Cobalt and Molrid part I

Story by pierva on SoFurry

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#1 of Cobalt and Molrid RP

A cleaned up RP between two dragons with heavy amounts of Ballbusting, and castration. By me and Megaevolvedblaziken.

Cobalt lazed about in his lands knowing he was safe. He could not smell any intruders and he knew how to deftly handle any who would threaten his home. Cobalt was a large dragon with jet-black scales covering his body with royal blue scales on his back on belly with jet black scales on his sheath and balls which clung snugly to his body. Cobalt rolled over onto his back and closed his eyes enjoying the warm lazy day. Meanwhile Molrid was gliding along the air currents as he moved from place to place. He was always the traveling sort. Whereas most dragons preferred to find a chunk of land and claim it as their own spending their days chasing off would be invaders Molrid never found that life suited him. He preferred moving from one area to another seeing what he could and not dealing with the issues as to why he started traveling in the first place. He was covered in ebony scales all along his body and his wings were a charcoal black color. As he glided along the air enjoying the warm day as well he spotted a lake with some deer grazing nearby. He felt his stomach rumble so he decided to grab a bit to eat and drink before moving on. He circled around watching as the deer scattered as he looked for one to separate from the herd. Finally spotting one drifting away from the herd Molrid swooped down and snagged the deer killing it instantly. After eating the deer and drinking his fill of water from the nearby lake Molrid found himself rather sleepy. "I've been flying for a long time and its so nice out," he thought as he fought off a yawn. Deciding to give into the warm day that was teasing the full dragon to sleep he laid down in some shade. As he drifted off he could have sworn he smelled the presence of another dragon, but Molrid was far too gone to care. As he slept he dreamt of past lovers. As Molrid slumbered Cobalt caught the smell of another dragon nearby and decided to investigate.

As Cobalt looked around he found the other male. Before he attacked he noticed the other dragon sleeping, so he decided to have a little bit of fun before he dealt with the invader. Cobalt crept quietly up on the sleeping male finding the males heavy eggs he poked them with his snout. Upon seeing that the other male was still sleeping Cobalt started licking the other dragons nuts gently to try to tease the sleeping dragon. He hoped that the other dragon hadn't gotten off in a while it would make it far easier to mess with him. At that moment Molrid was enjoying a very particularly wonderful dream. It was so vivid he actually felt the dragoness's warm tongue on his orbs. Just as the dream was really starting to get good he woke up. Molrid mentally cursed himself for waking up before it got really good, but upon waking up he noticed a few things. First being that the feeling of someone licking his orbs was still going on and that he was really turned on. He froze and pretended to still be asleep while his newfound companion kept licking away at the dragons sensitive eggs. As the teasing tongue flicked along the underside of Molrid's sack he let loose a quiet gasp of pleasure. He quickly shut his mouth before anymore sounds came out hoping secretly that the owner of the tongue didn't notice that he had woken up.

Cobalt had noticed and quickly stopped licking and wrapped his hand around the other dragons low hanging fruit. The claw wrapping around his eggs caused Molrid to stiffen up slightly as the tight grip let him know what was at stake. For a few moments Cobalt did nothing while he thought about what to do now that the other dragon was awake. While he thought he just fondled the other dragons orbs rolling them around gently in his hand. Molrid's heart pounded in his chest as the fondling caused his cock to splash the nearby ground with pre. Cobalt then spoke, "Ok you have two options. You can either spill your seed on the ground then leave without your cock and balls or you can finish in my mouth and I'll still take your balls and stick around." Cobalt paused rolling Molrid's nuts around, "Though I would prefer if you chose the ladder option," he said pulsing his claw around the trapped eggs causing Molrid's cock to twitch. Molrid took a deep breath trying not to think of what was in store for his nuts. "I have been alone on this road for far too long so yes I'll stay, though you will find I will not give up my nuts so easily," he said grinning with defiance despite the threat to his jewels. Cobalt smiled upon hearing that the other dragon would be staying. "Good since you are staying best we at least know each others names. Mine's Cobalt." he said giving Molrid's nuts a sharp squeeze. "Mines Molrid, nice to meet you but as you can probably tell I am very close to finishing already, and do wish to take you up on that offer, but not so quickly it has been a while since I've shared the company of another and I wish to enjoy this." he said. Molrid had never been with a male before or even really thought about it, but if the state of his arousal was any indication he might enjoy this quite a bit. "You look like you would finish the second I even touched your cock so I'm going to continue to play with your nuts until you are ready," said Cobalt kneading Molrid's full orbs none to gently. He could feel the pent up seed as he was squeezing the other dragons nuts. Making sure to dig one claw against the middle of Molrid's nut. "You've got some nice gear here," he said slipping his cock out and keeping it semi-hard. Cobalt then took one of Molrid's nuts into his mouth and started lightly sucking on his while making sure to keep his sharp teeth lightly pressed against the trapped gland. "Yeaa...I got lucky down there...ohhhhh. You know you have really, REALLY sharp teeth," said Molrid turning over to get a good look at Cobalt. "Usually the site of my jewels being in another's mouth is a huge turn on, but from the glint in your....ohhhhh that's nice... I think you are enjoying the threat of those teeth way too much..." he trailed off as he felt Cobalt tighten his mouth slightly. "One might think you get a different kind of satisfaction of what you are doing. I am quite literally at the mercy of your mouuuu..." he trailed off again as he felt the teeth sink a little deeper. Despite the threat of impending doom Molrid could feel his climax rapidly approaching, "Ohhhhh I'm getting really close now." he said lost in bliss. Dropping the testicle he had in his mouth Cobalt licked the underside of Molrid's twitching shaft stopping to nip him slightly on the tip, causing Molrid to let out a little yelp, before swallowing as much of Molrid's cock as he could. Before Molrid could say anything about the bite he was lost once again in bliss as the other male took his shaft into their mouth causing Molrid to groan in pleasure. As soon as Molrid's cock hit the back of Cobalt's mouth he clamped down on the other dragons orbs giving them a strong squeeze causing the other dragon to groan torn between pleasure and agony. He gave the plump orbs a few more strong squeezes while he suckled on Molrid's shaft. Cobalt gave the eggs one last powerful squeeze taking them right to the edge of bursting before letting go and gently rubbing them while he shifted his body so that his eggs were in Molrid's sight. As Molrid saw the plump eggs dangling above him he thought about just punching them as hard he could, but decided against it and decided to try his hand at reciprocating the pleasure. He gave Cobalt's eggs a gentle lick before another idea popped into his head. Finding the other dragons orbs slightly out of his reach he yanked Cobalt's none to gently twords his mouth and started sucking on both tender eggs, but making sure that they were held in place by his own sharp teeth. Once he had both eggs settled against his teeth and he was using his tongue to tease them he stated gently stroking Cobalt's cock. Cobalt moaned in at first pain then pleasure as he felt the other males tongue against his nuts. The double teasing on both his shaft and balls caused him to get fully erect and start leaking pre as he felt Molrid stroking his now fully erect cock.

Molrid found he was enjoying teasing the other dragon with his tongue and teeth and that combined with Cobalt sucking on his shaft proved to be too much for the dragon as he felt he his cock twitch and jump as his climax started. As soon as Cobalt felt the seed leave the other dragons tip he slammed his fist into Molrid's eggs. Upon feeling his tender eggs get flattened by Cobalt, Molrid roared in agony and bit his mouth shut around Cobalt's trapped eggs piercing them with his teeth. Cobalt then trapped both glands and started crushing them while riding out Molrid's climax. As soon as he finished cumming Cobalt squeezed even harder taking the trapped eggs past their limits rupturing both of them. He kept squeezing till there was nothing solid left. As soon Molrid felt both his nuts collapse in the crushing grip he fully bit down in pain on the trapped orbs in his jaw slicing them completely in half as he passed out from the pain. Upon feeling his eggs get ripped in half Cobalt had two things happen. He roared in agony breathing fire high into the sky as he felt his nuts get shorn in half and his cock twitched and he released what was left of his fertile seed, and then he continued to fire sterile seed all over Molrid before passing out himself from the agony. He landed heavily on top of Molrid with his head slamming into the now mush filled sack. His final thought was wondering who would wake up first.