up. The odds of Lana going up for auction today were slim; she had been brought here eleven days ago, according to the logs, so either she had been sold early, or she was still in training. At the moment, Lilika wanted nothing more than to find a hotel and relax for a night, maybe take a bath and get a hot meal, but the sooner she found Lana, the sooner she could get out of this godforsaken city.

A crowd had begun to gather around the Shuya Club, and as she got closer, she learned from the conversations around her that the Shuya had emptied the club to prepare for the auctions. She made her way through the diverse crowd, which was composed of males and females of every species. None of them looked like tourists. They were all dressed in the best clothing money could buy, gold and silver jewelry adorned wrists and necks and ears. Lilika could feel the stares from the people closest to her, and she knew that this was dangerous. These were people made of serious money, looking to buy the best pleasure slaves on the market. She stood on her toes to look at the club itself, able to see the gleam of cages being moved in the torchlight inside.

Slaves would be lined up in cages, on display for all to see. She didn't know the exact price of slaves, but given the reputation of the Shuya Traders, and the money they took in, their slaves must have gone for hundreds of gold apiece. Lilika tried to remember what she knew about the Shuya. She knew that they focused on training a slave to exact specifications. Some were made mindless, others were simply made obedient. They could make a slave trained to call their master daddy, a slave who had the mind of an animal. Lilika knew that somewhere in the building, there must have been a Psychomancer, and probably a Shifter.

Twenty minutes later, the crowd began to filter inside, the wooden doors opened wide. There was no fanfare, no spectacular announcement, you either knew what was inside, or you were in the wrong place. As Lilika stepped over the threshold, she could see that while The Shuya looked like a tavern from the outside, it was far different on the inside. She was almost in awe. The wood was polished on the tables and floors, an expensive carpet leading the clients down a makeshift alley. The cages were gleaming silver, none of the rusted iron that most slave traders used. The torches lit up the room nicely. The crowd spaced out once inside, many claiming a table, others making their way to the alley. Lilika followed the carpet, stopping and looking into the first cage.

Inside the cage, two rows of slaves were arranged in neat lines. The first row knelt on the floor, and the row behind them stood. They were all naked save for a collar of excellent workmanship, looking almost decorative. These were slaves for the wealthy, each black iron collar expertly fitted to the throat of the slave, with a bright blue crystal embedded in each one. Lilika could feel the magic crawl over her skin even from where she stood, she reached her arm inside, the magic was palpable, and she pulled her hand away, rubbing her fingers.

"Wonderful workmanship, don't you agree?" Came a voice from her side, and she looked, seeing a cheetah, dressed in vibrant red cloth, smiling at her. "You simply cannot do better than a Shuya made collar."

"It seems very powerful. It's a control?"

The cheetah chuckled in a way that made her think high class. "In a way. I don't know too much about them to be honest, but from what I know, the crystal is an energy source for a more powerful spell."

Lilika nodded. "So, a Psychomancer?"

"I suppose so. Like I said, I don't know too much about the details. The Shuya keep it a closely guarded secret, and I would too, if I knew. Slaves of this quality are a rare commodity." Lilika nodded. "How is the bidding done here?"

"First time buyer?"

Lilika nodded.

The cheetah smiled, as if he understood, and gestured with his whole paw towards the bar, which had something resembling a scoreboard mounted behind it. Down the right side, it had a row of Slave ID numbers. She noticed the bartender scribbling on it with chalk every few minutes.

"You give the bartender the ID of who you want to bid on, and the amount you bid. If there is no current bid, he writes your name and your bid next to it. If someone bids higher, he erases your name and bid, and writes the new one. It is all very orderly and less chaotic than a normal auction." He said, brushing his shirt even though there was nothing on it. "Very dignified." Lilika nodded as she looked back at the slaves. "Yes, it is."

Lilika gave a short bow to the cheetah before she made her way to the other cages. The thing that puzzled her most about the slaves was their facial expressions. Some were blank, staring straight ahead. Lilika looked into their eyes and saw nothing, no emotion, no soul. Others were smiling, and looking actively back at potential buyers, but there was something in their eyes that just wasn't right. Others were simply nonchalant, as if they had done this a thousand times before. On every slave, there was not a mark on their body. No whip scars, no bruising on the humans. There were slaves of all ages. One cage held children, others teenagers. There were few full grown adults there, and certainly no slaves that would be considered old.

Lilika looked over their bodies, and saw that every slave was aroused. Beads of fluid dripped down the thighs of the humans, and the fur of the furres was soaked through, but despite their obvious need, none of them moved to relieve it. She saw no masturbation, no shaking or trembling, and it certainly unnerved her. It was something about those collars, she figured, to control a slave to that extent, to where powerful arousal wasn't a need, it simply was. Every hole was tight, none of them showing any sign of ever being penetrated before. She went to every cage, and while there were a few lionesses, none that even looked similar to Lana, and certainly nothing matching her slave number.

Lilika made her way to the bar, where she noticed the Cheetah she had met earlier placing a bid on SHU # 1883519, but she couldn't recall which one it was. The bartender erased the previous bid of 550G and replaced it with his name, Salvatore, and a bid of 1200G. Salvatore the cheetah spotted Lilika and grinned.

"We pay what we must." He said, as he made his way back to the slave cages, holding a silver goblet in one paw.

Lilika looked over the bids. Some had no bids, others were only a hundred or so. One slave must have been in high demand, the current bid was someone named Richard, for 3000G. The sheer amount of money being tossed around was staggering.

"Name and bid?" The bartender asked, and she jumped in surprise.

"Sorry, not bidding yet. Just curious. What happens to slaves that get no bids?"

The bartender, a human with long hair pulled back into a ponytail, gave a casual shrug. "Doesn't happen often. They'll go on sale next week, and if they still don't get any bids, they'll usually get a fixed price for the next auction, usually around a hundred or so. If they don't go, we send them to the other slave markets on the house."

Lilika nodded, pretending to consider the bidding table. "I'm looking for a pretty lioness slave. The ones you have here aren't much my taste. Any good ones come through recently?"

"You're out of luck for now. What you see is all we got. But we get lionesses all the time. Check back tomorrow night, and we'll probably have some more from the south."

Lilika thanked him and retreated to the back of the building. She climbed a set of stairs, where a select few gathered to watch the auction from above. There were five slaves here, each in an individual cage. The cages were much smaller, no room to stand up. She wandered closer, noticing that each slave had a wooden tag hanging from their collar, each with a price. Lilika figured that they must have been the leftover slaves that no one wanted. None of them had fancy collars like the ones below, their eyes blank, and they were all shivering. The taint of magic surrounded them, and it made her shudder to see them like this.

Lilika pushed open a door in the back corner, looking into a corridor. This must have been the business aspect. There was no glamour here, just a row of doors on either side. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Some of the doors were open, and she could see piles of papers and notebooks. She felt the tingle of magic and looked around, but saw nothing. It was creepy, and she felt almost like she was being watched. She looked inside one of the doors, seeing nothing inside. Several candles burned on the desk, and there were several shelves of nothing but notebooks.

She stepped inside and closed the door behind her, taking one of the notebooks down. Gold lettering on the side displayed the date the records were kept, and she opened it. She looked over her shoulder, unable to get the feeling out of her head that she was being watched. She took a coin off the desk and threw it into the corner behind her, watching it clunk against the wood and roll onto the floor.

She sighed, and turned back to the notebook. It listed Slave IDs. She started at the top, at SHU #1770022 - Daniel - 1230G. She scanned the page, looking for Lana's ID. Then the pain rushed through her body, pure lightning crackling up her body and making her body seize up and convulse. She would have screamed out in pain if she could have, but her jaw was locked shut, and she felt herself urinate just before the pain cut out, and she collapsed. Her entire body ached, and she couldn't make herself move.

Her vision was fuzzy, but she could just barely make out someone, but she couldn't see the species. The form raised his hand again, and she saw the flash of lightning from his palm strike her body, and suddenly the pain rushed over her body again, her body jerking on the floor, and finally, blissfully, everything went dark.


The lightning mage, a human named Nicholas, smiled as he picked up the unconscious vixen by her arms, dragging her roughly down the hall. He knocked politely on one of the plain wooden doors before pushing it open.

A stallion by the name of William sat behind a desk, his fur tan and white, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw Nicholas dragging the warrior behind him.

"This should be good." He said, closing the record book and leaning back in his chair, a smile on his face.

"I found her in the offices. She was going through our sales records. I felt her coming, and I threw up a veil."

"She didn't sense it?"

"Oh, she sensed something alright, and that's why I used an incorporeal spell on the off chance she might check closer. I was right, she threw a coin right at me." Nicholas smiled, proud of his quick thinking.

"Hrmm." said William, looking down at the female vixen that Nicholas had brought. "She's not bad. We might make some money off of her."

"Want me to take her to the warehouse?"

William nodded, opening a thicker notebook, running his finger down the page. "Get Miles on her training. She's looking for something, and if she's looking for something, I'd prefer to get her trained and out of here, the sooner the better. "Get her the tag for Slave ID SHU #2011060."

Nicholas nodded. "Yes sir."


Lilika faded in and out of consciousness. She felt hands on her, but she could barely will her eyes to open, and when she did, all she could see were fuzzy shapes. Her senses were assaulted during these waking moments, the smell of metal just barely hidden by the scent of sex, moans of pleasure and cries of pain and agony echoing in her head even after she sank back into unconsciousness.

Suddenly, she was awake, and she could tell this was not her body's decision. Her mind was still fuzzy, but she made sense of her surroundings quickly. There was a pair of humans in the room. One stood by the door, the other was right above her head. Lilika was lying flat on a wooden table, her arms shackled to the sides, her ankles shackled to each corner. There was a thick ring of metal stuck between her teeth, a strap of leather wrapped around her muzzle to hold it in place.

"William said to do this quick and dirty. No need to be gentle. I need you to tell me what she's after, and then she's to be made mindless and obedient."

The man above her nodded, before looking down at Lilika. "I can do that."

He placed his fingers on her temples, and suddenly, he was inside her. Lilika's eyes rolled as she felt the man's consciousness invade her own mind, feeling her thoughts shifted and shunted as one would search through pages of a book. It hurt in a way she would have never imagined, her mind suddenly several sizes larger as the man shoved his own mind into her thoughts. She twisted and shuddered in the chains, but she was held fast, his grip on her temple almost painful.

"Her name is Lilika Trisain, and she's a warrior for hire from the town of Sesua. She was hired to retrieve someone's daughter, a lioness named Lana. She traced her to us. No one is monitoring her, and nobody of any importance is aware what she is doing."

"Hrmm. No real threat then. Go ahead. Finish her off."

The man reached into her mind, and Lilika found herself floating, her eyes growing half lidded as he shifted her thoughts, and suddenly, the white fire lanced up inside her head, and the man jerked as if burned.

"What happened?"

"Mental protection. A powerful one. Never seen white magic like this."

"Can you remove it?" Said Nicholas, looking concerned.

"I think so. It's only white magic, after all. I might have to be a bit forceful."

"Go ahead. Her mind is of no concern."

Lilika felt panic, and suddenly, the man wasn't just inside her head, he was inside her very soul. She jerked her body, and the white fire flared up, and she screamed in pain through the crude gag, her consciousness so entwined with the Psychomancer's that the pain was as real to her as it was to him. She tried to shake her head, but his fingers held her fast, and she groaned, knees bending as she felt his mental hooks force their way into the white fire, her paws burning in phantom pain. A pain so overwhelming that it made her very soul hurt; more acute than any pain she had ever felt ripped through her body. She gasped as he sank himself deeper, and with a wrenching thought, he tore the white fire from her mind. He was inside her mind, so she had no relief if she passed out, she felt every bit of it.

"Got it." He said. "Mindless, you said?"

"Exactly. Crude and dirty."

Lilika was helpless as the man rummaged through her mind, and she suddenly realized that she couldn't focus. Things were disappearing so fast that she had no time to even notice they were missing. She felt herself drifting, unsure of what was going on, the pain easing as her thoughts were torn away. Her eyes grew panicked as she looked around, unsure of where she was, or who these people were. Her name drifted away, and she fought to remember, forcing herself to take hold of her name and never let it go. They would not take who she was. She was #2011060. That gave her comfort. At least she hadn't forgotten who she was. She breathed easier now, as long as she knew her name, she could handle everything. But why was she here? Oh yeah, she was a slave. She tried to remember why, but then she remembered that she didn't ask why. No reason to question anything. She closed her eyes, letting herself relax. She felt a wave of pleasure, and she moaned softly. Her slit heated up, and she ached for release, but she knew enough not to touch it without permission. That part of her body was for others. Her entire body belonged to her owner. She didn't even ask herself why.

"There we go." Said the man, finally letting go of her head as her eyes grew dim in the true sign of control.

Nicholas gave a sigh. "I was worried there for a minute."

The man nodded. The slave looked back and forth, smiling softly at them both. Nicholas leaned forward, unshackling her legs and arms. #2011060 didn't even move from her position.


"Yes?" She answered automatically.

"Stand up, and follow me." Nicholas said as he opened the door.

#2011060 stood up, and followed closely behind. Her pussy burned, but that didn't bother her. It wasn't hers to make the decision to touch it. Nicholas led her to an enormous warehouse, cages of slaves from wall to wall. The aisles between cages were just wide enough for two men standing side by side. Nicholas opened the door to the cage.

"As long as you are in this cage, he is your new master." Nicholas said, pointing to the only other creature occupying the cage.

Her master barked at her as she entered the cage, the door closing behind her. She got down on her hands and knees before the Great Dane, she didn't know why, and she didn't care, but this animal was her master, and she lowered her head respectfully as such. "Hello master."

Nicholas grinned as he watched the slave submit to her master, before walking away, ignoring the rest of the slaves. Some shared their cages with dogs, others only with other slaves or alone. Some had collars, others didn't, some were obedient and submissive, and others were unbroken and screaming for help. One female, a fifteen year old human, cried out for help as he passed, and he looked at her. Her cage mate was a German shepherd.

Nicholas kicked at her fingers, and she drew them back into the cage, whimpering.

"You get on your hands and knees. Can't you see your master wants to mount you?" He growled at her.

The girl whimpered and nodded, tears streaming down her face, her body shaking as she got onto her hands and knees. The dog barked and mounted her, the girl letting out a sob as she felt herself entered, the dog's hips thrusting at a rough pace.

"I'll be back to check on you. If you aren't being a good girl for your master, I'll send you to the horse stable."


#2011060 groaned as her master lapped at her soaked slit, and she felt a wave of gratitude towards him. He recognized her need and gave her the pleasure she wanted. Soon, his tongue left her pussy and he moved to her front. He barked once at her, and that was all she needed to hear. She crawled underneath the large dog, mouth open to eagerly take the massive red cock into her mouth, stretching her jaw to fit as much as she could. She certainly didn't want to make her master upset with her.

#2011060 experienced a flush of satisfaction at serving her master so well. She heard him pant as she bobbed her head, her tongue sliding over his cock as her lips caressed his knot, and it wasn't long before she tasted his seed, the knot inflating just before her lips. His cum gushed down her throat, overflowing her mouth and dripping down her chin, and the taste made her roll her eyes in pleasure. Just the taste of cum alone nearly gave her an orgasm, and she gulped down as much as she could before he moved away, his cock popping out of her mouth, spraying a jet against her muzzle, the rest of his cum shooting down onto the floor.

#2011060 moaned, and leaned down, her tongue lapping out to lick her master's cum off of the dirty wooden floor. Her master padded behind her, and she felt his paws on either side of her before his cock entered her in one forceful shove, and #2011060 gasped in pleasure as she continued licking every drop of cum her tongue could reach, the taste of dirt in her mouth a necessary evil for the taste of her master's cum. The canine was an animal, its entire body trained for pleasure, and now it had a bitch in heat, and he eagerly mounted it.


"I put her in with a Great Dane." Said Nicholas. "Miles said the more sex she gets, the more the spell he put in her mind would grow, and soon she'd be mindless."

"Any reason why Miles didn't just blank her mind?"

"He said that if he did that, she could regain her mind. This way, we can attach one of the collars to her, and it'll feed the spell indefinitely."

"Perfect." Said William. "And what was the problem that Miles mentioned?"

Nicholas hesitated. "He said he found a mental protection in her mind. A Strong one. He said he'd never seen anything like it."

William made a thoughtful noise, looking at the scenic paintings on the walls of his office. "This doesn't sit right with me." He said. Nicholas remained silent.

"When she's done, get her a collar. Get a Shifter in here, any one. Have him fill her tits out and restore her virginity, then get her some piercings, on both nipples and her clit, closed golden rings per the standard."


Several days later, Nicholas returned to her cage. There was #2011060, her master was asleep on his side. She was on her hands and knees, her tongue lapping at his member. The fur on her face was splattered and caked with dried cum, her pussy slightly open, dripping fresh cum from their latest session.

"Rise slave," he spoke, and she rose. He looked at her mind, her facial expression blank and lifeless, and her eyes blank, empty of all emotion. She was an automaton, programmed for obedience and service and nothing but. Nicholas opened the cage, beckoning her to step forward, and she did. He raised the collar, clicking it shut around her neck. Like all the Shuya collars, it had no keyhole. Nicholas knew that the collar had taken years to perfect, each one designed to lock only once, and stay locked. The enchanted metal resisted all attempts to unlock, cut, or otherwise damage it.

He waited a few seconds, the clear crystal glowing blue as it found and attached itself to the spell in her mind, drawing mana from the environment and feeding it directly into the spell, each second forcing it to grow wider and stronger inside her mind, a magical parasite.

The first stop was a wooden stall, and he made her stand while the Shuya house slaves doused #2011060 with buckets of cold water, drenching her fur and washing the cum and dirt away. Then the slaves toweled her off, until her fur was fluffy, and then combed it to make her presentable. Nicholas beckoned her again, and she followed obediently.

If the scarred tiger recognized the slave, he made no sign of it. He simply did as he was told. Her breasts grew several times larger until they were heavy and plump, his magic spreading over her body, willing the changes he was ordered to give. Her hips grew wider, the muscles she had worked her whole life to maintain smoothed over and became feminine curves, her holes restored to a tightness she hadn't had since before she came into season so many years ago.

The final stop was a man who stuck needles through her nipples and clit, but #2011060 didn't flinch at all, she simply stared mindlessly ahead. The man guided thick golden rods through the pierced holes, and with a small force of will, curled them into perfect circles, the ends sealing shut, leaving her with golden hoops on her nipples and clit. Nicholas knew that the hoops were the same enchanted metal as the collars, the enchantment extending to the nubs of flesh they resided in. Nicholas remembered a time where a slave had been hung by those rings from the ceiling as punishment, and they hadn't torn free. Nicholas smirked at the thought of dragging a slave through the streets, their clit ring attached to a horse drawn carriage. He'd have to bring that up to William.

#2011060 was finally lead into The Shuya club itself, guided to one of the silver cages. She was made to kneel in the center of the front row, her eyes staring blankly ahead. Nicholas gave the thumbs up to the bartender, who had finished setting up the board. The Bartender nodded, and Nicholas retreated to the back offices as the bartender opened the front door to The Shuya.


Salvatore grinned to himself as he noticed the vixen. "Well well...fancy meeting you again." He said, squatting before the cage and looking into #2011060's lifeless eyes. "What did you do to deserve this?"

She didn't answer, which Salvatore had expected. Still, she was a good quality slave, and The Shuya had done a decent job on her. Her breasts were much better than before, and none of those ugly muscles. She almost didn't look like the same vixen. The golden hoops were perfect, but he also knew that required a minimum bid of 500G.

Salvatore wandered over to the bar, waving the bartender who recognized him with a smile.

"Yeah, Sal? Who ya bidding on tonight?"

Salvatore looked at the bidding table. #2011060 already had 1500G on her. He thought to himself. It didn't matter. He could afford it. "Give me 7500G on #2011060." He said, grinning at the shock on the bartender's face. Salvatore had never seen any bid as high as that before, and he was certain he had set a new record.

Salvatore kept watch on the Bidding Board, but #2011060 - Salvatore - 7500G stuck the entire auction. He smiled at the buzz it generated; no one had ever seen a slave go for so much, and he heard some debate whether or not to bid on her just because she was so high priced. Maybe Salvatore saw something in her no one else saw? However, by the end of the night, Salvatore was declared the new owner of #2011060. He attached a leash to her clit ring and lead her outside to the street, where his servant ran forward with an umbrella, protecting his master from the light rain that had begun to fall.

"The carriage is right this way." He said, dressed in a matching uniform to Salvatore's clothing, leading him down the street. Salvatore followed, taking the umbrella from his servant and holding it above his head. His new slave, or course, walked behind him in the rain. He didn't hear any complaints. Every so often, he tugged hard on the leash, but didn't hear so much as a groan. Another well trained slave by the Shuya.

The Servant opened the backdoor to the carriage, and Salvatore climbed in, sitting on the cushioned seat. "Kneel." He said, and #2011060 knelt down at his feet. He felt the carriage start to move, and he pulled his pants down.

"Service me, slave."

#2011060 gave no hesitation, she leaned forward, her tongue lapping over his cock, her eager tongue getting him hard within seconds. He sighed softly, leaning backwards as she took him within her mouth, working him with a smooth bobbing action.

Salvatore let the pleasure rush over him, tugging hard on her leash, yanking her clit, but his slave made no note of the pain. After all, she wasn't supposed to. "Slave. Make any noise you wish." He tugged on her clit again, and was satisfied to hear a groan of pain, muffled by his cock. He didn't hold himself back, letting his sperm gush forth into her mouth, satisfied to hear her gulp it down. He forced her head up and had her look down at the floor.

"Stop the carriage, please."

The carriage drew to a halt, and Salvatore stepped outside, leading #2011060 to the horse at the front of the carriage. "Pleasure him."

He watched with amusement as the slave eagerly slurped the stallion's cock, and he turned to his servant. "Do me a favor. Go and buy some rope."

The servant ran off to a nearby stand, while the slave focused on the task at hand, holding the massive seventeen inch long flared cock in her hands as she tongued it. "That's enough slave," he said, and she stopped.

The Servant came back with the length of rope, and he cut it in half. He tied one part to the slave's left wrist, guided her under the horse before throwing the rope over top of the saddle, and then tied the other end to her right wrist. He did the same with her ankles, until the slave was hanging belly to belly underneath the stallion. Then, Salvatore took the massive cock and guided the flare against her magically tightened pussy, dripping wet due to the spell on her mind, and forced the thick flare inside.

#2011060 screamed in pain as her newly created virginity was taken by such a massive cock, but the spell in her head quickly turned the pain into pure pleasure. Once half of the cock was stuffed deep inside the slave, he turned to his servant. "Alright. We can go home now." He said, climbing once more into the back of the carriage.

As the horse stepped forward, the slave underneath it rocked back and forth, each time being forced further back onto the cock. The horse neighed appreciatively. In the carriage, Salvatore kept his eyes closed, a smirk on his face as he heard the moans of his new slave and the laughter of the crowd outside.

"Welcome to your new life, #2011060."