Lilika Trisain - Chapter 6 - Unleashed

Story by Zon Liea on SoFurry

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#6 of Lilika Trisain, Adventurer For Hire

(This particular story used to be on SoFurry quite a number of years ago. I deleted it for various reasons. Over the years, I've seen people mention on scant occasions that they missed this story. So, here it is. I ran it through a spell checker, but otherwise, everything is exactly the same as it used to be before it was deleted from the site. I'm not entirely a fan of how this story came out (the writing in it is rough at best, as this was before I learned basic rules such as spell-checking, proper punctuation, and tenses,) and if I had done this story today, I would have done it differently. But, I figured it was better to repost this story where people could read it, rather than have it languish forever on my hard drive.)

Lilika looked around the Samuel house, wondering why Yuuni would be working as a harem girl in a place like this. It was nowhere near as lavish as Salvatore's estate. She opened a few rooms, finding a library and a parlor, but there were also rooms with just a bare wood floor, and others set up like an auditorium of sorts, a raised stage with seats surrounding them. She knew very little about Samuel, but he was obviously a slave lord, running his business out of his own home.

She pushed open a door, looking inside. It was another plain room, the walls were decorated with tasteful paintings, but the floor was bare, save for a slave kneeling on a cushion. It was a feline, and she smiled as Lilika stepped inside. She was naked, and Lilika could see all of her body. Her short fur was brushed neatly, the grey and black stripes on her forearms, but her belly was pure white. Her eyes were aware, and the smile was pure. Lilika was shocked, looking at this girl. The only way she knew this girl was a slave was the collar around her neck.

"Who are you?" she asked, before she cocked her head, looking at Lilika's rings and collar. "Oh, you must be one of the new slaves! I love your collar! It's so decorative and artsy!" Then the slave looked down at Lilika's pussy. "Ooh! You poor thing! What did your old master do to you? Come here, kneel with me!" She asked, looking genuinely concerned, making space for Lilika on her cushion.

Lilika knelt down next to her, looking at her with a smile. For a slave, she seemed friendly. In fact she hardly seemed like a slave at all. "My old master was...mean. He made me fuck horses." The feline next to her made a noise of disgust. "I hate masters like that. At least Master Samuel is nice. He promised me a good home. I love those rings! Where were you purchased from?" Lilika was amazed how fast the feline switched from one subject to another. "Um...I was purchased from the Shuya."

"I heard bad things about the Shuya. Master Samuel hates them. He says they ruin their slaves. Are those the forever rings?"

"Yeah. They're permanent. So, where were you bought from?"

"Never bought." said the feline, reaching out with a finger to flick the ring on Lilika's nipple. "Master Samuel trained me."

"Where is Sa...I mean, Master Samuel?"

"He's working at the moment. Several of his girls are ready for new homes. He's negotiating prices and treatment for them."

"Negotiating treatment?" Lilika asked, in a skeptical tone of voice, and the feline nodded.

"Yes! He hates when slaves are mistreated! He's actually pushing for better treatment by the Shuya and the Hyrron!"

"Don't give me too much credit, Rika. You'll make her think I have a heart."

Samuel entered the room from the side door, giving a light smile and a nod to Lilika. He was dressed his standard black suit. The feline slave, Rika, eagerly smiled at him.

"Master Samuel! You're back!" She said eagerly. Samuel reached down and pet her head.

"Yes. Lilika." He spoke, without looking at her. "Don't go thinking of me as some kind of activist in the world of slave rights. This is how a slave should be. Rika is a shining example. She is bright, intelligent, flawlessly obedient, and she has personality. Slave Rika, state your purpose."

"Slave Rika is the property of Master Samuel, and understands that her sole purpose is the pleasure of her master. Slave Rika ensures the pleasure of her master by making sure all of his orders are obeyed to the best of my ability, whether the orders are for chores, sex, or otherwise."

Rika finished and smiled at her master, who rewarded her with a pat on her head. Lilika could feel the conviction behind those words, knowing that she honestly meant what she said.

"Do you see, Lilika? Just because a slave is an object does not mean they should be mindless. Why anyone wants a slave with no personality is beyond me. Rika, please go to the central wardrobe, and bring us a traveling uniform. We will be in the parlor."

"Yes master!" She said, and she was up and running out the door.

"Please, follow me, Lilika." said Samuel, as he walked towards the door. Lilika followed a distance behind, watching the stallion carefully.

"I don't trust you." She said as they reached the parlor, a room with a fire burning in the fireplace, a shelf of various books of literature, and an ornate carpet on the floor.

"As well you shouldn't. I am a slave lord, after all." Samuel gestured to the chair. "Just be glad I have opted to not wear the cologne today. Please, have a seat."

Lilika sat, and Samuel sat in the chair across from her. His arms crossed over his chest as he looked at her. "You are a fine specimen of a vixen; however, I do lament the loss of your muscle. They gave you character. Certainly a women who would have done well kneeling beside me."

"I refuse to be a slave." Lilika said flatly, surprised to see Samuel smile.

"Which makes you all the more desirable. However, you do not need to worry about becoming like Rika."

"Why not? A little spray of that cologne of yours, and I wouldn't be able to keep myself away."

"The cologne is for my own amusement. Every so often when a girl comes to me, infatuated under the spell, I do take her home, use her as a slave, but then, she is released. I once used the cologne quite often. However, it produced slaves of lesser mental quality. They wanted sex, all the time, and while I don't want you to get the wrong idea of me, constant sex with as many girls as I keep is quite a chore."

Lilika couldn't help herself. She laughed, and was surprised to see Samuel join in with a chuckle. She fixed him with a stare. "Be careful, Samuel. I might think you have a heart."

"In Keravic, and in the world, even in your country, where it is outlawed, I believe in slavery. I do not believe, in mistreatment. A slave is an object, and like any object, proper care will bring years of good use. A slave is not, under any circumstances, disposable."

"Then what did you do to Rika's mind?"

"Absolutely nothing." He said, and from his tone, Lilika almost believed him.

"You're a liar."

Samuel chuckled. "Maybe you should consult your friend Yuuni on the working of that spell." He said. "I worked on it for years, and even she was impressed. The spell that is placed on my slaves is very light, and almost undetectable to all but the most sensitive mages. Did you feel any magic coming off of Rika?"

"No." she said, thinking back. Rika was simply...Rika. It was hard to explain, but she hadn't felt any magic cross her senses.

"The spell that is used is simply the urge of control. It is less a spell than it is implanted emotion. With the spell in place, a slave will feel good, powerfully good, and before you say it, not in the sexual way, whenever she obeys a command. The spell only lasts for a few hours, but, given proper training, the effects will be permanent." Samuel spoke casually, as if at ease with the whole subject. "A similar spell is cast on the body itself. Again, it only lasts for a few hours before fading, but the effect stays forever. It makes the slave's body obey, instead of the mind."

"Like when Salvatore told Yuuni to feel pain instead of pleasure." Lilika said, sickened at the thought as she remembered watching through her spell induced slavery.

"What do you think?"

"I think it's horrible. You take girls off the streets, force this spell on them, and control their every reflex!"

"Perhaps." He said, smiling at her, looking as if he knew something that she didn't. "However, the spell needs to be willingly accepted."

That threw her. "Wait, you mean a slave has to..."

"Surrender, willingly. The mind needs to be perfectly at peace with the idea of being an object before the spell will take, or else the spell will be dissolved with no effect."

" mean Rika..."

"Was willing, of course." Samuel said with a smile. "And my prized possession."

"How do you get a slave to accept that kind of spell?"

"You'd be surprised." Said Samuel. "The fantasies of young girls and boys these days, so many of them want to be a slave. Many of them come to me. The Shuya and The Hyrron have reputations for producing mindless slaves. I simply let the person become the slave. They keep their minds and their choice. They can even say no to an order, though they are denied the pleasure their mind would give them for obeying it."

"What about the cologne?" Lilika asked.

"It can allow for a female to willingly accept the spell, but the mind remains muddled. Sometimes, the cologne is necessary when I purchase bulk slaves." He noticed her quizzical expression. "Places like the Shuya and the Hyrron always have slaves left over, like the ones that no one will buy or the ones that simply wouldn't break. Usually, they're sold to alternative uses." Lilika felt a feeling of dread. She decided not to ask what kind of uses they were.

"Again, there is always something a little off, mentally. Forcing a girl to accept the choice does things. Sometimes they forget words. One slave I brought from the Hyrron forgot math. She can't even say the names of numbers."

Rika came in, a bundle of clothing in her arms. "Sorry about the wait master! I wanted to check the weather to make sure I got the right uniform! It's raining out!"

Rika set the bundle of clothing in a chair and went to kneel at Samuel's side. She was amazed at him. She still though the idea of slavery was extreme, but Samuel seemed almost noble in his cause. She still didn't trust him, but he seemed nice enough for the time being.

"Those are for you, Lilika."

"You're letting me go?" She asked, eyeing him.

"I won't keep you here, and you made it clear you won't be a slave. I cannot force you to accept the spell."

Rika looked at Lilika, sadness in her eyes, as Lilika stood to look at the clothing. "Aww, you won't be staying? You could have stayed in my room! Right master?"

Samuel smiled down at her. "Yes. But Lilika has her own agenda to attend to."

Lilika saw Rika look back at her, and she couldn't help but feel sad for looking at the kneeling feline.

"Please, Lilika? Won't you accept the spell?"

Lilika looked back at Rika, and squatted down beside her. "Rika? Why did you become Samuel's Slave?"

"I wanted to be loved. I was engaged. My fiance bought a slave. He told me he didn't need me anymore. He kicked me out. I became homeless on the streets of Wilsor. I did many things for money to survive. I was raped, beaten, I had to run and hide from slavers...a nice bunny found me. She said that she knew what was going on. I trusted her. She brought me here. Samuel told me he'd love me. I accepted the spell, and now he loves me. I love him. My master is wonderful."

Lilika caressed Rika's cheek as she started to cry.

"Even though you're property?"

"Rika doesn't mind being an object." Said Rika, smiling. "An object can be loved as much as a person can."

Lilika kissed Rika on the forehead. "I'm sorry Rika. I can't accept a spell like that. I am not a slave anymore."

Rika smiled with teary eyes. "You can always come back!"

Samuel smiled. "Rika is right. She will be here a long time, so if you ever want to become my slave, she will be your roommate. It is a standing invitation."

Lilika nodded, but said nothing for the moment, focusing on dressing herself. She had no idea what had happened to her armor after the Shuya had taken it, and there was no armor in the pile. She made do with a plain brown tunic and matching leather pants, complete with a thick woolen cloak that she tied around her neck, the hood hanging against her back.

"Samuel?" Lilika said slowly. "Maybe someday. When my adventuring days are over. It could be a long time, and it's a big maybe. But unlike Salvatore and The Shuya, I could stand being your slave."

Samuel nodded. "And you are always welcome to visit."

Samuel stood and guided her through his house. She saw other slaves, and they all looked active and pleasant, and there was laughter. If they were objects, they were the most well treated objects in the city of Wilsor.

Samuel opened the front door for her, and the sound of crashing rain hit her ears. It was a downpour outside. Lilika pulled the woolen hood over her head. "Samuel?"


"Yuuni. She has the spell on her as well. Is she your slave?"

"No. She accepted the spell on her body, but not her mind."


Samuel gave a shrug. "She said it was necessary."

Lilika nodded, and stepped out into the pouring rain.


Lilika walked through the rain, noticing that the weather didn't dull the spirit of Wilsor one bit. The noise of the rain made it harder to hear, and she noticed several couples in alleyway, certain that at least a few of them were rapists who were taking advantage of the rain to cover the cries of their victims.

It felt strange, to be walking again. Her mind had been controlled for a whole month, from what she knew, and she still wasn't used to the freedom. She wandered through the streets. She remembered her pouch and sword would still be in the lumber pile, and she remembered the exact alleyway. But first, she needed to get somewhere, and that was just about across the whole city. Lilika gave a sigh. She swallowed her pride, and decided to finally play by Keravic's rules. She spotted a human stepping out of a bar, walking towards a carriage. His servant, he assumed, was holding an umbrella, as well as the door open.

"Excuse me, sir?" She asked, pulling her hood back as she moved towards him. "I really need to get across town really bad, to the north gate. I'd do anything if you could give me a ride." She forced herself to smile.

The human grinned. He was slightly overweight, his body plump in his suit, but he wasn't completely disgusting, which was a plus. "Well, that depends. What are you offering?"

Lilika pretended to think. "Well...I don't think you want my pussy. I'm a vixen, and you know how much we get around. My ass is still nice and tight, and of course, my mouth."

The human called her forward, and she walked under the umbrella. His hand pushed down her leather pants, feeling the loose folds of her pussy. Lilika moaned. Yuuni may have gotten rid of the parasitic spell, but the magic of the collar would keep Lilika easily aroused.

"Yeah. You're a slut alright." He pushed his hand down the back of her pants, and she groaned as she felt his finger slide under her tail and press against her hole. "Now this is passable. Climb in." She followed him into the carriage, and the servant shut the door. Lilika felt dirty, prostituting herself like this, but the human wasted no time and neither did she. He pulled his pants down just enough to expose his erect member, and Lilika took him into her mouth, letting out an enthusiastic moan for his benefit.

"Oral heaven?" The human asked, and Lilika let the cock slide out of her mouth, her tongue slurping over his furless balls.

"Oh yeah. Anal and Pussy Heaven too." She moaned, grinning at how easily she was able to yank his chain around. "All around slut. I needed them." She moaned loudly as she took his cock back into her mouth.

"Tell me all about it." He gasped, and she did, telling him every story her mind could make up. She told him of gangbangs in back alleys, and how she used sex to get anything she wanted, be it food, transportation, or more sex. She told him story after story, each one more fantastic than the last. He came over her muzzle just as she was telling him about sex with a dragon.

The human let out a sigh, and put his cock back inside his pants. And then he asked for more stories. Typical human, she thought to herself.

"Well, so I was underneath it, and his cock was huge, and I mean huge, like six or seven feet, and then, he roars and takes off! He flaps his wings, and we're in the sky, and I'm clenching my pussy like crazy to make sure I don't fall..."


She stepped out of the carriage, the laughter of the human still coming from inside as the servant ushered the horses forward. Lilika smirked, feeling proud of herself for being such a wonderful storyteller, and put her hood up again.

The North Gate District was much more subdued than the rest. There were a few dirty shops, selling sex toys of different kinds, chastity belts, slave collars, and of course, potions for every occasion, but there were also a lot of private homes. It was a district for the slightly wealthy, the ones who couldn't afford a place outside the walls.

She found the house she was looking for, and knocked on the door. She hoped he still lived here. She heard the door click, then swing open, and she looked at the young tiger looking at her in curiosity. She pulled her hood down, and his face lit up.

"Don't get too happy." She told the Speaker. "I need your help."

As she stepped inside, she told the condensed version. She mentioned her capture by the Shuya, and the transformation, and of course, her enslavement by Salvatore. She didn't go into details about her freedom. The Speaker's name, she found out, was Caleb, and his older friend, The Shifter, was named Allen. They shared the house, which they had bought with the money from shifting underage slaves for the Hyrron Slave Emporium.

Allen stepped out of the room, rubbing his eyes. He had just woken up, but as soon as he saw her, his eyes widened. "You. I remember you. You were that girl. I saw you at the Shuya after that, and i..."

"I know. Shifted me." She let her cloak drop, and began pulling off her clothing. "You did a good job, but I need you to reverse it."

The two tigers looked over her body, and Caleb's eyes focused on her pussy. "You weren't kidding."

"Can you fix me, or not?"

"I think so." He said, his hand running over her body. "No leftover transformative energy...that would have made things too easy." He said, and he guided his hand down to her pussy. A finger slid inside, and she felt the tingle of magic. Suddenly, she felt a powerful tightening sensation, and her pussy clenched shut, the skin tightening around his finger, and she gasped.

"Is that tight enough?" He asked, sliding his finger out which caused a moan from her.

"Yes...." She breathed out.

Allen went to work on the rest of her body. She felt her bones crunching as her hips were forced back into their original position, and a weight was lifted off her chest as her breasts were shrunk to their original size. Then she sighed.

"Actually, just go ahead and make them a little bigger." She said, and her breasts started to grow slowly. "There we go." She said, looking down at her breasts, which, far from the massive breasts she had as a slave, were now a nicely sized handful.

Then Allen guided his hands over the rest of her body, and she felt as if she was being wrapped in tight fabric as her curves solidified once more into muscle, her stomach tightening into the toned belly she had come to love, and her arms and legs once more rippled with muscle. While she was far from being a weightlifter, she at the very least felt normal once again, if not a little sore.

"Thank you, Allen." She said, taking a Mirror that Caleb had brought and looking at herself in it. The rings still shined at her breasts and crotch, and the collar was still fastened tight, but she was still there.

"Anything you can do about these?" She asked, gesturing to the collar and rings, but Allen shook his head.

"Sorry. Those were designed to stay on forever."

Lilika sighed. "Yeah. So I've heard. Anyway, thank you both. Now that I'm back to normal, how about I honor a promise?"

Caleb perked up. "Yes?"

"Go ahead, kid. Use your voice on me all you want. I won't fight it."

Caleb smiled and spoke, and Lilika let the enchanted voice wash over her body.

"Your name is slave. You belong to me. Your mind thinks only of obedience and of your master."

Lilika felt white fire flare up in her mind, taken from the memories she now shared with Yuuni, but she forced it down. She wanted this. She let the words run through her mind, becoming truth. She looked up at her master and smiled, wanting to please him. She surrendered control of her body to that powerful voice.

Caleb and Allen looked down at the slave, now on her hands and knees, her eyes blank, but Caleb could see somewhere inside her, a spark of fire. He knew better than to try and quench it. He reached down, stroking over the fur of her body, and she moaned. Caleb's touch was heaven to her, and she looked at him, a faint smile on her face.

"You want me to get you pregnant." He spoke, and her body instantly craved It, but she felt disappointment at herself. She remembered the potion she had taken, and it was only a month into effect. She wanted her belly filled with her master's child now.

Caleb looked to Allen. "Any way you can raise her fertility?"

Allen smirked. "Now why would you want to do that?"

"You know how vixens are. If I get her pregnant, she'll crave me as a mate. Her instincts will call for her to get pregnant again and again."

"That's not love."

Caleb smirked. "Love is for humans."

Allen sighed, placing his hands on the slave's back. "Bad news. She's barren. No eggs. No fertility at all. I think she has one of those potions they sell in town." Caleb looked back at her and spoke once more. "You feel bad about this."

Lilika looked at him and nodded with a sad expression on her face. She wanted nothing more than her master's child, and Caleb could see this on her face.

"You want sex in your ass. It feels better than sex in your pussy. You never feel good with normal sex, you want it anally."

Caleb walked behind her, dropping his pants to the floor. As Lilika looked over her shoulder, Caleb shoved his cock into her pussy. Lilika whimpered as she felt him inside her, but no pleasure came from it.

"Don't be sad." He commanded. "You deserve this. You can't get pregnant, so you can't enjoy your pussy."

Lilika nodded, and stared down at the floor. She wished she could feel the pleasure, but master disserved a fertile slave, and since she made the mistake, she lost out. It was only right. Her master pulled himself out of her hole.

"What am I doing? You're the slave. I shouldn't do all the work." Said Caleb, laying back on the floor. "Ride me."

Lilika crawled over and pushed her pussy down, taking Caleb's cock once more inside her. She began to ride him, her body craving pleasure. Her ass burned with need, she wanted something in her tailhole, but she obeyed her master, looking down into his pleasure filled face, and she smiled. She was doing a good job.

Then her master pulled out. He positioned her back onto her hands and knees, and finally, entered her tailhole. The pleasure exploded through her body, making her see stars. The pleasure was unlike anything she had ever felt, and as he thrust in, she climaxed, her body exploding in orgasm, a white light taking over her vision. Then he began pounding her, and her pleasure built even more, each thrust ignited the fire inside her, causing her to orgasm once more, screaming this time.

Allen looked on as Caleb pounded the female's ass, her tail raised high and every few thrusts, crying out loudly. Allen assumed she had climaxed. After all, Caleb's words would have made her hypersensitive to any kind of pleasure. Allen didn't pay too much attention to them. He sat down in a chair and tried to read a book through their constant noise. It was hard reading with the moans in the background, but being gay certainly helped.

Caleb sped up inside her ass, every time Lilika climaxed, she clenched down so wonderfully around his hole, causing the spines on his cock to drag against her sensitive flesh. He couldn't hold it inside anymore, and with a groan through clenched teeth, he let his seed fill her.

Lilika slowly came back to her senses, vaguely aware of a heated feeling deep inside her. While Caleb had used his voice on her mind, she had retreated to the back, slowly cultivating the white fire that had never fully left her, it had only been mostly torn out and the remainder shredded into pieces. The exposure to Yuuni's memories had caused it to reignite itself, and she let the protection build within her.


The bell rang inside her mind, and the enchanted voice's truths were pushed from her mind. She moaned as she thrust back against his cock, looking at him over her shoulder.

"You don't get out much with the slaves, do you?" She asked him, and he looked surprised as she so easily shrugged off his control.

"Relax. You knew it was coming. I'm not going to hurt you."

Lilika stood and stretched, leaning down to give Caleb, who was blushing through his fur, a soft kiss on the lips. "I'll be back. I promise."

Lilika dressed herself, closing her eyes to let the white fire flare up once more, just to assure herself that it was still there. Then she turned towards the scarred shifter, reading a book in the chair.

"Allen. I have a favor to ask of you."

"Yes?" He said, closing his book with a soft smile.

"You used to be a fighter in the pits, right?"

"I did."

Lilika smiled. "Do you still have any of your old weapons lying around?"


Nicholas collected the gold from the bartender. The remaining slaves sat in their cages, three of them had gone without bids that night. The bartender took his cut of the pay, before heading up the stairs, into his office to record today's sales.

There was a banging at the door. Nicholas cocked his head, the slave auction had ended almost a half hour ago, and the sign clearly said they were closed for the next few hours. Nicholas was looking forward to going home and getting some sleep. It had been an exhausting day. He trudged over to the door.

"We're closed!" He shouted through the wood.

"Please! I left something inside!" came the reply. It was an accented voice, but he couldn't place the accent. Sounded foreign. Nicholas wracked his brain, trying to place the accent, while at the same time, glancing around the room.

"There is nothing here!"

"It is in the balcony! Please! It should be a necklace, given to me by my grandmother!" came the voice again. Whoever the woman was, she sounded frantic.

Nicholas sighed, and turned to walk towards the stairs. His mind barely had time to register the sound of splintering wood before there was a click, a thrum, and a sharp pain radiating through his body. He gasped, his knee giving out and he fell flat on his rump.

The human mage looked down at his body, and saw several inches of a metal crossbow bolt sticking out from the kneecap, the point wickedly sharp. He screamed as the pain finally hit, and he looked towards the door.

The cloaked figure was soaking wet, and as she stepped inside, she drew the crossbow string back, notched it, and fitted it with a new bolt from a quiver on her belt. A door slammed, and the bartender ran inside, summoned by the scream. She lifted the crossbow, steadied it against her shoulder, and there was another click and a thrum. He heard the arrow whistle over his head, and he heard a gasp of pain from the bartender, and after that, silence.

The figure casually loaded another crossbow bolt. Nicholas gripped his knee, unable to bend it at all, due to the powerful shocks of pain that jolted his body. That bitch! She aimed for a sensitive spot! He couldn't run, and the pain kept him distracted enough so that there was no way he could summon any magic!

She raised a paw and unclasped the hood. Her face revealed, and Nicholas could not hide the shock on his face.

"Long time no see." said Lilika, no trace of an accent in her voice any longer, the crossbow dangling from one finger. "We're going to have so much fun tonight."